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English Test Paper годовая контрольная для 9 класса

English Test Paper
Name_________________ Date________________
Variant 1
Ex.1 Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple or Present Continuous.
Dear Clare,
I 1)_____________ (love) Manchester! I 2)____________(work) for a translating company in the city
centre at the moment. I really 3)____________ (enjoy) the work, and the people here 4)_________ (be) very
friendly. We 5)_________ (go) to the cinema once a week and tomorrow Bill 6)______________(have) a
party. I 7)_____________ (stay) with my aunt and uncle until I 8)____________ (find) a flat of my own.
They 9)__________ (help) me a lot, but it 10)___________ (be) still hard work trying to find somewhere to
Write soon,
Ex.2 Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте слово, напечатанное заглавными буквами в
скобках так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста. Заполните пропуск
полученным словом.
Kitty lived next door to me and we'd been friends since childhood. We learnt at the same school and
______________(WALK) there together. I was sixteen and she was four years ____________(YOUNG)
than me but we had a lot in common and enjoyed chatting on ____________(WE) way to school. Every
morning Kitty knocked on my door and I had to be ready by that time — she ____________(NOT LIKE)
waiting for me. One day she didn't knock. When I caught up with her at the bus stop, she
___________(READ) a magazine and didn't even look at me. I ___________(NOT CAN) understand what
was going on. "Hey, Kitty, what's wrong? Why aren't you talking to___________(I)?" "You yourself know
why," Kitty said angrily. "No, I don't." "No, I don't. I wouldn't ask you if I ___________(KNOW)." "You
went to the cinema with Lisa Parker yesterday," Kitty was almost crying. I felt puzzled and didn't know
what to say. The two _____________(WOMAN) at the bus stop looked amused at our conversation and
didn't hide their smiles.
Ex.3 Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте слово, напечатанное заглавными буквами в
скобках так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста. Заполните пропуск
полученным словом.
How do people learn the news? About a century ago people got ____________(INFORM) from newspapers
since they were the only mass media that existed in those times. Radio and television seemed
_____________(WONDER) as they broadcasted audio and visual images. The Internet has changed the
situation dramatically. Now the audience has an opportunity to create the news, share their
__________(KNOW) and express their personal opinions. The Internet supposes interaction, which makes it
very __________(ATTRACT) to people. Will they ___________(APPEAR ) in the near future? I wish they
wouldn't as I like starting my day with a cup of coffee and a ___________(TRADITION) newspaper.
Ex.4 Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски словами ниже. Каждое из этих слов может быть
использовано только один раз. Два слова в этом списке 1−8 лишние: art / centre / easiest / free /
highest / largest / open / science
Moscow State University
Moscow State University is the oldest university in Russia. It was founded in 1755, and it is one of the
country’s most prestigious and best universities. It is the ____________ university in Russia with 40
faculties and many research centres. It’s a symbol of Russian _______________.
The new building, which is located on Vorobyovy Gory near the Moskva River was completed in 1949–
1953. The university’s _______________ section is 36 floors and 194 metres tall. There are approximately 9
million books in the university library. It also has its own publishing _____________. Education at MSU is
______________ for many students. The only condition for this is passing entrance exams in addition to
getting good results in the Uniform State Exam. The university is ______________ to international students
Ex.5 Установите соответствие между текстами и рубриками, выбрав рубрику из выпадающего
списка. Используйте каждую рубрику только один раз. В задании одна рубрика лишняя.
Выпадающий список:
1. Free time
2. Food
3. Advice
4. Sightseeing
5. Animal facts
6. Weather
A. Russian summers are warm, but cities such as Moscow (and even those as far east as Tomsk), can
experience intense heat waves that drive residents out of doors, and in somecases, out of town. High
humidity makes the summers feel even hotter. Brief showers occur unexpectedly; it’s good to carry a small
travel umbrella with you even on the sunniest days.
B. Fish is a major ingredient in the Finnish cuisine. The large amount of lakes and rivers provide interesting
opportunities to catch your own delicious dinner and prepare it on openfire. There is one dish Finns
particularly love to prepare when spending time in their summercottages: the smoked whitefish. Whitefish
can be caught in lakes, rivers and the Baltic Sea.
C. When you’re sightseeing or touring in the summer, be sure to remember to wear sunblock. Getting
sunburned early in your trip will make the rest of your visit less pleasant. Don’t forget to protect your ears,
the back of your knees, face, and other areas of exposed skin with a good-quality sunscreen that will last
throughout the day. Be sure that your clothing is breathable.
D. Russians prefer escaping from the noisy city on the weekends or for a vacation to enjoy their summer
cottage, or dacha. Dachas are located on the outskirts of cities and towns. Some Russians maintain beautiful
gardens there, but the intention of the dacha is to provide a place away from the heat and noise of the city
where families can relax and commune with nature.
E. Some sharks seem to eat all the time. For example, the Great White Shark is always on the hunt: in a year
it eats 11 tons of food! To compare, an average person eats half a ton of food per year. Most sharks eat a
meal every couple of days. If necessary, though, they can go for a few weeks without eating. Like people,
sharks can store extra energy as fat, for use later when food is limited.
Ex.6 Перед Вами на экране 5 незаконченных предложений A−E. Внимательно прочитайте их.
Прочитайте также варианты ответов в выпадающем списке. Вы услышите разговор в магазине
подарков. Для каждого предложения выберите из выпадающего списка концовку, соответствующую
содержанию разговора.
А. Maria's project is _________.
1) under the books; 2) near the clock; 3) under the clock
B. Maria should change _________ in her project.
1) pictures; 2) examples; 3) ideas
C. Maria's class will go to the Museum of _________.
1) Art; 2) History; 3) Biology
D. The excursion starts _________.
1) 2 pm; 2) 1:05 pm; 3) 1:40 pm
E. The ticket to the Museum costs _________.
1) £10; 2) £8.15; 3) £8.50