Сборник упражнений. Часть 2 - Новгородский государственный

Новгородский государственный университет имени Ярослава Мудрого
Великий Новгород
Автор-составитель Кокконен Е.И.
CONDITIONAL SENTENCES ................................................................................. 4
TYPE 1, TYPE 2, TYPE 3 CONDITIONAL SENTENSES....................................... 4
WISH .......................................................................................................................... 8
AS IF/AS THOUGH ................................................................................................. 10
IT’S TIME ................................................................................................................ 11
MODAL VERBS ....................................................................................................... 12
CAN .......................................................................................................................... 12
MAY ......................................................................................................................... 15
CAN OR MAY........................................................................................................... 16
MUST ....................................................................................................................... 20
HAVE TO ................................................................................................................. 24
MUST OR HAVE TO ................................................................................................ 26
ВЕ ТО ....................................................................................................................... 27
HAVE TO OR BE TO ................................................................................................ 31
NEED ........................................................................................................................ 32
SHOULD .................................................................................................................. 35
THE INFINITIVE ..................................................................................................... 37
THE GERUND .......................................................................................................... 43
Appendix 1 ............................................................................................................. 50
Appendix 2 ............................................................................................................. 51
Appendix 3 ............................................................................................................. 55
Appendix 4 ............................................................................................................. 55
Appendix 5 ............................................................................................................. 60
Conditional sentences
Ex. 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms.
1. If you pass your examination we (have) a celebration. 2. What (happen) if I press
this button? 3. You would play better bridge if you (not talk) so much. 4. If I had
known that you couldn't eat meat I (not buy) it. 5. If you go to Paris where you
(stay)? 6. If someone offered to buy you one of those rings, which you (choose)? 7.
The flight may be cancelled if the fog (get) thick. 8. If you (read) the instructions
carefully you wouldn't have answered the wrong question. 9. If the milkman (come),
tell him to leave two pints. 10. If you were made redundant what you (do)? 11.
Someone (sit) on your glasses if you leave them there. 12. You (not have) so many
accidents if you drove more slowly. 13. If you (wear) a false beard nobody would
have recognized you. 14. I could repair the roof myself if I (have) a long ladder. 15.
I'll probably get lost unless he (come) with me. 16. If she (leave) the fish there the car
will get it. 17. You'll get pneumonia if you (not change) your wet clothes. 18. She (be
able) to walk faster if her shoes hadn't such high heels. 19. I (bring) you some beer if
I had known that you were thirsty. 20. If the story hadn't been true the newspaper (not
print) it. 21. I (not buy) things on the installment system if I were you. 22. Dial 999 if
you (want) Police, Ambulance, or Fire Brigade. 23. If anyone attacked me, my dog
(jump) at his throat. 24. If he were in he (answer) the phone. 25. The ship would have
run aground if the pilot (make) one mistake. 26. I shouldn't have taken your umbrella
if I (know) that it was the only one you had. 27. If I have enough apples, I (bake) an
apple pie this afternoon. 28. If I had enough apples, I (bake) an apple pie this
afternoon. 29. If I had had enough apples yesterday I (bake) an apple pie. 30. If the
weather is nice tomorrow, we (go) to the zoo. 31. If the weather were nice today, we
(go) to the zoo. 32. If the weather had been nice yesterday, we (go) to the zoo. 33. It's
too bad Helen isn't here. If she (be) here, she (know) what to do. 34. Fred failed the
test because he didn't study. However, if he (study) for the test, he (pass) it. 35. You
should tell your father exactly what happened. If I (be) you, I (tell) him the truth as
soon as possible. 36. If I (have) my camera with me yesterday, I (take) a picture of
Alex standing on his head. 37. I'm almost ready to plant my garden. I have a lot of
seeds. Maybe I have more than I need. If I (have) more seeds than I need, I (give)
some to Nellie. 38. I got wet because I didn't take my umbrella. However, I (get, not)
wet if I (remember) to take my umbrella yesterday.
Ex. 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms (mixed conditionals).
1. It was the drug, not the disease, that killed him. He still (be) alive today if he (not
take) that drag. 2. This room's freezing because the fire has only just been lit. – If it
(be lit) this morning, as I suggested, the room (be) warm enough to sit in now. 3. I
overslept; that's why I'm half an hour late; and if my phone (not ring) at nine o'clock I
might still be in bed. 4. Why are you in such a bad temper? – Because I've been
waiting for 40 minutes in an icy wind. If you (wait) 40 minutes in an icy wind you
(be) bad-tempered, too. 5. When the weather got bad the climbing party turned back,
all except Tom and his brothers, who decided to go on. If only they (turn) back with
the others they (be) alive today. 6. You are not practical. If you (be) practical you (not
buy) such a useless thing. 7. She is not careful. If she (be) careful she (not get) into
trouble. 8. She looks tired. If she (not work) all the time she (not look) so tired now.
Ex. 3. Complete these sentences taking care to use the correct tenses.
1. If he had taken my advice... 2. If you ate less... 3. We'll send for the doctor if… 4.
If she practised more... 5. If there isn't enough wine in that bottle... 6. Try on the blue
one if... 7. If we leave before breakfast... 8. Her life might have been saved if... 9.
Unless it is a nice day... 10. He would lend it to you if... 11. If the storm becomes
worse... 12. If your uncle sees you... 13. If you tried to climb it without a guide... 14.
If I'd brought my coat... 15. If you had asked his permission... 16. If you had any
sense... 17. You would have been angry if... 18. I should have ordered more coal if...
19. If you leave the gate open... 20. He would have been drowned if... 21. If I'd had a
car... 22. If Tom rings while I'm out... 23. If I lived in the country... 24. If you want to
get to the station in time to catch the 8.10 train... 25. If you took a course in computer
programming... 26. I could have walked more quickly if my suitcase... 27. My room
would be all right if it... 28. We'll test your voice and if it is good enough... 29. Your
job sounds awful. If I were you... 30. They would have paid you more if... 31. If you
don't boil the water before you drink it... 32. He expected absolute punctuality. He
was furious if... 33. We could have got seats... 34. Mother to little boy: If you don't
eat up your rice pudding... 35. Tom (looking at his watch): We'll have to go without
Peter if... 36. She is simply terrified of rats. If she hears the rats running round your
attics she... 37. He would have given her his typewriter if... 38. I might understand
your problem better if... 39. I couldn't have fixed the bicycle if... 40. You could have
gotten the job if... 41. I might have... if I had... 42. If I could... I would... 43. If I could
have... I would have... 44. She wouldn't be so tired today if... 45. I might have helped
Ex. 4. Supply the appropriate verb.
1. I don't have a pen, but if I..., I would lend it to you.
2. He is busy right now, but if he ..., he would help us.
3. I didn't vote in the last election, but if I..., I would have voted for Senator
4. I don't have enough money, but if I..., I would buy that book.
5. The weather is cold today, but if it..., I would go swimming.
6. She didn't come, but if she..., she would have met my brother.
7. I'm not a good cook, but if I..., I would make all of my own meals.
8. I have to go to class this afternoon, but if I ..., I would go downtown with you.
9. He didn't go to a doctor, but if he ..., the cut on his hand wouldn't have gotten
10. I always pay my bills. If I... I would get in a lot of trouble.
11. Helium is lighter than air. If it ..., a helium-filled balloon wouldn't float
upward.12. I called my husband to tell him I would be late.
12. If I..., he would have gotten worried about me.
Ex. 5. Make an 'if clause' from the given information and then supply a 'result clause'
using your own words.
E.g. I wasn't late to work yesterday.
If I had been late to work yesterday, I would have missed the regular morning
1. I wasn't absent from class yesterday. 2. I don't have enough energy today. 3. Ocean
water is salty. 4. Our teacher likes his/her job. 5. I don't know how to swim. 6. You
didn't ask for my opinion. 7. It was raining yesterday. 8. He's got bad manners. 9.The
coat is too expensive. 10. Mike wasn't invited to the party. 11. She is very tired. 12.
He feels bad. 13. He works too hard. 14. We didn't book seats in advance. 15. This
book isn't on sale. 16. She has caught a bad cold. 17. I've already seen this film. 18.
She is shy.
Ex. 6. Translate into English.
Type 1 conditionals
1. Если завтра будет сильный мороз, мы не пойдем кататься на лыжах. 2.
Интересно, придет ли он. Если он придет, он будет очень удивлен. 3. Она будет
волноваться, если ты не позвонишь ей. 4. Если я найду ее адрес, я напишу ей. 5.
Они получат письмо в понедельник, если оно будет отослано сегодня. 6. Он с
удовольствием придет, если его пригласят. 7. Если я буду свободен завтра
вечером, я навещу своих родителей. 8. Если он будет работать, когда вы
вернетесь, посоветуйте ему лечь спать. 9. Если он не приедет завтра, пошлите
ему телеграмму. 10. Она рассердится, если ты сделаешь это. 11. Если у тебя
есть время, позвони Ане. 12. Я думаю, что если ей предложат эту работу, она
согласится. 13. Если вы будете усердно работать, то к концу дня закончите
работу. 14. Ты не станешь хорошим спортсменом, если не будешь много
тренироваться. 15. Его родители будут рады, если он женится на ней.
Туре 2 conditionals
1. Если бы вы знали грамматику лучше, вы бы не делали столько ошибок в
ваших упражнениях. 3. Если бы он сейчас был здесь, он, конечно, помог бы
нам. 3. Если бы не было так поздно, я бы позвонил ей сейчас. 4. Если бы она
была более терпеливой, с ней легче было бы иметь дело. 5. Я бы зашел к тебе
на следующей неделе, если бы у меня было время. 6. На вашем месте я бы
провел отпуск на юге. Я уверен, это пошло бы вам на пользу. 7. Вы бы
чувствовали себя лучше, если бы проводили больше времени на свежем
воздухе. 8. Если бы ты действительно любил читать, ты бы всегда нашел время
для чтения. 9. Если бы у него сейчас были занятия, нам пришлось бы долго
ждать. 10. Вы бы не опаздывали на занятия, если бы выходили из дому на
десять минут раньше. 11. Не будь он таким ленивым, он был бы одним из
первых учеников класса. 12. Если бы у нас было меньше багажа, мы могли бы
пойти пешком на вокзал, так как у нас достаточно времени, чтобы успеть на
поезд. 13. Она бы не теряла вещи так часто, если бы не была такой рассеянной.
14. На твоем месте я бы приняла это предложение. 15. Если бы вы знали его
лучше, вы бы не думали о нем так плохо.
Туре 3 conditionals
1. Если бы ты мне оставил записку, я бы зашел к тебе вчера. 2. Мы бы не
опоздали на поезд, если бы взяли такси. 3. Если бы я не был так занят на
прошлой неделе, я бы тоже присоединился к вашей экскурсии. 4. Если бы он не
отказался помочь нам, мы бы уже закончили работу. 5. Если бы ее попросили,
она давно прислала бы эти книги. 6. Если бы вчера не было так холодно, мы,
возможно, пошли бы на каток. 7. Мы, возможно, не заблудились бы, если бы
ночь не была такой темной. 8. Если бы ты пришел вчера на собрание, ты бы
услышал интересный доклад. 9. Если бы я знал, что тебе нужна эта книга, я бы
захватил ее с собой. 10. Я бы не сделал эту ошибку, если бы был более
внимателен, когда писал диктант. 11. Даже если бы ты позвонил мне вчера, я
бы не смог придти. 12. Он бы не упал, если бы не было так скользко. 13. Он бы
не пришел, если бы ты его не пригласил. 14. Мне потребовалось много
времени, чтобы перевести эту статью. Если бы вы дали мне хороший словарь, я
бы потратил меньше времени. 15. Я был бы очень рад, если бы вы зашли к нам
Туре 2 and type 3 conditionals mixed
1. Если бы он занимался регулярно весь семестр, он бы сейчас не боялся
экзаменов. 2. Если бы мы знали его адрес, мы бы сообщили ему о результатах
экзаменов вчера. 3. Он бы не делал столько ошибок сейчас, если бы не
пропустил столько занятий. 4. Ты бы себя хорошо сегодня чувствовал, если бы
принял вчера лекарство. 5. Вы бы лучше знали язык, если бы прочитали летом
несколько английских книг. 6. Если бы мы работали вчера больше, наша работа
была бы сейчас готова. 7. Не будь он таким рассеянным, он бы не забыл свой
чемодан в поезде. Он без конца теряет вещи. 8. Если бы мы послали письмо
вчера, они бы получили его завтра утром. 9. Если бы мы не шли так быстро, мы
не были бы такими усталыми сейчас и могли бы продолжить наш путь. 10. Если
бы я принес словарь с собой, я мог бы перевести этот документ сейчас. 11. Если
бы я не пошел к ним вчера, мы бы ничего не знали об этом даже теперь. 12.
Будь у него чувство юмора, он бы не обиделся. 13. Если бы поезд вышел
вовремя, он прибыл бы в конечный пункт завтра рано утром, 14. Если бы вы
выполнили все предписания врача, вы давно бы выздоровели и работали сейчас
вместе с нами. 15. Если бы они любили друг друга, они бы давно поженились.
Ex. 1. Rewrite the following using a wish construction (phrases in brackets should be
l. I'm sorry I haven't got a washing machine. 2. I'm sorry I don't live near my work. 3.
I'm sorry our garden doesn't get any sun. 4. I'm sorry I called him a liar. 5. I'm sorry I
don't know Finnish. 6. I'm sorry I didn't book a seat. 7. I'm sorry I haven't got a car. 8.
I'm sorry I can't drive. 9. I'd like Tom to drive more slowly, (but I haven't any great
hopes of this). 10. I'd like you to keep quiet. (You're making so much noise that I
can't think.) 11. I'm sorry we accepted the invitation. 12. I'm sorry that theatre tickets
cost so much. 13. It's a pity that shops here shut on Saturday afternoon. 14. It's a pity
he didn't work harder during the term. 15. I'm sorry you didn't see it. 16. It's a pity
you are going tonight. 17. I would like it to stop raining (but I'm not very hopeful).
18. I'd like you to wait for me (even though you are ready to start now). 19. I'm sorry
I didn't bring a map. 20. I'm sorry I ever came to this country. 21. I'm sorry I left my
last job. 22. I'm sorry I didn't stay in my last job. 23. I'd like him to cut his hair (but I
don't suppose he will). 24. I'd like him to stop smoking in bed (but I haven't any great
hopes). 25. I'm sorry he goes to bed so late. 26. Motorist in fog: It's a pity we don't
know where we are. 27. It's a pity we haven't got a torch. 28. I'm sorry I didn't know
you were coming. 29. I'm sorry you told Jack. 30. I'm sorry I didn't ask Ted to bring
his records. 31. I'm sorry I can't swim. 32. I'm sorry you aren't coming with us. 33.
I'm sorry you aren't going to a job where you could use your English. 34. It's a pity
you didn't ask him how to get there. 35. I would like every country to stop killing
whales (but have no real hope of this). 36. I'm sorry I didn't go shopping. 37. I'm
sorry I don't know how to dance. 38. It's a pity I don't have enough money to buy this
book. 39. I'm sorry I can't go with you. 40. It's a pity Jack didn't come to the party.
