Unit 1
Read the text.
My name is Derek Stirling and I am Scottish.
I live in Hadlow, a lovely English village near London, and I work for the Swire
Group, Britain’s largest private company.
The Group’s activities are divided into 5 business areas: shipping, aviation,
property, industries and trading.
I work at our London head office; I am head of corporate Finance, and I am
responsible for developing the business of the group.
I am always very busy and I don’t have much free time, but when I do, I like
fishing and grow my own vegetables, just for fun.
для студентов II курса
составитель – старший преподаватель английского языка кафедры общих
дисциплин – Лаур Елена
Translate these questions from Russian into English and answer
- Как вас зовут?
- Откуда вы?
- Где вы живете?
- На какую компанию вы работаете?
- Какая основная деятельность вашей компании?
- Где вы работаете?
- Какая ваша должность?
- За что вы отвечаете?
- У вас много свободного времени?
- Чем вы занимаетесь в свободное время?
Read and translate the text.
Richard Branson’s 10 secrets of success
Richard Branson became famous as a “hippy” businessman in the 1960’s
when he set up a record company. Today he runs the successful VIFGIN
AIRLINE and he is still breaking many of the traditional rules of
management. So how does he do it?
He regularly works an eleven-hour day, starting around eight and
finishing around seven at night.
He spends a lot of time talking to people on the telephone but he never
sends memos.
He rarely holds board meetings. He makes decisions on the phone
or on the tennis court.
He has a good memory and he writes people’s names on his hand so
he doesn’t forget them.
He invites every single one of his 10,000 employees to a party at his
home in Oxfordshire every year. The last party cost around ₤100,000.
He continually questions his employees about every aspect of the
business and tries to find out whether their ideas will work.
If he becomes annoyed in meetings, he leaves the room. He hardly
ever loses his temper.
He employs people he likes personally. This is more important to him
than qualifications.
He has had several business failures I the past and nearly went
bankrupt several times but he has always survived. He puts his
success down to good ideas, good people and good luck.
He didn’t go into business to make money. He went into business
because he wanted a challenge.
Ask questions about Branson using these question forms:
What …?
Why …?
How …?
How often …?
How many …?
How much …?
In this exercise you will find some more useful words and
expressions that you should know.
Introductions and making conversation
A: - Have you met our human resources manager, Joanna Fox?
B: - No I haven’t. Hello Joanna. My name’s Dick Bird.
C: - Hi. I have heard much about you.
A: - Joanna has been with us for five years. She is in charge of
personnel matters.
B: - Pleased to meet you.
A: - Let me introduce my colleague, Ronan Erkum. Ronald has just
joined the company.
B: - Good to meet you, Ronan.
A: - And you.
A: - So what do you do, Dick?
B: - I am responsible for staff development at the Madrid office.
A: - Do you work with Paloma Martinez?
B: - Actually I report to her. She is my boss.
A: - Give her my regards when you next see her.
B: - I will.
A: - How long are you going to be in Tallinn?
B: - Just a week. I would like to stay longer.
A: - Is this your first visit?
B: - No, I come hear quite often on business. It’s a great city, especially in
the springtime.
Job description
Your job is to supervise the six people at the front desk – you make sure
they all know what they are doing and that they don’t make any mistakes.
You report to Simon, who is the head of customer services. He manages
you and four other supervisors. He also liaises with the heads of the other
departments so that they all know what everyone else is doing. And, of
course, as I am the boss, they all answer to me.
Dear Ms Zink,
Thank you for your enquiry about job vacancies. We are a small company
and employ just six people on a full-time basis. However, we always take
on extra staff during our busy summer months and so we are hiring at the
moment. If you would like to apply for one of these temporary positions,
please call me, so that we can arrange a time to interview you.
Yours sincerely,
Manfred Seltzer
Career development
If we like the results of your work you can get a pay-rise, be promoted,
get some perks/ benefits or get a bonus.
The end
These are the only ways that you can lose your job at this company.
Employees who steal will be dismissed.
Salespeople who do not meet their targets will be fired.
When business is bad, the laziest workers will be laid of.
And if the company goes bankrupt, everyone will be made redundant.
If you don’t like any of these rules, you are free to resign and find
another job.
But if nothing goes wrong, you have a job for life and you can retire
happily at the age of sixty-five.
Unit 2
Translate from Russian into English.
1.На какую компанию вы работаете?
2.На сколько отделов делится ваша
3.Вы работаете в главном офисе?
4.Кто глава этого отдела?
5.Кто отвечает за эту работу?
6.Кто основал эту компанию?
7.Кто руководит этой фирмой?
8.Как часто ваш начальник проводит
9.Вы уже приняли решение?
10.Вы часто выходите из себя? – Нет,
я думаю,что я уравновешенный
11.Чем вы объясняете ваш провал?
12.Вы когда-нибудь слышали о нем?
– Да, я слышал о нем много
13. Как давно выработаете на эту
компанию? – Я поступил сюда в
прошлом году.
14.Это вы во главе этого отдела? Нет, я руковожу другим отделом.
15.Разрешите представиться.
16. Кому вы подчиняетесь?
18.Ваша компания хочет нанять
новых работников? - Да, они хотят
19.Если вы напишете заявление на
эту работу, вас пригласят на
20.Почему его сократили? – Потому
что, его компания обанкротилась.
21.Вас когда-нибудь увольняли?
22.Почему вы были уволены?
23.Я могу ожидать повышения
24.Если вы хорошо работаете, вы
получите продвижение по службе.
25.У вас есть какие-то льготы?
26.Вы часто получаете премии?
Read the following dialogues and expressions which you can use
on the phone and learn them.
Making a phone call
A: - Hello. Can I speak to John, please?
B: - Speaking.
A: - Hi John. It’s about my trip Stockholm next week. I need to check some
arrangements with you.
B: - I am pleased you called. I was just about to ring you.
Asking if someone is available
A: - Is Mrs Sarif there?
Possible responses
B: - Yes, I’ll get her for you.
- I am afraid she isn’t at her desk at the moment.
- She is on another line.
- She’ll be back in the office next week. Can I help you?
Transferring a caller
A: - Can I speak to Luis Porto?
B: - He isn’t here at the moment. Would you like to speak to his assistant?
A: - Yes, please.
Possible responses
B: - Just a moment, I’ll put you through.
- Hold on please, I’ll transfer you.
Leaving messages
- Hi, I am not available at this moment, but you can leave a message on my
Hi John, it’s Ulla. I am afraid I can’t make the meeting on Tuesday
afternoon. Could you call me back when you get this message?
Speak to you later. Bye for now.
Hi! It’s Reza Dahl from AC Switch. This is just to let you know that
the documents you ordered won’t be with you until Monday. If this is a
problem, could you give me a call on 123456? Bye.
Hi! I though it might be useful for you to have a copy of the report I
sent to Ulla, so I have posted it today. Could you let me know when
it arrives? Speak to you later. Anton.
- Hi Anton. Just to say that I got your message and I look forward to
reading the report. Bye.
Calling back
A: - Thanks for calling earlier. I picked up your message. Sorry I didn’t
call you sooner, but I haven’t been able to contact Teresa yet.
B: - That’s OK. I understand.
A: - If I can get hold of her, I will ring you back later this afternoon.
B: - OK. I’ll speak to you then.
Phone problems
A: - Is this a good time to talk?
B: - Not really. Can I call you back? I’m in a meeting at the moment and I can’t
hear you very well.
A: - Sorry, what did you say? You are breaking up.
B: - I said I’ll call you back. Reception is very bad here.
A: - I tried to call you yesterday afternoon but your switchboard was closed
and I didn’t have your direct number.
B: - Sorry, I didn’t catch that. It’s a very bad line.
A: - Can you hear me? My battery is low so we might get cut off. I’ll call you
from another phone.
I will get in touch with you.
Please turn your mobiles off.
We were cut off.
I have been trying to get through to you all morning, but your number
was engaged/ busy.
- No, I am sorry, I can’t put you through to Mrs Porter. I can’t connect you to
anyone …
No, I am afraid you can’t hold on ….
No, she won’t call you back. She can’t ring you back and nobody is going to
return your call …
And no, I can’t transfer you to another line …
Why not? Because Mrs Porter doesn’t work here. In fact, nobody works here
E – mail and the Internet
E-mail addresses
A: - What is your e-mail address?
B: - It’s b p at b m e s dot co dot uk. (bp@bmes.co.uk) I don’t think I’ve got
A: - It’s tony underscore rivers at englishhomework, all one word, dot
(tony_rivers@englishhomework.com). I’ll be away next week but my
e-mail will be forwarded.
Short e-mail messages
Hi Ian
Just a quick message – I’m planning to send you the report as an
attachment on Wednesday next week instead of Monday as there are some
further details I need to check. If I don’t hear from you, I’ll take it that this is
Best wishes
A: - Can you give me the web address again?
B: - It’s English4 dot com, forward slash, business, hyphen, IT.
Hi John,
I found the report that you attached to your e-mail when I logged on to my
computer this morning. I thought the report was great. I wanted to keep it, so I
tried to save it to my hard disk. Unfortunately, I clicked on the wrong button
and I deleted it instead! I tried to undo the command, but that didn’t work. So I
searched for it, but it just wasn’t there. Could you send it again?
Many thanks,
Dear Rita,
I am pleased you liked the report – but I’m afraid it wasn’t mine. Caroline wrote
it and e-mailed it to me. I forwarded it to you because I thought you’d be
interested. However, there’s some bad news. When I tried to call it up just
now I found that it had been wiped from computer too – it was gone! But don’t
worry – I printed a copy before that happened so I’ll post it to you.
Read these e-mail and web addresses:
Translate from Russian into English:
С телефонисткой
- Алло, добавочный, пожалуйста.
- 1375.
- Не вешайте трубку...Говорите.
- Спасибо.
- Какой номер Вам нужен?
- 133.
- Минуточку ... Извините, никто не
С секретарем
- Фирма «Браун и Ко». Чем могу
- Я могу поговорить с г-ном
- Кто звонит?
- Звонит г-н Феонов.
- Как вы сказали? Не могли бы вы
сказать по буквам?
.... Г-н Феонов?
- Правильно.
- Соединяю. Говорите.
- Алло, секретарь г-на Брауна? Что
вы хотите?
- Я могу поговорить с Джоном?
- Извините. Это не тот номер. У нас
таких нет.
- Простите.
- Секретарь г-на Брауна. Что вы
- Не могу ли я поговорить с г-ном
- Боюсь, г-н Браун разговаривает
сейчас по другому телефону. Вы
- Да, я подожду.
- Алло, соединяю.
- Г-н Браун? Алло, алло ... Я ничего
не слышу. Связь очень плохая.
- Фирма «Браун и Ко». Кто говорит?
- Это г-н Петров. Не могли бы вы
соединить с г-нои Брауном?
- К сожалению, г-на Брауна нет
сейчас в оффисе.
- Когда, по-вашему, он вернется?
- Не ранее понедельника утром. Ему
передать что-нибудь?
- Нет, спасибо. Я позвоню ему еще
раз тогда. До свидания.
- Как передать ему, кто звонит?
- Кто говорит?
- Говорит г-н Браун.
- Извините. Вы, должно быть,
ошиблись номером.
- Простите за беспокойство.
- Номер занят. Вы можете
- Я перезвоню.
- Не могли бы вы ему кое-что
- Не могли бывыговорить погромче?
Я почти вас не слышу.
- Извините, но нас разъединили.
- Я не могу дозвониться. Номер
- Г-н Браун сейчас на совещании.
- Не могли бы вы передать ему, что
звонил г-н Попов?
- Давайте я запишу ваш номер ...
Простите, я не совсем понял. Не
могли бы повторить?
- Почему ты отключил свой
мобильный телефон? Я не мог
связаться с тобой.
- Я был на собрании.
Unit 3
Read the following dialogues and expressions and learn them.
Making arrangements
A: - Shall we set up a meeting to discuss the proposal?
B: - That’s a good idea.
A: - Can we make a date for some time around the beginning of September?
B: - That sounds okay, but I don’t know exactly what I am doing over the next
few weeks so I can’t confirm it now.
A: - That’s no problem. Let’s pencil in a time and date, and I’ll call you two
days before so that we can firm it up.
A: - Are you free on Friday at 3pm? Can you make it on Friday at all?
B; - I’m afraid I’m busy all day Friday.
A: - What about next Tuesday? Is 3 pm Ok with you?
B: - I’ll just check…. Yes that’s fine.
A: - Mr Bake?
B: - Speaking. Good morning, Mr Popov.
A: - Good morning. Could we meet tomorrow morning?
B: - Just a minute. (speaking to his secretary: Is there any engagement for
11 o’clock tomorrow morning? Good.) What about 11 a.m., Mr Popov?
A: - It’s all right with me.
B: - Se you at 11 then. Goodbye.
A: - I am looking forward to meeting you. Goodbye.
- I’ve arranged the meeting for 3.30, so I’ll pick you up in my car outside
the Grand Hotel at 3.15 and drive you there. Can you wait for me on the
pavement just outside the main entrance?
We’re only expecting two other people to come to the meeting so it shouldn’t
last too long. When we’ve finished I can drop you off at the hotel again, so
you should get back to your room by 5.30 at the latest.
Confirmation of the appointment
A: - Hello, can I speak to Mr Bobrov, please?
B:- Mr Bobrov speaking. Good afternoon.
A: - Good afternoon. I am Mr Hammond’s secretary. I’m phoning you to
confirm your appointment for Thursday morning 10 o’clock.
B: - Thank you. I will be there. My best regards to him. Goodbye.
A: - Goodbye.
A: - Hello! This is Mr Petrov.
B: - Hello! Glad to hear you.
A: - Do you remember that I have an appointment with you for today?
B: - Yes, is anything the matter?
A: - Just I would like to find out if we could meet at 11 instead of 10? Is that
all right with you?
B: - Yes, I am sure that’ll be fine.
A: - Thank you, Mr Bird. So long!
Cancellation of the appointment
A: - Is that Mr Ward’s office?
B: - Yes.
A: - My name is Sidorov. I have an appointment with Mr Ward for tomorrow
afternoon, but something urgent has turned up and I have to leave London
for a couple of days. Could you put it off till Thursday afternoon same
B: - All right, I’ll find out and confirm it today. Goodbye.
A: - Hello, is that Mr Hammond’s secretary?
B: - Yes, speaking.
A: - Mr Orlov’s secretary calling. I understand they have an appointment for
this afternoon. Unfortunately Mr Orlov can’t keep it. He had to leave London
late last night and won’t be back until Tuesday or Wednesday next week. He
makes his apologies to Mr Hammond.
B: - I’ll pass it on to him. Shall I make another appointment?
A: - No, thank you. We’ll leave it at that until he’s back.
B: - OK. Goodbye.
A: - Goodbye.
Translate from Russian into English:
1. Вы договорились о встрече с г-ном
Филлипсом? – Да, я с нетерпением
жду встречи с ним.
2. Почему начальник созвал собрание?
– Не имею представления.
3. Я не могу дать точную дату нашей
встречи, но я запланирую ее на 10
утра в следующий понедельник. Вам
подходит? – Думаю, что да.
