ГСЭ.Ф.1 Иностранный язык (новое окно)

образования образовательной программы, утвержденный «17» марта 2000 г., №
238 эк/сп, рабочий учебный план специальности.
образовательного стандарта: ГСЭ Ф.01 Иностранный язык
«Специфика артикуляции звуков, интонации, акцентуации и ритма
нейтральной речи в изучаемом языке; основные особенности полного стиля
произношения, характерные для стиля профессиональной коммуникации; чтение
транск4рипции. Лексический минимум в объеме 4000 учебных лексических
единиц общего и терминологического характера. Понятие дифференциации
лексики по сферам применения: бытовая, терминологическая, общенаучная,
официальная и другая. Понятие о свободных и устойчивых словосочетаниях,
фразеологических единицах. Понятие об основных способах словообразования.
Грамматические навыки, обеспечивающие коммуникацию без искажения
смысла при письменном и устном общении общего характера; основные
грамматиче6скин явления, характерные для профессиональной речи. Понятие об
художественной литературы. Основные особенности научного стиля. Культура и
традиции стран изучаемого языка, правила речевого этикета.
Говорение. Диалогическая и монологическая речь с использованием
наиболее употребительных и относительно простых лексико-грамматических
официального общения. Основы публичной речи (устное сообщение, доклад).
Аудирование. Понимание диалогической и монологической речи в сфере
бытовой и профессиональной коммуникации.
Чтение. Виды текстов: несложные прагматиче5ские тексты и тексты по
широкому и узкому профилю специальности.
Письмо. Виды речевых произведений: аннотация, реферат, тезисы,
сообщения, частное письмо, деловое письмо, биография».
В настоящее время в России все более возрастает интерес к выходу
российских компаний на мировой рынок. Наша страна стала привлекательной для
иностранных инвесторов и предпринимателей. Лицам, занятым коммерческой
деятельностью с зарубежными странами, приходится использовать различные
формы коммуникации: личные контакты (встречи, деловые переговоры),
телефонные разговоры, письма, факсы, а также иметь дело с различными
деловыми документами. При этом английский язык является ведущим в сфере
делового общения.
Деловой английский язык имеет свои особенности и выделяется для
изучения как специальный предмет в лицеях, гимназиях, высших и средних
специальных учебных заведениях. Это неудивительно, поскольку язык бизнеса,
как и любой другой специальной сферы, специфичен, т.е. имеет свою логику и
характерную для него терминологию, а также свою стилистику. В деловых
отношениях ценится точность и краткость передачи информации, оперирование
общепринятыми клише.
Предприниматели осознают, что иностранный язык существует не сам по
себе, а функционирует в качестве составной части стратегии бизнеса.
Убедительным доводом служит факт, что в последнее время в целом ряде работ
по искусству ведения деловых переговоров языковые формулировки тех или
иных проблем бизнеса рассматриваются как неотъемлемая часть общей стратегии
переговорного процесса и общего бизнес-плана.
Основная цель курса «Иностранный язык» – овладение навыками общения
в деловых и других разговорных ситуациях и работы с деловыми документами.
Этот курс охватывает все виды коммуникации, которые используются в
настоящее время для осуществления делового общения, и помогает приобрести
необходимый лексический минимум и практически закрепить полученные
1 Цели и задачи дисциплины
практическому владению разговорно-бытовой речью и языком специальности для
активного применения английского языка, как в повседневном, так и в
профессиональном общении.
В период бурного развития коммерческих связей с иностранными
партнерами усиливается необходимость изучать иностранный язык с ориентацией
на практическое использование его в сфере делового общения. При этом
очевидна целесообразность использования комплексного подхода, в котором
изучение лексико-грамматического материала проходило бы параллельно с
развитием знаний и навыков профессионально ориентированного общения.
Критерием практического владения английским языком является умение
достаточно уверенно пользоваться наиболее употребительными и относительно
простыми языковыми средствами в основных видах речевой деятельности:
говорении, аудировании, чтении и письме. В речи допустимо наличие таких
ошибок, которые не искажают смысла и не препятствуют пониманию.
Курс в объеме 340 часа, предусмотренных для специальности «Экономика и
управление на предприятии (по отраслям)» включает традиционные темы
(договоренность о деловой встрече, предварительные переговоры, посещение
фирмы, завода, размещение заказа, заключение торговой сделки, контракт и его
общие условия и др.)
Курс «Иностранный язык» стремится обеспечить основную цель – создание
стабильных знаний и навыков, которые позволили бы экономистам пользоваться
английским языком для работы с иностранными партнерами в России и за
рубежом, составлять и работать с различной деловой документацией, знать и
использовать все виды коммуникации для осуществления делового общения,
приобрести необходимый лексический минимум и практически закрепить
полученные знания.
2 Начальные требования к освоению дисциплины
Студент на начальном этапе освоения дисциплины
должен знать:
специфику артикуляции звуков, интонации, акцентуации и ритма
нейтральной речи в изучаемом языке;
- основные особенности полного стиля произношения, характерные для
сферы профессиональной коммуникации; чтение транскрипции;
- лексический минимум в объеме 4000 учебных лексических единиц общего и
терминологического характера;
- понятие дифференциации лексики по сферам применения (бытовая,
терминологическая, общенаучная, официальная и другая);
фразеологических единицах. Понятие об основных способах словообразования;
- понятие об обиходно-литературном, официально-деловом, научном
стилях, стиле художественной литературе;
- основные особенности научного стиля. Культура и традиции стран
изучаемого языка, правила речевого этикета;
должен уметь:
Говорение: Диалогическую и монологическую речь с использованием наиболее
употребительных и относительно простых лексико-грамматических средств в
основных коммуникативных ситуациях неофициального и официального общения.
Должен владеть: Основами публичной речи (устное сообщение, доклад).
Аудироавание: Должен понимать диалогическую и монологическую речь в
сфере бытовой и профессиональной коммуникации. Чтение. Виды текстов:
и тексты по широкому и узкому
профилю специальности.
Виды речевых произведений: аннотация, реферат, тезисы, сообщения,
частное письмо, деловое письмо, биография.
должен приобрести:
- Грамматические навыки,
коммуникацию общего
характера без искажения смысла при письменном и устном общении; основные
грамматические явления, характерные для профессиональной речи
3 Требования к уровню освоения дисциплины
ограниченной речью, а также освоить стиль нейтрального научного изложения:
произношением с ритмом речи и применять их для повседневного общения);
понимать устную (монологическую и диалогическую) речь на бытовые и
специальные темы;
активно владеть наиболее употребительной (базовой) грамматикой и
основными грамматическими явлениями, характерными для профессиональной
нейтральный научный стиль, а также основную терминологию своей широкой и
узкой специальности;
читать и понимать со словарем специальную литературу по широкому и
узкому профилю специальности;
владеть основами публичной речи – делать сообщения, доклады (с
предварительной подготовкой);
участвовать в обсуждении экономических тем (задавать вопросы и отвечать на
владеть основными навыками письма, необходимыми для подготовки
публикаций, тезисов и ведения переписки;
иметь представление об основных приемах аннотирования, реферирования
и перевода литературы по специальности.
4 Объём дисциплин и виды учебной работы
4.1 Очная форма обучения
Вид учебной работы
Распределение по семестрам
Общая трудоемкость дисциплины
Практические занятия
Всего самостоятельная работа
Вид итого контроля
4.2 Заочная форма обучения
Вид учебной работы
Общая трудоемкость дисциплины
Практические занятия
Всего самостоятельная работа
Вид итого контроля
Распределение по курсам
5. Содержание дисциплин
5.1. Распределение учебного материала по видам занятия
Наименование практических занятий
1 курс
Meetings and Greetings.
Структура простого предложения.
Глаголы to be, to have. Типы вопросов. Словообразование.
Looking for a job.
Конструкция there + to be. Единственное и множественное число
существительных. Существительные исчисляемые и
неисчисляемые. Типы личных местоимений. Неопределенные
местоимения и их производные.
Making your resume.
Времена группы Simple. Особенности построения утвердительных,
вопросительных и отрицательных предложений группы времен
Simple. Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий.
Sole proprietorship. Времена группы Progressive. Особенности
построения утвердительных, вопросительных и отрицательных
предложений группы времен Progressive.
Условные предложения I типа.
Времена группы Perfect. Особенности построения утвердительных,
вопросительных и отрицательных предложений группы времен
Perfect и Perfect Progressive.
Согласование времен.
Would you like to start a business
General company for foreign trade.
Итоговый тест по грамматике
ИТОГО за курс
2 курс
по видам (час)
Business correspondence
Прямая и косвенная речь.
Money and financial institutions. Модальные глаголы.
Who suffers or benefits from inflation
Passive voice.
Market. The Marketing Mix.
Инфинитив. Инфинитивные конструкции: Complex Object, Complex
Сослагательное наклонение.
Global finance.
Неличные формы глагола: Причастие. Герундий
ИТОГО за курс
5.2 Содержание практических занятий
1 курс
Тема 1. Meetings and Greetings (приветствие, прощание, умение вести
деловую беседу на иностранном языке, порядок представлений и знакомств).
Структура простого предложения. Глаголы to be, to have. Типы вопросов.
Тема 2. Looking for a job (поиск работы, рекламные объявления,
собеседование, правила проведения собеседований). Типы личных местоимений.
Неопределенные местоимения и их производные. Конструкция there + to be.
Единственное и множественное число существительных. Существительные
исчисляемые и неисчисляемые
Тема 3. Making your resume (виды резюме, основные разделы резюме,
правила написания резюме, рекомендательные письма, пояснительные записки).
вопросительных и отрицательных предложений группы времен Simple.
Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий.
Тема 4. Sole proprietorship. (организационно-правовые формы бизнеса,
единоличное владение, преимущества и недостатки этой формы бизнеса). Времена
группы Progressive. Особенности построения утвердительных, вопросительных и
отрицательных предложений группы времен Progressive.Условные предложения I
Тема 6. Partnership. (товарищества, товарищества с ограниченной
ответственность, виды партнеров, преимущества и недостатки этой формы
бизнеса). Времена группы Perfect. Особенности построения утвердительных,
вопросительных и отрицательных предложений группы времен Perfect и Perfect
Тема 7. Corporation. (основные типы корпораций: частные, общественные,
государственные, акционеры, Совет директоров, преимущества и недостатки этой
формы бизнеса). Согласование времен.
Тема 8. Would you like to start a business, General company for foreign trade.
(малый бизнес, мелкие и средние предприятия, как образовать свое предприятие в
2 курс
Тема 1. Business correspondence. (деловая переписка, деловая документация,
договоры, контракты, запросы, предложения; выражения, используемые в
деловой переписке).
Прямая и косвенная речь.
Тема 2. Money and financial institutions. (формы и виды денег, функции
денег, денежная масса, современная банковская система, банковские услуги).
Модальные глаголы.
Тема 3. Who suffers or benefits from inflation (причины и виды инфляции,
последствия инфляции, гиперинфляция). Страдательный залог.
Тема 4. Market. The Marketing Mix (маркетинг, основные функции
маркетинга, продукт, политика цен, продвижение, способ распространения)
Инфинитив. Инфинитивные конструкции: Complex Object, Complex Subject.
Тема 5. Management (управление бизнесом).
Сослагательное наклонение (основные типы двигателей, описание, принцип
действия, места расположения). Неличные формы глагола: Причастие. Герундий.
Тема 6. Global finance (финансовые рынки, финансирование и риски,
долгосрочные и краткосрочные займы).
Неличные формы глагола: Причастие. Герундий
Тема 7. Taxation (налоговая система, функции налогов, виды налогов,
принципы налогообложения, типы налогов, прямые и косвенные налоги).
6 График изучения дисциплины
Виды учебных
1 2
2 2
2 2
№ недели
10 11 12
13 14
15 16
17 18
7. Учебно – методическое обеспечение дисциплины
7.1. Основная литература
1. Дроздова Т.Ю.., Берестова А.И., Маилова В.Г. English Grammar.
Reference and Practice: учебное пособие. – изд. 10-е, исправ. и доп. – СПб.:
Антология, 2007.-360 с.
2. Бочарова Е.П., Сухомлинова С.И. English for Beginners/ Учеб.
пособие. - Владивосток, 2005.-139с.
3. Бочкарева Л.Ф., Буторина А.В. и др. Практический английский язык для
первокурсника/ Учеб. пособие. Часть I.— Владивосток, 2006.-327 с.
7.2. Дополнительная литература
1. Бочкарева Л.Ф., Буторина А.В. и др. Практический английский язык
для первокурсника/ Учеб. пособие. Часть П.- Владивосток, 2007 Голицынский Ю.Б.
Грамматика: Сборник упражнений. - СПб, 2008.-298с.
2. Louise Hashemi with Raymond Murphy. English Grammar in Use. Supplementary Exercises. - Cambridge University Press, 2005.-140с.
3. Murphy R. Essential Grammar in Use/ A self- study reference and practice
book for elementary students of English. - Cambridge University Press, 2006.-238с.
7.3. Электронные образовательные ресурсы
Электронные образовательные ресурсы
1. Минакова Т.В. Английский язык для аспирантов и соискателей: Учебное
пособие. – Оренбург: ГОУ ОГУ, 2005.-103с. [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим
доступа [http://window.edu.ru/resource/357/19357].
2. Бодрягина Л.И., Архипова В.П. Английский язык. Сборник текстов и
упражнений: Учебное пособие. – Петропавловск-Камчатский: КамчатГТУ, 2006.101с.
3. Иваненко Т.И. Английский язык. Практикум по разговорной речи:
Учебное пособие. - Петропавловск-Камчатский: КамчатГТУ, 2007. - 155 с.
[Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа [http://window.edu.ru/resource/777/69777].
Большекаменский институт экономики и технологий (филиал) ГОУ ВПО
«Дальневосточный государственный технический университет
(ДВПИ имени В.В. Куйбышева)»
по дисциплине «Иностранный язык»
080502.65 «Экономика и управление на предприятии (по отраслям)»
г. Большой Камень
Итоговый тест
Выберите один из предложенных вариантов:
1. In ______________, there are a lot of car accidents in the streets of big cities.
(A) a rainy weather
(C) the rainy weather
(B) rainy weather
(D) rainy weathers
2. Our English lessons at school very boring. We _____________, long exercises and
learn a lot of grammar rules by heart.
(A) must to write
(C) had to write
(B) must write
(D) to write
3. Alice said that her parents _______________, in a week.
(A)will come back
(C) would come back
(B) comes back
(D) had come back
4. Who ____________ to take part in our country?
(A) does want
(C) want
(B) do want
(D) wants
5. The policeman asked if I _____________ the car accident.
(A)have seen
(C) had seen
(B) saw
(D) had been seen
6. The delegation is said ____________ this question now.
(A) to be discussing
(C) to have discussed
(B) to discuss
(D) to is discussing
7. If I saw the accident, I ________________ the police.
had called
(C) will call
(D) would call
8. I haven’t seen the film yet and __________________________.
(A) neither has my brother
(C) had seen
(B) my brother has neither
(D) neither my brother
9. I heard the director ________________ the secretary.
to scold
(C) to scolds
(D) scolding
10. This museum _____________________ last century.
is built
(C) was built
had built
(D) had been built
Текущий и итоговый контроль по дисциплине
1 Формы и методы для текущего контроля
следующими методами:
 освоение
посещения занятий с учетом поправочного коэффициента при расчете
рейтинговой оценки по данному фактору и устного опроса по тематике
пропущенных лекций;
 контроль по результатам выполнения практических заданий.
2 Итоговый контроль по теме «Business correspondence»
1. Напишите деловые письма
Уважаемые господа!
Благодарим Вас за ваше письмо от 3 апреля и за образцы вашей продукции,
которые вы прислали отдельной посылкой. Мы тщательно изучили их и рады
сообщить вам, что нас полностью удовлетворяет качество ваших товаров.
Мы будем признательны, если вы пришлете нам ваш заказ.
Пожалуйста, назначьте ваши цены как сиф Лондон, так и фоб российские
С нетерпением ждем установление деловых контактов с вами.
Уважаемые господа!
Благодарим Вас за ваше письмо от 13 апреля и в ответ сообщаем вам, что
мы готовы продавать наши товары по цене … за тонну фоб Мурманск.
Товары могут быть доставлены в июле.
Платеж должен быть сделан по отгрузочным документам аккредитивом.
Что касается других условий, вы найдете их в наших общих условиях
поставок, которые мы прилагаем к этому письму.
Уважаемые господа!
В ответ на ваше письмо от 20 апреля, с сожалением сообщаем, что мы
считаем ваши цены немного выше цен ваших конкурентов.
Что касается других условий, они довольно приемлемы для нас.
Если Вы снизите свои цены на 10%, Mr Black, менеджер по продажам,
поедет в Москву, чтобы начать переговоры, относительно наших дальнейших
сделок с вашей фирмой.
Уважаемые господа!
Мы получили ваше письмо от 30 апреля и сообщаем вам, что мы не можем
снизить цены на 10%.
Наши цены довольно приемлемые и наши товары пользуются спросом на
мировом рынке.
Однако мы могли бы предоставить вам 3% скидку, если вы будите
устанавливать деловые отношения с нашей фирмой.
С нетерпением ждем встречи с Mr Black в Москве.
Уважаемые господа!
Мы узнали ваш адрес у фирмы «Волна», которая является вашим
постоянным покупателем. Мы заинтересованы в закупке у вас 20 образцов
силовых установок. Просим вас прислать нам ваши последние каталоги и
прейскуранты, т.к. мы хотели бы узнать ваши цены. Это наша первая сделка,
поэтому мы просим вас прислать нам образцы.
С нетерпением ждем вашего ответа.
Уважаемые господа!
Благодарим Вас за ваш запрос на приобретение игрушек к Новому году.
Наши каталоги и прейскуранты прилагаются.
Платеж должен быть сделан в последний день месяца доставки товара. Мы
предоставляем 5% скидку, если платеж сделан за две недели, до того, как товары
будут доставлены. Мы даем 15% скидку при заказе на сумму более 1000 фунтов.
Все цены назначаются фоб Лондон.
Мы бы хотели обратить ваше внимание, что все образцы есть сейчас в
С нетерпением ждем вашего ответа и с радостью предоставим вам любую
интересующую вас информацию.
Уважаемые господа!
Мы узнали Ваш адрес от фирмы «Блек и Ко.», которые являются Вашими
постоянными покупателями. Мы заинтересованы закупить у Вас 10000 тонн
пшеницы (Wheat). Просим Вас прислать нам ваши последние прейскуранты и
каталоги, так как мы хотим узнать ваши цены. Поскольку это наша первая сделка,
просим прислать нам образцы.
С нетерпением ждем вашего ответа.
С уважением. …..
2. Переведите предложения
1. Ссылаясь на ваш запрос от 20 июня, подтверждаем, что мы можем вам
поставить 1000 часов.
2. Мы изготавливаем оборудование, в котором вы заинтересованы.
3. Наше оборудование пользуется большим спросом на мировом рынке.
4. Мы торгуем со многими странами Западной Европы.
5. Мы никогда не получали претензий от своих заказчиков.
6. Ваше оборудование удовлетворяет нашим требованиям.
7. К данному письму прилагается каталог, прейскурант и Общие условия
продажи, включая условия платежа.
8. Мы обсудим валюту платежа во время встреч в Москве.
9. Обратите внимание на то, что цена сиф Лондон.
10. Благодарим вас за ваш запрос.
11. Ожидаем получения вашего заказа в ближайшем будущем.
12. Если у вас есть вопросы, свяжитесь с нами.
13. Контракт заключен на условиях фоб.
14. Цена включает морскую упаковку, маркировку, погрузку на борт судна
и штивку.
15. Фирма не собирается изменять цену.
16. В контракте указаны сроки поставки.
17. Фирма должна к определенному сроку изготовить оборудование.
18. Для досрочной поставки требуется согласие Покупателя.
19. Дата коносамента считается датой поставки.
20. Платеж производится по инкассо в долларах.
21. Для осуществления платежа необходимо представить в банк следующие
22. Оборудование, указанное в контракте, было доставлено 30 июля.
23. Мы должны провести испытание машин к дате, указанной в контракте.
24. Мы изучили каталоги, приложенные к письму.
25. Цены, указанные в прейскуранте, очень высокие.
26. Двигатели, которые производит эта компания, пользуются большим
спросом на мировом рынке.
27. Утвержденные модели уже предложены различным фирмам.
28. Мы хотели бы обратить ваше внимание на скидки, предоставляемые при
заказе более 150 единиц.
29. Машины, указанные в каталоге, высокого качества.
30. Просим вас поставить товар к указанному сроку.
31. Обратите внимание на даты, указанные вам в факсе.
32. Вы являетесь единственным экспортером из России.
33. Мы будем признательны, если вы пришлете нам ваши образцы.
34. Мы с удовольствием узнали, что вы заинтересованы в покупке
35. С нетерпением ждем вашего ответа.
36. Благодарим вас за письмо от 20 марта.
37. Сообщите нам, пожалуйста, нужны ли вам еще какие-либо сведения.
38. Они поздоровались и затем приступили к делу.
39. Наши образцы были посланы вам отдельной посылкой.
40. Образцы 58, 81 и 90 произвели на нас благоприятное впечатление.
41. Мы надеемся напечатать заказ на образец № 81.
42. Мы заключили много сделок по этим ценам.
43. Если вы закажете свыше 500 образцов, мы предоставим вам скидку в
44. Фирма считает наши условия платежа неблагоприятными.
45. Пожалуйста, сообщите нам, если вам потребуются дополнительные
сведения относительно модели.
46. Экспортлен является единственным экспортером этих машин из России,
не так ли?
47. Мы тщательно изучили ваши каталоги и нашли, что ваши цены выше
цен ваших конкурентов.
48. Мы готовы снизить цены, если Вы увеличите свой заказ.
49. Мы были рады узнать, что вас интересует это оборудование.
50. Он позвонил г. Блэку и договорился о встрече на 11 часов.
51. Если вы не возражаете, давайте перейдем к делу.
52. Мы готовим контракт на поставку в феврале.
53. Что вы имеете в виду?
54. Поскольку это большой заказ, мы ожидаем скидку и некоторые уступки.
55. Это меня устраивает.
56. Мы получили ваш запрос, относительно последних моделей машин.
57. Вы довольны вашей покупкой?
58. Они сообщили нам, что товары готовы к отгрузке.
59. В этом году наша фирма подписала много контрактов.
60. Президент нашей фирмы был удовлетворен результатами переговоров.
61. Товары были тщательно осмотрены.
62. После непродолжительной беседы о погоде, мы перешли к делу.
63. Пожалуйста, назначьте самую низкую цену на эту модель.
