Английский язык.
8 класс
Время, отведенное на выполнение работы. составляет 1 час15 минут.
Задачи, оцениваемые в 2 балла.
1.В данное диалогическое единство добавьте необходимую информацию.
-What nationality is she?
- She is __________
a/ Germany b/ German c/ England
d/ Scotland
e/ France
2.Выберите правильное вопросительное слово для данного диалога ?
-_________ do you visit your Granny?
-I visit her twice a month/
a/ who
b/ when
d/how often
3.Из приведенных ниже слов выберите то, которое ассоциируется у вас с Шотландией.
a/ place
d/ rivers
4.Какое слово лишнее в этой цепочке?
a/ butter b/milk c/ cheese d/cream
e/ Highlands
e/ bread
5.Какой предлог необходим в этом предложении.
We are moving ----------- a different part of the town.
a/ by
b/ to
c/ of
d/ from
6.Найдите ошибку в одном из предложений.
a/ I can swim and windsurf very well.
b/ I don’t like wearing warm coats.
c/ There is a beautiful park near our house.
d/ I read the whole book while I was ill.
e/ He don’t like reading adventure books.
7.Найдите ответ на данный вопрос.
Whose is this coat ?
a/ My mother likes this coat.
b/ It is Jane’s. c/ My coat is the best.
d/ It is my dog’s.
e/ My brother’s coat is more beautiful.
8.Какой показатель Present Perfect Tense
подходит для этого предложения.
I have - visited many European countries.
a/ yet
b/ just c/already d/never
e/ ever
9.Какое утверждение не соответствует действительности.
a/ A. Bell is a scientist who invented the telephone.
b/ Ch. Columbus is a sailor who discovered America.
c/.Niagara Falls is a famous waterfall situated between America and Canada.
d/ The Statue of Liberty is situated in Washington.
e/ Moscow was founded by Y. Dolgorukiy in 1147.
10.Вставьте подходящий по смыслу глагол.
Then ---- the second turning on the left , and you will
a/ have b/ go
c/ take d/ make
e/ give
see the railway – station.
Задачи, оцениваемые в 3 балла.
11.Даны наречия, которые употребляются с разными временами английского глагола.
Выберите то, которое является показателем Future Simple.
a/ at the moment
b/ yesterday
c/ always
d/ already e/ next morning
12. В четырех, приведенных ниже примерах, есть ошибки. Найдите верный вариант.
a/ If he has enough money, they will go to the park.
b/ My mother haven’t cooked the cake yet.
c/ He never late for his lessons.
d/ Will you come to the party if she will invite you.
e/ My parents often will coming home
13.Найдите ошибочный вариант в образовании множественного числа
a/ journeys
b/ kitchens c/ babies d/ a bathrooms e/ sandwichs
14.Выберите правильное окончание данной фразы.
Why------a/ those men are laughing
b/ are laughing those men
c/ are those men laughing
d/ laughing those men
e/ is these men laughing
15. Прочитай внимательно текст о первых Англичанах в Америке.
In 1620 a group of people left England for America. They wanted to find a better life
here. They sailed on the ship «May flower». These English people formed settlements
and called them colonies. In1776 the 13 American colonies united and the war against
England began. They won the victory and the day of July the 4 th 1776 became the Day
of Independence for American people . It is one of the most popular holidays in
America. George Washington was the first American president.
А сейчас прочитайте текст еще раз. Из данных 5 предложений выберите одно,
которое не соответствуют тексту.
a/ A group of English people left England for America.
b/. They wanted to find gold there.
c/ English people formed settlements and called them colonies.
d/There were 13 colonies there.
e/ Americans celebrate the Day of Independence in July.
16.Вставьте местоимение.
Ann and Peter phone ----- every day.
a/ them
b/ themselves
d/ each other
e/ to each other
c/ themself
17.Какая степень сравнения прилагательного верная?
This is -------- winter for 20 years.
а) the more bad b) worse
с) the worse
d) worst
e/ the worst
18. Из 5 утверждений об английских праздниках выберите неверное.
a/ Christmas is the best holiday for English children. They have a long rest from school after
b/ Halloween is celebrated in autumn. It is the time when the souls of the dead people come
to the earth. Children go from house to house and say : « Trick or treat ».
c/ Father Christmas comes down the chimney and puts the presents into the stockings which
hang over the fire – place.
d/ Easter is a religious holiday celebrated in early winter. People colour eggs during this
e/ During the New Year night English people go to Trafalgar Square and sing old songs.
19. Завершите пословицу.
Hungry as a ------- .
a/ wolf
b/ an ox
c/ baby
20.Найдите лишнее слово.
a/ sea
b / coast c/ beach
d/ hunter
d/ field
e/ giant
e/ sand
Задачи, оцениваемые в 5 баллов.
21. Имя какого популярного поэта или писателя связано с Шотландией.
a/ W. Shakespeare b/ R. Burns c/ E. Bronte d/ R. Kip ling e/ Ch. Dickens
22.Выберите верный вариант для данной английской пословицы : To buy a pig in a poke
а) Кто в лес, кто по дрова.
b) Один в поле не воин.
с) Курам на смех.
d) Купить кота в мешке.
e) Выносить сор из избы.
23.Какое толкование не соответствует истине.
a/ A pilot flies a plane.
b/ A baker makes bread
c/A hairdresser cuts hair.
d/ A singer sells things.
e/ A mechanic mends cars.
24.Какоe словосочетание переводится на русский язык : выйти на пенсию.
a/ fall in love .
b/ get married
c/ to be proposed
d/ get engaged
e/ to be retired.
25.Во всех словах не хватает сочетания букв. Каких?
Ei- - t,
ni- - t ,
ri- - t,
bri- -t,
a/ ph
b/ ough
c/ gh
d/ augh
e/ th
ti- -ts.
26. Прочитайте рассказ о жизни английской королевы и ее дворце.
Buckingham palace is like a small town, with a police station , two post offices, a hospital,
a bar, two sport clubs, a disco, a cinema and a swimming pool. There are 600 rooms and three
miles of red carpet. Two men work full- time to look after the 300 clocks. About 700 work in
the palace. When the queen gets up in the morning, 7 people look after her. One starts her bath,
one prepares her clothes, one feeds the Royal dogs . She has 8 or 9 dogs, and they sleep in
their own bedroom near the Queens bedroom. Two people bring her breakfast. She has
coffee from Harrods, toast, and eggs. Every day a piper plays Scottish music outside her room
and the Queen reads «The Times». Every Tuesday evening, she meets the Prime Minister and
talk about the news.
А сейчас подберите подходящий заголовок к данному тексту.
a/ Buckingham Palace.
b/ The famous Palace in London.
c/ Some interesting facts from the English Queens life.
d/ The Royal palace.
e/ « A small town»
27.Перед вами 5 групп слов. В четырех группах нет лишних слов. Найдите ту группу,
в которой есть лишние слова. (Обратите внимание на тип английских глаголов.)
a/ enjoy invite play
b/ go do
c/ open watch live
d/ fight swim
e/ rain walk wash
28. Выбери правильный вариант
It --- again. It -------- all the time in winter.
a/ is raining, is raining
b/ rains, rains
c/ rains, is raining
d/ is raining, rains
e/ is raining, rain
29.Из 5 слов, перечисленных ниже, одно слово включает в себя название всех пяти.
Какое это слово.
a/ Thanksgiving day b/ Christmas c/ holiday
d/ Easter
e/ New Year
30.С чего начнется вопрос.
___________ you like some more to eat?
a/ What
b/ Would
c/ Which
Успехов вам ребята!
d/ How many sweets e/ How much ice - cream