4. Мы можем встретиться 2 часа дня в
среду? – Звучит нормально. У меня
запланированныхвстреч в это время.
5. Я жду с нетерпением встречи с ним.
Я много о нем слышал.
6. Я хочу подтвердить мою встречу с гном Филлипсом.
пожелания вашему начальнику.
8. Простите, но я не могу прийти на
нашу встречу сегодня. Случилось коечто срочное.
9. Я бы хотел принести свои
извинения, но я должен перенести
нашу встречу сегодня.
10. Если вы не можете прийти на
встречу, вы должны принести свои
извинения и отменить или перенести
11.Давайте встретимся в 3 часа
вместо 2? Тебе подходит? – Увидимся
в 2! Пока!
12. На какое время вы организовали
13. Ты можешь подвести меня до
работы? – Конечно. Я захвачу тебя у
твоего дома. – Я буду тебя ждать. – Я
буду в 8.30 крайний срок.
14. Ты можешь высадить меня у
автобусной остановки?
15. Мы ожидаем много людей на
собрании? – Я не знаю, но я выясню.
Unit 4
Read the following dialogues and expressions and learn them.
- How long have you been here?
Asking about time from a point in the past until now
- I’ve been here since Tuesday.
- I arrived the day before yesterday.
- I arrived late last night.
- I’ve been here for nearly three months.
- Ages!
- When did you arrive?
Asking about a point of time in the past
- I came here three weeks ago.
- Last Tuesday.
- Early this morning.
- My flight got in at 9 o’clock last night.
- I’ve only just arrived.
- How long are you here for?
Asking about time from now to a point in the future
- Just a week.
- Until the end of the week.
- Until next Tuesday.
- For a couple of days.
- For three and a half months.
- When are you leaving?
Asking about a point of time in the future
- At four fifteen/ a quarter past four.
- Just after / before half past two.
- In two hour’s/ two weeks’ time.
- The day after tomorrow.
- On Monday next week.
- I’m afraid I have to leave soon/ straight away.
- I have to go at 4.15.
- When will the report be ready?
Asking about a point of time in the future
- It should be ready by 4 0’clock.
- It will have been ready by this time next week.
- It will be ready at the end of the week.
- It is almost finished.
- It probably won’t be ready until the beginning of next year.
Secretary: - (Come) this way, Mr Brown, the president is expecting you.
President: - Good morning, Mr Brown. Welcome to Tallinn. Let me
introduce our sales manager.
Mr Brown: - We have already met.
President: - May I introduce our new expert, Mr Lee.
Mr Brown: - How do you do, Mr Lee? Pleased to meet you.
Mr Lee: - How do you do? Welcome to our capital.
President: - Take a seat. Do you smoke?
Mr Brown: - No, thank you.
Secretary: - What would you like to have? Tea? Coffee? A drink?
Mr Brown: - Tea, please. It’s chilly today.
President: - Did you have a nice trip? How are you?
Mr Brown: - I am quite well, thank you. I enjoyed the trip.
Mr Lee: - Where are you staying?
Mr Brown: - I am staying at the Radisson hotel. We are very comfortable
Mr Lee: - Yes, it’s one of our best hotels. And it’s quite close to our office,
you can even walk here.
Mr: - Quite right. Walking is useful, and it’s nice to see the city.
President: - I’m glad you like it here.
President: - How do you like Tallinn? Have you seen much of our capital?
Mr Brown: - Tallinn is an interesting place, but I have been very busy and
haven’t seen much of it yet.
Sales Manager: - I think you will have an opportunity to go round. There
are a lot of changes here now. How long are you here for?
Mr Brown: - A week or so. It will depend on the progress of the talks.
Mr Lee: - How do you like the weather here?
Mr Brown: - I think it is too cold. It’s much warmer in our country now.
President: - But it’s a lovely day and they promise sunshine for the rest of
the week. There is a lot of changes everywhere now, even in weather.
Mr Brown: - Yes, you are right. I have heard the weather forecast. But it
looks like rain. As for Tallinn it has really changed for the better.
Mr Lee: - So, it isn’t you first visit to Tallinn, is it?
Mr Brown: - No, I was here three years ago but it was a very short stay.
President: - I presume then that you didn’t see much of the Estonian
capital, did you?
Mr Brown: - Very little, I must admit.
President: - We are setting up a sightseeing programme for you. Is there
anything you would like to see particularly?
Mr Brown: - I’ll live it to you to choose. Anything would be welcome.
President: - We will do our best.
Wayne was the perfect host. He always greeted his guests at the door with
a friendly word and a joke. Then he would ask, ”Can I offer you something
to eat or pour you a drink?”
If the guest didn’t know anyone, Wayne would introduce them to one or
two people, but he never stayed with one guest for too long. He knew it
was important for a host to mix with everyone at a party and he liked his
guests to mingle with each other as well.
People were very quiet at the start of the party, but then Norman told a
funny story which broke the ice. Everyone relaxed after that and soon we
were all chatting happily. I gossiped with Tina about people in the office –
I never knew they had such interesting lives outside work. In the end we all
enjoyed the party so much that we didn’t want to leave.
Directions to the office
A: - How do I get to your office? Are you far from the centre?
B: - Not far.
A: - Could you send me some directions?
B: - I’ll send you a map.
A: - Is it easy to find?
B: - Very easy, but call me if you have any problems.
Arranging to meet a visitor
A: - What time does your flight arrive?
B: - Five o’clock if it’s on time. The flights are often delayed in winter.
A: - Well, good luck! I’ll wait for you in Arrivals. Call me when you are in the
Baggage Hall.
B: - OK. See you later.
A: - Can I pick you up from the hotel? I could join you for breakfast or I
could meet you in the lobby.
B: - That’s very kind of you but don’t worry, I can make my own way. I’ll
either walk or take a taxi. If I get lost, I’ll phone you!
Translate from Russian into English:
1. Как долго Вы работаете здесь? – Я
работаю здесь с июня.
2. Как долго Вы знаете его? Вечность!
3. Когда Вы начали работать? – Я
только что начал. Я пришел только
10 минут назад.
4. Надолго вы здесь? - До
следующей недели. Но это зависит
от погоды.
5. Когда Вы уезжаете? - Послезавтра.
Я уже заказал билет.
6. Когда Вы уезжаете? - Боюсь, что я
должен уехать немедленно. Мой
автобус уезжает через 10 минут.
7. Когда это доклад будет готов? - Я
боюсь, что он будет готов только
завтра. - Но он должен быть готов
сегодня. - Я приложу все усилия.
8. Я хочу представить моего
бухгалтера. - Мы уже встречались.
9. Вам понравилась поездка? - Это
было великолепно - Я рад, что Вам
10. В какой гостинице Вы
11. Как вам здесь нравится?
12. Как Вам понравилась Италия?
Вы много видели там? К
сожалению, я не видел очень много,
потому что я был занят.
13. Как Вам нравится Таллинн? - Я
думаю, что он изменился сильно
запоследнее время. - Как Вам
нравится погода здесь? - Она
немного холодная для меня.
14. Вы слышали прогноз погоды?
15. Похоже на дождь . Возьмите ваш
16. Это ваш первый визит сюда, не
так ли? - Нет, я уже был здесь
прежде. Но это было короткое
пребывание, и я не много видел.
17. Есть ли что - нибудь, что Вы бы
особенно хотели увидеть?
18. Я могу предложить Вам чтонибудь выпить? - Да, налейте мне
немного воды, пожалуйста.
19. Было немного трудно растопить
лед между гостями, но в конце они
болтали и сплетничали об их общих
20. Как я могу добраться до вас ? Вы
могли бы послать мне некоторые
руководства? - Не волнуйтесь. Я
встречу вас в аэропорту. Во сколько
прибывает ваш рейс?
21. Рейс задерживается. Я жду здесь
уже два часа.
22. Наш офис не очень легко найти.
Позвоните мне, если Вы
23. Как долго будет длиться
собрание? - Это будет зависеть от
продвижения переговоров.
24. Во сколько Вы прибудете? - Не
волнуйся, я буду вовремя.
25. Позвоните мне, если у вас будут
какие-то проблемы. Я приложу все
усилия, чтобы помочь Вам.
Unit 5
Read the following dialogues and expressions and learn them.
1. Company profiles
I’m self-employed. I set up my company over 25 years ago. I started small
and I have stayed small. But I’ve kept my prices low, and I have kept my
customers happy. I get lots of repeat business. I’ve done pretty well.
I haven’t got many overheads. I don’t need an office, just my car and a mobile
I’ve got no employees, I work alone. No meetings, no problems. Holidays?
No, no holidays. I have to keep working. Who is going to run the business
while I am away?
2. Structure
We’ve been co-operating on a number of projects for many years and I am
delighted to say that the result is that our two companies now want to be even
more closely associated. We are not just going to form an alliance – we’ve
decided to merge and create one big successful company.
Sycamore Stores started out with just one shop in a small town. The owner
was ambitious and wanted to expand, so he acquired a small chain of shops
in the nearest city. After a few years he took over another company by buying
over 50% of their shares. Over the next few years he bid for several other
companies, but he never succeeded in buying them. Then last year a huge
multinational decided to buy Sycamore Stores and so they just swallowed it
A dot.com company can be started with very little money. You don’t need
much capital – just a computer, an Internet connection … and a good idea. On
the Net, nobody knows how big your company is.
All trading carries some risk. But e-commerce –doing business on the Net-is
especially risky. Everything is new – the technology, the customers, the
business model. The new dot.com entrepreneurs, mostly in their twenties, are
ready to take these risks. For them, trading online is the future – and it’s fun.
In the 1990s the Red River Corporation was one of the world’s great
multinationals, before it was broken up into smaller parts. First it was divided
in two. One half was bought by a bank which stripped its assets – including
valuable city centre properties, which were sold to a supermarket chain – and
then allowed the rest to go out of business.
Andrew Dass started Dass Corporation in the early seventies. He put together
computers in his garage and sold them to friends and neighbours. Two years
later, he opened his first shop. Within five years, he owned retail outlets
throughout North America.
In 1980, Dass merged with Gill plc. The merger made Dass the sixth biggest
manufacturer of computers in the USA. In the next ten years, they opened
factories in Europe, Asia and South America.
Dass is now one of the largest multinationals in the world, with offices in over
130 countries. The garage is now part of the Andrew Dass Museum.
Doyogo Inc. has an international reputation for its electronic products. The
company has now introduced a new production line for computer monitors in
its Tokyo plant. The line will increase production capacity by 50%.
The new facility will allow the company to reduce its workforce by 10%. The
employees will be offered work in other departments.
Q: I want to start my own business as a computer consultant. What kind of
company should I set up?
A: In Britain, if it’s just you, the easiest is to be a sole trader. No legal
problems, no bureaucracy. You are self-employed. If you’re planning to work
with one of the others, you could form a partnership. Partners share the risks,
and the profits.
But a sole trader and a partnership have liability for debts. If business is bad,
you may have to sell your house! That’s why some people set up a limited
company. It is easier to borrow money, and even if you go out of business,
your home is safe.
3. Products and services
A: So where are your products made?
B: Well, outside of the box says that they are produced in France, but that’s
not the whole story.
A: What do you mean?
B: Well, most of the parts are manufactured in Taiwan.
A: And are they assembled in France?
B: Oh no. The parts are put together in a factory in Mexico.
A: So what do you do in France?
B: We package them in France – we put the products into their boxes – and of
course our head office is there, as well.
The process of developing a new product from an idea on a piece of paper to
the finished item on a supermarket shelf can take many years. Our scientists
are always experimenting with different combinations of materials and our
marketing team is always researching possible gaps in the markets. When
they have found a new product and believe that there is a market for it, we
pilot the product by testing it in a small part of the market and monitoring
people’s reactions to it. If we get a good response we then design some
attractive packaging and start to sell the new product around the world.
And here, ladies and gentlemen, is our assembly line. We used to have 100
unskilled workers. Now we use robots. We believe that we are industry
leaders in automation. The only human being in this part of the plant is
Janice, who is responsible for the quality control of the finished products.
When each item has been checked, it is sent on for packing …
We stock all the components for the factory in this warehouse, which means
that we normally store over a thousand different parts here. Every time our
supplier delivers new components, we have boxes and crates everywhere
which we have to put away in their proper places. So I want you to lift all
those crates up onto the top shelves. And when you’ve done that, you can
shift those boxes from the front door to the back of the room. You will soon get
some muscles in this job.
Q: What is JIT and why is it important?
A: JIT means JUST IN TIME. The old way of manufacturing was to guess the
demand for a product. Then you made the products, and put them in a
warehouse until your sales staff could sell them. With JIT, you wait until
something is actually needed. You need a lot of flexibility from your
workforce. It is much more efficient, and avoids holding too much stock.
Translate from Russian into English:
1.На какую компанию вы работаете?- Я не работаю
по найму.Я имею свой собственный бизнес.- Когда
вы организовали вашу компанию?
2.Кто ваши главные клиенты?
3.Мы имеем много накладных расходов. Мы должны
платить высокую арендную плату за наш офис,
служебную машину и телефоны.
4.Кто управляет вашим бизнесом, когда вы в
отпуске? – У меня хороший помощник. Я могу на него
5.Он молодой предприниматель,но он готов
6.Какое ваше отношение к торговле онлайн? – Я
думаю, что этот бизнес будет быстро развиваться в
самом близком будущем.
7.На этой улице есть много торговых точек, где вы
можете купить все, что вам нужно.
8.Наша компания собирается заключать союз с
большей компанией, то есть должна слиться с ней.
9.Кто самый большой производитель компьютеров в
10.Эта многонациональная компания имеет офисы
во многих странах и приблизительно 10 000
11.Есть много преимуществ в том, чтобы быть
предпринимателем (FIE).
Вы – сам себе начальник, вам не нужно
консультироваться с вашими партнерами,чтобы
принять решение.
Но вы имеете юридическую ответственность за
12.Эта компания хочет расшириться.
Она хочет приобрести некоторые маленькие
компании и предложила им хорошую цену (сделала
выгодное предложение). Если она поглотит их, она
станет самым большим производителем аудиовидио оборудования в Европе.
13.Сколько акций вашей компании вы имеете?
14. Когда эта компания была разделена на две
15. Эта компания выходит из бизнеса. Она не
выдерживает конкуренции.
16.Эта компания хочет увеличить производственную
мощность на 25% и уменьшить свою рабочую силу
на 10 %.
17.Где производятся эти изделия? – Части
произведены в Китае, но изделия собраны в
18.Эта компания тратит много на исследования и
разработки для того, чтобы найти возможные ниши
на рынке. Исследование реакции людей на новое
изделие – важная часть этого.
19.Много роботов используется на этой сборочной
линии. Но качество изделий контролируется людьми.
20. Все готовые изделия хранятся на складе.
21. Наш поставщик поставляет детали в коробках и
22.Спрос на это изделие очень высок.
Unit 6
Read the following dialogues and expressions and learn them.
A: Can I book two seats on the three o’clock train to Hamburg?
B: Yes, I can reserve two seats for you.
A: Is it okay if I pay cash when I pick them up?