64. Мне кажется, что мы назначили довольно приемлемую цену.
65. Когда была заключена эта сделка?
66. С какими странами вы заключили контракты за последнее время?
67. Мы только что обсудили условия поставки.
68. Мы никогда не торговали с этой фирмой.
69. Мы назначили встречу с представителями французской фирмы на
70. Мы получили все необходимые материалы для переговоров.
71. Наша фирма послала представителей в Москву.
72. Все материалы готовы к переговорам.
73. Мы можем предложить вам оборудование по цене …
74. Продавец не может снизить цену на товар.
75. Ваши условия приемлемы для нас.
76. Фирма должна получить торов в июле.
77. Время переговоров устраивает меня.
78. Эти дорожные чеки были оплачены в долларах США.
79. Цена за товары назначена в долларах.
80. Во многих странах говорят по-английски.
81. Эти условия были подтверждены в их письме.
82. Это оборудование производят в Англии.
83. Эти проспекты напечатаны на английском и немецком языках.
84. Эти вопросы были решены вчера.
85. Эти товары рекламируются по радио и телевидению.
86. Цена назначается на условиях фоб Нью-Йорк.
87. Товары доставили на условия сиф.
88. Этот чек подписывается в присутствии кассира. Эти документы были
отправлены вчера.
89. Эти документы будут посланы незамедлительно.
90. Проблема цены будет обсуждена завтра.
91. Испытания только что проведены.
92. Каталоги прилагаются к этому письму.
93. Наш заказ может быть увеличен.
94. Этот вопрос уже изучен.
95. Эта партия товара уже отправлена.
Перечень экзаменационных вопросов по дисциплине
Грамматические вопросы:
1. Множественное число существительных
2. Степени сравнения прилагательных
3. Местоимения
4. Глагол to be , обороты there is, there are
5. Определенный артикль
6. Неопределенный артикль
7. Употребление артикля с именами собственными
8. Времена группы Simple
9. Сравнительная характеристика Present Simple , Present Continuous
10. Времена группы Continuous
11. Сравнительная характеристика Past Simple, Present Perfect
12. Согласование времен
13. Страдательный залог
14. Модальные глаголы
15. Способы выражения будущего времени
16. Типы вопросов
17. Complex Object
18. Complex Subject
19. Причастия
20. Предлоги
Лексические темы
1. My specialty
2. Looking for a job
3. Interview
4. Interview
5. Making your resume
6. Your own resume
7. Sole proprietorship
8. Partnership
9. Corporation
10. Market.
11. The Marketing Mix
12. Consumer in the market
13. Money
14. Banking system
15. Management
16. Inflation
17. Global finance
18. The firm and its environment
19. Business Correspondence
20. Taxation
Большекаменский институт экономики и технологий (филиал) ГОУ ВПО
«Дальневосточный государственный технический университет
(ДВПИ имени В.В. Куйбышева)»
по дисциплине «Иностранный язык»
080502.65 «Экономика и управление на предприятии (по отраслям)»
г. Большой Камень
Блок упражнений предназначен для проверки правильности понимания
текста, закрепления навыков использования нового словарного минимума и
включает в себя несколько заданий: перевод предложений с русского на
английский язык, исправление неверных предложений в соответствии с
содержанием текста, заполнение пропусков в предложениях определенными
лексическими единицами, работу с диалогом, которая позволит овладеть
предполагают изложение определенной проблемы и высказывание собственного
мнения по поводу данной проблемы, и т.д. Каждая из тем завершается защитой
проекта, в котором обобщаются знания студентов, полученные в результате
изучения данной темы.
Тема 1 : Business English – “Looking for a job”
1. Advertisement
2. To hunt a job
3. To look for a job demand
4. In the capacity of
5. Employee
6. To hire
7. Salary
8. Bonus
9. Insurance
11.To dismiss
13.To become redundant
15.To fill put an application
18.To get an increase in pay
20.Professional dutyText
For many years people thought that one of the most difficult problems for a
young man was to choose an occupation. But the time change and all the world started
its market economy. And now the problem is how to get the favorite occupation. The
only desire isn’t enough to realize your plans. So, you are looking a job. What must you
begin with?
There are several traditional ways of looking for a job.
A civilized and active means of looking for a job is studying the market of the offered vacancies to get the idea of the necessary demands and size up your own chances.
The best way of doing this is to use the help of employment agencies or to study
the ads of job opportunities published in press. Firstly, your main task is to understand
whether the position being offered is consistent with the level of your skills, education,
and experience in work.
The structure of the job opportunities ads is usually the same: the name of the vacant position, the list of candidate’s professional duties, the demands made of the candidate, and the system of compensations and benefits.
Having carefully studies the demands and the duties, an experience reader may
extract the information on the activities of the company and the prospects of development. The phrases often used about “successful work over many years in the Russian
market”, “new missions being opened”, etc., really testify to the company’s dependability, serious prospects for its growth, and the durability of its staying in Russia.
Then using all possible means, try to learn as much as possible about the position
offered to prepare yourself as best as possible for a meeting with the employer.
Carefully read the demands. The demand to know the foreign language is very
important. Inmost cases there is a need for free command of the language – Fluent English. Free command implies an ability freely to deal with foreign manager, competently
to compile documents and speak on the phone. The other necessary demands can be
knowing of a personal computer. Such special demands set the level of the candidate’s
indispensable qualifications. Thus, you have decided to find a job: buy a newspaper and
carefully study the ads given by employment agencies. Now you will be faced with the
labour–consuming procedure of writing and circulating your resume. (from “Moscow
Vocabulary practice:
I. Correct the sentences:
a) Employee is the most responsible person in a company who controls the work
of the whole enterprise.
b) The necessary demands for a person who wants to get a job are good physical
condition and since of humour.
c) Personnel of a company includes the head, the chief accountant and their
families and doesn’t include all the rest employees.
d) Salary is paid once a year as a prize for good work.
e) When you fill out an application you must hide the truth.
II. Translate the sentences into English:
а) Где я могу найти агентство по трудоустройству?
б) Глава нашей компании господин Вилстон хочет встретиться с вами в
неформальной обстановке.
в) Если вы хотите получить работу, сначала заполните анкету и принесите
рекомендательное письмо.
г) У нас есть вакансия на должность бухгалтера.
д) Знание компьютера – необходимое требование к специалистам в
настоящее время.
е) Я должен начать поиск работы, чтобы не потерять квалификацию.
ж) Каковы профессиональные обязанности экономиста?
з) Вы не можете уволить меня.
и) Работодатель может нанять специалиста и предложить ему самую
маленькую зарплату, но обсудить возможности повышения, увеличения премий,
получения страховки и предоставления отпуска.
к) В штате нашей фирмы 12 человек.
Translate the following ads:
Совместное судоремонтное российско-американское
предприятие “Бриг” ищет кандидата на должность
- Возраст до 40 лет
- Высшее экономическое образование
- Опыт работы в отрасли судостроения не менее 3 лет
- Знание разговорного и делового английского
- Знание ПК: Word, Excel
Телефоны для связи: 44 – 35 – 61
25 – 18 - 98
Japan Branch
needs an
 25 – 40 years old
 Fluent English and Native Russian
 Higher education
 Relevant experience
 Initiative and communicative
Interested candidates pleas call: 645 – 345 –
For interview please come to: 25, Gogol St.,
office #267
Answer the questionnaire:
 Your name: ………………………………………………………………………...
 Age: ………………………………………………………………………………..
 Education: ………………………………………………………………………….
 What languages do you speak? ……………………………………………………
 Do you have computer skills? ……………………………………………………..
 Your previous place of work: ……………………………………………………...
 Your duties at your previous work : ……………………………………………….
 Are you seeking full-time or part-time employment? ……………………………..
 What salary would you like to get? ………………………………………………..
 What do you expect from your future work? ……………………………………...
 What is the most important for you in your future work? …………………………
 What professional growth do you plan? …………………………………………...
 Describe your personality traits: …………………………………………………...
 What do you like doing in your free time? ………………………………………...
 Do you smoke? …………………………………………………………………….
 Do you need a dinner break? ………………………………………………………
 Do you have any references? ………………………………………………………
V. Read and learn the dialogue by heart:
Why do you want to change your job, Mike? It’s interesting and well-paid,
isn’t it?
You are right, but it doesn’t suit me.
Really? You had insurance and a leave in summer. Besides, the head prom-
ised to promote you.
I know, but I am an economist, I want to work according to my specialization.
I lose my qualification here.
Where are you going to look for a job?
I want to look through the advertisements in the newspapers and then I
planned to visit some employment agencies. May be they have some vacancies for me.
What do you expect from your new job? I think you want to put all your expe-
rience and skills into it.
No doubt. That’s why I chance my job. I hope I’ll have more opportunities.
But you are out of practice. Aren’t you afraid to be dismissed or redundant?
I am not. I’ve got an excellent education and it won’t take me much time to
recall everything. The main thing is that, I want to work in the capacity of an economist,
not anyone else.
Well, do your best. Good luck in hunting a job.
Thank you. As soon as I find a job I’ll call you and we’ll celebrate the event.
I hope this will be soon. See you.
Write a composition:
“Your hobby” (Describe your favourite way of spending free time and try to explain your choice. Use at least 5 colloquial phrases in your composition).
Тема 2 : Business English — "Making your resume"
1. Personal information
2. Job objective
3. Business correspondence
4. Personnel selection
5. Family status
6. То obtain а position
7. Place of employment
8. То format
9. Opportunity
10. Content
11. Representative
12. Personnel department
13. Statement of intent
14. То make impression
15. То list
16. Reverse chronological order
17. То mention
18. Competence
19. Responsibility
20. Responsible for
An excellent resume may help you get the job of your dream and а poor resume
may mean а lost of opportunity. Since this is the first piece of information а company
will receive about you, it's important for your resume to be well-written, clear and readable. Your resume must be typed, preferably on а computer in order to be formatted
most effectively. The content of а resume can be divided into several categories: personal information, job objectives, education, experience, skills, extracurricular activities
or hobbies, references.
The resume begins with personal information: your name, address, telephone
number, е-mail, etc. Then put the date оf writing your resume. This information should
be рlасеd in the right upper corner of the page. Correct using banner headline cliche will
indicate the author's соmреtеnсе in professional business correspondence. It's not necessary to mention your family status here.
On the left write the address of the company and address to the representatives of
thе company. It can be impersonal, "Ladies and Gentlemen" or "Dear Sirs", but it would
be better if уоu call а personnel department beforehand and find out the name of the
person responsible for personnel selection.
After уоur address, а job objective should be written. Think about and explain the
reason of obtaining this position. Don't mention money factor here.
Then describe your education. List your universities, institutes and colleges you
graduated from in reverse chronological order. Include all the courses you have attended.
Your working experience is the next section. List your experience starting with
the most recent place of employment backwards. Mention the date of employment, уоur
position, the name of the сатрапу and your responsibilities in short statements.
Following experience, write about your skills. Include уоur language and computer skills, and any other talent that relates to your statement of intent. But don't overdo
not to seem boastful.
Next section is your hobbies. All the organizations аnd clubs уоu attend should
be included in this section. And the last section is the reference section. List at least two
people who describe your qualification. Their names, places оf work and telephone
numbers should be applied. А good resume will make а good impression of уоu.
Vocabulary practice:
I. Insert the words given below into these sentences:
а) If I have ..., I’ll discuss this problem with the manager.
b) Well-made resume will help you to ... .
с) Who is ... personnel selection in this company?
d) Мy... is to compile documents and carry business correspondence.
е) Increasing salary is the ... оf the head of the company.
Variants: responsible for, competence, opportunity, responsibility, to obtain а good position.
II. Translate the following sentences into English:
а) Если вы хотите получить хорошую работу, разошлите ваше резюме в
отделы кадров разных компаний.
б) Моя цель получения этой должности — применение навыков подбора
хронологическом порядке.
г) Я должен упомянуть мое семейное положение?
д) Секретарю нужны ваши личные данные (имя, фамилия, адрес, номер
телефона), чтобы назначить вам встречу с представителем копании.
е) Не забудьте, что ваш внешний вид также может произвести впечатление
на работодателя.
ж) Содержание вашего доклада довольно хорошее, но вам нужно
отформатировать документ по установленному стандарту.
и) Ваша обязанность — заполнить анкету и получить рекомендательное
к) Я обращаюсь в вашу фирму, чтобы принять участие в конкурсе на
должность программиста.
з) В прошлом году она посещала курсы бухгалтеров.
III. Write your own resume:
Date of сomрiling your resume
Address of thе company
Address to the personnel
IV. Read and translate the dialogue. Learn it by heart:
- Good morning, Mr.Verstov's reception-room. What can I do for you?
- This is Julia Stock.I’d like an appointment with Mr.Verstov.
- Hold the line, I’ll consult the dairy. What time is convenient for you?
- Could Mr.Verstov see me at 12 on Friday?
- I’m sorry, but Friday is fully booked. Will Tuesday suit you?
- Sure. Thank you. Good-bуе.
(On the reception day)
- Соте in Mrs. Stock. Take а seat, please. Tell те, why did you decide to change уоur
- As you may have learnt from mу letter, I’vе worked at ту previous place of
еmр1оуmеnt for 5 years but the company didn't get
any professional growth and те either. 1 want to use and increase ту knowledge.
- I see. You have good references, you also do shorthand and typing. 1 wonder if уоu
had anything to do with business
- I’m afraid, I didn't have any practical experience, but I’m an executive employee, I can
- ОК. Now about the conditions and payment. Hours are from 10 till 5, with dinner
break, insurance and а leave once а year. As
for the salary, let start frоm 700 dollars.
- But 1 had 900 before. Are there any prospects to increase it.
- Sure.
- It sounds attractive. Good-bуе
- Good-bуе.
V. Translate the following dialogue into English:
- Офис господина Петрова.
- Могу я назначить с ним встречу?
- Как насчет завтрашнего дня в 15 часов?
- Отлично, я приду. Как вас найти?
- Улица Толстого 56, офис 45. До завтра.
VI. Write a composition:
“Experience of work. Is it a necessary demand for an employee?” (Think and explain your reason why many employers offer such a demand for a candidate. Use at
least 5 colloquial phrases in your composition).
Тема 3: Business English – “Sole proprietorship”
1. То fail business
2. То own
3. Sole proprietorship
4. Partnership.
5. Corporation
6. Economic activity
7. То make decisions
8. Profits
9. То incur losses
10. То have unlimited liability
11. То have limited liability
12. Debt
13. То declare personal bankruptcy
14. То get tax benefits
15. Investment of capital
16. To do books
17. Private property
18. Board of directors
19. То start business
20. Enterprise
There are three main forms of business. These forms are the sole proprietorship,
the partnership and the corporation. The sole proprietorship is the most common in
many western countries. For example, шоке than 88 per cent of аll businesses in the
United States are sole proprietorships.
Sole proprietorship is а form of enterprise owned by one person only, who has the
right to dispose оf the profits earned in the result оf есоnоmiс activity and carries the
responsibility for any losses the enterprise incurs.
But it is evident that sole proprietorships don't do the greatest volume of business.
They account for only 16 per cent of all business profits, for example, in America. What
kind of business is likely to be a sole proprietorship?
Imagine, you want to start your own business. You must learn about the responsibilities of going into business. If you go into business bу yourself, you have the right to
make decisions and control the profits. You needn't consult a lawyer to from the business. You can start or you can stop your business whenever you like. There is по need
to совий partners or board оf directors. You decide on your vacation, hours, hiring and
dismissing. But don'1 forget about the risk involved. The most important risk is that you
have unlimited liability. It means that you are responsiblе for all your business debts
and if the business fails you'll have to declare personal bankruptcy. You can lose your
private property. Another disadvantage of а sо1а proprietorship is that it won’t get
tax benefits from the government.
Nowadays there are many enterprises based on the principle of а sоlе proprietorship: shops, hairdresser's saloons, restaurants, hote1s, colleges, different repair shops.
As you can sее thee are the ехаmр1еs оf mainlу service industries, which don'1 depend
on а great investment of capital.
Vocabulary practice:
I. Insert the words into the sentences and translate them into Russian:
а) If the ... of уоur company exceed the profits, your business is unprofitable.
b) Russia's ... to the World Ваnc will have been paid by the end this уеаr.
с) Every new business requires ... .
d) There is а joint Russian and Japan ... in our city.
е) This cinema is in the ... .
Investment of сарital, debt, enterprise, private property, losses
II. Choose the right ending of the sentences:
1) If yоu go into business yourself, ...
а) you must consult а lawyer.
b) уоu make decisions yourself.
с) you must consult the board directors.
2) The most important disadvantage of а sole proprietorship is …
а) unlimited liability.
b) limited liability.
с) nо liability at аll.
3) If уour business fails, ...
а) уоr арреа1 to the court.
b) you declare personal bankruptcy.
с) you can' t start any new business.
4) Unlimited liability means that ...
а) you are responsible for personnel selection.
b) you are responsible for investment оf сарital.
c) you are responsible for business debts.
5) The cxamples of а sole proprietorship are ...
а) shops and restaurants.
Ь) airports and railway stations.
с) mass media.
III. Translate the sentences into English:
1) Глава нашей компании владеет несколькими предприятиями.
2) Я имею неограниченную ответственность, поэтому я несу ответственность за
свою хозяйственную деятельность.
3) Если вы хотите начать собственное дело — проконсультируйтесь у юриста.
4) Большое дело требует большого вложения капитала
5) Мой долг банку составляет 5000 рублей.
6) Дело моего друга провалилось, и он объявил себя банкротом.
7) И корпорация и партнерство имеют совет директоров.
8) Частное предпринимательство — это форма бизнеса, где хозяин сам
принимает решения.
9) Эта компания несет большие убытки, поэтому их доход в следующем году
будет минимальным.
10) Если владелец предприятия тратит деньги на благотворительность, он
получает льготы по налогообложению.
IV. Read and translate the dialogue. Learn the dialogue by heart.
- Неllо, Helen, how are you getting on?
- Hi, Nick. Fine, as usual. Nice to see yon.
- I аm glad уоr are not in а hurry аnd we can talk в little.
- Sure.
- Do you remember, last year I started my own business, а flower shop?
- Of course, I remember. How is your business going on? What is the name оf thе shop?
- The name оf thе shop is "Pink”. But I have some problems. '"Gan you give me а рiесе
of advice?
- I’ll try it can.
- You know, mу business is quite рrofitable, but I dоn't know how to distribute profits
and reduce losses.
- If уоu are not a professional book-kеереr, you'd better herе a person to do your books.
Calculating оf рrоfits and losses, taxes and salary is his responsibility,
- But I don’t want toenlary my personnel.
- ОК. Then try to spend your monеу on necessary thing only, For example, if уоu want
to reраt уоu shoр, let it be not very fashionable and expensive. Find the р1aces where
you can buy the goods with discounts.
- It sounds interesting, Ву the way, would you like а cup of сoffеe? We can have a
snack together.
- With pleasure. Let' s go to a cafe and discuss all things there.
V. Маkе а business conversation between:
а) а lawyer аnd an owner: how to start а business.
b) two frinds: how to make business profitable.
с) personnel and the owner: about plans for the future.
VI. Make а project of уour own private enterprise. (Name, kind of activity, personnel, working hours and vacations, рrоtits and losses after а year of work, distribution of
profits, the most successful deal and the most unpro6table deal, your plans for the future).
Тема 4: Business English – “Partnership”.
1. Partnership
2. To carry business
3. General partner
4. Limited partner
5. Silent partner
6. Secret partner
7. Dormant partner
8. Nominal partner
9. Advantage
13.To be legally responsible
14.To share
15.To invest / to contribute
16.To combine resources
17.Amount of money
18.To draw up a Deed of Partnership
19.To reduce / cut prices
20.To make a right choice
A partnership is an association of minimum two persons to carry on a business for
profit. Partnerships comprise between two and twenty people who contribute capital
and expertise to a common enterprise. It is usual when setting up a partnership to
draw up a Deed of Partnership, which is a legal document stating how much capital
has been contributed to the business by each partner, the share of profits they will receive and rules, for electing new partners. When the owners of the partnership have
unlimited liability they are called general partners. If partners have limited liability
they are called limited partners. There may be a silent partner – a person who is
known to the public as a member of the firm but without authority in management.
The reverse of the silent partner is the secret partner – a person who takes part in
management but is not known to the public. The dormant partner is both silent and
secret. The nominal partner lends the use of his or her name to the business.
A partnership offers a number of advantages to business. A group of partners will
be able to invest more capital than an individual sole trader. They also succeed better
if partners have different ranges of experience and abilities. Partners take decisions
together. Partners can cover for one another in the event of illness or holidays. Partnerships are easy to form and often get tax benefits from the government.
Partnerships have certain disadvantages too. One is unlimited liability. It means
that each partner is legally responsible for all debts and the whole business. Another
disadvantage is that partners may disagree with each other. And the next disadvantage is that resources are still limited.
Any business may have a form of the partnership: law, medicine, insurance, real
estate, stockbrokerage and so on.
Vocabulary practice:
Match each term in Column A with its definition in Column B:
1) sole proprietorship
2) partnership
3) risk
4) unlimited liability
5) resources
a) equal legal responsibility.
b) a business owned by one person only.
c) saving plus borrowing ability.
d) a business owned y two or more individuals.
e) the chance that one can lose money when one goes into business.
Correct the ending of the sentences using a colloquial phrase:
1) A nominal partner is a person who takes part in management but isn’t known
to the public.
2) A dormant partner lends the use of his or her name to the business.
3) A secret partner is the synonym of a general partner.
4) A limited partner is a person who has unlimited liability in business.
5) A general partner is a person who is known to the public but without authority
in management.
Insert the necessary words in the text:
Peter Brown and Tom Black have been friends since they graduated from school.
Now they have decided to go into business as …(1) . Peter …(2) 5,000 $ and
Tom 2,500$. In their partnership both friend will have … (3) . They consulted a
lawyer and he explained them the meaning of this notion. The law says that each
partner in a …(4) is …(5) for all … (6) of the business. In other words if the
business … (7) they’ll have to pay for all the amount of money and declare … (8)
. This disadvantage of a partnership is the same as of a … (9). In addition, they
agreed that, if there were any … (10), Peter would get two-thirds and Tom would
get one-third. In order to avoid misunderstanding, they put this agreement, which
is called … (11), in writing.
Variants: Deed of Partnership, fails, personal bankruptcy, sole proprietorship,
partnership, debts, legally responsible, profits, general partners, invested, unlimited liability.
Translate the sentences into English:
1) Если вы ведете дело в партнерстве с неограниченной ответственностью, вы
очень рискуете.
2) Мы вкладываем в дело одинаковый капитал.