Ex. 2. Answer no. Use wish.
E.g. A: Can you speak Arabic? B: No, I can't, but I wish I could.
1. Did you study last night? 2. Did you go to bed early last night? 3. Do you have a
car? 4. Are you (a movie star)? 5. Can you speak (language)? 6. Did you eat
breakfast? 7. Is (...) here today? 8. Do you know how to dance? 9. Did (...) call you
last night? 10. Can you play (a musical instrument)? 11. Are you full of energy
today? 12. Do you live in an apartment? 3. Is the weather nice today? 14. Did (...)
help you with your homework? 15. Is your family here? 16. Do you have to go to
class tomorrow? 17. Can you buy (a car)? 18. Do you know how to type?
Ex. 3. Make wishes based on the given situations. Try to think of as many possible
wishes as you can for each situation.
(A) E.g. You're hungry. What do you wish? – I wish I'd eaten breakfast.
1.You're tired. 2. The weather is... today. 3. You live in (kind of residence). 4.
You don't have many talents. 5. This is a nice classroom but ... 6. You're very
busy. You have a lot of things to do today. 7. Tell about yourself and your life
that you would like to change.
(B) E.g. I don't have enough time. I wish I had enough time. If I had enough time, I
would/could go shopping this afternoon.
1. I don't have enough money. 2. I didn't have enough money. 3. I don't have
enough time. 4. I didn't have enough time. 5. The weather isn't nice. 6. The
weather wasn't nice. 7. I'm in class right now. 8. I came to class yesterday. 9. My
friend isn't at home. 10. My friend wasn't at home. 11. I don't know how to play
the guitar. 12. I didn't know that my uncle was ill.
Ex. 4. Supply the necessary forms of the verbs in brackets after wish.
1. Bill, you're up to something. I wish I (to know) what it is. 2. Mel wished he (to
know) earlier what Tom had just told him. 3. He wished that it all never (to happen)
at all and that things (to be) as they once had been. 4. I wish I (can) settle down to
something. 5. I wish I (to have) a jeep, that's all. 6. I wish I (to be) quite sure that she
is altogether honest. 7. "I wish I (to have) a cigarette. That's more important to me
just now," said Jack. 8. We wish to goodness the thing (can) be patched up. 9. I wish
you (to go) up and (to see) Willy. 10. I now began to wish that I (not to take) Monty
into my confidence. 11. I wished he (not to ask) that question. 12. "Have you got my
letter?" "Yes. I wish you (not to write) it." 13. She almost wished it (to be) an
ordinary day and that there (to be) no such things as holidays. 14. I wish I (can) go
round the world. 15. I wish you (to ask) her a question or two about her parents. 16.
At the first sight of his host Andrew almost wished he (not to come).
Ex. 5. Translate the following into English using the appropriate verb forms after
1. Как бы я хотел, чтобы твоя дочь была немножко похожа на тебя. 2. Я бы
хотел, чтобы ты пришел к тому или иному решению. 3. Ему очень хотелось,
чтобы этот вечер уже кончился. 4. Я иногда жалею, что ты решил написать эту
книгу, Хью. 5. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы у нас был настоящий сад. 6. О Боже, как
я жалею, что сделал это. 7. Я бы очень хотел, чтобы Вилли изменил свое
решение и не брался за немецкий язык. 8. Он просто не знал, как утешить жену.
9. Я бы хотел, чтобы ты снова начал писать стихи. 10. Я бы очень хотел, чтобы
у большего числа людей у нас на работе было твое чувство юмора, Джек. 11. Ей
было жаль, что она не могла слышать, что говорилось внизу. 12. Как бы мне
хотелось, чтобы он перестал писать мне. 13. Как жаль, что я не застал его дома.
14. Я пожалела, что рассказала им о себе.
Ex. 1. Explain the use of the verb forms in the following clauses introduced by as if
and as though. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. He was throwing his things into a suitcase as if the place were on fire. 2. She
always looked as though she had been at the hairdresser's all afternoon. 3. Mary is
always saying she believes her friend, and at the same time she always behaves as if
he were her enemy. 4. Our life goes on as if nothing had happened. 5. He sat in his
chair looking as if he were going to be sick. 6. His head ached terribly. It felt as
though all sorts of little savage things were beating inside it, trying to get out. 7. It
seemed as though the water drew her irresistibly. 8 He felt as if he were being
Ex. 2. Using the information in parentheses, complete the sentences with as if/as
(I wasn't run over by a ten-ton truck.)
I feel terrible. I feel as if (as though) I had been run over by a ten-ton truck.
(English is not her native tongue.) She speaks English ____.
(His animals aren't people.) I know a farmer who talks to his animals ____.
(You didn't see a ghost.) What's the matter? You look ____.
(His father is not a general in the army.) Sometimes his father gives orders ____.
(I didn't climb Mt. Everest.) When I reached the fourth floor, I was winded. I felt
____ instead of just three flights of stairs.
7. (He does have a brain in his head.) Sometime he acts ____.
8. (We haven't known each other all of our lives.) We became good friends
immediately. After talking to each other for only a short lime, we felt ____.
9. (A giant bulldozer didn't drive down Main Street.) After the tornado, the town
looked ____.
10.(I don't have wings and I can't fly.) I was so happy that I felt ____.
11.(Tim isn't the boss.) Tim acts ____.
12.(The dog isn't a child.) They treat their dog ____.
13.(You have many friends.) You look so depressed. You look ____ a friend in the
14.(The earth didn't stop.) It was so quiet that it seemed ____.
15.(Something happened.) Craig bumped the other car and then continued ____.
Ex. 3. Complete the sentences with your own words.
E.g. When I walked into the room, I felt as though...
When I walked into the room, I felt as though everyone were staring at me.
1. Are you tired? You look as if... 2. George only recently started piano lessons, but
he plays as if... 3. He's not very knowledgeable on the subject, but he speaks as
though... 4. Richard is very confident. He walks around as though... 5. This meat is
terrible. It tastes as if... 6. You're looking at me as if... 7. Bob is extremely pale. He
looks as if... 8. After he got knocked over, he got up as if... 9. The child innocently
whistled and looked around as though... 10. She's 50 years old, but she looks as if...
11. He's only a receptionist, but he acts as though... 12. They're quite rich, but they
behave as though... 13. He's only got a cold, but he acts as if... 14. It's my car, but he
treats it as if...
Ex. 1. Explain the use of the verb forms in clauses after It is time and translate the
sentences into Russian.
1. Don't you think it's time you got a job? 2. Come along. It's time we had lunch. 3.
It's high time we started putting our own house in order. 4. They were saying in the
office that it was about time Walker retired. 5. "It's high time you were sacked, boy",
the foreman said angrily.
Ex. 2. Complete the sentences using it's time and a past tense.
E.g. Andrew's hair looks awful. He hasn't washed it for a long time. He says: It's time
I washed my hair.
1. Simon received a bill two weeks ago, but he still hasn't paid it. His friend asks
him: Don't you think... ?
2. You're taking an important exam next month, but you haven't started studying for
it yet. You say: ...
3. Sally promised to phone a friend, Mike, two weeks ago, but she hasn't phoned him
yet. Her mother says: Don't you think...?
4. There is something wrong with your car. You've been thinking of taking it to the
garage for weeks now! You say: ...
5. You think the children should be in bed. It's already 11 o'clock. You say:...
6. You haven't been to the dentist for nearly a year. You should go every six months.
You say: ...
7. You're sitting in a train waiting for it to leave. It's already five minutes late. You
8. You think Tom should write to his parents. He hasn't written to them for ages.
You say:...
9. You are waiting for Ann. She is late. She should be here by now. You say: ...
10.This room should be redecorated. It looks awful. You say: ...
Ex. 3. Translate the following into English using the appropriate verb forms after it is
l. Пopa бы нам идти. 2. Ему давно пора бы объяснить нам, что он задумал. 3.
Его давно пора проучить. 4. Когда я проснулся, я почувствовал, что мне самое
время вызвать доктора. 5. В самом деле, нам пора пообедать. 6. Ему было
сказано на людях, что пора бы ему научиться делать так, как ему велят. 7. Тебе
давно пора выбросить эту старую мебель. 8. Как ты думаешь, не пора ли нам
вернуться к гостям?
Modal verbs
Ex. 1. Read, translate and comment on the form and meaning of the modal verb can.
1. On a clear day, you can see the shores of Haiti and Cuba from the summit of Blue
Mountain Peak. 2. I know you can do it because you have the courage. 3. Bungalows
are for old people who can't manage the stairs. 4. She gave Mary the names of several
friends, whom she could trust. 5. We wish we could rely on him! 6. If I could, I
would get the moon for you! 7. I can't wait to get back into the swing of things. 8.
Warm thoughts can fill a day with sunshine. 9. I can't stop talking! I just can't help it!
10. – Can I keep your CD till Sunday? – You could if it were mine. 11. Can this
young girl really be my boss? 12. Oh, no! You can't have failed the exam again! 13.
Can the child have been watching the telly all day long? 14. Ben can't be still
sleeping! It's time he went to college. 15. Who could have expected him to become a
politician? 16. You can't use your own name in a novel. 17. Even the best memory
can let you down. 18. My God, what those walls could tell us if they could talk!
Ex. 2. Read, translate and comment on the following sentences. Find their Russian
1. One Englishman can beat three Frenchmen. 2. You can't please all of the people all
of the time. 3. Life cannot be one endless round of pleasures. 4. Good advice can be
given, good name cannot be given. 5. You can't put new wine in old bottles. 6. A man
can do no more than he can. 7. You never know what you can do until you try. 8. God
could not be everywhere, therefore he made mothers. 9. You can take a horse to the
water, but you can't make him drink. 10. Where nothing is, nothing can be had there.
11. Love can neither be bought or sold; its only price is love. 12. One cannot love and
be wise. 13. You cannot get blood from a stone. 14. You cannot make bricks without
straw. 15. Man cannot live by bread alone. 16. You can't change the number of hours
in a day. But you can take control of your schedule. You can increase efficiency.
Ex. 3. Insert can (not), could (not), be able to. In some cases there can be more than
one answer.
1. ... you tell me the time, please? 2. No more for me, thanks. I ... eat another thing. 3.
Who is that outside? ' It ... be the policeman – he has already been here. 4. I ... open
the drawer in my desk as it was stuck. 5. You ... make an omelet without breaking
eggs. 6. We loved the cake. ... you give us the recipe for it? 7. Mr. Marshall is busy
this week, but he ... see you next week. 8. It ... be 12 o'clock already! 9. We told him
he ... leave whenever he wanted to. 10. I'll get a car of my own as soon as I ... drive.
11. Interpreters ... translate without thinking. 12. It would help if you ... give me
friendly advice. 13. Sometimes gossiping ... be a real pleasure. 14. He promises he ...
inform us of the turn of events in future. 15. Angela ... speak French when she was
four, she ... do it now and she ... speak it perfectly in some years. 16. He ... sell his car
unless he reduces the price. 17. My aunt ... tell fortunes from tea leaves.
Ex. 4. Open the brackets with could (expressing a possibility) or could have
(expressing a possibility that did not happen) and make all necessary changes.
1. A car is pulling up. It could (be) Lucy. 2. He could (get) a credit, but he did not
prepare all the documents in time. 3. Why didn't you ask me? I could (do) it for you.
4. He could (be) there tomorrow. 5. They could (be) there yesterday. 6. Why are you
so depressed? He could (tell) a lie. 7. You should have told us about your delay. We
could (cancel) our meeting. 8. He could (do) it if he tries. 9. Somebody has called on
you today. – It could (be) a friend of mine. 10. I think he could (commit) a crime, but
he's got an alibi. 11. The train arrives at 11.30. She could (come) at noon. 12.
Yesterday I saw him driving at a very high speed. He could (crash).
Ex. 5. Express your surprise and disbelief using can/could.
(A) in interrogative sentences.
l. He was at the party yesterday. 2. They are in Germany. 3. He has broken his leg. 4.
They were sent to prison. 5. She got married. 6. He studies at Cambridge University.
7. She has been practicing the violin for five years. 8. He has made an interesting
report. 9. He has won a lot of money in the casino. 10. They will go to the Canaries
next summer. 11. He has passed his English exam. 12. She will be forty in June. 13.
She is stubborn. 14. He was a cruel man.
(В) in negative sentences.
l. You are mistaken. 2. They forgot about the meeting. 3. He is writing a new novel
now. 4. She has bought a new fur coat. 5. He had an accident. 6. Mary will invite the
Jones to her place for the weekend. 7. They upset our plans. 8. She wastes a lot of
time. 9. Mr. Fox is a reliable person. 10. She is making a cruise now.
Ex. 6. Translate into English.
1. Она никогда не может прийти вовремя. 2. Нельзя игнорировать влияние
всеобщей компьютеризации. 3. Они были счастливы, что сумели помочь
друзьям. 4. – Ты можешь ей помочь? – Мог бы, если бы хотел. 5. Она не могла
заставить себя приняться за работу. 6. Петр не посоветовался с отцом, а ведь он
мог бы дать ему дельный совет. 7. Эмили и в голову не приходило, что с
Робертом могло что-то случиться. 8. Не может быть, чтобы он был такой
жестокий! Не мог он этого сделать! 9. Где она может быть? Неужели она все
еще делает покупки? 10. У него есть слабые стороны, это верно. И все-таки не
мог он вас так подвести. 11. Не может быть, чтобы редактор не заметила этой
ошибки. 12. Я тебе не верю, ты не мог не узнать меня. Неужели я так
изменилась? 13. Неужели вы его неправильно поняли? Ведь он так четко все
объяснил. 14. Неужели вы не нашли время, чтобы поговорить с сыном? 15. Не
может быть, чтобы она неправильно истолковала его слова. Ведь это на него
непохоже. 16. Он просто не мог этого сделать! Он не может быть настолько
глуп! 17. Не могу не смотреть телевизор до конца по вечерам, и это просто
ужасно. 18. Мне ничего не остается, как уступить вам. (Не могу не уступить
вам.) 19. Ну что я могу сказать? Правилам нужно подчиняться. 20. В этой
горячей точке могла разразиться война, но, к счастью, люди сумели
предотвратить ее.
Ex. 7. Translate into English.
1. He может быть, чтобы он был дома вчера в это время. 2. Неужели он сказал
вам об этом? 3. Возможно, он и заходил к ним, когда был в Москве. 4. Он мог
бы сделать это, но не захотел. 5. Неужели он отказался ехать туда? 6. Не может
быть, чтобы он спал сейчас. 7. Не может быть, чтобы они уехали, не
попрощавшись с нами. 8. Не может быть, чтобы она вам так ответила. 9. Он мог
бы приехать завтра. 10. Не может быть, что он столкнулся (collide) с другой
машиной. Он такой осторожный водитель. 11. Вряд ли он забыл о своем
обещании, я напоминала ему об этом вчера. 12. Он не мог прочитать эту книгу
так быстро, она слишком трудна для него. 13. Они смогли бы подняться на
вершину, но им помешала погода. 14. Вряд ли они поженятся; они слишком
разные люди. 15. Разве мог кто-нибудь подумать, что он выиграет матч?
Ex. 1. Read and translate the sentences. Comment on the form and meaning of the
modal verb may.
