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Modern world of professions (Pflfybt 4

Modern world of professions, labour market
June 26, 2023
Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Specialists
Cybersecurity Experts
Software Developers/Engineers
Renewable Energy Specialists
Healthcare Professionals
Financial Analysts
E-commerce Specialists
What are the advantages and disadvantages of working in office?
Should there be the dress code at a company. Why? Why not?
What qualities should a good boss have?
What is the usual retirement age in your country? Should it change?
When you were a child, what did want to be when you grew up?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of distance work?
Which profession are very well=paid these days? Why doe the society
value those workers highly??
What is the professions of your dream? What qualities are necessary for it?
Today’s world is changing at a rapid pace. Things like automation,
technology, and other innovations are already re-shaping the job market,
and even more changes are yet to come.
All these changes lead to the loss of many jobs that we are used to. Yet,
they also promote the creation of more new career opportunities.
Just a decade ago, we didn’t even hear the names of a number of speci
alties, especiallyit is difficult to imagine what professions will be in
demand in twenty or thirty years. Keeping up with the ever-changing labor
market is not easy. But one thing is certain: those who learn quickly, who
are open to everything new and are not afraid to change their occupation,
will not be idle.
Twenty years ago, the most prestigious professions were considered a
lawyer and an economist. Universities trained tens of thousands of
graduates who could not find a job. At the same time, the prestige of
technical speci alties fell, resulting in a shortage of engineers. In addition,
with the rapid development of technology and their penetration into all
spheres of life, the demand for programmer services has increased
dramatically. It is this speci alty that leads the research on what professions
are in demand and highly paid. A similar situation exists with medical
workers. Paradox? Far from it.
What professions are in demand: compare Russia and the West
If in our country a teacher and a doctor, and even more so a nurse or
educator, are budgetary, rather low-paid workers (despite the fact that these
are people with higher education), then the situation looks completely
different in Europe and the USA. There is just an acute shortage of
qualified medical personnel. First of all, Western Europe is experiencing a
shortage of nurses, nurses and carers. Therefore, there you can find a job in
these speci alties very quickly. In addition, qualified doctors are also
expected in the West.
There is a clear lack of technical specialists and professional engineers.
one of the most necessary specialties of the future will be IT specialists and
The rapidly developing progress of computer technology leads to the fact
that the demand for such professions will only increase with time.
Nanotechnologist is one of the newest professions of the future, which
eventually will only develop, and the demand of employers will grow.
One of the modern and new professions, which will also be in demand in
the future – this is logist. This activity covers a fairly large range of
responsibilities – such as the organization of delivery of goods from the
manufacturer or supplier to the final buyer, the formation of inventories,
competent tracking of the entire supply process.
Therefore, in our age of trade and market relations, the Profession of
Logist will still be in demand and high paying.
TASK 4 из сборника Вербицкой 2022 НА МАКСИМУМ
Task 4. Imagine that you are doing a project "Careers of the future"
together with your friend. You have found some illustrations and want to
share the news. Leave a voice message to your friend. In 2.5 minutes be
ready to:
• give a brief description of the photos, justifying the choice of the photos
for the project;
• say in what way the pictures are different, justifying the choice of the
photos for the project;
• mention the advantages and disadvantages (1-2) of doing these jobs;
• express your opinion on the subject of the project – what professions
would be in demand for the next 10 years and why.
You will speak for not more than 3 minutes (12-15 sentences). You have to
talk continuously.