3) Она хорошо разбирается в бухгалтерии, поэтому я хочу привлечь ее в дело
как общего партнера.
4) Партнеры делят прибыль в зависимости от вложенной суммы.
5) Каковы основные недостатки партнерства?
6) Я предлагаю вам стать секретным партнером, который принимает участие в
управлении предприятием.
7) Ресурсы нашей компании были ограничены, поэтому мы не могли снизить
цены на сырье.
8) Если вы хотите обезопасить себя как партнера - составьте договор о
9) Все партнеры предприятия несут полную юридическую ответственность.
У партнерства, как и у частного предприятия, есть преимущества.
Read and translate the dialogue. Learn the dialogue by heart:
- Haven’t seen you for ages. What have you been busy with?
- I started a new enterprise and carry this business with my friend Nora.
- It sounds well. How many partners are there in your business?
- There are two of us and I’m very pleased about it. I’ve made a right choice.
Nora’s background is in accounting. She is good at keeping books. But I’m a
communicative person, you know, I make agreements and deal with people.
Good for you. I believe you don’t run a risk in your business.
- We don’t have many problems, although I suppose any business can be risky. As
partners we are both liable.
- Did you both put the same amount of money into your business? Do you mind
my asking?
- No, we didn’t invest the same amount of capital. But I’m sure we’ve combined
our resources very well. I think it’s good for both of us.
- It seems really so. That is one advantage of a general partnership. You can invest
less capital than your partner – even no money at all. But you as a partner can
contribute important services or skills, sometimes just a name or reputation.
- Indeed.
- How did you arrange to distribute profits and losses?
- We share them equally. We hope to be in business for a long time.
- Nice for you. You seem to know a lot about business. I wish you profitable deals!
- Thank you. See you later. Bye.
Make a list of advantages and disadvantages of a partnership.
VII. Write a composition “Partners – friends: is it good for business?”
VIII. Make a project of a partnership with a Deed of Partnership, slogan, oneminute radio advertisement and an advertisement for a newspaper.
The task:
You are computer – manufacturing company. Your company has been involved
in a price - cutting war. Your competitors have been reducing prices for computer
equipment. They have already cut their prices by 30%. Your company can’t afford to sell your equipment at such low prices. Make a list of ideas what you
should do to be ahead of our competitors. If you can’t reduce prices, what benefits can you offer instead?
Тема 5: Business English – “Corporation”
1. Sales promotion
2. То establish
3. Stock / stock certificate / share
4. Stockholder / shareholder
5. Corporation
6. Bond
7. Dividend
8. To run business
9. To issue stocks
10. Memorandum of Association
11. To elect a board of directors
12. Chief executive
13. To purchase
14. То incorporate
15. To apply for a corporate charter
16. To have a final authority
17. To supervise daily management
18. To sue
19. То hold annual meeting
20. To launch in production
A business corporation is an institution established for the purpose of making
profits and is commonly found in all areas of activity: agriculture, manufacturing and
services (banking, insurance, education, medicine, etc.). It is owned by individuals.
Their shares of ownership are represented by stock certificates. A person who owns a
stock certificate is called a stockholder.
The corporation structure consists of a board of director, a chief executive or
president, and the owners – called stockholders, shareholders, or investors. The president, who actually runs the company, is chosen by the board of directors. Investors provide the equity financing of the business by purchasing shares of stocks, which entitle
them to share of the profits in the form of dividends, or bonds.
There are several advantages of the corporate form of ownership. The first is ability to attract financial resources. The next advantage is that corporations, owing huge
capital, can invest it in research, equipment, advertising campaign, etc. Corporations offer higher salaries and attract talented managers and specialists. The shareholders of the
company are granted the protection of limited liability. This means that if the business
fails, they risk only their personal investment and their possessions are not at risk.
There are two main types of corporations. They can be recognized by abbreviations “plc” or “Ltd” after the name of the company. “Ltd” stands for “Limited” and is
fixed to a private company. They are often closed; their stocks belong to only those
people who actually run the business. “Plc” stands for “public limited company” and is
fixed to a public company – that is, their stocks are sold to the general public. They can
be profitable and nonprofit.
The exact power that the corporations have is set out in its Memorandum of Association. It includes the following:
- The proposed company’s name
- The company’s registered address
- The amount of capital the company wished to raise
- The company’s objective in trading. Generally, companies construct this
clause in vague terms so as not to restrict their future expansion.
- For public companies, a statement that they are public and are issuing their
shares for sale to the general public.
and development
public relations
Vocabulary practice:
Match the jobs and the departments with their Russian equivalents and ex-
plain the responsibilities of each department in short:
1. Board of directors
2. President
3. Managing Director
4. Production Department
5. Finance Department
6. Marketing Department
7. Administration Department
8. Planning Department
9. Research and Development
10.Accounting Department
11.Sales Department
12.Personnel Department
13.Advertising Department
14.Training Department
15.PR (Public Relations) Department
1. Отдел обучения и подготовки кадров
2. Совет директоров
3. Отдел кадров
4. Производственный отдел
5. Отдел рекламы
6. Финансовый отдел
7. Отдел исследования и развития
8. Отдел административного управления
9. Председатель
10.Плановый отдел
11.Отдел по связи с общественностью
13.Отдел маркетинга
14.Директор - распорядитель
15.Отдел сбыта, коммерческий отдел
Choose the best answer:
1) A corporation is ...
а) the same thing as a very large partnership.
b) licensed by the city in which it is located.
с) owned by those holding shares of stocks.
2) A corporation has limited liability. It means that there is …
а) no limit to the amount of money the corporation may lose.
b) a limit to the amount of money the corporation may lose.
с) a limit to the amount of money an individual stockholder may lose.
3) Ownership of the corporation is easily transferred. The reason is that...
а) there are more corporations than any other kinds of business.
b) ownership is transferred through the sale of stocks.
с) most people know someone who would be willing to buy shares in a corporation.
4) compared to a sole proprietorships and partnerships corporations are ...
а) subject to fewer taxes.
b) usually smaller.
c) more expensive to form.
5) The major responsibility of the board of directors in a large corporation is to...
а) look after the well-being of the employees.
b) look after the interests of stockholders.
с) direct the purchase of supplies and equipment.
Translate the sentences into English:
1) Корпорация может выпускать и продавать акции и облигации.
2) Владельцы акций проводят ежегодное собрание и выбирают совет директоров.
3) Акционеры имеют решающее слово в управлении корпорацией.
4) Корпорация имеет больше возможностей для вовлечения финансовых
ресурсов и расширения, ем партнерство.
5) Я работаю в рекламном отделе и отвечаю за продвижение товара на рынок.
6) Мы собираемся запустить в производство новую продукцию, и к концу года
наши акционеры получат хорошие дивиденды.
7) В прошлом году два предприятия решили объединиться и подали заявление на
корпоративный патент.
8) Корпорация, как и частное лицо, может подавать заявление в суд.
9) Филиал нашей компании хочет вложить большую сумму денег в исследование
и разработку новой компьютерной программы.
10) Кто осуществляет ежедневное руководство компанией?
Read and translate the dialogue. Learn the dialogue by heart.
- Неllо, Steve. How are you getting on?
- Quite all right, thanks. And what about you?
- Everything is nice, but in fact I want to talk to you about my business.
- Oh, I’ll be glad to do something for you.
- Well, Kevin. I need some legal advice. John and I are thinking of incorporating.
- You are going to expand, aren’t you? It seems that your partnership has been doing
- It is really so. We have success. Now some businessmen are interested in investing
with us. So could you explain me what sort of legal procedure I have to follow to form a
- At first you should apply for a corporate charter. As far as I understand you want to
issue and sell stocks in exchange for investment of capital, don’t you?
- Exactly.
- After you obtain the charter the stockholders, as the owners, hold a meeting to organize the corporation.
- Does that mean we elect our board of directors, adopt bylaws and choose the company’s officers?
- That’s what I mean. Though the officers of the company supervise daily management,
the stockholders always have final authority. They vote at annual meeting.
- I see. By the way, does a corporation have limited liability?
- Yes.
- It means that our investors will risk only their capital.
- You are quite right. Besides a corporation has the right to own property, to buy and
sell and the right to sue and to be sued.
- It’s interesting. A corporation acts like a person.
- You understand everything clearly.
- Thank you for your advice. Would you like to join me for a game of golf on Saturday?
- With pleasure. I’ll call you and we’ll discuss the details.
Make а dialogue between a potential stockholder and a representative of the
- If you buy shares of our company, you’ll own part of our company.
- But I don’t want to buy shares of your company.
Persuade a potential stockholder to buy shares of your company.
Write a composition.
You’ve inherited 500,000 $ from your American aunt. But you can’t spend this
money. Your aunt wanted you to invest it in some company for 10 years. What company would you choose and why?
British Petroleum
IBM Computers
General Motors
Swiss National Bank
VII. Make a project.
A TV show :“The history of development of a well-known company”. (Invite a
representative of a well-known company, its clients, economists, competitors, guests
and discuss the history of development of this company. Tell about its rises and falls,
achievements, researches and developments, conflicts and ways of their solution).
Business English – “Accountancy”
1. Accountancy / accounting
2. Double-entry book-keeping system
3. Transaction
4. Debit
5. Credit
6. Account
7. Financial report / financial statement
8. Balance sheet
9. Income statement
10.Cash flow statement
11.Fiscal year
19.Inflow – outflow
20.To pay bills
Accountancy (British English) or accounting (American English) is the process of
maintaining, auditing, and processing financial information for business purposes.
At the heart of modern accountancy is the double-entry book-keeping system.
This system involves making at least two entries for every transaction: a debit in one
account, and a corresponding credit in another account. The sum of all debits should
always equal the sum of all credits.
The art of accountancy on a scientific principle must certainly have been understood in Italy before 1495, when Luca Pacioli (1445 - 1517), also known as Friar Luca
dal Borgo, published at Venice his treatise on book-keeping.
Accountancy allows the creation of accurate financial reports.
Financial statements (or financial reports) are a record of a business' financial
flows and levels.
Typically they will include:
a balance sheet setting out the net asset position of a business
an income statement, income and expenditure statement or profit and loss account
a cash flow statement
a statement of other recognized gains and losses or other comprehensive income
statement or statement of retained earnings
supplementary notes and management discussion
Balance sheet
In formal bookkeeping and accounting, a balance sheet is a statement of the financial value (or "worth") of a business or other organization (or person) at a particular
date, usually at the end of its "fiscal year," as distinct from a profit and loss statement
("P&L," also known as an income statement), which records income and expenditures
over some period. The balance sheet has two parts: assets and liabilities.
Asset is anything owned:
fixed assets Those are assets continually turned over in the course of a business
during normal business activity. Examples: debtors, stock, cash and work in progress.
current assets. Assets which are purchases for continued and long-term use in
earning profit in a business. Examples: land, buildings, machinery, etc.
A financial liability is something that is owed to another party.
Examples of types of liabilities include: money owing on a loan, money owing on a
Income statement
Income statement is net income results from revenue (Inflows or other enhancements of assets of an entity or settlements of its liabilities during a period from delivering or producing goods, rendering services, or other activities that constitute the entity's
ongoing major or central operations), expense (Outflows or other using-up of assets or
incurrences of liabilities during a period from delivering or producing goods, rendering
services, or carrying out other activities that constitute the entity's ongoing major or
central operations), gain (Increases in equity (net assets) from peripheral or incidental
transactions of an entity except those that result from revenues or investments by owners), and loss (Decreases in equity (net assets) from peripheral or incidental transactions
of an entity except those that result from expenses or distributions to owners) transactions.
Cash flow statement
A cash flow statement is a financial report that shows incoming and outgoing
money during a particular period (often monthly or quarterly). This makes it useful for
determining the short-term viability of a company, particularly its ability to pay bills.
Vocabulary practice:
Match each term in Column A with its definition in Column B:
1) Financial statement
2) Assets
3) Liabilities
4) Balance sheet
5) Income statement
1) The present possessions and activities of the company
2) A record of financial transactions of the company
3) A record of financial situation of the company at the end of fiscal year
4) Possessions or money lent to the company
5) A record of financial situation of the company over some period of time
II. Correct the sentences using a colloquial phrase:
1) Accountancy is the process of promotion the goods to the market.
2) The main principle of modern accountancy is based on marketing.
3) The sum of all debits should always equal the sum of all money earned by the
4) Financial statements are a record of a business plan of the development of the
5) The balance sheet has two parts: money and property.
Insert the necessary words in the text:
Double-entry book-keeping is the standard of … for recording business … . Every transaction has a 'dual effect'—increasing one aspect and decreasing another, in such
a way that all of the different variables always sum to … . For each transaction there
will be a debit and a … . An increase in a debit item must be accompanied by either an
increase in a credit item or a decrease in another debit item. An increase in a credit item
must be accompanied by either an increase in a … item or a decrease in another credit
… .Credit and debit items are later summarized in a trial ... . It acts as a self checking
mechanism for the correctness of entries in the individual … and also as a starting point
for the preparation of the main financial … : balance sheet and an … .
Variants: balance, accountancy, zero, transactions, credit, accounts, income
statement, item, debit, statements.
Translate the sentences into English:
1) Бухгалтерская отчетность как наука имеет свой предмет и метод.
2) Предметом бухгалтерского учета в обобщенном виде выступает
хозяйственная деятельность предприятия с точки зрения системы учета ресурсов
и результатов финансовой и хозяйственной деятельности предприятия.
3) Все хозяйственные операции, проводимые организацией должны
оформляться оправдательными документами.
4) Двойная запись - способ регистрации хозяйственных операций на счетах
бухгалтерского учета; состоит в том, что сумма каждой хозяйственной операции
одновременно записывается в дебет одного счета и в кредит другого.
5) Вам следует посмотреть форму отчета в каталоге финансовых
6) Балансовый отчет отражает финансовое состояние предприятия на
конкретный момент времени – конец фискального года.
7) Каждый руководитель хочет точно учитывать доходы и расходы своего
8) Вы хотите избежать проблем с заполнением финансовой документации?
Наймите квалифицированного бухгалтера.
9) Проверка активов и пассивов займет много времени.
Почему ваша компания еще не предоставила отчета о доходах?
V. Read and translate the dialogue. Learn the dialogue by heart:
- Hi, Martin. How are you? Where are you hurrying?
- Oh, hi, Lucy. I’d like to tell you I’m fine but I can’t. There is too much work.
It’s the end of the fiscal year.
- What does it mean?
- Beyond any shadow of doubt it is the busiest period for the accountants. It is
the time when the accounting department compiles financial statements.
As far as I understand these are the documents which characterize the finan-
cial situation of the company. Our director always wants to be aware of all the transactions.
- You are quite right. He likes to remind us the proverb: a light purse is a heavy
- What are the main types of financial statements?
- Why are you asking?
- You see, I’d like to be promoted to a higher position and it will be very useful
for me to know the basic notions of accountancy.
- Well, there are many types of reports but the most important are the balance
sheet and the income statement.
- Is there any difference between them?
- Of course, a balance sheet is a statement of the financial value of the company
at a particular date, usually at the end of its fiscal year. In contrast, an income statement
records income and expenditures over some period.
- Does balance sheet deal with assets and liabilities?
- Good for you.
And if I’m not mistaken the main principle of accountancy is interaction of
debit and credit.
- You seem to know much about accountancy. Your manager should certainly
promote you. If not to go into details, the sum of all debits should always equal the sum
of all credits for every transaction.
- It’s so nice to talk to you but I wouldn’t like to take you time.
- Never mind. Let’s meet after work and I’ll explain you the peculiarities of
statements and accounts.
- With pleasure. See you in our café.
Write a composition “What enterprises are more adaptable for the mod-
ern market economy: large or small?”
VII. Make a project:
Develop a balance sheet and an income statement of your company after a year of
Business English – “Marketing”
Market research
1. Goods and services
2. To satisfy
3. To gather information
4. Buyer
5. Seller
6. Customer
7. To identify
8. To anticipate
9. To distribute
14.After-sales service
19.To value
A popular slogan that describes modern-day marketing is, “Find a need and fill it”.
What does it mean? It means that business must do some market research to find out what
goods and services people and organizations want and need.
Marketing is the process of studying wants and needs and satisfying those wants and
needs by exchanging goods and services; this results in satisfied buyers and creates profits for
It is a management process of identifying, anticipating and satisfying customers needs
Identifying: researching the market and gathering information.
Anticipating: Innovating, developing new products, distributing them, publicizing them,
and promoting them.
Satisfying: good quality products, that perform as expected, are easily available, are at
a price customers are willing to pay, with adequate after-sales service.
Profitably: controlling costs, operating efficiently, being dependable, keeping up-todate, professionally managed.
When developing programs to satisfy market wants and needs, marketing managers
work with several variables known as the marketing mix. A marketing mix is the strategic
combination of product decisions with decisions on packaging, pricing, distribution, credit,
branding, service, complaint handling and other marketing activities. All these activities are
often combined under four easily remembered categories called the four P’s: product, place,
promotion, and price.
From a marketing viewpoint a product is not just the physical good or service. A product consists of all the tangibles and intangibles that consumers evaluate when deciding
whether or not to buy something. When people buy a product, they evaluate its price, package,
guarantee, image created by advertising, reputation of the producer, brand name, service,
buyers’ past experience, store surroundings etc.
Place, or distribution, means getting goods to the right place at the right time in the right
quantity. The distribution mix includes eight main functions – research, risk bearing, storage,
selling, buying, credit, transportation and grading.
Two institutions have emerged to perform the distribution function: wholesalers and
A retailer is a marketing middleman who sells to consumers.
A wholesaler is a marketing middleman who sells to organizations and individuals, but
not final consumers. He purchases, for resale, the best available merchandise at the lowest
possible prices and expedite the delivery of goods from the producer to the customer.
A promotion mix is some combination of promotional tools (advertising, personal selling, public relations, publicity, sales promotion, a good product or service, and word-ofmouth) that can be used to communicate to various publics.
Firms must establish realistic and measurable pricing goals if marketing strategy is to be
effective. Determining the price one needs to remember that consumers do not buy price –
they react to value. Demand always determines the price, price depends on timing (season,
fashion, location) and competition.
Vocabulary practice:
I. Answer the questions:
1. What is marketing?
2. Does identifying mean researching the market and gathering information or sales
3. What is a marketing mix?
4. How many marketing categories are there? What are they?
5. Is product just a physical good or a service?
6. How many functions does the distribution mix include? What are they?
7. Is a retailer a marketing middleman who sells to consumers?
8. Can you name promotional tools?
9. What determines the price?
II. Match the words and their definitions:
1. Marketing a. Getting goods to the right place at the right time in the right quantity.
2. Product
b. A process of studying people's wants and needs and satisfying
them by exchanging goods and services, resulting in profits for sellers.
3. Place
c. Money paid by customers and received by sellers.
Promo- d. A good or a service and everything connected with them – pack-
age, guarantee, brand name, etc.
5. Price
e. Combination of different tools such as advertising, publicity, personal selling etc in order to sell goods or services.
III. Say TRUE or FALSE using a colloquial phrase (To my mind…, in my opinion…):
1. Product is just a physical good.
2. A good marketer must think like a consumer.
3. We can identify many consumer products looking at their packaging.
4. People often buy certain products just because of their brand names.
5. Middlemen only add cost to products and do no good.
6. A wholesaler is a marketing middleman who sells to final consumers.
7. All products need some form of marketing – they need to be promoted, priced and
8. Good marketing can lead to benefit.
9. A high quality product doesn’t need marketing, because it will sell itself.
10. The volume of sales doesn’t depend on advertising.
IV. Fill in the missing words:
1. People satisfy their … and … with … .
2. The product which completely satisfies our wants is called … .
3. The purpose of … is to sell the goods or services.
4. A … is a marketing middleman who sells to organizations and individuals, but not
final consumers.
5. … is a human activity directed at satisfying people’s needs through exchange processes.
6. A … is a name, symbol or design (or a combination of them) that identifies the
goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and distinguishes them from those of
7. The two middleman of selling are a wholesaler and … .
8. A person who needs some goods or services is a … .
9. … is a struggle for the market between different companies producing one kind of
10.… is studying of people’s needs and wants.
Variants: wholesaler, market research, customer, marketing, wants, advertising, retailer,
needs, competition, ideal product, brand.
V. Translate the sentences from Russian into English:
1. Эффективный маркетинг – это продать потребителю не товар, а удовольствие.
2. Человеческие
покупательской способностью.
3. Ценообразование – это искусство установления наилучшей реальной цены за
4. Информация о рынке поступает от потребителя к розничному продавцу, от
розничного к оптовику, от оптовика к производителю.
5. Рынок объединяет покупателей и продавцов товаров и услуг.
6. Распространение
транспортировку, хранение, возможные риски, страховку и некоторые другие факторы.
7. Конкуренция стимулирует рынок и производителей товаров и услуг.
8. Существует разница между оптовым продавцом и розничным.
9. Чем меньше посредников в цепи распространения товара, тем ниже его
10.Иногда красивая упаковка или брэндовое имя имеют для покупателя большее
значение, чем его качество.
Write an essay: “Does price always mean quality?”
VII. Make a project: Marketing strategy.
Большекаменский институт экономики и технологий (филиал) ГОУ ВПО
«Дальневосточный государственный технический университет
(ДВПИ имени В.В. Куйбышева)»
по дисциплине «Иностранный язык»
080502.65 «Экономика и управление на предприятии (по отраслям)»
г. Большой Камень
Пояснительная записка
Задания для студентов – заочников составлены в соответствии с
программой по иностранному (английскому) языку для высших учебных
Студенты должны выполнить по две контрольные работы в течение
каждого курса.
Прежде чем приступить к выполнению контрольной работы, необходимо
внимательно прочитать методические указания и требования, которые даются
перед каждым контрольным заданием.
обращаться за помощью к преподавателям кафедры иностранных языков.
Методические указания
Настоящие методические указания имеют целью помочь вам в вашей
самостоятельной работе над развитием практических навыков чтения и перевода
литературы по специальности на английском языке, а так же навыков устной речи
по заданной тематике.
Задания для студентов – заочников составлены в соответствии с
программой по английскому языку для высших учебных заведений.
Студенты – заочники 1 курса должны выполнить контрольную работу № 1 в
письменном виде и подготовиться к собеседованию по ней. Контрольная работа в
данных методических рекомендациях представлена в пяти вариантах. Студент
должен выполнить один из пяти вариантов в соответствии с последними цифрами
шифра зачетной книжки: студенты, шифр которых оканчивается на 1 или 2,
выполняют вариант 1; на 3 или 4 – 2; на 5 или 6 – 3; на 7 или 8 – 4; на 9 или 0 – 5.
