4. Переведите предложения на русский язык

для студентов заочного отделения специальности
35. 02. 10 Обработка водных биоресурсов
На заседании цикловой комиссии
филологических дисциплин
Протокол № 10 от 10 ноября 2014 г.
Составлено в соответствии с
Федеральными государственными
образовательными стандартами и
уровню подготовки выпускников по
специальности 35.02.10 Обработка
водных биоресурсов
Председатель В. А. Топорова
Зам.директора по учебной работе
Е.Н. Горбанёва
преподаватель английского языка
преподаватель английского языка
преподаватель английского языка
ГБПОУ КК «Колледж Ейский»
О.С. Пасько
В.А. Топорова
И.М. Хандримайло
1. Введение.
2. Вопросы для самостоятельной работы студентов.
3. Рекомендации по выполнению контрольных работ.
4. Дополнительный грамматический материал.
5. Варианты контрольных работ.
6. Список экзаменационных вопросов.
7. Список используемой литературы.
профессиональной образовательной программы в соответствии с ФГОС по
специальности 35.02.10 Обработка водных биоресурсов. Рабочая программа
профессиональном образовании в рамках реализации программ переподготовки
кадров в учреждениях СПО.
гуманитарному и социально-экономическому циклу основной профессиональной
образовательной программы.
В результате освоения дисциплины обучающийся должен уметь:
- общаться (устно и письменно) на иностранном языке на профессиональные и
повседневные темы;
- переводить (со словарем) иностранные тексты профессиональной направленности;
- самостоятельно совершенствовать устную и письменную речь, пополнять
словарный запас.
В результате освоения дисциплины обучающийся должен знать:
лексический (1200-1400 лексических единиц) и грамматический минимум,
необходимый для чтения и перевода (со словарем) иностранных текстов
профессиональной направленности.
В результате освоения учебной дисциплины студент должен овладевать:
общими компетенциями, включающими в себя способность:
ОК 1. Понимать сущность и социальную значимость своей будущей
профессии, проявлять к ней устойчивый интерес.
ОК 2. Организовывать собственную деятельность, выбирать типовые методы
и способы выполнения профессиональных задач, оценивать их эффективность и
ОК 3. Принимать решения в стандартных и нестандартных ситуациях и нести
за них ответственность.
ОК 4. Осуществлять поиск и использование информации, необходимой для
личностного развития.
ОК 5. Использовать информационно-коммуникационные технологии в
профессиональной деятельности.
ОК 6. Работать в коллективе и команде, эффективно общаться с коллегами,
руководством, потребителями.
Брать на
ответственность за работу членов
(подчиненных), за результат выполнения заданий.
ОК 8. Самостоятельно определять задачи профессионального и личностного
развития, заниматься самообразованием, осознанно планировать повышение
профессиональной деятельности.
ОК 10. Исполнять воинскую обязанность, в том числе с применением
полученных профессиональных знаний (для юношей).
Рекомендуемое количество часов на освоение программы дисциплины:
максимальной учебной нагрузки обучающегося 196 часов, в том числе:
обязательной аудиторной учебной нагрузки обучающегося 36 часов;
самостоятельной работы обучающегося 160 часов.
Грамматический материал:
- Неопределённые местоимения some, any, no, many-much, little-few.
- Предлоги места, направления и времени.
- Притяжательный падеж имён существительных.
- Множественное число имён существительных.
- Обозначение времени.
- Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий. Безличные предложения. Союзы
as…as, not so… as, than.
- Present, Past и Future Simple Tense.
- Present, Past и Future Continuous.
- Present, Past Perfect.
- Общие, специальные, альтернативные и разделительные вопросы.
Устные и разговорные темы:
- Путешествия.
- Покупки.
- Мой лучший друг.
- Мой выходной день.
- Времена года, погода.
- Россия.
- Москва. Кремль.
- Образование в России.
- Образование в Великобритании.
- Здоровье. Спорт.
Студенты выполняют 3 контрольных работы ( 2,3 и 4 курс).
Перед тем, как выполнить контрольную работу, студенту необходимо изучить
теоретический материал по грамматике и лексический минимум по темам,
соответствующим программе.
Затем студент должен тщательно проработать с предложенной основной
литературой. Студент выполняет тот вариант, который соответствует последней
цифре в номере шифра.
Контрольные работы должны выполняться аккуратно, в соответствии с
общими требованиями:
Контрольная работа выполняется фиолетовыми или синими чернилами в
тетради, без исправлений и помарок.
Листы тетради должны иметь поля 4-5 клеток для замечаний преподавателя.
Обязательно списывается задание.
Если в задании есть текст для перевода, то он полностью переносится в
Грамматические задания также вначале записываются, а затем выполняются.
В конце контрольной работы необходимо привести список использованной
литературы, указать дату выполнения работы и расписаться.
Получив проверенную преподавателем контрольную работу, студент обязан
внимательно ознакомиться со всеми замечаниями, исправлениями, а также
рецензией преподавателя и выполнить все рекомендации.
На экзамене или зачете студент представляет контрольную работу со
всеми исправлениями.
Спряжение глагола to be
Ед. ч.
Мн. ч.
Утвердит. форма
Вопросит. форма
Настоящее время (Present Indefinite)
I am.
Am I?
You are.
Are you?
He (she, it) is.
Is he (she, it)?
We (you, they) are.
Are we (you, they)?
Отрицат. форма
I am not.
You are not.
He (she, it) is not.
We (you, they) are
not .
Прошедшее время (Past Indefinite)
Ед. ч.
I (he, she, it) was.
Was I (he, she, it)?
Мн. ч.
You were.
Were you?
I (he, she, it) was
You were not.
We (you, they) were
Будущее время (Future Indefinite)
Ед. ч./ мн.
I (you, he, she, it,
we, they) will be.
Will I (you, he, she,
it, we, they) be?
I (you, he, she, it,
we, they) will not
Основные суффиксы существительных
К какой
Суффикс части речи
Основное значение
образованных слов
к глаголам
принадлежность к
к глаголам
действующее лицо или
механизм, производящий
к существ.,
состояние, качество
имя существ.,
обозначающее жителя,
название науки
процесс, действие,
к существ.
к существ.
к существ.
к существ.
к глаголам
(-tion, ation)
к глаголам
процесс, название
действия, состояние
к существ.,
учение, теория,
darwinism, дарвинизм
к глаголам
результат действия
качество или состояние
к прилаг.
к существ.
Основные суффиксы прилагательных
Основное значение
образованных слов
наличие качества
наличие качества,
наличие качества,
наличие качества
наличие признака
наличие качества,
наличие качества
отсутствие качества
съедобный, ценный
Основные суффиксы глаголов
Основной суффикс наречий
Основное значение
образованных слов
изменяет часть речи
Таблица временных форм глагола
I write
I am writing
I have written
Я пишу (вообще,
Я пишу (ceйчac)
Я (уже) написал
I wrote
Я писал (вчера)
I was writing
Я писал (в тот
I will write
Я напишу, буду
писать (завтра)
I will be writing
Я буду писать (в
тот момент)
I had written
Я написал (уже к
тому моменту)
I will have
Я напишу (уже к
тому моменту)
Формы глагола в Present Indefinite
Утвердит. форма
Ед. ч.
I (you) ask. He
(she, it) asks.
Мн. ч.
We (you, they) ask.
I (you) do not ask.
Do I (you) ask?
He (she, it) does not
Does he (she, it) ask?
Do we (you, they)
We (you, they) do
not ask.
Вопросит. форма
Формы глагола в Past Indefinite
Ед. и мн.
Утвердит. форма
Вопросит. форма
Отрицат. форма
I (you, he, she, it, we, Did I (you, he, she, it, I (you, he, she, it,
they) asked.
we, they) ask?
we, they) did not
Формы глагола в Future Indefinite
Ед. ч./
мн. ч.
