Уровень I Тест 1

Уровень I
Тест 1
1. Выберите правильный вариант:
Canada is situated in...
a) Europe;
b) North America;
c) South America.
2. Исключите лишнее слово:
a) apples;
b) bananas;
c) oranges;
d) pears;
e) potatoes.
3. Какое утверждение неверно?
a) There are 365 or 366 days in a year.
b) There are 7 days in a week.
c) Monday is the first day of any week.
4. Согласны вы или нет?
Boris is taller than Nick.
Pete is shorter than Boris.
Therefore, Nick is taller than Pete. Is it right?
5.0 какой стране и о каком городе идет речь?
A.: What did you see during your trip last month?
В.: I saw the Hermitage, the Cathedral of St.Isaac, the Russian
Museum and other places of interest.
6. Подберите обобщающее слово:
— cabbage
- carrot
— cucumber
— radish
— tomato
7. Кому принадлежат эти строки?
My heart's in the Highlands, my heart is not here ...
a) George Byron;
b) Robert Bums;
c) William Shakespeare.
8. Ответьте на вопрос:
Who was the 22nd and 24th President of the USA?
a) Theodore Roosevelt;
b) Franklin Delano Roosevelt;
c) Stephen Grover Cleveland.
9. Назовите следующую букву алфавита:
10. Подберите наиболее подходящее слово:
His hobby is...
a) cooking;
b) knitting;
c) reading newspapers.
11. Решите задачу:
It takes twenty minutes to boil one egg.
Question: how long will it take to boil four eggs?
12. Вставьте нужную дату:
Moscow was founded by Yuri Dolgoruky in...
a) 1140; b)1147; c) 1177.
13. Знаете ли вы британские эквиваленты следующих слов:
a) elevator —
b) movie —
c) first floor —
d) subway —
e) truck —
14. Восстановите мини-диалог:
В.: Our homework for today is to read and retell the text.
15. К какому городу это относится?
It has three parts: the City, the West End and the East End.
a) New York;
b) London;
c) Moscow.
16. Знаете ли вы?
When was the first Nobel Prize awarded?
a) 1899;
b) 1900;
c) 1901.
17. Найдите правильный вариант:
Victor Vasnetsov, one of the Russian painters, had been creating
his canvas "Warriors" for...
a) 25 days;
b) 25 months;
c) 25 years.
18. Укажите ошибочный вариант:
In England the weather in ... is usually the same as in Norway.
a) summer;
b) the summer;
c) the summers.
19. Что вы знаете о законодательной власти России?
What is the name of the Upper House of the Russian Congress
a) State Duma;
b) Federation Council;
c) Federal Assembly.
20. Соотнесите космические программы США и России:
a) "Восток";
d) "Apollo";
b) "Восход";
е) "Gemini";
c) "Союз";
f) "Mercury".
Уровень I
Тест 2
1. Назовите следующий месяц:
January; February; April; July..
2. Выберите нужный вариант:
Great Britain is a...
a) monarchy;
b) constitutional monarchy;
c) republic.
3. Исключите лишний праздник:
a) Christmas;
b) Independence Day;
c) Memorial Day;
d) New Year's Day;
e) Teacher's Day.
4. Найдите неверное утверждение:
a) Great Britain consists of three parts: England, Scotland and
b) Britain consists of four parts: England, Scotland, Wales and
Northern Ireland.
c) The United Kingdom consists of all the members of the British
5. Ответьте "да" или "нет":
Lena was at the school party while Nick was there. Mary was at
the party when Lena was. So, Mary was at the same time while
Nick was. Is it right?
6. Где находится учитель — у доски или у противоположной стены
класса, если он говорит?
Teacher: Nick, go to the board.
a) near the board;
b) far from the board.
7. Подберите общее слово:
— elephant;
— lion;
- monkey;
- tiger;
— zebra.
8. Кто из английских поэтов написал эти строки?
"Every Night and every Morn
Some to Misery are Born.
Every Morn and every Night
Some are Born to sweet delight."
a) Henry Longfellow;
b) Robert Frost;
c) William Blake.
9. Ответьте на вопрос:
Is Volokolamsk older than Moscow or not?
10. Какая буква отсутствует:
а; е; i; o; u ...
11. Подберите синонимы к подчеркнутому слову:
She is a nice girl.
a) beautiful;
b) handsome;
c) cute.
12. Определите возраст:
How old was Alexander Pushkin when he died?