Контрольную работу следует выполнять на листах формата А4 (шрифт
Times New Roman, № 14, интервал одинарный, папка). Задания контрольных
работ должны быть выполнены в той последовательности, в которой они даны в
настоящем пособии.
Кроме контрольной работы, студенты – заочники выполняют устные
контрольные задания, которые служат для оказания помощи в овладении
материалом, необходимого для устного ответа преподавателю, для получения
зачета или сдачи экзамена.
I курс
Студенты первого курса для получения зачета или сдачи экзамена должны
подготовить следующий материал:
1. Выполнить письменно контрольную работу № 1.
2. Подготовить устные сообщения, объемом 15 – 20 предложений, по
имеющимся в контрольных работах вопросам, по темам: “About myself” (о себе),
“My working day” (мой рабочий день), “My native town” (мой родной город), “My
weekends”(мои выходные дни). Можно использовать любое пособие по развитию
навыков устной речи.
3. Выполнить упражнения, по указанию преподавателя, на основе
изученной лексики и грамматики.
4. Подготовить чтение и письменный перевод текстов, прилагаемых в
данных контрольных работах, используя в помощь только составленный во время
самостоятельной подготовки вокабуляр (список незнакомых слов, выписанных из
словаря с транскрипцией и переводом).
Контрольные задания
Контрольная работа № 1
Чтобы выполнить контрольную работу № 1, необходимо проработать по
любому вузовскому учебнику или по рекомендованным ниже учебникам,
следующие разделы грамматики:
1. Имя существительное. Множественное число. Артикли и предлоги, как
показатели имени существительного. Притяжательный падеж существительных.
2. Местоимения: личные, притяжательные и их абсолютная форма,
3. Глагол to be, to have.
4. Конструкция there + to be
5. Имя прилагательное. Степени сравнения прилагательных.
6. Слова, обозначающие количество:many, much, few, little…
7. Типы вопросов.
8. Видовременные формы глагола: Simple / Indefinite (Present, Past, Future),
Progressive / Continuous (Present, Past, Future), Perfect (Present, Past, Future), Perfect
Progressive / Continuous (Present, Past, Future) действительного залога (Active
9. Безличные предложения.
10.Модальные глаголы.
Контрольная работа № 1
Вариант 1
Грамматическая часть
1. Дайте множественное число следующих существительных:
Place, party, woman, tea, boy, piano, mouse, box, businessman, leaf, roof, money,
tree, Negro, match
3. Вставьте соответствующую форму глагола to be:
1. My friend … a secretary.
2. I … a new student of this group.
3. Last week he … in Moscow, now he … in St. Petersburg.
4. Next year they … there.
5. This … my bag, those … my sister’s bags.
Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на использование
1. Этот сад – его гордость.
2. Те спортсмены очень перспективные. Дай им мой телефон.
3. Это не ее тетради, это – их.
4. Тот замок – историческая достопримечательность. Ты сам сказал.
5. Сколько стоит твой компьютер? – Мой – 500 долларов. А твой?
Исправьте ошибки в следующих предложениях, обращая внимание на
использование неопределенных местоимений, их производных и слов,
обозначающих количество:
1. I have much friends. Give me a few time to talk to them.
2. There is anybody in the house. Let’s wait for any minutes.
3. There isn’t nobody in the classroom, but I hear many noise in the corridor.
4. Are there some sweets in the box? – No, there isn’t nothing there.
5. My sister has many work. She doesn’t have some spare minutes. If you have little
questions, I can help.
Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степень следующих
Sad, happy, grey, far, comfortable, bad, old, unusual, complete, little, slender, good,
tasty, large, narrow.
Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на степени сравнения
прилагательных и конструкции с ними:
1. Картины этого художника немного хуже, чем того. А ваши картины гораздо
2. В тарелке яблоко и три апельсина. Апельсины кислее, чем яблоки.
3. Моя работа самая сложная. Но она не такая большая, как твоя.
4. Он такой же высокий, как его отец. Но его отец в два раза сильнее.
5. У нее самый плохой диктант. В ее работе значительно больше ошибок, чем
в моей.
Раскройте скобки, используя глагол в нужном времени:
1. I’m afraid I (to finish) my work yet.
2. Quiet! I (to hear) a sound. Perhaps my dog (to bark).
3. You (to clean) your boots yesterday?
4. When her mother (to ring) she (to cook) supper for half an hour.
5. He (to tell) me the truth before everybody (to know) about this accident.
Вставьте в предложения необходимый по смыслу модальный глагол –
can, may, must, have to, be to:
1. You … go to bed now. It is very late.
2. I have been learning English for 2 years. Now I … translate easy texts without a
3. … we smoke in this room? – No, there are children here.
4. The pupils … to help the teacher after classes as they agreed.
5. Though she likes to sleep she … to walk with her dog every morning.
Задайте 5 типов вопросов к каждому предложению:
1. I sometimes go to the cinema.
2. Students must finish the test by 12 o’clock.
3. It has been raining for three hours.
Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на использование времен:
1. Она вяжет уже два часа.
2. Уроки в школе обычно начинаются в 8 часов.
3. Когда она шла в библиотеку, она встретила группу иностранцев.
4. Когда они вошли в зал, конференция уже началась.
5. Я занимался английским языком в течение 5 лет, перед тем, как уехал за
Лексическая часть
Business English — “Looking for а job”
Изучите вокабуляр:
1. Advertisement
-реклама, объявление
2. Bonus
3. Demand
4. Employee
-служащий, работник
5. Employer
6. Head
-глава, руководитель
7. In the capacity of
-в должности
8. Insurance
9. Occupation
-штат, персонал
11.Professional duty
-профессиональная обязанность
-рекомендательное письмо
15.To dismiss
16.To fill out an application
-заполнять анкету
17.To get an increase in pay
-получить повышение зарплаты
18.To hire
-принимать на работу
19.To hunt a job / to look for a job
-искать работу
Прочитайте и переведите текст:
For many years people thought that one оf the most difficult problems for а young
man was to choose an occupation. But the time changed and the whole world started its
market economy. And now the problem is how to get the favorite occupation. The only
desire isn’t enough to realize уоur plans. So, you are looking for a job. What must you
begin with?
There are several traditional ways of looking for а job.
А civilized and active means оf lооking for а job is studying the market оf thе offered vacancies to get the idea of the necessary demands and size up your own chances.
The best way оf doing this is to use the help of employment agencies or to study
the ads of job opportunities published in press. Firstly, your main task is to understand
whether the position being offered is consistent with the level of your skills, education,
and experience in work.
The structure оf the job opportunities ads is usually the same: the name оf the vacant position, the list of candidate’s professional duties, the demands made of hе candidate, and the system of compensations and benefits.
Having carefully studied the demands and the duties, an experienced reader mау
extract the information on the activities of the company and the prospects of development. The phrases often used about “successful work over many years in the Russian
market”, “new missions being opened”, etc., really testify to the company’s dependability, serious prospects for its growth, and the durability of its staying in Russia.
Then using аll роssiblе means, try to learn as much as possible about the position
offered to prepare yourself as best as possible for а meeting with the employer.
Carefully read the demands, The demand to know the foreign language is very
important. Inmost cases there is а need for frее command оf the language — Fluent
English. Free command implies an ability freely to deal with foreign manager, competently to compile documents and speak on the phone. The other necessary demand can
be knowledge of а personal computer. Such special demands set the level of the candidate’s indispensable qualifications. Thus, you have decided to find а job: buy а newspaper and carefully study the ads given by employment agencies. Now you will be faced
with the labour- consuming procedure оf writing and circulating your resume.
Vocabulary practice:
1. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. What is the most difficult problem for a young man?
2. There are several traditional ways of looking for a job, aren’t they?
3. Is the best way of looking for a job to use the help of employment agencies or model
4. What is your first main task?
5. What is the structure of the job opportunities ads?
6. Who may extract the information on the activities of the company?
7. Is it necessary to prepare yourself as best as possible for a meeting with the employer?
8. The demand to know the foreign language is very important, isn’t it?
9. Does free command of the language imply an ability freely to deal with foreign
manager or your neighbour?
10.What are the other necessary demands for a candidate?
2. Исправьте предложения, используя разговорные фразы и выражение “No,
It is wrong. I suppose, I suggest, I believe, I consider, I think…”
1. The best way of looking for a job is using the help of model agencies.
No, it is wrong. I suppose, the best way of looking for a job is using the help of employment agencies.
2. Employee is the most responsible person in а company who controls the work of the
whole enterprise.
3. The necessary demands for а person who wants to get а job are good physical condition and since of humor.
4. Personnel of а company includes the head, the сhief accountant and their families and
doesn’t include а11 the rest employees.
5. Salary is paid once а year as а prize for good work.
6. When you fill out an application you must hide the truth.
3. Переведите предложения, используя слова из вокабуляра:
1. Где я могу найти агентство по трудоустройству?
2. Глава нашей компании господин Вилстон хочет встретиться с вами в
неформальной обстановке.
3. Если вы хотите получить работу, сначала заполните анкету и принесите
рекомендательное письмо.
4. У нас есть вакансия на должность бухгалтера.
5. Знание компьютера — необходимое требование к специалистам в настоящее
6. Я должен начать поиск работы, чтобы не потерять квалификацию.
7. Каковы профессиональные обязанности экономиста?
8. Вы не можете уволить меня.
9. Работодатель может нанять специалиста и предложить ему самую маленькую
зарплату, но обсудить возможности повышения, увеличения премий, получения
страховки и предоставления отпуска.
10. В штате нашей фирмы 12 человек.
Творческая часть
Imagine you are interviewing candidates for the position of the advertising manager at your new branch office. What would you like to find out? Of course, you are in65
terested in personal characteristics. You want to know if your candidates can be trusted,
what they can do for the company, how well they can get alone with people. You need a
bright and creative person.
1. Prepare an application form for the candidates with 20 most necessary questions.
2. Prepare a task for your candidates to have a chance for them to show their
Вариант 2
Грамматическая часть
1. Дайте множественное число следующих существительных:
Computer, pray, glory, crash, tree, goose, piano, concerto, disk, sound, fly, oil, safe, life,
3. Вставьте соответствующую форму глагола to be:
1. His work … very important.
2. Last week she … at the hospital.
3. I … angry, he… late.
4. Next year we … here again.
5. Those … new ideas but this one … the best.
4. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на использование
1. Это их кассеты? – Нет, мои.
2. Спроси ее об этом. Это ее компетенция.
3. То – не наши результаты, а их.
4. Я могу решить эту задачу. Это в моих силах.
5. Эта программа интересная? – Да, ее программы всегда пользуются успехом.
Скажи это ей.
5. Исправьте ошибки в следующих предложениях, обращая внимание на
использование неопределенных местоимений, их производных и слов,
обозначающих количество:
1. They baked much cookies. Invite anybody for tea.
2. There are something on the window-sill. Bring a few water to wash it.
3. I can’t find my mobile phone everywhere. I need a little minutes to find it.
4. We don’t know nobody here. There are much people in the hall and everybody are
5. Don’t buy some bars of chocolate. We don’t need some.
6. Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степень следующих
Sharp, tall, pretty, fine, popular, late, good, polite, massive, illustrated, low, attractive,
fat, gorgeous, high.
7. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на степени сравнения
прилагательных и конструкции с ними:
1. Песни этого композитора значительно популярнее, чем того. Он лучший
композитор в стране.
2. В хлебнице булочки и пирожное. Пирожное немного слаще, чем булочки.
3. Этот завод самый большой в городе. Но он не такой рентабельный, как
соседний завод.
4. Он такой же квалифицированный врач, как и я. Но он в два раза старше меня.
5. Это самые последние новости. Они гораздо лучше, чем прошлые.
Раскройте скобки, используя глагол в нужном времени:
1. They usually (to be ready) for the lesson.
2. Listen! The phone (to ring).
3. I (to see) my sister. She (to run) with her dog in the yard now.
4. When we (to enter) the auditory, the lecture already (to finish).
5. If you (to help) me tomorrow, I (to manage) with this task.
Вставьте в предложения необходимый по смыслу модальный глагол –
can, may, must, have to, be to:
1. You … easily do it yourself. It is not a difficult exercise.
2. I … ring my mother at 12 o’clock. I promised.
3. … my friends visit me? – Sure.
4. He is very slow. He always … stay after classes and finish his work.
5. You … apologize. You didn’t keep your word.
10.Задайте 5 типов вопросов к каждому предложению:
1. They always discuss their problems at home.
2. The accountant has already checked the balance sheet.
3. My guests are going to visit a museum now.
11.Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на использование времен:
1. Два дня назад она переехала в этот город.
2. Как долго их соседи ремонтируют квартиру?
3. Мы отправили заявление до того, как приехал клиент.
4. Пока вы думаете, я пишу новую задачу на доске.
5. К 8 часам он переписал все данные.
Лексическая часть
Business English — “Economic goods and services”
Изучите вокабуляр:
-товар, товары
To use
To resale
10. To satisfy
11. Perishable
12. To provide
13. To sell
14. To earn
15. Demand
16. Material
17. Human resources
-человеческие ресурсы
18. Natural resources
-природные ресурсы
19. Capital resources
-производственные ресурсы
20. Production
Прочитайте и переведите текст:
People begin to learn about economics when they still very young. Even before
they start school, they make two very important economic discoveries. They find that
there are lots of things in the world they want. They also find that they cannot have
them all. There is a big gap between what they want and what they can have.
Later, young people learn another lesson. When they watch television commercials, they discover that there are thousands of things they or their parents could buy.
Gradually, they settle into two major economic roles: consumer and producer.
In the role of consumer, a person buys goods and services for personal use, not
for resale. Consumer goods are products, such as food, clothing, and cars, which satisfy
people’s economic needs or wants. Some consumer goods, such as food, do not last a
long time. Other goods, such as cars, last longer. Sooner or later, though, consumer
goods are used up. Bananas are typical example of perishable goods; by “perishable” we
mean goods that cannot be stored for any length of time without going bad. Most foodstuffs are in the perishable category. Services are actions, such as haircutting, cleaning
or teaching. Services are used up at the time they are provided.
A producer makes the goods or provides the services that consumer use. A person who makes lemonade and then sells it is producing goods. A person who shoves
snow during the winter or clerks in the store is producing a service. Students working
after school or during the summer earn money to buy some of the things they want –
records, books, or a car. They are learning about the role of the producer.
In order to produce something, however, a person must first have right resources.
Resources are the materials from which goods and services are made. There are three
kinds of resources: human (people), natural (raw material), and capital resources (capital, or money or property). If either of these resources is missing, production will stop.
Vocabulary practice:
1. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. What economic discoveries do young people do?
2. Are there a lot of things they want?
3. What economic roles do they settle?
4. What is the consumer?
5. What is the difference between goods and services?
6. Does producer provide services and makes goods?
7. How are the students learning about the role of the producer?
8. In order to produce something, however, a person must first have right resources,
mustn’t he?
9. What kinds of resources are there?
10.Will production stop if either of the resources is missing?
2. Исправьте предложения, используя разговорные фразы и выражение “No,
It is wrong”:
I suppose, I suggest, I believe, I consider, I think
a) The best way of looking for a job is using the help of model agencies.
No, it is wrong. I suppose, the best way of looking for a job is using the help of
employment agencies;
b) People begin to learn about economics when they are very old;
c) In the role of a producer, a person buys goods and services for personal use,
not for resale;
d) A person who shoves snow during the winter or clerks in the store is producing
e) In order to produce something, however, a person must first have a plant or a
f) If either of three resources is missing, you can produce only services.
3. Переведите предложения, используя слова из вокабуляра:
А) Я могу обеспечить непрерывное производство.
Б) Человеческие ресурсы – очень важный фактор в производстве товаров
широкого потребления.
В) Он – очень известный производитель массной продукции.
Г) Вы можете купить все товары и услуги в нашей компании в кредит.
Д) Она хочет заработать денег, чтобы купить новый компьютер.
Е) Это очень важное экономическое открытие.
Ж) Он использует сеть магазинов, чтобы перепродать свой товар.
З) К сожалению, природные ресурсы являются исчерпаемыми.
И) Это – скоропортящийся товар?
К) Потребитель – это человек, который покупает товары или услуги.
Творческая часть
You are computer – manufacturing company. Your company has been involved
in a price - cutting war. Your competitors have been reducing prices for computer
equipment. They have already cut their prices by 30%. Your company can’t afford to
sell your equipment at such low prices.
1. Make a list of ideas what you should do to be ahead of our competitors. If you
can’t reduce prices, what benefits can you offer instead?
2. Make one – minute radio advertisement to announce your ideas.
Вариант 3
Грамматическая часть
1. Дайте множественное число следующих существительных:
Way, answer, country, value, custom, air, individual, photo, cliff, kind, tooth, supply,
thing, tomato, life.
2. Вставьте соответствующую форму глагола to be:
1. It … scarcity of resources that makes economists plan production.
2. Human, natural and capital resources … limited.
3. What … the reason of his deny yesterday?
4. My cars … in the garage 2 hours ago.
5. This … a new discovery soon.
4. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на использование
1. Помоги ему перейти эту дорогу. Он не может сделать этого сам.
2. Экономисты этого и того заводов – одна команда. Их начальник – крупный
3. Это – ваши кассеты? – Нет. Это – ее.
4. Те студенты – очень трудолюбивые. Поблагодари их.
5. Его план был сложным, а мой – простым.
5. Исправьте ошибки в следующих предложениях, обращая внимание на
использование неопределенных местоимений, их производных и слов,
обозначающих количество:
1. I have few knowledge on these subject. Nobody can’t improve it.
2. There is anything tasty in the fridge. I can see any cakes there.
3. There isn’t nothing offending in his words.
4. Are these your keys? – No, these keys are hers. She has much keys.
5. Their employees have much duties. The employers respect them very many.
6. Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степень следующих
Mad, windy, valuable, bad, young, bad, old, economic, big, little, major, good, pretty,
personal, simple.
7. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на степени сравнения
прилагательных и конструкции с ними:
1. Свет в этой комнате ярче, чем в той. А та комната гораздо темнее.
2. На столе словарь и книги. Словарь значительно толще, чем книги.
3. Его туфли самые модные. Но они не такие дорогие, как мои.
4. Это блюдо такое же вкусное, как и то. Но оно в два раза дороже.
5. У меня самое плохое зрение. Чем ближе я сижу, тем лучше.
8. Раскройте скобки, используя глагол в нужном времени:
1. They usually (to help) their parents about the house.
2. Yesterday we (to receive) a wonderful box of sweets from our granny. Now we (to
eat) these sweets.
3. You (to prepare) for the exam since morning?
4. When my classmate (to call), I (to take) a shower.
5. He (to leave) for Novgorod by 6 o’clock, but we (not to buy) the tickets yet.
9. Вставьте в предложения необходимый по смыслу модальный глагол – can,
may, must, have to, be to:
1. … you help me to move the table closer to the window?
2. Jane … leave for London on Saturday.
3. You … be more polite with a woman.
4. I often … change my plans because of my unscheduled work.
5. … your son go to the park with us?
10.Задайте 5 типов вопросов к каждому предложению:
1. Igor and Lena like thrillers.
2. The telephone has just stopped ringing.
3. They were laughing at me.
11.Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на использование времен:
1. Я слышу звуки радио.
2. Они гуляли в саду, пока все друзья смотрели фотографии.
3. К понедельнику вы напечатаете роман?
4. Только что прозвенел звонок.
5. Мы репетируем этот спектакль уже три месяца, но режиссер все еще не
доволен нашей игрой.
Лексическая часть
Business English — “Opportunity costs”
Изучите вокабуляр:
To count
To produce
Human resources
-человеческие ресурсы
Natural resources
-природные ресурсы
Capital resources
-производственные ресурсы
10. To consume
11. Goal
12. Choice
13. To involve
14. Opportunity cost
-альтернативная стоимость
15. To be available
-иметься в наличии
16. Tradeoff
17. To be aware of smth.
-иметь ввиду что – либо
18. Decision
19. To seek solutions
-искать решения
20. On the assumption
-исходя из предположения
Прочитайте и переведите текст:
All production involves a cost. This cost is not counted simply in terms of money
but also ion terms of resources used. The various resources used in producing a good or
a service are the real costs of that product. In building a bridge, for example, the real
costs of the bridge are human, capital, and natural resources it consumes. To build a
bridge requires the labour of many people, including engineers and construction workers. The capital resources these people use include a variety of tools and machines.
Building a bridge requires also natural resources, such as iron ore and coal. These natural resources are used to make steel that is used in constructing the bridge.
Since resources are limited and human wants are unlimited, people and societies
must make choices about what they want most. Each choice involves a cost. The value
of time, money, goods and services given up in making a choice is called opportunity
When steel is used to make a bridge instead of a hospital, the loss in hospitals is
the opportunity cost of making the bridge. In fact, any resources used for the bridge are
then no longer available for something else.
When people make a choice between two possible uses of their resources, they
are making a tradeoff between them.
To make choices that best satisfy human wants, people must be aware of all the
tradeoffs. Then, society will understand the true costs of making one decision rather
than another, and can make the decision that best fits its values and goals.
How can the concepts of opportunity costs and tradeoffs be used to help explain
how the economy works? One was is to construct a simple plan of the economy called
an economic model. The simple plan helps the economists to analyze economic problems, seek solutions, and make comparisons between the economic model and the real
world. An economic model is a little bit like a model airplane. It helps to explain how
the real thing works, even if it doesn’t fly. When models are used to help solving economic problems, their usefulness depends on the assumptions made about the world.
One of the most important choices a society makes is between producing capital
goods and producing consumer goods. If a nation increases its production of consumer
goods, its people will live better live today. However, if a nation increases its production of capital goods, its people may live better in the future.
Vocabulary practice:
2. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. Does all production involve a cost?
2. Is this cost counted in terms of money or in terms of resources?
3. What does a real cost of building the bridge include?
4. Resources are limited, aren’t they?
5. What is opportunity cost?
6. When are people making a tradeoff?
7. Must people be aware of all the tradeoffs to make choices that best satisfy human
8. How does a simple plan help economists?
9. What does the usefulness of an economic model depend on?
10.Is one of the most important choices between producing capital goods and producing
consumer goods?
2. Исправьте предложения, используя разговорные фразы и выражение “No,
It is wrong”:
I suppose, I suggest, I believe, I consider, I think
a) The best way of looking for a job is using the help of model agencies.
No, it is wrong. I suppose, the best way of looking for a job is using the help of employment agencies.
А) The cost is counted only in terms of money.
b) The real cost of producing some goods or services involves two types of resources:
human and capital resources.
С) Since resources are limited, human wants are limited too.
d) In fact, any resources used for building a bridge are available for something else.
Е) If a nation increases its production of consumer goods, its people will live better
lives in future.
