контрольное задание № 3

Учреждение образования
"Гомельский государственный университет
имени Франциска Скорины"
Задания к контрольным работам
для студентов заочной формы обучения
специальности 1-23 03 01 – “История”
Гомель 2006
Учреждение образования
"Гомельский государственный университет
имени Франциска Скорины"
Задания к контрольным работам
для студентов заочной формы обучения
специальности 1-23 03 01 – “История”
Гомель 2006
УДК 811. 111 (075.8)
ББК 81. 432. 1 - 923
С 691
Кафедра теории и практики английского языка УО “Гомельский
государственный университет имени Франциска Скорины”
Рекомендовано к
научно-методическим советом
университет имени Франциска Скорины»
Сурменкова Т.Р.
Английский язык: Задания к контрольным работам
для студентов заочного факультета специальности
«История» [текст]/Т.Р. Сурменкова, Е.М. Михневич;
М-во образов. РБ. – Гомель: ГГУ им. Ф. Скорины,
2006. – 74 с.
Задания к контрольным работам направлены на изучение
основных грамматических и лексических явлений английского
языка. Адресовано студентам заочного факультета специальности 123 03 01 – “История”.
© Сурменкова Т.Р., Михневич Е.М.,2006
© Учреждения образования
УО «ГГУ имени Франциска Скорины», 2006
УДК 811. 111 (075.8)
ББК 81. 432. 1 - 923
Контрольные задания по английскому языку адресованы
студентам I-III курсов заочного факультета
Основной целью выполнения контрольных работ является
усвоение студентами основных грамматических явлений и
лексических конструкций через выполнение контрольных заданий.
Задачами выполнения контрольных работ являются:
1) оказание практической помощи студентам-заочникам в
повторении основных разделов грамматики;
2) проверка знания пройденного за курс обучения в вузе
учебного материала;
3) проверка накопления словарного запаса;
4) развитие навыков употребления грамматических явлений
английского языка.
Контрольные задания по английскому языку состоят из двух
разделов. Первый раздел содержит 6 контрольных работ в двух
вариантах, которые выполняются студентами письменно и
высылаются на проверку в соответствии с учебным планом
факультета. Во втором разделе включен краткий грамматический
справочник, который поможет студентам заочной формы обучения в
выполнении контрольных заданий.
Раздел 1 КОНТРОЛЬНЫЕ ЗАДАНИЯ........................................6
Контрольное задание №1 (вариант 1)……………………………..6
Контрольное задание №1 (вариант 2)……………………………..9
Контрольное задание №2 (вариант 1)………………………...….13
Контрольное задание №2 (вариант 2)……………………………17
Контрольное задание №3 (вариант 1)……………………………21
Контрольное задание №3 (вариант 2)……………………………24
Контрольное задание №4 (вариант 1)……………………………26
Контрольное задание №4 (вариант 2)……………………………30
Контрольное задание №5 (вариант 1)……………………………32
Контрольное задание №5 (вариант 2)……………………………36
Контрольное задание №6 (вариант 1)……………………………40
Контрольное задание №6 (вариант 2)……………………………44
Контрольное задание №7 (вариант 1)……………………………49
Контрольное задание №7 (вариант 2)……………………………52
Раздел 2
Для того, чтобы правильно выполнить задание 1, необходимо
усвоить следующие разделы курса английского языка
1. Имя существительное. Множественное число. Артикли и
предлоги как показатели имени существительного. Выражение
падежных отношений в английском языке с помощью предлогов и
окончания “-s-“. Существительное в роли определения и его перевод
на русский язык.
2. Имя прилагательное. Степени сравнения имен прилагательных.
Конструкция типа “the more ....the less...”.
3. Числительные.
4. Местоимения: личные, притяжательные, вопросительные,
указательные, неопределенные и отрицательные.
5. Времена группы “Indefinite “ действительного залога. Спряжение
глаголов “ to be, to have “ в Present, Past и Future Indefinite.
6. Повелительное наклонение и его отрицательная форма.
7. Простое распространенное предложение: прямой порядок слов
утвердительной и отрицательной формах; обратный порядок слов
вопросительного предложения. Оборот “there is (are)
Задание № 1. Перепишите предложения. Определите по
грамматическим признакам, какой частью речи являются слова,
оформленные окончанием “-s”, и какую функцию это окончание
выполняет, т.е. служит ли оно
а) показателем 3- го лица единственного числа глагола в Present
б) признаком множественного числа имени существительного;
1. The first mentioning of Moscow in chronicles dates back to 1147.
2. In 1625 Charles I took his father’s place on the throne.
3. The flag of the United Kingdom consists of three crosses put one
above the other.
Задание № 2. Переведите следующие предложения, учитывая
особенности перевода на русский язык определений, выраженных
именем существительным.
1. The British are great newspaper readers.
2. The most important field that the merchant capital found for its operations in
England was the wool trade.
3. The royal wedding ceremony took place in St. Paul’s Cathedral.
Задание № 3. а) переведите следующие предложения, содержащие
разные формы сравнения.
1. The Normans stopped in Britain for nearly four hundred years, and
during the greater part of this time there was peace and quiet in the country.
2. Among the earliest of the invaders there were two great Saxon chiefs:
Hengist and Horsa.
3. The more we love our friends, the less we flatter them. (J.Moliere)
б) поставьте прилагательные или наречия в скобках в нужную
степень сравнения.
1. Britain’s colonial system is (old) than British capitalism.
2. The king was far (powerful) than any baron.
3. The East India company was (rich) of all.
Задание № 4. Определите временную форму глагола сказуемого.
Предложения переведите.
1. The guide will tell you about the two great misfortunes that befell England in the 17th century, the Plague and the Great Fire.
2. There are many things in England that remind us that the Romans once
ruled over it.
3. The Druids had great power over the ancient Britons.
4. The Egyptian Pharaons waged endless wars in the interests of the
slave-owning class.
Задание № 5. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужную временную
1. The party’s election campaign (to start) next August.
2. Ancient people (not know) that the Earth goes around the Sun.
3. Under the Normans, the Saxons (not have) any rights.
4. The Archangel Cathedral (contain) tombs of the Moscow princes and
Задание № 6. Употребите правильное местоимение.
1. (Everything, something, nothing) in the factory belongs to its owner.
2. Caesar wrote (many, much, little) interesting accounts of Britain.
3. In 61 AD (same, some, any) tribes revolted against the Romans.
Задание № 7. Прочтите и переведите текст.
From history of early England
1. The British Isles lie to the north-west of the European continent. Their strategic position was a very important factor in the early development of Britain.
2. From the early times to about 1066 a long succession of invaders and colonizers moved westwards towards the British Isles. Celtic tribes came to Britain
from Europe over two thousand years ago. One tribe, the Britons, gave the
island its name, Britain. The language they spoke was Celtic. We do not know
much about what the Britons were really like, but still we know some things
about them Their culture , that is to say, their way of thinking and their understanding of nature, was very primitive. They lived in villages which consisted
of a number of small houses or huts, surrounded by a high wall. The forests
were full of various species of wild animals. The Britons made their clothes of
the skins of animals; they lived chiefly by hunting and fishing.
3. The Britons were pagans and believed in many gods. Their priests were
Druids, the most powerful people in the tribes. They said that their gods lived
in the thickest and darkest parts of the woods and they prayed to their gods
under the great oaks in the forests.
4. The Druids lived hundreds of years ago, but there are still some things in
England in our time that remind us of the white-robed Druids and their strange
religion, one of them is Stonehenge where the Druids used to worship their
5. In 43 AD the Romans began an invasion which resulted in the Roman occupation of most of Britain which lasted for nearly 400 years. And during that
time Britain was a Roman province. But the Romans and the natives of Britain
did not become one nation (never mixed one with the other); all that the Romans wanted was to make the Britons work for them.
6. Some place names tell us that they were originally Roman towns: Lancaster,
Manchester, etc. These names come from the Latin word “castra”, which
means “camp”. The Romans were great road-makers. Many modern roads still
follow the routes of the original Roman roads.
7. In the year 410 the Roman army left Britain to defend the Empire from barbaric peoples. The fall of the Roman Empire followed soon after.
Задание № 8. Укажите номера предложений, которые
соответствуют содержанию текста. Письменно исправьте
неверные утверждения.
1. The strategic position of the British Isles was an important factor in the early
development of Britain.
2. Celtic tribes came to Britain over a thousand years ago.
3. The forests at that time were full of wild animals.
4. The Druids were the oldest people in the tribes.
5. The Britons lived in the thickest and darkest parts of the woods.
6. The Romans and the Britons became one nation.
7. The Roman Empire fell soon after the Romans left Britain.
Задание № 9. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.
1. When did the invasion of Britain begin?
2. What can you say about the way of thinking of early Britons?
3. What did the settlements of the early Britons look like?
4. Who were Druids?
5. How long did the Roman occupation last?
6. What does the Latin word “castra” mean?
7. Why did the Romans leave Britain?
Для того, чтобы правильно выполнить задание 1, необходимо
усвоить следующие разделы курса английского языка
1. Имя существительное. Множественное число. Артикли и
предлоги как показатели имени существительного. Выражение
падежных отношений в английском языке с помощью предлогов
и окончания “-s-“. Существительное в роли определения и его
перевод на русский язык.
2. Имя прилагательное. Степени сравнения имен прилагательных.
Конструкция типа “the more ....the less...”.
3. Числительные.
Местоимения: личные, притяжательные, вопросительные,
указательные, неопределенные и отрицательные.
5. Времена группы “Indefinite “ действительного залога. Спряжение
глаголов “ to be, to have “ в Present, Past и Future Indefinite.
6. Повелительное наклонение и его отрицательная форма.
7. Простое распространенное предложение: прямой порядок слов
утвердительной и отрицательной формах; обратный порядок слов
вопросительного предложения. Оборот “there is (are)
Задание № 1. Перепишите предложения. Определите по
грамматическим признакам, какой частью речи являются слова,
оформленные окончанием “-s”, и какую функцию это окончание
выполняет, т.е. служит ли оно
а) показателем 3- го лица единственного числа глагола в Present
б) признаком множественного числа имени существительного;
1. Archeology is the scientific study of the material remains of past human life and activities.
2. The history of the United States goes back as far as the beginning of
the 17th century when the major European powers began to expand their
3. The Hundred Years’ war broke out at the beginning of the 14th century.
Задание № 2. Переведите следующие предложения, учитывая
особенности перевода на русский язык определений, выраженных
именем существительным.
1. The period between the Norman Conquest and 1200 was one of growing state power.
2. In the 18th century England became a great Sea Power.
3. I listened with great attention to the radio news bulletin.
Задание № 3. а) переведите следующие предложения, содержащие
разные формы сравнения.
1. The Greek philosopher Plato is one of the most influential thinkers of
all times.
2. Little money, few friends; less money, fewer friends.
3. Magna Carta marks the highest point of feudal development of England and expressed most precisely the nature of feudal relations.
б) поставьте прилагательные или наречия в скобках в нужную
степень сравнения.
1.The serfs worked (efficiently) than the slaves.
2. There were (few) slaves and (many) free peasants in the Byzantine Empire
than in Western Roman Empire.
3. In the first century BC, the Roman Empire became (strong) slaveowning state in the Mediterranean.
Задание № 4. Определите временную форму глагола сказуемого.
Предложения переведите.
1. Most of the buildings which the Romans built in Britain are now in
2. The annual International Festival of Music and Drama in Edinburgh takes
place late in August every year.
3. In the first century BC the Celts still lived under the primitive communal system.
4. By the end of the first half of the 21st century there will be 600 million
people around the world living in absolute poverty.
Задание № 5. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужную временную
1. Millions of soldiers (lose) their lives in the Second World War.
2. You (see) the ancient stone carvings at the museum last week?
3. The party’s election campaign (start) nest August.
4. There (be) a lot of historical novels that tell us about the events of the
Задание № 6. Употребите правильное местоимение.
1. The Roman army had (less, plenty of, fewer) men than the Boudicca’s
2. There were more factories in Britain at the beginning of the 19th century than
(anywhere, nowhere, any) else in Europe.
3. There is (no, none, nothing) new under the sun.
Задание № 7. Прочтите и переведите текст.
Wales and the Welsh
1. Wales is a land of mountains with soft green slopes, quiet lakes, rivers that
run down to the coast, streams and waterfalls. The highest mountains are in
Snowdonia in the north-west; the highest peak is Snowdon. The main areas of
settlement are in the southern valleys and coastal areas where two-thirds of the
population live.
2. The Welsh people are almost purely Celtic. The Celtic tribes came to Britain
from Europe over two thousand years ago. The Celts loved to fight and the
different tribes often fought against each other. They made strong swords and
other weapons. But they also loved music and made beautiful jewels and fine
clothes. The Celtic wrote no books and they left no buildings.
3. Over the centuries Britain was invaded a number of times. First came Romans, then the Angles and Saxons and the last were the Normans. The Romans
and Celts lived together peacefully. But there were terrible battles between the
Celts and the Angles and Saxons, until finally the Celts moved to the hills of
Wales and settled there. Today there are the places where traces of Britain’s Celtic past can be still found in the language and culture.
4. The Saxons called the Celts in Wales the “Wealas”, the foreigners. During the
centuries that followed, this name became “Welsh”. From the very early times
the English monarchs waged wars of conquest on the Welsh and after 200 years
of bitter fighting Wales lost its independence. At the end of the thirteenth century
Edward I of England defeated Llewellyn, Prince of Wales and in 1284 annexed
Wales to England and placed it under the same laws. Edward I conferred the title
upon his son. Today this is still the title for the eldest son of the British king or
5. Wales is a country of two languages, English and Welsh. Welsh is a Celtic
language, it is not like English or German. It is much older than both of these
languages. The study of Welsh is now compulsory in primary and secondary
schools in Wales. Television broadcast its news in Welsh as well as in English
and there are other programmes in Welsh.
Задание № 8. Укажите номера предложений, которые
соответствуют содержанию текста. Письменно исправьте
неверные утверждения.
1. Wales is a mountainous country.
2. The main areas of settlement are in the mountains.
3. The Welsh people are almost purely Celtic.
4. The Celts left a lot of written accounts.
5. There were terrible battles between the Romans and the Celts.
6. The English kings waged wars of conquest on the Welsh.
7. The study of Welsh is compulsory in Wales.
Задание № 9. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.