1. Mum, may I have another sweet? 2. I told him that he might go home. 3. At least
you might phone your parents more often. 4. He seemed to read my mind. "Yes,
you're right. I have plenty of faults. But I might have been very different, I might
have been as good as you, and perhaps wiser." 5. I must check my diary. I may have
prior engagement. 6. He who fails today may win tomorrow. 7. Fashions may be
changing, but style remains. 8. A fool may give a wise man counsel. 9. Fortune may
very well smile upon you one day. 10. May each day bring you closer to better
health! 11. May the fresh bouquet of flowers brighten up your day! 12. Don't throw it
away, it may come in useful, you never know. 13. When the ship is sunk everyone
knows she might have been saved. 14. We knew that it might be tough to ask the
necessary question. 15. – Might I trouble you madam? – You might have knocked!
16. Very simply, he was afraid he might say the wrong thing. 17. A stumble may
prevent a fall. 18. They toasted the baby with the ruby port. "May she be healthy,
wealthy and wise."
Ex. 2. Use the required form of the infinitive in brackets after the verb may (might).
1. "I will go in first, shall I?" he said. "There's no light in the passage, and you may
(fall) over something." 2. I hear he may still (live) in that old house of his. 3. Don't
reject me, I might (do) a thing or two. 4. There was no sign of John in the street. Of
course, I said to myself, he might (detain) at his office. 5. You might (get) the
soldiers into no end trouble if they had been convoys. 6. "All right this time he said.
"But you be careful in future, young man might (be) a very serious matter." 7. "It's no
easy matter to find the man," the doctor said to me. I was deeply shocked. "You
might (read) my thoughts." 8. Who knows what may (happen) tomorrow? 9. But for
your help it might (turn out) to be hopeless. 10. What a fuss! You really might (spare)
me all this! 11. It appeared much better than it might (expect). 12. – How did the boy
I manage the task? – Not bad, it might (be) worse.
Ex. 3. Paraphrase the following sentences using the verb may/might.
1. Under the law you are allowed to make one photocopy for уоur personal use. But
you can't make multiple copies. 2. This is possibly the reason why they have refused
to join us. 3. Perhaps I will have to take her to hospital; it is possible she has broken
her arm in the accident. 4. It is possible he did not have her phone number. 5. When
the World Cup was shown on TV, I was allowed to stay up late and watch it. 6.
Perhaps уоur friend will help you, but I don't believe it. 7. Maybe they did not know
that the problem was so urgent. 8. Would you mind my smoking here? 9. Why didn't
you come? I needed your help badly. 10. Perhaps she has made a mistake, but I am
not sure of it. She is a very punctual person.
Ex. 4. Translate into English.
1. – Можно взглянуть на этот документ, инспектор? – Боюсь, что пока нет. 2.
Решение может быть очень простым, можешь мне поверить. 3. – Можно мне
вызывать портье? – Можно было бы, если бы вы жили в этом отеле. 4. Вы,
возможно, приняли меня за сестру. Мы близнецы. 5. Я, может быть, совершаю
ошибку, но я не вижу другого выхода. 6. Вы, возможно, не осознаете этого, но
вы великий человек. 7. Я был уверен, что могут появиться другие проблемы. 8.
Он уверил нас, что мы можем прийти в любой удобный для нас день. 9.
Ребенок поинтересовался, можно ли ему посмотреть еще два мультика. 10. Он,
вероятно, опаздывает. Застрял, наверное, где-нибудь в автомобильной пробке.
11. Я не уверена, но, возможно, они встретились на чьей-то свадьбе. 12. – Она
выглядит так, словно ничего не случилось. – Она, вероятно, не слышала
последних новостей. 13. Вы могли бы оказать им финансовую помощь! Теперь
они обанкротились. 14. – Ты мог бы быть более отзывчивым, дорогой! – Уж
какой есть. 15. Она решила, что может воспользоваться машиной отца. 16. На
оленей можно охотиться только лишь в определенное время года.
Ex. 1. Fill in the blanks with can or may in the correct form.
1. David ... do the work. He is competent enough. 2. You ... take the last copy if
nobody needs it. 3. ... I ask you to look after the child? 4. ... you tell us of the final
diagnosis? 5. You ... never tell what ... come to her mind. 6. A fool ... ask more
questions than a wise man ... answer. 7. You ... trust me, and who knows you ... need
me one day. 8. Helen ... not grasp the idea. She ... have been thinking of something
else. 9. I never thought that they ... get lost in the area. 10. Alexei ... sometimes forget
things, but he ... always admit his fault. 11. – ... I smoke here? – No doubt you ..., but
you certainly ... not! 12. ... you lend me your bicycle for today? 13. You ... read this
paper, it's not secret. 14. – Why ... she agree to join our party? – She ... be busy or
unwell. 15. ... you please open the door? ... I ask you for such a small service? 16.
You ... never go back to your past; you have got to move on.
Ex. 2. Paraphrase the following, using can or may in the necessary form.
1. I wish you would mind your speech. 2. We are upset that he didn't apologize. 3.
Daniel wished you had warned him. 4. Nancy's mother wishes her daughter were not
so messy. 5. I'm annoyed she didn't offer to help. 6. He wished she would remember
to write down his address. 7. I think it was wrong of them not to invite us. 8. Nobody
believes that he built the house all by himself. 9. Would you mind my using your fax?
10. I don't believe that he is so sensitive. 11. Is it in your authority to cancel the
flight? 12. Dick thinks it was wrong of her not to consult him. 13. I think you would
remember to send Christmas cards. 14. Evidently they didn't notice us, or they would
have greeted us. 15. Is it possible that he should have been so tough? 16. She is
crying, perhaps the boss was rude to her. 17. Nobody believes that they have left the
country for good.
Ex. 3. Fill in the blanks with may/might or can/could and make all necessary changes.
1. You ___ (warn) me about it beforehand. 2. The weather is changing. It ___ (start)
raining. 3. No, he ___ (not hear) your name. We tried to speak in a whisper. 4. He
___ (not hear) your name. That's why he did not say anything. 5. She ___ (not notice)
us. We were standing too far away. 6. She ___ (not notice) us though we were
standing beside her. 7. ___ I use your name as a referee? 8. She ___ (not hear) the
news, that's why she looks as if nothing had happened. 9. She ___ (not hear) the
news, nobody ___ tell her about it. 10. The professor says that I ___ (rewrite) the
essay. 11. ___ I use your phone? 12. He ___ (help) them when they were in trouble.
13. ___ he (say) it? No, it's not like him. He is a man of few words.
Ex. 4. Choose the most appropriate answer.
1. I don't like the way you study. I think you ___ harder!
a) might have worked
c) could work
b) might work
d) could have worked
2. Let's wait a little. He ___.
a) may have come
c) may come
b) could have come
d) might have come
3. She ___ of the plan herself. Somebody has suggested it to her.
a) can't have thought
c) can't think
b) may not have thought
d) may not think
4. They ___ our telegram, that's why they did not meet us.
a) couldn't have received
c) may not have received
b) can't have received
d) may not receive
5. She ___ my letter! – Don't be so angry with her. She ___ it by mistake.
a) may not read, may do
c) might not have read, can't have done
b) cannot read, can do
d) can't have read, might have done
6. He ___ it. I don't believe you.
a) is not able to say
c) can't have said
b) might not say
d) might not have said
Ex. 5. Paraphrase the following sentences using the modal verbs can or may in the
correct form.
1. I don't believe that he has done the work carelessly. 2. Perhaps, you changed at the
wrong station, that's why it took you so long to get here. 3. I think he will be able to
substitute for you in case you're ill. 4. Is it not in your power to change the timetable?
5. Most probably he did not see you, otherwise he would have come up to you. 6.
Perhaps, I shall have to take him to hospital; it is possible that he has broken his arm.
7. Why do you blame her? Maybe she did not know it was so urgent. 8. It is
impossible that she has wrongly interpreted your words. 9. I suppose they were
unable to get in touch with you. 10. Would you mind my smoking here?
Ex. 6. Fill in the blanks with may, might, can or could.
1. I ... be away from home tomorrow. 2. He ... have been hurt. 3. They ... have said
something of the kind, but I hardly believe it. 4. If she ... not call on me, she ... have
called me up at least. 5. You ... walk miles in this district without seeing a house. 6.
The letters ... have been written in this very house. 7. ... you hear what he is saying?
8. Buy this dictionary. You ... want it one day. 9. I ... not imagine her teaching
children, she used to be so impatient; but who knows, time changes people; she ...
have become quite different. 10. It was a very popular song at the time, you ... hear it
everywhere. 11. Something was wrong with the receiver, I ... not hear you well. 12. I
was so angry, I ... have thrown my boots at him.
Ex. 7. Choose the most appropriate answer.
1 They (can/might) ____ be away for the weekend but I'm not sure.
2 You (may/might) ____ leave now if you wish.
3 (Could/May) ____ you open the window a bit, please?
4 He (can/could) ____ be from Sheffield, judging by his accent.
5 (May/Can) ____ you swim?
6 Listen, please. You (may not/might not) ____ speak during this exam.
7 They (can't/may not) ____ still be out!
8 You (couldn't/might not) ____ smoke on the bus.
9 With luck, tomorrow (can/could) ____ be a cooler day.
10 You (can/might) ____ be right but I'm going back to check the times.
11 She (can't/may not) ____ think it's a good idea. It's crazy.
12 Courses (may/can) ____ begin on the fifth of September.
13 Are you joking! David (may not/can't) ____ have gone to Paris last week. He
doesn’t have enough money.
14 They (can/could) ____ live in New York, I'm not sure.
Ex. 8. Fill in the blanks with may, might, can or could.
1. Detectives fear she ... have come to some harm and said they had received
hundreds of calls from the public.
2. A crash on the A9 in which a 64-year-old lorry driver died ... have been avoided.
3. Snout ... get his cake and eat it, but not before a few answers.
4. There are restrictions on what we ... and ... not do.
5. U2 ... be the Kings of rock'n'roll in Ireland – but another band have eyes on their
6. "It's plain to see I ... be hurt in a fight but which heavyweight ... not?", said the
2006 Commonwealth Game champion.
7. Head teachers and some teachers in England are threatening to boycott next year's
national Sats tests. Schools ... try to boycott Sats.
8. Also, I have three boys of my own, aged six, 10 and 12, and I wanted to write
something they ... enjoy.
9. The researchers said their findings ... lead to new treatments for such illnesses.
10.So here's what I ... be writing today if I were a Palestinian living in Gaza.
11.With the hyphen, Mr Stevenson notes: "It's starting to look a lot like something
your grandmother ... write."
12.If I'd known what sort of psychological toll it would take on me I ... not have done
13.This album is a fine showcase for her gorgeous voice: pure, rich and at the same
time, haunting, energising and seductive, but already I'm imagining what she ... be
doing in ten years time.
14.What ... be done to stop people grinding their teeth at night?
15.The fall in retail sales was unexpected, suggesting the worst ... not yet be over.
16.Paul Lewis appeared on BBC One to explain what ... happen if inflation falls to
zero or goes negative.
Ex. 9. Translate into English.
1. Право же, вы могли бы сделать это для меня. 2. Мне что-то нездоровится. Я,
возможно, заболела. Можно мне немножко отдохнуть? – Конечно же. Ты могла
бы это сделать давно. 3. Скажи ему, что он мог бы быть более внимательным к
своим старым друзьям. 4. Вы не могли бы дать мне его адрес? 5. Она могла уже
приехать. – Не может быть, чтобы она уже приехала. Неужели она уже
приехала? 6. Похоже, что будет дождь, но, кто знает, может быть завтра будет
хорошая погода. 7. Я думаю, что вы сможете уговорить его, если попытаетесь.
8. Я думаю, что вы смогли бы уговорить его, если бы попытались. 9. Почему
Питера нет на занятиях? – Он попал в больницу с приступом аппендицита. Его,
возможно, уже прооперировали. 10. Ты мог бы сразу сказать, что не хочешь
идти в театр. Я бы не покупал билет. 11. Можно мне здесь подождать? – Да,
конечно. 12. Tы мог бы остаться дома хотя бы один вечер в неделю. Мама была
очень огорчена.
Ex. 1. Read and translate. Explain the meaning of the modal verb must.
1. Who says A must say В. 2. Knowledge must be gained by ourselves. 3. What
everybody says must be true. 4. What can't be cured must be endured. 5. I felt sure it
must be a ghost, a visitor from another world. 6. I think we must rely only on
ourselves. 7. We must not look for a golden life in an iron age. 8. Caesar's wife must
be above suspicion. And so should Caesar. 9. Well, I must have looked an ass. 10.
My matches have fallen out. I must go and buy some. 11. At work today, my boss
told me that I must stop sleeping. 12. He realized he must do it. 13. Henry must be
still sleeping. 14. – Must I send the fax and write the contract today? – You needn't
send the fax, but you certainly must write the contract.
Ex. 2. Choose the most appropriate answer.
1. His German is very poor. He must (study/be studying/have studied) very hard. 2.
His German is very good, he must (study/be studying/have studied) very hard. 3. His
German has considerably improved, he must (study/be studying/have studied) hard
during his holiday. 4. He must (study/be studying/have been studying) German these
two years, his German is rather rich and fluent. 5. She must (have taken/be
taking/have been taking) a bath at that moment that's why she did not answer your
call. 6. She must (be/be being/have been) at home now, we saw her leaving the office.
7. She must (be/be being/have been) at home, she can't go away because there is no
one to look after her sick mother. 8. You must always (think/be thinking/have
thought) twice before you say anything. 9. Now he must (think/be thinking/have
thought) of what she has said. 10. He knows they are coming. They must (write/be
writing/have written) to him of their arrival in due time. 11. She must (play/be
playing/have been playing) the piano now. 12. The foreigner must
(understand/understood/have understood) me, for he nodded his head. 13. Where is
Sara? I haven't seen her for a long time. – She must (stay/be staying/have stayed) at
her friends'. She wanted to spend July with them. 14. He must (get/be getting/ have
got) all he needed, otherwise he would have come again. 15. We must (meet/have
met/have been meeting) somewhere before.
Ex. 3. Open the brackets and use the proper infinitive after the verb must.
1. Look! All people in the street are going with their umbrellas up. It must (rain). 2.
He has changed his job. He must (follow) your advice. 3. He must (fall) ill. Otherwise
he would have come to the party. 4. Where is Michael? He must (be) here by now. –
He lives in the country. He must (miss) the train. 5. What a dreadful noise! What is
the matter? – Our neighbors must (quarrel) again. 6. Nobody must (notice) that he
was not used to speaking in public. 7. The criminal must (be) very careful. He did not
leave any fingerprints. 8. We are late, I am afraid, Ann must (wait) for us. 9. He must
(forget) that he promised to come. 10. They must (write) a composition for two hours.
They must (be) tired. 11. You must (misunderstand) me, I did not want to hurt your
feelings. 12. Nobody must (see) him enter. Everybody startled when he came in. 13. I
hear someone's steps outside. She must (go). 14. You may find him in the garden. He
must (read). 15. It is impossible to change anything. One must (take) things as they
Ex. 4. Paraphrase the following sentences using the verb must.
