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КП. Иностранный язык. Итоговая контрольная работа

Рекомендации по выполнению заданий.
Перед выполнением упражнений прочитайте теоретический материал (Блок
«Теория»). Необходимо внимательно читать задания в упражнениях.
переводе текстов и упражнений используйте англо-русский и русско-английский
словари. Желательно вести словарь (рукописный или электронный), в который
выписывать незнакомые слова с переводом. Эти слова желательно выучить. Все
записи студент делает для себя (пересылать их преподавателю не надо).
Тренировочные задания (Модули) Вы выполняете для лучшей подготовки к
зачёту и спрашиваете, если что-то не смогли понять. После освоения
теоретического материала и выполнения практических заданий по модулям все
студенты выполняют итоговую письменную контрольную работу, которую
набирают на компьютере и отправляют преподавателю (в формате doc или docx) в
электронном виде. В конце семестра все студенты, освоившие программу,
получают «выполнение». По итогам изучения дисциплины студенты сдают зачет,
который состоит из тестирования и (возможно) собеседования с преподавателем
по заданной теме.
Работа оформляется следующим образом:
Петрова Т.Л. Итоговая КР Иностранный язык
(это название файла (Ваши ФИО!) и начало самой работы, образец).
Task №1.
1- a
Task № 2.
1- b
и так далее. Никаких предложений! Только в виде цифр и букв. Успехов!
Test 1. Выберите правильную форму глагола “to be”:
1. ... you under the care of a doctor now?
a) are
c) was
b) is
d) were
2. There… no admission in the polyclinic on Sundays.
a) are
c) were
b) shall be
d) was
3. There … 4 faculties in our academy some years ago.
a) are
c) will be
b) were
d) is
4. The crisis . . . over in a week.
a) were
c) am
b) shall be
d) will be
5. This drug . . . to be taken before meals.
a) is
c) shall be
b) were
d) are
6. Укажите предложение, в котором глагол “to be” является
a) She was at the theatre yesterday
b) She is to come on Saturday
c) This doctor is very experienced
d) What were you doing at 5 o’clock yesterday?
7. There ... no medical article in the yesterday’s newspaper.
a) were
c) are
b) was
d) will be
Test 2. Выберите правильную форму глагола “to have”:
1. This child ... all symptoms of pneumonia.
a) have
c) shall have
b) has
d) is
2. She … a lot of work today.
a) had
c) has
b) have
d) shall have
3. He ... no symptoms of scarlet fever.
a) having
c) shall have
b) has
d) have
4. He . . . recovered by the end of last week.
a) had
c) have
b) shall have
d) has
5. Where … you at 11.30 a.m. last Friday morning?
a) are
c) were
b) will be
d) have been
6. I . . . recently completed writing of article.
a) has
c) shall have
b) have
d) had
7. The patient . . . to keep the bed for three days next week.
a) have
c) will have
b) has
d) had
Test 3. Выберите необходимое местоимение:
1. My parents are doctors. They often speak about ... patients.
a) they
c) their
b) them
d) themselves
2. The boy has a temperature. ... temperature is very high.
a) him
c) he
b) his
d) himself
3. Boys hurt ... when they fell down.
a) themselves
c) ourselves
b) yourselves
d) herself
4. The colour of … eyes is black.
a) it
b) she
c) her
d) we
5. There aren’t ... easy ways of learning a foreign language.
c) some
d) any
c) no
d) the
6. ... flowers are for you.
a) this
c) that
b) these
d) the
7. The teacher published … article in a journal.
a) he
c) his
b) him
d) its
Test 4. Задание: Выберите необходимые указательные местоимения.
a) this;
b) these;
c) that;
d) those.
1. I'll take ... book, I don't like ... one. Give it to me.
2. . . . experiments will be useful for the test.
3. Where do you live ?'—'I live in ... house. Welcome!'
4. . . . buildings were built last year. Do you like them?
5. . . . method was applied by our surgeons.
6. -'Have you read ... letter?' -'Not yet.'
7. . . . suits are more suitable for young persons. They don't suit me.
Test 5. Выберите правильный вариант прилагательного:
1. He spoke … than expected.
a) more
b) best c) worst d) worse
e) most
2. The sooner you take your medicine, … you will feel.
a) soon b) good c) the better d) the best e) the soonest
3. The British think their homes are … than in the USA.
a) older
b) old
c) the oldest
4. This is … way to the University.
a) short b) shorter c) shortest d) the shortest e) more shorter
5. … of these exercises have been done in written form.
a) much b) good c) many d) most e) more
6. When will you be back? – I’ll return … .
a) later
c) latest
b) the late
d) more later
7. This report is as … as the previous one.
a) better b) good c) less d) the worst e) the best
Test 6. Выберите необходимый модальный глагол:
1. He ___ speak three foreign languages.
a) can
b) may
c) must
2. Medical students … study and work hard.
a) should
c) were
b) are
d) have
3. Hurry up! You ___ be late.
a) must
b) may
c) have
4. I ___ to cover the whole distance on foot.
a) can
b) must
c) have
5. You _____ sit so close to the TV. It’s bad for your eyes.
a) don’t have to
c) shouldn’t
b) have to
d) can
6. You ___ not go out, the lesson is not over yet.
a) can
b) may
c) have
7. I ___ walk, there is a bus going there.
a) needn’t
b) mustn’t
c) can’t
Test 7. Выберите правильный вариант:
1. . . . chronic fatigue is a symptom of stress.