B: Yes, but you’ll have to collect them at least half an hour before departure.
A: No problem.
Passenger: Is this the check-in for the flight to Athens?
Check-in clerk: Yes, that’s right. Can I see your tickets and passport, please?
And could you put your baggage on the scale?
P: Can I take this briefcase as a hand baggage?
C: Yes, that’s all right. Smoking or no smoking?
P: No smoking, please.
C: Here are your boarding cards. You’ll need to show them again at the gate.
P: Can we board the aircraft now?
C: Can you wait until it’s announced, please, and then go to Passport Control.
A: When does the London train leave, please?
B: 9.25. Platform 3.
A: What time does it reach London?/ When does it get in?/ What time
does it arrive? When do we get there?
B: You should be there at 11.30, but you may be a bit late.
A: Do I have to change?/ Is it necessary to change?/ Need I change
B: No. It’s a through train.
Dear Angelina
A: I want to fly to Geneva on or about the first.
B: I’ll just see what there is.
A: I want to go economy, and I’d prefer the morning.
B: Lufthansa Flight LH 203 leaves at 09.00.
A: What time do I have to be there?
B: The coach leaves for the airport at 07.45.
A: How much is it to rent a large estate car?/ What’ s the rate for one of
your medium-sized vans?
B: The daily rate is £23, and the weekly £128.
A: Fair enough. Will I be able to have one next weekend?/ I’d like to book one
for next Friday, please.
B: Is your driving license valid?/ Have you held a license for over two
A: Yes, I’ve had it since 1996.
B: Good. All you do now is complete this form./ Fine. We’ll need some
particulars and a £25 deposit.
A: Is the insurance included?
B: The price includes your insurance, which is a third-party insurance and
damage to the vehicle. We also do a personal accident insurance, which is £12
per week.
A: And do I have to pay something for the mileage?
B: Unlimited mileage.
A: But I pay for my own petrol, do I?
B: Oh, yes. We can fill the tank up before you set off.
A: And do I have to pay for oil as well?
B: No, the car is all checked and oil put in before it goes out.
A: Good. Do you accept credit cards?
A: I’d like to book a flight to Munich for Monday the tenth.
B: I’ll have a look in the timetable for you.
A: I’ll need an economy class open return.
B: BA Flight BA 561 takes off from Heathrow at 09.25, and flies direct.
A: When am I supposed to check in?
B: The latest time of reporting is 08.20 at the airport.
Right, let’s check the details. Your flight from Sydney has just landed and you
want to transfer to a flight to Dubai. Now, I’m afraid that you’re a bit late. In
fact your next plane is due to take off in just under twenty minutes. So when
you’ve checked in this luggage, please go through passport control
immediately and then proceed to gate 54 where your plane is now boarding.
The best way to get to our office is to drive. I can give you the phone number
of a local company where you can rent a car cheaply or, of course, you can
hire one from one of the big companies when you arrive at the airport. The
problem with renting at the airport is that you have to return the car there
when you’ve finished with it. And don’t forget to insure the car in case you
have an accident.
Translate from Russian into English:
1. Сколько мест Вы хотите заказать/резервировать?
2. Когда я должен забрать билеты? – Крайний срок выкупить
их - за один час до отправления.
3. Когда отходит поезд на Москву? Во сколько он
4. Это прямой поезд или необходимо пересаживаться?
5. Во сколько поезд прибывает в Таллинн? – Это занимает
примерно 2 часа, так что Вы прибудете около 18.00.
6. Какие рейсы есть завтра из Лондона до Вены ? Присаживайтесь, пожалуйста, и я узнаю для Вас. - Между
прочим, я хотел бы путешествовать первым классом, и я не
хочу вечерний рейс.
7. Его самолет немного опаздывает. Он приземлится только
через 20 минут.
8. Во сколько самолет должет взлететь?
9. После регистрации Вы должны пройти через таможню и
паспортный контроль.
10. Пассажиры рейса 693, пожалуйста, пройдите к воротам 7.
Идет посадка на ваш самолет.
11. Предположим, если бы я захотел нанять фургон - сколько
бы это стоило? - £22 в день и £130 в неделю. - Хорошо, я
возьму его на одну неделю, начиная с 1-ого июня.
12. Как давно Вы имеете водительские права? - Я вожу
машину, с 18 лет.
13. Если Вы хотите нанять автомобиль, Вы должны
заполнить этот бланк.
14. Вы застраховали ваш автомобиль?
П: Я могу зарегистрироваться здесь на рейс до Нью-Йорка?
А: Да, но я боюсь, что рейс сегодня задерживается, он
вылетает в десять минут третьего вместо часа.
П: О, Господи!
А: Я могу взглянуть на ваш билет и ваш паспорт?
П: Я могу взять этот портфель как ручной багаж?
А: Да, если это поместится под вашим креслом. У Вас есть
другой багаж?
П: Да, у меня есть два чемодана и эта сумка.
C: К сожалению, бесплатно до Нью-Йорка разрешено только
два места багажа. Вес не имеет значения, только количество
П: Сколько я должен заплатить дополнительного ?
C: Плата за излишек багажа - $ 20 за каждое
дополнительное место.
Паспортный контроль
А: Вы живете в Эстонии?
В: Да.
А: Какова цель вашего визита в Ирландию?
В: Это командировка.
А: Это ваш первый визит в Ирландию? В: Нет, я был здесь
дважды до этого.
А: У вас есть обратныйбилет туда ?
В: Пожалуйста.
Прохождение через таможню
Т: Поставьте ваш багаж сюда . Спасибо. Откуда Вы
П: Из Мадрида.
Т: Вы житель Испании, или Вы живете в Великобритании?
П: Я живу в Испании.
Т: Хорошо. Вы понимаете, что Вы вошли в Зеленый коридор,
что означает, что у вас нечего декларировать?
П: Да.
Т: Этот весь ваш багаж? Какие товары у Вас есть - сигареты,
сигары?... Вообще ничего из табака? Алкоголь, ликеры,
П:Только эта бутылка виски.
Т: Это было куплено в беспошлинном магазине?
П: Да, в Мадридском аэропорту.
Т: Никаких других мелких предметов - часы, драгоценности?
П: Нет, только личные вещи.
Т: Хорошо. Вы позволите мне взглянуть во внутрь?
Прокат автомобиля
- Я хочу нанять автомобиль на завтра. Вы имеете что-нибудь
в наличии?
- Мы имеем FIAT 24.
- Сколько это стоило бы?
- 12 $ в день плюс12 центов километр.
- И это включает страхование, не так ли?
- Да, страхование включено.
- Но я должен заплатить дополнительный за бензин, не так
ли? - -- Да, Вы покупаете ваш собственный бензин, но мы
проверяем автомобиль и заливаем немного масла прежде,
чем Вы уезжаете.
- Я должен дать задаток?
- Да, мы требуем предоплату 20 $.
- Вы принимаете American Express? - ----- Да. И мы должны
посмотреть Ваши водительские права.
- Я могу посмотреть автомобиль?
- Конечно. Сюда, пожалуйста.
Unit 7
Read the following dialogues and expressions and learn them.
Dear Guest
When you check in, we ask you to pay the full price for your room in cash. To
keep our prices low, there are no porters at this hotel so you have to carry your
luggage yourself. You have to check out by nine o’clock in the morning but
you can store your bags in our luggage room for a fee of just £15 per day.
If you don’t like the hotel’s policies, don’t complain, just move to a more
expensive hotel!
Receptionist: Good afternoon. Can I help you?
Traveller: Do you have a single room with a bathroom, please?
R: Yes, I can do a single room for you this evening. Would it only be for one
T: For two nights. How much do you charge for a room?/What price is it?/
How much is it?/ What does it cost?
R: Our terms are £ 16 plus VAT, and that includes a full English breakfast, so
altogether that is £ 18.99. All the rooms have private bathroom, colour TV,
complimentary fruit.
T: And can I have dinner here?
R: We do serve dinner, yes. We have a choice of three restaurants; we have
the Garden Restaurant, which is on the ground floor, which has an à la carte
menu and a table d’hôte menu; we have the Steakhouse , which is for a
quick meal; and we also have the Room at the Top on the sixth floor, which is
a disco and cabaret.
T: I see. Well, could I book a room for two nights then, please?
R: Yes, certainly, but I’m afraid I will have to ask you for payment in advance
with it being an unconfirmed booking.
T: So you would like the whole amount in advance, would you?
R: Yes, please. Is that all right? Would you like to register then, please?
Your name, please?
T: ….. .
R: That’s your receipt. You may have a full copy of the bill in the morning.
And here is your key. That’s room 225, and you’ll find that room on the second
floor. Take the lift just to your left there up to the second floor.
T: Thank you very much. And what time is breakfast?
R: Breakfast is from seven until ten in the Garden Restaurant.
T: Could I have an early call, please?
R: You certainly can. What time?
T: At seven o’clock, please. Can you show me the room, please?/ Can I
have a look at it?
R: Of course. Would you like to follow me?
Read the information.
Europa Hotel
About the Hotel
The Paris Grill Á La carte or plat du jour. You sure of a warm welcome, good
service and fine cooking.
Breakfast 7.00am – 10.00am (Sundays 7.30am – 10.30am)
Luncheon 12.30am – 3.00pm (last orders 2.30pm)
6.00pm – 10.00pm (last orders 9.30pm)
Cold Supper 10.00pm – 12 midnight (to order before 9.30pm)
The Athena Bar is situated on the ground floor, adjacent to the restaurant. Our
expert Barman is always ready with a word of welcome and any drink you may
Weekdays 11.00am – 3pm, 5.30pm – 11.00pm.
12 noon – 2.00pm, 7.00pm – 10.30pm.
Drinks are served to hotel residents and their guests at any time in the Hotel
Hotel Services
Doctor or Babysitter Please telephone the Housekeeper.
Room and Lounge Service
Please use the telephone.
The Hall Porter can help you with any of these: Car Hire, Garage Facilities,
Theatre Tickets, Sightseeing, Postcards and Maps, Railway, Airline
Reservations, Cable and Mail Dispatch, Timetables, Luggage Storage,
Shopping Guides, Embassy Addresses, Valeting and Dry Cleaning, Laundry,
Church Service Details, Messages and Incoming Mail.
Telex Service 8.00am – 11.00pm. Please contact Reception.
Portable Typewriters and Electric Razors can be obtained from the
If you have any cause for complaint, please let us know.
For your Guidance
Travellers Cheques
The Cashier’s Office will gladly cash all travelers
cheques and most foreign currencies.
Personal Cheques
We regret that personal cheques can be accepted only
if prior arrangements have been made or on production of your Banker’s
Cheque Card.
Jewellery and articles of value should be deposited with the
Cashier’s Office. The Management cannot accept any liability for loss of
valuables unless they are deposited and a receipt obtained.
Visitors are kindly requested to vacate their rooms by
noon on the day of departure. Please leave your key with the Hall Porter.
Bedroom Key
Visitrors are advised to close their doors when
leaving their rooms and to deposit the key with the Hall Porter.
Adjacent to – next to
Hall porter (USA: bell captain) Deposit – leave
person in hotel who does services for
Dispatch – sending, posting
guests and tells the porters (USA:
Housekeeper – person in hotel who
bell boys/ bell hops)
does services for guests
Valeting – looking after clothes
Plat du jour – the special meal for
Waiter: Are you ready to order now?
A: Yes, I think so. Could you tell us what “dolmadakia” is, please?
W: It’s vine leaves stuffed with meat and onions and served with lemon sauce.
A: It sounds delicious. I’ll try that, please.
W: And for the main course?
A: I’ll have the chicken and rice with tomatoes.
W: And for you, sir?
B: I’ll have the fish and vegetable soup and the roast lamb with a salad,
W: What dressing would you like on the salad?
B: French dressing, please.
W: And would you like anything to drink?
A: I’d like some white wine. Is there a Greek wine you can recommend?
W: Well, the Santa Helena is very nice.
B: Yes, a bottle of the Santa Helena then, please.
W: Thank you.
W: Everything all right, sir?
B: Yes, thank you. That was nice.
W: Would you like a dessert?
A: Not for me, thank you.
B: No, thank you. Just two coffees. And could we have the bill, please?
W: Yes, sir.
W: Can I take your order, sir?/Have you decided on something, sir?/ Have
you chosen something, sir?
A: Yes, I’d like to try the steak, please.
W: Well-done, medium or rare?
A: Medium, please. With salad and French fries.
W: And to follow?/ What would you like afterwards? Do you want any
sweet?/ How about the sweet?
A: No sweet thanks. Just coffee.
Translate from Russian into English:
1. Я могу заказать номер на двоих на 3 ночи? - Да, Вы
можете получить комнату с видом на море. – Какая цена? 30$, обслуживание включено. - Цена включает завтрак? -
2. На каком этаже находится ресторан? Какой крайний срок
прихода на обед?
3. Кто может помочь мне, если я хочу заказать авиабилет? Портье.
4. Где я могу оставить свои ценности и обменять валюту?
5. Я должен заплатить полную цену, когда я
зарегистрировался? - Нет, Вы можете сделать только
6. В котором часу я должен выписаться из гостиницы? - К
полудню в день вашего отъезда.
7. Вы имеете какие-нибудь жалобы?
8. Сколько стоит номер люкс? Что включено в цену ?
9. Во сколько Вы подаете обед?
10. Вы заплатили заранее?
11. Где моя квитанция? – Пожалуйста.
12. Меня могут разбудить утром? - Конечно. Во сколько?
13. Вы можете показать мне комнату? – Следуйте за мной,
14. Вы уже сделали свой выбор? – Нет, я не могу
определиться. Что бы вы порекомендовали?
15.Хотите посмотреть меню?
16. Что бы вы хотели после супа? – Я думаю, я попробую
жареного цыпленка с рисом и фрукты на дессерт.
17.Не могли бы вы сказать, что такое”chicken maryland”?
18. Что входит в этот салат?
19. Наша гостиница находится неподалеку от торговых и
развлекательных центров города.
При гостинице имеется 3 бассейна и прекрасный
тропический сад, а также конференц зал, кинозал,
бильярдная, дискотека, бары, ресторан, зал игровых
автоматов и парикмахерская.
В гостинице имеется 20 номеров люкс, а таkже одноместные
и двухместные номера.
В каждом номере есть кондиционер, телефон, телевизор,
ванная комната, балкон. Комнаты с видом на море за
дополнительную плату.
Для гурманов имеется ресторан с разнообразной
международной кухней, а также бар, пицерия, закусочная и
Любители спорта имеют возможность поиграть в теннис и
настольный теннис, мини-гольф.
В гостинице также имеется тренажерный зал.
Unit 8
Read the following dialogues and learn new expressions.
1. Мы бы хотели посетить ваш завод. Когда можно
договориться о посещении завода?
2. Каков общий годовой объем выпускаемой продукции?
3. Потребление энергии .... в год.
4. Сколько рабочих занято на заводе?
5. Штат инженерных работников большой?
6. Какое сырье вы используете?
7. У вас недостаточно современная технология.
8. Цех механизирован и имеет высокий уровень
9.На заводе используется слишком много рабочих.
10.Завод работает с полной загрузкой.
