Библиография На английском языке Appearance and power.

Женщина, тело, красота, мода в западной и российской культуре
На английском языке
1. Appearance and power. Ed. By Johnson K.P. & Sh. J.Lennon. Oxford, Berg, 1999.
2. Ashwin, Sara (ed.) Gender, State and Society in Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia, London
and New York: Routledge, 2000.
3. Attwood, Lynne Women’s Magazines as Engineers of Female Identity, 1922-53,
Macmillan Press, 1999.
4. Attwood, Lynne Red Woman on the Silver Screen: Soviet woman and Cinema from the
Beginning to the end of the communist Era, Pandora Press, 1993.
5. Backett-Milburn, Kathryn and McKie, Linda (eds.) Constructing Gendered bodies,
Palgrave, 2001.
6. Banner, Lois W. American Beauty. New York: Alfred Knopf. 1993.
7. Bartky, Sandra Femininity and domination: Sudies in the phenomenology of oppression.
NY: Routledge, 1990.
8. Bartky, Sandra Foucault, Femininity and Modernization of Patriarchal Power // Feminist
Philosopies: Problems, Theories and Applications / ed. by Janet A. Kourany et al.
NewYork : Harvester Wheatsheaf. 1993. P.103-118.
9. Beauty matters (Zeglin Brand, Peg ed.), Indiana University Press, 2000.
10. Bernstein, Frances Envisioning Health in Revolutionary Russia: The Politics of Gender
in Sexual-Enlightment Posters of the 1920s // The Russian Review 57 (April, 1998), P.
11. The Body. Сlassic and contemporary readings / ed. by Donn Welton. Malden, MA:
Blackwell, 1999.
12. Body matters. Essays on the sociology of the body / ed. By Sue Scott and David Morgan.
London: The Falmer Press 1992.
13. The body. Social process and cultural theory / ed. by Mike Featherstone, Mike Hepworth
and Bryan S.Turner. London: Sage, 1991.
14. Bordo, Susan “Material Girl”: the Effacement of Postmodern Culture // Feminist
Cultural Studies / Ed. by T. Lovell Vol.II. Aldershot : E. Elgar. 1995a. P. 358-390.
15. Bordo, Susan Reading the Slender Body // Feminism and Philosophy / ed. by Mary
Vetterling-Braggin, M. et al. 1995b. P. 467-488.
16. Bordo, Susan Unbearable Weight: Feminism, Western Culture and The Body, University
of California Press, 1993
17. Boym, Svetlana Common Places: Mythologies of Everyday Life in Russia, Cambridge,
18. Brownmiller, Susan Femininity, New York: Simon and Schuster, 1984
19. Butler, Judith Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity, New York and
London: Routledge, 1990
20. Cavallaro, Dani Fashioning the frame. Boundaries, dress and body. Oxford: Berg, 1998.
21. Chapkis, Wendy Beauty secrets: Women and the Politics of Appearance, London: The
Women’s Press Limited, 1986.
22. Chernin, Kim The Obsession. Reflections on the Tyrrany of slenderness. London:
Harper&Row, 1981.
23. Condee, Nancy Soviet Hieroglyphics: Visual Culture in Late Twentieth-Century Russia,
Bloomington and Indianipolis: Indiana University Press, 1995.
Благодарю Юлию Градскову за помощь, оказанную в составлении библиографии.
24. Craik, Jennifer Cultural Studies in Fashion, London and New York: Routledge, 1993.
25. Davis, Kathy Embodied Practices: Feminist perspectives on the body, Sage Publications,
26. Crane, Diana Fashion and its agendas. Class, Gender and Identity in Clothing. Chicago
and London: The University of Chicago Press, 2000. 294p,
27. Crane, Diana Gender and Gegemony in Fashion Magazines: Women's Interpretations of
Fashion Photographs // The Sociological Quarterly. 1999. Vol.40. N4. P. 541-564.
28. Embodied practices. Feminist perspectives on the body / ed. By Kathy Davis. London:
Sage, 1997.
29. Entwistle, Joanne (2000) The fashioned body. Fashion, dress and modern social theory.
Cambridge: Polity Press.
30. Ewing, Elizabeth Dress and Undress. A history of women’s underwear. London:
B.T.Bastford Ltd.
31. Falk, Pasi The consuming body. London: Sage, 1994.
32. Goldman, Wendy Women, the state and Revolution: Soviet Family Policy and Social
Life, 1917-1936, Cambridge University Press, 1993
33. Feminist theory and the body. A Reader / ed. by Janet Price and Margrit Shildrick.
Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1999.