13. Укажите нужную дату:
The first Russian book was printed by Ivan Fyodorov in ...
a) 1456;
b) 1476;
c) 1564.
14. Выберите один из вариантов:
Which is more common in British English? He was renting a
small... in London.
a) apartment;
b) flat.
15. Восстановите вопрос:
В.: I am fine, thank you.
16. Скажите, о какой стране идет речь:
Its nickname is the country of kangaroo.
a) Australia;
b) Canada;
c) New Zealand.
17. Подберите правильный вариант:
Niels Bohr was a...
a) mathematician;
b) physicist;
c) physician.
18. Что основал Павел Михайлович Третьяков?
Pavel Tretyakov founded a...
a) picture gallery;
b) politechnical museum;
c) printing shop.
19. Найдите в предложении две ошибки:
American boys start attending primary schools at the of 5.
20. Что вы знаете о государственном устройстве США:
The American Congress consists of the Senate and the House of...
a) Lords;
b) Representatives;
c) Commons.
Уровень I
Тест З
1. Тема "Что вы знаете о нашей столице?"
When was the first line of the Moscow subway system put into
a) 1925;
b) 1935;
c) 1945.
2. Выберите правильный вариант:
What does a "kiwi" mean for Russians?
a) bird;
b) fruit;
c) schoolboy.
3. Кто первым посетил Австралию?
Australia was first discovered by...
a) James Cook;
b) Robin Cook;
c) the Dutch.
4. Определите слово, не имеющее отношения к остальным:
a) beans;
b) beets;
c) lemon;
d) mushrooms;
e) peas.
5. Укажите неверное утверждение:
a) The first president to live in the White House was George
b) The first president to live in the White House was John
c) The second president of the USA was John Adams.
6. Есть ли ошибка в рассуждении?
All the trees near our school are green. Some of trees near our
school are birches. Therefore, all the birches near our school
are green.
7. Кто мог бы произнести эти слова?
"My dears, first, we'll talk about the major English speaking
countries and then we'll read a new text."
a) one of the parents;
b) one of the pupils;
c) a teacher of English.
8. Каким понятием можно обобщить следующие слова?
- butter
— cheese
- cream
9. Кому из литературных героев принадлежит этот монолог?
"То be, or not to be, That is the question..."
a) Hamlet;
b) King Lear;
c) Othello.
10. Каково население столицы?
The population of Moscow is about:
a) 9 mln; b)10 mln; c) 12 mln.
11. Назовите следующую букву:
What is the next letter if "S" stands for "Sunday"?
12. Подберите антонимы к словам:
a) big b) black c) far —
13. Укажите правильный вариант:
a) In Russia it is very usual that women go out to work.
b) In America it is very usual that women stay at home.
c) In America it is very usual for women to go out to work.
14. Вопрос на тему "Москва-850":
Where was Yuri Dolgoruky buried?
a) in Vladimir;
b) in Kiev;
c) in Moscow.
15. Найдите соответствующие эквиваленты:
What is the American English for?
a) flat -b)lift -c) lorry 16. Какой ответ более предпочтителен?
May I come in?
a) Yes, you can;
b) Yes, you may;
c) Yes, you must.
17. Символом какой англоговорящей страны является девиз "The
Marble Leaf Forever"?
a) the USA;
b) Ireland;
c) Canada.
18. Выберите нужные слова:
Which subjects are sciences and which are humanities?
a) Biology;
d) Literature;
b) Chemistry;
e) Math;
c) History;
f) Music.
19. Где находится знаменитая икона?
Where is the icon "Trinity" by Andrei Rublev?
a) Andrei Rublev5 s museum;
b) Pushkin Fine Art Museum;
c) Tretyakov Gallery.
20. Укажите верный вариант:
a) ... the main hero of the book is...
b)... the man personage of the book is...
c)... the main character of the book is...
1. Укажите правильный вариант:
A man wanted to change a $25 banknote, but the girl in the bank
refused to help him. Why?
a) She didn't have the change.
b) The girl didn't like the man.
c) There are no $25 banknotes in the USA.
2. Исключите лишнее название:
a) "Apollo";
d) "Columbia";
b) "Atlantis";
e) "Discovery";
c) "Challenger";
f) "Endeavor".
3. Какое из утверждений неверно?
a) The Moon moves round the Earth.
b) The Sun moves round the Earth.
c) The Earth moves round the Sun.
4. Согласны вы или нет?
All clever people learn English today.
Sergey learns English.
Therefore, he is clever.
5. О чем идет речь?
What did you do in class yesterday?