1. They are in Greece. I am sure they are enjoying themselves. 2. She is an
experienced teacher. I am certain she has been working at school for at least twenty
years. 3. They have probably finished painting the house. 4. I feel sure she is at home.
5. Probably they have already crossed the frontier. 6. She is sure he is playing cards
with his friends. 7. She is not very young, as she seems to be. I think she is nearly
forty. 8. I think you have visited this place before. 9. He has to do a very urgent task.
I feel sure he is working now. 10. He is so absent-minded. I am sure he left the letter
unanswered. 11. You know he is a good tennis player. There is no doubt he has won
that match. 12. I shan't bother you any longer; no doubt you feel tired of my talking
after a tiring day. 13. It is clear that they are expecting somebody. 14. She was
obviously upset by something; I never saw her so nervous. 16. The youth is probably
reading something funny. He is smiling all the time.
Ex. 5. Translate into English.
1. Вы должны следовать инструкции и не должны нажимать на эту кнопку. 2.
Чтобы преподавать грамматику, вы должны понять, что язык – это система. 3.
Чтобы приготовить хороший торт, нужно сначала хорошенько взбить яйца. 4.
Он, должно быть, очень силен. Посмотрите на его бицепсы. 5. Ты не должна
приходить домой так поздно. Ты должна понять, что это опасно. 6. – Нужно ли
связаться с агентством сегодня же? – Нет, не нужно. Но нужно сделать это
завтра. 7. Вам нужно уходить. Вы, должно быть, устали. 8. Вы должны
приходить на работу вовремя. 9. Мэр должен принять срочные меры.
Ex. 6. Translate into English using the verb must and its equivalents.
1. Он, должно быть, слышал об этом. 2. Этот дом, должно быть, построен в
начале столетия. 3. Вы не должны прекращать работу, пока вы ее не закончите.
4. У них, вероятно, сейчас урок. 5. Не огорчайся, он, должно быть, сделал это
случайно. 6. Он, вероятно, сейчас спит. 7. Я ищу этот дом вот уже полчаса и
нигде не могу его найти. Должно быть, она дала мне неправильный адрес. 8.
Мне не пришлось делать этот чертеж. 9. Он, вероятно, не успел закончить
работу к пятнице и был вынужден потратить на нее все выходные, т.к. ее нужно
было закончить к понедельнику. 10. Она, должно быть, не полила сад. Земля
очень сухая. 11. Выбора не было, и им пришлось согласиться. 12. Она, должно
быть, ждет нас дома. 13. Она должна ждать нас дома. 14. Ей, наверное, не
сказали, что мы уже вернулись. 15. Ей пришлось извиниться, хотя это и было
Ex. 7. Fill in the blanks with must, may, or might.
A) must B) may C) might
1. _____ I borrow your ruler? 2. It isn't certain, but he _____ be a millionaire in two
years' time. 3. That _____ be Charlie. He said he would be here about now. 4. You
_____ make a little less noise. 5. Jane _____ still be in her office, but she usually
leaves before six. 6. The house repairs _____ cost more than the house is worth. 7. It
was so quiet that one _____ hear a leaf drop. 8. Nobody _____ leave the hall before
the exam has finished. 9. He himself gave me the directions so they _____ be right.
10. You were lucky. You _____ have broken your neck, Jim. 11. There _____ be a
heavy frost during the night. 12. You must drive on the left in England. 13. There
_____ be a leak in this football; otherwise it wouldn't get soft so quickly. 14. She
noticed that she _____ be late. 15. He _____ be clever, but he hasn't got much
common sense. 16. George _____ be strong: he can lift heavy weights. 17. _____ the
New Year bring everybody their heart desires.
Ex. 8. Revision: translate the following sentences into English using can, may or must
wherever possible.
1. Я не понимаю, как ты мог вести себя так глупо. 2. Я невольно подумал, что
мисс Грей выдала себя этими словами. 3. Он двигался так тихо, что не мог бы
побеспокоить сон самого чуткого человека. 4. Где мои очки? Здесь их нет.
Должно быть, я оставил их дома. 5. Я должен оставаться здесь весь день? 6. Он
спросил, может ли он положиться на меня. 7. Он спросил, не могу ли я
позаниматься с его классом на следующем уроке. 8. Когда ребенок так болен,
вы, должно быть, чувствуете себя ужасно. 9. Вы должны найти его и привезти
сюда со всеми его материалами. 10. «Это, наверное, совсем не похоже на ваш
дом», – сказал Барт. 11. Я сказал, что он может взять мою машину. 12. Мне это
совершенно безразлично. 13. Она понимала, что он должен чувствовать. 14. Он
не может быть старше вас больше чем на три или четыре года. 15. Погода еще
может измениться к лучшему. 16. Не может быть, чтобы она этого не знала. 17.
В понедельник я еще не смогу дать вам определенный ответ. 18. Возможно, они
еще не приехали.19. Возможно, они еще ведут следствие по этому делу. 20.
Возможно, они были на вечере, но я их не видел. 21. И кто это мог зажечь свет
в моей комнате? 22. Отец очень сердит. Что ты опять натворил? 23. Уже совсем
темно. Я, наверное, очень долго спал. 24. Он, вероятно, скоро позвонит нам. 25.
Неужели он велел вам прийти сюда? 26. «Где мой ключ?» – «Ты, наверное, его
потерял». – «Не может быть, чтобы я его потерял. Я, возможно, оставил его в
кармане пальто».
Ex. 9. Revision: fill in the blanks with can (be able), may or must.
1. "Will you know where to go?" "Yes, thank you. I ... always ask my brother." 2.
"Didn't she hear our shouting?" "She says she heard nothing." "She ... have wandered
a long way." 3. What ... he have meant when he said it? 4. He hesitated and said, "I ...
go to South America. As a tea planter." I said, "I ... be wrong, Jason, but I don't think
they grow tea in South America." 5. He ... have flown off after he dropped us. He ...
not land here. Not in a plane with wheels. 6. "I'd give anything to meet that fellow."
"We ... see what ... be done." 7. Cindy ... have laughed aloud. Instead, she nodded. 8.
You ... hardly have been more surprised than I was. 9. The old man cupped his ear in
his palm. "I think I ... be getting deaf. I ... not hear you." 10. "There was someone on
the phone for you," he said. "Oh, who?" "I don't know, he didn't say. Some man." "It
... have been Mike." "I know Mike. It wasn't Mike." "Oh. Then I ... not think who it ...
have been." 11. Mr Fox ... not come. He sent me to represent him. 12. I went straight
from the station to the club and played billiards. It ... have been after eleven when I
reached the flat. 13. Oh, you ... drink things steaming! ... you eat eggs with the shells
on, too? 14. She was beginning to want to ask him in but she knew that she ... not do
it yet. 15. It's a most interesting story. He ... not possibly have invented it. You ...
have told him something. 16. I've other things to attend to which ... be put through
immediately. 17. I admire your mother's looks. She ... have been a lovely girl. 18.
The apples are very good. You ... eat them all. 19. My wife ... leave the hospital in a
week's time. 20. My wife ... to leave the hospital a few days ago.
Ex. 10. Revision: fill in the blanks with can (be able), may or must.
1. I'm trying to think where he ... have gone. 2. Of course it occurred to me that if he
had found the watch as he said, it ... have been lying in the garden for more than a
year. 3. He began absently to eat one of the buttered biscuits. He'd lose his appetite if
his wife didn't hurry up. She ... be talking to Frau Schmidt. 4. A day or two later Mrs
Strickland sent me a note asking if I ... go and see her that evening after dinner. 5. "I
don't know why he did it." "It ... have amused him." 6. "You know, I'm a bit of a
writer myself in a small way." "What are you writing? A novel?" "Oh, come off it. I
... not write a novel. No, it's a sort of history of the regiment, as a matter of fact." 7.
"He's up in Barbie's room. He's decorating it with shells. He ... have brought in a ton."
8. "She's gone out. Something awful ... have happened." "How ... she have got out?
The door is locked." 9. I'm going to tell him that he ... not do any building here.
10. They say the driver ... have been going fifty miles round that blind corner for the
body to have been thrown and injured like it was. 11. She looked unusually pale and
gloomy. I wondered what ... have upset her. 12."... you drive a car, Mooey?" "Yes,
indeed I ... ," he answered. 13. You ... be very prosperous, Eustace, to own a car like
that. 14. Obviously Haviland had worked late the night before, as he ... have done for
several nights in a row, because he looked drawn and pale. 15. The water of the pool
... have been heated for it steamed gently in the beams of the lamps. 16. Mr Hardy
takes a lot of aspirin. He ... have had at least twelve tablets during the day. 17.The
man danced very well. He ... have spent hours taking lessons, Jack thought. 18. "At
least I want to keep my mind occupied." "You ... get a good book and read it." 19.
We ... not exaggerate the situation. 20. "I thought the English were great lovers of
dogs." "We think Americans love dollars, but there ... be exceptions."
Ex. 1. Read, translate and comment on the form and meaning of the modal verb have
1. Не had to raise his voice to be heard through the rising storm. 2. You don't have to
cheer up if you don't want to! 3. Jane has to get up early to catch the coach. 4. You'll
have to say it to his face. 5. I had to run for my life! But for my feet I would have
long been dead! 6. Just think of the arrangements that have to be made. And the
people we have to meet. 7. You'll have to be very cautious, it wouldn't do for you to
get caught. 8. He had to submit to his fate. He had no choice. 9. From now on, my
son, you'll have to earn your own. 10. Mary had to invent a story to escape from the
house. 11. I understand, darling. Work has to come. 12. It was something she had to
agree to.
Ex. 2. Make the sentences negative and interrogative.
1. Mr. Bucket has to support his elderly parents. We'll have to admit that she is right.
3. They had to turn to a private detective. 4. Michael has to read a lot for tomorrow's
exam. 5. These contracts have to be filed. 6. Whether they like it or not but they will
have to do it. 7. Everybody has to be very careful with the device. 8. She had to study
hard last semester. 9. I shall have to go out and greet the guests. 10. Again I have to
have tinned food for dinner! 11. He has to light a fire. 12. They had to change their
shoes. 13. I'll have to buy a new pair of gloves. 14. She has to go home early. 15. He
had to give it back. 16. She'll have to come again.
Ex. 3. Translate into English.
1. Сегодня Александру необходимо поехать в центр города, потому что у него
там деловая встреча. 2. Наконец-то она купила себе машину, и теперь ей не
приходится пользоваться автобусом. 3. Если вы хотите получить хорошее
образование, то придется много заниматься. 4. Я не могу пойти с вами на вечер,
мне придется посидеть с младшей сестренкой. 5. Если он хочет быть здоровым,
ему придется следовать советам врача. 6. Вчера мы хотели поехать на пикник,
но не смогли, потому что вместо этого нам пришлось принимать неожиданных
гостей. 7. Мистер Рич очень богат. Ему не приходится зарабатывать на жизнь.
8. Большинство овощей можно есть сырыми, их не приходится готовить. 9. По
субботам моим детям не приходится как обычно ложиться спать в восемь
часов, они могут играть до девяти часов. 10. Сегодня мне не нужно готовить
домашнее задание, я все сделала вчера. 11. – Вам никогда не приходится ездить
в командировки, не так ли? – Бывает иногда. 12. Психологу приходится
помогать людям преодолевать трудности, не так ли? 13. Мэри пришлось
внимательно слушать, чтобы понять его. 14. Ей пришлось покориться его воле.
15. Твоему боссу никогда не приходится брать кредит в банке, не так ли?
Ex. 4. Complete the text with the verbs in brackets and the required form of can or
have to.
Rapid population growth a ___ (cause) problems. The government b ___ (provide)
more hospitals, schools and jobs, farmers с ___ (produce) more food and all the extra
people d ___ (have) homes. In a less economically developed country, the economy e
___ (grow) fast enough to deal with the problems. Many countries realize that they f
___ (control) population growth. Some countries believe they can encourage family
planning through education and publicity. Other countries believe that they have such
a serious problem that they g ___ (take) special measures to control the number of
people. In China, for example, there is a 'one child' policy. Couples h ___ (ask)
permission from the government to marry, and women i ___ (be) at least 25 years
old. The couple then j ___ (ask) permission to have a child, and are allowed only one.
Ex. 5. Complete the text with had to, didn't have to, could or couldn't + the verbs in
Life for children in Victorian Britain was very different from the life children lead
today. Firstly, Victorian children a ___ (go) to school, and in any case poor families b
___ (pay) for lessons because they didn't have enough money. So children с ___
(find) jobs at an early age, starting in the coal mines, for example, at the age of five.
The more fortunate children became apprentices, learning a trade and working at the
same time. Such children d ___ (work) for fifty or sixty hours a week, usually for
very low wages, and e ___ (sign) an agreement which kept them with the same
master for a number of years. The worst jobs were in factories, where many children
under the age of nine were employed. Children were also employed to clean
chimneys, and known as 'chimney sweeps'. These children f ___ (climb) up chimney
and cleaned them. They g ___ (be) small, or else they would get stuck in the
chimney. Using children to do this job was banned in 1840, but employers then h ___
(use) special brushes, which were expensive, and so they continued to use children.
The employers i ___ (pay) a small fine if they were caught. After the Factory Act of
1833, employers in textile factories j ___ (employ) children under the age of nine,
though children aged 9 to 11 k ___ (work) eight hours a day. However, nothing
changed in coal mines and in other factories, where employers l ___ (put) children to
work in dangerous and dirty conditions. It wasn't until 1847 that employers m ___
(limit) the working day to ten hours, for both children and adults.
Ex. 1. Translate into English using have to or must.
1. Мой старший брат должен учиться в колледже еще полтора года. 2. Ей
приходится работать 6 дней в неделю, чтобы содержать семью. 3. Мама
сказала, что я должен вынести мусор сегодня. 4. Чтобы снять деньги со счета, я
должен иметь при себе пластиковую карточку. 5. Он не обязан находиться в
офисе все время, у него свободный график. 6. Когда тебе необходимо назначить
встречу? 7. Мне приходится работать очень напряженно последнее время. 8.
Мы живем без собаки уже год, и я чувствую, что мне придется купить щенка.
Трудно без помощника. 9. Тебе пришлось подчиниться его приказу? 10. Часто
ли тебе приходится ездить в командировки? 11. Нам пришлось идти 10 миль,
чтобы попасть туда. 12. Нужно ли мне быть одетым официально, или можно
одеться как обычно? 13. Образцы нужно хранить при температуре -20° по
Цельсию. 14. Когда вам нужно вернуться? 15. В этой ситуации ты неправ, и я
считаю, что тебе нужно попросить прощения у нее! 16. К сожалению, им всегда
приходится решать все вопросы самостоятельно, им не приходится
рассчитывать на чью-то помощь. 17. Много лет назад им пришлось сражаться
за лучшую жизнь. 18. Чтобы добиться чего-то в жизни, тебе нельзя топтаться на
месте. Каждый день ты обязан двигаться вперед! 19. Должно быть, это сделал
кто-то из своих. Иначе как бы он зашел в офис мимо охранника! 20. Все знали,
что поездку должны были отменить. 21. Их, должно быть, застали врасплох. 22.