1. Where are the main areas of settlement in Wales?
2. When and where from did the Celtic tribes come to Britain?
3. What were the Celts fond of?
4. What tribes invaded Britain?
5. What is the origin of the word “Welsh”?
6. When did Wales lose its independence?
7. Is the Celtic language like English?
Чтобы правильно выполнить задание N 2, необходимо усвоить
следующие разделы курса английского языка:
1. Видо временные формы глагола: а) активный залог – формы
Indefinite (Present, Past, Future), формы Continuous (Present, Past,
Future), формы Perfect (Present, Past, Future); б ) пассивный залог
формы Indefinite ( Present, Past, Future).
Особенности перевода пассивных конструкций на русский язык.
2. Модальные глаголы: а) модальные глаголы, выражающие
возможность: can (could), may и эквивалент глагола can- to be
able; б) модальные глаголы, выражающие долженствование: must
и его эквиваленты to have to и to be to.
3. Простые неличные формы глагола: Participle I (Present Participle),
Participle II (Past Participle) в функции определения и
4. Определительные и дополнительные придаточные предложения
(союзные); придаточные обстоятельные предложения времени и
5. Словообразование - суффиксы глагола и основные
словообразовательные префиксы.
Задание № 1. Перепишите следующие предложения, подчеркните в
каждом из них глагол- сказуемое и определите его видовременную
форму и залог. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Italy is generally regarded as the birthplace of the Renaissance.
2. Before James II became king, England had been Protestant for over
100 years.
3. In 1801 Ireland became part of the United Kingdom and was ruled
directly from London.
4. Since 597, Christianity has remained the predominant faith among
people in Britain.
5. At the beginning of the 18th century, England was becoming the
commercial centre of Europe.
Задание № 2. Перепишите предложения, вставив нужный по
смыслу модальный глагол.
1. The peasants (вынуждены были) give the lord part of the produce
of their farms.
a) had to
b) could c) were able to
2. The splendid buildings of Constantinople (должны были) prove
the might of the imperial power.
a) must
b) were to c) had to
3. Mankind (должно) have confidence in the future.
a) can
b) may
c) must
4. Each member of the General Assembly (должен) vote only once.
a) has to
b) needs
c) is to
5. If a person can’t vote because he is ill he (разрешено) vote by
a) can
b) has to
c) may
Задание № 3. Перепишите следующие предложения. Подчеркните
Participle I и Participle II и установите функции каждого из них,
т.е. укажите, является ли оно определением, обстоятельством или
частью глагола-сказуемого; предложения переведите на русский
1. Prince Charlie spent 20 years in Rome preparing to win back the
Crown of Great Britain.
2. Under feudalism power belonged to the feudal lords headed by the
3. The present Royal Family is partly descended from the royal line of
4. Progress is not a meaningless invention but a historical reality occurring on our planet.
Задание № 4. Прочтите и переведите текст.
Jorvik – Lost Viking Capital
1. A thousand years ago York was one of the largest, richest and most
famous cities in the whole of England. A monk at that time described it as
packed with a huge population, rich merchandise, and traders “from all
parts, especially Danes.” People in the 10th century called it Jorvik, and
knew it as the capital of the North of England, and one of Europe’s greatest trading ports. It owed its prosperity to the hard work and commercial
enterprise of Viking settlers from Scandinavia who had captured it in AD
866 and almost totally rebuilt it.
2. Viking Jorvik has now completely disappeared. Most of the city’s
buildings were made of wood, and have long since been demolished, or
have been burnt down or rotted away. In some parts of modern York,
however, archeologists have found that remains of Jorvik still survive.
They buried deep below the streets and buildings of the 20th century city.
Here the damp soils have preserved the timber buildings. Whole streets of
houses, shops, workshops and warehouses are to be found, often still
standing shoulder high. All the debris and rubbish left by the people of
Jorvik in and around their homes is still there, awaiting discovery.
3. Between 1976 and 1981 archeologists from the York Archeological
Trust excavated a part of this lost and all-but-forgotten city. The dig took
place in Coppergate, before the city’s new Coppergate Centre was built.
The remains were so well preserved – even down to boots and shoes, pins
and needles, plants and insects –that every aspect of life at the time could
be reconstructed. York Archeological Trust decided to try to tell the story
of Jorvik as it was a thousand years ago. To do so it built the Jorvik Viking Centre in the huge hole created by the dig. Two of the rows of buildings were reconstructed as we think they were. A further two were preserved just as the archeological team discovered them, the ancient timbers
set out as they were found in the late 1970s, deep below the new shopping centre, where they have lain for centuries.
4. Jorvik has become York’s favourite tourist attraction. The neighborhood is full of the sights and sounds and smells of 10th century Jorvik.
Townspeople are there, buying and selling, working and playing.
Задание № 5. Найдите в тексте английские
следующих русских слов и словосочетаний:
процветание, купечество, поселенцы, ремесленники, деревянные
Задание № 6. Укажите номера предложений, которые
соответствуют содержанию текста. Неверные утверждения
1. Thousands years ago York was one of the largest, richest and most famous cities in England
2. The ancient name of the city of York was Jorvik.
3. As the buildings in Jorvik were built of timber the archeologists
couldn’t find any remains of it.
4. The dig took place in Coppergate, while the city’s new Coppergate
Centre was being built.
5. The Jorvik Viking Centre was built in the huge hole created by the dig.
6. The neighborhood of York is full of the sights and sounds and smells
of 10th century Jorvik.
Задание № 7. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.
1. What was Jorvik famous for in the 10th century?
2. Who captured and rebuilt Jorvik in the ninth century A.D.?
3. Why most of the city’s buildings haven’t survived?
4. When did archeologists from the York Archeological Trust manage
to excavate a part of Jorvik?
5. Were the remains well preserved?
6. Why did the York Archeological Trust decide to build the Jorvik Viking Centre?
7. Why has Jorvik become York’s favourite tourist attraction?
Чтобы правильно выполнить задание N 2, необходимо усвоить
следующие разделы курса английского языка:
1. Видовременные формы глагола: а) активный залог – формы
Indefinite (Present, Past, Future), формы Continuous (Present, Past,
Future), формы Perfect (Present, Past, Future); б) пассивный залог
формы Indefinite (Present, Past, Future).
Особенности перевода пассивных конструкций на русский язык.
2. Модальные глаголы: а) модальные глаголы, выражающие
возможность: can (could), may и эквивалент глагола can- to be
able; б) модальные глаголы, выражающие долженствование: must
и его эквиваленты to have to и to be to.
3. Простые неличные формы глагола: Participle I (Present Participle),
Participle II (Past Participle ) в функции определения и
4. Определительные и дополнительные придаточные предложения
(союзные); придаточные обстоятельные предложения времени и
словообразовательные префиксы.
Задание № 1. Перепишите следующие предложения, подчеркните в
каждом из них глагол- сказуемое и определите его видо- временную
форму и залог. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. In 1688 King James II, a Catholic, was forced to leave England and
give the Crown to the Protestant King William of Orange.
2. The Middle Ages are often called the “Dark Ages”.
3. The last successful foreign invasion of England took place in 1066.
4. Throughout history certain minorities have been cruelly prosecuted.
5. By the fourteenth century most English towns had freed themselves
from feudal restrictions and were self-governing and independent.
Задание № 2. Перепишите предложения, вставив нужный по
смыслу модальный глагол.
1. Before they were given the crown, William of Orange and his wife
Mary (были вынуждены) agree to the “Bill of Rights”.
a) must
b) had to
c) were to
2. Only Parliament (может) introduce taxes.
a) is to
b) has to
c) can
3. False ideas disguised as scientific truths (могут) have far-reaching
a) may
b) are to
c) could
4. To understand how people behave and how they change, the social
context (должен) be closely observed.
a) might
b) must
c) have to
5. The majority of old Russian cities (должны были) to have a
Kremlin in the centre.
a) might
b) were
c) were able
Задание № 3. Перепишите следующие предложения. Подчеркните
Participle I и Participle II и установите функции каждого из них,
т.е. укажите, является ли оно определением, обстоятельством или
частью глагола-сказуемого; предложения переведите на русский
1. According to legend, Robin Hood lived with his band of “merry men”
in Sherwood Forest, stealing from the rich and giving to the poor.
2. Built on two islands in the middle of a lake, the Castle was originally a
stronghold until it was converted into a Royal Palace by Henry VIII.
3. Love of justice in most men is no more than the fear of suffering injustice.
4. All nations recognize the code of Human Rights instituted under the
Charter of United Nations.
Задание № 4. Прочтите и переведите текст.
The First Europeans in America
1. 500 years ago North America was a vast wilderness inhabited by Indians who 20,000 years earlier came from Asia across the Bering Strait.
The first Europeans who arrived in North America were Norse, traveling
west from Greenland, where Erik the Red had founded a settlement
around the year 985. While Norse sagas suggest that Viking sailors explored the Atlantic coast of North America down as far as the Bahamas,
such claims remain unproven. In 1963, however, the ruins of some Norse
houses dating from that era were discovered in northern Newfoundland,
thus supporting at least some of the claims the Norse sagas make.
2. Although fairly quickly forgotten, Gabot’s journey was later to provide
the basis for British claims to North America. It also opened the way to
the rich fishing grounds off George’s Banks, to which European fishermen, particularly the Portuguese, were soon making regular visits.
3. Columbus, of course, never saw the mainland United States, but the
first explorations of the continental United States were launched from the
Spanish possessions that he helped to establish. The first of these took
place in 1513 when a group of men under Juan Ponce de Leon landed on
the Florida coast near the present city of St.Augustine.
4. With the conquest of Mexico in 1522, the Spanish further solidified
their position in the Western Hemisphere. The ensuing discoveries added
to Europe’s knowledge of what was now named America – after the Ital19
ian Amerigo Vespucci, who wrote a widely popular account of his voyages to a “New World”.
5. The great wealth that poured into Spain from the colonies in Mexico,
the Caribbean and Peru provoked interest on the part of the other European powers. With time, emerging maritime nations such as England, drawn
in part by Francis Drake’s successful raids on Spanish treasure ships, began to take interest in the New World.
Задание № 5. Найдите в тексте английские
следующих русских слов и словосочетаний:
завоевание, поселение, укреплять положение, исследовать,
открытие, богатство, владения, притязания, устанавливать,
успешные рейды.
Задание № 6. Укажите номера предложений, которые
соответствуют содержанию текста. Неверные утверждения
1. 500 years ago North America was inhabited by Indians who 20,000
years earlier came from Greenland.
2. Norse sagas suggest that Vikings explored the Atlantic coast of North
3. In 1497, just five years before Christopher Columbus landed in the
Caribbean, a Venetian sailor named John Gabot arrived in Newfounland.
4. The first explorations of the continental United States were launched
from the Spanish possessions.
5. After the conquest of Mexico, the British solidified their position in the
Western Hemisphere.
6. The great wealth that Spain obtained from the colonies in America
provoked interest on the part of the other European powers.
Задание № 7. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.
1. Who were the first Europeans who arrived in America?
2. What ruins were discovered near northern Newfoundland? What do
they prove?
3. What role did Gabot’s journey play?
4. When and where did the first explorations of the mainland America
5. What else added to Europe’s knowledge of America?
6. What were the European countries interested in?
7. What raids did Francis Drake undertake?
Чтобы правильно выполнить задание № 3, необходимо усвоить
следующие разделы курса английского языка:
1.Грамматические функции и значения слов it, that, one.
2.Пассивный залог (The Passive Voice) видовременных форм Indefinite, Continuous, Perfect.
3.Функции глаголов to be, to have, to do.
4.Простые неличные формы глагола. Инфинитив в функции а)
подлежащего, б) составной части сказуемого, в) определения, г)
дополнения и е) обстоятельства цели. Герундий. Отличие
герундия от причастия I .
5.Выражение приказания и просьбы с помощью глагола to let.
6.Бессоюзное подчинение в определительных и дополнительных
придаточных предложениях.
Задание № 1. Перепишите следующие предложения, определите в
каждом из них видовременную форму и залог глагола сказуемого.
Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Britain was valued highly as a producer of grain.
2. The break-up of the tribal structure had been accompanied by an advance towards feudalism.
3. Alfred is the only English king to whom the title “Great” had been given.
Задание № 2. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их
на русский язык, обращая внимание на разные значения слов “ it,
that, one”
1. In the 16th century it was more profitable in England to breed
sheep than to grow grain.
2. There were several sources of the King’s income but manufacture
of woollen cloth was the main one.
3. One couldn’t produce enough cloth without machines.
4. The religious sites that had been built long before the arrival of the Celts
continued to be used in Celtic period.
Задание № 3. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их
на русский язык, помня о разных значениях глаголов “ to be, to have,
to do”
1. The peasants had to give the feudal lord part of the produce of their
2. All who could not pay taxes were cruelly beaten.
3. The landowners had many privileges.
4. The farmers agreed to do any work for very little pay.
Задание № 4. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их
на русский язык, обращая внимание на бессоюзное подчинение.
1. The house Yakub Kolas lived in from 1952 to 1956 is a memorial museum now.
2. The wealth princes possessed was created by the hard work and skill of
the peasants and artisans.
Задание № 5. Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения на
русский язык; обратите внимание на то, что в них просьба
(побуждение) выражена с помощью глагола “ to let”
1. Let us look at the map of the Iberian Peninsular.
2. Let him make a report about the Anglo-Saxons.
Задание № 6. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их
на русский язык, обращая внимание на функцию инфинитива,
герундия и причастия в предложении.
1. To protect themselves from robbers, the merchants united into
2. Alexander the Great dreamed of conquering the entire world.
3. Having come to power Caesar had defeated his enemies.
Задание № 7. Прочитайте и устно переведите на русский язык
текст. Переведите письменно 2, 4 и 6-ой абзацы текста.
The Beginning of Capitalist Development in Britain in the 16th
1. Long ago sheep-breeding and manufacture of woollen cloth became
the main occupation in Britain and an important source of the king’s income. At first Britain exported wool to other countries, but in the 16th
century it began to export more cloth than wool. In Britain cloth was regarded as ‘the most precious product of the kingdom”.
2. But small workshops couldn’t produce enough cloth to meet all demands. It could be done only by large enterprises employing scores and
even hundreds of workers.
3. The farmers made cloth when they were not working in the fields and
sold it at the nearest markets. The merchants sold the cloth in towns or
took it to ports for export.
4. The farmers who worked for the merchants got very little pay for their
work. Sometimes hundreds of people worked for one rich man. The impoverished farmers who received wool, looms and payment from a merchant gradually became wage-workers.
