Uploaded by Natallia Stsepanovich

Easter marathon

Easter marathon
Класс: 6
Форма проведения: квест-игра
Цель мероприятия: знакомство с историей и традициями проведения праздника –
Пасхи в Британии.
использование лексики по теме “Пасха в Британии” на коммуникативном уровне;
знакомство учащихся с традициями Британии на примере празднования Пасхи.
 развитие коммуникативных умений по теме «Пасха в Великобритании»;
 формирование положительной мотивации к изучению английского языка.
 развитие творческих способностей обучающихся.
 воспитание у учащихся уважительного отношения к культуре и национальным
традициям страны изучаемого языка
 развитие коммуникативной компетенции;
 развитие умения работать в команде;
 повышать познавательный интерес к стране изучаемого языка;
 активизация у учащихся творческих способностей при подготовке и проведении
 активизация и расширение лексического запаса;
 формирование и развитие навыков монологической речи, чтения.
 уши для кроликов, названия, картинки с символами, стол, секундомер, измерительная
лента, сковорода, блины с заданиями, видео с ноутбуком, листы со словами, яйца,
метки старта и финиша, корзинка, повязка на глаза.
Teacher: играет музыка
Hello everyone! You are in a wonderful world of the English language. Easter comes in
spring. It’s a beautiful time for everyone. The days of winter are over. New life begins. Birds
return singing. Grass and flowers begin to form a new carpet. Everything is coming alive. Let’s
come alive too. I’m glad to greet teams that are going to take part in the “Easter marathon”.
Are you ready? Welcome each other. Clap for yourselves. Now you are ready. Let’s start our
marathon. The guests from Great Britain visited our school. What are their names? They are
Easter bunnies. So they left the envelopes all over our school. I’ll give you tips how to find
them. Follow them. You should find all the envelopes. You will find some tasks in these
envelopes and do these tasks. Today we’re going to speak about Easter in Britain. You will play
different games, sing songs. The team that collects the largest number of eggs in its basket is
the winner. Let’s go on a trip.
1. Find the pair. Easter symbols. (картинки с символами Пасхи по две одного
вид: булочка, яйцо, кролик, цыпленок, ягненок, цветы (нарцисс, лилии,
тюльпаны), шляпка, шоколадное яйцо, свечи, дерево с яйцами, крест, венец,
Legend: There are a lot of Easter symbols in Britain. For example: Hot Cross
Buns are the special Easter cakes with a cross on it. The Cross is a symbol of
Christ’s victory over death. Eggs are popular on Easter. Families meet and
exchange chocolate eggs. The rabbit –children think that the Easter bunny brings
eggs. He hides eggs for children on Easter morning. Hot cross buns are special
Easter cakes with a cross on it. The Cross is a symbol of Christ’s victory over the
death. Eggs are one of the most important symbols of Easter symbolize life. In
Britain people usually exchange chocolate eggs. Easter Bunny is a rabbit that
brings chocolate eggs to children. He hides egg for children on Easter morning.
Easter tree is a tree which people in Britain decorate with the Easter eggs. Easter
Bonnet is a symbol of new clothes wearing on this holiday. He hides the eggs on
Easter morning.
Your task is to find the Easter symbols, do these sums (it’s my mobile phone) and
will send me a photo with these symbols. I’ll give you an egg.
2. Кто дальше прыгнет всей командой. (Измерительная лента. Два указателя.
Человека поставить)
Bunny: I’m a Hopping Bunny. I like to hop. My task for us is to jump as far as possible.
The first teammate jumps and the second continues from that place and so on. Each
player hops with his/her feet together. I’ll measure the length. If you do this task right,
send me your result. I’ll give you an egg. Get on your mark! Ready, steady, go!
3. Викторина (на компьютере, настроить до конца, человек)
Bunny: Hello, my dear friends! What do you know about Easter, its traditions and
symbols? I know all about Easter. Try to answer my quiz questions. Choose the
category and the points that you want to get. You have 5 minutes. Let’s start.
4. Катание яиц: “Egg Rolling” (яйца с киндера, сколько найдете, в каждом яйце
спрятано слово со стихотворения, метки старта и мешени, человек)
Bunny: British people like playing different Easter games for example Egg Rolling. Egg
– rolling is a traditional Easter pastime which is still popular in Northern England,
Scotland, Wales and Isle of Man. It takes place on Easter Sunday or Monday, and
consists of rolling coloured, hard-boiled eggs down a slope until they are cracked and
broken after which the players eat them. In some parts of Britain the competitions take
place and the winner is a player whose egg remains longest undamaged, but usually the
fun is just rolling and eating.