На мой взгляд, он не должен был это говорить, это было неуместно. 23. Ей
было запрещено принимать участие в игре. 24. Об этом даже не могло быть и
речи, чтобы ей самой пришлось платить за все. 25. Тебе, может быть, придется
заканчивать исследования вместо меня. 26. Я не обязан был соблюдать правила
вашей игры. Я не имел к этому никакого отношения. 27. Вы, должно быть, не
понимаете сути проблемы. 28. Ты должен положить конец всем этим сплетням!
29. Когда тебе пришлось вставать позавчера? 30. Почему им пришлось
действовать наугад? 31. Сколько тебе придется платить за дорогу туда и
Ex. 2. Translate into English using have to or must.
1. Ты должна поменять ребенку пеленки, посмотри, он плачет! Ему, должно
быть, некомфортно! 2. Он, должно быть, был замешан в этом деле. 3. Все
ученики должны были выучить эти правила наизусть. 4. Должен ли сенат
ратифицировать этот договор? 5. Вы должны были лезть из кожи вон, чтобы
показать, как вам это важно, а вы стояли и молча кивали головами! 6. Хотя она
и была в отпуске, нам пришлось сообщать ей обо всем, она должна была
прервать свой отдых на море и ехать сюда. 7. Нам не приходится тратить много
времени на объяснения, мы понимаем друг друга с полуслова. 8. Нам нужно
было лететь на первом же самолете. 9. Вам пришлось ночевать еще одну ночь в
палатке, или вам хватило времени добраться в город? 10. Это здание строят уже
год и к первому июля его должны закончить. 11. Встреча должна была начаться
полчаса назад, а она еще не начинается! 12. Вчера мой кот упал с 3-го этажа, и
мне пришлось нести его к ветеринару. 13. После обеда начался сильный дождь,
и нам пришлось бежать под навес. 14. После того, как его понизили в
должности, ему пришлось отучаться от привычки жить на широкую ногу. 15.
Когда-нибудь ему придется ответить за то, что он сделал. 16. Тебе придется
поработать здесь пару месяцев, пока ты поймешь, что к чему. 17. Нам всем
придется как следует постараться, чтобы вытянуть тебя из этой ситуации. 18.
Ему пришлось заниматься сверхурочно, потому что он отстал в успеваемости
во время болезни. 19. Сколько тебе пришлось жить с ними, пока они не стали
тебя считать за своего? 20. Не шуми, она, должно быть, засыпает. 21. На
середине нашего телефонного разговора нам пришлось повесить трубки. 22. В
моей работе мне приходится проводить за рулем как минимум полдня. 23. Они
вели себя так вызывающе, что полиции пришлось их атаковать и успокаивать в
полицейском участке. 24. (О судне, затонувшем у берега с человеком в трюме)
Вам необходимо вытащить его оттуда побыстрее, а то он задохнется! 25.
Пришлось ли тебе самому придумывать выход из той ситуации, или тебе
подсказали, что делать? 26. Каждый год фирме приходится выделять немалые
средства на усовершенствование оборудования. 26. Нам пришлось ждать на
углу, пока он оденется и выйдет. 27. Вы не должны были воспринимать его
помощь, как нечто само собой разумеющееся, он не обязан был делать это для
вас. 28. Этот дом, должно быть, в очень плохом состоянии. 29. Им пришлось
развернуться на 180 градусов и подниматься на холм на второй скорости. 30.
Вам нужно повлиять на сына, он у вас совсем от рук отбился.
Ex. 1. Read, translate and comment on the form and meaning of the modal verb be to.
1. We are to decide it right now. 2. It was the first and the last ceremony I was to see.
3. Who is to do the talking today? 4. What am I to tell my parents? 5. The
Government was to have reduced inflation. 6. When he found what his fate was to be,
he got very enraged, he wouldn't submit to it. 7. I thought she was my love forever
but it was never to be. 8. She couldn't make up her mind whether the letter was to be
answered or not. 9. There was a fair in town and we put on red silk robes and painted
red. I was to tell people's fortunes. 10. "You are not to blame. How were you to know
that they could have drugged me?" 11. Who was to have done the job? 12. A fortuneteller told me that I should be rich one day. I should soon be married, and after that I
was to have a severe illness, from which I was to recover. My next adventure would
be to cross the water, after which I was to return to my country. 13. Whatever will be
will be! You are to discover very soon that it can't be helped. 14. How was I to know
all this was going to happen this summer? I just thought it was going to be a great
lazy summer. How was I to know Carl Ray would come to town and turn everything
into an odyssey?
Ex. 2. Translate into English.
1. Что же мне делать, сэр? Должен ли я уехать? 2. Мы условились встретиться
завтра. 3. Детектив обязан провести расследование. 4. Детектив должен был
провести расследование, но обстоятельства изменились. 5. Премьер-министр
должен вылететь в Ирак через неделю. 6. Генерал должен был вылететь на
Балканы, но ситуация изменилась, и пилоту пришлось повернуть самолет
обратно. 7. Нина должна была сделать массу вещей, но забыла о них. 8. Я знала,
что этому суждено было случиться, должен был выступить на конференции, но
неожиданно заболел. 10. Какой беспорядок! Кто должен был делать уборку
сегодня? 11. Ни в коем случае вы никому не должны говорить об этом! 12. Они
собирались пожениться, но этому не суждено было случиться. 13. А откуда мне
было знать, что это судьба? И что ему суждено было стать моим мужем? 14. Ты
не съешь ни одной конфетки перед обедом, а то я очень, очень рассержусь на
Ex. 3. Translate into English.
1. Поскольку вы будете уходить последним, вам нужно будет выключить свет и
компьютеры. 2. В прошлую субботу мы должны были посетить фотовыставку,
но по непонятной причине она была закрыта. 3. Это невероятно, но им суждено
было встретиться только через 25 лет. 4. В соответствии с нашим уговором я
должен был заскочить к ней по дороге на работу. 5. Ну что же, все готово к
приходу гостей. Они должны быть к шести часам. 6. На третьем курсе студенты
должны сдавать две сессии, по четыре экзамена каждая. 7. Нам должны
немного увеличить зарплату к концу года. 8. Прежде чем ты пойдешь к
товарищу, ты должен как следует выучить все уроки. 9. Мексиканский
президент прибудет во Францию с дружественным визитом в следующем
месяце. 10. Если уж мы должны успеть к ним на встречу, давай поспешим! 11.
С этого прибора нельзя удалять оригинальную краску. 12. Вам нельзя заходить
в класс без моего разрешения. 13. Работу возобновят на следующей неделе. 14.
Поезд из Евпатории прибывает через 20 минут. 15. Солнце взойдет часа через
полтора. 16. Этот закон должен быть изменен в течение полугода. 17. Вам не
разрешается курить в помещении. 18. Он должен был отвезти нас за город, но
за день до этого его машина поломалась. 19. Здесь уже ничего не изменишь! 20.
Детей нельзя оставлять без присмотра здесь.
Ex. 5. Open the brackets and fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the verbs
be to, must or have to.
1. You ___ (not tell) him about it. It's a secret. 2. It looks like rain. You ___ (take)
your raincoats. 3. You ___ (not talk) so loudly here. 4. In his youth he ___ (work)
from morning till night to earn his living. 5. He ___ (wait) at the station till it stopped
raining. 6. The secretary informed us when the manager ___ (come). 7. They ___
(leave) on Saturday, but because of the delay with their visas they ___ (book) tickets
for Monday. 8. They ___ (not tell) him anything about it before they get further
instructions. 9. He ___ (leave) for London that night. 10. ___ I (do) it all by myself?
11. It was too late to change their plans and they ___ (put up) with it. 12. You ___
(not prepare) all this work, I will help you. 13. Stay here till she is free. I think you
___ (not wait) long. 14. We ___ (conduct) a series of experiments this week. 15.
Remember that we ___ (be) at this place not later than noon.
Ex. 6. Choose the right variant.
1. He wants us to obey him. We ___ exactly what he says.
a) have to do
b) must to do
c) are to do
2. Mrs. Sparred ___ very beautiful when she was young. She has a fine face.
a) was to be
b) must have been
c) must be
3. You ___ so late. You should leave after dinner.
a) are not to stay
b) must not have stayed
c) must not stay
4. Something ___. He ___ at seven.
a) must happen, must come
b) must have happened, had to come
c) must have happened, was to have come
5. Yesterday's rain spoiled my shoes completely and I ___ new ones.
a) had to buy
b) must have bought
c) was to buy
6. Which of them ___ the documents?
a) must have brought
b) have to bring
c) was to bring
7. The only thing he knew for certain was that he ___them.
a) must not meet
b) hasn't to meet
c) is not to meet
8. You can't come in. You ___ a catching disease like that.
a) must not have
b) don't have to have
c) aren't to have
9. There ___ a garden once.
a) was to be
b) must have been
c) must be
10. We ___ in. The weather is changing.
a) must go
b) must have gone
c) are to go
Ex. 7. fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the verbs be to, must or have to.
If your radio sounds funny in the afternoon, you … be listening to Alfie Joey.
I … go to hospital because I had a fractured bone and a broken nail.
Now she is pregnant again and … decide whether to have her seventh at home.
Postal minister Pat McFadden says the Royal Mail … modernise and transform
for the future.
5. Headline: Myth about domestic violence – Abused women … have done
something to deserve it.
6. Who … blame for food price rises?
7. After arriving in Britain we … wait until we knew whether we could stay or not.
8. We knew we … make sure what happened would never happen again and also we
really wanted to draw a line under it.
9. Show Four Team: Bruno … decide which contestant … leave.
10.But it stressed that "much more … be done" in order to meet the 2015 Millennium
Development Goals deadline.
11.So as much as I want to make sure everything we do now is positive, we … look
at the long-term future and every decision will be made with that in mind."
12.Any artist doing their third album … be doing something right and maybe this is
the reason why they've come so far.
13.David Smith says companies … have known they were doing something wrong by
using a black list database.
14.Councilors in Somerset … decide the fate of the county's smallest school.
Ex. 1. Fill in the blanks with have to and be to in the following sentences:
1. I ... have someone to show me the way from the station. 2. We ... act as guides to
the party. 3. "Guess what!" "I can't guess. You'll ... tell me." 4. Now will you please
show me the room where I ... work. 5. Now I've ... listen to a lot of lying. And I never
watch faces. I look at hands and listen very carefully to the tone and tempo of speech.
6. The children ... not touch anything in the room. 7. There was a special order that no
one ... come to the station to see the battalion off. 8. But I've ... give a lot of thought
recently to my I feelings toward you. 9. It was the first and the last ceremony I ... see.
10. "What ... you ... do to earn so much money?" Barber asked. 11. He ... have had a
music lesson in the morning but the teacher called up to cancel it. 12. I ... not turn
around to know they were coining down the street. 13. He looked about him for his
daughter but she ... not be seen. 14. I ... feel my way.
Ex. 2. Translate the following sentences into English using have to or be to:
1. Барт должен был увидеться со своим шурином за ленчем на следующий день,
но он не считал нужным рассказывать об этом жене. 2. Ей пришлось пить чай
без сахара. 3. Я знал, что Пэт должна была прийти в клуб. 4. Я был несколько
удивлен, обнаружив в зале, где я должен был выступать, так много людей. 5.
Мне не нужно быть там раньше трех часов. 6. Рули пригласили на обед домой к
Мэри. После обеда они должны были пойти в кино. 7. Один из гостей сел около
меня. Мне не нужно было говорить, кто он. 8. Они бомбили нас весь день
вчера, и мы вынуждены были оставаться в окопах. 9. «У тебя короткие волосы,
и они вьются». – «Я болела скарлатиной, и волосы пришлось обрезать». 10. «Я
ведь никогда не говорил тебе, что учился в частной школе?» – спросил Алек. –
«В этом не было необходимости. Я это знала». 11. На следующий день Франк
взял меня на долгую автомобильную прогулку. А в семь часов мы должны
были обедать с Гринами. 12. По радио объявили, что вечером должен
выступать президент. 13. Он должен был пододвинуться поближе, чтобы
услышать ее. 14. В этот час Филиппа никогда не было видно.
Ex. 3. Fill in the blanks with have to or be to:
1. At nightfall the ship put in at a small port where they ... to load three hundred bags
of coffee. 2. They ... to light a fire to cook their supper. 3. He set off for the school
where he ... to write examinations for entry to the University. 4. When I got home I
found I had left my olive oil in front of the notice-board and I ... to return in the
afternoon to collect it. 5. He made all arrangements for the marriage, which ... to take
place on the day of his mother's arrival. 6. The Finnish woman who ... to work for
Finch had not arrived yet. 7. She knew there would be no more vacations for her
sons. But she ... (not) to say it. They knew that as well as she. 8. Eden went to the
wood where he ... to meet his brother for a ride. 9. Uncle Nick's things ... to be moved
out of his room so that it could be re-let. 10. For the next few weeks I ... to stay in
bed. Everyone came to visit me, and brought me presents, and I ... (not) to do the
cooking. 11. Early in January Maurice returned to Ireland and his brother
accompanied him. He ... to remain with him till spring. He then ... to go to the Slade
School of Fine Arts in London. 12. They went to inspect Finch's new house. Finch
said that only the last touches ... to be added there and he ... to move into it quite
soon. 13. That day, however, I had a pupil waiting for an English lesson and I ... to
cut my visit short.
Ex. 1. Match the utterances on the left to their actual meaning on the right.
You must hurry or you'll miss your
appointment. (H)
You needn't come if you don't want to.
You must eat a balanced diet. (A)
You need to drink about eight glasses of
water every day. (C)
You mustn't park here. (B)
You don't have to study medicine to
become a social worker. (G)
You really must do at least four hours'
training a day. (D)
In the UK you have (got) to be 18 to be
able to vote. (E)
A. This is very important: it is essential.
B. This is forbidden. You're not allowed
to do it.
C. This is necessary.
D. I urge you to do this.
E. This is a rule/law.
F. Don't feel obliged to do it.
G. You can do this if you want to but it's
not necessary.
H. It is important that you do this.
Ex. 2. Fill in the blanks with have to and need in the neccessary form.
1. All medicine ... (be) kept out of children's reach. 2. Mr Simms ... (have) an
operation immediately. 3. I can stay in bed late tomorrow as I ... (work). 4. You ...
(buy) a ticket. I had an extra one just in case. 5. Dennis ... (pay) any medical expenses
as he's got private health insurance. 6. Harriet ... (visit) the dentist because she didn't
have any cavities. 7. You ... (live) in Nigeria to get a feel of what it really means and
takes to be resident here. 8. You ... (wash) the dishes. Didn't I tell you we have a
dishwasher? 9. You know she ... (sleep) well at night to be able to leave for work by
six in the morning. 10. I ... (prepare) all that food. They phoned to say they wouldn't
be coming. 11. The man at the end of the phone said he'd only just been told about
the early start so I ... (feel) completely stupid asking whether I could have porridge
for breakfast on Sunday. 12. Jan Molby: "He is a great goalscorer and a very good
player, but I ... (say) that Darren Bent is not an international footballer."
Ex. 3. Fill in the blanks with (not) need to and need (not).