11. Контроль за качеством – очень существенный фактор.
Он осуществляется в ... отделе.
12. Окончательная приемка проводится нашими
13. Новое предприятие будет гарантировать качество на
уровне мировых стандартов.
14. Мы начали выпуск новой модели.
15. Наш проектный отдел не всегда использует
современную технологию.
16. Вы можете посмотреть бытовые условия на заводе.
17. На заводе есть столовые,спортзалы, места для
отдыха, кабинет медобслуживания.
18. Кабинет медобслуживания открыт круглосуточно для
оказания первой помощи.
19. Завод работает в три восьмичасовые смены.
20. Меры охраны труда хорошие.
A: You wanted to look at our manufacturing factory, didn’t you?
B: Yes, I’d appreciate it if you could arrange for me a visit to your
A: That’s possible. We could take you to the plant in ….. It’s one of our biggest
B: That would be wonderful. I’d like to see their production and training
A: We can show you round the main shops and then we can have a talk in
the chief engineer’s office.
B: Good. Can you tell me how many workers you employ here?
A: Roughly about …… thousand.
B: I think you do not use enough up-to-date technology in the factory. The
factory is overmanned, isn’t it?
A: Perhaps, but we’re going to change technology. We would like to increase
the total annual output and diversify the range of production.
A: I’m glad to welcome you to our factory.
B: The pleasure is mine. I’ve been impressed by what I’ve seen. I understand
the factory is operating at full capacity.
A: Yes, we’ve plenty of orders, both for home needs and for export.
B: Is any work done by subcontractors?
A: No, we are fully self-sufficient. We have laboratories, quality control
department, packing – all here. But we are going to set up a joint venture
based at the factory.
B: Do you produce new models?
A: Yes, but we’ve introduced new technology and started a new model last
year. But our designers do not keep up with the modern technology. And
production facilities are not always quite adequate.
B: Is the staff of engineers big?
A: We have design engineers and production engineers on the factory floor.
All in all it comes to about ….. people.
B: How do you ensure quality control?
A: Well, it’s done by our quality control department. And, of course, final
inspection is done by our engineers.
B: Do you also check packing?
A: Yes, but we’ve recently started to use packing companies too.
We give attention to the workers’ welfare, and in future we are planning to
allocate more money into that field.
B: You have got a medical care centre, haven’t you?
A: Yes, it’s open round the clock to deal with injuries or emergencies.
Translate from Russian into English:
Unit 9
Read the following dialogues and learn new expressions.
Deliveries of equipment and materials
A: When will we be able to settle the delivery point?
B: We will need two weeks to finalize the delivery terms.
A: When will you inform us of the delivery dates?
B: The deliveries will start in May as indicated in the contract.
A: How will deliveries be made?
B: In three consignments, at a 4 - month interval.
A: You don’t fulfill your contractual obligations.
B: Yes, we had to suspend deliveries. The deliveries will be resumed as
soon as we receive payments for the last consignment.
A: If you don’t meet the delivery dates you’ll have to pay penalty.
A: We are glad that our terms of deliveries are acceptable to you. Now we
can pass on to the volume of deliveries.
B: Yes, and we hope, that we will avoid the disruption of the delivery
A: ….. We may take it that we’ve agreed upon the major points of the
Marking. Packing
We have got instructions concerning marking (packing). Each package must
have the following marking: “gross weight”, “net weight”, “keep dry”.
Marking is to be made in indelible paint through stencil. And it must be
A: What package will you supply the cargo in?
B: We will use reusable containers.
Spare parts
A: How will the problem of spare parts be settled?
B: We will deliver a complete set of spare parts to you.
A: What terms do you supply spare parts on?
B: We supply spare parts in compliance with the provisions of the
A: Thank you for the clarifications.
Translate from Russian into English:
1. Мы не можем принять ваши
условия поставки.
2. Мы не отвечаем за срыв графика
3.Первая поставка будет выполнена
после подписания контракта.
4. Мы не можем изменить сроки
5. Мы только хотим напомнить вам,
что задержка в поставках вызвана
тем, что вынарушили график
6. Вы несете ответственность за
качество оборудования.
7. Вы нанесли дополнительную
маркировку? – Но мы не получили
инструкций относительно
8. Мы будем поставлять груз в
надлежащей упаковке.
9. Вы не должны использовать
поврежденную тару.
10.Где продаются запасные части?
11. Мы получили заказ на
производство запасных частей.
12. Мы представим вам техническую
документацию и вы сможете
изготавливать запасные части сами.
13. Мы обращались к вам с просьбой
поставить нам комплект запасных
частей. Вы уже рассмотрели нашу
просьбу? – Да, мы готовы поставить
вам запасные части.
14. Мы нанесли следующую
маркировку: «вес брутто», «вес
нетто», «держатьв сухом месте», «не
кантовать», «обращаться осторожно»
и «открывать здесь».
Read the following dialogues and learn new expressions.
A: We ask you to reconsider the planned capital costs/ operational costs/
date of delivery.
B: It’s hardly possible. / We’ll try to do it.
A: Have you considered the schedule of payments?
B: Yes, we have, and we agree to it in principle. However we believe it
should be postponed for 6 months.
A: We have studied your request to reduce the period of construction stated in
our draft contract. The project can be constructed within a shorter period of
B: Yes, we are already ahead of schedule.
A: Are you sure that the construction will have been finished by December15?
B: Everything will be done on time.
A: We’ like to discus with you the delay in executing the civil works.
B: We regret to have to admit that we are behind schedule with some of the
works. The subcontractor recommended by you can’t cope with the work.
A: Really? The firm is rated as sound. They must be having temporary
B: No, they are not. It is obvious that the firm won’t be able to meet the
contract dated.
A: Well then, you may engage another subcontractor.
B: Yes, this does seem a sensible solution. We will try to find a firm which
won’t let us down. But a new contract will unfortunately involve extra
A: The contract price provides for such unforeseen expenses.
Dear Sirs,
We have carefully studied your letter in which you write that you are
concerned about a possible delay in our commissioning the project.
Although we fully share your concern we would like to stress again that we
are making every effort to meet the contract dates. At the same time, we
would like to point out that we are still having serious difficulties since you
failed to settle in time a number of matters you were responsible for.
Under the circumstances we believe it necessary to hold talks wherein we
could either arrive at joint solutions helpful for our meeting the contractual
dates or agree on new dates for commissioning the project.
Yours faithfully,
Translate from Russian into English:
1. В связи с невыполнением вами целогоряда
оборудования должен быть пересмотрен.
2. Мы не можем выполнить контрактные
сроки. Мы бы хотели пересмотреть их.
3. Вы согласовали сроки поставки?
4. Мы должны поговорить о задержке в
окончании работ.
5. Мы бы хотели пересмотреть сроки
завершения работ. – Вы хотите продлить
сроки? – Да, Мы не можем соблюсти их (эти
сроки). – Это невозможно. Все работы должны
быть выполнены в срок.
6. Вы должны ускорить (увеличить темпы)
строительства, чтобы выполнить работу в
контрактные сроки.
7. Боюсь, что я буду вынужден отменить нашу
встречу. – Мы перенесем ее на следующую
неделю? – Я не откладываю/переношу нашу
встречу, я ее отменяю.
8. Простите, но я немногоопаздываю.
Случилось нечно важное.
9. Я звоню по поводу встречи, назначенной
сегодня на вторую половину дня. Мне очень
жаль, но я не смогу на ней присутствовать. У
вас есть возможность перенести ее на
следующую неделю в это же время?
10. Мы бы не могли перенести встречу с двух
часов в четверг на какое-либо время в пятницу
Unit 11
Read the following information and learn new expressions.
A lot of companies which produce or sell the same product face
intense/tough/ stiff competition in the market. Competitors/ rivals compete
with each other to sell more and to be more successful. A lot of small
companies are driven out of the market by big companies which try to
dominate a market.
Marketing can help companies to survive, develop and get a success.
A: What is the general marketing concept?
B: Marketing concept includes various elements such as planning, research,
new product development, sales, communications, advertising, etc.
Marketing involves meeting both the company and the customer’s needs.
Marketing studies stages before, during and after production and also following
the sale.
Marketing provides information about forward demand for the company’s
products or services, helps to identify and stimulate demand for products and
All marketing-related activities should be integrated to achieve the final goal.
Marketing planning is an integral part of the marketing mix.
A: What does effective marketing planning depend on?
B: First of all it depends on a thorough situation analysis.
A: What points are considered in analyzing the situation?
B: When analyzing the situation it is necessary to consider controllable and
uncontrollable factors, that is environmental factors.
There is a close relationship between the environmental factors and sales.
A: What are controllable factors in marketing planning?
B: There are actually four of them, four Ps. They are product, price, place,
and promotion.
A market plan is necessary for developing sales forecasts. It shows where a
company is going and how it is going to get there.
A: What kind of analysis is carried out by the marketing department?
B: All kinds of analysis: market and sale analysis, data analysis, analysis of the
customer’s demand and cultural analysis.
Methods of conducting marketing research are observation, survey,
experiment and public opinion polls through different channels.
The communications mix comprises advertising, public relations, direct
mail and special events such as product shows, conferences and
Attitudinal research should affect the product to be produced.
Translate from Russian into English:
А: Насколько я пониманию, понятие «маркетинг» в
настоящее время не является однозначным.
В: Пожалуй, вы правы. Сейчас можно было бы говорить о
двух его значениях: традиционном – как функция сбыта и
современном как «философия бизнеса».
А: Это верно. Более того, концепция «философия бизнеса»
тоже развивается.
В: Что вы имеете в виду?
А: Раньше она означала в основном увеличение
производства товара и сбыт его.
В: А теперь? Ведь сбыт остается проблемой, не так ли?
А: Несомненно. Только теперь отмечается иной подход к
проблеме сбыта.
В: Да, верно, более широкий. Сбыт – это не только продажа
товара. Нужен комплексный подход, изучение рынка,
спроса, интересов потребителя....
А: И многое другое. Ведь нужно уметь прогнозировать,
выявлять неудовлетворенный спрос покупателя,
стремиться к созданию новых видов продукции и рынков
сбыта, а это предполагает современную технологию,
рекламу, техническое обслуживание после продажи.
В: Да, маркетинг – это целая система мероприятий.
А: Что вы можете сказать о роли рекламы в системе
маркетинговых мероприятий?
В: О, это сильнейшее орудие.Оно формирует спрос,
стимулирует сбыт, способствует созданию рынка.
А: Можно ли говорить о конкретных задачах рекламы?
В: Да, конечно. И престижная реклама и товарная реклама
прежде всего информирует покупателя о товарах и услугах
фирмы, создает престиж.
А: Но теперь этого недостаточно. Ведь в условиях
конкуренции нужно не только показать товар на выставке, в
магазине или даже на конференции.
В: Нет. Нужны активные меры содействия продажам,
различные услуги до и после продаж товара.
А: Да, реклама – часть стратегии маркетинга. Собственно
говоря, это комплекс мероприятий.
В: И очень обширный. А бюджет на рекламу теперь
достигает очень больших размеров.
Unit 12
Read the following information and learn new expressions.
This three-day conference will be held at Rogers Business School on 17 – 18
May. The theme of the conference will be “Ethics – a key issue in Today’s
business world”.
There will be two plenaries each day in the Main Hall, with space for up to
500, as well as smaller workshops for groups of up to 20. We are expecting a
large number of participants: early is advised!
Have a look at this graph. It shows
the total sales to date. The year is
shown on the horizontal axis and
sales volume on vertical axis. The
dotted line indicates sales in the
same period last year.
Sales fell in the first quarter of the
year. They were at their lowest point
in March; they peaked in October;
there was a stable period between
May and July; the overall trend is
What is the secret of giving a good talk?
That’s easy! You just have to remember ABC.
Accuracy – you must get your facts right.
Brevity – keep the point, and don’t use ten words if you can use one.
Clarity – make sure the structure of your talk is clear.
Oh, and make sure your audience laugh at least one.
Good morning, everyone. I’d like to tell you something about what we
do here. First of all, I’ll give you an overview of the company. If we
have time, I’d like to outline our development plans. Please feel free to
ask questions.
I’ve got my presentation on a disk. I’ve got all the figures we need, and
some good charts showing sales projections. Also plenty of flipcharts and
lots of handouts, all photocopied.
Effective talks
hatched section represents
sales to the Middle East. If you
compare the chart with the one I
showed you earlier, you will
notice a number of similarities.
What percentage of sales goes to
Here are some other statistics. As you
can see from the table, there are going
to be big changes in the company. The
figures demonstrate how the company
will change over the next three years. We
will become far more customer-focussed.
Some phrases to keep the presentation flowing
Let’s move on to the next slide.
That brings me to my next point.
I’d like to come back to that later.
Now something about …
I’d like to turn to the question of ….
Could you turn to page 9 of the document in front of you … ?
Phrases to describe rises and falls:
 The number of people employed
has declined/ increased in
recent years.
 Numbers have fallen/ gone
 Numbers have risen
Asking questions
I have a question… Can I ask a question?
Yes, of course.
If I could make one comment.
Go ahead.
I’d like to go back to something you said earlier.
Can you explain what “biztecno” means?
I’m sorry, I have no idea.
Is it something to do with technology?
What does BMES stand for?
It stands for “Business and Medical English Services”.
Is that a language training organization?
I think so.
Nora wanted to persuade us to start using a new kind of software. Nobody
was really interested, but she insisted that we listen. She did a long
calculation which demonstrated how it could save us thousands of dollars
in just a few months. She also really emphasized the fact that it was easy
to use by repeating it over and over again. But by the end of the meeting,
we still weren’t convinced, so we didn’t do anything about it.
That’s all I wanted to say for now. Does anyone have any questions?
…. Is there anything else you would like to cover?
.... OK, I hope that this session has been informative and I look forward to
seeing you in two weeks’ time.
Business letters
a) a letter of thanks for hospitality
Dear Mr Brown,
Back now home I would like to thank you most warmly for your hospitality
extended to me.
I very much appreciated your kindness in showing me round your works.
I had a most pleasant and interesting trip and hope to be of similar assistance
to you if you come to Tallinn. I thank you very much again.
We look forward to further cooperation.
Yours sincerely,
b) an enquiry letter
Dear Sir,
We are interested in the new model of a harvester advertised by you in the
current number of the Industry and we are considering ordering three
machines on trial. We need harvesters in a month’s time. The advertisement,
however, does not give sufficient information about the delivery time and
terms of payment.
We hope to establish business relations with your company and are
looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours truly,
c) letters-offers/ replies to enquiries
Dear Sirs,
Abt: your enquiry of 27th May
We thank you for your enquiry for our new model of harvester and enclose
with this letter our latest leaflet for details.
But unfortunately the delivery date you asked for it is rather short, and we hope
you can extend it, say by another month. In that case we are ready to make
you an offer.
Your reply on the matter will be appreciated.
Yours faithfully,
Translate from Russian into English:
1. Сколько участников приняло участие в этой
2. Какой секрет проведения хорошего выступления? Точность, краткость и ясность.
3. Аудитория слушала его выступление с большим
вниманием, и после него было задано много вопросов.