34. Grosz, Elizabeth Volatile Bodies: Toward Corporeal Feminism, St. Leonards: Allen and
Unwin, 1994
35. Featherstone, Mike and Hepworth Mike and Turner, Bryan (eds.) The Body: Social
Process and Cultural Theory, Sage publications, 1991
36. Featherstone M. Postmodernism and aestheticization of everyday life // Modernity and
Identity. Ed. by Scott Lash & Jonathan Friedman. - Oxford & Cambridge: Blackwell,
1993. - P.265-290.
37. Fitzpatrick, Sheila. «’Middle Class Values’ and Soviet Life in the 1930s», in Thompson
and Sheldon (eds.) Soviet Society and Culture: Essays in Honour of Vera Dunham,
Westview Press, 1988.
38. Friday, Nancy The Power of Beauty, London: Hutchinson, 1996
39. Foucault, Michel The History of Sexuality: an Introduction, New York: Pantheon, 1978
40. Foucault, Michel Discipline and Punish: The birth of the Prison, New York: Vintage,
41. Friedan, Betty The Feminine Mystique, New York:Norton, 1963.
42. Fruits of her plume: essays on contemporary Russia woman’s culture. Armonk, NY,
43. Gaines J., Herzog C. (eds.) Fabrications: Costume and the Female Body. NY, London:
Routledge, 1990.
44. Irrigaray, Luce Speculum of the other Woman, Ithaka, New York: Cornell University
Press, 1985
45. Lapidus, G. W. Women in Soviet Society. Equality, Development and Social Change.
California UP, 1979.
46. Lauretis, Teresa de The Technologies of Gender. Essays on Theory, Film and Fiction.
Macmillan. 1997.
47. Lauretis, Teresa de Upping the Anti (sic) in Feminist Theory // The Cultural Studies
Reader / ed. by Simon During Vol.1. London. Routledge. 1993.
48. Leder D. The absent body. Chicago: Chicago UP. 1990.
49. Lock, Margaret and Kaufert, Patricia (eds.) Pragmatic women and body politics,
Cambridge University Press, 1998.
50. McDermid and A. Hillyar. Midwives of the Revolution : Female Bolsheviks and Women
Workers in 1917. London : UCL Press, 1999.
51. Nettleton, S., Watson, J. The Body in Everyday Life // The Body in everyday life. Routledge, 1998.
52. Nochlin, Linda Representing Women, Thames and Hudson, 1999
53. Psomiades, K. A. Beauty's body. Feminity and representation in British aestheticism.
Stanford: Stanford UP, 1997.
54. Rotkirch, Anna The Man Question: Loves and Lives in Late 20th Century Russia,
University of Helsinki, 2000
55. Ries, Nancy Russian Talk: Culture and Conversation during Perestroika, Ithaca and
London: Cornell University Press, 1997
56. Russia. Women Culture / Ed. By Goscilo, H. Bloomington, Indianapolis: Indiana UP.
57. Sawicki, Jana Disciplining Foucault. Feminism, power, and the body. New York
Routledge, 1991.
58. Shilling, Chris The body and social theory. London: Sage, 1993.
59. Steele V. Fashion and Eroticism. Ideals of Feminine Beauty from Victorian Age to the
Jazz Age. - NY & Oxford: Oxford UP, 1985.
60. Steele, Valerie Women in Fashion. New York: International Sociological Association
(ISA). 1990.
61. Stuart M.L., Janovicek N. Slimming the female body?: Re-evaluating dress, corsets, and
physical culture in France, 1890-1930s // Fashion Theory. - Vol.5. - Issue 2. - P.173-194.
62. Suleiman S.R. The Female Body in Western culture. Cjntemporary perspectives. Camb.:
Harvard UP, 1986.
63. Temkina, A., Rotkirch, A. Soviet Gender Contract and Their shifts in Contemporary
Russia // http://www.valt.helsinki.fi/staff/rotkirch/gendcontract.htm (по состоянию на
64. Tseelon E. The Masque of Femininity. The Presentation of Woman in Everyday Life.
London: SAGE, 1995.
65. Turner, Bryan The body and society, Sage publications, 1996
66. Vainshtein, Olga Female Fashion, Soviet Style: Bodies of Ideology // Russia. Women
Culture / Ed. By Goscilo, H. Bloomington, Indianapolis: Indiana UP. P. 64 – 94.
67. Weiz, Rose (ed.) The politics of women’s bodies: Sexuality, Appearance and Behavior,
New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998.
68. Wilson, Elizabeth Adorned in Dreams. Fashion and Modernity. LA, Berkeley: California
UP. 1985.
69. Wolf, Naomi The beauty Myth: How images of Beauty Are Used Against Women, New
York – William Morrow and Company, inc., 1991.
70. Wood, Elizabeth, The Baba and the Comrade: Gender and Politics in Revolutionary
Russia, Indiana U Press, 1997.
71. Zeglin Brand, Peg (ed.) Beauty Matters, Bloomington and Indianopolis: Indiana
University Press, 2000.
На русском языке
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