Trying to become a Successful Person

По УМК Биболетовой «Английский с
Учитель МКОУ Гвазденская СОШ
Новикова Елена Викторона
 образовательная: способствовать формированию у
учащихся отношения к успеху; понятия успешный
 развивающие: развивать умения обобщать, сравнивать
и систематизировать полученную информацию; навыки
перевода текста в графический вид, навыки
самопрезентации, работы в группе; развивать языковую
догадку, аналитические способности учащихся
;формирование универсальных учебных действий на
основе использования инновационных видов
деятельности (приёмов «Синквейн», «Кластер»,
стратегии «Зигзаг»);
 воспитательная: способствовать развитию культуры
взаимоотношений при работе в группах; способствовать
правильному пониманию понятия «успешность»;
активизация лексических знаний;
 - развитие умений чтения (с извлечением
основной информации);
 - формирование и развитие умений устной
речи по теме (монологическая речь);
 - развитие навыка письма;
Every man is the architect of his own fortune.
A cat in gloves catches no mice.
Rome was not built in a day.
Live and learn.
Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy,
wealthy and wise
Everything comes to him who waits
Fortune favours the brave
•Every man is the architect of his own fortune
• ( Каждый человек-кузнец своего счастья)
A cat in gloves catches no mice.
( Без труда не вытащишь и рыбку из пруда)
Rome was not built in a day.
(Москва не сразу строилась)
Live and learn. (Век живи – век учись)
Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy,
wealthy and wise
(Кто рано ложится и рано встает, здоровье,
богатство и ум наживет).
•Everything comes to him who waits
• (К тому, кто ждет, все придет).
• Fortune favours the brave
•(Судьба благоприятствует смелым).
A successful person is a person:
 who lives separately (отдельно) from his family
 who is independent in his relations with other
 who doesn't have friends and doesn't rely on
other people
 who shares everything he / she has with other
 who works hard every day to become better and
 People who succeeds by his / her own efforts
alone who thinks of himself more than about
other people
 Yuri
Gagarin- a
famous Russian
 Alla Pugacheva – a
famous Russian singer.
Walt Disney-a famous American
producer ,made some of the
world’s most magical films.
Charlie Chaplin –a famous
American actor and producer.
Mother Teresa –a missionary
nun She headed a worldwide
religious organization
dedicated to serving the poor.
Irina Rodnina –a famous
Russian skater, Olympics
The Beatles –first performed in
Liverpool in 1959.the Beatles
changed pop music forever.
Garry Kasparov – is real successful
person. He won world
championships many times.
Galina Ulanova- a famous Russian
ballet dancer
Read the words and think what traits of character can help
people become successful. Write the words in two columns.
Some of them can be used in both, some can fit none of them.
Adventurous, ambitious, calm, careful, brave, funny,
cruel, kind, religious, creative, imaginative, clever,
cool, handsome, intelligent, serious, talented,
jealous, silly, shy, practical, attentive, emotional,
patient, independent, polite, talkative, curious,
Traits of character that can
help people be successful
Traits of character that can
prevent people from being
Traits of character that can
help people be successful
Traits of character that can
prevent people from being
Adventurous, ambitious,
calm, careful, brave,
Adventurous, funny, cruel,
kind, silly,
cruel, , kind, creative,
imaginative, clever,
emotional, , talkative, curious
cool, handsome, intelligent,
serious, talented,
practical, attentive, patient,
independent, polite,
 An
 A person
 An opportunity
 An ambition
 To succeed
 To own (a house)
 own—his
own idea / with my own
eyes(свой)-mind your own business
(собственный), to own a house
 an owner (владелец ) —He has become
the owner of a company
 .equal -(равный) -equal opportunities .
All men are created equal
 . equally (поровну )—to share something
equally between..
 .unequal ( неравный) —unequal chances
 It
was his own idea to live separately from
his family.
 Everybody’s principal goal in USA is to own a
 The constitution states that people have
equal rights.
 He has no equal.
 He is not equal to the task.
 Statement
 Nobody
is going to
hand you success on a
 If you want to succeed
,you’ll have to make
it on your own.
 If at first you don’t
succeed it, try, try and
try again
You should work hard to
achieve your success.
You should be hard working
,industrious and
It is very important to do
your best every day.
It ‘your life and it’s up to
you to decide which way
to choose.
Do you think Walt Disney, Mother Teresa were
successful person? Why?
When was Mother Teresa born?
When was Walt Disney born?
Why did Mother Teresa’s family become poor?
Why did Agnes leave her family in 1928?
What did Walt Disney manager after the First World
What prize did Mother Teresa receive in 1979? Why?
Was Walt Disney a good student at school? Why?
Do you know any Walt Disney’s cartoons?
 Write
an essay. What is your opinion? Write
200- 250 words. Use the following plan:
 make an introduction(state a problem)
 express your personal opinion and reasons for
 give arguments for the other point of view and
explain why you disagree with it
 draw a conclusion
 Some
people think that to be a success
you need talent; others believe that hard
work can compensate for the lack of it.