3. Переведите предложения, используя слова из вокабуляра:
а) Мы пытаемся предположить, какой будет стоимость этого товара.
Б) Есть в наличии компьютеры последнего поколения?
В) Эта нация потребляет слишком много природных ресурсов.
Г) Потери от простоя завода исчисляются десятками тысяч рублей.
Д) Чтобы избежать такой ситуации, наши экономисты должны искать более
приемлемое решение проблемы.
Е) Вы можете предложить мне альтернативу?
Ж) При расчете стоимости изделия, мы должны иметь в виду расходы на рекламу.
З) Он должен сделать выбор между ценой и качеством товара.
И) Какова цель применения данной технологии в производстве товаров широкого
К) Исходя из предположения о потребностях населения, мы можем сказать, что
данная услуга будет пользоваться спросом.
Творческая часть
There are many people who treat very cheap products with suspicion. They do not
believe that they can buy a good thing for little money.
1. Prepare a three – minute presentation of something very cheap. Try to make it
as attractive as possible. How would you explain the cheap price of your product?
2. Compare your product with an expensive analog. Find its advantages and disadvantages.
Вариант 4
Грамматическая часть
1. Дайте множественное число следующих существительных:
Host, lady, princess, play, foot, tomato, shelf, gulf, sheep, eye, switch, egg, woman,
strawberry, cow.
3. Вставьте соответствующую форму глагола to be:
1. If he … a doctor, he can help me.
2. They … strangers in our group.
3. Last week we … exhausted, now we … ready to work.
4. Next time I … more attentive.
5. That … a birch, those … oaks.
4. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на использование
1. Эта территория – моя собственность.
2. Тот гараж – маленький. Найди ему, пожалуйста, другой.
3. Это – ее тарелка, а то – ваша. Скажите ей об этом.
4. Те команды были очень профессиональными. Я САМОХИН видел.
5. Эти актеры не будут завтра на съемочной площадке.- Это не мои проблемы, а
5. Исправьте ошибки в следующих предложениях, обращая внимание на
использование неопределенных местоимений, их производных и слов,
обозначающих количество:
1. They have many stress. They need a little weeks to have a rest.
2. There isn’t my glasses nowhere. I can’t see much words on this paper.
3. There was anybody in the concert hall, it was empty. We can wait for anybody near
the cafeteria.
4. Are there some glasses in the box? – No, there isn’t nothing there.
5. They have a few progress. There are little mistakes in their test.
6. Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степень следующих
Mad, stormy, gay, old, mysterious, good, sick, selfish, complete, bad, remote, simple,
gloomy, fat, thankful.
7. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на степени сравнения
прилагательных и конструкции с ними:
1. Ваше предложение намного интереснее, чем его. Ваше предложение самое
2. В вазе розы и ромашка. Розы красивее, чем ромашка.
3. Ремонт процессора самый дорогостоящий. Ремонт монитора не такой
сложный, как ремонт процессора.
4. Этот шкаф не такой высокий, как тот. Но он в два раза вместительнее.
5. У меня самое плохое зрение.
8. Раскройте скобки, используя глагол в нужном времени:
1. Look! The girls (to pick) mushrooms.
2. Don’t scold him. He already (to realize) his fault.
3. I (to give) you the documents only after you (to pay).
4. When the secretary (to copy) the contract, the client (to talk) to the personnel of the
5. The doctor (to leave) the room after he (to examine) the patient.
9. Вставьте в предложения необходимый по смыслу модальный глагол – can,
may, must, have to, be to:
1. My daughter … sing very well.
2. It is very cold. You … put on a hat.
3. … I see you tomorrow?
4. We … meet our friend, he doesn’t know the city.
5. He … practice his English 2 hours a day, he doesn’t want but his parents make him.
10.Задайте 5 типов вопросов к каждому предложению:
1. It has been snowing since Monday.
2. The visitors can take a souvenir.
3. I shall be typing the report from 5 till 7 tomorrow.
11.Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на использование времен:
1. Я закончил читать книгу до того, как приехали гости.
2. Два года назад они выступали на соревнованиях лучше.
3. Когда она шла на работу, она потеряла кошелек.
4. Она смотрит в окно уже пол часа. Она очень ждет маму.
5. Они не ответят на этот вопрос.
Лексическая часть
Business English — “Utility and prices”
Изучите вокабуляр:
-товар, продукт
To satisfy
To determine
To vary
To rate highly
-высоко ценить
10. Demand
-потребность, требование
11. To decrease
12. To increase
13. To bargain
14. To fix in advance
-устанавливать заранее
15. Expenditure
16. Unit
17. Purchase
18. Market economy
-рыночная экономика
19. To supply
-поставлять, снабжать
20. Equilibrium price
-приемлемая цена
Прочитайте и переведите текст:
Our basic needs are simple, but our additional individual wants are often very
complex. Commodities of different kinds satisfy our wants in different ways. A banana,
a bottle of medicine and a textbook satisfy very different wants. This characteristic of
satisfying a want is known in economics as “utility”. Utility, however, should not be
confused with usefulness. For example, a submarine may or may not be useful in time
of peace, but it satisfies a want. Many nations want submarines. Economists say that
utility determines “the relationship between a consumer and a commodity”.
Utility varies between different people and different nations. A vegetarian does
not want meat, but may rate the utility of bananas very highly, while a meat-eater may
prefer steak. A mountain republic like Switzerland has little interest in submarines,
while maritime nations rate them highly.
Utility varies not only in relation to individual tastes and to geography, but also in
relation to time. In wartime the utility of bombs is high, and the utility of pianos is low.
Utility is therefore related to our decisions about priorities in productions. The production of pianos falls sharply in wartime.
The utility of a commodity is also related to quantity which is available to the
consumer. If paper is freely available, people will not be so much interested in buying
too much of it. We can say that the utility of a commodity therefore decreases as the
consumer’s stock of that commodity increases.
In most economic systems, the prices of the majority of goods and services do not
change over short period of time. In some systems it is, of course, possible for an individual to bargain over prices, because they are not fixed in advance. In general terms,
however, the individual cannot change the prices of the commodities he wants. When
planning his expenditure, he must therefore accept these fixed prices. He must also pay
this same fixed price no matter how many units he buys. A consumer will go on buying
bananas for as long as he continues to be satisfied. If he buys more, he shows that this
satisfaction is still greater than he dislike of losing money. With each successive purchase, however, his satisfaction compensates less for the loss of money.
In market economy, prices are the result of the needs of both buyers and sellers.
The seller will supply more goods at higher prices than at lower ones. The buyers will
buy more goods at lower prices than at higher ones. Some price is satisfactory to both
buyers and sellers. This point is called an equilibrium price.
Vocabulary practice:
3. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. Do commodities of different kinds satisfy very different wants?
2. What is known as “utility”?
3. Is utility and usefulness the same notions?
4. The utility determines “the relationship between a consumer and a commodity”,
doesn’t it?
5. Does utility vary in relation to time?
6. Is utility related to the quantity which is available to the consumer?
7. Do the prices change over short periods of time?
8. Must a consumer accept the fixed prices?
9. What is the result of the needs of both buyers and sellers in the market economy?
10.What is an equilibrium price?
2. Исправьте предложения, используя разговорные фразы и выражение “No,
It is wrong”:
I suppose, I suggest, I believe, I consider, I think
a) The best way of looking for a job is using the help of model agencies.
No, it is wrong. I suppose, the best way of looking for a job is using the help of employment agencies.
А) The utility of a commodity is also related to the colour of the commodity.
b) If there is a shortage of paper, the relative demand for paper will go down.
С) An equilibrium price is the price that satisfy only the seller.
d) The buyer will buy more goods at higher prices than at lower ones.
Е) The price of the majority of goods and services change very often.
3. Переведите предложения, используя слова из вокабуляра:
а) На китайском рынке покупатели часто торгуются с продавцами.
Б) У вас есть возможность доставить товар в срок?
В) Мы снабжаем наших клиентов самой достоверной информацией.
Г) Если они установят цены заранее, у нас будет время продумать эффективность
Д) Технология производства товаров должна учитывать потребности потребителя.
Е) Иностранные гости высоко оценили последние достижения наших ученых в
области компьютерных технологий.
Ж) Сколько единиц товара мы должны отгрузить согласно договору?
З) Не всем предприятиям удается выжить в условиях рыночной экономики.
И) Качество предлагаемого товара удовлетворяет всем нашим требованиям.
К) Покупка новой конвейерной линии значительно ускорит производство данного
Творческая часть
You’ve inherited 500,000 $ from your American aunt. But you can’t spend this
money. Your aunt wanted you to invest it in some company for 10 years.
1. Choose a company from the international market you are going to invest.
What company would you choose and why?
2. Find a competitive company and compare two companies to prove your
Вариант 5
Грамматическая часть
1. Дайте множественное число следующих существительных:
Disk, county, etude, hitch, sheep, tooth, psycho, photo, oxygen, Scotsman, toff, waitress, wolf, safe, foot.
3. Вставьте соответствующую форму глагола to be:
1. Barbara Colorozo … a well-known psychologist nowadays.
2. Peaches … very expensive in winter.
3. … this spot here yesterday?
4. His mood … always changeable. Now he … sad, soon he … happy.
5. It was a terrible accident. Fortunately, her children … not on board of the plane at
that moment.
4. Переведите
1. Эта машина поломана. Поехали на моей.
2. Попроси ее перезвонить мне. Этот вопрос очень срочный.
3. Это ваша территория, а то – их. Вы сами это сказали.
4. Она – ваш босс, и ваша задача – следовать ее указаниям.
5. Где твой паспорт? – Мой – в сумке.
5. Исправьте ошибки в следующих предложениях, обращая внимание на
использование неопределенных местоимений, их производных и слов,
обозначающих количество:
1. I have much video films at home. It will take you many time to watch them all.
2. There was anything in the corner of the room. It had a little legs and made any noise.
3. There won’t be nobody at the conference tomorrow, we had few time to prepare for
4. Are there some questions from the audience? – No, there isn’t no questions.
5. They have little copies of the text. If you have a few spare time, we can do any more
6. Образуйте
Ancient, dun, dutiful, bold, chilly, effuse, elvish, good, forcible, bad, far, inadvertent,
sick, fat, tenacious.
7. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на степени сравнения
прилагательных и конструкции с ними:
1. Это пальто немного больше, чем то. А эта синяя куртка гораздо лучше
подходит вам.
2. На окне роза и три кактуса. Кактусы более приспособлены к плохим условиям,
чем розы.
3. Этот цирковой трюк самый сложный. Но он не такой долгий, как предыдущий.
4. Тигры такие же заботливые родители, как и кошки. Но они в два раза
5. Эта открытка самая плохая. Она значительно темнее, чем две другие.
Раскройте скобки, используя глагол в нужном времени:
1. The school (to celebrate) its anniversary two weeks ago.
2. Look! He (to laugh) at his brother instead of helping him.
3. You (to be) at home at 5 o’clock yesterday? I couldn’t find you.
4. When the ticket inspector (to see) me, I (to run) after the train.
5. He already (to change) the broken sink when the plumbers (to come).
9. Вставьте в предложения необходимый по смыслу модальный глагол – can,
may, must, have to, be to:
1. You … obey “No smoking” signal when flying in the airplane.
2. … the children walk a little bit farther? – No, it is dangerous there.
3. The detective … call at noon, but he didn’t.
4. … you show me that exercise?
5. She’ll … spend much time for cooking for her husband’s birthday.
10.Задайте 5 типов вопросов к каждому предложению:
1. Mr. Craft is still walking on deck.
2. We can reprogramme your computer.
3. It is usual for her wear such strange hats.
11.Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на использование времен:
1. Вы всегда так разговариваете со старшими?
2. Господин Ларин еще не подписал ваш проект.
3. Когда машина ехала по Гоголевскому шоссе, начался дождь.
4. После того, как мама проводила дочь на вокзал, она вызвала такси.
5. В тот момент она думала о пропавшем щенке.
Лексическая часть
Business English — “Supply and demand”
Изучите вокабуляр:
To produce
Capital goods
-средства производства
To provide
10. Market transaction
-рыночная сделка
11. To outbid
-предлагать более высокую цену
12. Amount
13. To influence
14. Available cash income
-имеющиеся наличные средства
15. Wealth
-благосостояние, материал-е средства
16. Credit
17. Substitute
18. Related item
-сопутствующий товар
19. To drop out
-выбывать из торгов
20. To increase
Прочитайте и переведите текст:
In a market economy, the actions of buyers and sellers set the prices of goods and
services. The prices, in tern, determine what is produced, how it is produced, who will
buy it, and what will be the mix of consumer and capital goods. Supply, the quantity of
a product that suppliers will provide, is the seller’s side of a market transaction. Suppliers usually want the price that allows them to make the most money. Demand, the quantity of a product consumers want, is the buyer’s side of a market transaction. Buyers
want the price that gives them the most value for the least cost.
One place to see how demand works is an action, a market where goods are sold
to the highest bidders. Because the items are sold one at a time, buyers must quickly decide what prices they are willing to pay. If not, they risk seeing the item go to someone
else who is willing to pay more. Imagine now that you are at the action with about 100
other people. The auctioneer brings out a used electric popcorn maker, and you decide
you would like to own it. In order to get it you will have to outbid all the others who
want it. How do you decide how high to bid? Since you know you will have to pay for
the popcorn maker right away, you look into your wallet. Only $5 bill is there. You
know that you have another $15 bill in your desk at home, and that your companion will
lend you that amount if you return it tomorrow. You know that a brand-new popcorn
maker sells for $14. A used one is not worth quite that much to you. You decide you are
willing to go as high as $10 but not higher. Besides, if you spend all your money, you
will not have anything left to buy popcorn, oil, salt and butter. What factors so far have
influenced you? Your decision is the result of your tastes (for popcorn), your available
cash income (the $5 you carry), your wealth (the $15 at home), and your credit (the loan
your friend will make). You have also to think of the price of a substitute (a new popcorn maker) and the price of related items (pop corn and salt).
The bidding starts at $1 and five people start bidding. When the price goes up to
$6, one person drops out. That person wants to spend $5 for the item. A second person
drops out at $8, and two more drops out when the bids reaches $9. That leaves only one
– you. The popcorn maker is yours for $9.
The popcorn maker demand schedule illustrates the law of demand, which indicates that as the price of an item increases, a smaller quantity will be bought.
Vocabulary practice:
Ответьте на вопросы:
1. Do actions of buyers and sellers set the prices of goods and services?
2. What do prices determine?
3. Supply is the seller’s side of the market transaction, isn’t it?
4. Do suppliers usually want the price that allows them to make the most or the least
5. The demand is the buyer’s side of the market transaction, isn’t it?
6. Do buyers want the price that gives them the most value for the least or the highest
7. Why must buyers quickly decide what price they are willing to pay?
8. What will you have to do to get the item at the auction?
9. What factors should you take into consideration before starting to bid?
10.What does the popcorn maker demand schedule illustrate?
2. Исправьте предложения, используя разговорные фразы и выражение “No,
It is wrong”:
I suppose , I suggest, I believe, I consider, I think
Образец: a) The best way of looking for a job is using the help of model agencies.
No, it is wrong. I suppose, the best way of looking for a job is using the help of employment agencies.
А) In a market economy, the actions of designers and dealers set the prices of goods and
b) Supply, the quality of a product that suppliers will provide, is the seller’s side of a
market transaction.
С) One place to see how demand works is an action, a market where goods are sold to
the lowest bidders.
d) The popcorn maker demand schedule illustrates the law of supply.
Е) The law of demand indicates that as the price of an item increases, a larger quantity
will be bought.
3. Переведите предложения, используя слова из вокабуляра:
а) Продавец предлагает покупателю товар по сходной цене.
Б) Наши конкуренты предлагают более высокую цену за эту услугу.
В) Благосостояние населения влияет на активность рыночных сделок.
Г) К сожалению, господин Крон, вы выбываете из торгов.
Д) Все имеющиеся наличные средства друзей составили достаточно большую
Е) Вы должны будете обеспечить поставку торгового оборудования в срок,
указанный в контракте.
Ж) Сумма кредита влияет на процентную ставку?
З) Наше предприятие не может увеличить объем производства из-за отсутствия
соответствующего оборудования.
И) Нам следует включить в список сопутствующие товары.
К) Конечно, этот товар-заменитель гораздо дешевле, но он и менее качественный.
Творческая часть
Your company is expecting staff reduction. There are two candidates: an old very
qualified employee and a young creative industrious but inexperienced employee. What
candidate would you choose for reduction?
1. Make a list of advantages and disadvantages of each candidate.
2. Explain the candidate the reason your decision.
Вопросы по теме “About myself”:
What is your name?
What is your surname?
How old are you?
Where were you born? (what is you native town?)
What are you like? (eyes, hair, height, weight…)
Are you married or single? Is your family large or small?
What is your address?
What is your education?
Were you good at school or Institute? What was your favourite subject?
10. Why did you decide to enter the University?
11. What are you? Where do you work?
12. What are your duties at your place of employment?
13. What are your traits of character? (calm, energetic, pessimistic, optimistic…)
14. Do you like sport? What is your favourite kind of sport?
15. Do you like music? What is your favourite singer or group?
16. Do you like to watch TV? What is your favourite TV programme?
17. Do you like to read? What is your favourite writer?
18. What is your hobby?
19. What is your favourite way of spending free time?
20. What is your cherished dream?
Вопросы по теме “My working day”:
1. How many working days and weekends do you have?
2. When do you usually get up?
3. Do you think to do morning exercises is useful for health?
4. What do you have for breakfast?
5. Is your breakfast healthy?
6. What time do you usually leave home for work?
7. How much time does it take you to get to work?
8. Do you drive or go to your work on foot?
9. Do you have many duties at work? What are they?
10.Do you sometimes go on business trips?
11.Are you a hard-working employee?
12.Does your director value you?
13.Do you think you work is perspective?
14.When do you have your dinner break? Where do you usually have dinner?
15.When do you finish your work?
16.Do you have supper together with your family?
17.How do you usually spend your evenings?
18.Do you sometimes visit your fiends or relatives in the evenings?
19.Do you read or watch TV before going to bed?
20.What time do you usually go to bed?
Вопросы по теме “My native town”:
1. When was Bolshoy Kamen founded?
2. Is the population of BK more than 50 thousand people?
3. How many micro-districts are there in BK?
4. What is the main and the largest street in BK?
5. What is the center of BK? What is situated there?
6. Are there many schools, kindergartens, hotels…. In BK?
7. What is the largest factory in BK?
8. Are there any producing industries in BK?
9. What educational institutions are there in BK?
10.What cultural places are there in BK? What circles are there in the Palace of Culture
and the House of Culture?
11.Is there a Palace of Sport in BK? What sections are there in it?
12.What departments are there in the Art School?
13.Are there editorial offices of some newspapers in BK? What newspapers are situated
in BK?
14.What entertainment places are there in BK where people can have a rest?
15.Are there any monuments in BK? What are they devoted to?
16. How do people celebrate holidays in BK?
17.Some famous artists, singers and troops of actors sometimes arrive to BK, don’t
18. Some foreigner wants to visit BK. What would you like to show him?
19.What is the economic situation in BK?
20.Do you like this town?
Вопросы по теме “My weekends”:
1. Tell in one word what weekends are?
2. What is the difference between weekdays and weekends?
3. Do you plan your weekends beforehand?
4. When does your ordinary day off begin?
5. How do you usually spend your weekend morning?
6. Does your family cook some special dishes at weekends? What are they?
7. Do you have a lot of housework at weekends?
8. Do you spend your weekends with your friends or relatives?
9. Do you have time for your hobby at weekends? What is your hobby?
10.Do you listen to music, watch TV or reads books at your weekends? What are your
favourite singers, writers and TV – programmes?
11.Are you a stay-at-home person or keen on traveling?
12.Do you like to spend your weekends at home or to go somewhere outdoors?
13.Do you have some entertainment programme for this day?
14.What cultural or entertainment places do you visit at weekends?
15.Do you sometimes have to work at weekends? Are you sorry about that?
16.You like weekends, don’t you?
17.Are your weekends always the same or different?
18.Do weekend help you to prepare for a working week and give you power?
19.Do you think 2 days are enough to have a rest?
20.What in your opinion is the ideal weekend?
Тексты для самостоятельного чтения
"Making your resume"
An excellent resume may help you get the job of your dream and а poor resume
may mean а lost of opportunity. Since this is the first piece of information а company
will receive about you, it's important for your resume to be well-written, clear and readable. Your resume must be typed, preferably on а computer in order to be formatted
most effectively. The content of а resume can be divided into several categories: personal information, job objectives, education, experience, skills, extracurricular activities
or hobbies, references.
The resume begins with personal information: your name, address, telephone
number, е-mail, etc. Then put the date оf writing your resume. This information should
be рlасеd in the right upper corner of the page. Correct using banner headline cliché will
indicate the author's соmреtеnсе in professional business correspondence. It's not necessary to mention your family status here.
On the left write the address of the company and address to the representatives of
the company. It can be impersonal, "Ladies and Gentlemen" or "Dear Sirs", but it would
be better if уоu call а personnel department beforehand and find out the name of the
person responsible for personnel selection.
After уоur address, а job objective should be written. Think about and explain the
reason of obtaining this position. Don't mention money factor here.
Then describe your education. List your universities, institutes and colleges you
graduated from in reverse chronological order. Include all the courses you have attended.
Your working experience is the next section. List your experience starting with
the most recent place of employment backwards. Mention the date of employment, уоur
position, the name of the сатрапу and your responsibilities in short statements.
Following experience, write about your skills. Include уоur language and computer skills, and any other talent that relates to your statement of intent. But don't overdo
not to seem boastful.
Next section is your hobbies. All the organizations and clubs you attend should
be included in this section. And the last section is the reference section. List at least two
people who describe your qualification. Their names, places оf work and telephone
numbers should be applied. А good resume will make а good impression of you.
"Markets and Monopolies"
Whenever people who are willing to sell a commodity contact people willing to
buy it, a market for that commodity is created. Buyers and sellers meet in person, or
they may communicate by letter, by phone or through their agents. In a perfect market,
communications are easy, buyers and sellers are numerous and competition is complete92
ly free. In a perfect market there can be only one price for a given commodity: the lowest price which sellers will accept and the highest which consumers will pay. There are,
however, no really perfect markets, and each commodity market is subject to special
conditions. Competition influences the prices prevailing in the market. Prices inevitably
fluctuate, and such fluctuations are also affected by current supply and demand.
Although in a perfect market competition is unrestricted and sellers are numerous,
free competition and large numbers of sellers are not always available in the real world.
In some markets there may only be one seller or a very limited number of sellers. Such
a situation is called a “monopoly”, and may arise from a variety of different causes. It is
possible to distinguish in practice four kinds of monopoly.