a) felt
c) feel
b) feeling
d) is felt
2. Examining the patient the doctor listened to his lungs.
a) осматривающий
c) осмотрев
b) осматривая
d) при осмотре
3. Professor told us about . . . the hypophysis disfunctions.
a) diagnose
c) was diagnosed
b) diagnosed
d) diagnosing
4. We use the results . . . at the laboratory.
a) obtaining
c) having obtained
b) obtain
d) being obtained
5. The lecture delivered by him yesterday was interesting.
a) прочитав
c) прочитал
b) прочитанная
d) читая
6. The best method in this case is . . . the affected organ.
a) removing
c) remove
b) removes
d) removed
7. . . . the experiments, research workers use modern equipment.
a) makes
c) making
b) made
d) will make
Test 8. Выберите правильную форму глагола:
1. Teachers make me . . . homework well.
a) do
c) to have done
b) to do
d) done
2. It is useless … this question.
а) discuss
b) to discuss
c) discussed
3. … motion a muscle requires energy.
a) produced
b) to produce
c) producing
4. In order … we need oxygen, food and water.
a) lives
b) living
c) to live
5. We . . . by a loud noise during the night.
a) woke up
c) were woken up
b) are woken up
d) were waking up
6. I like … classes in biology.
a) attending
b) attend
c) attended
7. The body needs vitamins and minerals in order … normally.
a) to work
b) working
c) works
Test 9. Выберите правильный вариант. “Infinitive”
1. To have finished the experiment by the end of the month is necessary.
a) Необходимо было завершить эксперимент к концу месяца.
b) Мы завершим эксперимент к концу месяца.
c) Завершить эксперимент к концу месяца необходимо.
2. I don’t … the meaning of the word.
a) to understand
b) understand
c) understood
d) understanding
3. She has a walk every evening to sleep better.
a) Она гуляет каждый вечер, чтобы лучше спать.
b) Она должна гулять каждый вечер, чтобы лучше спать.
c) Она гуляла каждый вечер, чтобы лучше спать.
4. Environment is likely to have affected his behavior.
a) Окружающая среда должна повлиять на его поведение.
b) Окружающая среда повлияла на его поведение.
c) Вероятно, что окружающая среда повлияет на его поведение.
d) Вероятно, что окружающая среда влияет на его поведение.
5. The patient asked to be taken the temperature.
a) Пациент просит измерить температуру.
b) Пациент попросил, чтобы ему измерили температуру.
c) Пациент измерил температуру.
6. I know him to be an experienced specialist.
a) Я знала его, как опытного специалиста.
b) Я знаю, что он опытный специалист.
c) Я знаю, что он должен быть опытным специалистом.
7. My little brother seems to be sleeping.
a) Кажется, что мой маленький брат спит.
b) Мне казалось, что мой маленький брат спит.
c) Мой маленький брат, как оказалось, спал.
Test 10. Выберите правильный вариант. “Participle. Gerund.”
1. The students . . . part in the conference must be here at 12 o’clock.
a) takes
c) took
b) taking
d) taken
2. Having got the data he needed, he left.
a) Получив данные, которые ему были нужны, он ушёл.
b) Когда получали данные, которые ему нужны, он ушёл.
c) Получив все необходимые данные, он ушёл.
d) Он ушел, не получив нужные данные.
3. An interesting article was . . . in the central newspaper
a) publishes
c) published
b) publishing
d) publish
4. They continued … the properties of bacteria.
a) investigating
c) having investigated
b) investigated
d) being investigated
5. All the phenomena . . . by researchers were well known.
a) described
c) describing
b) describe
d) will describe
. . . the work, they went for a walk.
a) having completed c) shall complete
b) completes
d) was completed
7. This student is . . . an article.
a) written
c) writing
b) write
d) wrote
Задание: переведите текст в письменной форме.
Anxiety is as much a part of life as eating and sleeping. What is Anxiety?
Anxiety is an emotion of elusive uneasiness and sometimes dreaded tension. The
intensity of feeling may range from extremely mild to moderate or to very severe, and
the level of discomfort can change. It may be short-lived, chronic, episodic, or some
combination of these.
Anxiety has an impact on both our physical and mental systems. It affects how
we feel, think and perceive; it precipitates muscle tension and activity in adrenal system,
and it influences our motivation and our behaviour.
Anxiety proves to be caused by many different things. These may include: large
amounts of work, problems in relationships, excessive worrying, medical problems.
Anxiety can be either helpful or harmful. When mild, anxiety can motivate people
to engage in social situations. When an anxiety moderate or severe and chronic, it may
lead to generalized stress or even panic reactions.