4. Пожалуйста не стесняйтесь задавать вопросы.
5. Не могли бы вы посмотреть на страницу 10
материалов, которые были вам розданы в начале
6. Этот график показывает объем продаж нашей компании
в течение прошлых 6 месяцев. - Что обозначает
пунктирная линия?
7. Если вы сравните эту диаграмму с той, что я показал
вам ранее, вы заметите некоторые сходства.
8.- Что показывают цифры в этой таблице? - Они
показывают, что число служащих уменьшилось в
последние годы.
9. Вы можете объяснить, что означает это слово? - Что
значит это слово? Я понятия не имею.
10. Я попробую убедить Вас, что я прав и
убедить/заставить Вас передумать.
11. Ваше выступление было очень информативно.
Уважаемый господин,
В ответ на ваше письмо от 8-ого июля мы хотели бы
сказать Вам, что ваши сроки поставки и условия оплаты
являются весьма приемлемыми для нас, хотя мы
находим вашу цену немного высокой.
Мы надеемся, однако, что Вы предоставите нам скидку,
когда мы станем вашими регулярными покупателями.
Мы рады установить деловые отношения с вами и
помещаем заказ на 5 000 тонн пшеницы.
Пожалуйста, сообщите нам дату отгрузки. Мы с
нетерпением ждем вашего быстрого подтверждения
заказа. Искренне Ваш,
Уважаемый господин,
Мы подтверждаем наше соглашение, достигнутое по
телефону сегодня, об изменении в условиях оплаты,
которая будет сделана аккредитивом, который будет
действителен в течение 45 дней. Мы надеемся, что наше
сотрудничество будет к взаимной выгоде компаний.
Искренне ваш,
Письмо - сообщение
Дорогой г. Браун,
Я хотел бы сообщить Вам, что делегация от нашей
компании из трех человек прибудет в Лондон во второй
половине этого месяца.
Я был бы благодарен, если Вы могли бы устроить их
посещение некоторых из ваших фабрик, чтобы видеть в
действии оборудование, о котором мы говорили.
Я благодарю заранее за вашу помощь и сотрудничество.
Искренне ваш,
Read the following information and learn new expressions.
A meeting of the Board of Directors was arranged/fixed/ set up/ organized
for 1 March, but not everyone could attend it, so it was put back/ postponed
until March 31. One Board member said that this was too late, so eventually
we brought it forward to March 15. The chairperson chaired it very
efficiently. Only one Board member missed the meeting.
How was the meeting?
A: I thought it was very productive.
B: Well, I thought it was a complete waste of time. I didn’t hear anything I
didn’t already know.
C: I don’t agree with you. I felt we had some very useful discussions, and
that we reached an agreement that was good for both sides. We certainly
covered a lot of ground. It was incredible the number of things we got
B: But there were too many digressions. John was rambling and kept
wandering off the point. He just uses meetings as a chance to show off. Just
like a lot of men: he just wanted to show how powerful he is and what a good
talker he is.
A: But to be fair, the chair really kept things moving: she encouraged people
to be brief and to stick to the point and we achieved a lot in a short time.
Anyway, I learned a lot and think they listened to what we had to say.
The role of the chairperson
Before the meeting
A good chairperson has to be a good organizer. What they do before the
meeting is as important as the meeting itself. They should make sure the
agenda is complete by asking those involved what should be on it and then
circulating/ distributing it to everyone concerned. They should check the
venue, making sure the room will be free, without interruptions, until the end of
the meeting.
During the meeting
The chairperson should be a good timekeeper. They should start the meeting
on time, without waiting for latecomers.
Unit 13
They should appoint a minute-taker to take the minutes, making sure that
opinions and action points (where participants agree to do something) are
They should make sure each point on the agenda is allocated the time it
deserves and should keep to the timetable. When the time allocated to one
point is up, the chair should make sure that discussion moves on to the next
point, even if the issue has not been completely covered or resolved/
The chair should make sure that each participant has the chance to make
their point, and should deal tactfully with disagreements, making sure that
each side feels their point of view has been noted. They should also try to
avoid digressions, where people get off the point.
Finally, they should ensure the meeting finishes on time, or early.
After some meetings, it’s necessary for the minutes to be circulated, especially
if there are action points that particular people are responsible for.
At the next meeting, the chair should ask for the minutes to be read out and
see if all agree that it is an accurate record of what happened, and see if
there are any matters arising (any points from the last meeting that need to
be discussed). And they should check what progress has been made on the
action points from the previous meetings.
Agreement, consensus or compromise?
It may be possible to reach agreement or to reach an agreement about
something, or at least come to a consensus: something that most people can
agree with. It may be possible to compromise or to find a compromise: an
agreement where people accept less than they wanted at first. Or perhaps the
differences are so great that there will just be disagreement. Something in
particular that you disagree about is a disagreement.
“Right. I’m afraid we’re running out of time so we’re going to have to stop
there. To go over what’s been said, there is a disagreement about
timekeeping and budgets in the design department. I’ve listened to both sides
of the argument. I think I can sum it up by saying that it’s a problem of
creativity versus control. I think you’ll just have to agree to disagree. I’ll let
you know my decision about the solution to this problem by the end of the
month. So unless anyone has anything else to add, I think that’s it. Thank
you all for coming.”
Translate from Russian into English:
Начало собрания
A: Простите, я опоздал.
B: Не волнуйтесь. Мы все здесь теперь, так давайте
начинать. Джон, вы могли бы вести протокол?
C: Конечно.Нет проблем.
B: На повестке дня четыре главных пункта. Анита, мы
можем начать с вашего сообщения?
Точки зрения и мнения
1.- Что вы думаете об этом? - Я еще не решил.
2. – У вас есть какие-то комментарии? – Я думаю, что
это превосходная идея.
3. – Какое ваше мнение? - Я не очень этим доволен.
4. A: Я хотел бы выступить.
B: Конечно.
A: Я касательно текущих планов. Мы должны
пригласим кого - то со стороны, чтобы посмотреть на
них прежде, чем мы согласимся двигаться дальше.
.B: Я согласен с Вами, но мы уже отстаем от графика.
Вы имеете ввиду кого-то конкретно?
5. A: У кого-то есть что - нибудь еще сказать? B: Я
предлагаю, чтобы сейчас мы голосовали по этому
C: Я предлагаю, чтобы мы оставили это до следующего
D: Я – за это.
B: А я нет. Я против любой задержки. Мы должны
принять решение сегодня.
A: Есть ли еще выступления? Мы обсудили все?
B: У меня нечего добавить.
C: У меня тоже.
D: Только одна вещь. Мы должны согласовать дату
следующего собрания.
A: Спасибо, я забыл об этом. Как насчет следующего
понедельника? Это подходит всем? Итак, если все
согласны, я хотел бы остановиться на этом.
1. Я против этого решения.
2. Мы должны назначить дату следующего собрания.
3. Мы должны договориться о стратегии.
4.Собрание утром подходит вам? - Да, это полностью
мне подходит.
5. Сколько пунктов на повестке дня?
6. Я думаю, что мы должны проголосовать по этому
7.Я не имею ничего против ваших предложений.
8. Я не согласен с этой идеей.
9. Я хотел бы перейти к следующему пункту.
10. Реджинальд вел собрание сегодня , так что оно
было очень официальное. Вначале он представил
каждого отдельного человека и попросил, чтобы мы все
бессмысленно, так как мы все уже знали друг друга.
протоколировал каждый крошечный пункт - бедная
женщина не прекращала писать в течение целого часа.
И когда он закрывал собрание, он говорил так долго,
что три человека заснули.
11. Я ненавижу людей, которые тратят впустую мое
время на собраниях. Так что, если вы только
собираетесь утверждать очевидное, возможно лучше
держать ваш рот закрытым. Но если вы действительно
хотите выступить о чем-то,что на повестке дня, если вы
хотите выдвинуть новую идею или если вы хотите
предложить решение проблемы, тогда я счастлив
выслушать вас. Но независимо от того, что вы хотите
сделаете, не прерывайте меня, когда я говорю.
12. Хорошо. Давайте подводить итоги. Вот то, что мы
решили пока. Я соглашаюсь с Вами по пункту один. Но
мы не согласны по второму пункту . Мы пошли на
компромисс по третьему пункту. Мы можем решить все
это теперь и пойти домой? Это занимает так долго,
чтобы выработать решение, не так ли?
13. После длинного обсуждения мы смогли достигнуть
соглашения на последнем собрании. 14. Если мы не
можем достигнуть соглашения, давайте найдем
15. Пожалуйста, не тратьте впустую ваше время.
Придерживайтесь сути вопроса.
Unit 14
Read the following information and learn new expressions.
I. To market
The Dort Motor Company is pleased to announce a new model to add to its
range of luxury sports cars. The new car, the Dort GE 5000, will be officially
launched at the start of next month with a big party at our central London
headquarters. At the same time, we will also be bringing out a new version of
our successful Dort GX two seater.
For more information, see our new catalogue which will be published later
today. The full technical specifications will be released later in the week.
II. In the shop
A: Can I help you, sir?
B: Yes. I’m interested in the cream that you’re displaying in the main shop
A: Ah, yes. We’re promoting that very heavily this week; as you can see, we
have got pictures of it everywhere.
B: Is it generating a lot of interest?
A: Oh, yes. People have been enquiring about it all morning.
B: Can I see it?
A: Of course. You can choose from three different types and you can select
any one of four different sizes.
III. Informing the public
- As you know we are doing everything we can to publicize the new products.
We are advertising them on TV and in the newspapers. A famous
international tennis star is endorsing our products, so we have put her name
on everything. We have also sponsored a number of local sports events, so
we know that people will recognize our name all over the area.
IV. Getting feedback
-We always knew that our new computer game would be a winner. Our market
researchers reported an excellent response from everyone they interviewed.
We also got excellent feedback from our main market – everyone was positive
about it. The game was very well reviewed by the top computer games
magazines. But sales really took off after a popular radio presenter gave the
game a plug – he said some really good things about it on his programme.
My name is Tomas. I’m Portuguese, and I’ve been a brand manager for Woof
dog food for the whole of Portugal and Spain since I left business school last
summer. The Woof brand is owned by a big international group. The market
for pet food in Portugal and Spain is growing very fast, as more and more
people own dogs and cats, and we are trying to increase brand recognition of
Wood through TV advertisements and hoardings in the street. Research shows
that people have very positive ideas about it: it has a very positive brand
image. But the supermarkets have their own-brand dog food, usually sold
cheaper than our product, which is a problem. There are even generic
products (not branded) sold just under the name “dog food”. We have to
persuade people that it’s worth paying a bit more for a branded product like
Woof, which is far better, of course.
Consumer goods that last a long time, such as cars and washing machines,
are consumer durables.
Consumer goods such as food products that sell quickly are fast-moving
consumer goods.
A: Our goods are low-priced. Permanently low pricing means that we charge
low prices all the time.
B: You mean cheap: your goods are poor quality. Our goods are high-priced,
but we give customer service. And a lot of our goods are mid-priced: not
cheap and not expensive.
A: Your goods are expensive. Customers don’t need service.
B: You must be selling some goods at cost (what you pay for them) or at a
loss (even less).
A: Yes. We have loss leaders – cheap items to attract customers in. But it is
all below the “official” list price or recommended retail price. We have a
policy of discounting, selling at a discount to the list price.
B: If you go on undercutting us, we can’t stay in business!
Revision Translate from Russian into English:
1. Когда мы официально объявим о запуске в
производство нашего нового изделия?
2. В этом новом универсаме есть большой
ассортимент изделий.
3. Ежедневно много рекламных объявлений
печатаются в газетах и журналах.
4. Модная одежда этого сезона выставлена в
витрине этого магазина.
5. - Это новое изделие вызывает большой интерес?
- Да, много людей начали справляться о нем после
того, как они видели, что известный спортсмен
рекламировал его.
6. Эта компания имеет хорошо-узнаваемую марку.
7.-Продажи подскочили? - Да, продажи выросли,
когда они прорекламировали наше изделие в
телешоу в прошлом месяце.
8. Много людей узнают о новых услугах.
9. Я предпочитаю покупать фирменные изделия
нашего местного универсама. Они более дешевые
и не хуже фирменных.
10. Какая ваша любимая марка чая?
11. Много изготовителей тратит много денег на
рекламу, чтобы увеличить узнование торговой
марки их изделий.
12. Молоко и другие молочные продукты – это
скоропортящиеся потребительские товары.
13. Я не могу позволить себе купить очень дорогой
автомобиль. Я хочу что-то по средней цене.
14.Сколько вы берете за обслуживание?
15. Вы продаете ваши товары по себестоимости? Нет, мы продает некоторые товары ниже
себестоимости, чтобы привлечь клиентов.
16. Мы можем предложить Вам скидку, если вы
покупаете оптом.
17. Товары наших конкурентов более дешевы чем
наши. Если они продолжат “подрезать” нас, мы не
cможем остаться в бизнесе.
I. Entertainment and hospitality
Entertainment and hospitality vary a lot indifferent cultures.
 In Alphaland, entertaining is important. There are long business
lunches in restaurants, where deals are discussed. Professional and
private life are separate, and clients are never invited home.
 In Betatania, evenings are spent drinking and singing in bars with
colleagues and clients.
 In Gammaria, lunch can be important, but less so than in Alphaland.
Important contacts may be invited to dinner at home. Corporate
hospitality is a big industry, with clients invited to big sports events.
 In Deltatonia, restaurants are rare outside the capital. Some
entertainment takes place when important clients are invited to
people’s houses for dinner, or go sailing or to country houses for the
weekend, etc.
II. Time
Attitudes towards time can vary enormously.
In Busyville, people start work at eight, and officially finish at six, though many
managers stay much longer. There is a culture of presenteeism: being at work
when you don’t need to be.
There is a two-hour lunch break, and a lot of business is done over restaurant
lunches. (Lunch is the main meal. The working breakfast is rare.) There are
no snacks between meals, just coffee, so eat properly at meal time.
As for punctuality, you can arrive up to 15 minutes “late” for meetings. If
invited to someone’s house (usually in business), arrive 15 – 30 minutes after
the time given.
Don’t phone people at home about work, and don’t phone them at all after 9
There are a lot of public holidays (about 15) during the year. Busyville is
empty in August, as many companies close completely for four weeks.
Employees have five week’s holiday a year and they usually take four of them
in August.
III. Dress
In Alphaland, businesspeople dress quite formally. The business suit is
common, but for men, wearing non-matching jacket and trousers is also a
In Betatania, the dark business suit is obligatory for men. Some companies
allow women to wear trouser suit.
In Gammaria, the business suit is almost as necessary as in Betatania, but
with more variation in colours. Some companies require employees to wear
formal clothes from Monday to Thursday, and allow less formal ones on what
they call casual Friday or dress-down Friday. In some places, many banks
and shops require people dealing with customers to wear uniforms so that
they all dress the same.
In Deltatonia, people dress more casually at work than in the other countries.
For men, suit and ties are less common than elsewhere. This is smart casual.
Translate from Russian into English:
A: Это ваше первое посещение Таллинна, Г.?