5. The large enterprises of that period had no machines and everything
was done by hand. Such enterprises were called manufactures of factories.
6. In a factory with many workmen it was easier to divide the work between different groups of workers who performed specific operations in
the overall manufacturing process. With the appearance of factories labour productivity went up.
7. Everything in the factory belonged to the owner. The hired workmen
worked at factories from dawn till night. Factories also appeared in mining, ship-building and arms production. New classes – the bourgeoisie
and the wage-workers – developed when factories appeared.
woollen cloth – сукно; wage-workers – наёмные рабочие, in overall manufacturing process – в общем процессе производства
Задание № 8. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. What was an important source of the king’s income?
2. Could small workshops produce enough cloth to meet all demands?
3. When did the farmers make cloth?
4. How did the workmen become wage-workers?
5. What new classes developed in the 16th century?
Чтобы правильно выполнить задание № 3, необходимо усвоить
следующие разделы курса английского языка:
1.Грамматические функции и значения слов it, that, one.
2.Пассивный залог (The Passive Voice) видовременных форм Indefinite, Continuous, Perfect.
3.Функции глаголов to be, to have, to do.
4.Простые неличные формы глагола. Инфинитив в функции а)
подлежащего, б) составной части сказуемого, в) определения, г)
дополнения и е) обстоятельства цели. Герундий. Отличие
герундия от причастия I .
5.Выражение приказания и просьбы с помощью глагола to let.
6.Бессоюзное подчинение в определительных и дополнительных
придаточных предложениях.
Задание № 1. Перепишите следующие предложения, определите в
каждом из них видовременную форму и залог глагола сказуемого.
Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. The natives of this area were treated as mere tillers of the land.
2. For a long time the land had been cultivated by serfs and villains
3. In England the old feudal aristocracy was replaced by a new
landed aristocracy.
Задание № 2. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их
на русский язык, обращая внимание на разные значения слов “ it,
that, one”
1. It was the East India Company that was the richest of all.
2. In the transition from one formation to another, the old traditions
of production are abolished and the new ones take their place.
3. Ancient people thought that God divided people into rich and poor.
4. One cannot imagine the British trade of those days without the
East India Company.
Задание № 3. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их
на русский язык, помня о разных значениях глаголов “ to be, to have,
to do”
1. The first inhabitants of the island were the Iberians.
2. For a long time the Russians had to pay heavy taxes to the khan’s
cruel collectors.
3. The emperor didn’t give the Church lands.
4. The splendid buildings of Constantinople were to prove the might
of the imperial power.
Задание № 4. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их
на русский язык, обращая внимание на бессоюзное подчинение.
1. In the Senate Pompey felt he would be made commander of the
troops of the Republic.
2. This is the chronicle I told you about.
Задание № 5. Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения на
русский язык; обратите внимание на то, что в них просьба
(побуждение) выражена с помощью глагола “ to let”
1. Let us look at the map of Belarus.
2. Let them choose the topic of the report.
Задание № 6. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их
на русский язык, обращая внимание на функцию инфинитива,
герундия и причастия в предложении.
1. British warriors crossed the Channel to help their Gaulish kinsmen.
2. Having defeated all his opponents Caesar came to Rome and called
himself emperor.
3. I remember reading about it in one of the historical novels.
Задание № 7. Прочитайте и устно переведите на русский язык
текст. Переведите письменно 3, 4 и 6-ой абзацы текста.
Beginning of Britain’s struggle with Spain
1. With the appearance of factories British exports to other countries
increased. British shipping developed rapidly. The merchants carried
cloth, coal and fish in their ships to European countries and colonies.
2. Spain which had the biggest colonies was Britain’s main rival and
sea trade. The Spanish government forbade foreign merchants to trade
with Spanish colonies. But they ignored the prohibition, and British pirates pillaged the Spanish coast and made daring expeditions to the
shores of America. Spanish ships carrying gold and silver from America often became the pirates’ prey. Special merchants’ companies were
formed in Britain to organise pirate expeditions against the Spaniards.
3. Queen Elizabeth I (1558-1603) patronized trade and navigation. A
big fleet was built during her reign. The Queen secretly supported the
pirates and received part of their booty. The most successful of the pirates became admirals in the Royal Navy.
4. Spain began to prepare for an invasion of Britain. A huge fleet of
130 ships sailed to Britain with 20,000 soldiers aboard. They were to
land in the mouth of the Thames. Confident of their victory, the Spaniards called their fleet the “Invincible Armada.”
5. In 1588 British troops attacked the Spanish fleet in the English
Channel. There were sea battles for two weeks. The light and speedy
British vessels, manned by experienced sailors, fired at the enemy fleet
at long range, and damaged, and burnt and sank many ships. The Spaniards suffered heavy losses. Their fleet was driven into the North Sea,
and they tried to sail home round Scotland. Only a few ships reached
6. The defeat of the “Invincible Armada” undermined Spain’s naval
power, while Britain gradually came to dominate the sea and became a
strong sea power.
Задание № 8. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. What country was Britain’s main rival in the sea trade?
2. Why were special merchants’ companies formed in Britain?
3. Queen Elizabeth I patronized trade and navigation, didn’t she?
4. Where did British troops attack the Spanish fleet in 1588?
5. What undermined Spain’s naval power?
Чтобы правильно выполнить задание N4, необходимо усвоить
следующие разделы курса английского языка:
1.Условные предложения трёх типов.
2.Сложные формы инфинитива и причастия.
3.Обороты, равнозначные придаточным предложениям: объектный
инфинитивный оборот; субъектный инфинитивный оборот;
независимый (самостоятельный) причастный оборот.
Задание № 1. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык
следующие предложения, принимая во внимание, что объектный и
субъектный инфинитивные обороты большей частью
соответствуют придаточным предложениям.
1. Historians believe Stonehenge to be one of the oldest monuments in
2. The so-called Republican Army wants Northern Ireland to be reunited
with the Irish Republic.
3. Alfred is considered the only English king to whom the title
“Great” had been given.
4. The Egyptians are known to be the first who had made paper from
5. Icelandic Viking L. Ericson appears to be the first European who
sailed to America around the year 1000.
Задание № 2. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык
следующие предложения, учитывая различия в переводе зависимого
и независимого причастных оборотов.
1. Richard the “Lionheart” spent nearly all his life fighting in the
Holy Land or in France.
2. Immigration from former British territories was substantial in the
1960s, it forming the basis of the minority ethnic population in Britain today.
3. In 1686 the Bill of Rights was passed, establishing the political
supremacy of Parliament.
4. The Mongol-Tartars lived in a kind of tent known as a yurta, the
latter being made of poles.
5. Having special hooks they could drag enemy horsemen out of their
Задание № 3. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык
следующие сложные предложения, содержащие придаточные
предложения условия.
1. Perhaps people would have forgotten Drake long ago if he had been
less successful as a pirate in his younger years.
2. If you study national art of Belarus you will be able to trace its deep
roots to the past.
3. If ten warriors fled from the battlefield a hundred of warriors would be
Задание № 4. Перепишите и письменно переведите следующий текст на
русский язык.
William Rufus
1. After William the Conqueror’s death his second son William called
Rufus or Red because of the colour of his hair was the heir. When he be27
came the English King he had immediately to face a rising of the Norman
barons in favour of his elder brother Robert, who had succeeded to the
duchy of Normandy; and William Rufus won a victory largely to the help
he received from his English subjects.
2. William II appointed Anselm, Abbot of Beck, as Archbishop of Canterbury in 1093. But very soon the king began to quarrel with his archbishop, who was not prepared to allow any encroachments upon the dignity or power of the Church. When Anselm said that he wished to go to
Rome to receive the archbishop’s pall at the hands of Pope Urban, Rufus
replied by refusing to acknowledge Urban as Pope at all, but when the
king sent for the pall to bestow it upon the archbishop himself, Anselm
refused to receive it. However, a compromise was arrived at, and Anselm
settled down to his work.
3. Rufus was born some years before the conquest of England, but the
exact date is unknown (about 1056). He seems to have been his father’s
favourite son, and people often saw him in his father’s company. That’s
why he succeeded the English Throne.
4. On the second of August, 1100, in the first year of the twelfth century,
a certain man named Walter Tyrol fled over the Channel from Southampton. He was in desperate anxiety for his ship to go quickly. He was a
knight who had been hunting in the New Forest with William Rufus, and
suddenly the king was shot by some arrow – perhaps, quite by accident.
But the king was killed and Walter Tyrol was close to him at that moment, and he was so frightened that rushed away to Normandy.
5. But afterwards a certain Ralph of Aix was accused in that crime also,
and Tyrol, from a safe distance, solemnly protested his innocence. Even
in our days you can see the stone set up in the beautiful forest, to mark
the spot. But there was no mourning for the Red King; people were glad
when he died.
Red – рыжий; because of - из-за; to face a rising - оказался перед фактом восстания; in
favour of - в пользу; duchy - герцогство; subjects - подданные; archbishop’s pall мантия архиепископа; to acknowledge - признавать; to settle down to his work приступить к работе; a certain man - некий человек; desperate anxiety - в отчаянной
тревоге; solemnly protested his innocence - торжественно утверждал, что не виновен
Задание № 5. Выпишите из текста три предложения с причастным
оборотом. Подчеркните причастный оборот. Укажите формы
причастия. Предложения письменно переведите на русский язык.
Задание № 6. Подберите подходящие по смыслу слова к следующим
1. A person entitled to inherit property or a rank. 2. The territory of a duke. 3.
To permit. 4. Intrusion into someone’s territory. 5. Say or show that one is unwilling to accept or do what is asked. 6. To present as a gift. 7. A man given a
rank below baronet, with the title “Sir”. 8. A straight shaft with a sharp point,
shot from a bow. 9. To lay the blame for a crime. 10. An act that breaks the
A crime; to refuse; an arrow; to bestow; a heir; an encroachment; duchy;
knight; to accuse; to allow.
Задание № 7. Письменно ответьте на вопросы по тексту.
1. Who was the heir after William the Conqueror’s death?
1. Whom did William II appoint as Archbishop of Canterbury?
2. Why did Anselm wish to go to Rome?
3. How did Rufus succeed the English throne?
4. Who was Walter Tyrol?
Чтобы правильно выполнить задание N4, необходимо усвоить
следующие разделы курса английского языка:
1.Условные предложения трёх типов.
2.Сложные формы инфинитива и причастия.
3.Обороты, равнозначные придаточным предложениям: объектный
инфинитивный оборот; субъектный инфинитивный оборот;
независимый (самостоятельный) причастный оборот.
Задание № 1. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык
следующие предложения, принимая во внимание, что объектный и
соответствуют придаточным предложениям.
1. Vasco de Gama is believed to be the first who had discovered the islands of Cuba and Haiti.
2. The process of internal unification of the Russian land is known to
have taken place simultaneously with the liquidation of the MongolTartar yoke.
3. Napoleon wanted the Russian army to be crushed and Moscow to be
4. We consider Francisk Skoryna to be a prominent Byelorussian humanist-enlightener.
5. Some of the buildings including the Capitol and the house of President
are said to be set on fire in 1812 when England was at war with America.
Задание № 2. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык
следующие предложения, учитывая различия в переводе зависимого
и независимого причастных оборотов.
1. In the early 1600s English and Scottish Protestants migrated to Ulster,
their religion setting them apart from the other inhabitants of Ireland.
2. Realising the benefits of closer of closer political and economic
union, England and Scotland agreed in 1707 on a single Parliament for Great Britain.
3. In 1921 Ireland was partitioned, Northern Ireland remaining
within Britain.
4. Their life being nomadic, the Mongol-Tartans were fine horsemen
and archers.
5. Torn and devastated by battles but refusing to admit defeat the
tartar khans turned back.
Задание № 3. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык
следующие сложные предложения, содержащие придаточные
предложения условия.
1. If Russia’s first printer Fyodorov hadn’t worked hard, it would have
taken much more time to put out hundreds of copies of first printed
2. If you want to become a good historian you should read a lot on history.
3. “If I conquered your country, I should ruin your city to the ground”,
said the King.
Задание № 4. Перепишите и письменно переведите следующий текст на
русский язык.
Fine scholar or the lion of justice
1. William the Conqueror had four sons: Robert, duke of Normandy,
Richard who was killed while he was hunting, his favourite William
Rufus, and the youngest son was Henry. After William II death Robert of
Normandy again claimed the English throne, but youngest brother, secured English support by publishing a chapter promising better government and so gained the crown.
2. Henry I in his youth had a nickname Beau Clerk, which means - a
Good Scholar, because he liked learning and wisdom. He often repeated
that the unlettered king is only a crowned ass. We know almost nothing
else about Henry’s youth except that he was born on English soil and he
was the favourite of his mother, the queen Matilda of Flandres, William
the Conqueror’s wife.
3. In his later years people called Henry I also the Lion of Justice for
when there was peace in England he would not suffer his barons to wax
proud and to do as they willed, but, like his father William I, he held
them in check with a strong hand. And Henry tried to help the common
folk and made it easier for them to come before the king’s justices and
have right to them when the barons oppressed them. And though King
Henry did so much because he cared for the common folk as because he
wanted to keep the barons from growing too powerful, yet it was the
common folk who were the gainers.
4. Henry I had pleased the English very much by marrying a princess,
who was the daughter of Queen Margaret of Scotland, belonging to the
old Royal Family of Alfred and Edgar. The people felt now that they had
some hope for better days. Queen Matilda was a good woman, and she
helped her husband in many ways. Henry reorganized the Courts of Law.
The duties of the king’s officers and the council were rearranged and a
new smaller body of advisers created, called the King’s Court.
To claim - требовать; to secure support – обеспечил поддержку; to gain -завоевать; a nickname прозвище; Beau Clerk -ученый; unlettered -необразованный; to wax -развивать; as they willed –
как они делали; he held them in check – держать их в узде; the common folk – простой народ; not
so much because … as because – не только из-за того … сколько потому …; the gainers – те, кто
Задание № 5. Выпишите из текста три предложения с причастным
оборотом. Подчеркните причастный оборот. Укажите формы
причастия. Предложения письменно переведите на русский язык.
Задание № 6. Подберите подходящие по смыслу слова к следующим
1. A group or organization governing a country. 2. A familiar or humorous name given to a person or thing instead of the real name. 3. The state
or period of being young. 4. An illiterate person. 5. Govern or treat harshly. 6. Fairness. 7. A state of freedom from war or disturbance. 8. To de31
mand smth as one’s right. 9. To feel concern or interest to smbd/smth. 10.
A moral or legal obligation.
To oppress; justice; unlettered; youth; peace; duty; to care for; a nickname; government; to claim;
Задание № 7. Письменно ответьте на вопросы по тексту.
1. What happened after William’s death?
2. Why did Henry I in his youth have a nickname Beau Clerk?
3. Why did people call Henry I the Lion of Justice?
4. Why did Henry I care of the common folk?
5. How had Henry I pleased the English?
Чтобы правильно выполнить задание 5 , необходимо повторить
следующие разделы курса английского языка:
1. Грамматические функции глаголов should, would.
2. Обороты с инфинитивом, причастием и герундием, равнозначные
придаточным предложениям.
3. Различные значения слов: only, both ... and, either ... or, neither ...
nor, as, because, because of, for, since, due, provided.
Задание № 1. Определите тип конструкции и переведите
предложения, принимая во внимание, что инфинитивные,
герундиальные и причастные обороты соответствуют чаще всего
придаточным предложениям.
1. King John made himself very unpopular, especially by raising taxes.
2. Despite the North American colonies winning the War of Independence, Britain continued to extend its rule over a large part of the world.
3. Knowing that the earth was round Christopher Columbus decided to
reach India by sailing to the West.
4. The voyage being very difficult and dangerous, his men insisted on
returning home, but Columbus did everything he could to make them
continue sailing westward.
5. When the United States declared its independence from Great Britain
on July 4, 1776, there were 13 original states, each one wanting to be
sovereign and to control its own affairs.
Задание № 2. Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский
язык, обращая внимание на различные функции should и would
1. During the 1980s the British government realized that a military solution to Northern Ireland’s problems would never be possible.
2. If Elizabeth herself left no child, the throne would in law pass to a descendant of one of the old King’s sisters.
3. Elizabeth discovered that it would not be proper for them to meet until
Mary should have cleared herself of the accusations of the Scottish lords.
4. Justice had long demanded that Mary should die, but it was expediency, not justice that sent her to death in 1587.
5. Elizabeth never acted solely out of sentiment, and if she had earlier judged Mary’s death a necessity, she would have shrunk from
its cruelty.
Задание № 3. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая
внимание на значения выделенных слов.
1. Both for the Church and for European society as a whole the Jubilee
year was to be a high point.
2. Margaret’s only living descendant was Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots
since she was a week old.
3. For many generations to come the revolution of 1689-9 was spoken of
by our ancestors as “the glorious revolution”.
4. The glory of the British Revolution consisted neither in any did of
arms, nor in any single act of heroism on the part of Englishmen.
5. Since infantry fighting against cavalry must stand on the defensive,
Harold resisted William from a wee-chosen position on the top of the hill
six miles north-west of Hastings.
Задание № 4. Прочтите и устно переведите на русский язык с 1-го
по 6-й абзацы текста. Перепишите и письменно переведите 1-й, 2й, 3-й и 4-й абзацы.
The Civil War
1. After Prince William’s death Henry I proposed to the Barons to swear
that they would recognize as his successor his daughter Matilda, whom
he married to the eldest son of the Count of Anjou, Geoffrey, surnamed
Plantagenet, because he liked to wear a sprig of flowering broom in his
cap for a feather. The Barons took the oath about the succession of Matilda (and her children after her), but they had no intention to keep it.
2. In 1135 Henry died of indigestion. His dreams were brought over to
Reading Abbey to be buried. The King was no sooner dead than all the
plans he had laboured at so long crumbled away like a hollow heap of
sand. Stephen, whom Henry had never mistrusted or suspected, started up
to claim the throne. Stephen was the son of Adele, the Conqueror’s
daughter; her husband had been the Count of Blois. After Henry I death
Stephen hastily found a false witness, a servant of the late King, and the
man swore that the King had named Stephen for his heir upon his deathbed.
3. Matilda and her husband were haughty and unpopular; the woman’s
rule was risky; so the Archbishop of Canterbury crowned Stephen on the
false evidence of the servant. Matilda and her husband immediately fled
to Normandy. An old Chronicle of that time gives us an account of Matilda escaping from Oxford with her companions, over the Christmas
snows, all dressed in white, so as not to be seen. Fighting went out, and
the Barons began building castles again, and taking people’s property
from them and doing as they liked.
4. David, the King of Scotland, was Matilda’s uncle, so he was glad of an
excuse to make war on Stephen; and there was a famous battle fought in
Yorkshire, called the Battle of the Standard, because the banners of three
great churches of Yorkshire were taken into the fight. King David was
decisively defeated in that battle, but the victory was not of much use to
Stephen, for the King of Scotland kept Cumberland and did not
acknowledge Stephen as his lord.
5. After that Robert of Gloucester, Matilda’s half-brother, fled to his sister and took her side. Everything in England was thrown into confusion
when in the same year Matilda and Robert landed in England, civil war
broke out. It was feudalism in its worst – absolute anarchy. At first Matilda was successful, capturing Stephen at Lincoln. She was proclaimed
queen. But her haughty temper alienated the Londoners, and she had to
retire to Oxford.
6. Fortune now favoured Stephen: he regained his liberty in exchange for
Robert of Gloucester and hastened to besiege Matilda in Oxford. Matilda
escaped, but the war went on till 1147, when Robert of Gloucester died.
The peace that followed was not much better than the war, for barons
were more powerful than the king himself and did everything they liked.
It was almost a relief when Matilda’s son, Henry of Anjou, invaded England in 1153. It was arranged that Henry should in due course succeed
Stephen, whose son and heir had lately died.
Anjou - Анжуйский; to take the oath – дать клятву; crumbled away like a hollow heap
of sand – рухнули, точно полая внутри кучка песка; a false witness - лжесвидетель;
the late King – покойный король; upon his death-bed – на смертном одре; wickedness
– злодеяния; standard – знамя, стандарт; to defeat –потерпеть поражение; everything
was thrown into confusion – все пришло в смуту; in due course – с течением времени.
Задание № 5. Укажите номера предложений, которые
утверждения исправьте.
1. Matilda’s children would be recognized as Henry’s successors.
2. Stephen proclaimed himself Henry’s heir after the King’s death.
3. David, the King of Scotland, was glad to make war on Matilda.
4. King David was decisively defeated in the Battle of the Standard.
5. After the civil war regained his liberty was more powerful than his
Задание № 6. Письменно ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. What did Henry I propose to the Barons?
2. How did Stephen start up to claim the throne after Henry’s death?
3. Why the battle in Yorkshire was called the Battle of the Standard?
4. Why was everything in England thrown into confusion?
5. Why was the peace that followed not much better than the war?
Чтобы правильно выполнить задание 5 , необходимо повторить
следующие разделы курса английского языка:
1. Грамматические функции глаголов should, would.
2. Обороты с инфинитивом, причастием и герундием, равнозначные
придаточным предложениям.
3. Различные значения слов: only, both ... and, either ... or, neither ...
nor, as, because, because of, for, since, due, provided.
Задание № 1. Определите тип конструкции и переведите
предложения, принимая во внимание, что инфинитивные,
герундиальные и причастные обороты соответствуют чаще
всего придаточным предложениям.
1. Instead of giving Charles I the money for a war, Parliament made laws
limiting the powers of the king.
2. Having made four voyages to American Continent Columbus died in
Spain in 1506 being sure that he had reached Asia and not knowing anything of his great discovery of the New World.
3. Having made several expeditions to the American Continent and having published the letter describing the land he had visited Amerigo Vespucci, an Italian seaman proved that it was not India but a new continent
which is called “The New World”.
4. The tendency to make new products available to and affordable for
everybody is one obvious reason why American business has usually
been supported by average Americans.
5. Adopted laws during the 1930s prohibited discrimination in hiring,
forbade the hiring of young children and set the rights of independent
labour unions to organize and strike peacefully.
Задание № 2. Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский
язык, обращая внимание на различные функции should и would
1. There are many people in Quebec who would like their province to
become an independent state.
2. The statement of rights which an English king should allow to his subjects was made in a charter of sixty-two clauses or chapters.
3. Whether Parliament would have survived if events had taken a normal
course no one can say.
4. There was no question that Elizabeth was to be accepted as her halfsister’s successor, but what that would lead to no one could imagine.
5. By the 1830s opinion had veered round to the idea that the Poor Law
should be greatly.
Задание № 3. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая
внимание на значения выделенных слов.
1. Britannia is the name that the Romans gave to their southern British
2. Both Celtics and Normans are woven deeply into the national British
3. Due to their longships the Vikings could dominate for long periods
much of the Irish Sea and the North Sea.
4. Since then area of controversy has shifted to the House of Lords.
5. Neither the “mother of parliaments” nor the unity of the kingdom are
themes that can be regarded as closed.
Задание № 4. Прочтите и устно переведите на русский язык с 1-го
по 6-й абзацы текста. Перепишите и письменно переведите 1-й, 2й, 3-й и 4-й абзацы.
Four sons against their father
1. Henry II had four sons. The eldest, Henry, his appointed heir, Richard,
Geoffrey and John, his father’s favourite. After Thomas a Becket’s death
King Henry had much trouble, fighting with France and Scotland; and his
own sons began to rebel against their father. Queen Eleanor, the king’s
wife, supported them.
2. King Henry decided that he had all the misfortunes because of his guilt
in Becket’s death. He went straight to Canterbury; and there he dismounted from his horse, took off his shoes and walked with bare and
bleeding feet to a Becket’s grave. There, he lay down on the ground, lamenting in the presence of many people; then he went into the Chapter
House, and, removing his clothes from his back and shoulders made
eighty Priests to beat him with knotted cords, one after another. It happened so that on that very day a complete victory was obtained over the
3. After that Henry II very quickly went to Rouen and submitted his rebellious sons Henry and Geoffrey. Richard resisted for six weeks; but,
being beaten out of castle after castle, he at last submitted too, and his
father forgave him. The forgiveness only gave the ungrateful princes time
and possibility to gather new forces and to rebel again. Sometimes the
brothers fought with one another; sometimes they united with one another
to have a victory over the others.
4. At last Prince Henry died in 1183, at the age of twenty seven years old
during his war against his brother Richard and their father the King.
There was a short interval of peace, but in 1184 Geoffrey and John combined with their father’s leave to make war upon Richard, now the heir of
the English Crown. In 1186 Geoffrey died, and there were only two of
them left. Prince John had solemnly sworn to be faithful to his father.
5. Sick at heart, wearied out by the falsehood of his sons, and almost
ready to lie down and die, the unhappy King, who had so long stood firm,
began to fail. King Henry was sick in bed, when they brought him the list
of the deserters from their allegiance, whom he was required to pardon.
And he saw that Fate had prepared him one mare heavy sorrow. The first
name upon this list was John, his favourite son, in whom he had trusted to
the last.
6. “Oh, John! Child of my heart!” exclaimed the King. “Oh, John, whom
I have loved the best! Have you betrayed me too!” and then he lay down
with a heavy groan and said: “Now let the world go as it will. I care for
nothing more!” The King told his attendants to take him to the French
town of Chignon – a town he was fond of for many years. He wildly
cursed the hour, when he was born, and cursed the children, whom he left
behind him.
Chapter House – здание капитула, Высшего Церковного Совета; knotted cords –
веревки, завязанные узлами; began to fail – начал слабеть; they brought him- ему
принесли; the list - список; let the world go as it will –пусть мир идет своим путем; I
care for nothing – мне все безразлично.
Укажите номера предложений, которые
утверждения исправьте.
Задание № 5.
1. John, King Henry’s favourite, was the appointed heir.
2. King Henry had much trouble as his own sons began to rebel against
3. After Prince Henry’s death Geoffrey and Richard decided to make war
upon King Henry.
4. King Henry, who had so long stood firm, was wearied out by the falsehood of his sons and began to fail.
5. John was the only son who did not betray the King.
Задание № 6. Письменно ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. What troubles did King Henry have after Thomas a Becket’s death?
2. Why did King Henry decide to go to Canterbury?
3. Did Richard’s forgiveness give the opportunity to conclude an armistice?
4. How did King Henry find out that John had betrayed him?
5. The King told his attendants to take to him to a Wales town, didn’t he?
Контрольное задание № 6
Задание №1. Письменно переведите следующие словосочетания на
русский язык.
To have great power over smb., to detest, to swear, banishment, a bishop,
to put to death, to collect a force of soldiers, to shut smb up, to attack, to
surrender, armed men, armed from head to foot, to sentence smb to death,
to stain the dust with the blood, a relentless war, to join the forces, to control, to raise a siege, to succeed in, a raising, a considerable force, to win
an easy victory, to defeat, a strengthened position, to rule, to govern,
plague, famine, nobles, to make a plan, to invade, kingly power, to raise
troops, to land, to desert, to resist, to make a deputation, to proclaim,
court-yard, a leader, to strike.
Задание №2. Укажите, к какой части речи принадлежат
следующие слова и письменно переведите их на русский язык:
Swear – to swear, statesmanship – a statesman – a state – to state, to insist
– insistence – insistent, appealing – an appeal – to appeal, a raise – to
raise – raising, a draw – to draw, to collect – a collection, require –
requirement, relentless - to relent, necessity - necessary - to necessitate – necessities, divide – to divide – a divider – a division.
Задание №3. Просмотрите текст, постарайтесь понять основное
содержание. Письменно переведите 2-й и 3-й абзацы текста.
The helpless king Edward II
1. King Edward II, the first Prince of Wales, was twenty-three when his
father died. He had a certain favourite named Piers Galveston who had
great power over him, and the English Lords detested that favourite, who
was a very handsome young man. The King made him Earl of Cornwall,
and gave him big riches, and Galveston made bad jokes over the English
lords, calling one of them the old hog, another, the stage-player; another
the Jew; another the black dog of Ardenne. The Earl of Warwick, who
was the black dog, swore that the time should come when Galveston
should feel the black dog’s teeth.
2. Edward II was not fitted to carry on his father’s work either in war or
in statesmanship. In 1308 Edward went to France and married the French
Princess Isabel, with whom he returned to England. In 1308 the Lords
insisted on the banishment of Galveston; but in the following year after
the King’s appealing, the Parliament allowed him to return. Edward’s
methods of raising money were no good ones. In 1311 the lords chose a
board of seven bishops, eight earls, and six barons, to draw up Ordinances for the control of the King. Edward protested, but he had to submit and
send Galveston out of the country. Soon afterwards the King recalled him
again. The lords saw that there was nothing to do, but to put the favorite
to death. The King went to York to collect a force of soldiers; and the
favourite shut him up in Scarborough Castle overlooking the sea. The
Barons attacked the Castle and made Galveston surrender. They took him
to another castle and stopped for a night there. In the morning, when the
favourite was still in bed, he was required to dress himself and come
down into the court-yard. Galveston started and turned pale, when he saw
the yard full of armed men. “I think you know me?” said the leader, also
armed from head to foot. “I am the black dog of Ardenne!”
3. The time was come, when Galveston was to feel the black dog’s teeth.
They set him on a mule and took him to the black dog’s kennel – Warwick Castle – where they sentenced him to death. In the bright landscape
of the beautiful May day they struck off his head and stained the dust
with the blood. Galveston’s head was sent to Edward. In his grief and
rage the King denounced relentless war against the Barons, and both
sides were in arms for half a year. But it then became necessary for them
to join their forces against Bruce, who had used the time well, while they
were divided, and had now great power in Scotland.
4. But Edward still was unable to control his Lords, and when he went
north to raise the siege of Sterling, Lancaster and his friends refused to go
with him. Edward succeeded in raising a considerable force without their
aid, and met King Robert at the Bannock River. Robert won an easy victory. The King’s defeat strengthened Lancaster’s position. From 1314 till
1322 the country was practically governed by Lancaster; but his rule was
no better than Edward’s. Plague and famine succeeded in England. And
the King had now a new favourite, Hugh le Dispenser. The Nobles
leagued against Dispenser, because Edward liked him. Before 1322 Dispenser’s son, also Hugh, became the second favourite. A quarrel broke
out between Roger Mortimer and the younger Dispenser. The Dispensers
soon made themselves as unpopular as Galveston had been, and Edward’s
worst foe was to arise in his own family.
5. In 1323 Queen Isabel with her son went to France. There she met Mortimer, and they both made a plan for invading England and usurping the
kingly power. With money borrowed from her brother, the King of
France, she raised troops and landed at Orwell with Mortimer. Edward,
deserted by all his friends, was unable to resist. The Queen went to London and met the Parliament. And the Bishop of Hereford, the most skillful of her friends, said: “What was to be done? Here was an imbecile,
indolent, miserable King upon the throne; wouldn’t it be better to take
him off and put his son there instead?”
6. So they made a deputation to Kenilworth Castle, where the King was;
and the King came to the great hall, commonly dressed in a poor black
gown; and he fell down, and made a wretched spectacle of himself.
Somebody lifted him up, and the Speaker of the House of Commons
made a tremendous speech, informing that he was no longer a king. Then,
the Steward of the Household nearly finished him by coming forward and
breaking his wand – which was a ceremony only preformed at a King’s
death. When he was asked what he thought of resigning, the King said he
thought it was the best thing he could do. So, he did it, and they proclaimed his son next day. The rest of his life Edward II lived in his Castle
shamefully humiliated and was very miserable.
Made bad jokes – зло вышучивал; no good ones – негодными (методами); choose a
board – избрали совет; customs to be collected – чтобы налоги собирали …; Galveston
to be banished – Гавестон должен быть изгнан; Parliament to be held – заседание
Парламента проводить …; who had used the time well – который удачно
воспользовался временем; plague and famine succeeded – чума и голод процветали;
was to arise – должен был появиться; met the Parliament – собрала Парламент; what
was to be done? – что делать?; to take him off – убрать его; the Steward of the Household – Главный Камергер; wand - скипетр.
Задание № 4 . Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты
следующим словам и выражениям:
Любимец, богатства, граф, настаивать на, приказывать, побледнеть,
посылать, беда, ярость, стать необходимым, разделять, отвергать,
помощь, ссора, непопулярный, возникать, занимать у кого-л.,
опытный, ленивый, изгнание, казнить, нападать, вооруженные люди,
жестокая война, объединить силы, осада, восстание, наносить
поражение, править.
Задание №5. Подберите подходящие по смыслу слова к следующим
1. A deadly contagious disease. 2. To be victorious in smth. 3. Extreme
scarcity of food in a region. 4. A British nobleman ranking between marquees and viscount. 5. Enter territory with hostile intent. 6. The surrounding and blockading of a place by armed forces in order to capture it. 7. A
clergyman of high rank. 8. To promise on oath. 9. To announce publicly.
10. An angry disagreement.
Famine, to win, a Bishop, plague, to proclaim, a quarrel, a siege, an earl,
to invade, to swear.
Задание №6. Подберите синонимы из текста к следующим словам и
To hate, wealth, to execute, to lock up, to relinquish, a commander, sorrow, anger, to accuse, ruthless war, to unite the forces, to rule, a revolt,
help, to conquer, expert (adj.), to declare.
Задание №7. Подберите антонимы из текста к следующим словам
и выражениям:
Peace, to defend, to turn red in the face, to receive, to become useless, to
fail, to accept, famous, happy.
Задание №8. Укажите номера предложений, которые
соответствуют содержанию текста.
1. The king made Piers Galveston Bishop of Cornwall, and gave him
a big castle.
2. Edward II was not fitted to carry on his father’s work either in war
or in statesmanship.
3. The King denounced relentless war against the Barons, but in half
a year it was necessary for them to join their forces against Bruce.
4. For eight years the country was practically governed by Bruce as
he had great power in Scotland.
5. Dispenser’s son was Edward’s enemy.
6. Queen Isabel together with her brother made a plan for invading
7. The Bishop of Hereford was against Edward and wanted to put the
King’s son upon the throne.
8. When the king was asked about his resigning, he said he was
against it.
Задание №9. Письменно ответьте на следующие вопросы по
1. Whom did Edward make Earl of Cornwall? Why?
2. Why did the lords choose the board?
3. What happened to Galveston in Warwick Castle?
4. Who governed the country after Edward’s defeat?
5. Why did the Nobles leagued against Dispenser?
6. How did the Steward of the Household astonish the king?
Задание №10. Поставьте вопросы, чтобы следующие предложения
служили ответами на них:
1. Piers Galveston was King’s certain favorite who had great power
over him.
2. Edward succeeded in raising of Sterling a considerable force with
out his friends’ help.
3. The rest of his life Edward II lived in his Castle shamefully
humiliated and was very miserable.
Контрольное задание № 6
Задание №1. Письменно переведите следующие словосочетания на
русский язык.
An earl, to crown, to maintain smd right to the crown, to revise Magna
Carta, disturbances, a peasant, to put to death, to be imprisoned, resemblance, feebleness, inconsistency, irresolution, protectionship, the time of
great disorder, to rule, the law of the land, a great fight, to make a promise, to break a promise, to draw up new laws, to pay taxes, to be dissatisfied with, to keep smb in memory, to regard smb as a saint, to establish
Задание №2. Укажите, к какой части речи принадлежат
следующие слова и письменно переведите их на русский язык:
A conqueror – a conquest – to conquer, to use – useful - useless – user, to
crown – a crown, opposable – to oppose – opposing, to knight – a knight,
citizenship – a citizen, to murder – a murderer – murderous, to treasure –
treasure – a treasurer, to govern - governance – government, to improve –
improve, resemblance – to resemble.
Задание №3. Просмотрите текст, постарайтесь понять основное
содержание. Письменно переведите 3-й и 6-й абзацы текста.
Henry III
1. At the time of his father’s death his eldest son Henry was but nine
years old. The boy was taken by the earl of Pembroke, the Marshal of
England, to the city of Gloucester, and then crowned in Great haste, when
he was ten years old. All that was done, because the Barons remembered
the murdered Arthur’s sister Eleanor, shut up in her convert in Bristol,
and the Barons did not want to maintain her right to the crown. As the
Crown itself had been lost with the King’s treasure, in the raging water,
and, as there was no time to make another, they put a circle of plain gold
upon the boy’s head instead.
2. A great council met at Bristol, revised Magna Carta, and made Lord
Pembroke Regent or Protector of England, as the King was too young.
Lord Pembroke afterwards applied himself to governing the country justly, and to healing the quarrels and disturbances that bad arisen among
men in the days of King John. He improved Magna Carta, and he
changed the Forest Laws, so that a peasant was no longer put to death for
killing a deer in a Royal Forest, but was only imprisoned.
3. The King, as he grew up, showed a strong resemblance to his father, in
feebleness, inconsistency, and irresolution. The best in him was that he
was not cruel. But Lord Pembroke died in three years of his protectionship, and this period is known in the English history as the time of great
disorder. Henry III was for a long time only a puppet in somebody’s
hands. But the English people in those years became more reasonable and
strong. When Henry III wanted money for his wars, his buildings (he especially liked to build and rebuild churches and Abbeys), or for his foreign favourites, the people refused to give it to him, unless he promised to
keep to the Great Charter and rule by the law of the land. In the great
fight between Henry III and the people about this, the name of a great
patriot stands out – Simon de Montfort. “I fear thunder and lightning not
a little, Sir Simon”, said Henry to him one day, when they were caught in
bad storm, “but I fear you more than all the thunder and lightning in the
4. Henry often made promises over and over again, only to be broken.
But the promises were broken, as usual, and the country had to fight
again, and Henry was forced to draw up new laws. The new laws were
written in English for the first time since the Norman Conquest. Again
the king broke his word, and more fighting went on, till at last Simon
succeeded in forming a “talking place”, called a Parliament, after the
French word “parler”, meaning “to talk”.
5. This was even more useful than the old Assembly of the Wise men had
been. In it not only barons and bishops could discuss what was best for
the country and the people, but knights from every shire had the right to
come and talk; also citizens from the towns, and these, too, had a voice to
say what the people in their part of the country wanted done, and how
they wished the money to be spent, which they paid in taxes. Unfortunately Simon’s Parliament had little time to show its merits, for almost
immediately the barons began to quarrel between themselves; especially
the proud Earl of Gloucester with the Earl of Leicester, who went abroad
in disgust. Then, the people began to be dissatisfied with the barons, be44
cause they did not do enough for them. The eldest king’s son Prince Edward joined Gloucester against Sir Simon Leicester. At the battle of Evesham Simon was defeated and killed, though he fought bravely. But the
faithful people kept him in their memory. Many years afterwards, they
loved him more than ever, and regarded him as a saint.
6. And even Simon was dead, the cause, for which he fought, still lived,
and was strong, and forced itself upon the King in the very hour of victory. Henry found himself to oblige to respect the Great Charter, however
much he hated it, and to make laws similar to the laws of the Great Earl
of Leicester, and to be moderate and forgiving towards the people at last
– even to the people of London, who had so long opposed him. The battle
at Eve sham, when Sir Simon was killed, took place in 1265, and then
Prince Edward worked hard to establish peace throughout whole England.
Was but – было всего; Marshal - гофмаршал; to heal the quarrels – уладить ссоры; to
keep to the Great Charter – соблюдать Великую Хартию; only to be broken – только
для того, чтобы нарушить; Henry was forced – Генрих был вынужден; what the people … wanted done – что народ хотел …, чтобы было сделано; however much he hated
it – как бы он ее не ненавидел.
Задание № 4 . Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты
следующим словам и выражениям:
Убить к-л., короновать, женский монастырь, совет, править,
справедливо, совершенствовать, крестьянин, становиться взрослым,
жестокий, отвергать, благоразумный, нарушать обещание,
сражаться, заставлять, завоевание, преуспевать в ч-л., полезный,
рыцарь, графство, гордый, достоинства, ехать за границу, битва,
наносить поражение, смело, преданный, уважать, принуждать.
Задание №5. Подберите подходящие по смыслу слова к следующим
1. A feature or quality that deserves praise. 2. A residence of a community of nuns. 3. To struggle against smb. in physical combat or war. 4. A
person working on the land in the Middle Ages. 5. To win victory over
smd. 6. A British nobleman ranking between marquees and viscount. 7.
An assembly to govern a town. 8. To say or show that one is unwilling to
accept or do. 9. A rule established by authority. 10. To use force upon in
order to get or to do smth.
Council, to fight, a peasant, to defeat, to refuse, merit, a convent, to force,
an earl, a law.
Задание №6. Подберите синонимы из текста к следующим словам и
A county, an inhabitant, a fight, devoted, to compel, a marionette, to keep
up, to govern, clutter, sensible, to turn down, to rule, a battle, helpful, to
consider, to esteem, to conquer.
Задание №7. Подберите антонимы из текста к следующим словам
и выражениям:
War, unfair, merciful, to agree, to pacify, faults, cowardly, to forget.
Задание №8. Укажите номера предложений, которые
соответствуют содержанию текста.
1. Henry was crowned with a circle of plain gold as the crown had been
2. Lord Pembroke was made Protector of England as the King was ill.
3. Lord Pembroke changed the Forest Laws so that a peasant was put
to death for killing a deer in a Royal Forest.
4. There was a great fight between Henry and his people because people
refused to give him money.
5. Henry was the only King who kept his promises.
6. The Parliament had little time to show its merits, for there were quarrels between the Barons.
7. At the battle of Evesham Simon was killed and soon forgotten.
8. Simon was regarded as a saint after his death.
Задание №9. Письменно ответьте на следующие вопросы по
1. Why was Henry crowned after his father’s death when he was only
ten years old?
2. Why was Lord Pembroke made a Protector of England?
3. How is the period after Lord Pembroke’s death called?
4. Why was Henry forced to draw up new laws?
5. The people were dissatisfied with the Barons as they didn’t do
enough for them, weren’t they?
6. What did Prince Edward do after the battle at Evesham?
Задание №10. Поставьте вопросы, чтобы следующие предложения
служили ответами на них:
1. Lord Pembroke applied himself to governing the country justly, to
healing the quarrels and disturbances, improved Magna Carta and
changed the Forest & Laws.
2. If Henry wanted money, his people refused to give it to him, unless
he promised to keep to the Great Charter and rule by the law of the
3. The Parliament was formed as it was the only place where any person
had a voice to say what was best for the country and the people.
Контрольное задание № 7
Задание №1.Просмотритетекст, постарайтесь понять основное
The coming of the Romans into England
1. The Britons, who gave their name to the island, were Celts, but they
were not the only Celts who lived there; in the west and north there were
others called Gaels. The Britons who lived in the south had some trading
connection with the Continent; chiefly in minerals. Now, in the century
just before the birth of Christ, one of the Mediterranean nations succeeded to conquer all the others, so that it became master of the whole of the
then known world. This was the Roman nation, and a great Roman soldier and ruler, Julius Caesar, was the first to tell us about Britons. He
lighted for us that dark period of history. He always could do everything
he believed best and he could control others. He was always at work: he
conquered different peoples, looked after his soldiers, - and yet he found
time to write books about his travels.
2. In 55 B.C. he wanted to subdue the Gaels, but when he found that the
Britons helped them he decided to attack the islanders. Julius Caesar with
his army landed in Britain, and the Britons were so frightened, that they
fled inland, and Caesar had not so much cavalry as to pursue them. So he
returned back to Gaul, but the following year he came back. Again he did
not conquer Britain but he described the country to the civilized Roman
world, and the Romans knew all the particulars about Britons and remembered well that the warriors on the island painted their faces blue to
terrify their enemies, that they had the chariots with scythes on their axles, that they had strong hill-camps fortified with stakes and logs of
wood. After some time the Romans could send enough soldiers to meet
the British wild warriors and to subdue all the country of the plains.
3. Little by little, as the Roman soldiers gained ground, they pushed Britons to the west, to the moors of Cornwall, to the mountains of Wales and
Cumberland. In these parts we now find the people whose forefathers
were Ancient Britons. Many of the Britons settled down among their
Roman masters, from whom they learned many things. Some helped the
soldiers to drain the marshes and cut trees, and to make the fine roads
which crossed the country.
4. The early Britons had two brave chiefs who resisted the Roman conquest. One of them was Boadicea, the queen of one of the British tribes.
The statue of her shows her standing in a war chariot with two wild horses, calling to her soldiers to fight, stands on Westminster Bridge in London, facing the Houses of Parliament. In the first century A.D. Boadicea
fought the Romans with all her might and led her people in battle, but the
enemies were stronger. At last she killed herself because she did not want
to become a prisoner. Caractacus was another great British chief. He lost
everything when he fought to drive out the Romans. The Romans took
him to Rome as a prisoner; he did not behaved as a frightened captive,
but proudly, as a free-born man.
5. For about four hundred years Britain was part of the Roman Empire.
The thousands of soldiers who came during these centuries from every
part of the empire left many remains in the country, especially in the cities founded by the Romans. There are the altars they set up to their gods,
their weapons and armour, the memorial stones put up to honour their
memories. They built many beautiful country villas. When danger arose,
they buried much money and jewellery. We can see well picture the life
in those villas, as we look at the fine pavements, the shoes of the ladies
and children, the lamps, writing materials and other treasures which we
found among their ruins. Some of the pottery and glass were made in
Britain, the Britons could learn very quick.
Задание №2. Перепишите и письменно переведите 2,4 абзацы.
Задание №3. Переведите следующие словосочетания из текста на
русский язык.
Trading connection, to light dark period of history, to conquer different
peoples, to look after soldiers, to attack the islanders, to be frightened,
civilized Roman world, to pint faces blue, to terrify enemies, chariots
with scythes on their axles, strong hill-camps fortified with stakes and
logs of wood, to send enough soldiers, little by little, to gain ground, to
push Britons to the west, to drain the marshes, calling to the soldiers to
fight, a frightened captive, to leave many remains, to honour smbd’s
memory, to bury much money and jewellery.
Задание №4.Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих
русских слов и словосочетаний.
Главным образом, преуспевать, завоевывать, подавлять (покорять),
кавалерия, преследовать, воины, предки, вырубать деревья,
поселиться, военная колесница, дикие лошади, битва, пленный,
оружие и доспехи, богатства.
Задание №5.Переведите на английский язык слова в скобках,
используя текст.
1. The Romans knew (все особенности) about Britons as Caesar described this country to the (цивилизованному римскому миру).
2. Boadicea and Caractacus, two brave chiefs, (противостояли
римскому завоеванию).
3. (Когда возникала опасность) the soldiers buried much money and
4. When Caesar found that the Britons helped Gaels, he wanted to
(атаковать островитян) so he with his army (высадился) in Britain.
5. Caractacus did not (вел себя) as a (испуганный пленник) when the
Romans took him as a prisoner.
Задание №6.Найдите в тексте предложения, характеризующие:
1. The main features Caesar was famous for.
2. Caesar’s description of Britain to the Romans.
3. The Britons helped the Roman masters.
4. The statue of Boadicea.
5. How the fight against the Romans ended for Boadicea and Caractacus.
Задание №7. Письменно ответьте на следующие вопросы по
1. What Mediterranean nation conquered all the other nations?
2. Why did Caesar decide to attack Britons?
3. Boadicea and Caractacus helped the Romans to conquer Britain, did
not they?
4. What remains did the Roman soldiers leave in Britain?
Контрольное задание № 7
Задание №1.Просмотритетекст, постарайтесь понять основное
William of Normandy
1. The son of the Ethelred the Unready, Edward, lived in Normandy, after
his parents saved there, Edward was brought up there. He was called The
Confessor because he grew in a monastery and cared more for a quiet,
learned life, and for attending services at churches than for fighting or
looking after business.
2. When the English had enough of Danish kings, Edward was called
back to be king, but he was not at all fitted to take part in all those fightings in his fatherland during such difficult and anxious period of time. He
brought many Norman nobles with him, and the people were discontent
of it. Edward’s greatest pleasure was in building churches, and the most
beautiful of all was the Abbey of Westminster. Edward’s personal tastes
inclined mush more to foreigners than to Englishmen.
3. In 1042 Edward’s brother died and all the people received Edward to
be the king. It is said that Edward promised his cousin, William of Normandy, that he should be the king of England after his death; in any case,
William decided to become the king. Edward died and he was buried in
the fine new church, finished only a few days before. The day after the
weeping people had crowded the Westminster Abbey to see the funeral of
Edward, they came back again to crown the successor whom they had
chosen – Harold, the son of Earl Godwin. They knew well that he was
brave and wise and that he hated the Normans.
4. When William heard that Harold became king after Edward, he was
furious, and at once set to work to get an army and a fleet to invade England and secure the crown which he wanted to have so much. He said
Harold had promised him the kingdom as well as Edward; but no one
could really promise this, because in those days it was the people’s right
to chose whom they wanted to have.
5. When William with his army and fleet landed near Hastings, on the
south coast, Harold was at York. He marched his army south by great
Roman road to London in nine days. The battle that followed at Hastings
is one of the great battles of history. Harold took up a strong position on a
hill, and so long as his footmen – for he had no cavalry – kept to their
cover William’s horsemen and archers produced little effect. The duke’s
only hope was to induce the English to leave their position, and this he
succeeded in doing by feigning retreat. Harold’s irregular forces broke
away and were immediately charged and annihilated by the Norman cavalry. The English centre still stood firm, and only gave way when Harold
fell, wounded in the eye by an arrow. The English did their best, but they
had no second army to oppose the enemies, and the Conqueror’s army
was too strong for them. So Harold was killed, and the bravest and best
men of England fell fighting around him. As a result, the battle of Hastings gave the crown of England to William of Normandy.
Задание №2. Перепишите и письменно переведите 3 ,5 абзацы.
Задание №3. Переведите следующие словосочетания из текста на
русский язык.
To bring up; to attend services at churches; to look after business; to be
called back; to be fitted; to take part in; anxious period of time; to be discontent of smth; the greatest pleasure; personal tastes; in any case; to be
buried; a fine new church; weeping people; to be furious; to secure the
crown; to take up a strong position; archers produced little effect; to stand
firm; to do one’s best; to oppose the enemies; to leave one’s position.
Задание №4.Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих
русских слов и словосочетаний.
Спасаться; монастырь; отчизна; склоняться к ч-л; иностранец;
толпиться; похороны; преемник; флот; пехотинцы; лучники;
всадник; побудить; уничтожать; ранить; вторгаться.
Задание №5.Переведите на английский язык слова в скобках,
используя текст.
1. The English (были недовольны) that Edward (привел) many Norman
(дворян) with him to England.
2. Edward’s greatest pleasure was (строительство церквей)
3. Harold was (смел и мудр) and he (ненавидел) the Normans.
4. William of Normandy (был в ярости) when he found out that Harold
(стал королем)
5. William (побудил) the English (оставить свою позицию) by feigning
Задание №6.Найдите в тексте предложения, характеризующие:
1. The English wanted Edward to be the king.
2. Edward’s greatest pleasure.
3. People chose Harold as a successor.
4. William found out that Harold became king.
5. William landed near Hastings.
Задание №7. Письменно ответьте на следующие вопросы по
1. Why was Edward called the Confessor?
2. What did Edward promise William of Normandy?
3. Why did the English choose Harold as the successor?
4. Who won the battle at Hastings?
Образование множественного числа
Множественное число имен существительных образуется при
помощи суффиксов -s, -es.
Имена существительные, оканчивающиеся на -s, -ss, -x, -sh, -tch, о, образуют множественное число при помощи суффикса -es. В
остальных случаях используется суффикс -s.
Имена существительные, оканчивающиеся на -у с предшествующим согласным, образуют множественное число при помощи
суффикса -es, причем -у переходит в -i , например: family — families,
army — armies.
Если перед -у стоит гласная, то во множественном числе
прибавляется суффикс -s, например: ways, plays, days.
Имена существительные, оканчивающиеся на -f, -fe, образуют
множественное число при помощи суффикса -es, причем -f
переходит в -v, например: life — lives, half — halves, shelf — shelves.
Некоторые имена существительные образуют множественное
число путем изменения корневой гласной, например: man — men,
woman — women, tooth — teeth, foot — feet.
Некоторые имена существительные, заимствованные из
греческого и латинского языков, сохранили множественное число,
свойственное этим языкам:
analysis - анализ
crisis - кризис
datum - данная величина,
nucleus - ядро
radius - радиус
phenomenon - явление
analyses - анализы
crises - кризисы
data - данные
nuclei - ядра
radii - радиусы
phenomena – явления
Имена существительные, оканчивающиеся на -ics, употребляются
обычно в единственном числе. Конечная -s не является в данном
случае показателем множественного числа. К этой группе имен
существительных относятся названия некоторых наук: mathematics,
physics, mechanics, optics, linguistics, politics, economics и т. п.
Имя существительное means “средство, средства”, не меняя своей
формы, употребляется как в единственном, так и во множественном
числе, например:
1. Affixation is a means of word-building.
2. There are some effective means of increasing storage capacity.
Имя существительное news “новости” употребляется с глаголом в
единственном числе, например: What is the news this morning?
Имя существительное people “народ, люди” употребляется с
глаголом во множественном числе. Форма множественного числа
peoples имеет значение “народности, национальности”.
Падежи имен существительных
Имена существительные в английском языке имеют всего два
падежа, общий и притяжательный. Падежные отношения
передаются в основном при помощи предлогов:
of — родительный падеж: (кого? чего?). A piece of chalk — Кусок
to — дательный падеж (кому? чему?). Не gave this book to his friend
— Он дал эту книгу своему другу; with, by — творительный падеж
(кем? чем?). She writes with a pen — Она пишет ручкой.
Притяжательный падеж передает отношения принадлежности.
Признаком притяжательного падежа является суффикс -s', во
множественном числе только апостроф ‘, например: the judges’s decision, the grand jury’s verdict, witnesses’ evidence.
Имена существительные, не имеющие -s во множественном
числе, образуют притяжательный падеж при помощи –‘s, например:
children's room. Имена существительные, оканчивающиеся в
единственном числе на -s, принимают либо -'s, либо -', например:
Dickens' novels или Dickens's novels; Venus' atmosphere или Venus's
Слова-определители имени существительного
К данной группе относятся строевые слова, которые указывают,
что знаменательное слово, перед которым стоит определитель,
является именем существительным. Определителями являются: 1)
артикли a, an, the; 2) местоимения my, his, her, its, our, your, their;
this, these, that, those; much, many, few, little; some, any, no; each, every.
Неопределенный артикль a (an). Определенный артикль the.
Артикль ставится либо непосредственно перед именем существительным, когда перед ним нет определений, либо перед первым из
этих определений. A book, an apple, the plane; a large box. The special
children swimming pool.
Основные значения артиклей
A (an) - один; один из ...; какой-то.
В соответствии с этим значением артикль a (an) употребляется
только с исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе.
The - этот; о котором говорилось выше; определенный;
подразумеваемый; единственный в своем роде.
Артикль the употребляется с именами существительными как в
единственном, так и во множественном числе.
The room is not empty. - Комната (эта, определенная, о которой
уже говорилось) не пустая.
There is a table and some
В ней есть (один) стол и не
chairs in it.
сколько стульев.
Не is a student of our
Он студент (один из ..., какой- то)
нашего института.
Артиклю a (an) соответствует во множественном числе нулевой
Не is a student.
I write with a pencil.
They are students.
We use pencils for writing.
Артикль не ставится перед именами собственными: His name is
Pavlov. Paris is the capital of France. Ho: the Ukraine, the Crimea, the
Перед географическими названиями, состоящими из нарицательного имени существительного с определениями, употребляется артикль the: the United States of America, the Indian Ocean,
the Black Sea.
Перед именами существительными, которые обозначают
отвлеченные понятия или названия веществ, артикль не ставится:
We breathe the air which consists mainly of oxygen and nitrogen. Beauty is the quality of nature.
me — меня, мне
mу — мой, моя,
he — он
him — его, ему
she — она
her — ее, ей
it — он, она, оно it — его, ее, ей, ему
we — мы
us — нас, нам,
you — вы
you — вас, вам
they — они
them — их, им
his — его
her — ее
its — его, ее
our — наш, наша, наше
your — ваш, ваша,
their — их
Возвратные (усилительные) местоимения
Единственное число
Множественное число
himself сам, себя
сами, себя
Указательные местоимения
Единственное число
Множественное число
this — этот
these- эти
that — тот
those — те
Вопросительные местоимения
who? — кто?
what? — что? какой?
whose? — чей? чья? чье?
which? — который?
whom? — кого? Кому?
Местоимения some, any, no и их производные
В утвердительных предложениях:
somebody, someone
что-нибудь кто-нибудь
В вопросительных предложениях:
anybody, anyone
В отрицательных предложениях:
not...anybody not... anywhere
not... anyone nowhere
no one
В предложениях всех типов:
все, каждый
Местоимения much, many, little, few
Much “много”, little “мало” употребляются с неисчисляемыми
именами существительными, например: much water — много воды,
little time — мало времени; many “много”, few “мало”
употребляются с исчисляемыми именами существительными,
например: many books — много книг, few chairs — мало стульев; a
few “несколько”, a little “немного”.
Сравнение значений few — a few, little — a little.
1. There are few chairs in
В комнате мало стульев
the room.
(нужно принести еще несколько).
2. There are two tables and
В комнате два стола и несколько
а few chairs in the room.
стульев (комната не пустая).
3. There is little I know about this
Я мало что (недостаточно)
знаю об этой стране.
4. There is a little water in
В бутылке есть немного воды the
(бутылка не пустая).
Местоимения — заместители имени существительного
That, these, those, one — употребляются вместо имени
существительного, чтобы избежать его повторения в предложении.
В русском переводе данное имя существительное повторяется.
This book contains the ammendments to the civil code as well as criminal one.
Эта книга содержит поправки и к гражданскому кодексу и к
уголовному кодексу.
1 — one
2 — two
3 — three
4 — four
5— five
6 — six
7 — seven
8 — eight
9 — nine
10 — ten
11 —eleven
12 — twelve
13 — thirteen
14 — fourteen
15 — fifteen
16 — sixteen
17 — seventeen
18 — eighteen
19 — nineteen
20 — twenty
Количественные числительные
30 — thirty
40 — forty
50 — fifty
60 — sixty
70 — seventy
80 — eighty
90 — ninety
100 — a (one) hundred
105 — one hundred and five
143 —one hundred and forty-three
200 — two hundred
300 — three hundred
468 — four hundred and sixty-eight
1000 — a (one) thousand
1248 — one thousand two hundred and forty-eight
6000 — six thousand
100,000 — a hundred thousand
21 — twenty-one
22 — twenty-two
26 — twenty-six
1,000,000 — a (one) million
Порядковые числительные
1-й — the first
13-й — the thirteenth
2-й — the second
14-й — the fourteenth и т. д.
3-й — the third
20-й — the twentieth
4-й — the fourth
25-й - the twenty-fifth
5-й — the fifth
30-й — the thirtieth
6-й — the sixth
40-й — the fortieth
7-й — the seventh
80-й — the eightieth
8-й — the eighth
90-й — the ninetieth
9-й — the ninth
100-й — the hundredth
10-й — the tenth
1000-й — the thousandth
11-й — the eleventh
1 000 000-й — the millionth и т. д.
12-й — the twelfth
April 10,
February 22,
Чтение дат
— 1) April the tenth, nineteen seventy-nine;
2) The tenth of April, nineteen seventy-nine.
— 1) February the twenty-second, eighteen zero nine;
2) The twenty-second of February, eighteen zero
Степени сравнения
Сравнительная степень односложных и некоторых двусложных
прилагательных и наречий образуется при помощи суффикса -ег.
Превосходная степень — при помощи суффикса -est, например:
the shortest
самый короткий, кратчайший
the cleverest
самый умный
Если односложное прилагательное представляет собой закрытый
слог, оканчивающийся одной согласной, то при добавлении
суффиксов -ег, -est эта согласная удваивается, например:
big — bigger — the biggest; hot — hotter — the hottest
Если односложное прилагательное оканчивается “немым” е, то при
добавлении суффиксов -ег, -est “немое” е опускается, например:
large — larger — the largest; fine — finer — the finest.
Если основа прилагательного оканчивается на у с предшествующей
согласной, то при добавлении -ег, -est у переходит в i, например:
dry — drier — the driest; happy — happier — the happiest.
Сравнительная и превосходная степень многосложных
прилагательных и наречий образуется при помощи служебных слов,
соответственно more, (the) most, например:
more important
the most important
более важный
самый важный
more rapidly
most rapidly
быстрее всего.
Прилагательные и наречия,
степени сравнения которых образуются не по правилам
the best
the most
the worst
the least
В системе глагола есть два основных класса: личные и неличные
формы. Личные формы характеризуются залогом, видом (аспектом),
временем, числом и лицом. Они монофункциональны: выполняют
функцию сказуемого или входят в состав сказуемого. Никаких
других функций, кроме сказуемого, личные формы глагола
выполнять не могут.
Неличные формы характеризуются залогом и видом (аспектом).
Они могут выполнять в предложении любую функцию, кроме
сказуемого. К неличным формам относятся инфинитив, причастие и
Основные формы глагола
Глагольными формами, которые лежат в основе образования всех
сложных форм залога, вида и времени, являются:
1. инфинитив (The Infinitive)—to ask—спрашивать
to break — ломать
2. простое прошедшее время — asked — спрашивал
(The Past Indefinite Tense) broke — ломал
3. Причастие (The Participle) — asked — спрошенный
broken — сломанный
4. Инговая форма (the Ing-form)-asking-спрашивающий, спрашивая ;
breaking - ломающий, ломая.
Все глаголы образуют инфинитив при помощи частицы to,
которая ставится перед основой глагола. Инговую форму все
глаголы также образуют одинаково: при помощи суффикса -ing,
который прибавляется к основе.
По образованию простого прошедшего времени и причастия все
глаголы делятся на стандартные и нестандартные. У стандартных
глаголов эти формы совпадают, они образуются при помощи
суффикса -ed, который прибавляется к основе глагола.
Нестандартные глаголы образуют эти формы по-разному. Они
даются в специальных списках и таблицах.
Стандартные to work
to obtain obtained
Нестандартные to go
to come came
При добавлении суффикса -ed, -ing к основе глагола
соблюдаются следующие правила написания:
1. Если основа глагола оканчивается “немым” е, то при добавлении суффиксов -ed, -ing это “немое” е опускается: to live - lived
- living, to receive - received - receiving.
2. Если основа глагола оканчивается на у с предшествующей
согласной, то при добавлении суффикса –ed “у” переходит в “i”, а
при добавлении суффикса -ing “у” сохраняется: to study - studied studying, to carry - carried - carrying. Если перед “у” стоит гласная, то
“у” сохраняется: то enjoy - enjoyed - enjoying, to play – played playing.
3. Если основа глагола оканчивается согласной с предшествующей
гласной и эта гласная произносится кратко, то конечная согласная
удваивается: to stop – stopped - stopping, to submit - submitted - submitting.
4. Если основа глагола оканчивается буквой “r “и ей предшествует
ударная гласная, то “r” удваивается: to occur - occurred — occurring,
to refer - referred - referring, to prefer - preferred - preferring.
Личные формы глагола
характеризуются: 1) залогом (действительным, active voice;
страдательным, passive voice); 2) аспектом, или видом (indefinite,
continuous, perfect, perfect continuous); 3) временем (настоящим- present; прошедшим- past; будущим- future); 4) числом (единственным,
множественным); 5) лицом (первым “I, we”; вторым “you”; третьим
“he, she, it, they”).
Глагол to be — быть
I am
I was
I shall be
he is
he was
he will be
she is
she was
she will be
it is
it was
it will be
we are
we were
we shall be
you are
you were
you will be
they are
they were
they will be
Вопросительная форма
Is he a student?
Was he a student?
Is she a teacher?
Was she a teacher?
Are they at home?
Were they at home?
Will he be a teacher?
Will they be at home?
Отрицательная форма
He is not a student. He was not a student. He will hot be She is not a
teacher. She was not a teacher, a teacher. They are not at home. They
were not at home. They will not be at home.
Для научного стиля типичны формы Present Indefinite, Past Indefinite,
Present Perfect, реже встречаются Future Indefinite, Present Continuous, Past Perfect. Единичными случаями представлены Past Continuous, Present Perfect Continuous. Формы Future Continuous, Future Perfect, Future Perfect Continuous, Past Perfect Continuous в научной
литературе практически не употребляются.
Вопросительная и отрицательная формы
Простые времена, Present Indefinite и Past Indefinite, образуют
вопросительную и отрицательную формы при помощи
вспомогательного глагола to do соответственно do, does и did, при
этом смысловой глагол употребляется в форме инфинитива без
частицы to. В вопросительной форме вспомогательный глагол
ставится перед подлежащим, в отрицательной, вместе с отрицанием
not, после подлежащего, например:
She studies English — Does she study English? — No, she does not
study English.
They speak French — Do they speak French? — No, they do not speak
He studied English last year — Did he study English last year? — No, he
did not study English last year.
They went home late — Did they go home late? — No, they did not go
home late.
Сложные времена образуют вопросительную форму путем
постановки первого вспомогательного глагола перед подлежащим, а
отрицательную форму путем постановки частицы not после первого
вспомогательного глагола, например:
Is he working now? — No, he is not working now. Have you studied
English? — No, I have not studied English.
Have you been working here long? — No, I have not been working here
Глагол to have в качестве смыслового глагола со значением
“иметь”, “обладать” образует вопросительную и отрицательную
формы с помощью вспомогательного глагола to do, в последнем
случае вместо вспомогательного глагола to do и отрицания not
возможно употребление отрицательных местоимений no, none:
например: Do you have any journals in applied mathematics? — No, I
don't (do not) have any. (No, I have none. I have no journals in applied
В выражениях типа to have a lesson, to have trouble, to have difficulties в вопросительной форме употребляются только формы глагола
do; в отрицательной форме употребляются либо формы глагола do и
отрицания not, либо отрицательные местоимения no, none,
например: How often do you have English lessons? Do you have any
trouble with that equipment? — No, we don't (do not) have any trouble
with it. (No, we have no trouble with it).
Следует особо отметить, что, в отличие от русского языка, в
английском предложении может быть только одно отрицание. Ниже
приведенному русскому предложению с тремя отрицаниями
соответствует английское предложение с одним отрицанием:
Он нам никогда ничего об этом не говорил.— Не has never told us
anything about it.
Оборот there is, there are
Этот оборот обычно стоит в начале предложения.
Утвердительная форма
There is a book on the table.
На столе имеется книга.
Вопросительная форма
Is there any book on the table? На столе есть какая-нибудь книга?
Отрицательная форма
There isn't any book on the table. - На столе нет никакой книги.
There is no book on the table.
Основные случаи употребления видо-временных форм
The Indefinite (Simple) Tenses
The Present Indefinite Tense употребляется для выражения
обычных, регулярных, постоянных действий или состояний, часто
употребляется с такими словами, как often, usually, sometimes, never,
always, occasionally, которые ставятся после глагола to do, но перед
всеми остальными глаголами.
Children don't go to school in August. В августе дети в школу не
They have seminars on Wednesdays. По средам у них семинары.
Не usually leaves home at 9.
Он обычно уходит из дому в 9.
The Past Indefinite Tense употребляется для выражения действий,
законченных в прошлом в определенное время. Обычно указывается
либо на точное время завершения действия, либо период, в течение
которого действие происходило. Время действия может также
подразумеваться из контекста. Это время часто употребляется с
такими фразами, как two years ago, for five years, last year, yesterday,
last month, on the 2nd of July, for a long time.
She worked at our Institute for six years.- Она работала в нашем
институте. шесть лет (это было давно, сейчас она работает в другом
They lived in Moscow for а long time. - Они долго жили в Москве
(сейчас они живут другом городе).
I wasn't at the library yesterday - Вчера я не был в библиотеке.
The Future Indefinite Tense часто используется для выражения
предположений, размышлений, мнений относительно действия в
будущем, которое может вводиться такими глаголами, как think,
know, believe, doubt, suppose, assume, expect, be sure, be afraid и т. п.
I'm sure they will succeed in solving the problem - Я уверен, что им
удастся решить эту задачу.
I'm afraid he will not be able to pass his examination. - Боюсь, что он не
сможет сдать экзамен.
The Continuous Tenses
The Present Continuous Tense используется для выражения
незавершенного действия, происходящего в данный момент.
What are you doing?
Что вы делаете?
I am writing a letter to my friend.
Я пишу письмо другу.
Кроме того, это время используется для выражения
преднамеренного действия, которое должно совершиться в
ближайшем будущем. I'm leaving for Moscow tomorrow morning.
Завтра утром я уезжаю в Москву.
The Past Continuous Tense используется для выражения действия,
которое протекало в течение некоторого периода времени в
Yesterday she was listening to the radio all evening. - Вчера она
слушала радио весь вечер.
When I came in, he was talking on the phone - Когда я вошел, он
говорил по телефону.
The Future Continuous Tense используется для выражения
будущего непреднамеренного действия.
She will be writing letters tomorrow morning, - Завтра утром она будет
писать письма (это ее обязанность, она делает это каждое утро).
The Perfect Tenses
The Present Perfect Tense используется для выражения действия,
тесно связанного с настоящим моментом. Оно широко
употребляется в разговорной речи, а также в официальном стиле (в
газетных статьях, на радио и телевидении). Это время часто
употребляется с такими словами, как just, lately, recently, yet.
They have just completed the experiment. - Они только что закончили
Оно употребляется также с обстоятельственными словами,
обозначающими незавершенный отрезок времени, такими, как today,
this week, this year.
Have you seen him this morning? - Вы видели его сегодня утром?
(Предполагается, что вопрос задан до 12 ч. дня, когда утреннее
время еще не истекло).
Did you see him this morning? - Вы видели его сегодня утром? (Этот
вопрос может быть задан только днем или вечером, когда утро
The Past Perfect Tense употребляется в основном для выражения
действия, завершенного к определенному моменту в прошлом.
Не had just finished his home work when the phone rang. - Как только
он закончил свою домашнюю работу, зазвонил телефон.
The Future Perfect Tense употребляется для выражения действия,
которое завершится к определенному моменту в будущем.
By the 15th July they will have completed the experiment - К 15 июля
они уже закончат эксперимент
The Perfect Continuous Tenses
The Present Perfect Continuous Tense употребляется для выражения
действия, которое началось в прошлом, продолжается в настоящее
время и переходит в будущее.
I have been working at this institute for five years now. - Я работаю в
этом институте уже пять лет (и дальше буду здесь работать).
Страдательный залог
The Passive Voice
Все временные формы глагола в страдательном залоге образуются
по одному правилу:to be в соответствующем времени + причастие
(3-я основная форма глагола).
Вопросительная форма образуется путем постановки первого
вспомогательного глагола перед подлежащим
Will they be asked?
Have you been asked?
Отрицательная форма образуется при помощи отрицания, которое
ставится после первого вспомогательного глагола:
They have not been asked.
Значение страдательного залога
Основное значение глагольных форм в страдательном залоге
состоит в том, что действие, выраженное ими, направлено на
подлежащее. Подлежащее не выполняет это действие, а испытывает
его на себе, “страдает” от него. Исполнитель действия часто вообще
не указан, а если указан, то им является дополнение с предлогом bу.
Действительный залог
Страдательный залог
Не asked me a question.
He was asked a question.
Подлежащее he выполняет
Подлежащее he не
действие сказуемого asked:
действия сказуемого was
askedОн задал мне вопрос,
Ему задали вопрос.