Your task is to hit the mark. If you hit you’ll open the egg with the word in it. At the end
you should make up a poem from these words. If you do this task right I’ll give you an
egg. Let’s start.
Bunnies are brown,
Bunnies are white,
Bunnies are always
An Easter delight.
Bunnies are cuddly,
The large and the small,
But I like chocolate ones
The best of them all!
5. Hidden eggs. (Спрятать яйца, вырезанные из бумаги, в зимнем саду. На
каждом яйце написаны запутанные слова. Должны отыскать и выполнить
Legend: I’m a Hidden Bunny. I like to hide eggs. Try to find my eggs, unscramble
the words on them and make up sentences with them. Then I’ll check your
sentences. If you do this task right I’ll give you an egg.
The key:
6. Blind Hunt. По одному участнику собирают яйца с закрытыми глазами.
Повязка на глаза. Корзинка. Яйца вырезанные или с киндера.
Bunny: An egg hunt is a game during which decorated eggs or Easter eggs are
hidden for children to find. Real hard-boiled eggs, which are typically dyed or
painted, artificial eggs made of plastic filled with chocolate or candies, or foilwrapped egg-shaped chocolates of various sizes are hidden in various places. The
children collect the eggs in a basket. But your task is to collect the eggs with the
blind (closed) eyes as many as possible. I need one person from the team for this
7. Pancake race. (Сковорода и блины с заданием. На каждом блине одно
предложение из текста. Сколько блинов они перевернут, столько
предложений и прочитают. Сказать верно или не верно.)
Bunny: In the UK Easter is one of the major Christian festivals of the year. Easter
eggs, Easter bunny and sending Easter cards are traditions not only in Britain.
It is preceded by forty days of Lent. Shrove Tuesday, also called Pancake Day, is
the last day before the period of fasting which starts on Ash Wednesday. Your task
is to turn over a pancake on the frying pan, read the statement below and decide
whether it is true or false. If you do this task right I’ll give you an egg.
Sweet facts about Easter
- Easter is the most important candy-eating holiday (false, the second)
- Sixty billion chocolate Easter bunnies are created each year (false, only 90 million)
- Kids favorite jelly bean flavors according to popularity in order are; cherry,
strawberry, grape, lime and blueberry (true)
- Every Easter 600 million Peeps (marshmallow candies) are created. (false, 20
- Jelly beans became a popular Easter treat in 1990 (false, 1930)
- Americans Eat About 1.5 Million Marshmallow Peeps During Easter (true)
- The jelly bean was created in America by a Boston candy man. (true)
- Most children like to eat jelly beans one at a time. (true)
- 76 percent of people eat the ears on chocolate bunnies first (true)
- over Easter schools in the UK close for two weeks (true)
- Easter is celebrated on the same date each year (false)
- the word “Easter” is found in the Bible (true)
- Easter is the most important festival in the Christian calendar (true)
8. Посмотреть видео и ответить на вопросы. (ноутбук, видео есть)
Message: Hi everyone! I’m a Guest Bunny. I like to visit my friends. But today
I’m in Belarus and can’t visit my dear family. So they’ve sent me a video message
how they celebrate Easter Holiday in Britain. Let’s watch this video. And then
answer my questions and send me the answers.
What’s girl’s name? (Sarah)
How old is she? (12)
What did she buy for friends at Easter? (Chocolate eggs and Easter Bunny)
Do people go to work on Good Friday? (No, it’s a holiday. They decorate eggs.)
What did mum bring? (Hot Cross buns)
What’s Sarah’s favorite colors? (yellow and red)
Where do they go on Easter Sunday? (to church)
Who won the competition Rolling Eggs? (Ellie)
What do people do in the garden? (hide and find eggs)
Do people go to work or school on Easter Monday?
9. Спеть песню всем месте. Квадратики на полу. Пройти путь, составить песню
и спеть всем вместе
(ноутбук с песней или телефон, квадратики на бумаге со словами,
секундомер в телефоне)
Bunny: Hello, my friends! I’m glad to see you! I’m Singing Bunny. I like the
songs very much. Now I invite you to make up a song and sing it all together. You
can see the song but you need to unscramble it, sing it all together and send me a
video. If you do this task right I’ll give you an egg.
I’ll parade
and yellow too, I’ve got green
cause it’s all things my Easter bonnet, I’ve got purple, I’ve got pink,
my Easter bonnet Do you like
and on the back? On the front
Do you like
my fancy hat
can you see
the decorations
Do you like my Easter bonnet?
