Speech Patterns

1. There is hardly a country in the world where such a variety of scenery can be found.
There is hardly a book by this author which he has not read.
There was hardly a football match which he missed.
There is hardly another team with better opportunities to win.
2. That would make you think you were in Holland.
The teacher made Jack rub out all the ink marks in his textbook.
They couldn't make William Tell bow before the tyrant's cap.
The slightest noise would make him start.
Make him repeat the rule. (Bur: He was made to repeat the rule.)
Speech pattern 1
There is hardly a book by this author which he has not read.
Use the structure to be hardly to say that something is scarcely possible or is quite
Speech pattern 2
That would make you think you were in Holland
The verb to make in this sense is used to express a forced action, carried out under
1. Change the following sentences to as to use the patterns:
Pattern 1: 1. I don't think there is another hockey-team of equal popularity. 2. There
was not a single world championship he missed. 3. I'm not sure we have a vacancy on our
staff. 4. We've no more time, but you can finish the composition off at home. 5. There
was scarcely a living soul at the stadium. 6. I don't think there is any reason for their
losing the game.
Pattern 2: 1. The coach forced the athletes to postpone their training. 2. The strangers
wanted Roger to drive up to the back yard, and he obeyed. 3. They will never force
Andrew to break his promise. 4. During the conversation she felt uneasy. 5. He will not
break with his bad habits, no matter what you are saying.
2. Complete tee following, using Pattern 2:
1. What events made you ...? 2. Who could make your friend ...? 3. Which of the
experiments made the scientist...? 4. What kind of lesson makes you .,.? 5. What made
Leo Tolstoy ...? 6. The new coach made us ... .
3. Translate the following sentences into English, using the patterns:
1. Едва ли найдется страна, в которой не побывал бы старый моряк. 2. Едва ли
есть другой город с таким населением, как Токио. 3. Едва ли у них была другая
возможность освободить Овода. 4. Едва ли найдется человек, который не любит
представлений кукольного театра. 5. Ужас! Пожалуй нет другого слова, чтобы описать мое состояние в тот момент. 6. Пожалуй не было ни одного соревнования по
шахматам, которое бы он пропустил. 7. Едва ли найдется другой тренер, такой
внимательный и терпеливый. 8. Что заставило вашего брата бросить бокс? 9. Двое
воришек заставили Оливера лезть через окно. 10. Дориан думал, что ничто не
заставит его нарушить обещание, данное Сибилле Вейн. 11. Игра актера заставляла
зрителя не только чувствовать, но и думать, 12. Что заставило Байрона сражаться
на стороне греческого народа? 13. Что заставило Лэнни вернуться в Стилвелд? 14.
Этот эпизод рассмешил мою сестру, а меня опечалил.
4. Respond to the following statements and questions, using the patterns. (Make use of
the conversational formulas given in the Reminder.)
1. I believe the Tower of London comes first among the historic buildings of London.
2. I think Vasily Blazheny Cathedral is quite unique. 3. The City of London is overcrowded in the daytime. 4. Christopher Wren was the most talented British architect of
the XVII century. 5. Since 1927 up to 1946 A. Alekhin was the most outstanding chessplayer. 6. Most schools in Britain have adopted the core curriculum. 7. Can you lend me
a rouble? 8. All of them are staring at the advertisement. I wonder, why? 9. When I
mentioned his name Mary buried her face in her hands and would never answer my
Reminder. You don't say sol Just [only) fancy! Indeed? Why! Is that sol Dear me!
Who'd have thought it? I am surprised. I am shocked. It's amazing! It's incredible]
Certainly! Of course. Naturally! Yes indeed! Looks like that. Well, I think.