Утвердит. форма
Вопросит. форма
I (you, he, she, it, we, Will I (you, he, she,
they) will ask.
it, we, they) ask?
Отрицат. форма
I (you, he, she, it,
we, they) will not
Формы глагола в Present Continuous
Ед. ч.
Мн. ч.
Утвердит. форма
I am asking. You are
asking. He (she, it) is
Вопросит. форма
Am I asking? Are
you asking? Is he
(she, it) asking?
We (you, they) are
Are we (you, they)
Отрицат. форма
I am not asking.
You are not asking.
He (she, it) is not
We (you, they) are
not asking.
Формы глагола в Past Continuous
Ед. ч.
Утвердит. форма
I (he, she, it) was
Вопросит. форма
Was I (he, she, it)
Отрицат. форма
I (he, she, it) was
Мн. ч.
asking. You were
We (you, they) were
asking? Were you
Were we (you, they)
not asking. You
were not asking.
We (you, they) were
not asking.
Формы глагола в Future Continuous
Ед. ч./
мн. ч.
Утвердит. форма
Вопросит. форма
I (you, he, she, it, we, Will I (you, he, she,
they) will be asking. it, we, they) be
Отрицат. форма
I (you, he, she, it,
we, they) will not
be asking.
Формы глагола в Present Perfect
Ед. ч.
Утвердит. форма
I (you) have asked.
He (she, it) has
Вопросит. форма
Have I (you) asked?
Has he (she, it)
Мн. ч.
We (you, they) have
Have we (you, they)
Отрицат. форма
I (you) have not
He (she, it) has not
We (you, they) have
not asked.
Формы глагола в Past Perfect
Утвердит. форма
Вопросит. форма
Отрицат. форма
Ед. ч./
мн. ч.
I (you, he, she, it, we, Had I (you, he, she,
they) had asked.
it, we, they) asked?
I (you, he, she, it,
we, they) had not
Формы глагола в Future Perfect
Ед. ч./
мн. ч.
Утвердит. форма
I (you, he, she, it, we,
they) will have
Вопросит. форма
Will I (you, he, she,
it, we, they) have
Отрицат. форма
I (you, he, she, it,
we, they) will not
have asked.
Вариант 1
1. Прочтите и переведите текст письменно на русский язык:
My Watch.
Miss Ross: Tom, why are you late again?
Tom: I am very sorry, Miss Ross. My watch is not right. I think it is about half an hour
Miss Ross: You must put it right, then, and now come to the blackboard and draw a clock
for us. Thank you, Tom. Look at this picture all of you. What time is it by that clock?
Class: It is two o’clock.
Miss Ross: Now what time is it by your watch, George?
George: I’m sorry, Miss Ross, my watch is wrong.
Miss Ross: What time is it by your watch, Barbara?
Barbara: I’m sorry, my watch is a few minuets fast.
Miss Ross: So yours is wrong too? Has nobody in the class the write time? David, I hope
you have the correct time.
David: Yes, I have. It’s ten past two.
2. Ответьте на вопросы:
1) Why is Tom late again?
2) What does the teacher ask Tom to do?
3) What time is it by the clock on the blackboard?
4) Have you got a watch? Describe your watch, please/
5) Is Barbara’s watch right?
6) Who has the correct time?
3. Поставьте правильно оборот there is (there are):
1. …. students in our classroom.
2. …. fishes in this river.
3. …. a child near our house.
4. Переведите на английский язык сочетания слов и придумайте с ними
Много времени, мало книг, книги моего друга, работа моей сестры, наше
5. Поставьте предложения во множественное число:
1) This house is big.
2) The child goes to school.
3) He is a teacher.
4) There is a map on the wall.
6. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную
1) She reads the new books at the reading room.
2) My friend has many relatives.
3) There are many fishes in the Azov sea.
4) He does morning exercises every day.
5) They like to go to the cinema.
Вариант 2
1. Прочтите и переведите текст письменно на русский язык:
My Friend’s Flat.
This is my friend’s flat. There are two rooms, a bathroom, a living room and a
kitchen in the flat. The rooms are large and light. The kitchen is not very large. In the
bedroom there are two beds, a wardrobe and two chairs. The living room is light and cozy.
There is a sofa, a large table and some chairs there. A TV set is near the window. There is
a piano in the corner of the room. My friend’s daughter Nina can play the piano. She is
eight, but she can play very well. We like to listen to her. She helps her mother to clean the
flat. I often visit my friend and we have tea in the living room and watch TV.
2. Ответьте на вопросы:
1) How many rooms are there in your friend’s flat?
2) What is there in the bedroom?
3) Describe the living-room.
4) Does Nina play the piano?
5) How does she help her mother?
6) How old is Nina?
7) Do you often go to see your friends?
3. Поставьте правильно оборот there is (there are):
1. …. books on the table .
2. …. a big tree in the street.
3. …. some shops near our house.
4. Переведите на английский язык сочетания слов и придумайте с ними
Новый многоквартирный дом, старая машина, расписание занятий, студент
дневного отделения, учиться заочно.
5. Заполните пропуски глаголами to be, to have в соответствующей форме:
1) The students …. in the classroom.
2) What ….your name?
3) My sister…2 children.
4) There… a book on the shelf.
5) We … 2 English lessons a week.
6. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную
1) He reads a lot of books.
2) My sister has many friends.
3) There is an apple on the table.
4) She goes shopping every day.
5) The children like to play different games.
Вариант 3
1. Прочтите и переведите текст письменно на русский язык:
At the Lesson.
It is an English lesson. The teacher asks the students some questions about their parents’
Teacher: Ivanova, what does your father do?
Ivanova: My father is a turner. He makes part of machines.
Teacher: Petrov, please.
Petrov: My father is a teacher. He teaches mathematics at school and my mother is a bookkeeper.
Teacher: Kozin, please.
Kozin: My father is an artist and my mother is a designer.
Teacher: Murina, what does your father do?
Murina: My father is a driver. He drives a bus.
Teacher: Kotin, what do your parents do?
Kotin: My father is a fitter and my mother is a teacher.
Teacher: What does your father do, Kostina?
Kostina: He is a radioman.
2. Ответьте на вопросы:
1) What do the teacher and the students speak at the lesson about?
2) What is Ivanova’s father?
3) Whose father is an artist?
4) What does a turner do?
5) Who asks questions about professions?
6) What do your parents do?
3. Поставьте правильно оборот there is (there are):
1. … a kitten in the box.
2. …. little milk in the glass.
3. …. two schools in our town.
4. Переведите на английский язык сочетания слов и придумайте с ними
Имя её сына, циферблат моих часов, проветривать комнату, у него есть много
времени, принесите ей.
5. Заполните пропуски неопределенными местоимениями much, many, little,
1) There are…sunny days in summer.
2) There is…work to do today.
3) There are…books on the table.
4) There is…water in the glass, I want more.
5) We have… English lessons a week.
6. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную
1) My friend’s brother is a student.
2) There are British ships in the port.
3) She likes to read.
4) They spend a lot of time in the reading-room.
5) There are many trees in the park.
Вариант 4
1. Прочтите и переведите текст письменно на русский язык:
In the Library.
This is a library. There are book-cases around the room and a lot of books on the
shelves. Barbara and David are at the table: she has a magazine of chemistry and David
has a book on nuclear physics. They are very busy. There are also other students at their
tables. Barbara’s friend, David asks her: “What the time by your watch Barbara? Mine
isn’t quite right. It’s always a few minutes slow.”
Barbara: I’m afraid mine is always wrong too, but it is a few minutes too fast. It is quarter
to one, I think.
David: Thanks. It’s time to have lunch. I must go and wash my hands. Wait for me.
Barbara: Hurry up!
David: I must put the book back in the right place.