В русском языке данное значение редко выражается при помощи
глагольных форм страдательного залога, поскольку далеко не все
русские глаголы имеют эти формы. Наиболее распространенным
способом выражения этого значения являются, так называемые,
неопределенно-личные предложения типа:
Мне сказали, его
попросили, об этом много говорят и т. п. Поэтому данные
предложения и являются самым распространенным способом
перевода на русский язык английских предложений со сказуемым в
страдательном залоге, если не указан исполнитель действия.
Другими способами перевода являются:
1) глаголы с частицей -ся
A big house is being built in
На нашей улице строится
our street.
большой дом.
2) русские глагольные формы страдательного залога
This novel was written in the
Этот роман был написан в
XIX century.
XIX в.
3) соответствующие предложения со сказуемым в действительном
залоге. Этот способ можно использовать в том случае, если в
английском предложении указан исполнитель действия сказуемого,
т. е. когда в предложении имеется дополнение с предлогом by.
The meeting was attended by
Все сотрудники нашего отдела
all research workers of our deприсутствовали на собрании.
В английском языке имеется определенная зависимость времени
глагола в придаточном предложении от времени глагола в главном
предложении. Правило согласования времен относится, главным
образом, к дополнительным придаточным предложениям.
Главное предложение Придаточное предложение
He said
he studied English. Он сказал, что изучает
He said he was studying English Он сказал, что изучает
at the Institute.
английский в институте
He said the engineer had been
Он сказал, что инженер
in the laboratory
He said the engineer would be Он сказал, что инженер
the laboratory.
Неличными формами глагола, как уже указывалось выше,
являются инфинитив, причастие, инговая форма. Они могут входить
в состав сложных глагольных форм, употребляться в качестве
самостоятельных членов предложения и входить в состав
предикативных конструкций.
Употребление неличных форм глагола в качестве самостоятельных
членов предложения:
Причастие (obtained, produced, taken, begun) употребляется в
научной речи, главным образом в функции определения. В русском
языке ему соответствует страдательное причастие: obtained полученный, written - написанный, taken - взятый. The applied load приложенная нагрузка, considered case- рассмотренное дело.
In our studies we used the
В своих исследованиях мы
theory advanced by a group
использовали теорию, выдвиof scientists of our Institute
нутую группой ученых нашего института.
Инговая форма может выполнять в предложении функции
подлежащего, дополнения, определения и обстоятельства. Кроме
того, она может быть частью составного сказуемого Типичными для
научной речи являются функции определения, предложного
дополнения и обстоятельства. Инговая форма изменяется
следующим образом:
Active Voice
Passive Voice
being asked
having asked
having been asked
В научной речи употребляется преимущественно простая форма
(Indefinite, Active Voice - asking). Перфектные формы встречаются в
функции обстоятельства, пассивные формы — в предикативных
В русском языке простой инговой форме соответствуют:
1) причастие действительного залога (с суффиксами -ущ-, -ющ-, ащ-, -ящ-);
2) деепричастие (с суффиксами -а, -я);
3) отглагольное имя существительное
reading- 1) читающий
2) читая
3) чтение.
1. They used an equation des- Они использовали уравнение,
cribing the behaviour of
описывающее поведение
движущихся частиц.
2. Looking through the jourПросматривая журналы, он
nals he came across an arувидел статью по своей спеticle in his field.
3. The task consists in produЗадача состоит в получении
cing as much of the mate(производстве) как можно
rial as possible.
большего количества этого
4. These problems were solved
Эти задачи были решены приby applying some recently
менением недавно разрабоdeveloped methods of calculation. танных методов вычисления.
Инфинитив, как и инговая форма, может быть в предложении
подлежащим, дополнением, определением и обстоятельством.
Кроме того, он может быть частью составного сказуемого.
Типичными для научной речи являются функции обстоятельства
цели и следствия, определения и части составного сказуемого.
Инфинитив изменяется следующим образом:
Active Voice
Passive Voice
to ask
to be asked
Continuous to be asking
to have asked
to have been asked
Инфинитив цели стоит либо перед подлежащим, либо после
сказуемого. На русский язык он переводится неопределенной
формой глагола с предшествующим “чтобы”, “для того, чтобы”.
Перед инфинитивом цели может стоять “in order to”.
1. To understand the phenomenon
Чтобы понять это явление,
the following analogy
рассмотрели следующую
was considered.
2. They applied the new techОни использовали эту новую
nique in their experiment
методику в своем эксперименте,
in order to test its reliability.
чтобы проверить ее
Инфинитив следствия соотносится обычно с наречиями too,
enough, sufficiently и прилагательными sufficient, а также с so ... as,
such ... as.
1. The data are not sufficient
Этих данных недостаточно,
to give reliable results,
чтобы получить (чтобы они
могли дать) надежные
2. This method is too compliЭтот метод слишком сложный,
cated to be used in the exчтобы его использовать
в данном эксперименте.
3. The error is so small as to
Эта погрешность настолько
be easily neglected,
мала, что ею легко можно
Инфинитив-определение стоит обычно после определяемого
имени существительного и вместе с относящимися к нему словами
переводится на русский язык придаточным определительным
предложением, причем сказуемое этого предложения может иметь
либо модальный оттенок значения (следует, можно), либо значение
будущего времени.
1. The problem to be conside- Вопрос, который следует
red is rather simple,
рассмотреть, довольно простой.
2. They presented evidence to Они представили доказательство,
support their point of view. которое подтверждало (поддерживало) их точку зрения.
4. The substance to be studied.
Вещество, которое предстоит
is intended for use in agriизучить, предназначено для
использования в сельском
Инфинитив в качестве компонента именного составного
сказуемого употребляется в основном с глаголом-связкой to be,
который может иметь одну из форм Indefinite или Perfect. Сам
инфинитив употребляется в данном случае только в форме
Indefinite, Active Voice — to come, to produce и т. п. Подлежащим
при таком сказуемом чаще являются слова со значением “метод”,
“цель”, “задача”: method, approach, procedure, way, technique,
purpose, objective, aim, goal, problem, task.
Глагол to be переводится на русский язык словами “состоит в том,
чтобы”, “заключается в том, чтобы”.
1. The object of their experiЦель эксперимента состояла
ment has been to find the
в том, чтобы найти связь
connection between the two
между этими двумя видами
kinds of particles.
2. Our task was to determine
Наша задача заключалась в
the rate of the reaction.
том, чтобы определить скорость реакции.
Инфинитив в качестве компонента модального составного
сказуемого употребляется после модальных глаголов can, must, may
(без частицы to) и после глаголов to have, to be (с частицей to).
В модальном составном сказуемом с глаголом to be в отличие от
идентичного по форме именного составного сказуемого
употребляются только формы is, are, was, were, а инфинитив может
быть как в действительном, так и в страдательном залоге, причем
преобладают формы страдательного залога.
1. This substance is to be
С этим веществом нужно обhandled with great care.
ращаться очень осторожно.
2. This element is to be found Этот элемент можно найти
free in nature.
в свободном виде в природе.
Предикативные конструкции и обороты с неличными формами
Инговая форма и причастие могут быть одним из главных
конструкции, или независимого причастного оборота. По
структуре эта конструкция сходна с предложением, с той лишь
разницей, что здесь функцию вторичного сказуемого выполняют
инговая форма или причастие. Данная конструкция может стоять
перед, в середине и после основного предложения. В двух
последних случаях она, как правило, отделяется занятой. Этой
конструкции может предшествовать предлог with.
Абсолютная причастная конструкция, стоящая перед основным
предложением, переводится на русский язык придаточным
предложением с союзами “если”, “так как”, “когда”. В середине и
после основного предложения — независимым предложением,
которое может вводится словами “а, и, причем”, “при этом”.
1. The objects being of the sa- Если температура тел
те temperature, the average
одинакова, то средняя энергия
energy of motion of their
движения их молекул
molecules is the same
2. The solution was electroly- Электролиз раствора провоzed under a blanket of niдился в атмосфере азота,
trogen, a mercury pool beпри этом ртутная ванна
ing used as a cathode and
использовалась в качестве
carbon rod as anodе.
катода, а углеродный стер
жень в качестве анода.
Инфинитив входит в состав целого ряда предикативных
комплексов и конструкций. Типичными для научной литературы
можно считать обороты “именительный падеж с инфинитивом”,
“объектный падеж с инфинитивом”, оборот с предлогом for (Forphrase).
Оборот “ именительный падеж с инфинитивом” характеризуется
очень высокой частотой употребления в научной литературе. Этот
оборот включает три компонента: имя существительное
(подлежащее) — личную форму глагола (сказуемое) — инфинитив.
Особенностью данного оборота является тот факт, что смысловым
сказуемым к данному подлежащему является инфинитив, а личная
форма глагола служит сказуемым к подлежащему и инфинитиву
вместе взятым. Это можно показать следующим образом:
The cross section models are assumed to remain the same over the energy range.
В русском переводе данного предложения подлежащему и
инфинитиву соответствуют подлежащее и сказуемое, а личная
форма - сказуемое передается неопределенно-личной формой
соответствующего русского глагола.
Предполагается, что модели поперечного сечения остаются
одинаковыми по всему энергетическому диапазону.
В английском языке имеется конструкция, синонимичная
рассматриваемому обороту и сходная по структуре с приведенным
выше русским предложением:
It is assumed that the cross section models remain the same over the
whole energy range.
Второй компонент оборота может быть выражен лишь
определенной группой глаголов.
Ниже приводится список глаголов, которые употребляются в
форме страдательного залога; N обозначает подлежащее, to V —
N is found to V — найдено, обнаружено
N is assumed to V — предполагается
N is expected to V — ожидается
N is shown to V — показано
N is said to V — говорят
N is considered to V — считают
N is required to V — требуется
N is known to V — известно
N is taken to V — считают, предполагают
N is seen to V — видно, можно видеть
N is believed to V — считают, полагают
N is observed to V — наблюдается
N is through! to V — думают, считают
N is supposed to V — предполагают
N is reported to V — сообщают
N is proved to V — доказано
N is estimated to V — считают, предполагают, по оценке, по
В действительном залоге употребляются следующие глаголы:
is likely
turn out
вероятно, по-видимому
Оборот “объектный падеж с инфинитивом” также является
трехчленным. В его состав входят глагол в личной форме
(сказуемое), имя существительное (или местоимение) и инфинитив.
Глагол в личной форме употребляется только в действительном
залоге. Имя существительное и инфинитив переводятся на русский
язык дополнительным придаточным предложением. Если вместо
существительного употребляется личное местоимение, то оно стоит
в объектном падеже.
They found the densities to be independent of the copper concentrations.
Они обнаружили, что плотность не зависит от концентраций меди.
They considered him to be able to do the job. Они считали, что он
может выполнять эту работу.
Сказуемое выражается чаще всего глаголами:
to expect — ожидать
to find — находить, обнаружить
to assume — предполагать to require требовать to take — считать,
to show - показывать
to choose- решать, предпочитать
Оборот с предлогом for включает два компонента: имя
существительное с предлогом for и инфинитив. Особенностью этого
оборота является его полифункциональность: в предложении он
может быть подлежащим, частью именного составного сказуемого,
обстоятельством цели или следствия, определением. На русский
язык этот оборот чаще всего переводится соответствующим
существительному с предлогом for соответствует подлежащее, а
инфинитиву — сказуемое.
For this to be reasonable the Для того, чтобы это было
effects of fluid momentum
приемлемым, влияние инерции
must be small,
движущейся жидкости
должно быть небольшим.
There is one more point for him
Имеется еще один вопрос,
to account for .
который он должен объяснить.
The main thing to be achieОсновное, чего следовало дос73
ved was for their calculations
тичь, это то, чтобы их вычислеto be in good agreement with
ния хорошо согласовывались с
experimental data.
экспериментальными данными
(часть именного составного сказуемого)
Модальные глаголы не называют действие или состояние, а
выражают лишь отношение лица (подлежащего) к действию или
состоянию, выраженному инфинитивом, то есть имеют значение
возможности, вероятности или необходимости совершения данного
действия или данного состояния.
Модальные глаголы отличаются от других глаголов следующими
- они не изменяются по лицам и числам,
- они не употребляются в повелительном наклонении,
- они не требуют вспомогательных глаголов для образования
вопросительной и отрицательной формы.
Наиболее употребительными модальными глаголами являются
саn (физическая или моральная возможность совершения действия)
(could, to be able to)
One can use computers for making complex calculations.
must (долженствование, вытекающее из закона, правила,
устоявшегося порядка)
The atom must be used for the good of mankind.
to have to (необходимость, вытекающая из сложившихся
The researcher must examine the results of the experiments made in the
to be to (запланированность действия)
They were to begin their experiments several weeks ago.
may (разрешение, позволение) (to be allowed to)
The engineers may examine this device in detail.
В языке научной литературы действие, выраженное перфектным
инфинитивом, обычно относится к прошедшему времени. Глагол
must с последующим Perfect Infinitive переводится должен был,
должно быть, вероятно, глагол could – возможно, мог, мог бы, may –
возможно, может быть, might – мог бы.
He must have found about the conference from the invitation.
Он, вероятно, узнал о конференции из приглашения.
I could have gone to the conference, but I was not invited.
Я мог бы поехать на конференцию, но я не был приглашен.
The students might have made the experiment more carefully.
Студенты могли бы провести эксперимент более внимательно.
Тип предложения
1 тип. Реальное
будущему времени.
2 тип.
будущему времени
3тип. Нереальное
Present Indefinite
If we receive the
new results,
Past Indefinite
If there were no
Главное предложение
Past Perfect
worked hard last
Should (would, could, might)+ Perfect Infinitive
You would have passed your exams.
Future Indefinite
We shall inform you.
Should (would, could, might)+ Indefinite Infinitive
The surface of the earth would become too hot by day and cold by
Учебное издание
Сурменкова Татьяна Ростиславовна
Михневич Елена Михайловна
Задания к контрольным работам
для студентов заочного факультета
специальности 1-23 03 01 – “История”
В авторской редакции
Пописано в печать____________ Формат 60x84 1/16. Бумага писчая.
№ 1. Печать на ризографе. Гарнитура «Таймс». Усл. п. л.4,1. Уч.изд.л.2,7. Тираж 25.
Учреждение образования
«Гомельский государственный университет
имени Франциска Скорины»
246019, г. Гомель, ул. Советская,104
Отпечатано в учреждение образования
«Гомельский государственный университет
имени Франциска Скорины»
246019, г. Гомель, ул. Советская,104