State educational institution of higher vacational education Omsk

State educational institution of higher vacational education Omsk State Technical University
of entrance test at interdisciplinary exanination for the applicants to the specialty "Informatics and
computer science" (annotated program 230114.68 - "Analysis and Synthesis Methods of Design
Admission test questions of the interdisciplinary examination comprise principal provisions of the
following subjects:
- automatic control theory;
- сomputer machines, systems and networks;
- system simulation;
- basic electrical engineering and electronics;
- fundamentals of mechatronics;
- designing mechatronic modules;
- information devices and systems in mechatronics;
- microprocessor technology;
- mechanical/ electrical and mechatronic systems;
List of questions by subjects
Automatic control theory
1. Transfer function of a common linear ACS and finding it
2. Frequency characteristics of a common linear ACS and building them.
3. Common linear ACS stability and stability criteria.
4. ACS quality analysis and quality evaluation methods.
5. Synthesis of ACS and meeting its quality requirements.
6. Specific linear systems and ways to describe them.
7. Impact ACS and ways to describe and analyze them.
8. Non-linear ACS and ways to describe and analyze them..
9. Extremal ACS and ways to describe and analyze them.
10. Optimal ACS and ways to describe and analyze them.
Computer machines, systems and networks
Classic computer architecture Von Neumann principles
CPU 8086 architecture: basic registers, memory organization.
Dynamic memory. Segmental memory addressing in 8086 processor.
Cache Memory. Destination. Direct-mapped cache.
Intel Соге 2 architecture key features.
AMB processors. Нурег Transport technology.
Hard Disk Drives. New technologies of recording.
Networks. Basic topological designs: grid, star, tire, ring.
ТСР/IР protocol stack.
IP-network addressing. Types of addresses.
System simulation
Imitational simulation Basic concepts.
Abstraction levels in imitational simulation.
Basic approaches in imitational simulation.
Model and its destination Types of models.
Stages of computational experiment.
Dynamic system. Definition. Basic concepts.
Hybrid system definition.
Hybrid automat with several permanent states.
Hierarchical systems. Units and links. Directed units and links.
Hierarchical systems. Undirected units and links
Basic electrical engineering and electronics.
31. Bipolar transistors. Circuits on its basis. Operating principle. Characteristics and settings in
small-signal operation.
32. Bipolar transistor-based amplifier design in a common-emitter circuit. Operating point setting,
resistor and capacitor rated value computation.
33. Unipolar transistors. Classification. Principle of operation, transfer characteristics. Basic
parameters of small signals. Basic connection circuits.
34. Operational amplifier second-order bandpass filter calculation. Basic correlations. AmplitudeFrequency Response.
35. TTL-series basic element. Circuit schematic, transfer characteristic. Basic static and dynamic
36. Basic CMOS-series element. Circuit schematic. Transfer characteristic. Basic CMOS-structure
microchip characteristics.
37. Basic logical elements of combinational circuits. Open-collector electronic chips and those with
three output states.
38. Digital comparator. Single-digit comparator logical structure diagram. ТТЛ КР1533 СП1
comparator pictorial symbol.
39. Basic requirements to design TTL-series circuit schematics. Idle valves, idle inputs of logical
40. Microchip impulse devices. Logical element-based shapers and pulse generators and on the basis
of independent univibrators and timers.
Fundamentals of mechatronics
41. Development background and application field of mechatronic systems; definitions and
terminology in mechatronics.
42. Structure and basic components of the mechatronic modules, building and integrational
principles of mechatronic systems.
43. Designation and main types of mechatronic motion modules.
44. Classification of types of mechanical motion according to their functional areas,
type of working element's motion in space, plane and time. Classification of the laws of motion according
to their periodicity in changing working element's mode of motion and the way the trajectory is
established as per velocity and aceleration diagrams.
45. Smart mechatronic motion modules: motion controllers and smart power modules.
46. Problematics and modern methods to control mechatronic modules and systems.
47. Building principles of smart control systems in mechatronics.
48. Hierarchy in controlling mechatronic systems.
49. Fundamentals of automatic control theory. PID control. Numerical calculations of control action
and control action incrementation.
50. Ways to program processing robots' trajectories.
Designing mechatronic modules
51. Mechatronic modul framework. Mechatronic module function and structure. Synergetic
integration in mechatronic modules.
52. Technical requirements to mechatronic modules.
53. Types and development stages of design documentation.
54. Classification of mechatronic modules.
55. Motion modules. Structure and design features. Types of variators used in gear-motors.
56. Mechatronic and smart mechatronic motion modules.
57. Rolling and sliding screw-and-nut transmission. Differential and integral screw-and-nut
58. Backlash elimination in tooth and screw motion invertors.
59. Guideways with sliding and rolling friction.
60. Shaft and axle supports. Antifriction and friction bearing design calculation.
Information devices and systems in mechatronics
61. State system of instruments and automation equipment. Structure and building principle.
Measuring transducers, their classification and definitions. Measuring transducer structural diagrams.
