ЗАДАЧИ УРОКА: Практиковать учащихся в диалогической речи. Учить
монологическим высказываниям в связи с ситуацией по теме. Практиковать
в аудировании текста. Провести промежуточный контроль знаний учащихся.
Развивающие задачи: Развивать слух и фонематическую и долговременную
память, умение планировать.
Воспитательная задача: Воспитание любви и уважения к родной стране и
Тип урока: Совершенствование речевых навыков
Учебные пособия: ТСО, картинки и фото с видами Москвы.
1. Организационный момент- постановка целей и задач урока.
2. Фонетическая зарядка
We revise a poem;
I want to see my Moscow,
Moscow, Moscow.
I go to this city on Friday
On Friday, on Friday
3.Речевая зарядка
Talking about traveling
-Do you like traveling?
-What kind of traveling do you like/
-What is the fastest way of traveling?
-What cities did you visit?
-Have you ever been in Moscow?
We want to Moscow today to, and we‘ll make a little trip to this beautiful city.
1. Развитие диалогической речи
Our friend, the Stogov’s family, is going to visit Moscow on holidays.
A) Listen to what they are speaking about the trip now.
b) Answer the question
- What is the mother going to visit in Moscow?
- What is the father going to see in Moscow?
- What are the children going to do in Moscow?
2.Развитие монологической речи
a) Moscow is the capital of Russia. Speak about it?
b) Speak why do you advise to visit Moscow?
c) Tell about your visit to Moscow.
3. Организация беседы по теме.
Let me introduce our guest. She is from Moscow. Ask some question about
her native city.
-What is Moscow?
- Where is it situated?
-What characterizes of Moscow as an ancient city?
-Moscow is a cultural centre, isn’t it?
-Is Moscow an educational centre?
1.Практика аудирования текста.
We know Moscow is a big transport centre. Listen to the text.
a) Слова к тексту.
b) Контроль понимания текста:
-How can people go to Moscow?
- What did an American correspondent write about?
- When was the Moscow’s metro opened?
- The stations are works of builders and artists aren’t they?
c) Retelling the text. You may use the following words:
a great transport centre
subway was opened in
new stations a
tribute to
Most amazing to
2. Диалоги на улицах Москвы
Read ex. 2, p.48. ex.13, p.55
3.Беседа «Что ты знаешь о Москве» Moscow is very important in the life of
our country. Explain why people from all pars of the country and visitors
from other countries come to Moscow. Write them on the blackboard.
a) The sights of Moscow
b) Famous people
c) Important events
4. Test. “How do you know Moscow?”
5. A song about Moscow.
Our trip has the end. On the next lesson we’ll know some interesting facts
about Moscow.
1. Итоги урока.
2.Домашнее задание-упр.4 стр.49