Косвенная речь Reported Speech

Косвенная речь
Reported Speech
• Дополнительные придаточные
предложения употребляются после
глаголов to say, to tell, to think, to learn, to
remember etc.
• She says (that) they are joking
• I think (that) he is late
Глагол-сказуемое стоит в форме
настоящего времени:
• He says (that) he
• goes to the library
every day
• is working now
• has gone to the
• went to the library an
hour ago
• will go to the library
Глагол-сказуемое в главн. предл.
стоит в прошедшем времени
• He said (that) he
• went to the library
every day
• was working at the
library at the moment
• had gone to the
• had gone to the
library an hour before
• would go to the library
Глаголы say и tell
• He said: “I went to the
theatre yesterday”
• He said (that) he had
gone to the theatre
the day before
• He told me (that) he
had gone to the
theatre the day before
• He told us to come in
Прямая Речь
Tomorrow …
Last (year)
Next …
That night
Косвенная Речь
That day
The day before
The next day…
year before The
The previous night
Choose the right variant
Choose the right variant :
Он сказал, что живет в Москве. (lived, lives,
has been living, has lived).
Он сказал, что вернется сюда завтра (will
come, would come, comes is coming).
Он говорит, что скоро пойдет на прогулку
(comes, would go, will go, goes).
Сестра написала мне, что она окончила
школу (has left, had left, left, was left).
Choose the right variant
Она спросила, поеду ли я в Гомель (would
go, will go, go, is going).
Он спросил, надолго ли я останусь здесь
(am staying, will stay, was staying, stay).
Она сказала, что уже видела этот фильм
(saw, has seen, had seen, was seen).
Она говорит, что уже видела этот фильм
(saw, has seen, had seen, was seen).
Choose the right variant
He said …a) he likes this film b) he liked that
film c) I like that film d) he liked this film
They told us…they had been busy yesterday
b) they were busy yesterday c) they had been
busy the day before d) we had been busy the
day before
Mary told Jane…a) she was waiting for her b) I
am waiting for you c) she waited for her d) she
is waiting for her
Choose the right variant
Henry told his friend…a) he wanted to visit him
tomorrow b) he wanted to visit him the next
day c) he wants to visit him the next day d) he
wanted to visit his the next day.
She told me … a) I don’t know your address b)
she doesn’t know my address c) she didn’t
know my address d) she didn’t knew my
He said …a) he had already has dinner b) he
had already had dinner c) he has already had
dinner d) I have already had dinner.
Change the following statements to
indirect speech
He told me: “I am doing my homework now”
She said : “We haven’t got a theatre or a
museum in our town, I want to go to a big city
on holiday”.
He said: “I can’t write. I have lost my pen”
They said: “We’ll be back tomorrow”
Change the following statements in
direct speech
They said they had won the game the
day before.
He said he was working then.
We said we hadn’t any plans then.
She said she had done it the previous
He told us that he was going to France
the following Friday