Scope of Use
62. Potentiometric transducers. Design, characteristics, imprecisions, connection circuits.
63. Inductive measuring transducers. Operating principle. Inductive transducer structural connection
64. Rotary transformers. Characteristics, design. Connection circuits. Selsyn motors. Design,
сonnection circuits. Selsyn transformer and indicator operating mode.
65. Turning and linear inductosyns Characteristics, design. Connection circuits. Inductosyn
amplitude and phase operating mode.
66. Inductive and capacitive measuring transducers. Characteristics, design, connection circuit.
67. Photoelectrical measuring transducers of reading and sequential count. Raster inductive
measuring transducers. Laser measuring systems.
68. Tactile measuring transducers. Operating principles, designs, characteristics. Measuring
transducers of force-torque sensing in mechatronics.
69. Temperature and pressure measuring methods.
70. Consumption and filling level measuring methods.
Microprocessor technology
71. Building principles of microprocessor control systems.
72. MMCS structures with parallel information exchange between processors (MMCS with
centralized control, examples).
73. MMCS structures with sequential information exchange between processors (MMCS of
distributed control, examples).
74. Managing discrete information IO in MPCS (examples of modules).
75. Managing analog information IO in MPCS (examples of modules).
76. Microcontrollers: basic elements of structural diagrams, MC peripherals.
77. Addressing methods used in command systems by the example of CLASSIC families by
78. Command system by the example of CLASSIC family MC by Amtel.
79. Industrial controllers: destination, composition of modules, generalized module structural
diagrams, IC embedded in network structures.
80. Frequency converters: destination, generalized structural diagram, mechatronic object drive
Mechanical/ electrical and mechatronic systems
81. Concept of automatic electric drive. Classification. ПР electric drive functional diagram.
82. Electromechanical properties of DC motors. Motor transfer function. DC motor mechanical
characteristics. Ways to control speed.
83. Electromechanical properties of asynchronous motors. Equivalent circuit. Asynchronous motor
mechanical characteristics. Ways to control speed. Start, adjust and brake characteristics of asynchronous
84. Stepper motors. Main charaсteristics. Operating principle. Stepper motor design. Stepper motor
control system structural diagram.
85. Electric drive mechanics. Equivalent mechanical drive system. Reduction of momentum of
resistance, momentum of inertia, mechanial drive rigidness. Mechanical transient processes in electric
drive systems.
86. Adjustable electrical DC drive. Structure. DC power converters. СИФУ Structural Diagram.
Transistor pulse converters. Command control principles.
87. Adjustable electrical drive with velocity feedback. Adjustable electrical drive with velocity and
amperage feedback. Subordinate regulation systems. Proportional plus integral current controller
adjustment to technical optimum. Proportional plus integral current controller adjustment to symmetrical
88. Adjustable electrical AC drive. General characteristic. АИН frequency changer. Circuit
schematic. Ways to commutate thyristors. Pulse-amplitude tension adjustment with ШИП. Vector
control principle. Cycloconverter.
89. Follow-up motor. Structural diagram. Operating principle.
90. Electric drives in sets. Electric drive under MP control. Structure, history and development
Automatic controle theory
1. Теория автоматического управления: Учебник для вузов: В 2 ч./ Под ред. А.А. Воронова. М.: Высшая школа, 1986. - 4.1 - 367с. 4.2 - 504с.
2. Чураков Е.П. Оптимальные и адаптивные системы: Учебное пособие для вузов. - М.:
Энергоатомиздат, 1987. - 256 с.
3. Лукас ВА. Теория автоматического управления: Учебник для вузов. - М.: Недра, 1990. -416
4. Теория автоматического управления. Учебн./В.Н. Брюханов, М.Г. Косов и др.; Под ред.
Ю.М. Соломенцева. М.: Высш. шк., 2000.-268 с.
Computer machines, systems and networks
1. Экономическая информатика и вычислительная техника: Учебник / Л.В.Еремин и др. -М.:
Финансы и статистика, 1993.
2. Вычислительные машины, системы и сети: Учебник / А.П. Пятибратов и др. - М.: Финансы и
статистика, 1991.
3. Черняк Н.Г. и др. Архитектура вычислительных систем и сетей: учебное пособие - М.:
Финансы и статистика, 1986.
4. Фигурнов В.Э. 1ВМ РС для пользователя. - М.: Финансы и статистика, 1995.
5. 9.1.5. Боборыкин А.В., Липовецуий Г.П., Литвинский Г.В. и др. Однокристальные микроЭВМ.
- М.: МИКАП, 1994. - 400 с.
System simulation
1. В.С.Зарубин. Математическое моделирование в технике. : Изд-во МГТУ им. Н.Э.Баумана,
2. А.М.Лоу, Д.В.Кельтон. Имитационное моделирование (8шги1аиоп Мос1еНп§ апё Апа1у515.
Серия: Классика Сотршог 8с1епсе). : СПБ, Питер, 2004.