B: Нет, я был здесь в прошлом году, но это было очень
короткое пребывание.
A: Я предполагаю, что Вы не видели много в нашей
сталице, не так ли?
B: Ну, должен признаться, что очень немного. Это
была только быстрая двухчасовая экскурсия по
A: Ах, это почти ничего. Мы устроим экскурсионную
программу для Вас. Есть ли что - нибудь, что Вы бы
особенно хотели посмотреть?
B: Я оставляю выбор за вами . Я буду всему рад. Я
слышал много о вашем городе.
A: Я уверен, что Вам он понравится. Вы увлекаетесь
B: Не особенно.
A: Но я услышал, что Вы очень любите балет. Хотели
бы Вы посетить наш Театр Оперы и Балета?
B: Это было бы великолепно. Действительно ли там
репертуар главным образом классический?
A: Я не сказал бы так. У них довольно много новых
постановок, и все они превосходны.
B: А что идет сегодня вечером?
A: "Щелкунчик" Чайковского. Это – восхитительный
B: Я хотел бы увидеть эту постановку.
A: Это можно легко устроить. И мы можем закончить
обедом в ресторане.
B: Прекрасно.
A: Вот - экскурсионная программа.
B: Большое спасибо. Вы действительно позаботились
обо всем.
A: Мудро организовать все заранее. Тогда Вы можете
всегда изменить что-то в последнюю минуту .
A:Какой вид отпуска Вы предпочитаете? Вы любите
B: Не очень. Смена обстановки, просто перерыв от
рутины офиса – часто достаточно для меня.
A: Вы любите спорт?
B: Я играю в сквош время от времени, но я никогда не
выигрывал. Вы играете в сквош?
A: Не часто. Я предпочитаю теннис. Вы много
B: Да, и немного ловлю рыбу также. Как вы проводите
свободное время?
A: Мое любимое времяпрепровождение - садоводство.
Это полезно и дает Вам необходимую физическую
B: Садоводство очень популярно в нашей стране
также. Люди, кажется, понимают потребность в свежем
воздухе и физической активности.
A: Вы часто смотрите телевизор?
B: Время от времени, но не регулярно.
A: Очень мудро, я думаю. Смотреть телевизор и видео
стали навязчивой идеей в настоящее время. А жаль.
B: Я полностью с вами согласен. Но, в целом ,Вы
должны признать, что телевидение - хороший источник
информации. Но часто это мешает людям выйти из
A: К сожалению. это - так. Что касается меня, я думаю,
что нет ничего лучше, чем чтение хорошей книги после
рабочего дня. Это - превосходное расслабление.
B: Вы правы. Мне жаль, что у меня нет больше
времени для чтения.
Unit 16
Read the following information and learn new expressions.
Letters of Complains and Claims
Complaints and claims usually arise from the delivery of wrong goods,
damaged goods or not enough goods; there is also the matter of the goods
not being of the kind expected, i.e. not being according to the sample or
description. Delay in delivery is another cause for complaints.
Replies to letter of complaints should open with an apology, or at least an
expression of regret, when an apology is inappropriate. Then the
circumstances, which caused the trouble, should be explained. It will then be
advisable to express the hope that the party making the complaint has not
been unduly inconvenienced.
Then the writer should state what is proposed to be done to set things right.
In most cases the Sellers can do no more than offer to take the goods back or
allow a special reduction in the price.
Finally the writer should state that every effort will be made to prevent the
recurrence of this kind of trouble, and express hope that the goods
relations between the two parties will continue.
Any complaint should be dealt with promptly, otherwise delay will cause
more trouble. If an investigation is required which is likely to take some time,
the complaint should be acknowledged, with an explanation that it is being
attended to and a promise of a full reply as soon as everything is cleared up.
13th July, 2004
Mr Simpson,
Simpson & Co,
Sheffield, England
Dear Sir,
We are sorry to have to inform you that in the consignment of equipment
we have received against the the above Contract there are several broken
cases and some machines are damaged.
We are sending you the report signed by our inspectors from which you will
see the extent of the damage.
Also, we would like to draw your attention to a fortnight’s delay in
shipping the machines. This is an
infringement of Clause 4 of the Contract which, you may well see, also
stipulates payment by the Supplier of damages in case of delay in
So we ask you to transfer to our account the sum of the penalty and to
observe strictly the terms of the Contract in future.
We hope to hear from you soon.
Yours faithfully,
Translate from Russian into English:
В связи с плохим качеством или
повреждением груза
1.С сожалением сообщаем Вам, что
Вы поставили товар, качество которого ниже
стандарта, ожидавшегося нами судя по
2.Мы не можем принять эти контейнеры, так как
и по размеру и по форме они отличаются от
заказанных нами.
3.Хотя качество товара не соответствует
образцу, мы готовы принять его, если Вы
снизите цену на 12%.
4.Мы сожалеем, что нам приходится заявлять
Вам жалобу о неправильной/ не
соответствующей упаковке.
5.С коробками, очевидно, очень грубо
обращались во время погрузки или разгрузки, и
содержимое слегка повреждено. Поэтому мы
оставляем за собой право обратиться к Вам за
6.Мы надеемся, что впредь Вы будете уделять
больше внимания упаковке, с тем чтобы
избегать каких-либо поломок.
7.Ряд ящиков прибыли в сильно поврежденном
состоянии, были сломаны крышки и попорчено
8.Поскольку еще не истек срок гарантии,
просим Вас заменить данную машину другой.
9.Мы осмотрели товар в поврежденных ящиках
и сочли, что мы не можем его использовать.
10.Мы не можем использовать этот товар и, к
сожалению, должны вернуть его Вам.
11.Мы должны просить Вас более тщательно
выполнять наши заказы в будущем.
12.Мы сожалеем, но если в ближайшем
будущем мы не получим от Вас известий, нам
придется аннулировать
наш заказ.
В связи с задержкой в доставке
13. Если Вы не сможете поставить товар
в течение следующего месяца, нам
придется аннулировать заказ и купить
товар в другом месте.
14.Задержка поставки товара в счет нашего
заказа создает для нас большие неудобства.
15. Не в первый раз нам приходится заявлять
Вам жалобу о задержке в поставке товара.
16. Мы надеемся, что Вы помните, что было
согласовано, что товар должен прибыть сюда в
конце месяца, в противном случае не может
быть проведена установка оборудования в
запланированные сроки.
17. Мы будем благодарны за объяснение данной
18. Мы вынуждены просить Вас отправить эту
партию немедленно, в случае, если Вы этого
еще не сделали, просим Вас информировать нас
каково положение с отгрузкой.
19. Мы надеемся получить от Вас сообщение,
что эта партия товара уже в пути.
В связи с утерянным товаром или его
20. В партии содержится лишь 30 ящиков вместо
35 ящиков. Указанных в коносаменте.
21. Проверив полученный товар, мы
обнаружили, что не хватает нескольких позиций,
включенных в ваш счет-фактуру. Прилагаем
список недостающих позиций.
22. К сожалению, Вы не прислали нам все
заказанные нами товары, не хватает
следующего .......
23. С сожалением нам приходится сообщить
Вам, что последняя партия товара недогружена
на .......
Unit 17
Read the following information and learn new expressions.
“I am Steve and I am head of car production at a manufacturing plant. On the
assembly line we mass-produce cars. The plant is highly automated: we
use a lot of machinery. These machines are expensive but very cost-effective
– we do not pay them wages! We use industrial robots.”
“My name is Luke. I have a little workshop where I produce furniture ordered
by individual customers. We do not use machinery: the furniture is handmade. Producing furniture like this is a craft industry. It is very labourintensive: it takes a lot of work to produce each piece. Many people dislike the
furniture that big companies churn out in large numbers on their production
lines, so we have a lot of customers.”
Output is the number or type of things that a plant, company, industry or
country produces. Productivity is a measure of how much is produced in
relation to the number of employees. High output per employee = high
The maximum amount that a particular plant, company or industry can produce
is its capacity. If it is producing this amount, it is working at full capacity. If it
is producing more than what is needed, there is overproduction or
excess/spare/ surplus capacity.
If not enough goods are being produced, there is a shortage.
- Our goods are low-priced.
- You mean cheap: your goods are poor quality. Our goods are high-priced,
but we give customer service. And a lot of our goods are mid-priced: not
cheap and not expensive.
- Your goods are expensive. Customers don’t need service.
- You must be selling some goods at cost or at a loss.
- Yes. We have loss leaders – cheap items to attract customers in. We have a
policy of discounting (selling at a discount to the list price.
- Oh, if you go on undercutting us, we can’t stay in business!
I’m Denise van Beek, from sailing boat company Nordsee Marine. We have
something for everyone. If you have never sailed before, try our entry-level
model, the Classic. It’s six meters long and very easy to sail. After a year or
two, many customers trade-up or move upmarket to something more
sophisticated, like the mid-ranged nine-metre Turbosail, with more
equipment and a bit more luxury. Our top-end product is the Fantasy. It’s 15
meters long and has everything you need for comfort on long voyages. We
also produce the Retro, a traditional boat. There’s a small but profitable niche
market for this type of boat.
Translate from Russian into English
1. На сколько процентов Вы
увеличили производительность? Производительность нашего завода повысилась на 5
% в прошлом году.
2. Газета сообщает о нехватке пищи в
Восточной Африке. Поскольку осадков было
ниже среднего, то не было выращено
достаточно пищи.
3. Что случится, если будет производиться
слишком много нефти относительно мирового
спроса?- Нефтяное перепроизводство приведет
к падению цен.
4. Вы работаете на полную мощность? Вы
увеличили производительность?
5. Много зданий было построено в центре
города и теперь многие офисные места пустуют.
Другими словами, слишком много зданий ведет к
перенасыщению офисных площадей.
6. Наши изделия по низким ценам, и они более
дешевы, чем имеют наши конкуренты.
7. Почему Вы устанавливаете такие низкие
цены? - Мы хотим привлечь клиентов и
подорвать наших конкурентов.
8. Мы продаем различные модели лыж.
Некоторые являются базовыми, некоторые
более сложны. Мы называем самые дешевые
лыжи «-« и самые дорогие высококачественный или «-«.Если Вы покупаете
сложные лыжи, взамен базовых, то Вы
повышаете их класс.
Если Вы купите дешевые лыжи после более
дорогих, то Вы понизите их класс.
Unit 18
Read the following information and learn new expressions.
I learnt to negotiate in our local street market. The traders all hated me because I
bargained over everything. I knew their prices weren’t fixed so I always haggled until
they reduced them. When I didn’t have enough money to buy something, I bartered – I
tried to exchange something of mine for something of theirs. And if I didn’t like something
that I bought I always took it back and, of course, they always refunded my money.
A: Mr…, you promised to reconsider the total contract taking into account our request to
increase the share of locally produced equipment in the volume of deliveries to the
B: Yes, we’ve taken it into account. Our new prices is ….
A: Oh, it seems too high to us.
B: And what do you suggest?
A: Half the sum.
B: Sorry, but you ignore the latest international quotations. The prices of chemical
equipment have gone up lately. We have competitive materials substantiating our
prices, and you?
A: So do we. Here is a contract, signed with a Hungarian firm.
B: We know this contract, but it can’t justify your prices. It was signed five years ago.
A: You are right, but this contract can be a basis for our discussion.
B: Let’s resume our talks in 3-4 days. I think we will be able to make you a concession
and grant you a reasonable discount.
A: We are ready to return to the discussion/ to resume the discussion/ to start the
discussion/ to pass on to the discussion of prices.
What do you think of our prices? Do they suit you?
B: We find them acceptable/ fair/ moderate/ justified/ competitive.
A: We are glad that our opinions on the prices coincide.
A: Your prices exceed the prices of this kind of the equipment on the world market. You
have overestimated them.
B: Good, we will adjust our prices taking into account your remarks.
A: Is your price subject to a discount?
B: If you order a great number of equipment or pay in cash, then you are granted a
A: What discount will it be then?
Translate from Russian into English
1.Вы можете торговаться о цене
на рынке, но не в магазине.
2.Если вы хотите, чтобы вам
вернули деньги, вы должны иметь чек.
3.Вы знаете последние
международные котировки на нефть?
- Да, цена выросла на 5%.
4.У вас конкурентноспособные цены.
Они на 10% ниже, чем на мировом рынке.
5.Переговоры будут возобновлены через 2
дня и мы поднимем вопрос пересмотра цен.
6.Если вы покупаете оптом, мы можем дать
вам скидку. – Какова будет скидка?
7.Ваши цены превышают мировые на 5%.
8.Вы знаете индекс цен? – Да, цены
9.Когда мы сможем перейти к обсуждению?
10.Вы урегулировали проблему с ценой?
11.Какова ваша цена? – Цены 1$ за штуку.
12.Мы продаем/ поставляем/ предлагаем
оборудование по более низким ценам.
13.Мы не можем согласиться с вашей
просьбой согласиться снизить цену еще на
14.Давайте сравним наши цены с ценой у
наших конкурентов.
15.Цена включает страховку и стоимость
транспортировки. – А цена включает
расходы на упаковку?
Unit 19
Read the following information and learn new expressions.
A: Let’s carry on with our talks. Shall we start with the time of delivery?
B: OK, let’s take the bull by the horns. When do you require the tractors?
A: The sooner, the better. To be more exact – in time for the sowing, I mean the best
time is the first quarter of the year.
A: That’s will be a bit difficult. Will you take part deliveries?
B: Yes, if necessary.
A: What do you say to 4 shipments at the rate of 25 tractors each?
B: When could we expect you to deliver the first consignment then?
A: Would you be satisfired to have it within the second half of January?
B: What about the balance of the order?
A: We could ship the rest at the rate of one consignment per month.
B: Do you mean we’ll get the last tractors in April?
A: Exactly.
B: That’s a bit too late. We need the lot by the end of March at the latest. We have
obligations to our regular customers, you know.
A: Let’s leave the matter open until tomorrow. I’ll be in touch with the plant tonight.
Perhaps we’ll manage to complete deliveries in March.
B: That’s suits us.
Dear Sirs,
This is to advise you that because of fource-majeure circumstances
(because of a heavy snowstorm) port of Muuga is temporary closed and we will
not be able to place your vessel for unloading.
We will appreciate it if you suspend shipments till we notify you about the
end of force-majeure circumstances.
We hope this short delay will not affect the schedule of deliveries.
Dear Sirs,
Under Contract № … the delivery of equipment for the construction of
the mineral fertilizer plant is scheduled to be carried out in three
The first two consignments were delivered to you in the contractual time
and you were satisfired with the technical characteristics.
Much to our regret the third consignment was delayed because the
manufacturers had failed to produce the equipment in time and also due to
difficulties in providing transport facilities. The equipment had not arrived
at the port of loading until November 20, when the validity of the above
contract had expired. Since the letter of credit validity for the last third
consignment is no longer valid we would request you to either extend it till
January or to confirm payment of invoices to be made for collection.
Revising Translate from Russian into English
1.Что задержало выполнение контракта? –
Форс-мажорные обстоятельства.
2.Мы не будем нести ответственность за
неблагоприятные погодные условия, не
так ли? Предугадать форс-мажорные
обстоятельства трудно.
