Say who in the story was guided by the star? Wise Men was chosen

Say who in the story
1. was guided by the star? Wise Men
2. was chosen to have a special baby? Mary
3. set off on a journey to Bethlehem? Mary
& Joseph
4. was born in Bethlehem? Joseph & Jesus
5. took Mary and Jesus to Egypt? Joseph
6. allowed Mary and Joseph to stay in the
stable? innkeeper
7. lay in a manger full of hay? Jesus
8. brought good news to the shepherds?
9. was a carpenter? Joseph
10. saw a new star in the sky? Wise Men
11. gave Jesus gifts of gold? Wise Men
12. wanted to kill Jesus? Herod
Think of a title to each picture and describe it.
Jesus is Born
Shepherds are Afraid
The Wise Men Give Gifts
Answer the questions
1. Who is Jesus?
6. How was baby-Jesus saved?
2. Where was he born?
7. Why do you think a star became a symbol of
3. Who were his parents?
4. Who was the first to worship the child?
8. In what way do you think the following symbols
5. Why did Herod want to kill the baby?
are connected with Christmas?
Candy canes were sometimes handed out during
church services to keep the children quiet. When
looked at with the crook on top, it looks like a
shepherd's staff because Jesus is the shepherd of man.
If you turn it upside down, it becomes the letter J
symbolizing the first letter in Jesus' name.
Angel –brought the news of Jesus’ birth
Bells – ring to greet Jesus, bring good news
Listen to the song SILENT NIGHT. What is it about?
Silent night, holy night
All is calm, all is 1bright
Round yon Virgin Mother and Child
Holy Infant so tender and mild
2sleep in heavenly peace
3_ sleep in heavenly peace
Тихая ночь, святая ночь,
Всё светло и ярко,
Святая Матерь с Сыном рядом,
Святой Младенец так нежен и кроток,
Спи в блаженном покое,
Спи в блаженном покое…
Silent night, holy night!
4Sheperds quake at the sight
Glories stream from heaven afar
Heavenly hosts sing Alleluia!
Christ, the 5 Saviour is born
Christ, the 6 Saviour _ is born
Тихая ночь, святая ночь,
Пастухи благоговейно дрожат глядя на него
Сияние нисходит с далёких небес,
Священные гости поют Аллилуйя,
Христос-Спаситель родился,
Христос-Спаситель родился!..
Silent night, holy night
Son of God, love's pure _7 light
Radiant beams from Thy holy face
With the dawn of redeeming grace
Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth
Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth "
Тихая ночь, святая ночь,
Божий сын, чистейший свет любви,
Лучезарное сияние со святого лица
Вместе с рассветом спасительной красоты.
Иисус, Бог, в Твоё рождение,
Иисус, Бог, в Твое рождение
Listen to the song again and fill in the missing words.
The Nativity Story (
About two thousand years ago, in the town of Nazareth, there lived a young woman named Mary. She
was engaged to be married to Joseph, a carpenter. One day an angel appeared before her and told her she
had been chosen to have a special baby. The baby would be God's son and she must call him Jesus.
Soon after the angel's visit, Mary and Joseph were married. Mary was due to have her baby when they
were told they had to go on a long journey to Bethlehem, which was where Joseph came from. This was
because they had to pay a special tax.
At last Mary and Joseph arrived in Bethlehem. It was crowded with other people who needed to pay their
taxes. Mary was very tired and needed a place to stay. At each inn, the story was the same. There was no
room for them. Eventually, one kind innkeeper said he had a stable where he kept his animals. They were
welcome to stay there.
And so it was that a few hours later, Mary gave birth to her son in that stable. She wrapped Jesus in strips
of cloth and laid Him in a manger full of hay.
At the same time, on a hillside overlooking Bethlehem, some shepherds were watching over their sheep.
A bright light appeared in the sky. They were very afraid. It was an angel sent by God. The angel told
them not to be afraid, because he had some good news. He said the Son of God had been born and they
would find Him in Bethlehem.
The shepherds wanted to go and see the baby. When they arrived at the stable, they were filled with joy at
seeing Jesus lying in the manger. They knelt down and worshipped Him. They told Mary and Joseph how
the angel had appeared in the sky and told them that Jesus was to be the Saviour of the world.
Far away in the East, Wise Men saw a new star shining high in the sky. These men studied the stars and
they knew this was a very special star. They studied their scrolls where it said that whenever a bright new
star appeared it meant that a great ruler had been born.
The Wise Men decided to find this new ruler. They went to Jerusalem to see King Herod, as they thought
the baby would be in the palace. They asked to see the child that would be King of the Jews. The king
was troubled. He thought this new king may take away his throne. He told them to return when they had
found the baby so that he could worship the child himself.
The Wise Men set off to find the baby. They were guided by the star to the stable in Bethlehem. Here they
knelt down and worshipped Jesus. They gave him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. That night, the
men had the same dream where an angel warned them that King Herod wanted to kill Jesus and told them
not to go back to his palace.
The Wise Men went back to their own country without calling to see Herod. Soon after Joseph had a
dream where an angel told him to take Mary and Jesus to Egypt as King Herod had ordered that Jesus be
killed. They left Bethlehem right away. When the wise men did not return, Herod ordered that baby boys
in Bethlehem be killed. They did not find Jesus as he was safe.
Guess the meaning of the words in bold from the context and match the columns.
1. carpenter
2. tax
3. inn
4. stable
5. manger
6. hay
7. shepherd
8. kneel (knelt)
9. worshipped
10. scrolls
11. Jews
12. frankincense
13. myrrh
гостиница, постоялый двор
стать на колени
ясли (кормушка для скота)
поклоняться, почитать (молиться Богу)
конюшня, хлев
VII. Say who in the story
13. was guided by the star?
14. was chosen to have a special baby?
15. set off on a journey to Bethlehem?
16. was born in Bethlehem?
17. took Mary and Jesus to Egypt?
18. allowed Mary and Joseph to stay in the
19. lay in a manger full of hay?
20. brought good news to the shepherds?
21. was a carpenter?
22. saw a new star in the sky?
23. gave Jesus gifts of gold?
24. wanted to kill Jesus?
VIII. Think of a title to each picture and describe it.
Answer the questions
9. Who is Jesus?
10. Where was he born?
11. Who were his parents?
12. Who was the first to worship the child?
13. Why did Herod want to kill the baby?
14. How was baby-Jesus saved?
15. Why do you think a star became a symbol of Christmas?
16. In what way do you think the following symbols are connected with Christmas?
Listen to the song SILENT NIGHT. What is it about?
Silent night, holy night
All is calm, all is 1___________
Round yon Virgin Mother and Child
Holy Infant so tender and mild
2_________ in heavenly peace
3__________ in heavenly peace
Silent night, holy night!
4__________ quake at the sight
Glories stream from heaven afar
Heavenly hosts sing Alleluia!
Christ, the 5__________ is born
Christ, the 6__________ is born
Listen to the song again and fill in the missing words.
Silent night, holy night
Son of God, love's pure _7_______
Radiant beams from Thy holy face
With the dawn of redeeming grace
Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth
Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth "