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Контрольная работа №2 ( 1 курс – 2 часть)
Для того чтобы правильно выполнить задания, необходимо усвоить следующие разделы
курса английского языка :
1.Видо- временные формы глагола : а) активный залог –формы Continuous ( Present
, Past , Future ) ; формы Perfect( Present , Past , Future ) ; особенности перевода пассивных
конструкций на русский язык.
2. Модальные глаголы : а) выражающие возможность : can ( could ), may и их
эквиваленты - to be able to , to be allowed to ; б) выражающие долженствование : must, его
эквиваленты- to have to , to be to , should , ought to.
Continuous Tenses. Продолженные времена.
Основным назначением группы "Continuous" является обозначение действий,
протекающих в точно указанное время, либо одновременно с другим действием.
Дополнительными характеристиками таких действий является их незаконченность,
динамичность и наглядность. Глаголы во всех временных формах этой группы состоят из
вспомогательного глагола "to be" в соответствующем времени и смыслового глагола в
форме "-ing" (т.н. инговая форма глагола "V ing", которая образуется путём прибавления
суффикса "-ing" к основе инфинитива "V"). Например:
to write (писать) - I am writing (Я пишу).
to look at (смотреть на) - He is looking at me (Он смотрит на меня).
The Present (Progressive) Continuous Tense. Настоящее продолженное время.
Для того, чтобы показать, что действие происходит именно в настоящий момент (в
момент речи), используются глаголы в форме настоящего продолженного (длящегося)
времени. Глаголы в форме настоящего продолженного времени употребляются обычно в
предложении с обстоятельствами now - сейчас, at the moment - в настоящий момент, но
большей частью эти обстоятельства только подразумеваются, так как они всегда очевидны
из самой формы глагола.
- What are you writing? - I am writing a letter to a friend of mine.
- Что ты (сейчас) пишешь? - Я пишу (сейчас) письмо моему другу.
They are not working. They are on their holidays.
Они не работают (сейчас). Они в отпуске.
Утвердительная форма настоящего времени образуется из вспомогательного глагола "to
be" в соответствующем лице настоящего времени (am, is, are) и смыслового глагола в
инговой форме (I-ing), которые следуют за подлежащим.
He is reading a book.
Он читает книгу .
I am waiting for a call.
Я жду телефонного звонка.
+ V-ing
Чтобы задать вопрос в настоящем продолженном времени, нужно поставить глагол "to be"
перед подлежащим, смысловой глагол в форме "-ing" следует за подлежащим.
Is he reading a new book?
Он читает новую книгу?
Are we waiting for a bus?
Мы ждём автобус?
Отрицательная форма образуется путём постановки отрицания "not" после
вспомогательного глагола.
They are not playing football now.
Они не играют в футбол сейчас.
They are very busy.
Они очень заняты.
+ She is standing.
- She is not standing.
? Is she standing?
Yes, she is. No, she is not. (No, she isn't.)
The Past (Progressive) Continuous Tense. Прошедшее продолженное время.
Прошедшее продолженное время образуется, как и настоящее продолженное время, при
помощи глагола "to be" и смыслового глагола в инговой форме. При этом глагол "to be"
употребляется в форме прошедшего времени (was, were).
was (I, he, she)
+ V-ing
were (we, you, they)
Основным назначением the Past Continuous является обозначение действий, протекавших
в точно указанное время в прошлом:
Sue was working at ten o'clock yesterday morning.
Сью работала вчера утром в десять часов. (т.е. в десять часов утра Сью ещё не закончила
свою работу).
Дополнительными характеристиками таких действий являются их незаконченность.
Момент, в который протекает интересующее нас действие, часто бывает обозначен
другим коротким действием в the Past Simple.
It was raining when I went out into the street.
Шёл дождь, когда я вышел на улицу.
My car broke down when I was driving to work.
Моя машина сломалась, когда я ехал на работу.
Глагол "to be" (was, were) является в данном случае служебным и служит для образования
вопросительной и отрицательной формы. Чтобы задать вопрос в the Past Continuous нужно
поставить глагол "to be" (в нужной форме: was/ were) перед подлежащим. А чтобы
образовать отрицательную форму, нужно поставить отрицание "not" после глагола "to be":
+ He was playing at 3 o'clock.
- He was not playing at 3 o'clock.
? Was he playing at 3 o'clock?
Yes, he was. Nо, he was not. (No, he wasn't.)
The Future (Progressive) Continuous Tense. Будущее продолженное время.
Глаголы в форме будущего продолженного времени выражают действие, которое будет
происходить в определённый момент или отрезок времени в будущем. Признаком глагола
в форме будущего продолженного времени является сочетание вспомогательного глагола
"to be" в будущем времени (shall be, will be) с формой смыслового глагола I-ing.
+ be + V-ing
We shall be expecting you at 5.
Мы будем ждать вас в 5 часов.
This time on Sunday I'll be bathing in the sea.
В это время в воскресенье я буду купаться в море.
+ She will be sleeping.
- She will not be sleeping.
? Will she be sleeping?
Yes, she will. No, she will not. (No, she won't.)
Perfect Tenses. Свершенные времена.
Обозначают действие, закончившиеся к определённому моменту или происходившие
ранее других действий в настоящем, прошедшем или будущем. Временные формы этой
группы имеют следующие общие признаки:
1. Глаголы во всех временных формах этой группы состоят из вспомогательного глагола
"to have" в соответствующем времени и смыслового глагола в третьей форме - III
(ed).(Participle II) - (Причастие II)
Правильный глагол to work
настоящее: I have worked
прошедшее: He had worked
будущее: We shall have worked
будущее в прошедшем: I should have worked
Неправильный глагол to write
настоящее: I have written
прошедшее: He had written
будущее: We shall have written
будущее в прошедшем: I should have written
2. В вопросительной форме подлежащему предшествует вспомогательный глагол:
Have I worked?
Had I worked?
Shall I have worked?
What have you seen there?
3. В отрицательной форме за первым вспомогательным глаголом следует отрицание "not":
I have not written the letter.
I had not written the article.
I should not have written the test work.
Present Perfect Tense. Настоящее свершенное время. The Present Perfect Tense
обозначает действие, которое завершилось к настоящему моменту или завершено в
период настоящего времени (в этом году, на этой неделе.) Хотя глаголы в the Present
Perfect часто переводятся на русский язык в прошедшем времени, следует помнить, что в
английском языке эти действия воспринимаются в настоящем времени, так как привязаны
к настоящему результатом этого действия.
В собственном значении the Present Perfect употребляется для выражения действий,
которые в момент речи воспринимаются как свершившиеся.В этом случае в центре
внимания находится само свершившееся действие.
We have bought a new TV set.
Мы купили новый телевизор ( у нас есть новый телевизор).
The students have left the room.
Студенты ушли из комнаты (студентов сейчас в комнате нет).
Go and wash your hands.
Пойди и вымой руки.
I have washed them.
Я их вымыл (руки у меня чистые).
Хотя глаголы в the Present Perfect часто переводятся на русский язык в прошедшем
времени, следует помнить, что в английском языке эти действия являются действиями
настоящего времени.
Для the Present Perfect характерны наречия:
already, still, yet, ever, just, recently, never, today, this week.
1. Для обозначения действий, (не) закончившихся к моменту речи (часто с "just" - только
что, "yet" - ещё не и др.):
- Have you finished your job?
- Ты закончил работу?
- Yes, I have/ No, I haven't.
- Да/Нет.
The train has just arrived.
Поезд только что прибыл.
She hasn't written the test yet. Она ещё не закончила контрольную.
2. Для обозначения действий,происходивших в прошлом, но актуальных в настоящем:
-Have you passed your driving test?
- Вы уже сдали экзамен на право вождения автомобиля?
-We can't enter the room.I've lost my key.
- Мы не можем войти в (эту) комнату. Я по теряла ключ.
3. Для описания действий, начавшихся в прошлом и продолжающихся до настоящего
момента ( часто с "since" - с или "for" - в течение):
I' ve always liked him.
Он мне всегда нравился (раньше и теперь).
I have known him for years / since my youth / since 1990.
Я знаю его много лет / с юности/ с 1990 года.
He has written about a hundred novels.
Он написал около ста романов.
( He is alive and can write more.)
(Он жив и может написать ещё).
He wrote about a hundred novels.(He is dead).
Он написал около ста романов.( Его нет в живых).
4. Для обозначения действий, имевших место в неистекший период времени ( с
выражениями типа "this morning" / "afternoon" / "week" - сегодня утром / днём / на этой
недели и т.п.:
Has the postman come this morning?
Почтальон приходил сегодня утром?
He hasn't phoned this afternoon.
Он ещё не звонил сегодня днём.
+ V3
has (3л. ед. ч.)
+ He has dressed himself.
- He has not dressed himself.
? Has he dressed himself?
Yes, he has. No, he has not. (No, he hasn't.)
Past perfect tense. Прошедшее свершенное время.
The Past Perfect Tense обозначает действие, которое произошло до какого-то момента в
had + V3
1. Когда есть указание момента времени, к которому закончилось действие в прошлом:
By 9 o'clock we'd finished the work.
К 9 часам мы закончили работу.
She had written only two letters by noon.
К полудню она написала только 2 письма.
2. Когда действие в прошлом имело место ранее другого действия:
When you arrived, he had just left.
Когда вы прибыли, он только что уехал.
He had worked at the university for thirty years before he retired.
Он проработал в университете 30 лет, прежде чем ушёл на пенсию.
3. В косвенной речи для передачи настоящего свершенного и простого прошедшего
He said he had studied English for two years.(He said: "I have studied English for two years.")
Он сказал, что изучает английский язык два года.
She said she had published her first story 10 years before.(She said: "I published my first story
10 years ago.")
Она сказала, что опубликовала свой первый рассказ 10 лет тому назад.
+ She had written a letter by 5 o'clock on Saturday.
- She had not written a letter by 5 o'clock on Saturday.
? Had he written a letter by 5 o'clock on Saturday?
Yes, he had. No, he had not. (No, he hadn't.)
Future perfect tense. Будущее свершенное время.
The Future Perfect Tense обозначает действие, которое завершится к определенному
моменту в будущем.
+ have + V3
+ She will have finished.
- She will not have finished.
? Will she have finished?
Yes, she will. No, she will not. (No, she won't.)
Будущее свершенное время часто заменяется простым будущим. Употребляется часто с
обстоятельствами "by then" - к тому времени, "by... o'clock" - к ... часу, "by the end of" - к
By 2 o'clock we'll have discussed all the problems.
К двум часам мы уже обсудим все проблемы.
Active and Passive Voices. Действительный и cтрадательный залоги. Залог - это форма
глагола, которая показывает, является ли подлежащее предложения производителем или
объектом действия, выраженного сказуемым. Как уже было сказано выше, в английском
языке имеется два залога: the Active Voice (действительный залог) и the Passive Voice
(страдательный залог). Страдательный залог употребляется, когда исполнитель действия
очевиден или несуществен, или когда действие или его результат более интересны, чем
исполнитель. Страдательный залог образуется с помощью глагола to be в
соответствующем времени и III формы глагола ( причастие II ).
+ V3
+ V3
+ being + V3
+ being + V3
have (has) + been + V3
had + been + V3
+ be + V3
+ have + been + V3
Вопросительная форма образуется путём переноса (первого) вспомогательного глагола на
место перед подлежащим, например:
When was the work done?
Has the work been done?
Отрицательная форма образуется с помощью отрицания not, которое ставится после
первого вспомогательного глагола, например:
The work was not done last week.
The work will not done tomorrow.
Сравним действительный залог со страдательным залогом:
Active Voice
Tom delivers the mail. Том доставляет почту.
Tom delivered the mail. Том доставлял почту.
Tom will deliver the mail. Том доставит почту.
Passive Voice
The mail is delivered by Tom. Почта доставляется Томом.
The mail was delivered by Tom. Почта доставлялась Томом.
The mail will be delivered by Tom. Почта будет доставляться Томом.
Как и в русском языке, существительное, играющее роль дополнения в предложении
действительного залога, в предложении страдательного залога становится обычно
подлежащим. Если в оборотах со страдательным залогом указан производитель действия,
то в русском языке он обозначается творительным падежом, а в английском ему
предшествует предлог by. Употребление времени в английском страдательном залоге
принципиально не отличается от его употребления в действительном залоге. При переводе
страдательного залога на русский язык возможны следующие варианты:
1. Краткая форма причастий страдательного залога
I am invited to a party.
Я приглашён на вечеринку.
2. Глаголы, оканчивающие на -сяAll observations were made by a team of famous scientists.
Все наблюдения проводились группой знаменитых учёных.
3. Неопределённо-личные предложения ( этот способ перевода применим лишь в тех
случаях, если производитель действия в английском страдательном залоге не упомянут).
We were asked to come as early as possible.
Нас попросили прийти как можно раньше.
Modal Verbs and their Equivalents. Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты.
В английском языке есть группа глаголов, которые выражают не действия, а только
отношение к ним со стороны говорящего. Они называются модальными. С их помощью
говорящий показывает, что то или иное действие возможным или невозможным,
обязательным или ненужным и т.д. К числу модальных глаголов относятся can, may, must,
ought, shall, should, will, need.
He саn swim. Он умеет плавать.
He may swim. Он может плавать (ему разрешено).
I must swim. Я должен плавать.
You should swim. Ты должен плавать (рекомендация).
She needs to swim. Ей надо плавать (необходимо).
He саn swim. Он умеет плавать.
He may swim. Он может плавать (ему разрешено).
I must swim. Я должен плавать.
You should swim. Ты должен плавать (рекомендация).
She needs to swim.Ей надо плавать (необходимо).
У модальных глаголов отсутствует ряд грамматических форм, например: они не имеют
суффикса -s в 3-м лице единственного числа настоящего времени; у них нет инфинитива,
инговой формы и причастия; у некоторых из них нет формы прошедшего времени ( must,
should, ought, need ). Среди других особенностей модальных глаголов необходимо
упомянуть следующие:
1. Инфинитив смыслового глагола употребляется без частицы to после всех модальных
глаголов, кроме ought, to have и to be.
2. Вопросительные и отрицательные формы предложений, в которых имеются модальные
глаголы, строятся без вспомогательного глагола do, за исключением глагола to have,
Must I come too?
Я тоже должен прийти?
She cannot do it today.
Она не может сделать этого сегодня.
Взамен недостающих форм употребляются их эквиваленты:
be able to do smth
had to do smth
have to do smth
be allowed to do smth
may, might
May + Present Infinitive выражает просьбу, разрешение, возможность, предположение,
сомнение. Might - прошедшее время от may выражает также сомнение - в большей
степени, чем may.
can, could
Can + Present Infinitive выражает возможность или способность. Could+Infinitive часто
имеет оттенок неопределённости и может соответствовать русскому сослагательному
Must + Present Infinitive в утвердительных и вопросительных предложениях выражает
необходимость, долженствование, обязанность, а также совет, приказ. Отрицательная
форма mustn't ( must not ) обычно выражает запрет ( нельзя ), т.е. является
противоположной по значению глаголу may. Отсутствие необходимости ( не нужно, не
надо ) выражается глаголом needn't ( need not ).
Must может относится только к настоящему и, в некоторых случаях, к будущему времени.
Для выражения долженствования в прошедшем и будущем вместо must употребляется
have to + Present Infinitive ( в соответствующей временной форме ).
He had to take a taxi to get to the airport on time.
Ему пришлось взять такси, чтобы вовремя попасть в аэропорт.
I'll have to go to the super- market tomorrow.
Завтра мне придётся пойти в супермаркет.
+ He had to wake uр early yesterday.
- He didn't have to wake up early yesterday.
? Did he have tо wake up early yesterday?
Yes, I did. No, I did not. (No, I didn't.)
had to do smth - in the Past Indefinite Tense
will (shall) have to do smth - in the Future Indefinite Tense
Need + Present Infinitive ( Active или Passive ) употребляется только в форме настоящего
времени - обычно в отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях.
should, would
Глагольные формы should и would выполняют функцию не только вспомогательных
глаголов, но и употребляются в качестве модальных глаголов. Would выражает в качестве
модального глагола :
1) повторность действия в прошлом;
2) просьбу;
3) намерение, желание.
Should выражает ( в качестве модального глагола) наставление, увещевание,
рекомендацию, совет ( на русский язык переводится - должен, должен бы, следует,
следует бы ).
Ought to, в отличие от can, may, must, требует инфинитива смыслового глагола с частицей
to. Обозначает часто моральный долг, обязанность говорящего.Совпадает по значению с
should, но используется реже.
Контрольная работа №2
Задания для самостоятельной работы (в
преподавателю для проверки)
письменной форме высылаются
1. Определите значение модальных глаголов и их эквивалентов и переведите
предложения на русский язык:
1) He can speak three foreign languages.
2) May I use your car tonight?
3) Can he still be at the office?
4) I can't do this difficult task.
5) May I write my test on Tuesday?
6) I shall be able to help you .
7) It may be rain.
8) He will be allowed to take a book.
9) You must speak me the truth.
10) It's 7 o'clock, they must be at home now.
11) Somebody has to take the responsibility for the accident.
12) He had to earn his living when he was 15.
13) Students should be well prepared for every lesson.
14) You should stop driving so fast.
2. Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами или их эквивалентами can, could, may,
must, might, to be able, to be allowed, should to. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1.Steve ... speak English, French and Italian.
2) You... ask him to help with the translation.
3) Mr. Smith ... be in his office now. You... call him.
3) ... I ask you a question? — Of course, you ....
4) The students … do their homework regularly.
5) You …be more attentive at the lessons.
6) In Britain you not... drive a car until you are seventeen.
7) You … to take part in the competition next year.
8) If you prepare for the exam, you... to take it in September.
9) You … do this important work quickly.
10) Nobody … understand this.
11) In future we …to use solar energy more effectively.
3. Раскройте скобки, употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужной форме. Переведите
предложения на русский язык.
1) I see that you (wear) your new suit today.
2) Listen! Someone (knock) at the door.
3) The bus (stop) for us now.
4) Please, be quiet! The baby (sleep).
5) The leaves (begin) to fall from the trees.
6) John (have) lunch in the canteen now.
7) Listen! I think the telephone (ring).
8) You can’t talk to him. He (have) dinner now.
4. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах:
They are working.
Are they working?
They aren't working.
He is looking for the book which he lost.
The sky is getting very dark.
They are laughing at what you said.
5. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в Past Continuous. Переведите предложения на
русский язык.
It (rain) when I left home.
It was raining when I left home.
1) When you phoned I (have) dinner.
2) The baby (sleep) soundly when I went to wake him.
3) She (talk) with Mr. Smith when I saw her in the hall.
4) The accident happened while they (travel) in the South.
5) When I got up this morning, the sun (shine) brightly.
6. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах:
Образец: They were playing all day.
Were they playing all day?
They weren’t playing all day.
It was snowing all day yesterday.
They were doing their homework when I came to see them.
They were cleaning this flat all morning.
She burnt her hand when she was cooking dinner.
7. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в Future Continuous. Переведите предложения
на русский язык.
1) I (wait) on the corner for you at the usual time tomorrow morning.
2) It probably (rain) when you get back.
3) If you come before six, I (work) in my garden.
4) At this time tomorrow afternoon I (take) my final English examination.
5) I (work) at six o’clock tomorrow.
6) At this time next year he (study) at the university.
7) This time on Friday I (fly) to London.
8. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в Present Perfect.
Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1) I (speak) to him about it several times.
2) We (learn) many new words in this course.
3) He (make) that same mistake several time.
4) I (hear) that story before.
5) I am afraid that I (lose) my car keys.
6) She (see) this film three times.
7) I (tell) John what you said.
8) She (return) my book at last.
9) She says that she (lose) her new pocket-book.
10) I just (mention) it. Please be more attentive.
9. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в Past Perfect.
Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1) I was sure that I (see) the man before.
2) I asked him why he (leave) the party so early.
3) It was clear that he (give) us the wrong address.
4) The teacher corrected the exercises which I (prepare).
5) He knew that he (make) a serious mistake.
6) She said she (look) everywhere for the book.
7) I felt that I (meet) the man somewhere before.
8) He wanted to know what (happen) to his briefcase.
10. Упoтребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в Future Perfect.
Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1) I am sure they (complete) the new road by June.
2) He says that before he leaves he (see) every show in town.
3) By the time you arrive, I (finish) reading your book.
4) I (be) in this country two years on next January.
5) A year from now he (take) his medical examinations and (begin) to practice.
6) If you don't make a note of that appointment, you (forget) it by next week.
7) By that time he (get) your letter, don’t phone him.
8) By ten they (go), come earlier, if you can.
9) He (guess) the crossword puzzle by the time the boss comes back.
10) Tom (order) everything when we come to the restaurant.
11. Прочитайте и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1) Sochi Festivals of Songs are attended by a lot of people.
2) I heard the game was lost by the Dynamo team yesterday.
3) The new skyscraper is being made of glass and steel.
4) The factory was still being built, when we came to live there.
5) His last book has just been published.
6) I wonder why he is always laughed at.
7) Those papers haven't been looked through yet.
8) It is expected that they will do everything possible to help him.
12. Замените действительный залог страдательным и переведите предложения на русский
1) The audience enjoyed the concert very much.
2) The little boy ate the cake.
3) The teacher corrects our exercises at home.
4) They started a dancing class last week.
5) Everybody will see this film soon.
6) The teacher returned our written works to us.
7) Mr. Parker will leave the tickets at the box-office.
8) The students translate texts during English lessons.
9) Mary took that book from the desk.
10)The painter will finish his picture soon.
11)They allowed the children to go to the zoo.
13.Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст.
Great Britain
Great Britain ( official name – the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland) is situated on two large islands, the larger of which is Great Britain, the smaller is
Ireland. In addition to these two islands Great Britain includes over five hundred small islands.
The total area of Great Britain is 240,000 sq. km ,its population is over 56 mln people.
In the north –west and west the country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish
Sea, in the east – by the North Sea, it is separated from France by the English Channel.
The island of Great Britain is divided into two parts: mountainous and lowland.
There are no very long rivers. The most important rivers are the Thames ( the deepest ) and the
Severn (the longest).
Great Britain consists of four main parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Administratively Great Britain is divided into 55 counties. The biggest cities of the country are
London, Birmingham, Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester, Edinburgh and Cardiff.
Great Britain is a parliamentary monarchy. Officially the head of the state is the Queen ( or the
King ). However, the power of the Queen in Great Britain is not absolute. She acts only on the
advice of the ministers and Parliament. Parliament in Great Britain exists since 1265 and is the
eldest in the world. It consists of two Houses: the House of Lords and the House of Commons.
Great Britain is a highly-developed industrial country. The main branches of British industry are
machine-building, ship-building, metallurgy, electronics, etc.
14.Выпишите и письменно переведите предложения, соответствующие тексту..
1.Great Britain( official name – the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
is situated on two large islands.
2. In addition to these two islands Great Britain includes over five hundred small islands.
3. The total area of Great Britain is 500,000 sq. km.
4.In the north-west and west the country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea, in
the east – by the North Sea, it is separated from France by the English Channel.
5. There are no long rivers in Great Britain.
6. Great Britain consists of four main parts: England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland.
7. Administratively Great Britain is divided into 75 counties.
8. Great Britain is a parliamentary monarchy.
9. The capital of Great Britain is Glasgow.
10. Great Britain is a highly – developed industrial country.
Вопрос 251
The father of my husband is my ... .
A) father;
B) father-in-law;
C) grandfather;
D) brother;
E) stepfather.
Вопрос 252
Children of uncle are my ... .
A) sisters;
B) brothers;
C) cousins;
D) nephews;
E) nieces.
Вопрос 253
My children are my parents’ ... .
A) children-in-law;
B) grandsons;
C) granddaughters;
D) grandchildren;
E) grandnephews.
Вопрос 254
Our large family consists ... 8 people.
A) at;
B) on;
C) of;
D) with;
E) by.
Вопрос 255
We ... fond ... reading fairy-tales when we were children.
A) are / at;
B) are / of;
C) were / with;
D) was / by;
E) were / of.
Вопрос 256
... appearance he looks like his father.
A) At;
B) By;
C) In;
D) On;
E) To.
Вопрос 257
We ... friends with John at school.
A) did;
B) took;
C) made;
D) called;
E) began.
Вопрос 258
I am going ... for sports.
A) at;
B) on;
C) in;
D) with;
E) by.
Вопрос 259
... school he was the most clever pupil.
A) in;
B) on;
C) at;
D) -;
E) by.
Вопрос 260
I’m quite sociable and easy to deal ... .
A) in;
B) by;
C) with;
D) at;
E) of.
Вопрос 261
He usually goes ...bed at half past seven.
A) in;
B) to;
C) on;
D) of;
E) into.
Вопрос 262
My working day finishes ... 6 p.m.
A) on;
B) in;
C) at;
D) of;
E) to.
Вопрос 263
She tries to do ... morning exercises every morning.
A) his;
B) her;
C) hers;
D) our;
E) my.
Вопрос 264
Shame on you. Why do you ... classes.
A) miss;
B) go;
C) attend;
D) visit;
E) show.
Вопрос 265
All our students have practical classes at University’s .... .
A) hall;
B) cloakroom;
C) laboratories;
D) Dean’s Room;
E) canteen.
Вопрос 266
Students usually take off their coats in the ... .
A) library;
B) cloakroom;
C) Dean’s Room;
D) canteen;
E) labs.
Вопрос 267
On week-ends we like to go ... the country.
A) at;
B) on;
C) for;
D) with;
E) to.
Вопрос 268
As ... rule we have little free time on my week-days.
A) the;
B) an;
C) a;
D) - ;
E) to.
Вопрос 269
Sometimes I have scrambled eggs... breakfast.
A) on;
B) for;
C) at;
D) - ;
E) by.
Вопрос 270
As a rule I have ...at 7 p.m.
A) breakfast;
B) lunch;
C) dinner;
D) supper;
E) 5 o’clock tea.
Вопрос 271
In the evening if I have enough time I have ... .
A) a pen;
B) a breakfast;
C) a taxi;
D) a lessons;
E) a bath.
Вопрос 272
As a rule after classes I go .... .
A) home;
B) bed;
C) Institute;
D) cafe;
E) friends.
Вопрос 273
... week-days I go to the university.
A) At;
B) On;
C) Of;
D) to;
E) By.
Вопрос 274
It ... me an hour to get to the University.
A) does;
B) makes;
C) takes;
D) keeps;
E) asks.
Вопрос 275
Then I go to the ... where I have breakfast.
A) my room;
B) bathroom;
C) sitting room;
D) study;
E) kitchen.
Вопрос 276
I want my parents ... of me.
A) to be ill;
B) to be fond;
C) to be late;
D) to be interested;
E) to be proud.
Вопрос 277
After classes I go ... to get ready for lessons.
A) at home;
B) to home;
C) to the library;
D) to the house;
E) to the cafe.
Вопрос 278
When I have ... I try to help my parents.
A) few time;
B) free time;
C) many time;
D) a few time;
E) a free time.
Вопрос 279
Seven p.m. is ... time in our family.
A) breakfast;
B) dinner;
C) supper;
D) lunch;
E) 5 o’clock tea.
Вопрос 280
When do you come ... home after work?
A) at;
B) -;
C) to;
D) in;
E) into.
Вопрос 281
What I do at my weekends really depends ... my mood.
A) at;
B) on;
C) in;
D) to;
E) of.
Вопрос 282
... the right of the window there is a sofa.
A) At;
B) In;
C) To;
D) Near;
E) On.
Вопрос 283
... the corner there is a writing table.
A) At;
B) In;
C) To;
D) Near;
E) On.
Вопрос 284
You can see a big dining table ... the middle ... the room.
A) on / in;
B) of / at;
C) in / of;
D) at / in;
E) of / of.
Вопрос 285
We are looking ... a flat which overlooks a nice park.
A) at;
B) in;
C) after;
D) for;
E) out.
Вопрос 286
His flat is ... the second floor.
A) at;
B) in;
C) to;
D) on;
E) of.
Вопрос 287
Where do you keep your books?
A) sofa-bed;
B) side-board;
C) bookcase;
D) cupboard;
E) bedside table.
Вопрос 288
Where do you usually have a bath?
A) bedroom;
B) living-room;
C) study;
D) bathroom;
E) entrance hall.
Вопрос 289
Where do people keep their dishes?
A) cupboard;
B) mirror;
C) arm-chair;
D) sofa;
E) door.
Вопрос 290
... there a green carpet on the floor?
A) is;
B) are;
C) were;
D) will;
E) be.
Вопрос 292
My father’s study ... a stadium.
A) watches;
B) sees;
С) overlooks;
E) shows.
Вопрос 293
I have a bedroom which I use ... a study.
A) like;
B) as;
C) how;
D) look like;
E) looks.
Вопрос 294
East or West ... is best.
A) house;
B) flat;
C) home;
D) block of flats;
E) room.
Вопрос 295
There ... a sofa and four chairs in our livingroom.
A) are;
B) were;
C) is;
D) am;
E) shall.
Вопрос 296
Choose the correct variant.
A) she not as a rule has dinner at home;
B) she as a rule has not dinner at home;
C) she have as a rule dinner at home;
D) as a rule she has dinner at home;
E) she has dinner at home as a rule.
Вопрос 297
Choose the correct variant.
A) Mary don’t goes to the library;
B) Mary not go to the library;
C) Mary doesn’t go to the library;
D) Mary doesn’t goes to the library;
E) Mary go not to the library.
Вопрос 298
Choose the correct variant.
A) Do his brother swim very good?
B) Is his brother swim very good?
C) Does his brother swim very good?
D) Do his brother swim very good?
E) Have his brother swim very good?
Вопрос 299
Choose the correct variant.
A) Do the shops open at 9 o’clock in the morning?
B) Does the shops open at 9 o’clock in the morning?
C) Do the shop open at 9 o’clock in the morning?
D) Are the shops open at 9 o’clock in the morning?
E) Is the shops open at 9 o’clock in the morning?
Вопрос 300
Choose the correct variant.
A) Do his mother cooks tasty?
B) Is his mother cooks tasty?
C) Does his mother cook tasty?
D) Do his mother cook tasty?
E) Has his mother cook tasty?
Вопрос 301
… advise pupils.
A) Principal and neighbours;
B) Grandparents and shop assistants;
C) Teachers and parents;
D) Classmates and neighbours;
E) Director and pupils.
Вопрос 302
The … in colleges is through tuition.
A) exam;
B) lesson ;
C) curriculum;
D) department;
E) training.
Вопрос 303
The proficiency of student is tested by …
A) the tutor;
B) the Principal;
C) the pupils;
D) the Examining Board;
E) the supervisors.
Вопрос 304
The scheme of study work in a college of education
is based on …
A) examinations;
B) compulsory and optional subjects;
C) additional material;
D) two terms;
E) useless subjects.
Вопрос 305
The course of study at the university is … than at college.
A) bigger;
B) longer;
C) smaller;
D) eastier;
E) hight.
Вопрос 306
A full-time student goes to the university …
A) only during sessions;
B) at the end of terms;
C) every day;
D) every weekend;
E) once a week.
Вопрос 307
After finishing the university student get …
A) driving;
B) a diploma ;
C) a certificate;
D) a registor;
E) a time-table.
Вопрос 308
There are opportunities for students to get … by means of a four-year course.
A) knowledge;
B) friends;
C) tutors;
D) the degree of Bachelor;
E) master’s degree.
Вопрос 309
The students from another towns usually live in …
A) a hostel;
B) a hotel;
C) the university;
D) the classroom;
E) the street.
Вопрос 310
At colleges of education the key subject is …
A) handwork;
B) health education;
C) Hhistory;
D) principles of education;
E) physical education.
Вопрос 311
A residential college is …
A) a college with tutors;
B) a college with students;
C) a college with a canteen;
D) a college with multi-media rooms;
E) a college with a hostel.
Вопрос 312
Young people can enter the university after fishing …
A) spectral courses;
B) high school;
C) kindergarten;
D) primary school;
E) nursery school.
Вопрос 313
In our university examinations are held …
A) at the end of every month;
B) at the end of a year;
C) at the end of each term;
D) at the weekend;
E) at the end of study.
Вопрос 314
The courses of studies is longer …
A) at the university;
B) at college;
C) at high school;
D) at primary school;
E) nursery school.
Вопрос 315
A freshman is …
A) a graduate;
B) a first-year student;
C) a tutor;
D) a pupil;
E) a teacher.
Вопрос 316
The subjects at the university are divided into …
A) useful and useless;
B) main and of no importance;
C) compulsory and additional;
D) primary and compulsory;
E) favourite and compulsory.
Вопрос 317
Final examinations are taken …
A) At the end of a courses of studies;
B) At the end of a term;
C) At the end of a session;
D) Every year;
E) Every term.
Вопрос 318
“To catch up the group” means
A) Познакомиться с группой;
B) Групповая работа;
C) Отставать от группы;
D) Догнать группу;
E) Перейти в др. группу.
Вопрос 319
“To work by first and starts” means:
A) Работать усердно;
B) Работать урывками;
C) Работать под чьим-то руководством;
D) Работать, не покладая рук;
E) Работать, спустя рукава.
Вопрос 320
“Провалить экзамен”
A) To pass an exam;
B) To fail in an exam;
C) To take exam;
D) To do one`s test;
E) To miss an exam.
Вопрос 321
At the lecture students …
A) Take notes;
B) Take books;
C) Listen to each other;
D) Do some grammar exercises;
E) Read additional material.
Вопрос 322
During winter and summer sessions students …
A) Get credits and pass exams;
B) Take some rest;
C) Fail in an exams;
D) Help somebody with something;
E) Work by first and starts.
Вопрос 323
After finishing school young people usually …
A) Graduate from the University;
B) Leave school;
C) Work hard;
D) Read up for exam;
E) Enter the university.
Вопрос 324
Give a synonym: to be good at
A) To work hard at;
B) To do well in;
C) Do one`s best;
D) Work by first and stars;
E) To take notes.
Вопрос 325
Pavlodar state university was founded in …
A) 1960;
B) 1970;
C) 1980;
D) 1965;
E) 1975.
Вопрос 326
The … runs for 5 years.
A) Education;
B) Credit;
C) Lecture;
D) Course of studies;
E) Examination.
Вопрос 327
During study at the university students can make a …
A) Time-table;
B) Credit;
C) Research work;
D) Home task;
E) Curriculum.
Вопрос 328
You can`t take an examination without …
A) Lectures;
B) Money;
C) Credits;
D) Credits card;
E) Marks.
Вопрос 329
Teaching stuff consists of …
A) Pupils;
B) Teachers and professors;
C) Students;
D) Tutors;
E) Graduates.
Вопрос 330
In Great Britain you can get a higher education at …
A) High school;
B) Nursery school;
C) College and high school;
D) College and university;
E) High school and university.
Вопрос 331
Translate: отставать от группы
A) To get behind to group;
B) To catch up with the group;
C) To work by fits and starts;
D) Go in for sports;
E) To fail in an exam.
Вопрос 332
A good teacher treats his students with ...
A) Opportunities;
B) Laziness;
C) Respect;
D) Beauty;
E) Friendship;
Вопрос 333
From lesson to lesson students … their knowledge
A) Get;
B) Improve;
C) Forget;
D) Give away;
E) Take.
Вопрос 334
Learning a foreign language is a long…
A) Process;
B) Labour;
C) Curriculum;
D) Tuition;
E) Practice.
Вопрос 335
You can’t speak English well if you don’t know…
A) The English culture;
B) The English customs and traditions;
C) Some special words;
D) Spelling;
E) Grammar rules.
Вопрос 336
Usually it takes the students long to read English book in …
A) The university;
B) The original;
C) The bus;
D) Adopted version;
E) The street.
Вопрос 337
To know English today is absolutely … for every educated man.
A) Interesting;
B) Curious;
C) Necessary;
D) Useless;
E) Intellectual.
Вопрос 338
You’ll fail in your English if you…
A) Read books;
B) Miss many lessons;
C) Attend many lessons;
D) Learn grammar rules;
E) Know the spelling.
Вопрос 339
There are … terms in British universities.
A) 4;
B) 2;
C) 1;
D) 5
E) 3.
Вопрос 340
It is never too late to … knowledge.
A) Speak;
B) Get;
C) Go;
D) Marry;
E) Love.
Вопрос 341
How often do our students take exams?
A) Once a year;
B) Once a month;
C) Twice a year;
D) Twice a term;
E) Twice a session.
Вопрос 342
“To read up for an exam” means.
A) Читать книги;
B) Готовиться к экзамену;
C) Приходить на экзамен;
D) Провалить экзамен;
E) Сдать экзамен.
Вопрос 343
Part-time students study at the university…
A) Every day;
B) Once a week;
C) During the sessions;
D) During the term;
E) Once a year.
Вопрос 344
You will have no problems with the subject if you ….
A) Attend classes;
B) Miss classes;
C) Go in for sports;
D) Help somebody;
E) Have much money.
Вопрос 345
At the end of each term teachers … the students .
A) Joke with;
B) Play computer games;
C) Examine;
D) Work with;
E) Teach.
Вопрос 346
… is very important for the success and progress of our society.
A) Teaching;
B) Work;
C) Profession;
D) Education;
E) Talent.
Вопрос 347
Finishing school is the ... of an independent life of school – leavers.
A) Beginning;
B) End;
C) Bottom;
D) Countdown;
E) Future.
Вопрос 348
Generally pupils are not … in thinking about jobs.
A) Romantic;
B) Popular;
C) Realistic;
D) Regular;
E) Selfish.
Вопрос 349
What is the oldest university in England?
A) Cambridge;
B) Oxford;
C) Harward;
D) Sorbonna;
Вопрос 350
In what universities of Kazakhstan the students are taught in English?
Вопрос 351
Is higher education available to those who work?
A) Yes;
D) No;
C) Probably;
D) Sometimes;
E) Never.
Вопрос 352
After finishing school it is very difficult to choose one of the hundreds of ….
A) Works;
B) Professions;
C) Labours;
D) Game;
E) Employees.
Вопрос 353
Mary is a pupil and couldn’t decide which science or field of industry to
…. .
A) Win;
B) Specialize in;
C) Study;
D) Learn;
E) Finish.
Вопрос 354
…. are supposed to help in choosing a job.
A) English courses;
B) Schools;
C) Friends;
D) Teachers;
E) Training courses.
Вопрос 355
Who tries to help to make a decision in choosing profession?
A) Friends;
B) Relatives;
C) Teachers;
D) Doctors;
E) Teachers and parents.
Вопрос 356
What should the school-leavers do after finishing school?
A) Choose profession;
B) Finish training courses;
C) Get married;
D) Leave their homes;
E) Stay at home.
Вопрос 357
Who teaches pupils?
A) Doctor;
B) Lawer;
C) Dentist;
D) Teacher;
E) Engineer.
Вопрос 358
When … Mr. Brown …?
A) have, arrived;
B) do, arrive;
C) has, arrived;
D) does, arrive;
E) was, arrived.
Вопрос 359
Peter and Jane are arguing:I .... hear them from my room.
A) must;
B) can;
C) could;
D) would;
E) shall.
Вопрос 360
Which month of the year has (few) days?
A) the fewest;
B) fewer;
C) few;
D) more few;
E) the few.
Вопрос 361
He (use) to smoke very heavily. Now he hardly smokes at all.
A) use;
B) uses;
C) have used;
D) used;
E) is used.
Вопрос 362
What are you?
A) I am a teacher.
B) He is a boy.
C) Ann is her sister.
D) I am Ann.
E) They are girls.
Вопрос 363
These crazy scientists (to find) treasures on Antarctica.
A) founded;
B) found;
C) Find;
D) Finded;
E) Fond.
Вопрос 364
I (to have) be there right in time, but I was late as usual.
A) have;
B) had;
C) had to;
D) has to;
E) have to.
Вопрос 365
I (to fly) from one continent to another last summer.
A) Flew;
B) Flow;
C) Flown;
D) Flied;
E) Flyed.
Вопрос 366
Find a mistake: I founded (1) myself in a desert (2) completely (3) exhausted (4) and
without any water in a bottle (5).
A) 5;
B) 3;
C) 2;
D) 1;
E) 4.
Вопрос 367
The policeman asked George where he ... so early.
A) runs;
B) running;
C) had run;
D) has running;
E) run.
Вопрос 368
The delegates were told that the guide just ... out and ...be back in ten minutes.
A) went / was;
B) had gone / was;
C) has gone / will;
D) had gone / would;
E) went / would.
Вопрос 369
My friend asked me who ... the piano at that moment in the sitting room.
A) plays;
B) played;
C) was playing;
D) had played;
E) hlay.
Вопрос 370
I was sure he ... the letter.
A) posted;
B) had posted;
C) was posting;
D) posting;
E) to post.
Вопрос 371
I think the weather ... fine next week.
A) will be;
B) would be;
C) was;
D) is;
E) has been.
Вопрос 372
I asked my sister to tell me what she ... at the museum.
A) saw;
B) has seen;
C) had seen;
D) was seeing;
E) seeing.
Вопрос 373
They realized that they ... their way in the dark.
A) lost;
B) have lost;
C) had lost;
D) were loosing;
E) loses.
Вопрос 374
He says he ... at school two years ago.
A) works;
B) work;
C) will work;
D) worked;
E) was working.
Вопрос 375
I knew my friend … never ... to Washington.
A) was been;
B) has been;
C) was not;
D) had been;
E) hadn’t been.
Вопрос 376
I was told that she ... better than anybody else.
A) dances;
B) danced;
C) as dancing;
D) has danced;
E) had dance.
Вопрос 377
I heard that he ... a new car.
A) buy;
B) bought;
C) has bought;
D) had bought;
E) is buying.
Вопрос 378
Her parents work … a plant.
A) on;
B) in;
C) to;
D) at;
E) of.
Вопрос 379
A doctor who is selfish, dishonest can’t be … his profession.
A) good at;
B) good of;
C) good in;
D) well at;
E) well in.
Вопрос 380
He decided to save some money and put … in the bank.
А) it;
В) their;
С) them;
D) its;
E) there.
Вопрос 381
Everybody considered him … very clever.
A) being;
B) to be;
C) is;
D) been;
E) is being.
Вопрос 382
The director told his secretary … the message straight away.
A) delivering;
B) deliver;
C) delivered;
D) to deliver;
E) delivers.
Вопрос 383
He … it if he tried.
A) can do;
B) could do;
C) could be done;
D) could been done;
E) could doing.
Вопрос 384
If you … so much noise, I … able to sleep.
A) make, won’t be;
B) will make, will be;
C) make, am;
D) won’t make, will be;
E) will make, be.
Вопрос 385
I thought that she … that he … the first place in the chess tournament.
A) knows; has taken;
B) knows; had taken;
C) knew; has taken;
D) knew; had taken;
E) know; had taken.
Вопрос 386
I … this book since my childhood.
A) don’t read;
B) haven’t read;
C) didn’t read;
D) won’t read;
E) am not reading.
Вопрос 387
Mike hoped that his friend … him with his car.
A) help;
B) will help;
C) helps;
D) is helping;
E) would helр.
Вопрос 388
Ann … eat less, she’s too fat.
A) shouldn’t;
B) can’t;
C) should;
D) may not;
E) mustn’t.
Вопрос 389
I’ll give you the book on condition you … it next week.
A) return;
B) will return;
C) shall return;
D) returned;
E) returns.
Вопрос 390
Barbara said she … Dan since 1985.
A) knows;
B) has known;
C) had known;
D) will know;
E) would know.
Вопрос 391
Yesterday Tom heard that his aunt … for five days.
A) was ill;
B) is ill;
C) has been ill;
D) had been ill;
E) to be ill.
Вопрос 392
I am not acquainted with Wales customs. … I.
A) Neither am;
B) So do;
C) Neither do;
D) So am;
E) Neither was.
Вопрос 393
Вы бы хотели, чтобы она сходила в булочную?
A) Would you like her to go to the baker’s?
B) Would you like she to go to the baker’s?
C) Would you like to go to the baker’s?
D) Would you like go to the baker’s?
E) Would you like that she goes to the baker’s?
Вопрос 394
Он нашел средство помочь им.
A) He found no means of helping him;
B) He found a means of helping them;
C) He found some means of helping them;
D) There are different means of helping them;
E) Are there any means of helping them.
Вопрос 395
What does he … ?
A) look;
B) liked;
C) looks;
D) look like;
E) looking like.
Вопрос 396
They are behaving … little children.
A) like;
B) how;
C) as;
D) though;
E) such.
Вопрос 397
She was invited to this conference … a specialist in medicine.
A) like;
B) how;
C) as;
D) as it;
E) though.
Вопрос 398
“Don’t make such noise, will you?” the man said to him.
A) The man asked him to not make so much noise;
B) The man asked him not to make so much noise;
C) The man asked to him not to make so much noise;
D) The man said to him not to make so much noise;
E) The man asked him to make so much noise.
Вопрос 399
Which is the oldest University in the United States?
A) London University;
B) Columbia University;
C) Harvard University;
D) Brown University;
E) Princeton University.
Вопрос 401
She asks me … a look at volume 2.
A) to see;
B) to watch;
C) to be;
D) to notice;
E) to have.
Вопрос 402
They … for the trip to London.
A) live;
B) leaves;
C) was leaving;
D) are leaving;
E) lived.
Вопрос 403
It … in a minute. I’d better stay at home.
A) rains.
B) doesn’t rain.
C) will rain.
D) shall be raining.
E) rained.
Вопрос 404
Her shyness was a … advantage in a company.
A) un;
B) ir;
C) ant;.
D) dis;
E) im.
Вопрос 405
If I were you I wouldn’t ... this successful plan so easily.
A) give in;
B) gave up;
C) give on;
D) give up;
E) give back.
Вопрос 406
He wonders … he could possibly get the job.
A) weather;
B) whatever;
C) whenever;
D) whether;
E) whenever.
Вопрос 407
This pensioner is old and he can’t … well.
A) heard;
B) hear;
C) to heard;
D) listen to;
E) listen.
Вопрос 408
The football game had been … due to rain.
A) made;
B) kept;
C) appointed;
D) arranged;
E) cancelled;
Вопрос 409
There are a lot of … in this place.
A) mice;
B) mouse;
C) mices;
D) mouses;
E) a mice.
Вопрос 410
Bob wants the money. Please give … to him.
A) they;
B) those;
C) it;
D) them;
E) its.
Вопрос 411
You look happy. What’s the news? … good?
A) are they;
B) is it;
C) are there;
D) is there;
E) there are.
Вопрос 412
The situation changed from bad to …
A) worse;
B) well;
C) more bad;
D) badly;
E) worst.
Вопрос 413
They have … paper than we have.
A) a little;
B) less;
C) the least;
D) fewer;.
E) few.
Вопрос 414
The day after tomorrow … a funny party.
A) there will be;
B) will be there;
C) shall be;
D) there was;
E) won’t be there.
Вопрос 415
You … not smoke, it’s ruinous for your health.
A) can;
B) may;
C) need;
D) should;
E) could.
Вопрос 416
Tomorrow I shall go out of town with my friends; we … meet them at the railway station.
A) can;
B) have to;
C) ought;
D) are to;
E) need.
Вопрос 417
I cannot excuse you, unless you … me what the problem is.
A) say;
B) speak;
C) talk;
D) recite;
E) tell.
Вопрос 418
You … learned this poem by heart, … you?
A) has, hasn’t;
B) has, haven’t;
C) have, have;
D) has, has;
E) have, haven’t.
Вопрос 419
We were very tired. We came all the way … foot.
A) by;
B) in;
C) at;
D) on;
E) with.
Вопрос 420
If it …, we … go to the country.
A) will rain, shan’t;
B) rains, shan’t;
C) rained, shall;
D) will rain, will;
E) rains, shall.
Вопрос 421
Please, ring me up as soon as you …
A) will come;
B) come;
C) came;
D) shall come;
E) would come.
Вопрос 422
Yesterday’s rain spoilt my hat completely; I … buy a new one.
A) can;
B) had to;
C) may;
D) must;
E) might.
Вопрос 423
Над чем вы смеетесь?
A) What do you laugh at about?
B) What are you laughing at?
C) What do you laugh of?
D) Why do you laugh?
E) What have you laughed at?
Вопрос 424
The actors … on the stage for 2 hours.
A) played;
B) were playing;
C) have been playing;
D) have played;
E) play.
Вопрос 425
Я ожидал, что она переведет текст верно.
A) I expected her translate the text correctly;
B) I expected her to translate the text correctly;
C) I expected she translate the text correctly;
D) I expected she would translate the text correctly;
E) I had expected her translating the text correctly.
Вопрос 426
Where is English used as a second official language?
A) Brazil;
B) Greece;
C) China;
D) India;
E) Sweden.
Вопрос 427
Where have you been? You … at this important meeting two hours ago.
A) were not to be;
B) are to be;
C) has to be;
D) were to be;
E) may be.
Вопрос 428
Она вошла в департамент иностранных дел.
A) She entering the foreign affairs department;
B) She entered the foreign affairs department;
C) She enters the foreign affairs department;
D) She had entered the foreign affairs department;
E) She enter the foreign affairs department.
Вопрос 429
She… the results of the last election company.
A) been told;
B) be told;
C) told;
D) tells;
E) be telling.
Вопрос 430
He prefers looking … psychological magazines… reading them.
A) at / -;
B) around / -;
C) after / for;
D) for / for;
E) through / to.
Вопрос 431
… the door I decided to have a rest.
A) Having painted;
B) Painted;
C) Being painted;
D) Painting;
E) Having been painted.
Вопрос 432
He ( считал ) himself very important.
A) counted;
B) made;
C) seemed;
D) considered;
E) took.
Вопрос 433
We could all do more to keep healthy. We don’t look after … properly.
A) our;
B) themselves;
C) ourselves;
D) yourselves;
E) myself.
Вопрос 434
He has been unemployed … he left college.
A) for;
B) since;
C) from;
D) during;
E) within.
Вопрос 435
Give me a … of paper.
A) piece;
B) lump;
C) bits;
D) slice;
E) some.
Вопрос 436
I asked him …
A) to not go away;
B) to go not away;
C) not to go away;
D) go not away;
E) don’t go away.
Вопрос 437
While he … to London he saw an accident.
A) drove;
B) drives;
C) had driven;
D) was driving;
E) drived.
Вопрос 438
He would have known that, if he … the meeting.
A) had attended;
B) would have attended;
C) has attended;
D) would attend;
E) attended.
Вопрос 439
I’ll speak to him when he …
A) will arrive;
B) is arriving;
C) arrived;
D) would arrive;
E) arrives.
Вопрос 440
I … this test for at least half an hour.
A) do;
B) am doing;
C) have done;
D) have been doing;
E) is doing.
Вопрос 441
Would you mind waiting … minutes?
A) few;
B) a little;
C) some;
D) little;
E) a few.
Вопрос 442
Can you do it yourself? –Yes, I can do it …
A) yourself;
B) myself;
C) himself;
D) herself;
E) yourselves.
Вопрос 443
While I was in Paris, I . .. every night.
A) drink;
B) used to;
C) swim;
D) use to;
E) went sightseeing.
Вопрос 444
He ... tall, so he ... play basketball well.
A) are/can;
B) is/...;
C) is/can;
D) is/have to;
E) is/ cans.
Вопрос 445
What ... you visit when you ... in Astana?
A) did/was;
B) did/were;
C) did/did;
D) do/were;
E) did/ does.
Вопрос 446
Which of the following words is spelled wrong?
A) tidying;
B) shopping;
C) making;
D) swiming;
E) studying.
Вопрос 447
Jane told them about the space rock
A) What did Jane told them?;
B) Who told them about the space rock?;
C) Who tell them about the space rock?;
D) What Jane told them about space rock?;
E) Who did tell them about space rock.
Вопрос 448
My parents ... for a walk every morning, but today they ... .
A) go/ are sleeping;
B) go/ aren’t;
C) goes/ don’t;
D) gre going/ sleep;
E) went/ were not.
Вопрос 449
I can play the dombra, ... I can’t sing
A) but;
B) and;
C) so;
D) because;
E) for.
Вопрос 450
Where did you have breakfast?
A) I had my breakfast in the morning;
B) Yes, I had my breakfast in my school;
C) I had my breakfast in my school;
D) I had my breakfast at 8 o’clock;
E) I had toast and coffee for breakfast.
Вопрос 451
Give antonym:Clean
A) dirty;
B) greedy;
C) open;
D) nasty;
E) fat.
Вопрос 452
When …the concert start last night? - It …at 8 o’clock.
A) were/ did;
B) did/ was;
C) was/was;
D) had started/ was;
E) is/ did.
Вопрос 453
The cat ... eating ... food.
A) am/the;
B) are/ it’s;
C) is/its;
D) is/it’s;
E) is/ his.
Вопрос 454
He’s ... his dog not to dirty the house.
A) passing;
B) training;
C) teasing;
D) visiting;
E) studying.
Вопрос 455
Mr. Brown is a very .... person. He always helps the people and opens doors for ladies.
A) cruel;
B) unfriendly;
C) nervous;
D) polite;
E) tidy.
Вопрос 456
A mathematician is a person ... maths.
A) that studies;
B) who study;
C) which study;
D) who studies;
E) which studies.
Вопрос 457
Ей шестнадцать лет.
A) She has sixteen year;
B) She is in sixteen;
C) She is sixteen years;
D) She is sixteen;
E) She is in her sixteen years.
Вопрос 458
She will be playing tennis on Sunday, .... she?
A) won’t she be;
B) won’t;
C) will she;
D) won’t be she;
E) shan’t she.
Вопрос 459
Give right sentence.
A) Put on this dress;
B) Put at this dress;
C) Put of this dress;
D) Put out this dress;
E) Put in this dress.
Вопрос 460
They ... going ... shopping
A) are/to;
B) are/to do;
C) are/to going;
D) are/ to make;
E) is/ to go.
Вопрос 461
What places did you visit?
A) I am going to visit the Science Museum;
B) I shall visit London next year;
C) I am not a tourist;
D) I visited Moscow last year;
E) I visited many historical places.
Вопрос 462
The weather isn’t cold today, but it ... cold yesterday.
A) was;
B) wasn’t;
C) were;
D) did;
E) is.
Вопрос 463
” She used to collect stamps”, means
A) She doesn’t like stamps;
B) She doesn’t collect stamps anymore;
C) She didn’t like stamps;
D) Collecting stamps is her hobby;
E) She don’t like stamps.
Вопрос 465
How far is ... from Almaty to Tashkent?
A) ways;
B) definition;
C) it;
D) meters;
E) kilometers.
Вопрос 466
Did you buy any bread? – No, I ... any bread, but I... some milk.
A) bought / am buying;
B) am buying/ bought;
C) didn’t buy/ bought;
D) bought/ bought;
E) don’t buy/ bought.
Вопрос 467
Are you going to finish your study .... 2003?
A) At;
B) On;
C) - ;
D) For;
E) In.
Вопрос 468
She usually ... her glasses, but now she is not wearing…
A) wear/ them;
B) wears/ them;
C) wore/ them;
D) wore/ it;
Вопрос 469
Before we leave what we don’t often say?
A) see you later;
B) have a good day;
C) it was nice to meet you
D) i was tired while I was here;
E) bye.
Вопрос 470
You .... chew gum in class, but you .... chew it at home.
A) must/ can’t;
B) mustn’t/ can;
C) must/ must;
D) can/ can;
E) ought to/ can.
Вопрос 471
-Which party will you go next Friday? - I must go to Jack’s party, because he ... me two
weeks ago.
A) pretended;
B) invited;
C) punished;
D) prepared;
E) liked.
Вопрос 472
Their favorite singer is Sting, .... he?
A) wasn’t;
B) doesn’t;
C) isn’t;
D) is;
E) aren’t.
Вопрос 472
She is fond ... classical music.
A) in;
B) of;
C) in;
D) by;
E) at.
Вопрос 473
... always speaks in a loud voice.
A) he;
B) we;
C) you;
D) they;
E) I.
Вопрос 475
You must put ... your coat. It’s cold outside.
A) on;
B) off;
C) away;
D) at;
E) in.
Вопрос 476
Don’t look ... me the way like that!
A) on;
B) through;
C) for;
D) in;
E) at.
Вопрос 477
I am waiting ... my friend. He is late.
A) on;
B) at;
C) into;
D) for;
E) in.
Вопрос 478
Do you know the way ... making good tea
A) of;
B) in;
C) to;
D) for;
E) about.
Вопрос 479
I invited my friend to .... place.
A) me;
B) his;
C) mine;
D) my;
E) his.
Вопрос 480
She can’t do it properly. Help ... please.
A) me;
B) her;
C) their;
D) my;
E) mine.
Вопрос 481
... comes home at 8 o’clock.
A) I;
B) she;
C) they;
D) you;
E) we.
Вопрос 482
..always speak in a loud voice.
A) she;
B) I;
C) he;
D) yours;
E) our.
Вопрос 483
They did not have any meat. So they ... cook a soup.
A) can;
B) could not;
C) can’t;
D) be able to;
E) will be able to.
Вопрос 484
A) жизненный;
B) безжизненный;
C) жизнь;
D) жить;
E) мертвый.
Вопрос 485
He is very lazy. He does ..... work.
A) few;
B) much;
C) little;
D) many;
E) less.
Вопрос 486
Look! They are eating dinner now.
A) Who is eating dinner now;
B) What are they doing now;
C) What are they eating now;
D) What do they eat;
E) Why are they eating.
Вопрос 487
Look! The girls … rock-n-roll .
A) dance;
B) are dancing;
C) is dancing;
D) danced;
E) are danced.
Вопрос 488
… you prepare breakfast for me ? I am hurry
A) can;
B) should;
C) must;
D) need;
E) shall.
Вопрос 489
You … buy milk . I prefer tea without milk
A) need;
B) can;
C) needn’t;
D) may;
E) ought to.
Вопрос 490
I know the town well so I … advise you where to go to have dinner.
A) can;
B) may not;
C) must;
D) need;
E) to be to
Вопрос 491
I lost my key yesterday and … open the door.
A) can;
B) could;
C) couldn’t;
D) may not;
E) have not.
Вопрос 492
… breakfast English people usually have cornflakes or porridge with milk.
A) for;
B) at;
C) on;
D) to;
E) in.
Вопрос 493
Liquid food made by cooking meat, beet, cabbage, etc in water .
A) Shuchi;
B) Borshch;
C) Fish soup;
D) Okroshka;
E) Meat.
Вопрос 494
I prefer strong tea … bitter coffee
A) on;
B) by;
C) to;
D) at;
E) for.
Вопрос 495
Pass … me the salt, please.
A) to;
B) at;
C) on;
D) -;
E) for.
Вопрос 496
The pepperoni pizza is … my taste.
A) on;
B) to;
C) at;
D) with;
E) for.
Вопрос 497
… the third course we have a glass of juice.
A) For;
B) At;
C) On;
D) To;
E) In.
Вопрос 498
... white curtains on the window.
A) There is;
B) This is;
C) There are;
D) – ;
E) Those are.
Вопрос 499
It is … the third floor.
A) in;
B) on;
C) at;
D) under;
E) for.
Вопрос 500
I live … a block of flats.
A) on;
B) at;
C) from;
D) in;
E) with.