Barbara: Where is my handbag? I cannot find it. I can’t go to lunch without my money.
David: Your hand bag is under your chair.
Barbara: Oh, thank you, David.
2. Ответьте на вопросы:
1) Where are David and Barbara?
2) What books have they?
3) What books do you get from the library?
4) Is the library of your college good?
5) Where do you read books and magazines?
6) What do you like to read most of all?
3. Поставьте правильно оборот there is (there are):
1. … men in the hall.
2. …. many parks in our city.
3. ….a pen in my bag.
4. Переведите на английский язык сочетания слов и придумайте с ними
Много времени, мало дней, сумка моей мамы, книги студентов, полевые цветы,
мало воды.
5. Заполните пропуски глаголами to be в соответствующей форме:
1. My father ... a teacher.
2. He ... a pupil twenty years ago.
3.I... a doctor when I grow up.
4. My sister ... not at home tomorrow.
5. She ... at school tomorrow.
6. ... you at home tomorrow?
6. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную
1) He always does his morning exercises.
2) We visit him every day.
3) He looks pale.
4) They often prepare dinner together.
5) There is a little money to spend.
Вариант 5
1. Прочтите и переведите текст письменно на русский язык:
Take a box and look at it. How many sides has a box? It has four sides: the front, the
back and the two sides. It has also a top and a bottom. This box has a lid. The top of the
box is the lid. The lid opens and shuts. What are the external dimensions of the box?
15x10x15 cm. When I lift the lid and look inside, I see the interior. What are the internal
dimensions of the box? 14x9x4cm. The top, the bottom, the front, the back and two sides
are the surface of the box. In geometry, we call them plane surface or planes. Where three
sides meet we find a corner. How many corners are there? There are four corners. In
geometry, a corner is a point. The sides of the box are surfaces. The surfaces of the box
have edges. How many edges has the box? Eight. In geometry, an edge is a line.
2. Ответьте на вопросы:
1) How many sides has a box?
2) What do we call the surfaces of a box in geometry?
3) What are the dimensions of the box?
4) What is a corner in geometry?
5) What is an edge in geometry?
3. Поставьте правильно оборот there is (there are):
1. … pencils in the box.
2. …. few birds in the cage.
3. ….a little time to do it.
4. Переведите на английский язык сочетания слов и придумайте с ними
Сколько студентов, включить звук, зажечь свет, вставать в 7 часов, много работать,
мало вопросов, немного воды.
5. Раскройте скобки в Present Simple
On Monday we (to have) five lessons. The first lesson (to be) Russian. At this lesson we
(to write) a dictation and do some exercises. Nick (to go) to the blackboard.
He (to answer) well and gets a "five". Pete (not get) a "five" because he (not know) his
lesson. After the second lesson I (to go) to the canteen. I (to eat) a sandwich and (to drink)
a cup of tea. I (not drink) milk. After school I (not go) home at once. I (to go) to the library
and take a book. Then I (to go) home.
6. Переведите предложения на английский язык
1) У вас большая семья? Да, наша семья состоит из 6 человек.
2) Я прочитал об этом в газете вчера.
3) Она обычно ужинает в 7 часов вечера.
4) Сколько вам лет? Мне 21 год.
5) Вы говорите по-английски? Немного.
Вариант 6
1. Прочтите и переведите текст письменно на русский язык:
About my Family.
My name is Marina Suvorova. I am fifteen. I was born on the 5th of March, 1995 in
Rostov-on-Don. Now I live in Rostov with my parents and my grandmother.
My family is not very large. We have five people in our family. My father's name is
Igor Petrovich He is forty years old. He is a doctor and he works at a hospital. My
mother's name is Lyudmila Leonidovna. She is thirty nine years old. She is a housewife.
My younger sister is a pupil. She is in the seventh form. My grand-mother lives with us.
She doesn't work. She is a pensioner. I love my family. We are all friends and we love
each other.
I have one aunt and two uncles. Their children are my cousins.
We live in a big flat in a new house. There are four rooms in our flat: a living room,
a study, a kitchen, a bathroom and two bedrooms. We have all modern conveniences; gas,
hot and cold, running water, electricity and telephone.
I have many friends. Many of them are my classmates. We spend much time
together, go for a walk, talk about lessons, music and discuss our problems.
2. Ответьте на вопросы:
1) What is the name of the author?
2) How old is she?
3) Has she a large family ?
4) Where do they live?
5) What relatives has Marina?
6) How many rooms are there in her flat?
3. Раскройте скобки в Present Simple
On Tuesday I (to get up) at half past six. I (to go) to the bathroom and ( to wash) my
hands and face and clean my teeth. Then I (to dress), (to go) to the kitchen and ( to cook)
breakfast for my family. At half past seven my son (to get up) and (to have) breakfast. I (
to have) breakfast with my son. My son ( to eat) a sandwich and ( to drink) a cup of tea. I
(not drink) tea. I ( to drink) coffee. After Breakfast my son ( to leave) home for school. I
(not leave) home with my son. On Tuesday I (not work) in the morning. I ( to work) in the
afternoon. In the evening I (to be) at home. My husband and my son (to be) at home, too.
We (to rest) in the evening. My son (to watch) TV, my husband ( to read) newspapers and
I ( to do) some work about the house. At about eleven o'clock we (to go) to bed.
4. Переведите на английский язык сочетания слов и придумайте с ними
Быть готовым, по вечерам, половина восьмого, много времени, мало работы,
несколько словарей.
5. Вставьте do или does.
1. ... you sleep well? – Yes, I ... . 2. ... your sister wash the plates? – Yes, she ... . 3. What
... the teacher ask you to do? 4. ... Kitty read English books? – Yes, she ... . 5. He ... not
like porridge. 6. We ... not go to school in summer.
6. Переведите предложения на английский язык
1) У нас обычно 6 уроков каждый день.
2) Кто он? Он инженер.
3) Наш техникум находится рядом с портом.
4) У меня не будет свободного времени завтра.
5) Есть много книг в нашей библиотеке.
Вариант 7
1. Прочтите и переведите текст письменно на русский язык:
What is Your Trade?
What are you? What work do you do? What is your trade?
-I’m carpenter. I build houses, offices and other buildings. I work with wood.
-I’m a mechanic. I work with machines. I keep them in order, I repair them.
-I’m a welder. I work with iron and steel. I join pieces together.
-I’m a fitter. I also work with iron and steel. I make parts of machines.
- I’m an electrician. I work with machines which make electricity, wires, which carry
electricity and machines which use electricity.
- I’m a plumber. I make things to control water. I lay pipes. I make roofs and gutters.
2. Ответьте на вопросы:
1) Who builds houses?
2) What does a mechanic do?
3) What does a fitter do ?
4) What does an electrician work with?
5) What is a plumber’s work?
3. Переведите предложения, употребляя глагол to be в Past Simple
1.Чарли Чаплин был знаменитым киноактером.
2.В это время в прошлом году я была в Париже.
3.Вчера Миша был на работе? - Да.
4.В прошлом году ей было 22, таким образом, ей 23 сейчас.
5.Вы опоздали вчера? - Нет.
6.Я устала вчера вечером.
7.Когда я была ребенком, я боялась собак.
4. Переведите на английский язык сочетания слов и придумайте с ними
Быть в порядке, по субботам, детали машин, ремонтировать, много денег, немного
грусти, немного яблок.
5. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present или Past Simple.
1. His sister (to study) English every day. 2. She (to study) English two years ago. 3. You
(to come) home at six o'clock yesterday? - No, I ... . Yesterday I (to come) home from
school at half past eight. I (to be) very tired. I (to have) dinner with my family. After
dinner I (to be) very thirsty. I (to drink) two cups of tea. Then I (to rest). 4. I (to go) to bed
at ten o'clock every day. 5. I (to go) to bed at ten o'clock yesterday.
6. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную
1) There are five chairs in the room.
2) I read this book last year.
3) She usually have dinner at 6 o’clock.
4) Ann is twenty years old.
5) They speak German fluently.
Вариант 8
1. Прочтите и переведите текст письменно на русский язык:
Carpenter’s tool box.
Measure the carpenter’s tool box. Measure the length, the width and the height of
the box. Take the measurement of the carpenter’s tool box. Give the dimensions of the
How long is the box? What is the length of the box? It’s three feet six inches long.
How wide is the box? It’s eighteen inches wide. How high is the box? It’s a foot high.
The length of the box is 3 feet 6 inches. The width of the box is 1 foot 6 inches. The height
of the box is 1 foot.
What colour is the lid of the box? It’s brown. The carpenter keeps his tools in his
box. A good carpenter always has good equipment.
2. Ответьте на вопросы:
1) Give the dimensions of your brief-case.
2) What colour is your brief-case?
3) Where are your books, exercise-books and pens?
4) Are you a carpenter?
5) What has a carpenter in his box?
3. Поставьте правильно оборот there is (there are):
1… a repair shop in this street.
2. … much juice in the jug.
3…. few books on the shelf.
4. Переведите на английский язык сочетания слов и придумайте с ними
Идти домой, много заниматься каким-нибудь предметом, не быть дома, какого
5. Поставьте глаголы в соответствующем времени
1. When our lessons (to be) over we have dinner.
2. I (to see) an interesting film yesterday.
3. The students (to write) an exercise now.
4. My friend (to enter) the institute in a year.
5. What (to do) you now? I (to read) a newspaper.
6. Переведите предложения на английский язык:
1) Я учусь в Морском училище.
2) Не открывайте окно, сегодня холодно.
3) Мой рабочий день обычно начинается в 9 часов утра.
4) Что она делает сейчас? Она переводит текст с английского языка на русский.
5) Мои часы не в порядке. Ты знаешь, где я могу отремонтировать их?
Вариант 9
1. Прочтите и переведите текст письменно на русский язык:
Winter, spring, summer and autumn are the seasons of the year. December, January
and February are winter months The weather is cold usually it snows. The days are short
and the nights are long. The rivers and lakes freeze and we can go skating and skiing.
March, April and May are spring months. It is very nice season. The weather is fine
it is warm. There are many green trees in the streets in the parks and in the yards. Some
time it rains but usually the sun shines brightly. The birds return from the hot countries
and make their nests.
June, July and August are summer months. It is hot or warm. The days are long and
the nights are short. There are many nice flowers in the parks and squares in the summer.
The pupils do not go to school they have the summer holidays. June is the first month of
summer. We have the longest day and the shortest night in the year on the 21st-22nd of
June. July is the middle month of summer. It is hot and sun shines brightly. The sky is blue
and cloudless. August is the last summer month sometimes it is cold in August, but it is
many mushrooms, berries and fruits.
September, October and November are autumn months. The weather is changeable.
It often rains. You can see yellow, red, brown leaves everywhere.
2.Ответьте на вопросы:
1. How many seasons are there in a year?
2. Do people try to spend more time in the open air in summer?
3. Why do people like spring?
4. What is the weather like in winter?
5. What is your favourite season?
3. Поставьте правильно оборот there is (there are):
1… some books on the table.
2. … little water in the glass.
3…. much time to spend.
4. Переведите на английский язык сочетания слов и придумайте с ними
Быть дома, мало масла, несколько ответов, по вечерам, редко, ремонтировать
машину, быть технологом.
5. Поставьте глаголы в соответствующем времени
1. My friend (to know) Spanish very well.
2. Who (to ring) you up an hour ago?
3. He (to live) on the third floor.
4. It (to take) you long to find his house yesterday?
5. When your lessons (to be) over on Monday?
6. Переведите предложения на английский язык:
1) Он учится в Морском училище.
2) Закройте окно, сегодня холодно.
3) Мой рабочий день обычно заканчивается в 6 часов вечера.
4) Что они делают сейчас? Они пишут английские упражнения.
5) Когда прибывает поезд? Он прибудет завтра в 7.30.
Вариант 10
1. Прочтите и переведите текст письменно на русский язык:
My Day off.
The last two days of the week are Saturday and Sunday. They are called the
weekend. People don't go to work on weekends. But students and pupils have only one day
off. It is Sunday.
Weekend is my favourite time of the week because I don't go to the college. I think
Sunday is the best day of the week. On this day X wake up later than usual. And
sometimes I don't get up till nine or ten o'clock. As soon as I get up I air the room, do my
bed and do morning exercises. Then I have breakfast and help my Mother to are away the
dishes and wash them.
After breakfast I get ready with my homework and then I am free. I meet my friends
and we discuss our plans together. Last Sunday we went to the Zoo. There were many
funny animals there. It was very interesting to spend time there.
On Sundays I usually do shopping. My Mother tells me what to buy, 1 take a
shopping bag and go shopping. As a rule I go to the shop near my house. There are many
departments in this shop and I can buy different goods there. Then I go to the baker's and
buy bread and rolls. I also buy milk at the dairy department.
2. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. What days of the week do you like and why?
2. What time do you get up on Sunday?
3. What do you do in the morning?
4. How do you usually spend your days off?
5. How did you spend your last Sunday?
3. Поставьте правильно оборот there is (there are):
1… a lot of animals in the Zoo.
2. … little money to go shopping.
3….a main department here.
4. Переведите на английский язык сочетания слов и придумайте с ними
Делать покупки, современный, на прошлой неделе, на следующий год, немного
времени, проводить рабочий день.
5. Поставьте глаголы в соответствующем времени
1. I (to have) dinner with my family yesterday.
2. Her friends (to be) ready at five o'clock.
3. One of her brothers (to make) a tour of Europe last summer.
4. Queen Elizabeth II (to be) born in 1926. She (to become) Queen of England in 1952.
5. You always (to get) up at seven o'clock? — No, sometimes I (to get) up at half past
6. Переведите предложения на английский язык:
1) Было темно, поэтому я включил свет.
2) Концерт вчера вечером начался в 7:30 и закончился в 10 часов.
3) Сегодня хорошая погода, а вчера шел дождь.
4) Виктор раньше работал в банке.
5) Нам понравился вчерашний вечер в гостях.
6) Мы много танцевали.
Вариант 1
1. Прочтите и переведите на русский язык:
Our Neighbour Mars
The planet Mars is one of our nearest neighbours. It can studied more easily than
other planets, so scientists are most interested in it . Th e seasons on Mars are less
regular and the average temperature is lower than on the Earth. The length of the Year is
not equal to ours. Some people think that there is life there. Others think that Mars could
not support living beings.
The giant telescopes are helping us to gain a more complete picture of Mars. There
are lines that look like canals, covering its surface. There is a puzzle to astronomers, but
larger telescopes may soon enable them to describe the lines more exactly. Possibly new
knowledge gained by the use of better instrument, will prove the earlier ideas.
The Space Programme for future years includes investigations of Mars and Venus.
Today Russian scientists are studying closely every kind of theory that has ever been
published about Mars, and one of the most interesting problems about Mars is whether life
exists or doesn’t exist on the planet.
2. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. Why can Mars be studied more easily than other planets?
2. What do you know of the seasons on Mars and the average temperature on it?
3. What can we see on Mars through the giant telescopes?
4. What are the two opinion of life on Mars?
5. What is one of the most interesting problems about Mars?
3.а) Определите по суффиксу часть речи и переведите слова на русский язык:
novelist, business, dirty, ruler, hopeless, windowless, aimless, agreeable, responsible.
б) Определите по структуре слова, к какой части речи оно относится:
dictation, disturbance, assistant, receiver, heroism, continental, settlement, rainy, enlarge.
4. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на выделенные
Is it the second or the third FLOOR?
The FLOOR in his new flat is yellow.
Have you got a new WATCH?
It is time for a child to go to bed. Is he still WATCHING TV?
5. Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык:
colour films, tram stop, grain export, pocket money.
6. Переведите на английский язык:
1. Мой друг - ихтиолог (технолог).
2. Моя фамилия - Петров.
3. В году 4 времени года: зима, весна, лето и осень.
4. Каждое утро мы встаём в 7 часов и делаем утреннюю зарядку.
5. Лето - самое жаркое время года.
Вариант 2
1. Прочтите и переведите на русский язык:
The Planet Mercury.
Mercury is the smallest planet and the one closest to the Sun, it is difficult to see.
Certainly it is necessary to choose the right average. On occasion the planet can appear as
bright spot: low, down, near the horizon. Under favorable conditions it may be visible for
as long as an hour at dawn.
Mercury can never appear more than 28 from the sun and its greatest distance may
sometimes be as littte as 18. Good conditions are therefore necessary if we are to see it
without the help of a telescope. The best times occur in the spring shortly after sunset and
in the early morning during the autumn.
Just as the Moon is held tightly in the gravitation of the Earth and always keeps the
same face turned towards us, so Mercury is tightly bound to the Sun and the same face is
always exposed to the suns’ burning rays. Mercury’s distance from the Sun varies between
29 and 43 mi l l i o n miles.
Apart from the Sun itself the sunny side of Mercury must be the hottest place in the
Solar System.
But the side of Mercury which is turned away from the Sun remains in eternal
darkness with a temperature only a few degrees above absolute zero. It is about- 273 C. No
atmosphere has been found on Mercury. In size and appearance Mercury is like our Moon.
It seems certainly that no life can possibly exist on Mercury.
2. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. What planet is the closest to the sun? Is it big or small?
2. What is Mercury’s distance from the sun?
3. What is the hottest place in the Solar system apart from the sun itself?
4. What do we know about the side of Mercury turned away from the sun?
5. What is Mercury like in size and appearance?
3. a) Определите по суффиксу часть речи и переведите слова на русский язык:
Specialist, colonist, tourist, sleepless, changeless, existable, forgivable.
б) Определите по структуре слова, к какой части речи оно относится:
Embarrassment, education, American, correspondent , ignorance, elevator, sleeper, foggy,
4. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на выделенные
He ORDERED him to stand up.
She always keeps her room in ORDER.
His watch has a round FACE.
Your FACE is dirty, go and wash yourself.
5. Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык:
Metal platform, football match, banana tree, theatre ticket.
6. Дайте краткие и полные ответы:
1. Are you a seaman?
2. Is it cold in the street?
3. Are there good labs in your college?
4. Is your friend reading a book now?
5. Has he a little daughter?
Вариант 3
1. Прочтите и переведите на русский язык:
Yupiter is unlike the Earth in almost every way. Astronomers used to think that it
was made up of central rocky core, surrounded by a layer of ice over which lay a deep,
dense atmosphere. Nowadays it is thought more probable that the whole globe is made up
of gas, though near the middle of the planet this gas is so dense that it starts to behave in a
most curious way. At any rate the surface which we see through our telescopes is certainly
made up of gas. There is a great deal of hydrogen, some of which has combined with other
materials to from unpleasant compounds such as ammonia and methane, CH4. It is quite
clear that no life can exist there; not only if the atmosphere is poisonous, but Jupiter is so
far from the Sun that it is always very cold. The temperature can never use above minus
200 degrees Fahrenheit.
The most famous marking on Jupiter is the Great Red spot. This is a tremendous
patch of 30000 miles long. Nobody quite knows what it is. It may be a semi- solid body
floating in Yupiter’s atmosphere, but it still remains very much of a mystery.
2. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. What is the Yupiter planet believed to consist of ?
2. Why there can be no life on Yupiter?
3. What is the temperature on Yupiter?
4. What is the most famous marking on Yupiter?
5. Does anybody know what is it?
3. а) Определите по суффиксу часть речи и переведите слова на русский язык:
Pacifist, pessimist; fruitless, shapeless, thankful, removable, valuable.
б) Определите по структуре слова, к какой части речи оно относится:
Establishment, secretary, philologist, formation, visitor, assistant, ignorance, lecture,
4. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание нa выделенные
Look at the FACE of your watch. What shape has it got?
What is the matter with you? Your FACE is so pale.
Kate has broken her right HAND, she can’t write now.
Your time is up. HAND on your exercise- books.
5. Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык:
apple tree, coffee cup, colour TV, surface details.
6. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную форму:
1. The students go to the college every day.
2. The sailors are washing the deck.
3. There are a lot of cars in the street.
4. She went to her friend’s place 2 days ago.
5. We will go abroad next year.
Вариант 4
1. Прочтите и переведите на русский язык:
Madame Curie was a teacher of Science and Mathematics in school in the town. Her
polish name was Mary Sklodovska. When she was a girl, Mary's ambition was to study at
the Sorbing in Paris, and after many years of waiting she finally left her native land in
1891. In Paris Mary began a course of hard study and simple living. She determined to
work for two Masters’ degrees - one in Physics, the other in Mathematics. Thus she had to
work twice as the ordinary student. Though she was often weak and ill lender the hard
mode of life, she worked hard for four years.
Among the many scientists Mary met and worked with in Paris was Pierre Curie.
When he met Mary Sklodovska, he was thirty - five years old and was famous throughout
Europe for his discoveries in magnetism. Pierre Curie and Mary Sklodovska, both of
whom loved science more than anything else, very soon became close friends. In 1895
Mary Sklodovska became Madame Curie.
Pierre and Marie Curie were interested in the work of a French scientist named
Becguerel. There is a rare metal called uranium, which Becgucrel discovered, emits rays
very much alike X - rays. What caused them? How strong were they? There were a lot of
such questions that puzzled Marie Curie and her husband. The research was carried out
under great difficulty. As the result of these experiments it was found that compounds
containing uranium and thorium are radioactive. No other radioactive elements were
found. Now many other radioactive elements are known. We know also some radioactive
2. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. Where did Marie Curie study?
2. What work were Pierre and Mane Curie interested in?
3. What rare metal did Becquerel discover?
4. What was the result of the Curies' experiments?
5. What radioactive elements do you know?
3. a) Определите по суффиксу часть речи и переведите слова на русский язык:
Optimist, linguist, lifeless buckles, planes, lovable.
б) Определите по структуре слова, к какой части речи оно относится:
Editor, assistant, reference, explosion, musician, partial, milky, ensure.
4. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на выделенные слова:
Milk is GOOD for children. It is a very GOOD book. The shop sells all sorts of GOODS.
MISS Brown is our English teacher. I MISS you a lot. I MISSED his last words.
5. Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык:
Moscow streets, street corner, railway station, musical school.
6. Переведите предложения на русский язык:
1. Я люблю хорошую погоду.
2. Мой друг был в Москве неделю назад.
3. У меня есть сестра.
4. В комнате тепло.
Вариант 5
1. Прочтите и переведите на русский язык:
The Shape of the Earth.
The first voyage around the Earth, begun at Seville by Magellan in 1519 and
completed at Seville in 1522, established beyond dispute that Earth is a globe. Today
aircraft can be flown round the Earth in any direction in a few days, and artificial satellites
complete their circuits in a few hours. The reason for the spherical shape of the Earth
became clear when Newton (1642-1727) discovered the Law of Gravitation and the Laws
of Motion.
He showed that any two masses attract each other whether they are the Sun and the
Earth or the Earth and the apple, and the force of the attraction is directly proportional to
their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. He
also showed how force, mass and acceleration are related. For more than two hundred
years Newton's Laws looked like statements of absolute certainly, but they have now been
modified by Einstein with his theory of relativity.
2. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. What established that the Earth is a globe?
2. Who proved the spherical shape or the Earth?
3. What did Newton discover?
4. Who modified Newton Laws?
3. a) Определите по суффиксу часть речи и переведите слова на русский язык:
Darwinist, methodist, opportunist, spotless, wordless, handful, publishable, exhaustible.
б) Определите по структуре слова, к какой части речи оно относится:
References, settlement, Literature, occupant, condition, archaism, conquest, financial,
windy, frosty, hasten.
4. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание нa выделенные
Did he OBJECT to our plan? Use a direct OBJECT in this sentence.
Wrap the book in PAPER. I keep my PAPERS in the desk.
5. Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык:
Tea cup, table cloth, water surface, folk music.
6. Вставьте нужную форму глагола to be:
1. I …from Russia.
2. He …at the library 2 days ago.
3. My friends …very serious.
4. Helen …a nice girl.
5. It … …rain tomorrow.
Вариант 6
1. Прочитайте и переведите на русский язык:
Saturn, known in ancient times, is rather smaller than Jupiter. It has a diameter of
75,000 miles, so that it is a giant when compared with the Earth. To the unaided eye it is
fairy bright, but looks just like a yellowish star, and is not always easy to recognize unless
you know where to look for it.
Saturn's globe is very like that of Jupiter, but the planet is more beautiful, because it is
surrounded by a wonderful system of rings. These rings are not solid sheets, but are made
up of thousands of small pieces of material rotating round Saturn in the manner of very
small Moons. A small telescope will not be powerful enough to show them, as well as
showing Titan, the brightest member of Saturn's family of nine satellites. It is possible that
the rings are the broken remains of an old moon of Saturn, which approached too closely
to the planet, and was torn to pieces by the very powerful pull of gravity.
2. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. How large is Saturn?
2. What does it look like to the unaided eye?
3. What is Saturn surrounded by?
4. How many satellites has Saturn? Name one.
5. How many satellites has the Earth? Name one.
3. a) Определите по суффиксу часть речи и переведите слова на русский язык:
Duelist, propagandist, receptionist, headless, thoughtless, helpless, resistible, divisible.
б) Определите по структуре слова, к какой части речи оно относится:
Clinical, establishment, philologist, heroism, reference, famous, inky, ancient, widens.
4. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на выделенные
The book is in three PARTS. Who played the PART of Hamlet?
He missed his train and came by PLANE. You must learn how to use a PLANE.
5. Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык:
Table cloth, trolleybus stop, grain export, newspaper article.
6. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам:
1. These engineers can translate English articles well.
2. My father serves in a big ship.
3. They will have a meeting tomorrow.
4. Last summer our students were sailing in the Black Sea.
5. He had a lot of work yesterday.
Вариант 7
1. Прочитайте и переведите на русский язык:
Chemical Structure (atoms and molecules).
There is an almost endless variety of types of matter. If a particular sample were
divided again and again, eventually the smallest single particle belonging to the type of
matter would be left. This is called a molecule and is extremely small and quite invisible
to the human eye (about one ten-millionth part of an inch). Each substance is composed of
a vast number of a particular type of molecules, which give the substance its chemical
name and properties.
Fortunately, although the variety of molecules is so vast, they are composed of other
particles, atoms, of which the variety is extremely limited, about a hundred. Atoms are
even smaller than molecules and are the smallest particles in the study of chemistry. The
study of physics shows that the atom is composed of particles that are much smaller still,
such as electrons, protons, neutrons and others.
2. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. What is called a molecule?
2. Is a molecule visible to the human eye?
3. What is the atom composed by?
4. What do we call the smallest particles of the atom?
3. a) Определите по суффиксу часть речи и переведите слова на русский язык:
Pessimist, tourist, soundless, meaningless, harmless, convincible, understandable.
б) Определите по структуре слова, к какой части речи оно относится:
Visible, careless, boyhood, musician, formation, heroism, royal, embarrassment, foggy,
4. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на выделенные
Draw a SQUARE on the blackboard. Let us go to Red SQUARE.
You are quite RIGHT. The ball fell RIGHT into the basket.
5. Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык:
Maximum distance, load measurement, column number, temperature range.
6. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в соответствующем времени:
1. My friend (to do) his homework now.
2. I (to do) morning exercises every day.
3. The first lesson (to begin) at 9 a.m.
4. An engineer (to finish) the repairs yesterday.
Вариант 8
1. Прочтите и переведите на русский язык:
New York.
The capital the United States of America is Washington. However, the city of New
York, the biggest city in the world, situated at the mouth of the Hudson River, can be
called the capital not only of the USA but even of the whole capitalist world.
New York consists of five districts - Bronx, Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn and
Richmond. Its total area is about 1214, 9 square kilometers, and it has a population of over
8 400 000 inhabitants. And if we count the many suburbs of the city, its population comes
to about thirteen million. In the city of New York alone, there are more than one million
Afro - Americans. They mostly live in Harlem, the poorest district of New York.
A traveler who visits New York for the first time wonders at the new architecture.
The Statue of Liberty with the sees on Liberty Island if he arrives by sea, was a present
from France for the hundredth anniversary of American independence.
2. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. What is the capital of the USA ?
2. What is New York?
3. Where is it situated?
4. What are the districts of New York?
5. Where is the Statue of Liberty situated?
3. a) Определите по суффиксу часть речи и переведите слова на русский язык:
Socialist, colonist, topless, endless, helpless, serviceable, checkable.
б) Определите по структуре слова, к какой части речи оно относится:
Establishment, ancient, financial, novelist, socialism, glorious, residence, picture, rainy,
4. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на выделенные
IRON is a metal. Give me your electric IRON. I want to IRON my dress.
April is a SPRING month. The SPRING in my watch is broken.
5. Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык:
Volleyball competition, bus stop, apple tree, floor lamp.
6. Вставьте предлоги, где необходимо:
1. We have our winter examinations... the beginning... January.
2. Murmansk is... the north... our country.
3. Translate this article... English... Russian.
4. Wait... me, please. I’ ll be back... 5 minutes.
Вариант 9
1. Прочтите и переведите на русский язык:
Nicknames of the States.
You certainly know that the United States of America consists of fifty states. But
you may not know that each of them has several unofficial names or nicknames. These
nicknames serve to describe the nature or geography of a state, its history, the way of life
and the traditions of its people.
Kansas, for example, is situated in the central part of the USA, that is why one of its
nicknames is The Central State. Alaska is The Great Land, because its territory is the
largest in the USA compared to all other states. The White Mountain State is New
Hampshire which Nothern part lies in the White Mountain.
There are several states whose nicknames are connected with lakes and rivers. The
Lake State is Michigan, which is in the valley of the Great Lakes. The Black Water State
is the nickname of Nebraska because the water of its rivers is dark.
2. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. How many states include the USA?
2. What do the nicknames describe?
3. What is the nickname of Kansas?
4. Why the Alaska's nickname is The Great Land?
5. What state has got the nickname of The Black Water State?
3. a) Определите по суффиксу часть речи и переведите слова на русский язык:
Specialist, pessimist, tourist, careless, planes, recommendable, resistible.
б) Определите по структуре слова, к какой части речи оно относится:
Modernist, structure, ignorance, famous, archaism, novelist, royal, embarrassment, inky.
4. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на выделенные
Give me a BROWN pencil. I like BROWN bread.
CLOSE the book. The station is quite CLOSE. They are CLOSE friends.
5. Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык:
Color photos, school laboratory, railway station, pocket money.
6. Вставьте модальные глаголы can, may, must:
1. We... play football.
2. We... go to the training because we have a competition.
3. You... go to the park by foot.
4. ... I take your summary? Yes, you ...
