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7 кл Урок 15 Culture Corner

7 кл
Урок 15 Culture Corner. «The Gift of Storytelling».
Задачи: мотивация на работу с текстом страноведческого характера.
Рекомендуемые дополнительные материалы: большая книга русских народных сказок.
Ход урока:
1. Приветствие .Оргмомент.
Good morning, my dear pupils!
I’m glad to see you again.
I hope everybody is fine.
How are you?
Now, it’s time to start.
2. Контроль домашнего задания SB упр. 3*, с. 20; WB, с. 13.
3. Этап аудирования Listening
Выполнение Упр. 1, с. 21
It's Ireland — because Ireland has a tradition of storytelling.
4. Работа по тексту стр 21 « The gift of Storytelling»
- прослушивание
- чтение
- работа с лексикой
- перевод
5. Выполнение Упр. 2, с. 21
- развитие умения прогнозировать содержание текста с опорой на заголовок и эпиграф;
- развитие умений ознакомительного и поискового чтения.
Предполагаемый ответ:
The text might be about storytelling because the quote talks about a story and we see a picture of an old man
reading a book to two children.
It might be about fairies because there is a picture of a fairy. Etc.
1. Seanachais tell stories.
2. Myths and legends, and folk tales.
3. They are about giants, saints, warriors and kings.
4. Fairies, elves, leprechauns and more.
6.Работа с новой лексикой. Выполнение Упр. 3, с. 21
- развитие умений поискового и изучающего чтения;
- освоение тематической лексики через контекст.
beasts: magical,
champion: noble,
values: moral,
characters: unusual, popular,
adventures: incredible,
obstacles: great,
location: secret
tradition (n): a practice that has existed for a very long time (традиция)
saint (n): people who have been honoured by the Christian church for being an example to others (святой)
warrior (n): very good soldiers/fighters (воин)
overcome (v): survive something difficult (пре - одолевать)
champion (n): a person who wins competitions (чемпион, защитник, борец)
7.Этап говорения
ВыполнениеУпр. 4, с. 21
- развитие умений делать сообщение на основе прочитанного текста.
Предполагаемый ответ:
Finn Mac Cumhal was a noble champion and warrior.
The Fianna was a group of warriors to which Finn Mac Cumhal belonged.
Leprechauns are a type of fairy that make shoes and have a crock of gold.
8.Project Работа в группах
Выполнение Упр. 5, с. 21
- развитие умений работать в группе;
- развитие умений передать сюжет русской народной сказки на английском языке (монологическая
Прочитайте задание, уделив внимание ключевым словам (popular folk tale, your country, what about,
main characters, what happens).
Учащиеся работают в группах. Можно предложить книгу сказок, чтобы помочь в выборе. Учащиеся за
писывают короткую версию сказки, пользуясь предложенным планом. Группы представляют устно
свои работы. Обсудите, оцените.
Предполагаемый ответ:
This Russian folk fairy tale is about a peasant family. The main characters are Old Man (Dedka), his wife
(Babka), their Granddaughter (Vnuchka), their pets Dog (Zhuchka), Cat (Murka) and Little Mouse. One day
Dedka goes to the kitchen garden to see a huge turnip. He can't pull it out. So he calls his wife to help him.
They two try and try but they can't pull it out. So they call Vnuchka. They still are too weak to do it. Only when
they are all together with their pets and Little Mouse comes to help they manage to pull the turnip out. The
moral is: it is important to be friendly and helpful in the family, especially in difficult situations. Even a small
effort (like the little Mouse's) matters!
The Fox and the Stork
It's about a strange friendship between the Fox and the Stork. The Fox made friends with the Stork and decided
to invite her for lunch. The Fox cooked a tasty frog soup. But when he served the meal he played a trick on his
guest. He poured the soup into two flat plates. So the Stork couldn't eat a drop of it because of her long nose.
She was hurt but didn't show her feelings. The next day the Fox got the Stork's invitation for lunch. She
welcomed him in her house and served a very special meal. It smelled very tasty. So the Fox was impatient to
start the meal. But the Stork handed him a jar. So the Fox was unable to eat a bite, because his nose was too
short for the long neck of the jar.
So the Stork taught him a lesson! The moral is: be fair to your friends!
As you make your bed so you must lie on it!
9.Итог урока: рефлексия освоенного материала
10. Домашнее задание: SB упр. 5*, с. 21; WB, с. 1 4.