3. Е. Бенькович, Ю. Колесов, Ю. Сеничков. Практическое моделирование динамических
систем. : СПб: БХВ-Петербург, 2002.
4. А.А.Самарский, А.П.Михайлов. Математическое моделирование: Идеи. Методы.
Примеры.: М.: ФИЗМАТЛИТ, 2002.
5. В.П.Дьяконов, В.Круглов МАТЕАВ. Анализ, идентификация и моделирование. СПб:
Питер, 2002.
6. Томашевский В., Жданова Е. Имитационное моделирование в среде ОР88. М.:
Бестселлер, 2003.
Basic electrical engineering and electronics
Ю.Ф. Опадчий, «Аналоговая и цифровая электроника (Полный курс): учебник для вузов», М.:
Горячая линия - Телеком, 2002г.
Прянишников В.А. Электроника: Полный курс лекций - 5е издание. М.: Бином - Пресс . 2006.
А.В. Никонов, «Электротехника и электроника: конспект лекций», Омск, издательство ОмГТУ,
Кардашев Г.А., «Виртуальная электроника. Компьютерное моделирование аналоговых
устройств». М.: Гооячая линия - Телеком. 2002г.
5. Кардашев Г.А., «Моделирование цифровых устройств», М.: Горячая линия - Телеком,
Fundamentals of mechatronics
1. Подураев Ю.В. Основы мехатроники. Учебное пособие. - М.МГТУ "Станкин", 2000. - 80
2. Лукинов А.П., Хомченко В.Г. Рачет и проектирование мехатронных систем. Изд-во
ОмГТУ, 1999.- 116 с.
3. Мехатроника / И Т., Симояма И., Иноуэ X. и др., пер с японского. - М.:Мир, 1988.
4. Илюхин Ю.В. Подураев Ю.В. Проектирование исполнительных систем роботов. М.:МПИ,
5. Лукинов А.П., Хомченко В.Г. Расчет и проектирование мехатронных систем. Изд-во
ОмГТУ, 1999.- 116 с.
Designing mechatronic modules
1. Егоров О.Д., Подураев Ю.В. Конструирование мехатронных модулей: Учебник. М.: ИЦ
МГТУ, СТАНКИН, 2004. 360 с.
2. Егоров О.Д. Механика и конструирование роботов: Учебник. М.: Изд-во «СТАНКИН»,
1997.510 с.
3. Подураев Ю.В. Основы мехатроники: Учеб. пособ. М.: Изд-во МГТУ «СТАНКИН»,
2000.104 с.
Information devices and systems in mechatronics
1. Домрачев В. Г. и др. "Схемотехника цифровых преобразователей перемещений": Справочное
пособие. М.: Энергоатомиздат, 1987 г.
2. Малиновский В. Н. и др. "Электрические измерения": Учебное пособие для вузов. М.:
Энергоатомиздат, 1985 г. - 416 стр.
3. Пуш В. Э., Питчерт Р.,Сосонкин В. Л. "Автоматические станочные системы" М.:
Машиностроение. 1982 г. - 318 стр.
4. Измерения в промышленности. Справочник. М., "Металургия", 1990.
Microprocessor technology
1. Хвощ СТ. и др. Микропроцессоры и микроЭВМ в системах автоматического управления:
Справочник/С.Т. Хвощ, Н.Н. Варлинский, Е.А. Попов; Под общ.ред. СТ. Хвоща.Л.Машиностроение. Ленингр. отд-ние,1987.-640с.
2. Евстифеев А.В. Микроконтроллеры АУК семейства С1аззю фирмы АТМЕЕ - 2 - е изд., стер.
— М.: Издательский дом "Додека - XXI", 2004.- 288 с.
3. Бродин В. Б., Шагурин И. И. Микроконтроллеры. Архитектура, программирование,
интерфейс.-М.: Издательство ЭКОМ, 1999.-400 с.
4. Федотов А. В. Автоматизация управления в производственнызх системах: Учеб. пособие.
Омск: Изд-во ОмГТУ, 2001.-368 с.
Mechanical/ electrical and mechatronic systems
1. Чиликин, М.Г. Общий курс электропривода / Чиликин М.Г., Сандлер А.С. - М.:
Энергоатомиздат, 1981. - 576 с.
2. Москаленко, В.В. Автоматизированный электропривод. - М.: Энергоатомиздат, 1986. - 415 с.
3. Андреев, Н.П. Автоматизированный электропривод средств автоматизации технологических
процессов: учебное пособие / Андреев Н.П., Васильченко А.И., Компанейц А.Н., Беляков
Ф.В.- Омск: Изд-во ОмПИ, 1988. - 72 с.
4. Белов, М.П. Автоматизированный электропривод типовых производственных механизмов и
технологических комплексов: учебник для вузов / Белов М.П., Новиков В.А, Рассудов Л.Н. -2е изд., стер. - М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2004. - 576 с.
Head of Subject Examination Commission for IDE, Head of
«Automation and robotics»
V.G. Homchenko