Вариант 10
1. Прочтите и переведите на русский язык:
America's Harvest Festival.
As you already know, a ship called "May Flower" left England for America in 1620
with 102 men, women and children. They were members of a religious sect who did not
like to go to the King's church. They wanted to start a new life in the New World.
The first winter was very hard for the Pilgrim Fathers as they were called. There
was little food, and many of the colonists died. But after they had brought in the first
harvest in October 1621, they said, "Let us have a feast to thank God for our freedom and
for the good harvest". The day of the feast was called Thanksgiving Day and it became a
tradition to hold a feast like this every year. The tradition soon spread all over the country.
Thanksgiving Day is celebrated as a national holiday on the last Thursday in November.
2. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. When did English colonists first settle in America?
2. Who went to the New World in 1620?
3. When was the first harvest?
4. What is Thanksgiving Day celebrated?
3. а) Определите по суффиксу часть речи и переведите слова на русский язык:
Novelist, business, dirty, ruler; hopeless, windowless, aimless; agreeable, responsible.
б) Определите по структуре слова, к какой части речи оно относится:
Embarrassment, education, American, correspondent, ignorance, elevator, sleeper, foggy,
4. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на выделенные
Kate has broken her right HAND, she can't write now.
You time is up. HAND on your exercise-books.
Nick's WATCH has stopped. He must have it repaired.
She was not playing herself. She just WATCHED the other plays.
5. Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык
Tea cup, table cloth, water surface, folk music.
6. Заполните пропуски неопределёнными местоимениями much
1. - many, little - few:
2. There are ... sunny days in summer.
3. There is... work to do.
4. There are ... books on the table.
5. There is ... water in the glass.
Вариант 1
1. Прочтите и переведите на русский язык:
The Ocean.
As an antipode to the dry land the ocean is a mobile aquatic cover of the globe. The
world ocean is divided into four parts, namely: the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the
Indian Ocean and the Arctic Ocean. The surface of the world ocean is equal to
361.600.000 km. Here are the figures illustrating the size of the oceans and seas (in million
km ); the Pacific - 130, the Atlantic-106, the Indian Ocean-75, the Arctic Ocean-128, the
Mediterranean Sea-3, the Bering Sea-2.3, the Okhotsk Sea-1.5, the Sea of Japan-1.04, the
Black Sea-0.38.
The average depth of the ocean is about 4000 meters. It was common opinion that
the greatest depth of the ocean was 9870 meters (the Philippine Abbeys in the Pacific).
2. Составьте 5 специальных вопросов к тесту.
3. Составьте предложения со следующими словами:
work, mark, sign, turn, cover, figure, scale, approach.
4. Переведите предложения на английский язык:
1. Учёными доказано, что первые живые организмы возникли в глубинах океана.
2. Океан населён животными и растениями.
3. Глубины морей значительно меньше глубин океана.
4. Площадь Чёрного моря меньше, чем площадь Японского моря.
Вариант 2
1. Прочтите и переведите на русский язык:
Variety of Products of the Ocean.Fish.
Fish are marvelously abundant. There exist approximately nineteen thousand
distinct species, some of them are exceedingly numerous as, for example, herring; millions
of centners of them are caught yearly at herring fisheries scattered all over the world.
Fish are utilized principally as food for man. In addition to being eaten fresh they
are preserved by freezing, canning, salting, pickling, smoking and even fermenting.
Nonedible fish are made into oil, fertilizer and meal. Fish and fish liver oils find many
commercial applications. Hydrogenated or hardened fish oil is largely used for soap
manufacture. Swim bladders of certain fish are made into isinglass. Cod, hake, pollack and
haddock skins and waste are utilized for glue manufacture.
2. Составьте 5 специальных вопросов к тесту.
3. Сформируйте наречия от прилагательных при помощи суффикса –ly и
переведите их на русский язык:
usual, simple, wide, chief, late, great, immense, near, scarce, new, ready, hard, main, part,
4. Переведите предложения на русский язык:
1. The water in Kara Bagos Bay being too salty, the fish entering the Bay perish there.
2. Big rivers freshening the sea water enrich it with "Living salt".
3. The water in the Dead Sea being twenty times as much Salter as in the Azov Sea, it is
impossible to sink in that sea.
4. The text translated by me was about the salinity of sea water.
5. The degree of salinity depends on freshening of sea water by rivers.
Вариант 3
1. Прочтите и переведите на русский язык:
Some Important Commercial Fishes.
Fishes are cold-blooded, backboned animals adapted to live in water, breathing by
means of gills and having limbs represented by fins or rudiment of fins. The skin is usually
covered with scales, but these may be replaced by bony plates or rough tubercles and
rarely the skin is entirely naked. The scales vary greatly in size and structure among the
species. Whatever the nature of fish's diet it is essential that it should contain the following
ingredient: water, minerals, fats or carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins; water makes up
about 75 per cent of the body weight of fish. Nearly all fishes are catholic in their choice
of food, and many alter their habits as they age and with the seasons.
2. Составьте 5 специальных вопросов к тесту.
3. Переведите следующие слова на русский язык:
fish, to fish, fishery, fisherman, fisherfolk, to cut, cut, cutter, cutting, to move, movement,
moving, moveless, to develop, developed, developing, development, to differ,
different, difference, to measure, measure, measuring, measurement.
4. Переведите на английский язык:
1. Кожа рыбы покрыта чешуёй.
2. Все рыбы делятся на все основные группы.
3. Мы никогда не видели такую большую форель.
4. Атлантический лосось достигает длины 150 см и веса 13,9 кг.
Вариант 4
1. Прочтите и переведите на русский язык:
Body Structure.
Most fishes (except plaice and halibut) have a symmetrical shape, which may be
divided into three main parts: head, body and tail. The head is anterior part and extends
from the tip of the snout till the end of the gill covers. The body extends from the gill
covers to the anal fin and then merges into the tail, which is divided into the stem and fin.
There are no clear-cut boundaries between these parts, which pass imperceptibly into one
another. The body of fish has several fins: the pectoral or breast fins, the ventral or pelvic
fins (paired), and the dorsal and anal fins. Beneath the skin are the muscles, which
constitute the flesh of the fish supported on a bony or cartilaginous skeleton.
2. Составьте 5 специальных вопросов к тексту:
3. Образуйте существительные путём прибавления суффикса
–ness и
переведите на русский язык:
ready, busy, great, ill, rich, red, bright, dark.
4. Переведите на английский язык:
1. Жабры у рыб являются органами дыханиями.
2. У многих рыб нет воздушного пузыря.
3. Сердце, желудок, печень, почки относятся к внутренним органам.
4. Тело некоторых рыб покрыто голой кожей, на ней нет чешуи.
Вариант 5
1. Прочтите и переведите на русский язык:
Chemical Composition of Fish.
The body of fish contains many different chemicals, mainly proteins, fat, water and certain
minerals. These are the basic constituents of the tissues and organs. The physical properties of fish
its flavor and nutritive value depend on the substances contained in it. When dead fish are
stored, they gradually develop and accumulate a number of new chemical substancesbreakdown products of proteins and fat. According to the content of these, it is possible to
judge how fresh fish is and whether it is fit for human consumption. The elementary
chemical composition is the content of different chemical elements.
2. Составьте 5 специальных вопросов к тексту.
3. Переведите словосочетания на русский язык:
Considerable, movable, drinkable, eatable, comfortable, portable, readable, obtainable.
4. Переведите предложения на русский язык:
1. Minerals help to build up bones, brain, nervous system and muscles.
2. The role of fat is mainly to produce heat.
3. Before salting the fish must be properly washed.
4. The proportion of fat in fins is known to be small.
Вариант 6
1. Прочтите и переведите на русский язык:
The Food Value of Fish.