1.You … come if you don't want to. 2. You … be genius to see that it is wrong. 3. He
… see a doctor. Do you need to see one too? – No, I … see a doctor. But I need a
good rest. 4. You … be over 21 to go into a pub in Britain, whereas in America you
do. 5. You … bother to change the sheets. I'll sleep in them later. 6. … I lock the door
when I leave? – No, you … . Sarah will be home. 7. You … come if you don't want
to. Don't feel obliged to come if you don't want to. 8. You … be a genius to see that it
is wrong. You don't have to be a genius to see that it is wrong. 9. … you leave
straightaway? Can't you stay longer? 10. By the end of 2010 people will be able to
talk and see others live on their television via Skype. Kevin Baughan from Virgin
Media believes this kind of development is the future of television viewing. "Social
TV … be limited to just text," he said. 11. Stay with them, offer encouragement to
continue, and try to feel at ease with gaps in the conversation. You … give answers,
suggestions or solutions. 12. The absence of a contest … mean an absence of
strategic and policy debate. 13. Perhaps that's an area where I … be a bit more
economical really. 14. … I say more? I would like you to stay.
Ex. 4. Choose the most appropriate answer.
1. She _____ go to church if she doesn't want to. It's not obligatory.
A needn't
B don't have to
C mustn't
2. You _____ have lunch with my parents. I'm not forcing you.
A needn't
B don't have to
C mustn't
3. Tommy! You _____ pick your nose in class. It's really disgusting.
A can't
B needn't
C mustn't
4. I _____ forget to phone Granny. It's her birthday tomorrow.
A don't have to
B needn't
C mustn't
5. You _____ drive so aggressively. You'll end up killing someone.
A mustn't
B don't have to
C needn't
6. David _____ answer your emails. There's no law about it.
A mustn't
B needn't
C doesn't have to
7. You _____ finish the exercise now. You can finish it at home.
A needn't have to
B don't have to
C mustn't
8. You _____ let the cats sleep on my clean shirts. Look. They're covered in hairs.
A needn't have to
B don't have to
C mustn't
9. You _____ go to the shop. I've already bought the milk.
A mustn't
B needn't
C doesn't have to
10. If you want to pass all your exams, you _____ make a good study plan.
A must
B need to
C need
11. Clare and Simon _____ bring their car. There's plenty of room for them in ours.
A needn't
B don't need to
C mustn't
12. Cheese and biscuits _____ be kept in Tupperware containers; otherwise the
cheese goes hard and the biscuits go soft.
A must
B need
C need to
Ex. 1. Use should (not) or should (not) have.
1. You … always (wear) a helmet when you go out cycling on busy roads. 2. My
girlfriend left me. I … (be) nicer to her. 3. My father was a teacher, but he didn't like
his job. He … (be) a doctor. 4. Once the pack is opened, the cooked meat inside …
(be) consumed within three days. 5. They demand that we talk to them in a particular
way, otherwise they don't work. … we just (grow up) and accept that life moves on?
6. You … (try) and smoke less, Henry. Your health isn't very good and it's getting
worse. 7. … I (tell) her that her son is playing truant and skipping school? – I think
you … . She … (know) about it. 8. Nobody told me that the lesson had been
cancelled. The college … (tell) me by email. 9. My marriage is miserable, I …
(marry) another guy. 10. You … (take) your umbrella. It might rain. – No, I'll be all
right. I won't need it. 11. When I was a child, I played the cello. When I began to
work, I didn't have enough time to continue. Now, I think I … (take) time and
continued to practice. It's too hard to learn again. 12. I had a headache when I came
from the sauna. I … (drink) more water. 13. If you have nothing nice to say, then you
… (say) anything. 14. It was too warm in my bedroom in the night. I … (switch off)
the heating. 15. She won't be able to finish her dinner. She … (order) so much. 16. If
you want a job done properly, you … (do) it yourself. 17. Maybe you think
magazines are right to get rid of spots and wrinkles but they … (change) a model's
body shape! 18. This food is burnt. You … (leave) it in the oven so long. 19. I think
whether you're 20 or 90 you … still (have) the opportunity to go to school to learn
and be someone in the future. 20. I was really late for work today. I … (go) to bed so
late last night. 21. The interview didn't go too well. I … (prepare) more thoroughly.
22. A guideline is something you … (do), for the good of yourself and your
colleagues. 23. Do you think the ban will solve the poo problem, or just move it
elsewhere? Maybe they … do community work cleaning up dog poo! 24. I think that
dress looks awful on her. She … (chose) a different colour. 25. My father was sad
when his fourth child was born. I don't understand it: he … (be) happy. 26. We have
meetings in my office every day, we talk about things, we launch things in the
morning. So if we can help them without fighting literally, then why … we (talk)?
Ex. 2. Choose the most appropriate answer to express strong probability.
1. It's 10 a.m. He _____ in the office now.
A must be
C can be
B has to be
D should be
2. Try calling him in the evening. He _____ home by 8.
A must be
C can be
B should be
D has to be
3. You _____ our report tomorrow.
A must receive
C can receive
B should receive
D will be to receive
4. Let's watch the film about meteorites on Channel 6. It _____ interesting.
A must be
C could be
B should be
D can be
5. I can't find my car keys. I _____ them in the office.
A should leave
C must have left
B could leave
D should have left
6. There is no one by the name Lisa here. You _____.
A could have misdialed
C must be misdialed
B should have misdialed
D must have misdialed
7. I'm worried. He _____ two hours ago. Where can he be?
A must arrive
C must have arrived
B should arrive
D should have arrived
8. He _____ go to France next month.
A should
C can
B must
D will probably
9. I need to see him as soon as possible. _____ come back soon?
A Should he
C Can he
B Must he
D Is he likely to
10. I left my bag here just 5 minutes ago. You _____ it!
A should have seen
C were able to see
B must have seen
D could see
Ex. 3. Choose the most appropriate answer.
1. I _____ Tom to help me, but I wanted to do everything myself. (
A was able to ask
C should have asked
B could have asked
D had to ask
2. He didn't go to the park with us yesterday because he _____ write a report.
A should
C had to
B must
D could
3. You _____ the bills 2 weeks ago!
A must pay
C could have paid
B should pay
D should have paid
4. I don't know how to help you. Try asking Anton for help. He _____ be able to find
a solution.
A must
C might
B has to
D should
5. You want to call them now? It's already after midnight! They _____.
A must sleep
C may sleep
B should sleep
D must be sleeping
6. You don't look well. You _____ a doctor.
A are to see
C need to see
B could see
D should see
7. Whose book is this? – I am not sure. It _____ Anna's.
A might be
C should be
B must be
D can be
8. She _____ home yesterday because her little son was sick.
A could have stayed
C must have stayed
B had to stay
D should have stayed
9. Though he was ill and weak, he _____ get out of the burning building.
A could
C should
B might
D was able to
10. You _____ disturb him during his work!
A could not
C must not
B don't have to
D should not
11. Whose car is this? – It _____ Anton's. I think I saw him driving a red car like this
A might be
C must be
B could be
D should be
12. I don't believe it. It _____ be true.
A can't
C shouldn't
B mustn't
D may not
The infinitive
Ex. 1. State the form and function of the infinitive. Translate the sentences into
1. To go on with this discussion is to waste time. 2. Oh, I'm sorry to have taken so
much of your time. 3. It all sounds too good to be true. 4. We assembled to discuss
and arrange our plans. 5. Now, the first thing to settle is what to take with us. 6. We
made a list of things to be taken. 7. George suggested eggs and bacon, which were
easy to cook. 8. That's Harris all over – so ready to take the burden of everything
himself, and put it on the back of other people. 9. Harris said he felt such
extraordinary fits of giddiness come over him at times, that he hardly knew what he
was doing. 10. I don't think I ever remember to have seen Mousley Lock before, with
only one boat in it. 11. A celebration such as this was a chance not to be missed. 12.
They waited in silence for their dinner to be served. 13. After the third lesson I left
his class never to return. 14. Look back to make sure you haven't left anything
behind. 15. In leaving the compartment she looked back to see she had left the parcel
on the berth. 16. The captain ordered the passengers to be shown their cabins. 17. I
like a story to have a beginning, a middle and an end. 18. Love is said to be blind. But
the statement seems to be completely wrong. For some fellows in love appear to see
more virtues in their sweethearts than any other people are ever likely to see. 19. "It's
time to go to bed, baby." "Why, mummy! You always make me go to bed when I
don't want to sleep, and you want me to get up when I am quite sleepy." 20. "You're a
bachelor with no family to take care of. You have only yourself to please." "So far
you are right, but don't imagine it's an easy task to perform." "I don't see what you
mean." "I mean I'm a person hard to please."
Ex. 2. Divide the following verbs into two groups:
1) verb + infinitive
2) verb + pronoun + infinitive
Afford, agree, advise, allow, beg, care, challenge, decide, demand, encourage,
expect, force, forget, hope, invite, learn, manage, offer, order, plan, permit,
persuade, prepare, promise, regret, remind, require, seem, struggle, teach, tell,
threaten, urge, wait, wish.
Ex. 3. Transform each pair of sentences into one with a complex object.
1. The announcer called the flight: I've heard it. 2. The plane took off. We all have
seen it. 3. The children should go on with the game. Please let them. 4. He has taken
your dictionary. Did you allow him? 5. Pete didn't know how to fix the TV set. I
helped him. 6. Ann can't be cruel with children. I've never known her that way. 7. He
is the author of that bestseller. Everybody knows it. 8. You must search the prisoner.
It's the commander's order. 9. We were waiting for the delegation. It was due to
arrive. 10. The speaker called on all those present to support the campaign. You've
heard it, haven't you?
Ex. 4. Transform these sentences using a complex subject.
1. We heard the commander give the instruction. 2. People saw the rocket fly up. 3.
The colonel ordered the lieutenant to question the prisoner. 4. The mother allows her
children to play in the open. 5. The instructor made him do the work all over again. 6.
They say this medicine is very effective. 7. We believe him to be a great authority on
the subject. 8. They expected the delegation to arrive the next day. 9. We suppose that
Bob Wilcot will appear on TV tonight. 10. As was reported in the press, the plane
crashed while landing.
Ex. 5. Insert to where necessary before the infinitive in brackets.
1. He made me (do) it all over again. 2. He will be able (swim) very soon. 3. You
ought (go) today. It may (rain) tomorrow. 4. He made her (repeat) the message. 5.
They won't let us (leave) the Customs shed till our luggage has been examined. 6. I
used (smoke) forty cigarettes a day. 7. Will you help me (move) the bookcase? 8. He
is expected (arrive) in a few days. 9. Please let me (know) your decision as soon as
possible. 10. He made me (wait) for hours. 11. I'd like him (go) to a university but I
can't (make) him (go). 12. You seem (know) this area very well. – Yes, I used (live)
here. 13. The kidnappers told the parents (not inform) the police, and the parents
didn't dare (disobey). 14. I'm sorry (disappoint) you but I can't (let) you (have) any
more money till the end of the month. 15. It is easy (be) wise after the event. 16. Do
you (wish) (make) a complaint? 17. We don't (want) anybody (know) that we are
here. 18. If you can't (remember) his number you'd better (look) it up. 19. I want her
(learn) Esperanto; I think everybody ought (know) it. 20. He is said (be) the best
surgeon in the country. 21. Visitors are asked (not feed) the animals. 22. He should
know how (use) the film projector, but if he doesn't you had better (show) him. 23.
He was made (sign) a paper admitting his guilt. 24. I heard the door (open) and saw a
shadow (move) across the floor. 25. He tried (make) me (believe) that he was my
step-brother. 26. As we seem (have missed) the train we may as well (go) back to the
house. 27. I felt the house (shake) with the explosion. 28. Before he let us (go) he
made us (promise) (not tell) anyone what we had seen. 29. Would you (like) (come)
in my car? – No, thanks, I'd rather (walk). 30. I advised him (ask) the bus conductor
(tell) him where (get) off. 31. It is better (put) your money in a bank than (keep) it
under your bed in an old stocking. 32. Did you remember (give) him the money? –
No, I didn't, I still have it in my pocket; but I'll (see) him tonight and I promise (not
forget) this time. 33. I saw the driver (open) his window and (throw) a box into the
bushes. 34. That is too heavy for one person (carry); let me (help) you. 35. The
children were made (obey).
Ex. 6. Replace the group of words in italics by an infinitive or an infinitive
1. The captain was the last man who left the ship. 2. He got to the top and was very
disappointed when he found that someone else had reached it first. 3. There are a lot
of sheets that need mending. 4. I was astonished when I heard that he had left the
country. 5. It is better that he should hear it from you: 6. I was rude to him, which
was stupid. (It was stupid ...) 7. If he had another child with whom he could play he
would be happier. 8. It is necessary that everyone should know the truth. 9. There
was no place where we could sit. 10. He put his hand into his pocket and was
astonished when he found that his wallet wasn't there. 11. He rushed into the burning
house, which was very brave of him. (It was very brave ...) 12. I can't go to the party;
I have nothing that I can wear. 13. It is expected that he will broadcast a statement
tonight. (He is expected ...) 14. I want a kitchen where (=in which) I can cook. 15. He
reached the station exhausted and was very disappointed when he learnt that the train
had just left. 16. Haven't you anything with which you could open it? 17. It seems that
the crime was committed by a left-handed man. (The crime seems ... Use perfect
infinitive passive.) 18. Is it likely that he will arrive before six? (Is he ...) 19. It is said
that he was a brilliant scientist. (He is said...) 20. It is advisable that we should leave
the house separately. 21. You signed the document without reading it, which was very
stupid. (It was stupid ...) 22. It is said that she has a frightful temper. (She ...) 23. He
was the first man who swam the Channel. 24. They believe that he is honest. (He ...)
25. It appears that he was killed with a blunt instrument. (He appears... Use passive
infinitive). 26. He was the only one who realized the danger. 27. It is said that the
earth was originally part of the sun. (The earth ...) 28. It is said that he is hiding in
the woods near your house. 29. It is said that this palace was built in three years.
(This palace is said ...) 30. They expect that be will arrive on Tuesday. (He ...).
Ex. 7. Use the required form of the infinitive.
1. He seemed (to lose) all the friendliness he had shown at our previous meeting. 2. "I
happen (to be) her lawyer and she telephoned to me," I said to the man. 3. It became
clear that Charles was still idle. He seemed (to read) scarcely any law. 4. The cat
seems (to be) missing for about three weeks. 5. He appeared (to forget) that they had
had the first serious difference of opinion in the whole of their married life. 6. "Dr
Salt, what do you think you're doing?" "People seem (to ask) me that for days," said
Dr Salt mildly. 7. Not going home, in fact, seemed lately (to become) the pattern of
his life. 8. My mother thought that his hobbies would get him nowhere. In this she
turned out (to be) wrong. 9. It seemed (to snow) in the room. The floor, the chairs, the
desk were covered in drifts of white. It was torn paper. 10. She leant far over the
banister and strained her ears. All the family seemed (to talk) at once. 11. The general
seemed (to age) a great deal. 12. Charles met me the first day I came to London, and
our friendship seemed (to establish) a long time. 13. He did not even seem (to
understand) what the fuss was about. 14. In front of one window there was a small
table and Harry was sitting at it, peering at a pile of papers which he seemed (to
copy) or (to translate). 15. When I arrived there I didn't see the dog. Not much else
seemed (to change). 16. Then I caught sight of her on the far side of the square. She
seemed (to say) good-bye to someone.
Ex. 8. Choose the correct answer.
1. I can't hear a word, though he seems ____.
A to speak
B to be speaking
C to be spoken
D to have spoken
2. I am happy not ____ you yesterday.
A to have failed
B to fail
C to be failed
D to have been failed
3. I felt that ____ the letter to Jake would only pain him.
A to be sent
B to have sent
C to send
D to be sending
4. We were sorry ____ that most of the museums we wanted to see were closed.
A to have found out B to be found out
C to be finding out
D to find out
5. We didn't expect the boy ____ so soon.
A to have turned up B to turn up
С to be turned up
D to be turning up
6. One of the wounded officers was ____ on immediately.
A to be operated
B to be operating
C to operate
D to have operated
7. He had ____ quite a number of lessons.
A to be missing
B to miss
C to have missed
D to be missed
8. He was sorry ____ the yesterday's show.
A to have missed
B to miss
С to be missing
D to be missed
9. My grandfather likes ____ about his work in the Council.
A to ask
B to have been asked
C to be asked
D to have been asking
10.I hate ____ fun of.
A to be made
B to be making
C to have been made D to make
11.He asked ____ to leave three hours earlier than planned.
A to allow
B to have allowed
C to be allowed
D to have been allowed
12.Nobody likes ____.
A to be punishing
B to be punished
C to have punished
D to punish
13.Can you lend me this book ____?
A to be reading
B to read
C to have read
D to have been reading
14.This is an interesting subject ____ a talk on.
A to have given
B to be given
C to give
D to have been given
15.That's a good show ____.
A to be seen
B to have seen
C to see
D to have been seen
16.That's a man ____ on.
A to have relied
B to rely
C to be relied
D to have been relied
17.Who was the first ____ this problem?
A to raise
B to be raising
C to have raised
D to be raised
18.He was the only one ____ smoking.
A to be given up
B to have given up
C to be giving up
D to give up
19.He was the only one ____ this fact.
A to be mentioned
B to mention
C to have been mentioned D to be mentioning
20.I hesitated a little which book ____.
A to choose
B to be choosing
C to have chosen
D to be chosen
21.I know what ____ to avoid such mistakes.
A to be doing
B to have done
C to do
D to be done
22.I didn't know how ____you.
A to be contacted
B to have contacted
C to have been contacted
D to contact
Ex. 9. Translate the following into English using the infinitive.
1.Это оказалось правдой. (to turn out) 2. Он, кажется, получил все, что хотел. (to
seem) 3. «Где мисс Стоун?» – «Она, кажется, работает в справочном отделе
библиотеки». (to seem) 4. Казалось, что у него нет дружеских отношений ни с
кем в отделе. (to appear) 5. Боб взглянул на мать, чтобы понять, как она
реагирует на разговор. Но она, казалось, не слушала. (to seem) 6. Его сведения
оказались правильными. (to turn out) 7. Казалось, что она пишет или рисует. (to
seem) 8. Казалось, что сплетни эти не были восприняты моими братьями
всерьез. (to seem) 9. Он, кажется, мой единственный друг. (to seem) 10. Мой
отец слушал серьезно или, по крайней мере, создавалось впечатление, что он
слушал. (to appear) 11. У нас, кажется, уже был этот разговор раньше. (to seem)
12. Похоже, никто из вас не знает, как вести себя прилично. (to seem) 13.
Казалось, что его удивил этот слух. (to seem) 14. Было такое впечатление, что
он не слышал, что она сказала. (to appear) 15. Я не знал этого парня, но он,
кажется, всем тогда нравился. (to seem) 16. Случилось так, что он был
приглашен на обед к Роджеру. (to happen) 17. Так случилось, что я первый
узнал об этом. (to happen) 18. Энн познакомилась со своим молодым человеком
на танцах, и позже они много развлекались вместе, потому что он оказался
хорошим парнем. (to prove)
Ex. 10. Translate into English using the infinitive.
1. Сказать так – значит солгать. 2. С ним трудно иметь дело. 3. В таком доме
приятно жить. 4. Вам пойдут на пользу занятия спортом. 5. Стихи труднее
переводить, чем прозу. 6. Никогда не поздно признать свою ошибку. 7. Вам
нечего бояться. Вы не виноваты. 8. Я думаю, вам не на что жаловаться. 9. Она
сказала, что ей не к кому обратиться за помощью. 10. Мне нечего добавить к
тому, что вы сказали. 11. Я сожалею, что отнял у вас так много времени. 12. С
вашей стороны было очень любезно пригласить нас. 13. Я рад, что
заблаговременно заказал номер в гостинице. 14. Мы очень гордимся тем, что
победили на чемпионате. 15. Не представляю, что делать дальше. 16. Вы
наверняка получите большое удовольствие от спектакля. 17. Непохоже на то,
что Холмс забыл о своем обещании. 18. Первое, что вам нужно сделать – это
заказать билеты на пароход. 19. Единственное, что вам поможет сейчас – это
хорошо отдохнуть. 20. Это я должен задавать вопросы, а вы – отвечать на них.
21. Здесь несколько трудных слов, которые нужно посмотреть в словаре. 22.
Командир приказал ждать дальнейших указаний. 23. Я распоряжусь (to get),
чтобы секретарша напечатала ваш доклад. 24. У меня двое маленьких детей, о
которых нужно заботиться. 25. Вряд ли он позволит себе купить такую дорогую
машину. Ведь ему приходится содержать большую семью.
The gerund
Ex. 1. State the form and function of the gerund. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. Arguing over trifles is a waste of time. 2. Do you mind my putting down your
address and telephone number? 3. She enjoyed giving parties. 4. She was very proud
of being admired. 5. I shall never forget seeing the Swiss Alps for the first time. 6. I
remember meeting him before the war. 7. I don't remember ever having seen him. 8.
He had never liked being a military man and devoted the rest of his life to growing
flowers. 9. He had a way of talking with women. 10. Before going on an expedition
we had to test the equipment. 11. We've gone too far, there's no backing out. 12.
There'll be some sweating to check it up. 13. Being alone in your country is worse
than being alone anywhere else. 14. His being absent-minded was noticed by
everybody. 15. There is no danger of it happening again. 16. It was a silly thing, his
telling them the truth. 17. Is it worth while your trying to convince him of being
wrong? 18. She never did a thing without consulting her solicitor. 19. He was
reprimanded for breaking the rules of the game. 20. Can I rely on you setting matters
right? 21. We must consider whether it is worth while accepting this proposal. 22. He
was wakened by someone knocking at the door. 23. There came the sound of the door
closing, then being locked. 24. Nora hated her husband always throwing his things
about. 25. Nora, I can't bear it lying flat on my back and doing nothing. 26. He
succeeded in taking first place in the speed skating contest. 27. He was charged with
murdering Mrs Ann Baker, a widow of 45. 28. He was in jail for having killed a man
in a fight. 29. Father didn't approve of my having rejected the offer. 30. He insisted
on repeating the experiment to control the results.
Ex 2. Divide the following verbs into three groups:
1) verb + infinitive
2) verb + gerund
3) verb + infinitive or gerund
Attempt, avoid, begin, bother, can't stand, choose, continue, dare, deny, enjoy,
expect, fail, fancy, hate, have, imagine, intend, involve, keep, learn, love, manage,
mention, neglect, offer, plan, postpone, prefer, refuse, regret, resist, start, stop,
suggest, swear, trouble, understand, undertake, would like.
Ex. 3. Transform each pair of sentences info one with a gerund or a gerundial
1. They are arguing over trifles. It's waste of time. 2. My watch doesn't keep good
time. It needs to be repaired. 3. I remember the man. I met him in London. 4. She is
always gossiping. I think she is fond of it. 5. Don't interrupt me. I hate it. 6. I couldn't
answer earlier. Please, forgive me. 7. You've helped me a lot; I'm so grateful to you.
8. My mother is sure to interfere in my affairs. I'm against it. 9. You smoke too much.
Give up this habit. 10. I may come in late tonight. Do you mind it? 11. I think you
must see the film. It is good. 12. We must repeat the experiment. The professor insists
on it. 13. He is sure to settle the matter. You cаn rely on him. 14. I am afraid to sign
the document. I must consult my solicitor. 15. The gang was on trial. They had
robbed a mail train. 16. First they interviewed him. Then he was offered the job. 17.
John can't have left yet. Why, he hasn't said good-bye! 18. I'm being fooled down. I
won't stand it. 19. You are trying to convince him of that? Is it worth while? 20. Don't
treat me like that. I'm not used to it. 21. He was being spied on. He suspected it.
Ex. 4. Use the gerund in the active or passive form.
1. I prefer (drive) to (drive). 2. Stop (argue) and start (work). 3. He liked neither
(read) nor (read) aloud to. 4. It's no use (cry) over spilt milk. (proverb) 5. Why do
you avoid (see) me? 6. He tried to avoid (see). 7. I suggest (hold) another meeting
next week. 8. He finished (speak) and sat down. 9. We insist on (send) him there at
once. 10. He insists on (send) there instead of me. 11. If you can't turn the key, try
(put) some oil in the lock. 12. He showed no sign of (know) them. 13. She showed no
sign of (impress). 14. I was annoyed at (interrupt) every other moment. 15. You can't
make an omelette without (break) eggs. (proverb) 16.He is thinking of (leave) his job
and (go) to America. 17. She dreams of (invite) to the party. 18. After (read) this
article you will give up (smoke). 19. On (introduce) they easily fell to (talk). 20. In
(discuss) this problem they touched upon some very interesting items. 21. The
equipment must go through a number of tests before (install). 22. The idea is worth
(consider). 23. If you put your money into that business you risk (lose) every penny.
24. Imagine (live) with someone who never stops (talk). 25. He hates (remind) people
of their duties or (remind) of his. 26. The boys were punished for (break) the window.
27. The old man could not stand (make) fun of. 28. Is there anything here worth
(buy)? 29. You'd better consult the lawyer before (decide) to buy the property. 30.
She was so eagerly looking forward to (give) the leading part to play that she was
greatly disappointed at not even (offer) it. 31. Would you mind (put) your pet snake
somewhere else? 32. By (work) day and night he succeeded in (finish) the job in
time. 33. He has a scheme for (make) grass grow in winter. 34. He liked to do things
without (disturb) anyone or (disturb). 35. She reproached me for not (keep) my
Ex. 5. Supply an appropriate verb form and preposition (if necessary):
1. Alice isn't interested (look) for anew job. 2. Henry is excited (leave) for India. 3.
You are capable (do) better work. 4. I have no excuse (be) late. 5. I'm accustomed
(have) a big breakfast. 6. The rain prevented us (complete) the work. 7. Fred is
always complaining (have) a headache. 8. Instead (study), Margaret went to a ball
game with some of her friends. 9. Thank you (help) me carry the packages to the post
office. 10. Mrs Grant insisted (know) the whole truth. 11. He showed us how to get to
his house (draw) a map. 12. You should take advantage (live) here. 13. Laura had a
good reason (go, not) to class yesterday. 14. Everyone in the neighbourhood
participated (search) for the lost child. 15. I apologized to Diane (make) her wait for
me. 16. The weather is terrible tonight. I don't blame you (want, not) to go to the
meeting. 17. Who is responsible (wash) and (dry) the dishes after dinner? 18. In
addition (go) to school full-time, Sam has a part-time job. 19. The angry look on his
face stopped me (speak) my mind. 20. Where should we go for dinner tonight?
Would you object (go) to an Italian restaurant? 21. The mayor made another public
statement for the purpose (clarify) the new tax proposal. 22. The thief was accused
(steal) a woman's purse. 23. The jury found Mr Adams guilty (take) money from the
company he worked for and (keep) it for himself. 24. Bill isn't used (wear) a suit and
tie every day. 25. I'm going to visit my family during the school vacation. I'm looking
forward (eat) my mother's cooking and (sleep) in my own bed. 26. I have a good
reason (be) late. 27. It's getting late. I'm worried (miss) my train. 28. I'm not used
(drive) in the mountains. 29. Nothing can stop me (go) there. 30. I apologized to my
friend (be) late.
Ex. 6. Supply an appropriate verb form and preposition (if necessary):
1. When Beth got tired, she stopped (work). 2. Would you mind (open) the door?
Thanks. 3. The police officer told him to stop, but he kept (drive). 4. I enjoy (have) a
long walk every morning. 5. I would like to have some friends over. I'm thinking
(invite) them to a dinner party. 6. He told a really funny joke. We couldn't stop
(laugh)! 7. Where are you considering (go) for vacation? 8. Sometimes I put off (do)
my homework. 9. I quit (read) comic books when I was twelve years old 10. You
can't postpone (make) that decision much longer. 11. I wanted to go to Mexico. Sally
suggested (go) to Hawaii. 12. Tony mentioned (take) the bus to school instead of
walking. 13. I appreciate (be) able to study in peace and quiet. 14. We went (sail)
yesterday and enjoyed it very much. 15. Instead (ask) for help on each arithmetic
problem, you should use your book and try to figure out the answers yourself. 16. I
look forward (see) you next time I'm in town. I'll let you know ahead of time so that
we can plan to get together. 17. Alice told us that she was tired (wash) the dishes
every night. 18. The four-year-old was blamed (break) the glass candy dish. 19. I
tried to prevent him (come). 20. You should listen to other people instead (talk) about
yourself all the time. 21. What do you feel (have) for dinner? Does chicken and rice
sound good? 22. Frank believes animals should be protected from hunters. He objects
(kill) wild animals for sport. 23. Please don't argue (finish) your homework. Just do
it. 24. Mario spent all month preparing for the tennis match, but in spite (practise) for
many hours, he lost the match to Ivan. 25. She is thinking (become) a rock star. 26. I
can't stand (watch) romantic films. 27. I have difficulty (get) to school on time. 28.
He is good (organize) parties. 29. He is fond (collect) things. 30. He insisted (give)
that job.
Ex. 7. Choose between the infinitive and the gerund.
1. I seem (to spend) my life saying good-bye. 2. I left the clothes lying wherever they
happened (to fall). 3. She waited while Johnson went round (to shake) hands with
everybody. 4. When they chanced (to meet) she always gave him a friendly smile. 5.
As I stood (to wait) on the corner of the street, Gerald Sutton came by. 6. Саго sat (to
stroke) the side of her glass. 7. I happened (to run) into her in the library. 8. Then a
cricket ball came (to smash) through the window and rolled underneath the piano. 9.
The print seemed (to blur) before his eyes. 10. I find plenty to do. I have a very nice
neighbour. We go (to fish) and (to sail) together. 11. Tom never seemed (to want) his
mother to know what he had been doing. 12. I woke abruptly from sleep and sat up
(to listen). 13. Martha was out (to meet) her friend. 14. He doesn't seem (to know)
what love means. 15. Dick considered her suggestion, and appeared (to find) it
acceptable. 16. Her office turned out (to be) in one of the back streets. 17. So I sat (to
stare) at the diary, as at a blank space in a crossword puzzle. 18. Jimmy proved (to
be) a good teacher. 19. "So what?", she eyed me curiously. There seemed (to be) a
faint foreign accent in her voice. 20. I sat (to wish) from time to time that he would
just go away.