State planning and central control of the economy often mean that a state government has the monopoly of important goods and services, e.g. most national authorities
monopolize the postal services within their borders. A different kind of monopoly arises
when a country, through geographical or geological circumstances, has control over major natural resources or important services, e.g. Canadian nickel and the Egyptian ownership of the Suez Canal. Such monopolies can be called natural monopolies. Legal monopolies occur when the law of a country permits certain producers, authors and inventors a full monopoly over the sale of their own products. These types of monopoly are
distinct from the sole trading opportunities when certain companies obtain complete
control over particular commodities. This action is often called “cornering the market”
and is illegal in many countries. In the USA anti-trust laws operate to restrict such activities, while in Britain the Monopolies Commission examines all special arrangements
and mergers which might lead to undesirable monopolies.
In the market systems, competition answers the basic questions of what, how, for
whom, and how much. Competition among producers is for the highest profits. Competition among consumers is for the best goods and services at the lowest prices. Obtaining the highest profits and the best goods at the lowest price are the only motives the
market system considers.
“Costs of Economic Growth”
If you spent all the money you have now, you might be able to buy many of the
things you want. However, you probably would choose not to spend all of your money
right now. You realize that by saving some now, you will save more for the future. Societies also must save some of what they produce today in order to have more for tomorrow. Every society must produce capital goods and consumer goods to meet future
economic needs. Long-range economic growth depends on the continued production of
capital goods.
Everyone who works contributes to the growth of capital resources. Suppose you
earn $72 a week, working evenings in an auto repair shop. How do you contribute to the
growth of capital resources? If your manager paid you exactly what the customer paid
the company, what would happen to the company? What would happen to the business
if no money were saved to replace old tools and equipment? Your labour must be valuable enough to earn more than just the money to cover your wager.
When your manager bills customers for the work you did, the amount will be
large enough not only to cover the company’s costs but also to invest in capital resources. Your labour may earn your company $100 a week. Since you are paid $72, you
are helping the company to collect $28 a week. Some, or all, of this money can be used
for capital resources. When your company uses this money to buy new equipment, it
expects future returns from the equipment to justify the purchases. The manager may
decide to replace the old tools, hire more help, or expand the shop, for example. The
manager makes decisions based on how the company will earn the most profits.
In recent years, many people have argued that economic growth is a mixed blessing. The advantages of growth are fairy clear. As people produce more goods and services, the average standard of living goes up. Growth also keeps people employed and
earning income. It provides people with more leisure time, since they can decrease their
working hours without decreasing their income: Growth provides the government with
additional tax revenues, which enable it to spend more on programs for education, water
and air purification, medical care, highway construction, and national defense.
What are the disadvantages, then? Four of them are: (1) use of natural resources
that cannot be replaced, (2) generation of waste products, (3) destruction of natural environments, (4) uneven growth among different groups in society.
"The nation’s economy. GNP. Economic indicators"
Economists study different sides of the economy in different ways, they may
show how one product market operates, or the way one group of the consumers decides
how to spend money. Microeconomics is the part of economics that analyses specific
data affecting an economy. Macroeconomics is the branch of economics that analyses
interrelationships among sectors of the economy.
Macroeconomics uses various methods to measure the performance of the economy. Statistics measure gross national product, or GNP, which is the value of all goods
and services produced for sale during one year. All the goods and services produced
must be counted, and their value (e.g. in dollars and cents) determined. For example,
every new car and haircut must be included. If farmer produces 1000 bushels of apples
worth $10 per bushel, that farmer would add $ 10000 to the year’s GNP.
In the United States the Department of Commerce computes GNP. Information is collected for every good or service produced in the nation during a year, but not everything
is counted. Three factors limit the types of products counted.
First, only goods and services produced during a specific year are counted. Second, not every good or service produced or sold during the year can be counted. For example, if both the flour the baker used and the bread produced were counted, the flour
would be added in twice and so exaggerate the gross national product. To avoid this
problem, economists count a product or a service only in its final form. They count the
baker’s flour in its final product from – as a load of bread or cake. Products in their final
from are called final goods and services. Third, GNP includes only goods sold for the
first time. When goods are resold or transferred, no wealth is created.
One way in which economists measure GNP is the flow-of-product approach. Using this method, they count all the money spent on goods and services to determine total
value. Each time a new product is sold, GNP increases. For example, a business or government buys a chair for $ 50, that purchase causes GNP to increase by $50.
Spending for products falls into four categories. The first, and the largest, consumer spending includes all expending of individuals for final goods and services.
Called personal consumption expenditures, this category accounts for about 65 per cent
of GNP. The second category includes all spending of business for new capital goods.
Since these purchases are investments, this category is called gross private domestic investment. It accounts for about 13 % of GNP. The third category includes spending of
all levels of government. Government purchases of goods and services account for
about 21 per cent of GNP. The fourth category is net exports of goods and services,
about 1% of GNP.
"Income and Spending"
People’s incomes determine how many of the economy’s goods and services they
can purchase. Income is the money a person receives in exchange for work or property.
There are five basic types of income:
1. Employee compensation is the income earned by working for others. It includes wages and fringe benefits such as health and accident insurance.
2. Proprietor compensation is the income that self-employed people earn.
3. Corporation profit is the income corporations have left after paying all the expenses.
4. Interest is the money received by people and corporations for depositing their
money in saving account or lending it to others.
5. Rent is income from allowing others to use one’s property temporarily.
The total income is the sum of employee and proprietor compensation, corporation profit, interest and rent. In each category, people receive this income in return for
providing goods or services.
One other type of income is a transfer payment – money one person or group
gives to another, though the receiver has not provided a specific good or service. Gifts,
inheritances, and aid to the poor are three examples of transfer payments.
During this century, the percentage of people who themselves has generally declined. Increasingly, people are employees and not self-employed.
By the type of work people do workers fall into one of four broad categories:
1. White collar workers are people who do jobs in offices, such as secretaries,
teachers, and insurance agents.
2. Blue collar workers are people who do jobs in factories or outdoors. Artisans,
such as carpenters and plumbers, are blue collar workers.
3. Service workers provide services to other individuals or business. Janitors,
barters, and police are service workers.
4. Farm workers are people who work on their own farms or those or others.
In the market system a person’s income is determined by how the market values
that person’s resources and skills. Individuals, such as doctors, whose skills society values, receive high incomes. People who own valuable resources, such as capital to invest
or land to develop, also receive high incomes.
Итоговый тест
1. How far is … to London?
a) it b) there
2. Shall I close … window? Please.
a) a b) an c) the d) –
3. I can’t find my spectacles. Where … they?
a) is b) are
4. Our flat is as large as … .
a) their b) they c) theirs d) them
5. Are there … letters for me?
a) some b) any c) no
6. He doesn’t have … money.
a) many b) much
7. She speaks English … .
a) best b) good c) well d) gooder
8. My father … in his room now.
a) was working b) works c) has been working d) is working
9. He often … his mother.
a) rings b) is ringing c) has rung d) to ring
10. They … this museum yesterday.
a) goed b) go c) were going d) went
11. … the director usually come to the office in time?
a) Do b) Did c) Does d) Is
12. The students … translated the text by the end of the lesson.
a) didn’t b) hadn’t c) haven’t d) wasn’t
13. The taxi … just arrived.
a) have b) is c) does d) has
14.… I wait here?
a) Ought to b) Am to c) Have to d) May
15.He may come.
a) Ему можно прийти.
b) Ему следует прийти.
c) Он должен прийти.
d) Ему нужно прийти.
16.His teacher said he … English very well.
a) understands b) understanded c) understood d) has understood
17.Is there anyone who … English?
a)says b)speaks c)tells d)talks
18.As soon as everybody … we’ll start discussing our future steps.
a) come b) will come c) came d) comes
19.Nothing was stolen, …. ?
a) wasn’t it b) was it c) isn’t it d) is it
20. Ask all possible types of questions:
He is working at the office now.
Для 2-го курса
Студенты второго курса для сдачи экзамена должны подготовить следующий
1. Выполнить письменно контрольную работу № 1.
2. Подготовить устные сообщения, объемом 15 – 20 предложений, по
(телевидение), “My speciality (моя специальность)”, “Management (управление
компанией)”, “The structure of a company(структура предприятия)”. Можно
использовать любое пособие по развитию навыков устной речи.
3. Выполнить упражнения, заданные преподавателем, на основе изученной
лексики и грамматики.
4. Подготовить чтение и перевод текстов, прилагаемых в данных контрольных
работах, используя в помощь только составленный во время самостоятельной
подготовки словарь (список незнакомых слов, выписанных из словаря с
транскрипцией и переводом).
Чтобы выполнить контрольную работу № 1, необходимо проработать по
любому вузовскому учебнику или по рекомендованным ниже учебникам,
следующие разделы грамматики:
Пассивный залог (Passive Voice): времена групп Simple, Progressive, Perfect..
Особенности перевода пассивных конструкций на русский язык.
Простые формы причастий: Participle I, Participle II.
Простые формы инфинитива.
Согласование времен.
Сложные формы причастий и инфинитива.
с инфинитивом
именительный падеж с инфинитивом (Complex Subject).
Условные предложения трех типов.
Прямая и косвенная речь.
Контрольная работа № 1
Вариант 1
Грамматическая часть
1. Замените в предложениях активный залог пассивным:
Образец: Many boys attend this club. – This club is attended by many boys.
1. A postman brings mail in the morning.
2. They will advertise the product on TV.
3. Grandmother has just planted some pear-trees.
4. Everyone can read this book soon.
5. Last night someone broke the bench.
2. Выберите из скобок требующуюся форму причастия:
6. The man (writing / written) in the note-book is my uncle. The note (writing / written)
on this piece of paper belongs to me.
7. Read the (translating / translated) sentences once more. Be attentive while (translating / translated) such sentences.
8. The girl (planting / planted) flowers is Helen. The flowers (planting / planted) by
Helen are beautiful.
9. The (singing / sung) girls are fond of music. The songs (singing / sung) by girls are
10.While (eating / eaten) be quiet. Then the (eating / eaten) meal will be more useful.
3. Задайте 5 типов вопросов к каждому предложению:
1. This bunt house will be restored next year.
2. The letter has just been sent by our secretary to our partners.
3. Cats are fed with fish.
4. Перепишите предложения в прошедшем времени, используя правило
согласования времен:
Образец: He says he is going to the hotel to have a rest. – He said he was going to
the hotel to have a rest.
He says he will bring a bottle of champagne from the fridge.
He says his friend sent him a postcard yesterday.
He says the picture is painted by a well – known artist.
He says his wife has just cooked supper.
He says he is lying on the sofa now.
5. Переведите предложения:
6. Когда новые машины будут доставлены на завод? Работать без этих машин
7. Она написала, что потеряла паспорт на прошлой неделе. Ей вернули
потерянный документ через 3 дня.
8. Правило было слишком сложно понять. Во время объяснения профессор
несколько раз говорил, что мы поймем его позже.
9. Ты сможешь пересказать этот текст? Он детально обсуждался на прошлом
10.Мне сказали, что отредактированный доклад будет напечатан на следующей
предложение на Complex Object:
Образец: I want that my sister will play with me. – I want my sister to play with
I know that your sister is a wonderful dancer.
He doesn’t like when we come home late.
They want that their son will become a lawyer.
She doesn’t want that the director will dismiss her.
We expect that our mother will forgive us.
7. Переведите предложения на английский язык, обращая внимание на
Complex Subject:
1. Говорят, что погода скоро изменится.
2. Ожидается, что экзамен будет сложным.
3. Обнаружили, что Джон забыл в офисе ключи.
4. Известно, что полиглоты говорят на многих языках.
5. Думали, что этот мужчина наш новый коллега.
8. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующейся форме:
1. If you (to give) me a dictionary, I shall be able to translate these sentences myself.
2. They would be very glad if the partners (to send) a new catalogue.
3. If you had warned me, I (not to make) a mistake.
4. If she (to ring) me yesterday, I (to bring) the book.
5. We (to go skating) if the weather (to be) fine tomorrow.
9. Переведите предложения на английский язык:
4. Если вы напишите текст побыстрее, я напечатаю его завтра.
5. Если бы она больше читала, она бы знала литературу лучше.
6. Если бы они вчера прислали факс, мы бы обсудили этот вопрос.
7. Жаль, что тест такой сложный.
8. Жаль, что вы пришли так поздно.
10. Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи:
6. Mother said to her son, “Put the plates on the table.”
7. Oleg said, “I always spend my holidays in the country.”
8. I said to my brother, “Are you going to the shop now?”
9. They said to me, “Why did you help us?”
10.Mrs. Morris said to the neighbour, “When will your children arrive?”
Лексическая часть
Business English – “Sole proprietorship”
Изучите вокабуляр:
1. То fail business
-провалить дело
2. То own
3. Sole proprietorship
-частное предприятие
4. Partnership.
5. Corporation
6. Economic activity
-экономическая деятельность
7. То make decisions
-принимать решения
8. Profits
-доходы, прибыль
9. То incur losses
-нести убытки
10. То have unlimited liability
-иметь неограниченную ответственность
11. То have limited liability
-иметь ограниченную ответственность
12. Debt
13. То declare personal bankruptcy
-объявить личное банкротство
14. То get tax benefits
-получать льготы по налогообложению
15. Investment of capital
-вложение капитала
16. To do books
-вести бухгалтерию
17. Private property
-частная собственность
18. Board of directors
-совет директоров
19. То start business
-начать дело
20. Enterprise
Прочитайте и переведите текст:
There are three main forms of business. These forms are the sole proprietorship,
the partnership and the corporation. The sole proprietorship is the most common in
many western countries. For example, more than 88 per cent of all businesses in the
United States are sole proprietorships.
Sole proprietorship is а form of enterprise owned by one person only, who has the
right to dispose оf the profits earned in the result оf economic activity and carries the
responsibility for any losses the enterprise incurs.
But it is evident that sole proprietorships don't do the greatest volume of business.
They account for only
16 per cent of all business profits, for example, in America. What kind of business is
likely to be a sole proprietorship?
Imagine, you want to start your own business. You must learn about the responsibilities of going into
business. If you go into business bу yourself, you have the right to make decisions and
control the profits. You needn't consult a lawyer to from the business. You can start or
you can stop your business whenever you like. There is по need to consult partners or
board оf directors. You decide on your vacation, hours, hiring and dismissing. But don'1
forget about the risk involved. The most important risk is that you have unlimited liability. It means that you are responsible for all your business debts and if the business fails
you'll have to declare personal bankruptcy. You can lose your private property. Another
disadvantage of а sо1e proprietorship is that it won’t get tax benefits from the government.
Nowadays there are many enterprises based on the principle of а sоlе proprietorship: shops, hairdresser's saloons, restaurants, hotels, colleges, different repair shops. As
you can sее thee are the examples оf mainly service industries, which don’t depend on а
great investment of capital.
Vocabulary practice:
1. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. Are there three main forms of business?
2. What are the main forms of business?
3. Sole proprietorship is a form of business owned by one person only, isn’t it?
4. What right does a sole proprietor have?
5. Must you learn about the responsibilities or benefits of going into business?
6. When can you start or stop your business?
7. Who decides on vacations, hours, hiring and dismissing in a sole proprietorship?
8. What is the most important risk in a sole proprietorship?
9. What is another disadvantage of a sole proprietorship?
10.Do service industries depend on a great investment of capital?
2. Choose the right ending of the sentences:
1) If yоu go into business yourself, ...
а) you must consult а lawyer.
b) you make decisions yourself.
с) you must consult the board directors.
2) The most important disadvantage of а sole proprietorship is …
а) unlimited liability.
b) limited liability.
с) nо liability at аll.
3) If уour business fails, ...
а) you appeal to the court.
b) you declare personal bankruptcy.
с) you can' t start any new business.
4) Unlimited liability means that ...
а) you are responsible for personnel selection.
b) you are responsible for investment оf capital.
c) you are responsible for business debts.
5) The examples of а sole proprietorship are ...
а) shops and restaurants.
Ь) airports and railway stations.
с) mass media.
3. Translate the sentences into English:
1) Глава нашей компании владеет несколькими предприятиями.
2) Я имею неограниченную ответственность, поэтому я несу ответственность за
свою хозяйственную
3) Если вы хотите начать собственное дело — проконсультируйтесь у юриста.
4) Большое дело требует большого вложения капитала
5) Мой долг банку составляет 5000 рублей.
6) Дело моего друга провалилось, и он объявил себя банкротом.
7) И корпорация и партнерство имеют совет директоров.
8) Частное предпринимательство — это форма бизнеса, где хозяин сам принимает
9) Эта компания несет большие убытки, поэтому их доход в следующем году
будет минимальным.
10) Если владелец предприятия тратит деньги на благотворительность, он
получает льготы по налогообложению.
Творческая часть
Make а project of уour own private enterprise. (Name, kind of activity, personnel,
working hours and vacations, your plans for the future).
Вариант 2
Грамматическая часть
1. Замените в предложениях активный залог пассивным:
Образец: Many boys attend this club. – This club is attended by many boys.
1. The ship will bring Egyptian coffee and fruit to England.
2. He can tell the names of the players.
3. Douglas defeated Lincoln in the Illinois senatorial race.
4. The senators have just finished the debates.
5. Most English schools take football seriously.
2. Выберите из скобок требующуюся форму причастия:
1. The boy (painting / painted) in the album is my son. The picture (painting / painted) by my son is devoted to my birthday.
2. They are going about the supermarket (choosing / chosen) the goods. The (choosing / chosen) goods will be packed by a shop-assistant.
3. Look! There are a lot of (digging / dug) potatoes on the ground. The man (digging / dug) potatoes is my grandfather.
4. I am sitting on the sofa (learning / learnt) the rule. The (learning / learnt) rule will
help me to write a test successfully.
5. My granny likes to spend evenings (telling / told) fairy-tails. We remember fairytails (telling / told) by our granny very well.
3. Задайте 5 типов вопросов к каждому предложению:
1. The article has not been checked by the editor.
2. My niece will be met at the station.
3. Flu is prevented by using vitamin C.
4. Перепишите предложения в прошедшем времени, используя правило
согласования времен:
Образец: He says he is going to the hotel to have a rest. – He said he was going
to the hotel to have a rest.
1. She informs they will cancel the meeting.
2. She informs the house has just been sold.
3. She informs the economist made the analysis of the data yesterday.
4. She informs the letter is being typed now.
5. She informs the exam had been finished by 12 o’clock.
5. Переведите предложения:
1. Принесите документ, подписанный ректором. Секретарь сказала, что он
будет вам необходим при заполнении анкеты.
2. Я хочу посмотреть на этот шедевр. Миниатюра, выполненная этим
скульптором, выставлена в Эрмитаже.
3. Он сказал, что может найти человека, который поможет мне. Над этим
проектом работают всего два человека.
4. Мне часто задают этот вопрос. Я сказал, что экспериментальная модель
будет закончена к маю.
5. Надпись была слишком старой, чтобы ее можно было прочитать.
6. Перепишите
предложение на Complex Object:
Образец: I want that my sister will play with me. – I want my sister to play with
1. He knows that the director takes correct decisions.
2. He doesn’t like when you laugh at his words.
3. They want that their son will become a dentist.
4. I don’t want that the partners will accept this offer.
5. We expect that the board of directors will continue the cooperation.
Переведите предложения на английский язык, обращая внимание на
Complex Subject:
1. Сообщили, что условия поставок изменились.
2. Доложили, что документы оформлены неверно.
3. Говорят, что платеж уже осуществлен.
4. Известно, что эта компания всегда предлагает скидки.
5. Думают, что это удачная сделка.
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующейся форме:
1. If he (to insist), the contract would have been concluded.
2. I would do the same if I (to be) you.
3. If Benjamin Franklin (not to work) so hard, he wouldn’t have become the symbol
of America.
4. If I (to learn) anything new, I will call you.
5. She (to except) the offer, if he prepared the documents.
Переведите предложения на английский язык:
1. Если вы измените этот пункт контракта, мы подпишем его.
2. Если бы они произвели доставку в срок, мы бы не отправляли жалобу.
3. Если бы скидка была выше, мы бы заказали больше товара.
4. Жаль, что сумма контракта настолько велика.
5. Жаль, что он не привез отчеты.
Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи:
1. Kate said to her friend, “Help me with this report, please.”
2. I said, “He is working at this plan now.”
3. She asked, “Are you partners interested in this deal?”
4. They said to me, “What can you offer instead?”
5. She asked, “When will the contract be signed?”
Лексическая часть
Business English – “Partnership”
- партнерство
22.To carry business
- вести бизнес
23.General partner
- партнер с неограниченной ответственностью
24.Limited partner
- партнер с ограниченной ответственностью
25.Silent partner
- партнер без права голоса
26.Secret partner
- скрытый партнер
27.Dormant partner
- тайный партнер
28.Nominal partner
- номинальный партнер
- преимущество
- недостаток
- сделка
- управление
33.To be legally responsible
- нести юридическую ответственность
34.To share
- делить
35.To invest / to contribute
- вкладывать деньги
36.To combine resources
- объединять ресурсы
37.Amount of money
- сумма
38.To draw up a Deed of Partnership - составлять устав партнерства
39.To reduce / cut prices
- снижать цены
40.To make a right choice
- делать правильный выбор
A partnership is an association of minimum two persons to carry on a business for
profit. Partnerships comprise between two and twenty people who contribute capital
and expertise to a common enterprise. It is usual when setting up a partnership to
draw up a Deed of Partnership, which is a legal document stating how much capital
has been contributed to the business by each partner, the share of profits they will receive and rules, for electing new partners. When the owners of the partnership have
unlimited liability they are called general partners. If partners have limited liability
they are called limited partners. There may be a silent partner – a person who is
known to the public as a member of the firm but without authority in management.
The reverse of the silent partner is the secret partner – a person who takes part in
management but is not known to the public. The dormant partner is both silent and
secret. The nominal partner lends the use of his or her name to the business.
A partnership offers a number of advantages to business. A group of partners will
be able to invest more capital than an individual sole trader. They also succeed better
if partners have different ranges of experience and abilities. Partners take decisions
together. Partners can cover for one another in the event of illness or holidays. Partnerships are easy to form and often get tax benefits from the government.
Partnerships have certain disadvantages too. One is unlimited liability. It means
that each partner is legally responsible for all debts and the whole business. Another
disadvantage is that partners may disagree with each other. And the next disadvantage is that resources are still limited.
Any business may have a form of the partnership: law, medicine, insurance, real
estate, stockbrokerage and so on.