3.Какие меры вы примете в связи с форсмажорнымиобстоятельствами?
4. – Мы хотим обратить ваше внимание на
то, что вы нарушили условия контракта.
- Вы имеете в виду сроки поставки
- Да, вы задержали поставку на две
- Это так, но мы не могли поставить
оборудование в срок из-за форсмажорных обстоятельств; наше судно
село на мель и нам пришлось ставить его
на ремонт. Вот сертификат.
- Это меняет дело. Но выдолжны были
письменно уведомить нас о случившемся.
- Мы сделали это и очень удивлены, что
вы не получили наше уведомление.
Возможно ваше письмо затерялось. Мы
просмотрим почту еще раз. А сейчас мы
приносим свои извинения.
5.Когда мы сможем решить вопрос о
6.Мы не можем принять ваши условия
7.Мы не можем продолжать поставки. Нам
пришлось приостановить их.
Поставки будут возобновлены, как только
мы получим платежи за последнюю
8. Если вы не выполните сроки поставки,
вам придется платить неустойку. Эта
поставка первостепенной важности.
Unit 20
Read the following information and learn new expressions.
Have you ever been at any commercial talks?
Yes, lots of time. Why?
Most of the working time at foreign trade association is devoted to
carrying on talks on coordinating the terms of export or import
That’s quite true. A newcomer to foreign economic activity should know
a couple of useful things about the talks.
Whatever the situation you may find yourself in during the talks, there
should be an atmosphere of trust, friendliness and readiness to meet
each other halfway and cooperate.
Each worker in foreign economic sphere should know how to conduct
talks – that’s one of their most important business qualities.
Businessmen should know how to control their actions and feelings,
gestures and even the way they sit and speak during the talks.
Everything should be done naturally. They should know the rules of
etiquette concerning their behaviour, for example, when you should
shake hands, take off your hat or stand up.
And you should remember that a handshake’s very popular in France
or Germany, but it is not in Great Britain or Japan.
And lots of other things. If the British is silent, his silence does not
necessarily mean consent, it may just mean patience. If your
Japanese partner nods while listening to you, that doesn’t mean at all
that he agrees with you, it just means, “I follow what you are saying”.
And such elementary things that you should never be late for the talks,
or that you are supposed to be always tidy and have a freash
Nowadays the existing means of communication enable us to settle
most business problems without personal contacts. But if you want to
agree on principal matters or coordinate the terms of the contract,
personal meetings are a must.
One thing is quite clear: you should thoroughly get ready for the
coming talks if you want them to be a success. You are even to make
out a plan of the main problems of the talks with proper pro and con
arguments and possible alternatives as well as the adequate tactics of
carrying them on.
Some people underestimate the ability to carry on talks, they think it’s
very simple and consequently lose a lot.
There’s another point of importance: the better you know your partner,
that is his character, his likes and dislikes, the more successful the
talks may be.
For that end you should thoroughly study the general character of the
nation and bear that in mind, which may enable you to make your talks
a success.
Foe example, the main characteristic features of the British national
character are: enterprise (initiative), business ability, traditional
thoroughness and solidity.
At the same time the English nature is rather contradictory:
practicality and dreaminess, love to adventure and modesty. And the
most important is their affectionate and tender devotion to the past,
which some people call conservatism.
Also, their sence of justice and law is great, to say nothing of their
sense of humour. “Honesty is the best policy”, they say.
And what about the Americans?
One should learn from the Americans their business ability and
enterprise. The American businessmen are always guided by three
principles: thorough analysis, exact division of duties and regular
control over the fulfillment of their plans or of carrying out everything
decided or promised.
And in general you should always bear in mind business etiquette
whose main values are decency and honesty, straitforwardness
and integrity, the sence of obligation and duty.
Yes, a businessman should always be as good as his word, avoid
deceit or cheating in money matters and fulfil at any cost obligations
taken if he wants to have long-standing commercial relations with
his counterparts.
Successful businessmen know very well that being honest is not only
decent, but very profitable because mutual confidence (trust) is the
cornerstone of commerce.
- Mr Brown, have you got any questions as regards the contract?
- No, I think we have settled all points under dispute.
- Good. If some problems arise in the process of work we will deal with
them there and then. Some principal points can be included into a
supplement to the contract upon mutual agreement.
- Agreed.
- Fine. In that case we’ll tell our experts and lawyers to prepare the
contract for singing.
- I don’t think, this purely technical work will take much time and we can
sign the contract at 10 o’clock in the morning.
- I believe that time will be convenient for singing the contract. We have
worked hard and fruitfully, so I think we deserve a good rest. I’d like
to invite you to have dinner in a restaurant and make a tour of our city.
- I am very happy to accept your invitation. Let me once more thank you
for the constructive way you helped to settle all the problems that were
in the way of signing the contract.
Translate from Russian into English
1.Мы согласны с условиями вашего проекта контракта.
2.У нас есть ряд замечаний по обязательствам сторон по
3.Прошу вас изложить ваши замечания.
4.Прошу вас еще раз изучить нашу просьбу.
5.Я не согласен с вашим предложением.
6.Все вопросы при обсуждении коммерческого
предложения были согласованы.
7.Мы успешно провели переговоры по согласованию прав
и обязательств сторон по контракту/ статей контракта.
8.Надеемся, что настоящие переговоры успешно
завершаться в ближайшее время подписанием контракта
на поставку оборудования.
9.Мы в принципе согласны с изменениями и поправками к
10.- Спасибо, что показали нам вашу экспозицию. Нам
очень понравилось ваше текстильное оборудование, и мы
особенно рады, что увидели рабочие модели этого
оборудования в действии.
- Очень приятно это слышать. На этой ярмарке, как я уже
говорил, мы показываем наше новейшее оборудование, в
нем учтены все последние достижения науки и техники в
этой отрасли.
- В какие страны вы поставляете ваше оборудование?
- Наше оборудование успешно работает на более чем 200
предприятиях в различных странах.
- Мы тоже заинтересованы в покупке вашего
оборудования и намерены направить вам запрос.
- Готовы рассмотреть ваш запрос и будем рады
сотрудничать с вами. На этой выставке мы уже подписали
несколько контрактов на поставку нашего оборудования.
- Мы знаем об этом. Выставка в целом проходит с
блестящим успехом. Торговая активность высокая, сумма
заключенных сделок превысила ...... .
- Да, выставка вызвала интерес деловых кругов всего
мира и безусловно будет способствовать расширению и
укреплению торговых и экономических связей.
- Без сомнения. Мы тоже надеемся заключить с вами
взаимовыгодный контракт.
Article 1 –
How to find the first job after college
Congratulations! You have finally made it through four years of college and are
ready to enter the “real world”. Now the next big step comes – finding your first
full-time job. For some, this task can be more challenging than any final exam,
but with the right tools and planning, finding your first job is a manageable feat.
The following are some steps to take to help you get you moving on the right
Step 1 – Determine your goals.
Even after several years of college, you may still be unsure about the type of
job you would like or what opportunities are available to you. Take an inventory
of your strengths, weaknesses, likes and dislikes to figure out what kind of job
suits you. Do you want to work with people? Are you more adept to being
active rather than sitting at a desk? Do you thrive on high-pressure situations?
Once you have answered these questions, research the jobs that fit your
talents and personality. You can find reference books at bookstores and
libraries that outline careers for different majors or interview professionals to
learn more about their careers. Learning about your options now will help you
develop a focused game plan.
Step 2 – Get your tools in order.
It is important to have the right tools for any task you take on. The tools
needed for a job search are a strong resume and cover letter which must
convey your strengths and experience clearly. While there are scores of
resources available to help you develop these tools, here are few tips to
- Think about the type of resume you need. A functional resume, which
highlights your abilities rather than your work history, might be the best
choice for first-time job seekers.
- Write your resume to focus on accomplishments and results you have
achieved, rather than simple descriptions of past experiences.
- Remember that not all experience comes from full-time work. Do not forget
about your volunteer experience, school activities and part-time positions.
- Make sure when you have the correct contact information at any company
you are targeting. Most hiring managers are turned off by greetings like “To
Whom it May Concern”.
- Write your cover letter and resume to speak directly to each company you
target and the position you are seeking.
Step 3 – Utilize your contacts.
It is often not what you know, but who you know. Tap into any resources you
have, such as family, friends and former employers.Use any and all contacts
you can find. Something all you need is a name and a good reference to get
your foot in the door.
Step 4 – Be persistent.
When it comes to finding the first job, the sqeaky wheel gets the oil. Send your
resumes to your targeted companies, but do not let your work stop there.
Always follow up with a phone call, more than one if you need to. Be proactive
and suggest times to meet with potential employers. Ask for informational
interviews if there are no positions open at a company.
Step 5 – Be professional.
It can be difficult to make the transition from college life to the professional
environment, but those who do fare much better. Wear a conservative
business suit and be well groomed when you are going on the interview.
Follow up all meetings with personal thank you letters.Practice answering
tough questions. The more you can do to make a good impression, the better
chance you will have of standing out in a crowd.
Article 2 –
Why self-promotion is the key to success
Self-promotion is a crucial element to your success in finding a job, moving up
to a better one and negotiating a raise.
Many negative connotations typically come to mind when thinking about selfpromotion, all of which unfortunately keep most people, especially women,
from feeling comfortable and confident when talking about themselves. You
know all of the immature favorites: conceited, show-off, braggart, arrogant,
egotistical. Nobody wants to fall victim to such name-calling.
Yet if you are not comfortable claiming your achievements and promoting
yourself, it will be difficult, if not impossible, to get ahead in your career.
Women often talk about their responsibilities rather than their achievements.
They will rehash their previous job descriptions instead of boasting about their
accomplishments. They do this in their resumes, cover letters, conversations
and interviews, which often holds them back from getting the job, raise or
promotion they deserve.
Knowing what your achievements are will enable you to seize opportunities to
set yourself apart from the competition. Remember that job searching is all
about sales: the product you are selling is you! If you are unable to convey the
“product” benefits, it is more challenging to convince a potential buyer to go for
Once you know what you are selling – and why it is such a special product –
practice saying it over and over. Practice writing it too. When you are in
interview situations you will want to be able to smartly and succinctly convey
your greatest strengths. Many otherwise smart people blow great opportunities
because they are unprepared when meeting someone new. One way to never
be caught of guard is to be prepared with a mini pitch about yourself. The more
you say it and the more you practice it, the more confident you will feel about
Beyond that, when promoting yourself to new contacts and asking them for
help in your job search, you should be as specific as possible with your
One of the biggest complaints recruiters have about jobseekers is a lack of a
focus. This is especially true in an economic climate that has seen longer
periods of unemployment than any of us would want. As the bills pile up and
the frustration grows, jobseekers find themselves more desperate. That leads
to the “I will take anything – just give me a job” approach, which is a huge turnoff to potential employers.
When there are many highly qualified candidates vying for the same positions,
it often comes down to attitude. The candidate with the best outlook, the most
positive personality and the more passion for the position usually gets the job.
Your self-promotion should never include any negatives. Keep all professional
conversations positive.
The last and perhaps most important issue to realize is that you have earned
the right to celebrate your accomplishments. Many times when something
great happens to us we can not believe it and we wind up questioning
ourselves as to whether or not we deserve it. So – be proud of yourself and
your accomplishments. You have earned it.
Article 3 –
Actions speak louder than words
Dos and Don´ts of Interview Body Language
In an interview, it is not always just what you say that is important, but also
how you say it and how you look when you are saying it. Despite answering all
questions precisely and with confidence, if your body language is weak, your
overall image may be perceived in this way, too. In order to make sure your
physical actions and gestures are conveying the right message, here are a few
dos and don´ts to keep in mind. While they alone will not win you the big job,
they can certainly help or hurt your chances in a pinch.
Do enter the room confidently. When you meet your interviewer for the first
time, hold your head up, put on a smile, and be sure you look like you are
enthusiastic about the opportunity. Interviews are not fun, but if you go into it
anticipating torture, your body language will reflect this attitude.
Don´t shake hands like a dead fish. In any professional environment, a
handshake can say a lot about a person. Make sure your handshake is firm,
not timid and limp. In the same respect, do not overdo it. You certainly do not
want to be remembered as someone who broke the interviewer´s fingers!
Do try to mirrow your interviewer. Mirroring the body position of the person you
are talking to is a natural tendency, and this strategy often results in a more
relaxed atmosphere. Pay attention to your interviewer and try to mirror his or
her attitude and actions in a subtle way. This does not mean, however, doing
everything your interviewer does. You want the environment to be comfortable
– not creepy.
Don´t swing your legs, tap your feet, twirl your hair, wring your hands, or bite
your fingernails. All these actions demonstrate lack of confidence and fear and
can be extremely distracting. You want to make sure your interviewer
concentrate on your great answers, not your fidgety behaviour.
Do pay attention to your posture. It sounds elementary, but sitting up straight
and having good posture will tell your interviewer that you are confident and
have a strong personality, while slouching will paint you as lazy and weak.
Don´t cross your arms in front your body. Sitting with arms crossed in front of
you indicates defensiveness, resistence, aggressiveness or a closed mind.
Use your hands to be expressive when you are talking. When the interviewer is
speaking, keep your hands folded in your lap or rested on the arms of your
Do make and keep eye contact. Failing to make eye contact with your
interviewer will keep you from truly connecting with him or her, and might make
you seem shy or even evasive. Yes, making eye contact may be
uncomfortable, but it is an important tactic. Similarly, try to utilize other body
expressions that demonstrate interest, such as nodding, tilting your head, or
raising your eyebrows when the other person is making a point.
Don´t change position very often. Constant shifting is distracting and can make
a candidate seem untrustworthy. Resting your ankle on your knee will come
across as too casual and overconfident.
Do pay attention to your tone of voice which says a lot about you, too. Be sure
to answer questions in a strong, confident tone. Avoid talking too softly,
mumbling or speaking too quickly. A good thing to remember before answering
a question is to take a deep breath, think for a second, and then begin to
answer. This will help you calm your nerves and will give you the opportunity to
“look before you leap” when it comes to your important answers.
Article 4 –
Deciding between two job offers
What happens when two job offers come in at the same time? There are worse
problems to have, but a dilemma nevertheless. This seemingly attractive
situation usually becomes a very difficult decision to make especially if the
companies involved have impressed you. The trick to determining which offer
is best for you is cutting down the amount of emotion that is going into your
decision and thinking through your options logically and methodically. Think
over these tips before making your decision.
1. Ask for more time to give a response.
At most companies, the world will not come to an end if you wait a few more
days to come on board. Companies sometimes pressure candidates to make
acceptance decisions, but any company worth your time will be willing to give
you a few more days to carefully think through your options. In fact, the
company should be impressed by the fact that you are responsible enough to
take accepting a job seriously.
2. Make some lists.
One of the best ways to think through a difficult situation is by putting your
thoughts down on paper. First, make a list of what you really want to get out of
your job and what factors are important to you. Next, create another list of the
pros and cons of each company. Give yourself ample time to complete this
step and think long and hard about each list. This will help you make an
informed decision rather than a rash one.