The teacher told us about the time of Ivan the
How horrible!
What are two students talking about?
a) a new video film;
b) their disco dancing;
c) their school life.
6. Подберите обобщающее слово:
- Earth;
- Mercury;
— Mars;
— Saturn;
— Jupiter;
— Uranus.
7. Кому из английских поэтов принадлежат эти строки?
This dog and man at first were friends. But then a pique began.
The dog, to gain some private ends. Went mad and bit the man.
a) Robert Burns (1759-1796);
b) Robert Frost (1874-1963);
c) Oliver Goldsmith (1728-1774).
8. Ответьте на вопрос:
Who is President of Ireland?
a) Tony Blair;
b) Mary Robinson;
c) no President.
9. Назовите следующую букву алфавита:
10. Найдите слово, которое подходит ко всем выражениям:
a) to ...a table; b)to ...amistake; с) to ...thedust.
11. Какое место заняла каждая из девочек?
Ann, Lena, Natasha and Tanya have participated in the tennis
tournament. We know that Lena has failed to take first place.
Tanya has got a prize for her second standing. Ann has been
neither first nor last. Question: what are the final results?
12. Кто является первопечатником в Англии?
The first English book was printed by ... in 1476.
a) Ivan Fyodorov;
b) Johann Gutenberg;
c) William Caxton.
13. Выберите один из предлогов:
Which is more common in British English?
I didn't want to talk... him because I was in hurry.
a) to;
b) with.
14. В какой области науки или искусства присуждается
эта премия?
Pulitzer Prize is awarded in the field of:
a) cinematography;
b) journalism;
c) physics.
15. В чем смысл шутки?
Ireland is rich because the capital is always Dublin.
16. Из истории зимних Олимпиад.
The 17th Winter Olympic Games were held in Lillehammer,
Norway. Question: Wks it a leap-year or not?
17. Задача для устного счета:
How much is:
1 + 2 + .. . + 100 = ?
18. Выберите правильный вариант:
a) My brother is an electric engineer;
b) My brother is an electrical engineer.
19. Из слова "POLICEMAN" можно получить:
1) seven- and six- letter words:
a) less than 5;
b) more than 5;
2) the names of plants:
c) less than 5;
d) more than 5;
3) any words:
e) less than 50;
f) more than 50.
20. Какая из религий самая древняя?
a) Buddhism;
d) Islam;
b) Christianity;
e) Judaism.
c) Hinduism;
1. Укажите неверное название:
a) the Black Sea;
b) the Orange Sea;
c) the Red Sea;
d) the White Sea;
e) the Yellow Sea.
2. Выберите общеизвестный вариант:
SOS means "SAVE OUR..."
a) school;
b) science;
c) seas;
d) soil;
e) souls.
3. Какой вариант перевода более предпочтителен?
What is the English for "валютный коридор":
a) currency "snake";
b) monetary "snake";
c) "snake" in the tunnel.
4. Ответьте утвердительно или отрицательно:
Mother loves her children. The children love their Mother. So,
they don't quarrel with her.
5. Знаете ли вы географию?
What is the capital of...?
1) China —
a) Beijing; b) Peking;
2) India a) Delhi; b) New Delhi;
3) Scotland a) Edinburgh; b) Scotland Yard.
6. Кто автор стихотворения "Вечерний звон"?
Who was the first to write "Those Evening Bells"?
a) Thomas Moore (1779-1852);
b) Thomas More (1478-1535);
c) Georgi Mtatsmindeli (13th century).
7. Найдите спрятанные в предложениях названия животных:
a) People who drive too fast can be arrested.
b) Nick came late to his arithmetic class.
8. Почему его так звали?
Robinson Crusoe's friend (in Daniel Defoe's novel) was called
Friday because:
a) his mother had given him that name.
b) Robinson Crusoe had found him on Friday.
c) Friday was supposed to be fried by his former friends.
9. Что обозначает слово "standee"?
It means:
a) a theatre-goner without any seat;
b) a pupil who is always standing in class;
c) a person on strike.
10. Где проводятся соревнования по теннису?
The all-England Lawn Tennis Championships are held:
a) at Epsom (near London);
b) at Wembley (in London);
c) in Wimbledon (to the south of London).
11. Ответьте на вопрос в конце диалога:
А.: Is Ann at home?
В.: No.She went out to get some milk. Question: Where did Ann
a) to the out-patient clinic;
b) to the movie;
c) to the store.