Vocabulary practice:
1. Match each term with its definition:
6) sole proprietorship
7) partnership
8) risk
9) unlimited liability
f) equal legal responsibility.
g) a business owned by one person only.
h) saving plus borrowing ability.
i) a business owned y two or more individuals.
j) the chance that one can lose money when one goes into business.
2. Correct the ending of the sentences using a colloquial phrase:
1) A nominal partner is a person who takes part in management but isn’t known
to the public.
2) A dormant partner lends the use of his or her name to the business.
3) A secret partner is the synonym of a general partner.
4) A limited partner is a person who has unlimited liability in business.
5) A general partner is a person who is known to the public but without authority
in management.
3. Translate the sentences into English:
Если вы ведете дело в партнерстве с неограниченной ответственностью, вы
очень рискуете.
Мы вкладываем в дело одинаковый капитал.
Она хорошо разбирается в бухгалтерии, поэтому я хочу привлечь ее в дело как
общего партнера.
Партнеры делят прибыль в зависимости от вложенной суммы.
Каковы основные недостатки партнерства?
Я предлагаю вам стать секретным партнером, который принимает участие в
управлении предприятием.
Ресурсы нашей компании были ограничены, поэтому мы не могли снизить цены
на сырье.
Если вы хотите обезопасить себя как партнера - составьте договор о
Все партнеры предприятия несут полную юридическую ответственность.
У партнерства, как и у частного предприятия, есть преимущества.
Творческая часть
Write an article the newspaper “Partners – friends: is it good for business?”
Вариант 3
Грамматическая часть
1. Замените в предложениях активный залог пассивным:
Образец: Many boys attend this club. – This club is attended by many boys.
1. The student translated the text.
2. The player has scored the goal.
3. This singer performs songs brilliantly.
4. The ministers adopted a new document.
5. The boy broke the telephone.
2. Выберите из скобок требующуюся форму причастия:
1. The girl (painting / painted) on the paper is the best pupil. The pictures (painting /
painted) by this girl take part in school exhibitions.
2. They are going about forest (picking / picked) flowers. The (picking / picked)
flowers will be presented to their mother.
3. There is a lot of (throwing / thrown) flour everywhere. The boy (throwing /
thrown) flour wants to cook pan - cakes.
4. He is sitting at the table (learning / learnt) the poem. The (learning / learnt) poem
will be told tomorrow.
5. His grandfather likes to spend evenings (telling / told) about the war. We remember stories (telling / told) by his grandfather very well.
3. Задайте 5 типов вопросов к каждому предложению:
1. The car has been repaired by Jack.
2. He will be taken to the hotel in an hour.
3. Fruit is washed before eating.
Перепишите предложения в прошедшем времени, используя правило
согласования времен:
Образец: He says he is going to the hotel to have a rest. – He said he was going
to the hotel to have a rest.
1. He announces the flight is canceled.
2. He announces the tickets have just been sold.
3. He announces the secretary sent the fax yesterday.
4. He announces the director is signing important documents now.
5. He announces the test will have finished by 12 o’clock.
Переведите предложения:
1. Дайте мне тест, написанный этим студентом. Учитель сказал, что нам
необходимо проверить его еще раз.
2. Он принес порванную золотую цепочку. Он сказал, что цепочка порвана его
3. Они сообщили, что этот переводчик поможет нам. Перевод, сделанный этим
переводчиком, выполнен профессионально.
4. Ей всегда задают этот вопрос. Она сказала, что рецепты ее диеты написаны
в этой книге.
5. Текст был слишком мелким, чтобы его можно было прочитать без
специальных устройств.
6. Перепишите
придаточное дополнительное
предложение на Complex Object:
Образец: I want that my sister will play with me. – I want my sister to play with
1. We know that he is a professional specialist.
2. She doesn’t like when I argue with her.
3. They want that their son will visit English courses.
4. He doesn’t want that his friend will lie him.
5. We expect that our partners will send the contract in time.
7. Переведите предложения на английский язык, обращая внимание на
Complex Subject:
1. Сообщают, что курс доллара упал.
2. Ожидали, что директор примет правильное решение.
3. Написали, что эксперимент провалился.
4. Известно, что это новейшее достижение робототехники.
5. Предполагают, что эта новость удивит его.
8. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующейся форме:
1. If he (to know) her address, he would write her.
2. If they had been at the concert, they (to enjoy) it.
3. We will not miss the train if we (to take) a taxi.
4. If it (to be) not so cold, the children would go to the mountains.
5. If he hadn’t worked so much, he (not to have) this money.
9. Переведите предложения на английский язык:
1. Если бы она знала язык, она бы получила эту должность.
2. Если мы ответим на это вопрос правильно, мы пройдем тестирование на
3. Если бы он раньше узнал, что вам нужна помощь, он бы приехал первым же
4. Жаль, что английский язык такой сложный.
5. Жаль, что он не сказал мне правду.
10. Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи:
1. Jack said to me, “Bring me the balance sheet, please.”
2. The director noticed, “They will inform us about price changes.”
3. I said to Alice, “Are you correcting mistakes in the account?”
4. They said to me, “When did you finish the income statement?”
5. She asked, “Don’t make any changes without my permission”
Лексическая часть
Business English – “Corporation”
16.Sales promotion
- продвижение товара на рынок
2. То establish
- учреждать, устанавливать
3. Stock / stock certificate / share
- акция
4. Stockholder / shareholder
- акционер
5. Corporation
- корпорация
6. Bond
- облигация
7. Dividend
- дивиденд
8. To run business
- вести бизнес
9. To issue stocks
- выпускать акции
10. Memorandum of Association
- акт о слиянии
11. To elect a board of directors
- выбирать совет директоров
12. Chief executive
- председатель
13. To purchase
- покупать
14. То incorporate
- объединяться
15. To apply for a corporate charter
- подавать заявление на корпоративный
16. To have a final authority
- иметь решающее слово
17. To supervise daily management
18. To sue
- подавать в суд
19. То hold annual meeting
- проводить ежегодное собрание
20. To launch in production
- запустить в производство
A business corporation is an institution established for the purpose of making
profits and is commonly found in all areas of activity: agriculture, manufacturing and
services (banking, insurance, education, medicine, etc.). It is owned by individuals.
Their shares of ownership are represented by stock certificates. A person who owns a
stock certificate is called a stockholder.
The corporation structure consists of a board of director, a chief executive or
president, and the owners – called stockholders, shareholders, or investors. The president, who actually runs the company, is chosen by the board of directors. Investors provide the equity financing of the business by purchasing shares of stocks, which entitle
them to share of the profits in the form of dividends, or bonds.
There are several advantages of the corporate form of ownership. The first is ability to attract financial resources. The next advantage is that corporations, owing huge
capital, can invest it in research, equipment, advertising campaign, etc. Corporations offer higher salaries and attract talented managers and specialists. The shareholders of the
company are granted the protection of limited liability. This means that if the business
fails, they risk only their personal investment and their possessions are not at risk.
There are two main types of corporations. They can be recognized by abbreviations “plc” or “Ltd” after the name of the company. “Ltd” stands for “Limited” and is
fixed to a private company. They are often closed; their stocks belong to only those
people who actually run the business. “Plc” stands for “public limited company” and is
fixed to a public company – that is, their stocks are sold to the general public. They can
be profitable and nonprofit.
The exact power that the corporations have is set out in its Memorandum of Association. It includes the following:
- The proposed company’s name
- The company’s registered address
- The amount of capital the company wished to raise
- The company’s objective in trading. Generally, companies construct this
clause in vague terms so as not to restrict their future expansion.
- For public companies, a statement that they are public and are issuing their
shares for sale to the general public.
Vocabulary practice:
Match the jobs and the departments with their Russian equivalents:
1. Board of directors
Managing Director
Production Department
Finance Department
Marketing Department
Administration Department
Planning Department
Research and Development
Accounting Department
Sales Department
Personnel Department
Advertising Department
Training Department
PR (Public Relations) Department
Отдел обучения и подготовки кадров
Совет директоров
Отдел кадров
Производственный отдел
Отдел рекламы
Финансовый отдел
Отдел исследования и развития
Отдел административного управления
Плановый отдел
Отдел по связи с общественностью
Отдел маркетинга
Директор - распорядитель
Отдел сбыта, коммерческий отдел
Choose the best answer:
1) A corporation is ...
а) the same thing as a very large partnership.
b) licensed by the city in which it is located.
с) owned by those holding shares of stocks.
2) A corporation has limited liability. It means that there is …
а) no limit to the amount of money the corporation may lose.
b) a limit to the amount of money the corporation may lose.
с) a limit to the amount of money an individual stockholder may lose.
3) Ownership of the corporation is easily transferred. The reason is that...
а) there are more corporations than any other kinds of business.
b) ownership is transferred through the sale of stocks.
с) most people know someone who would be willing to buy shares in a corporation.
4) compared to a sole proprietorships and partnerships corporations are ...
а) subject to fewer taxes.
b) usually smaller.
c) more expensive to form.
5) The major responsibility of the board of directors in a large corporation is to...
а) look after the well-being of the employees.
b) look after the interests of stockholders.
с) direct the purchase of supplies and equipment.
Translate the sentences into English:
1) Корпорация может выпускать и продавать акции и облигации.
2) Владельцы акций проводят ежегодное собрание и выбирают совет директоров.
3) Акционеры имеют решающее слово в управлении корпорацией.
4) Корпорация имеет больше возможностей для вовлечения финансовых
ресурсов и расширения, ем партнерство.
5) Я работаю в рекламном отделе и отвечаю за продвижение товара на рынок.
6) Мы собираемся запустить в производство новую продукцию, и к концу года
наши акционеры получат хорошие дивиденды.
7) В прошлом году два предприятия решили объединиться и подали заявление на
корпоративный патент.
8) Корпорация, как и частное лицо, может подавать заявление в суд.
9) Филиал нашей компании хочет вложить большую сумму денег в исследование
и разработку новой компьютерной программы.
10) Кто осуществляет ежедневное руководство компанией?
Творческая часть
You are a representative of a large company and your duty is to persuade
potential stockholders to buy shares of your company. But some people don’t believe that it is profitable to invest money into some business. Make a speech to persuade them.
Вариант 4
Грамматическая часть
Замените в предложениях активный залог пассивным:
Образец: Many boys attend this club. – This club is attended by many boys.
1. The girl fed the kitten.
2. Olga usually translates texts in the evening.
3. The “Spartak” defeated the “Dinamo” last Saturday.
4. The students are passing the exams now.
5. Mr. Brown has already cooked dinner.
Выберите из скобок требующуюся форму причастия:
1. The child was (amazing / amazed) with toys. The toys were (amazing / amazed).
2. The girl (opening / opened) the window is my friend. The (opening / opened)
window brought fresh air into the auditorium.
3. The man (telling / told) jokes in the yard, is our neighbour Mike. But the jokes
(telling / told) by him are always forgotten.
4. I am sitting on the bench (reading / read) the newspaper. I’ll give you the (reading
/ read) newspaper.
5. The students (writing / written) in the library are preparing for the conference.
The reports (writing / written) by these students will be published in a month.
Задайте 5 типов вопросов к каждому предложению:
1. Those lectures were edited by Mr. Brown.
2. The article will be discussed tomorrow.
3. The discs have just been recorded.
Перепишите предложения в прошедшем времени, используя правило
согласования времен:
Образец: He says he is going to the hotel to have a rest. – He said he was going
to the hotel to have a rest.
1. They reported that the participants of the conference will arrive tomorrow.
2. They reported that the board of directors has just made the decision on this matter.
3. They reported that the balance sheet was completed yesterday.
4. They reported that the results of the enterprise activity are being discussed now.
5. They reported that the annual meeting had finished by 12 o’clock.
Переведите предложения:
1. Дайте мне отчет, напечатанный секретарем. Она сказала, что в нем есть
2. Эти данные были исправлены вчера. Совет директоров сообщил, что новые
данные будут оглашены вскоре после собрания.
3. Он сказал, что это – очень сложное оборудование. Над новым процессом
обработки ткани работает весь отдел.
4. Над этими словами часто смеются. Я сказал, что бизнес план будет
закончена к концу недели.
5. На него посмотрели с удивлением. Договор, подписанный им, был
предложение на Complex Object:
Образец: I want that my sister will play with me. – I want my sister to play with
1. I know that this lawyer is the best specialist.
2. I don’t like when you discuss my ideas without me.
3. She wants that her children will become economists.
4. She didn’t expect that he would not agree with her plan.
5. We hope that the conference will increase their interest in economics.
Переведите предложения на английский язык, обращая внимание на
Complex Subject:
1. Предполагают, что курс рубля стабилизируется к концу года.
2. Ожидали, что эта информация изменит расположение сил в правительстве.
3. Сообщают, что новый проект только что одобрен.
4. Было известно, что активы этого банка постоянно увеличиваются.
5. Думали, что это предприятие находится в частной собственности.
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующейся форме:
1. If you (to insist) on your plan, the director hadn’t attracted specialists from another department.
2. I would express my opinion if I knew the precise figures.
3. If they offer a 10 % discount, we (to sign) the contract.
4. If she (to ask) me yesterday, I (to return) the book.
5. I (to translate) the text if you (to bring) my dictionary tomorrow.
Переведите предложения на английский язык:
1. Если бы вы спросили об этом вчера, я бы показал вам данные.
2. Если бы она заполнила отчет, мы бы представили его на совете директоров.
3. Если вы прочитаете акт о слиянии, вы поймете суть нашего разговора.
4. Жаль, что я не разбираюсь в бухучете.
5. Жаль, что вы пришли так поздно.
Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи:
1. The director said to the visitors, “Enter the conference hall, please.”
2. She said, “The end of the fiscal year is difficult time for accountants.”
3. He asked, “Did you pay the bills yesterday?”
4. He said to me, “When will you finish the transaction?”
5. Andrew asked, “Are you discussing the discounts now?”
Лексическая часть
English – “Accountancy”
Accountancy / accounting
- бухучет
Double-entry book-keeping system
- двойная система бухучета
- сделка
- дебит
- кредит
- счет
Financial report / financial statement – финансовый отчет, финансовый документ
Balance sheet
- балансовый отчет
Income statement
- отчет о доходах
Cash flow statement
- отчет о движении капитала
Fiscal year
- отчетный / фискальный год
- активы
- пассивы
- доходы
- расходы
- заем
- прибыль
- убытки
Inflow – outflow
- приток / отток
To pay bill
-оплачивать счета
Accountancy (British English) or accounting (American English) is the process of
maintaining, auditing, and processing financial information for business purposes.
At the heart of modern accountancy is the double-entry book-keeping system.
This system involves making at least two entries for every transaction: a debit in one
account, and a corresponding credit in another account. The sum of all debits should
always equal the sum of all credits.
Accountancy allows the creation of accurate financial reports.
Financial statements (or financial reports) are a record of a business' financial
flows and levels.
Typically they will include:
a balance sheet setting out the net asset position of a business
an income statement, income and expenditure statement or profit and loss account
a cash flow statement
a statement of other recognized gains and losses or other comprehensive income
statement or statement of retained earnings
supplementary notes and management discussion
Balance sheet
In formal bookkeeping and accounting, a balance sheet is a statement of the financial value (or "worth") of a business or other organization (or person) at a particular
date, usually at the end of its "fiscal year," as distinct from a profit and loss statement
("P&L," also known as an income statement), which records income and expenditures
over some period. The balance sheet has two parts: assets and liabilities.
Asset is anything owned:
fixed assets Those are assets continually turned over in the course of a business
during normal business activity. Examples: debtors, stock, cash and work in progress.
current assets. Assets which are purchases for continued and long-term use in
earning profit in a business. Examples: land, buildings, machinery, etc.
A financial liability is something that is owed to another party.
Examples of types of liabilities include: money owing on a loan, money owing on a
Income statement
Income statement is net income results from revenue (Inflows or other enhancements of assets of an entity or settlements of its liabilities during a period from delivering or producing goods, rendering services, or other activities that constitute the entity's
ongoing major or central operations), expense (Outflows or other using-up of assets or
incurrences of liabilities during a period from delivering or producing goods, rendering
services, or carrying out other activities that constitute the entity's ongoing major or
central operations), gain (Increases in equity (net assets) from peripheral or incidental
transactions of an entity except those that result from revenues or investments by owners), and loss (Decreases in equity (net assets) from peripheral or incidental transactions
of an entity except those that result from expenses or distributions to owners) transactions.
Cash flow statement
A cash flow statement is a financial report that shows incoming and outgoing
money during a particular period (often monthly or quarterly). This makes it useful for
determining the short-term viability of a company, particularly its ability to pay bills.
Vocabulary practice:
Match each term in Column A with its definition in Column B:
Financial statement
Balance sheet
Income statement
The present possessions and activities of the company.
A record of financial transactions of the company.
A record of financial situation of the company at the end of fiscal year.
Possessions or money lent to the company.
A record of financial situation of the company over some period of time.
Correct the sentences using a colloquial phrase:
1) Accountancy is the process of promotion the goods to the market.
2) The main principle of modern accountancy is based on marketing.
3) The sum of all debits should always equal the sum of all money earned by the
4) Financial statements are a record of a business plan of the development of the
5) The balance sheet has two parts: money and property.
3. Translate the sentences into English:
Бухгалтерская отчетность как наука имеет свой предмет и метод.
Предметом бухгалтерского учета в обобщенном виде выступает хозяйственная
деятельность предприятия с точки зрения системы учета ресурсов и результатов
финансовой и хозяйственной деятельности предприятия.
Все хозяйственные операции, проводимые организацией должны оформляться
оправдательными документами.
Двойная запись - способ регистрации хозяйственных операций на счетах
бухгалтерского учета; состоит в том, что сумма каждой хозяйственной операции
одновременно записывается в дебет одного счета и в кредит другого.
Вам следует посмотреть форму отчета в каталоге финансовых документов.
Балансовый отчет отражает финансовое состояние предприятия на конкретный
момент времени – конец фискального года.
Каждый руководитель хочет точно учитывать доходы и расходы своего
Вы хотите избежать проблем с заполнением финансовой документации? Наймите
квалифицированного бухгалтера.
Проверка активов и пассивов займет много времени.
Почему ваша компания еще не предоставила отчета о доходах?
Творческая часть
Write an article to the newspaper “What enterprises are more adaptable for the
modern market economy: large or small?”
Вариант 5
Грамматическая часть
Замените в предложениях активный залог пассивным:
Образец: Many boys attend this club. – This club is attended by many boys.
1. My friend translated the article.
2. The company has just loaded the goods.
3. The partners will pay the account soon.
4. They offer discounts to our company.
5. The manager discussed this matter with the personnel.
Выберите из скобок требующуюся форму причастия:
1. The boy (watching / watched) the educational program wants to win the quiz. The
program (watching / watched) will help him to answer difficult questions.
2. I saw my friend (choosing / chosen) the present for her daughter. The (choosing /
chosen) present looks nice.
3. The man (asking / asked) the girl is our teacher. The girl (asking / asked) by the
teacher is my friend.
4. The men (building / built) the bridge are professional workers. The (building /
built) part of the bridge is being painted now.
5. The woman (washing / washed) the clothes is her mother. The (washing /
washed) clothes are put in the basket.
Задайте 5 типов вопросов к каждому предложению:
4. The text has just been copied by Jack.
5. The poem will be learnt by my sister.
6. These houses were built some centuries ago.
Перепишите предложения в прошедшем времени, используя правило
согласования времен:
Образец: He says he is going to the hotel to have a rest. – He said he was going
to the hotel to have a rest.
1. She declares that they will prove this statement.
2. She declares that he is working with her partners now.
3. She declares that she wanted to watch a new film.
4. She declares that the goods have jut been unloaded.
5. She declares that they have been making the price list for half an hour.
Переведите предложения:
1. Покажите проект, разработанный нашим экономистом. Коллеги сказали,
что он принесет большую прибыль.
2. Директор хочет обсудить недостатки этой модели. Модель, выполненная из
стали, будет гораздо прочнее.
3. Она сказал, что знает человека, который написал эту книгу. Над этой
книгой он работал пол года.
4. Об этом специалисте часто говорят. Нам сказали, что он поможет нам с
5. Меня спрашивали об этой истории час назад.
придаточное дополнительное
предложение на Complex Object:
Образец: I want that my sister will play with me. – I want my sister to play with
1. He likes when you give him presents.
2. She hates when her children fight.
3. They want that their employees will win the competition.
4. I want that my friend won’t offend me.
5. He expects that their plan will be the best.
Переведите предложения на английский язык, обращая внимание на
Complex Subject:
1. Сообщают, что они уде провели анализ рынка.
2. Ожидается, что цены на нефть будут снижаться.
3. Оказалось, что директор одобрил этот проект.
4. Заявили, что уровень безработицы превысил ожидаемые прогнозы.
5. Думали, что он проконсультирует нашего юриста по этому вопросу.
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующейся форме:
1. If I (to see) him yesterday, I (to give) him your recommendations.
2. If your instructions (to be received) earlier, the goods (to be sent) in time.
3. You (to pass) the exam tomorrow if you (to prepare) well.
4. If we received the documents tomorrow, we (to start) loading the goods on Monday.
5. If my colleague had time now, he (to help) us with the business plan.
Переведите предложения на английский язык:
1. Если бы я знал адрес, я бы отправил факс раньше.
2. Если бы она проверяла отчеты лучше, главный бухгалтер доверял бы ей.
3. Если вы решите этот вопрос завтра, мы пришлем вам прайс – лист
4. Жаль, что этот отчет такой сложный.
5. Жаль, что в контейнере было много испорченного товара.
Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи:
1. I said to him, “Please, translate this sentence.”
2. He said, “Our company spends much money for charity.”
3. She asked, “When do you want the goods to be supplied?”
4. The manager asked, “Will you open the letter of credit?”
5. Mr. Brown asked, “Did you come here yesterday?”
Лексическая часть
Business English – “Marketing”
20. Market research
- исследование рынка
21. Goods and services
- товары и услуги
22. To satisfy
- удовлетворять
23. To gather information
- собирать информацию
24. Buyer
- покупатель
25. Seller
- продавец
26. Customer
- потребитель
27. To identify
- устанавливать, опознавать
28. To anticipate
- предвосхищать
29. To distribute
- распределять
30. Packaging
- упаковка
31. Pricing
- ценообразование
32. Branding
- брэнд
33. Storage
- хранение
34. After-sales service
- гарантийное обслуживание
35. Wholesaler
- оптовый продавец
36. Retailer
- розничный продавец
37. Middleman
- посредник
38. Competition
- конкуренция
39. To value
- оценивать
A popular slogan that describes modern-day marketing is, “Find a need and fill it”.
What does it mean? It means that business must do some market research to find out
what goods and services people and organizations want and need.