3. Remember that it's not just about the money.
While it might be tempting to simply go with the offer that includes a higher
salary, there are a wide variety of factors that will go into your future career
happiness. Make sure you also consider your potential coworkers, the
leadership of the company, other benefits, and the career path and
opportunities available to you. You may receive one offer that comes with a
substantially higher salary, but not as much opportunity to move ahead.
4. Pick someone's brain.
If you have the opportunity, speak to employees at both companies, as well as
others in your community. Find out whatever you can about each company's
reputation and direction. Doing this will also give you an idea of personalities at
work at both companies. Do the employees seem happy? Are they
enthusiastic and willing to give their employer a positive recommendation? You
can often tell a great deal about how people really feel just by their immediate
reactions. If you ask current employees how they like the company and hear
hesitation prior to positive responses, you may be receiving an important red
flag to consider.
5. Don't burn your bridges.
Once you have decided on one job offer, make sure you reject the other offer
professionally. Write a formal thank you letter after you have turned down the
offer explaining that you were impressed with the company and its employees,
but simply felt you needed to move in a different direction. Try to keep in touch
with the company and contacts you made. You never know when your
situation will change, and it is always a good idea to maintain networking
contacts throughout your career.
Remember, in any professional situation, how you react today can have a
major effect on your success tomorrow. If you consider all of your options,
think carefully about your opportunities, and are respectful of the companies
involved, you will make the right decision, regardless of where you end up on
the first day of work!
Article 5 –
10 tricks for negotiating a higher starting salary
In one corner: the prospective employer, who wants to hire you at the lowest
reasonable salary. In the other corner: you, wanting to be hired at the highest
reasonable salary. In between is the negotiable area, which, according to HR
managers we spoke to, ranges anywhere from 10 to 30 percent.Should you
"The level of salary is a predictor of the level of responsibility you will have
within the company," says Human Resources expert Lori Kocon. "And since
future salaries, salary increases and bonuses are based on this one, an
increase of just $1,000 in the negotiated salary may represent $15,000 to
"Most employers are not trying to exploit you and will not take offense as long
as you approach the negotiation with professionalism, tact and goodwill,"
Kocon adds.
Here are ten ways to do just that:
1. Dress and act the part. Remember going into the interview that much of
your negotiation is already non-verbally transacted by your image and bearing.
2. Be patient. Wait until after the job has been firmly offered to discuss or
negotiate pay.
3. Research the normal salary range for this type of position. If you have
close contacts at the hiring company, they may be able to provide you with the
actual salary guidelines for the job grade or position. Otherwise, you can find
out what other companies are paying individuals with your skills and education
by checking out third party salary research.
4. Don't be the first to give a definitive figure. Ask for the range of salary for
this position before offering any figure you have in mind. (In some cases, the
manager may have discretionary power to go 20 percent above the highest
figure he or she mentions to get an exceptional candidate.)
5. Keep your full attention on the person you are negotiating with. Listen
and watch for all verbal and behavioral cues that will give you a better idea of
the real needs, values and aspirations of the other party.
6. Be comfortable with silence. In a negotiation situation, the person who
has the least tolerance of silence will fill the void by speaking – often with a
7. Never downplay your strengths or over emphasize your weaknesses.
Be amicable, but firm. In higher level positions, especially, the most appealing
candidates have a pleasant air of invincibility about them.
8. Do not put pressure on yourself to make a decision or grant
concessions on the spot. If they tell you the offer is final, say that you'll need
a day or so to think about it.
9. Negotiate for the future as well as the present. If you are told the salary
isn't flexible, perhaps another area is. See if you can increase the total value of
your compensation package through benefits such as deferred compensation,
relocation assistance, vacation time, stock options, club membership,
commissions or a company car. (As a rule of thumb, benefits are worth 25 to
30 percent of the cited salary.)
10. Be sure. Never say "no" or turn down an offer until you are absolutely
certain you must do so.
How you negotiate your salary shows the employer how you will do business
and negotiate on the company's behalf once you are hired. The key is to do it
in a way that gains you not only a higher salary, but also the employer's trust
and respect.
Article 6 –
Keys to following up after an interview
A thank-you note shows your courteousness, savvy, and interest in the
job. Here are some key things to keep in mind when writing one to help
bolster your candidacy.
Giving thanks
Interviewers like to be thanked, and a thank-you note shows consideration and
allows you to confirm your interest. Nevertheless, how you go about writing the
thank-you – what you say, how you say it, and who you say it to – could make
or break your candidacy.
In fact, if you are not careful, you botch a thank you and lose a job you want.
Recruiters say that ill-considered thank-you notes can kill your candidacy,
especially if they have typos – and many do. Proofread your thank you.
And if you have talked to multiple people, you do not want to send them all the
same thank you – interviewers regularly assemble all documents, including
thank-you notes, before making a hiring decision. If the four you sent were
identical, that is not going to look good when the recruiters hang them on the
wall and compare. If you individualize your sentiments, you will make a much
better impression.
Don´t push it
Another gaffe: appearing pushy. Remember, you haven´t received an offer yet.
Give your recruiters some time to make a decision. Letting them know you
expect an offer, and quickly, will help them narrow down the list – by taking you
Finally, think about the best form for your thank you. If the interview tells you
she plans to make a decision that night, do not send a letter by snail mail – email promptly, as soon as you get home; otherwise, the decision will have
been made long before your letter arrived. On the other hand, if you are
applying somewhere that prides itself on doing personalized work for clients,
you might want to send off a handwritten message on a nice card. That shows
an attention to detail that will be important on the job.
You might also considering faxing your thank you and putting the hard-copy in
the mail. By faxing, the interviewer gets your sentiments immediately; and then
again when the hard copy arrives. You will get your name before the person
twice with the same thank you – which will help keep you on the interviewer´s
Even if you do not want the job, it is worth letting your interviewer know that
you appreciate their time and consideration. Who knows, they could be
interviewing you again one day – and for a position you will want.
You should also realize that an impeccably written and individually tailored
letter will make your interviewer feel warm and fuzzy inside, but it probably will
not sway the unsentimental recruiter who has already decided you are not right
for the position. What it will do is leave a good impression if you decide to
apply to the company again – or give you an advantage if whomever the
company does hire does not work out.
The bottom line in following up is that you should do it – graciously, promptly,
and carefully.
Article 7 –
6 secrets of successful entrepreneurs
Every day, brave men and women set out to start their own businesses with
the hopes of turning a passion into a successful career. However, not every
start-up business succeeds. Although successful entrepreneurs come in all
shapes and sizes and their businesses are as varied as their owners, there are
some secrets that these successful businesspeople share when it comes to
getting a business off the ground. The following are six secrets to becoming a
Secret 1 - The most important work happens before the business is
started. The first thing that successful entrepreneurs do before setting up their
business is extensive research to make sure they understand the market, the
competition, and what needs they can meet. These individuals know that they
cannot effectively provide a service without knowing what challenges they are
up against and what opportunities they have to succeed. Good entrepreneurs
do their homework. They create business plans, set goals, and lay all the
Secret 2 - You can make money by working for free. Many entrepreneurs
got their businesses of the ground by taking on volunteer projects in their
communities. Doing this gave them the opportunity to add to their portfolios,
make connections, and begin the all-important networking process. Susan
Keuhnhold, who owns a graphic design firm in Indianapolis, got her business
started by volunteering to do design projects for her children's school and other
organizations with which she was involved. "I would go to a meeting, hear
about a need and speak up to let them know what I could do," she said. "I
completed a couple of great volunteer projects and eventually more and more
people who were in need of graphic design learned about my services. Soon I
had developed a base of clients, many of which I still have today."
Secret 3 - A good opportunity can come up at any place and any time.
Sometimes opportunities present themselves when we least expect them.
Successful entrepreneurs learn to keep their eyes and ears open for these
opportunities at all times. "You never know where business will come from,"
said Raquel Richardson, who runs her own marketing company. "The key is to
always be planting seeds. You never know what is going to grow, but the more
you put out there, the better chance you have of something great popping up."
This means being ready to talk about your business anytime and in any place.
The secret is to keep yourself tuned to potential opportunities and not be afraid
Secret 4 - Small business can lead to big business. Sometimes business
owners spend all their time looking for the big fish and ignoring smaller
opportunities. Robyn Frankel owns a public relations firm in St. Louis and has
learned that clients with minimal work to start can turn into big opportunities.
"It is much easier to grow relationships than to start new ones," she said.
Therefore, she takes on projects even when they are small, completes those
projects with flair, and then proactively works to turn those little opportunities
Secret 5 - Passion is important. It's no secret that becoming a successful
entrepreneur is hard work. Business owners tend to put in long hours when
they are starting out, and often find themselves working on their business - or
at least thinking about the business - all the time. That's why it is vital to love
what you are doing. Richardson said she puts more time into her business
than she did when she worked for an agency, but she doesn't mind because
she truly enjoys her work. Other successful entrepreneurs agree. Starting your
own business is a challenge, but it is well worth it if you have the opportunity to
Secret 6 - Personal networking is the best kind of marketing.
Entrepreneurs agree that the best kind of marketing is not paid advertising, but
personal connections. "You can spend money advertising or developing
marketing materials, but you get much more bang for your buck just by
networking," said Keuhnhold. This means participating in community
organizations, joining local business groups, and attending events to meet new
people. Robyn Frankel says some of her best opportunities have come from
being on the boards of local non-profit organizations. "I try to be as active as
possible in boards and committees, and this has led to much of the work I am
still doing today," she said.
Article 8 –
Bad communicator, bad boss
Funny how many bosses think their subordinates are moving on because
of dissatisfaction over what they are paid. Wrong.
A 2001 study involving some 20,000 exit interviews found that No.1 reason
people leave jobs is “poor supervisory behaviour”. In other words, bad bosses.
And one of the biggest factors cited was poor communication skills. People too
often are promoted for their workplace accomplishments, without any
assessment of their communication skills.
Fortunately, good communicators are made, not born.
Some management and human resources experts have been questioned
recently about how well today´s managagers communicate, including their use
e-mail. When asked what bosses generally need to work on, here is what they
6 basic communication tips
1. Be a better listener. Pay attention to your employees. Sounds simple, but it
is a common gripe, says one of a human resources consultants. She offers a
story about one of her former bosses, who cleverly perched his hand under his
chin and appeared in meetings to be listening intently to whoever was
speaking. But if you looked closely, under his glasses, his eyes were closed.
He would use the meeting to snooze.
2. Make time for employees. Regular, one-on-one meetings with your team
members are important; if employees work remotely, meet by phone. If you
can´t meet weekly, do it at least twice a month. And don´t take phone calls
during meetings, unless it is an emergency. Show your employees they have
your full attention. Talk about their career paths and how you envision them
growing in their jobs. On the flip side, employees need to be aware of bosses´
time pressures.
3. Put out a consistent message about your values. Knowing who you are,
and what you stand for, can help your employees make better decisions on
their own (or at least decisions that you will like better).
4. Give regular feedback; avoid surprises. Employees shouldn´t first learn
about significant performance issues in an annual evaluation. They should be
confronted well beforehand (and as humanely as possible) that there is
something they need to improve.
5. Be effective in speaking to groups. If you can´t speak well at employee
meetings or in front of employee groups, you lose credibility as a manager.
Learn how to do it; learn how to get better at it. The same thing goes for writing
6. Don´t hide behind e-mails. Most delicate matters must be discussed in
person. Most conflicts must be settled in person, or at least by phone. When
emotions are involved, e-mail becomes a less-appropriate vehicle to
communicate. And e-mail is never an appropriate method to tell someone he
or she is being laid off.
Getting your own evaluation
Should you seek out feedback from employees on your performance as a
manager? You bet. It will engender loyalty, and likely make you a better boss.
How do you solicit such feedback? Larger businesses, such as Microsoft, have
annual manager feedback forms that can be answered by employees
(anonymously, if they so choose).
Use your one-on-one meetings with an employee to hear him or her out on an
issue concerning your management style. Try to disarm the employee as much
as possible, with humor or whatever, and be sincere in your interest about
what he or she has to say. It may be hard for you to do, but it may even be
harder for the employee to speak his or her mind. The end result is likely to be
a better relationship.
Acting on employee feedback
How to handle an employee´s criticism? You listen to what the employee has
to say, ask questions where appropriate, get the employee´s suggestions on
how you could improve and then pledge to consider it.
You are likely not to agree with everything said, at least initially. But take it all
under advisement. Your initial reaction migjht be to reject the feedback
completely. Bad move. Tell him you will take some time to think about the
criticism, and get back to him later. Then do so.
Chances are, you will appreciate what the employee had to say, even if – after
spending some time thinking about it – you still disagree. Do get back to the
employee and pledge to do what you feel is necessary to enhance the
Read the articles and translate sentences from Russian into English using
words and expressions from them.
5. Why did you reject this job offer? – I turned it down because this job involves
big responsibility.
Article 5
Article 1
1. When you come to the interview, you must be well groomed and your
clothes must be clean and neat.
2. If you want to make your dream come true, you must be persistent.
3. It is a very challenging task.
4. Have you determined your goals yet?
5. Your CV must convey your strengths and experience.
6. The boss wants me to inform him about my accomplishments and results of
7. Take an inventory of the tasks you want to accomplish.
8. During the interview do not forget to highlight your abilities and
9. Due to her bright appearance she always stands out in a crowd.
1. You should negotiate with your boss a higher salary. You deserve it. Your
present salary is not reasonable.
2. We are not going to grant them any concessions.
3. Do not downplay your strenghts. Never speak about your weaknesses.
Article 6
1. A thank-you letter will show your courteousness and savvy.
2. Will you bolster my candidacy?
3. You should show your consideration and congratulate him on his birthday.
4. What you said was ill-considered.
5. This gaffe can spoil everything.
6. I cannot accept a fax-copy, I need a hard-copy.
7. What is the bottom line of your work?
Article 2
Article 7
1. She is considered to be a conceited and arrogant person.
2. It is a challenging task to get ahead in your career without self-promotion.
3. You have worked hard and deserve a promotion.
4. Though he conveyed the benefits of his product, he could not convince me
that it was worth buying.
5. I have prepared a mini pitch and will talk as succinctly as possible.
6. The main complaint of the employer was a lack of experience of the
candidates who were vying for that position.
1. He is a successful entrepreneur now because before he started his own
business he had made an extensive research of the market.
2. What kind of services do you provide?
3. It was very difficult for me to make a decision and take the plunge.
4. They spend a lot of money advertising their company.
Article 3
1. You must answer examination questions with precision and confidence.
2. He looked subdued and his handshake was timid and limp. Everything
showed a lack of confidence.
3. Pay attention to your posture. Do not slouch.
4. He was listening carefully nodding and tilting his head.
5. It can be distracting if you often change position.
Article 4
1. We should cut down the amount of money we spend on food every month.
2. He made the list of all pros and cons and thought carefully before he
accepted the job. So it was not a rash decision.
3. Though the job offer was very tempting , he took some time to response.
4. He has a good salary, different benefits and good relationship with his
Article 8
1. He was promoted due to his big work accomplishments.
2. I am very tired. I would like to snooze a bit.
3. You can call this number only in emergency.
4. I could not foresee the consequences of this action.