12. Исключите лишнее:
a) Mikhail Gorbachev;
b) Mikhail Zadornov;
c) Mikhail Zhvanetsky;
d) Mikhail Zoschenko.
13. Выберите правильный вариант:
What does "schoolie" mean in Australian English:
a) a big school;
b) a mini-school;
c) a teacher.
14. Кому принадлежит этот литературный шедевр?
Who is the translator of "Those Evening Bells" from English into
a) Ivan Kozlov;
b) Ivan Kozlovsky;
c) Kornei Chukovsky.
15. Кто выше по должности?
1) a) Attorney General; b) General Attorney;
2) c) General Secretary; d) Secretary General.
16. Ответьте на вопрос:
What is the basic currency in Canada?
a) dollar;
b) franc;
c) pound sterling.
17. Выберите правильный вариант:
A retirement pension is payable to British women at the age of:
a) 60; b)55; c) not paid.
18. Ответьте на вопрос:
Who was the first "donkey" among the US Presidents:
a) Abraham Lincoln (1861-1865);
b) John Adams (1797-1801);
c) John Quincy Adams (1825-1829).
19. Знаете ли вы?
Which foreign language is most commonly taught in British
schools: a) French;
b) German;
c) Spanish.
20. Укажите правильные варианты:
What does biathlon consist of?
a) skating;
b) skiing;
c) shooting.
1. Вставьте пропущенные слова:
Is paleontology talking ... or making...?
a) policy;
b) politics.
2. Выберите вариант, с которым вы не согласны:
It is fun to learn English ...
a) by learning words in class and at home;
b) when you visit London;
с) while sleeping.
3. Ответьте на вопросы:
It is the hour when from the windows. The teacher's high note is
heard... Questions:
1) Where is the action taking place?
a) hospital;
b) restaurant;
c) school.
2) What English poet do the lines remind of?
a) W. Blake;
b) R. Burns;
c) G. Byron.
4. Найдите неверный вариант:
What has nothing to do with Freestyle?
a) mogul;
b) ski acrobatics;
c) sky acrobatics (=aerobatics).
5. Выберите основные предметы:
What school subjects are "core" subjects in England and Wales?
a) Art;
e) Foreign Language;
b) English;
h) Physical Education;
c) Geography;
g) Music;
d) History;
i) Science;
f) Math;
j) Technology.
6. Составьте новые слова, используя слова из обеих групп:
a) space;
d) film;
e) table;
c) video;
0 ship.
7. Укажите вид деятельности, который вам не нравится:
a) playing games;
b) reading books;
c) writing exercises.
8. Исключите лишнее слово:
a) aircraft;
b) hovercraft;
c) hydrofoil;
d) spacecraft.
9. Ответьте "да" или "нет":
Не likes watching television rather than cooking.
She likes cooking rather than going to the cinema.
Therefore, he likes watching TV rather than going to the cinema.
10. Вставьте пропущенное слово:
Before she became a crime ... Agatha Christie worked as a nurse.
a) actress;
b) person;
c) writer.
11. Найдите ошибку:
When William Shakespeare lived in London he acted: wrote plays.
12. Назовите профессию, где приходится выполнять работу, сидя на
одном месте:
a) gardener;
b) an office worker;
c) a taxi driver.
13. Выберите наиболее предпочтительные варианты ответа:
— Excuse me, please. Could you tell me the time?
- It's 5 p.m.
- Thank you.
a) It's my pleasure;
b) Not at all;
c) You are welcome.
14. Кто он был по национальности?
Columbus was a (n)... explorer who discovered America thinking
it was Asia.
a) Italian;
b) Portuguese;
c) Spanish.
15. Что обозначает "TEACH-IN"?
a) teachers' strike;
b) teachers' seminar;
c) students' dispute.
16. Соотнесите между собой следующие выражения:
a) "AC/DC";
d) Australian heavy-metal group;
b) "Beatles";
e) American rock group;
c) " Rolling Stones";
f) British pop group.
17. Выберите правильный вариант:
A milkman is a man who...
a) milks cows;
b) helps milkmaids;
c) sells milk.
18. Подберите антонимы, начинающиеся с буквы "S":
a) big-...
b) different —...
c) happy-...
d) north —... e)tall-...
19. Ответьте на вопрос:
What city do many Americans mean when they say about "Fun City"?
a) Chicago;
b) Las Vegas;
c) New York.
20. Найдите в предложениях спрятанные имена числительные:
a) Boys, listen to me, please.
b) Honesty is the best policy.
c) Paul is going to leave today; Robert went yesterday.