Marketing is the process of studying wants and needs and satisfying those wants
and needs by exchanging goods and services; this results in satisfied buyers and creates
profits for sellers.
It is a management process of identifying, anticipating and satisfying customers
needs profitably.
Identifying: researching the market and gathering information.
Anticipating: Innovating, developing new products, distributing them, publicizing
them, and promoting them.
Satisfying: good quality products, that perform as expected, are easily available, are
at a price customers are willing to pay, with adequate after-sales service.
Profitably: controlling costs, operating efficiently, being dependable, keeping up-todate, professionally managed.
When developing programs to satisfy market wants and needs, marketing managers
work with several variables known as the marketing mix. A marketing mix is the strategic combination of product decisions with decisions on packaging, pricing, distribution, credit, branding, service, complaint handling and other marketing activities. All
these activities are often combined under four easily remembered categories called the
four P’s: product, place, promotion, and price.
From a marketing viewpoint a product is not just the physical good or service. A
product consists of all the tangibles and intangibles that consumers evaluate when deciding whether or not to buy something. When people buy a product, they evaluate its
price, package, guarantee, image created by advertising, reputation of the producer,
brand name, service, buyers’ past experience, store surroundings etc.
Place, or distribution, means getting goods to the right place at the right time in the
right quantity. The distribution mix includes eight main functions – research, risk bearing, storage, selling, buying, credit, transportation and grading.
Two institutions have emerged to perform the distribution function: wholesalers
and retailers.
A retailer is a marketing middleman who sells to consumers.
A wholesaler is a marketing middleman who sells to organizations and individuals,
but not final consumers. He purchases, for resale, the best available merchandise at the
lowest possible prices and expedite the delivery of goods from the producer to the customer.
A promotion mix is some combination of promotional tools (advertising, personal
selling, public relations, publicity, sales promotion, a good product or service, and
word-of-mouth) that can be used to communicate to various publics.
Firms must establish realistic and measurable pricing goals if marketing strategy is
to be effective. Determining the price one needs to remember that consumers do not buy
price – they react to value. Demand always determines the price, price depends on timing (season, fashion, location) and competition.
Vocabulary practice:
1. Match the words and their definitions:
1. Marketing
a. Getting goods to the right place at the right time in the
right quantity.
2. Product
b. A process of studying people's wants and needs and satisfying them by exchanging goods and services, resulting in
profits for sellers.
3. Place
c. Money paid by customers and received by sellers.
4. Promotion
d. A good or a service and everything connected with
them – package, guarantee, brand name, etc.
5. Price
e. Combination of different tools such as advertising, publicity, personal selling etc in order to sell goods or services.
2. Say TRUE or FALSE using a colloquial phrase (To my mind…, in my opinion…):
1. Product is just a physical good.
2. A good marketer must think like a consumer.
3. We can identify many consumer products looking at their packaging.
4. People often buy certain products just because of their brand names.
5. Middlemen only add cost to products and do no good.
6. A wholesaler is a marketing middleman who sells to final consumers.
7. All products need some form of marketing – they need to be promoted, priced
and distributed.
8. Good marketing can lead to benefit.
9. A high quality product doesn’t need marketing, because it will sell itself.
10. The volume of sales doesn’t depend on advertising.
3. Translate the sentences from Russian into English:
1. Эффективный маркетинг – это продать потребителю не товар, а удовольствие.
2. Человеческие
покупательской способностью.
3. Ценообразование – это искусство установления наилучшей реальной цены за
4. Информация о рынке поступает от потребителя к розничному продавцу, от
розничного к оптовику, от оптовика к производителю.
5. Рынок объединяет покупателей и продавцов товаров и услуг.
6. Распространение
транспортировку, хранение, возможные риски, страховку и некоторые другие
7. Конкуренция стимулирует рынок и производителей товаров и услуг.
8. Существует разница между оптовым продавцом и розничным.
9. Чем меньше посредников в цепи распространения товара, тем ниже его
10.Иногда красивая упаковка или брандовое имя имеют для покупателя большее
значение, чем его качество.
Творческая часть
Write an article to the newspaper: “Does price always mean quality?”
Вопросы по теме “Television”:
Is television one of the most important mass media nowadays?
Television was invented at the end of the XIX century, wasn’t it?
Is television a very convenient source of information?
What kinds of programmes are there on TV? (news, talk-shows, sport programmes…)
Is it better to watch a good film at home on TV or to go the cinema? Why?
Does television have any advantages? What are they?
Does television have any disadvantages? What are they?
Do you agree that there is much violence on TV?
Do you think children can watch TV without any limits?
Do you like interrupting of any programme by advertisements?
What is your favourite channel?
Do you have your favourite TV programme? What is it?
Do you watch “soap operas” on TV? What are they?
What films do you like more: Russian or foreign?
What is your favourite genre of films? (action, thriller, comedy…)
What is your favourite actor or actress? What is your favourite film?
Do you watch the news? What information can you get watching the new?
Would you like to take part in a TV-game? (“Kreslo”, “Who wants to become a millionaire?”…) Why?
Should we combine watching TV with visiting some other places of entertainment?
(theatres, cinemas, exhibitions …) Why?
Imagine, you are the main producer of Russian television. Would you like to make
any changes in it?
Вопросы по теме “My specaility”:
You are a second year student of Far Eastern State Technical University, aren’t you?
Was it difficult for you to finish the first course?
What subjects do you study at the University?
What is the most difficult subject for you?
Is it necessary to have higher education nowadays?
Why did you decide to get higher education?
Does choosing of a profession depend on economical situation of the country?
Why did you decide to get education of an economist?
Do you think profession of an economist is claiming nowadays? Why?
What profession do you think is the most claiming nowadays?
Are there places of employment for economists in our town?
What kinds of enterprises is an economist required at?
Why do enterprises and companies need an economist?
Does the financial situation of a company depend on the work of an economist?
What are the duties of an economist at the company?
Does an economist plan long-term or short-term work of a company?
What should an economist know to be a good specialist? (except education)
What traits of character should an economist have to be a good specialist? (analytical
way of thinking, executive, hard-working…)
Is it better for an economist to work at a private or a state enterprise?
Would you like to get some other education? (lawyer, accountant…)
Вопросы по теме “Management”:
Management by definition is a function of planning, organizing, motivating, reviewing, communicating and coordinating, isn’t it?
What does planning mean for an enterprise? Is a plan a design for achieving some
Can plans relate to short, medium and long-term intentions?
What does a manager usually plan?
What does organizing of a working process mean?
Motivating is ability to built teams and keep them working effectively, isn’t it?
Is the ability to delegate one of the most important?
Must a manager review progress to ensure that the plan is working properly?
Can a manager modify activities to make working process bring desired profits?
Does a reviewing process depend on feedback (обратная связь) of accurate and
timely information relating to the target set during the planning phase?
Is the degree of success directly related to the quality of communication?
Meetings, instructions, notice-boards, memos, etc. are examples of formal communication, aren’t they?
What does informal communication mean?
Communication can be verbal, written, drawn or non-verbal, can’t it?
What are the examples of these forms of communication? (letters, meetings, discussions, charts, smiles, relaxed or tense posture…)
Communication generates relations – good, neutral or bad, doesn’t it?
Is the purpose of co-ordination to ensure that all the pieces fit together to produce the
planned outcome?
Co-ordination is also the process of finding the right person for each job, isn’t it?
Co-ordination is achieved through the formal meetings, isn’t it?
Is good management a combination of all mentioned above activities?
Вопросы по теме “The structure of a company”:
Use the chart to describe the structure of a company:
pe r-
ma n-
and development
public relations
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Номер зачетки 1 – 2 - 9
Gold standard
Why gold?
Because of its rarity and durability, gold has long been used as a means of payment. The exact nature of the evolution of money varies significantly across time and
place, though it is believed by historians that gold's high value for its utility, density, resistance to corrosion, uniformity, and easy divisibility made it useful both as a store of
value and as a unit of account for stored value of other kinds — in Babylon a bushel of
wheat was the unit of account, with a weight in gold used as the token to transport value. Early monetary systems based on grain used gold to represent the stored value.
Banking began when gold deposited in a bank could be transferred from one bank account to another by a giro system, or lent at interest.
When used as part of a hard-money system, the function of paper currency is to
reduce the danger of transporting gold, reduce the possibility of debasement of coins,
and avoid the reduction in circulating medium to hoarding and losses. The early development of paper money was spurred originally by the unreliability of transportation and
the dangers of long voyages, as well as by the desire of governments to control or regulate the flow of commerce within their dominion. Money backed by a specie is sometimes called representative money, and the notes issued are often called certificates, to
differentiate them from other forms of paper money.
Early coinage
The first metal used as a currency was silver, before 2000 BC, when silver ingots
were used in trade, and it was not until 1500 years later that the first coinage of pure
gold was introduced. However, long before this time gold had been the basis of trade
contracts in Akkadia, and later in Egypt. Silver remained the most common monetary
metal used in ordinary transactions through the 19th century.
The Persian Empire collected taxes in gold and, when conquered by Alexander
the Great, this gold became the basis for the gold coinage of his empire. The paying of
mercenaries and armies in gold solidified its importance: gold became synonymous with
paying for military operations, as mentioned by Niccolo Machiavelli in The Prince two
thousand years later. The Roman Empire minted two important gold coins: aureus,
which was approximately 7 grams of gold alloyed with silver, and the smaller solidus,
which weighed 4.4 grams, of which 4.2 was gold. The Roman mints were fantastically
active — the Romans minted, and circulated, millions of coins during the course of the
Republic and the Empire.
After the collapse of the Western Roman Empire and the exhaustion of the gold
mines in Europe, the Byzantine empire continued to mint successor coins to the solidus
called the nomisma or bezant. They were forced to mix more and more base metal with
the gold until, by the turn of the millennium, the coinage in circulation was only 25%
gold by weight. This represented a tremendous drop in real value from the old 95% pure
Roman coins. Thus, trade was increasingly conducted via the coinage in use in the Arabic world, produced from African gold: the dinar.
The dinar and dirham were gold and silver coins, respectively, originally minted
by the Persians. The Caliphates in the Islamic world adopted these coins, but it is with
Caliph Abd al-Malik (685–705) who reformed the currency that the history of the dinar
is usually thought to begin. He removed depictions from coins, established standard references to Allah on the coins, and fixed ratios of silver to gold. The growth of Islamic
power and trade made the dinar the dominant coin from the Western coast of Africa to
northern India until the late 1200s, and it continued to be one of the predominant coins
for hundreds of years afterwards.
In 1284, the Republic of Venice coined their first solid gold coin, the ducat,
which was to become the standard of European coinage for the next 600 years. Other
coins, the florin, nobel, grosh, złoty, and guinea, were also introduced at this time by
other European states to facilitate growing trade. The ducat, because of Venice's pre136
eminent role in trade with the Islamic world and its ability to secure fresh stocks of
gold, would remain the standard against which other coins were measured.
Beginning with the conquest of the Aztec Empire and Inca Empire, Spain had access to stocks of new gold for coinage in addition to silver. The primary Spanish gold
unit of account was the escudo, and the basic coin the 8 escudos piece, or "doubloon",
which was originally set at 27.4680 grams of 22 carat gold, using current measures, and
was valued at 16 times the equivalent weight of silver. The wide availability of milled
and cob gold coins made it possible for the West Indies to make gold the only legal tender in 1704. The circulation of Spanish coins would create the unit of account for the
United States, the "dollar" based on the Spanish silver real, and Philadelphia's currency
market would trade in Spanish colonial coins.
Номер зачетки 3 – 4 - 0
Establishment of the International Gold Standard (1871–1900)
Germany was created as a unified country following the Franco-Prussian War; it established the Reichsmark, went on to a strict gold standard, and used gold mined in
South Africa to expand the money supply. Rapidly most other nations followed suit,
since gold became a transportable, universal and stable unit of valuation. See Globalization.
Throughout the decade of the 1870s deflationary and depressionary economics created periodic demands for silver currency. However, such attempts generally failed, and
continued the general pressure towards a gold standard. By 1879, only gold coins were
accepted through the Latin Monetary Union, composed of France, Italy, Belgium, Switzerland and later Greece, even though silver was, in theory, a circulating medium.
By creating a standard unit of account which was easily redeemable, relatively stable in
quantity, and verifiable in its purity, the gold standard ushered in a period of dramatically expanded trade between industrializing nations, and "periphery" nations which produced agricultural goods — the so called "bread baskets". This "First Era of Globalization" was not, however, without its costs. One of the most dramatic was the Irish Potato
Famine, where even as people began to starve it was more profitable to export food to
Britain. The result turned a blight into a humanitarian disaster. Amartya Sen in his work
on famines theorized that famines are caused by an increase in the price of food, not by
food shortage itself, and hence the root cause of trade based famines is an imbalance in
wealth between the food exporter and the food importer.
At the same time it caused a dramatic fall in aggregate demand, and a series of
long Depressions in the United States and the United Kingdom. This should not be confused with the failure to industrialize or a slowing of total output of goods. Thus the attempts to produce alternate currencies include the introduction of Postal Money Orders
in Britain in 1881, later made legal tender during World War I, and the "Greenback"
party in the US, which advocated the slowing of the retirement of paper currency not
backed by gold.
By encouraging industrial specialization, industrializing countries grew rapidly in
population, and therefore needed sources of agricultural goods. The need for cheap agricultural imports, in turn, further pressured states to reduce tariffs and other trade barriers, so as to be able to exchange with the industrial nations for capital goods, such as
factory machinery, which were needed to industrialize in turn. Eventually this pressured
taxation systems, and pushed nations towards income and sales taxes, and away from
tariffs. It also produced a constant downward pressure on wages, which contributed to
the "agony of industrialization". The role of the gold standard in this process remains
hotly debated, with new articles being published attempting to trace the interconnections between monetary basis, wages and living standards.
By the 1890s in the United States, a reaction against the gold standard had
emerged centered in the Southwest and Great Plains. Many farmers began to view the
scarcity of gold, especially outside the banking centers of the East, as an instrument to
allow Eastern bankers to instigate credit squeezes that would force western farmers into
widespread debt, leading to a consolidation of western property into the hands of the
centralized banks. The formation of the Populist Party in Lampasas, Texas specifically
centered around the use of "easy money" that was not backed by gold and which could
flow more easily through regional and rural banks, providing farmers access to needed
credit. Opposition to the gold standard during this era reached its climax with the presi138
dential campaign of Democrat William Jennings Bryan of Nebraska. Bryan argued
against the gold standard in his Cross of gold speech in 1896, comparing the gold standard (and specifically its effects on western farmers) to the crown of thorns worn by Jesus at his crucifixion. After being defeated in 1896, Bryan ran and lost again in 1900
and 1908, each time carrying mostly Southern and Great Plains states.
The key change in this period was the adoption of a monetary policy to raise interest rates in response to gold outflows, or to maintain large stocks of gold in the reserves of the central bank. This policy created a credibility of commitment to the gold
standard. According to Lawrence Officer and Alberto Giovanni, this can be seen from
the relationship between the Bank of England rate, and the flow between the pound and
the dollar, mark and franc. From 1889 through 1908, the pound maintained a direct
bank rate rule relationship with the dollar 99% of the time, and 92% of the time with the
mark. Thus, according to the theory of gold standard monetary dynamics, the key to this
credibility was the willingness of the Bank of England to make adjustments to the discount rate to stabilize sterling to other currencies in the gold, or de facto gold, standard
world, during the peak period of the gold standard composed of 360 months, the Bank
of England bank rate was adjusted over 200 times in response to gold flows, a rate of
change higher than current central banks.
Номер зачетки 5 - 6
Gold Standard
The Depression and Second World War (1933–1945)
In 1933 the London Conference marked the death of the international gold standard as it had developed to that point in time. While the United Kingdom and the United
States desired an eventual return to the Gold Standard, with President Franklin Delano
Roosevelt saying that a return to international stability "must be based on gold" — neither was willing to do so immediately. France and Italy both sent delegations insisting
on an immediate return to a fully convertible international gold standard. A proposal
was floated to stabilize exchange rates between France, Britain and the United States
based on a system of drawing rights, but this too collapsed.
The central point at issue was what value the gold standard should take. Cordell
Hull, the US Secretary of State, was instructed to require that reflation of prices occur
before returning to the Gold Standard. There was also deep suspicion that Britain would
use favorable trading arrangements in the Commonwealth to avoid fiscal discipline.
Since the collapse of the Gold Standard was attributed, at the time, to the US and the
UK trying to maintain an artificially low peg to gold, agreement became impossible.
Another fundamental disagreement was the role of tariffs in the collapse of the gold
standard, with the liberal government of the United States taking the position that the
actions of the previous American Administration had exacerbated the crisis by raising
tariff barriers.
In the years that followed nations pursued bilateral trading agreements, and by
1935, the economic policies of most Western nations were increasingly dominated by
the growing realization that a global conflict was highly likely, or even inevitable. During the 1920s the austerity measures taken to restabilize the world financial system had
cut military expenditures drastically, but with the arming of the Axis powers, war in
Asia, and fears of the Soviet Union exporting communist revolution, the priority shifted
toward armament, and away from re-establishing a gold standard. The last gasp of the
19th century gold standard came when the attempt to balance the United States Budget
in 1937 led to the "Roosevelt Recession". Even such gold advocates as Roosevelt's
budget director conceded that until it was possible to balance the budget, a gold standard would be impossible.
Nazi Germany, as part of its pogrom against various minorities including homosexuals, the physically or mentally handicapped, Slavic citizens, Gypsies, and Jews,
used the gold looted from them to finance its war effort. Some Swiss banks were among
the international banks who ended up handling gold deposits from this source. The gold
was then deposited with the Reichsbank and used as the basis for notes to be issued
which were to be accepted as currency. The Reich then instituted wage and price controls, backed by internment in prison camps, to prevent this "Mefo financing" from producing hyper-inflation.
During the 1939–1942 period, Britain depleted much of its gold stock in purchases of munitions and weaponry on a "cash and carry" basis from the US and other nations. This depletion of Britain's reserve signalled to Winston Churchill that returning to
a pre-war style gold standard was impractical; instead, John Maynard Keynes, who had
argued against such a gold standard, became increasingly influential: his proposals, a
more wide ranging version of the "stability pact" style gold standard, would find expression in the Bretton Woods Agreement.
Post-war International Gold Standard (1946–1971)
The essential features of the gold standard in theory rest on the idea that inflation
is caused by an increase in the quantity of money, an idea advocated by David Hume,
and that uncertainty over the future purchasing power of money depresses business confidence and leads to reduced trade and capital investment. The central thesis of the gold
standard is that removing uncertainty, friction between kinds of currency, and possible
limitations in future trading partners will dramatically benefit an economy, by expanding both the market for its own goods, the solidity of its credit, and the markets from
which its consumers may purchase goods. In much of gold standard theory, the benefits
of enforcing monetary and fiscal discipline on the government are central to the benefits
obtained, advocates of the gold standard often believe that governments are almost entirely destructive of economic activity, and that a gold standard, by reducing their ability
to intervene in markets, will increase personal liberty and economic vitality.
Номер зачетки 7 - 8
Gold Standard
Advocates of a renewed gold standard
Thus, the internal gold standard is supported by anti-government economists, including extreme monetarists, objectivists, followers of the Austrian School of Economics and even many proponents of libertarianism. Much of the support for a gold standard
is related to a distrust of central banks and governments, as a gold standard removes the
ability of a government to manage the value of money, even though, historically, the es-
tablishment of a gold standard was part of establishing a national banking system, and
generally a central bank.
The international gold standard still has advocates who wish to return to a Bretton
Woods—style system, in order to reduce the volatility of currencies, but the unworkability of Bretton Woods, due to its government-ordained exchange ratio, has allowed the
followers of Austrian economists Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek and Murray
Rothbard to foster the idea of a total emancipation of the gold price from a Statedecreed rate of exchange and an end to government monopoly on the issuance of gold
Many nations back their currencies in part with gold reserves, using these not to
redeem notes, but as a store of value to sell in case their currency is attacked or rapidly
devalues. Gold advocates claim that this extra step would no longer be necessary since
the currency itself would have its own intrinsic store of value. A Gold Standard then is
generally promoted by those who regard a stable store of value as the most important
element to business confidence.
It is generally opposed by the vast majority of governments and economists, because the gold standard has frequently been shown to provide insufficient flexibility in
the supply of money and in fiscal policy, because the supply of newly mined gold is finite and must be carefully husbanded and accounted for.
A single country may also not be able to isolate its economy from depression or inflation in the rest of the world. In addition, the process of adjustment for a country with a
payments deficit can be long and painful whenever an increase in unemployment or decline in the rate of economic expansion occurs.
One of the foremost opponents of the gold standard was John Maynard Keynes
who scorned basing the money supply on "dead metal". Keynesians argue that the gold
standard creates deflation which intensifies recessions as people are unwilling to spend
money as prices fall, thus creating a downward spiral of economic activity. They also
argue that the gold standard also removes the ability of governments to fight recessions
by increasing the money supply to boost economic growth.
Gold standard advocates have a strong following among commodity traders and
hedge funds with a bearish orientation. The expectation of a global fiscal meltdown, and
the return to a hard gold standard has been central to many hedge financial theories.
More moderate gold bugs point to gold as a hedge against commodity inflation, and a
representation of resource extraction, in their view gold is a play against monetary policy follies of central banks, and a means of hedging against currency fluctuations, since
gold can be sold in any currency, on a highly liquid world market, in nearly any country
in the world. For this reason they believe that eventually there will be a return to a gold
standard, since this is the only "stable" unit of value. That monetary gold would soar to
$5,000 an ounce, over 10 times its current value, may well have something to do with
some of the advocacy of a renewed gold standard, holders of gold would stand to make
an enormous profit.
Few economists today advocate a return to the gold standard. Notable exceptions
are some proponents of Supply-side economics and some proponents of Austrian Economics. However, many prominent economists, while they do not advocate a return to
gold, are sympathetic with hard currency basis, and argue against fiat money. This
school of thought includes US central banker Alan Greenspan and macro-economist
Robert Barro. The current monetary system relies on the US Dollar as an "anchor currency" which major transactions, such as the price of gold itself, are measured in. Currency instabilities, inconvertibility and credit access restriction are a few reasons why
the current system has been criticized, with a host of alternatives suggested, including
energy based currencies, market baskets of currencies or commodities. Gold is merely
one of these alternatives.
Thus gold standards have a tendency to fall apart as soon as it becomes advantageous for governments to overlook them. By itself, the gold standard does not prevent
nations from switching to a fiat currency when there is a war or other exigency, even
though gold gains in value through such circumstances as people use it to preserve value since fiat currency is typically introduced to allow deficit spending, which often
leads to either inflation or to rationing.