The food value of fish depends first and foremost on whether it contains a large
proportion of high grade proteins with all the (nonconvertible) amino acids essential for
health. The other nutrients in fish- fat, vitamins, and minerals are likewise important.
When proteins are digested, they break up giving amino acids which eventually serve to
build up the specific protein substances, enzymes, and hormones peculiar to man. At the
same time the amino acids taking part in metabolism, go through a series of changes which
are accompanied by the evolution of energy as vital heat. Hence proteins play the dual role
of building and heat generating material. The end products of their breakdown in the body
are urea, creatine, ammonia, carbon dioxide and water.
2. Составьте 5 специальных вопросов к тексу.
3. Прибавьте суффикс – ous к словам и переведите на русский язык:
fame, danger, thunder, continue, poison, vary, courage, glory.
4. Переведите на русский язык слова:
unfit, unusual, unfair, unaccomplished, unjust, uneffective, untrue, uncertain, unclean,
unknown, unreasonable, unbearable.
Вариант 7
1. Прочтите и переведите на русский язык:
Salting is both a method of preserving fish and a preliminary operation to smoking,
drying, and marinading. Many types of salted fish in which a pleasant flavor and aroma
are produced by salting, make tasty sharks and appetizers-herrings, sprats, anchovies,
salmon, whitefish, etc. The products made from them are varied-from salted fish proper to
the daintiest spiced delicatessen and marinaded items and the range and quality are being
constantly extended and improved. In a narrow sense, salting is a combination of
operations by which fish is placed in contact with salt and allowed to become permeated
by it. These operations include mixing the fish with salt, laying and keeping the fish in the
container in which it is salted, restacking, etc.
2. Составьте 5 специальных вопросов к тексту.
3. Определите, к какой части речи относятся слова и переведите их на русский
reserving, smoking, drying, processing, fishing, salted, varied, marinaded, extracted,
extended, improved, delayed.
4. Переведите предложения на английский язык:
1. Хищные рыбы уничтожают большое количество молоди.
2. Изменение условий окружающей среды сильно влияет на размножение рыбы.
3. Рыбы подразделяются на съедобные и несъедобные.
4. Тихоокеанская треска обитает в Беринговом море.
Вариант 8
1.Прочитайте и переведите на русский язык:
Marinading of Fish.
All marinades may be divided into two groups: (a) cold or salt, and (b) warm
marinades prepared from pre-fried, pre-cooked, or pre-smoked fish. Cold marinades
extensively used, because they keep well and are easier to prepare. Warm marinades are in
fact made-up cooked dishes, and they will not be discussed here.
Marinades are prepared from edible acetic acid (essence or vinegar) at a strength of
80 per cent. The acid is obtained either by dry distillation of wood or synthetically from
acetylene. Its basic requirements are that it must be colourless and transparent with no
resinous odour, and contain no mineral acids or salts of heavy metals. Acetic acid is
completely miscible with water.
2. Составьте 5 специальных вопросов к тексту.
3. Переведите слова на русский язык:
pre-cooked, pre-fried, pre-smoked, pre-planned, pre-arranged, pre-condition, pre-historic,
pre-war; post-glacial, post-date, post-graduate, postwar, post-humous, post-meridiem.
4. Задайте вопросы к выделенным словосочетаниям:
1. Fish usually decrease in weight as a result of salinity.
2. The quality of salt used for fish salting depends on its origin.
3. Sodium chloride dissolves readily in water.
4. The readiness of the fish for further processing is determined by chemical analysis.
Вариант 9
1. Прочтите и переведите на русский язык:
Drying of Fish.
Drying after salting is one of the oldest ways of preserving fish. It is simple does not
require complicated equipment, and gives a product a long storage life. Both mechanical
and natural drying are utilized.
Dried products include dehydrated fish which needs to be soaked and cooked before
use. Fish that is dried naturally becomes desiccated and undergoes complicated
biochemical protein changes as a result of which it loses moisture from the flesh, and
becomes permeated with fat. It can then be eaten as it is, without cooking. Naturally-dried
salted Caspian roach has a wide marked in Russia; and naturally -dried salted sturgeon and
salmon fillets are unsurpassed for flavor.
2. Составьте 5 специальных вопросов к тексту.
3. Вставьте необходимые предлоги: from, of, to, in, on:
1. Fishing industry is one ... the main branches ... national economy.
2. The whaling factory ship "Slava" has come ... Odessa.
3. ... the first ... August the crab factory ship "Vsevolod Sibirtsev" will sail ...
Petropavlovsk ... Nakhodka.
4. Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам и словосочетаниям:
1. The cod occurs in the north part of the Atlantic Ocean.
2. The Pacific cod is related to that of Greenland and White Sea.
3. Haddock is usually caught with trawls.
4. The fat accumulated in liver reaches 40 per cent of the weight of haddock.
Вариант 10
1. Прочтите и переведите на русский язык:
Fish Smoking.
Smoked fish is a nourishing and delicious product ready for consumption as it is,
that is to say uncooked, and naturally, therefore has a large demand. Two methods of
smoking are to be distinguished: cold and hot.
The flesh of hot - smoked fish is delicate, succulent, and tasty, but the product does
not travel or store well: consequently it is mainly processed at fish factories in large cities
where a good market is assured.
Cold - smoked fish is more stable and is noted for its pleasant odor.
Fish may be hot-smoked either in batch kilns or in continuous ones. The former are
of two types: chamber kilns in which the fish are loaded and unloaded at one end,
unloaded at opposite ends.
2. Составьте 5 специальных предложений к тексту.
3. Переведите предложения на русский язык:
1. The higher the temperature of the smoke, the more moisture.
2. The quicker the fish is salted the better.
3. The fasted the ship's speed the sooner we arrive at the fishing ground.
4. The nearer the Earth the denser the atmosphere.
4. Переведите предложения на русский язык:
1. В России лосось называется сёмгой.
2. Лосося ловят в Баренцевом, Белом и Балтийском морях.
3. Этот вид лосося проводит больше времени в пресной воде.
4. Лосось плотояден и прожорлив.
Грамматический материал:
1. Алфавит. 4-е типа слога.
2. Артикли.
3. Личные местоимения (в 2-х падежах).
4. Указательные местоимения.
5. Притяжательные местоимения.
6. Неопределённые местоимения some, any, no, many-much, little-few.
7. Предлоги места, направления и времени.
8. Множественное число существительных.
9. Притяжательный падеж существительных.
10. Повелительное наклонение.
11. Числительные (порядковые и количественные).
12. Обозначение времени.
13. Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий.
14. Глагол to be в Present, Past и Future Simple.
15. Глагол to have в Present, Past и Future Simple.
16. Оборот there is/are.
17. Present, Past и Future Simple Tense (active voice).
18. Present, Past и Future Continuous (active voice).
19. Модальные глаголы can, may, must.
20. Общие, специальные, альтернативные и разделительные вопросы.
Устные и разговорные темы:
1. Моя семья и биография.
2. Мой рабочий день.
3. Наш техникум.
4. Времена года.
5. Россия.
6. Ейск.
7. Великобритания.
8. Лондон.
9. Еда в Великобритании.
10. Тексты по специальности.
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с.-(Среднее профессиональное образование).
2. Англо-русский словарь В.К. Мюллера.- М.:РИПОЛ классик; Престиж книга,
2012.- 736 с.- (Библиотека энциклопедических словарей).
3. Бутрова Т.Ф., Манькова Т.К. Сборник текстов и упражнений по дисциплине
«Иностранный язык».- ФГОУ СПО «ЕМРТ», 2005.-37 с.
4. Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика: Сборник упражнений.-6-е изд., - СПб.:КАРО,
2009.-554 с.
5. Китаевич Б.Е. Учебник английского языка для моряков. – Моск. гос. акад. вод.
транспорта.-6-е изд.- М.: РКонсульт,2003.-400 с.: ил.