Do you like my fancy hat?
Can you see the decorations on the front and on the back?
I’ve got purple, I’ve got pink,
I’ve got green and yellow too,
I’ll parade my Easter bonnet, cause it’s all things new!
Just For fun+ (в фойе)
1.Egg spoon race. Игроки бегут и держат ложку с яйцом. Кто быстрее?
Bunny: We have a starting line and a finish line. Each player has a spoon and an egg at the start
line. Players race to the finish line holding their egg in their spoon. The first person to get to the
finish line with their egg wins.
2. Спрятать яйцо под шапку. Должны отгадать, где оно. (Три шапки)
Bunny: I like playing different games. Let’s play with me. Try to guess where my egg is!
3. Eater bonnet, Easter Tree, Easter eggs. Нарисовать, сделать. (ватманы, карандаши,
фломастеры, краски) Можно для примера распечатать картинки, как это делается в
Bunny: The tradition of decorating real eggs for Easter appeared in the Middle Ages. In 1290
the English king, Edward I, ordered to cover 450 (four hundred and fifty) eggs in gold color as
Easter presents. Easter Bonnets come from European traditions of wearing flowers on a hat to
celebrate spring. It was developed over the years into a way of ladies celebrating Easter and of
showing off to family and friends as to who had the best Bonnet! An Easter egg tree is a fun
Easter tradition that originated in Germany long ago. Originally, an outdoor tree or bush was
selected to decorate with hollowed-out eggs. Today, they are decorated both inside and outside
of the home with Easter eggs and many other types of Easter ornaments and Easter tree
4. Убрать определённый участок школы, можно специально забросать бумажками.
Bunny: The Thursday before Easter is called Clean Thursday. According to Russian tradition
one should bathe before sunrise on this day. The house must be clean, too. And our school too.
Your task is to wash the floor, drop the litter.
5. Угощение: испечь Hot Cross buns.
Bunny: The traditional English Easter food is the hot cross bun. In medieval times, the buns
were traditionally eaten on Friday. These sweet buns, with fruit and spices, are marked with a
cross. The church decided to match the cross with Jesus. Help yourself, please!
6.Easter Egg Bowling: each player gets a colored Easter Egg. You see one Easter egg in the
center of the room. Players take turns “bowling” to see who can roll their egg closest to the
center egg.
Подведение итогов:
Teacher: I congratulate teams that have already come. I hope you have learnt something new
for you about Easter traditions and habits in Great Britain. While we are waiting other teams
and our jury is counting the points you received, answer my questions. You see rabbits in our
hall. You can come to them and do different task just for fun.
1. Can chicken fly?
Yes, but not very well
Yes, like an eagle
2. After a chicken lays an egg, how long does it take before it hatches?
One day
Nine month
21 days
3. What are the Easter Bunny’s baskets filled with?
4. What kind of hunts is usually done on this day? (fox hunts, duck hunts, egg hunts)
5. Where do people usually go on Easter Sunday?
1. To the cinema
2. To church
3. To a restaurant
6. What is the most popular symbol of Easter?
Painted eggs
2. Boiled potatoes
3. Salad ”Olivier”
7. Why are bunnies and eggs symbols of spring and Easter?
- Because they are cute and colourful
- Because they are symbols of fertility
- Because heats and Cupid were already snatched up by Valentine’s Day
8.What day is the Easter celebrated? (Sunday, Friday, Saturday)
9. What is decorated for the Holiday? (apples, pumpkins, eggs)
10. Easter is a Christian feast that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. (true, false)
11. For how many pieces of silver Judas Iscariot betray Jesus? (30, 20, 25, 100)
12. What are the 40 days before Easter known as? (Lent)
13. A traditional Jewish festival when people laid fresh palms in their homes on their floors (a
traditional Roman festival when dates were eaten, Jesus riding into Bethlehem on a donkey,
Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a colt)
14. Easter comes in... a) summer b) spring c) autumn
15.What day was Jesus crucified? (Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Holy Saturday)
16.What is Lent?
a. It’s a celebration
b. It’s an Easter bunny
c. It’s a time of fasting
17. What is Shrove Tuesday?
a. It’s the last day before Lent.
b. It’s the first day of Lent
c. It’s the last day of Lent
Jury: Our Easter competition is almost over. Let’s count the points. The winner of our
competition is … .
Thank you for your answers and for the fun we’ve had during our contest. Our Easter will be
soon. We congratulate you on this holy and joyous day! We wish you to celebrate it with joy
and hope! Happy Easter!