Ex. 8. Choose between the infinitive and the gerund.
1. I wished (to be) quite fair. 2. I expected (to find) him in the drawing-room but he
wasn't there. 3. I enjoyed (to listen) to her talk of Viennese society in the days of her
youth. 4. Reggie promised (to look) in. 5. I wanted (to cheer) him up. 6. Jerry was
enjoying himself and did not want (to come) away. I suggested (to leave) him and (to
let) him meet us at the station. 7. Everything you've planned (to do) is sensible. 8.
Riley offered (to drive) into town and (to get) some coffee. 9. He longs (to settle)
down and (to live) a quiet country life. 10. Kate avoided (to see) John alone. 11. You
keep (to say) things in Latin and you know I can't understand. 12. He proceeded (to
illustrate) this by his own story. 13. Her eyes were full and bright. She did not pretend
(to hide) her nervousness. 14. Jack asked the stewardess for some stationery and,
when it came, set about (to compose) a letter to his son. 15. Renny was often dead
right, more often than I cared (to remember). 16. He sat there sullenly and refused (to
answer). 17. I didn't mind (to think) about them a bit. 18. He had just finished (to
strap) up a suitcase. 19. He did not hesitate (to employ) such methods. 20. We
arranged (to meet). 21. He stopped (to whistle) and went into the bathroom to turn the
water on for the bath. 22. His sister-in-law certainly needed (to look) after. 23. As I
grew (to know) him I began (to like) him. 24. We can't afford (to waste) you. 25. I
can't help (to like) Sophy.
Ex. 9. Choose between the infinitive and the gerund.
1. Arthur had managed (to do) it his way. 2. I couldn't resist (to buy) such a lovely
hat. 3. She says she can't imagine not (to hear) his key in the lock. 4. I hadn't
understood why, the previous summer, he had given up (to attempt, to see) Roger. 5.
I notice that you took the trouble (to get) your picture into all the papers. 6. I have
been meaning (to ask) you about it. 7. Then he condescended (to explain) himself. 8.
He denied (to know) anything about the missing document. 9. Last week you
mentioned ... us a different reading book. We're nearly finished (to get, to read) this
one. 10. You certainly mustn't miss (to see) this wonderful film. 11. Mary tended (to
be) upset by her failures. 12. Tears filled her eyes and ran down her cheeks. She did
not trouble (to wipe) them away. 13. He is considering (to write) a book about his
war experience. 14. She put off (to break) the news to her father. 15. Looking back on
it, I think it would have been better, for all concerned, if we had never attempted (to
interfere). 16. He got out of bed and prepared (to shave). 17. I wondered if you felt
like (to come) out for a dance? 18. He had made up his mind (to confide) in Dick. 19.
I considered (to paint) the ceiling blue. 20. He asked (to see) the cheque, and it was
produced. 21. She couldn't go on (to live) alone in that great house. 22. I've got a
fifty-percent chance of doing what I set out (to do).
Ex. 10. Put the verbs in brackets into gerund or infinitive.
1. I used (ride) a lot but I haven't had a chance (do) any since (come) here. – I ride
sometimes. Would you like (come) with me next time? 2. Most people prefer (spend)
money to (earn) it. 3. I resented (be) unjustly accused and asked him (apologize). 4. It
isn't good for children (eat) too many sweets. 5. I didn't feel like (work) so I
suggested (spend) the day in the garden. 6. Why do you keep (look) back? Are you
afraid of (be) followed? 7. Do you remember (post) the letter? – Yes, I do. I posted it
in the letter-box near my gate. 8. Did you remember (lock) the door? – No, I didn't.
I'd better (go) back and (do) it now. 9. You still have a lot (learn) if you forgive my
(say) so. 10. It's no use (try) (interrupt) him. You'll have (wait) till he stops (talk). 11.
I'm for (do) nothing till the police arrive. They don't like you (move) anything when a
crime has been committed. 12. He didn't like (leave) the children alone in the house
but he had no alternative as he had (go) out to work. 13. I'm very sorry for (be) late. It
was good of you (wait) for me. 14. I keep (try) (make) mayonnaise but I never
succeed. – Try (add) the yolk of a hard-boiled egg. 15. Do you feel like (go) to a film
or would you rather (stay) tat home? 16. He took to (get up) early and (walk) noisily
about the house. 17. I liked (listen) to folk music much better than (listen) to pop. 18.
The car began (make) an extraordinary noise so I stopped (see) what it was. 19.
You'll never regret (do) a kind action. 20. He decided (put) broken glass on top of his
wall (prevent) boys (climb) over it. 21. He annoyed me very much by (take) the piece
of cake that I was keeping (eat) after my supper. 22. He kept (ring) up and (ask) for
an explanation and she didn't know what (do) about him. 23. We got tired of (wait)
for the weather (clear) and finally decided (set) out in the rain. 24. He made me
(repeat) his instructions (make) sure that I understood what I was (do) after he had
gone. 25. I suggest (leave) the car here and (send) a breakdown van (tow) it to the
garage. 26. She apologized for (borrow) my sewing-machine without (ask)
permission and promised never (do) it again. 27. I didn't mean (offend) anyone but
somehow I succeeded in (annoy) them all. 28. He never thinks of (get) out of your
way; he expects you (walk) round him. 29. You don't need (ask) his permission every
time you want (leave) the room. 30. The police accused him of (set) fire to the
building but he denied (have been) in the area on the night of the fire.
Ex. 11. Put the verbs in brackets into gerund or infinitive.
1. It's much better (go) to a hairdresser than (try) (save) time by (cut) your own hair.
2. I'd rather (earn) my living by (scrub) floors than (make) money by (blackmail)
people. 3. I always remember (turn) off all the lights before I leave my house. 4. I'll
never forget (carry) my wife over the threshold when we moved into our first house.
5. I regret (listen, not) to my father's advice. He was right. 6. We went for a walk after
we finished (clean) up the kitchen. 7. Sometimes students avoid (look) at the teacher
if they don't want (answer) a question. 8. The club members discussed (postpone) the
next meeting until March. 9. Did Carol agree (go) (camp) with you? 10. The taxi
driver refuse (take) a check. He wanted the passenger (pay) in cash. 11. The soldiers
were ordered (stand) at attention. 12. The travel agent advised us (wait, hot) until
August 13. I don't mind (wait) for you. Go ahead and finish (do) your work. 14. Keep
(talk), I'm listening to you. 15. The children promised (play) more quietly. They
promised (make, not) so much noise. 16. Linda offered (look after) my cat while I
was out of town. 17. You shouldn't put off (pay) your bills. 18. The doctor ordered
Mr Gray (smoke, not). 19. Don't tell me his secret. I prefer (know, not). 20. Could
you please stop (whistle)? I'm trying (concentrate) on my work. 21. Did you
remember (turn off) the stove? 22. Jack was allowed (renew) his student visa. 23. Pat
told us (wait, not) for her. 24. Mr Buck warned his daughter (play, not) with matches.
25. Would you please remind me (call) Alice tomorrow? 26. I'm considering (drop)
out of school, (hitchhike) to New York, and (try) (find) a job. 27. Sally reminded me
(ask) you (tell) Bob (remember) (bring) his soccer ball to the picnic. 28. Alex broke
the antique vase. I'm sure he didn't mean (do) it. 29. Mrs Freeman can't help (worry)
about her children. 30. I appreciate your (take) the time to help me. 61. I can't afford
(buy) a new car.
Ex. 12. Translate into English using the gerund.
1. Езда на большой скорости опасна. 2. Думаю, что этот вопрос не стоит
обсуждать. 3. Бесполезно спорить с ним. Его ни в чем не убедишь. 4. Вам не
хочется выпить чашку кофе? 5. Его ни в чем не убедить. 6. С нетерпением жду,
когда снова увижу Вас. 7. Он увлекался чтением приключенческих книг и
мечтал стать путешественником. 8. Нам всем надоело выслушивать твои
жалобы. 9. У него дар рассказывать смешные истории. 10. Я не привык спать
днем. 11. Лекция посвящена новым методам обучения иностранным языкам. 12.
Что вы предпочитаете, ездить поездом или летать на самолете? 13. Ребенок
боялся, что его накажут. 14. Я не понимал, почему она избегает говорить об
этом. 15. Я помню, встречал его в Париже до войны. 16. Свидетель сказал, что
не помнит, чтобы когда-либо раньше видел этого человека. 17. Он вынужден
был извиниться за то, что подвел нас. 18. Простите меня за то, что не ответил
на ваше письмо раньше. 19. Очень благодарен вам за то, что вы мне дали об
этом знать. 20. Они продолжали опыт, несмотря на то, что были усталые и
голодные. 21. Если бы ты бросил курить, ты бы перестал кашлять. 22. Неужели
вы думаете, что он способен предать своих товарищей? 23. Как вы думаете, что
помешало ему принять участие в чемпионате? 24. Что заставило его отказаться
от мысли написать сценарий по своему рассказу? 25. Я поинтересовался тем,
кто отвечает за организацию вечеров на английском языке. 26. Члены
экспедиции Нобиле были уверены, что достигнут полюса. 27. Должно быть, она
не рискнула отправиться с ними в экспедицию. 28. Он подумал о том, чтобы
переехать на другую квартиру. 29. Нельзя было не рассмеяться при виде лорда
Бебберли, переодетого в женское платье. 30. Какова причина того, что Бэббс
был так расстроен? 31. Жаль, что я упустил случай посетить галерею Тейта,
когда был в Лондоне. 32. Разве кто-нибудь отрицает важность изучения
иностранных языков? 33. Терпеть не могу, когда спорят по пустякам. 34. Он
уехал, не попрощавшись ни с кем. 35. Она не привыкла, чтобы; с нею так
Appendix 1
True in the Present
If clause
Independent clause
True as habit or fact
If + subject + present tense
subject + present tense
If Judita works hard,
she gets good grades.
True as one-time future event
If + subject + present tense
subject + future tense
If Judita hands in her paper early
she'll probably get an A.
Possibly true in the future
If + subject + present tense
subject + modal + base form
If Judita hands in her paper early
she may/might/could/should get an A.
Untrue in the Present
If clause
Independent clause
If + subject + past tense
subject + would/could/might + simple
form of verb
If Judita worked this hard in all her
she would/could/might get on the Dean's
If + subject + to be verb
subject + would/could/might + simple
form of verb
If Judita were president of her class,
she could work to reform the grading
Untrue in the Past
If clause
Independent clause
If + subject + past perfect tense
subject + modal + have + past participle
If Judita had worked this hard in all her
she would not have failed this semester.
Appendix 2
Modal verbs and
substitutes: Meanings
Present and Future: Examples
Past: Examples
1. ability – affirmative
2. informal request –
affirmative questions
3. informal permission
– affirmative and
4. impossibility –
negative statements
She couldn't drive when she was
She can drive. Can he play the
15. Could she drive when she was
piano? I can do it tomorrow.
Can you open the window, please?
Can I use your phone, please?
Can I leave now? (Can I use your
phone, please? Yes, you can. No,
you can't.
Your story can't be true!
His story can't have been true!
1. ability in the past –
and questions
2. polite request –
affirmative questions
affirmative questions
She couldn't drive when she was
15. Could she drive when she was
Could you tell me where the bank
is, please?
Could I use your telephone,
He could have been at the library
– I'm not sure, but he could be at the
from 2 to 5 yesterday. (Он
affirmative statements library now. (Я не уверен, но он
возможно был в библиотеке
and questions
возможно в библиотеке сейчас.)
вчера с 2 до 5.)
You could have asked Tom for
I don't understand these charts. help yesterday, today is his day
– You could ask Tom for help. (Вы
off. (Вы могли бы попросить
affirmative statements могли бы попросить Тома о
Тома о помощи вчера, сегодня у
него выходной.)
6. impossibility –
Your story couldn't be true.
His story couldn't have been true.
negative statements
He is able to do it himself. (Он в She wasn't able to drive when she
1. ability – affirmative состоянии сделать это сам.) Will was 15. (Она не умела водить,
negative he be able to walk soon? (Он когда ей было 15 лет.) Was she
and скоро сможет ходить?) He will able to drive when she was 18?
be able to do it tomorrow. (Он (Умела она водить, когда ей
сможет это сделать завтра.) He было 18?)
won't be able to go with us. (Он
не сможет пойти с нами.)
2. ability in the past,
with realized action –
substitute for could
He was able to swim across the
river yesterday. (Он смог
переплыть реку вчера.) He was
able to get out when the fire
started. (Он смог выбраться,
когда начался пожар.) He wasn't
able to solve that problem. (Он не
сумел решить ту проблему.)
1. strong necessity – I must go to the bank now. He
substitute: had to
affirmative statements must finish this report by Friday.
You must not leave the house.
(Вам запрещается покидать
negative statements
дом.) You mustn't enter this room.
His bag was on the table, he must
have been there. (Его сумка была
His bag is on the table, he must be
на столе, он наверняка был там.)
here. (Его сумка на столе, он
The light was off, he must have
3. strong probability – должен быть здесь.) The light is
been sleeping. (Свет был
and off, he must be sleeping. (Свет
выключен, он наверное спал.)
negative statements, выключен, он наверное спит.)
She didn't call me, she must not
present and past
She is his friend, she must know
have read my message. (Она не
his address. (Она его друг, она
позвонила мне, должно быть,
наверняка знает его адрес.)
He had to go to the bank
I have to go to the bank now.
yesterday. (Ему нужно было
(Мне нужно пойти в банк
пойти в банк вчера - и он сходил
сейчас.) We will have to sell the
affirmative statements
в банк.) We had to sell our car.
car soon. (Нам придется продать
and questions
(Нам пришлось продать нашу
машину скоро.) Does he have to
машину.) Did he have to finish
finish this report by Friday?
that report yesterday?
You don't have to go to work He didn't have to go to work
today and tomorrow, we are on yesterday, it was his day off. (Ему
2. no necessity –
vacation! (Нет необходимости не нужно было идти на работу
negative statements
идти на работу сегодня и завтра, вчера, это был его выходной
мы в отпуске!)
I've got to go now. (Я должен
necessity – affirmative уйти сейчас.) He's got to leave on
substitute: had to
Tuesday. (Он должен уехать во
affirmative statements
and questions
2. no necessity –
negative statements
strong expectation –
negative statements
1. advice – affirmative
2. strong probability –
negative statements,
future and past
1. polite request –
affirmative questions
2. formal permission –
negative statements and
affirmative questions
negative statements
I need to study before the test.
(Мне нужно позаниматься перед
контрольной.) Does he need to go
You don't need to go to work
today and tomorrow, we are on
vacation! You need't worry, he
необходимости беспокоиться, у
него все будет хорошо.)
You are to be there at 9 sharp. (Вы
должны быть там ровно в 9.)
You are not to smoke here!
(Нельзя здесь курить!)
You look ill, you should see a
doctor. (Вы выглядите больным,
вам следует пойти к врачу.) You
shouldn't argue with your boss.
(Вам не следует спорить с
вашим начальником.) Should I
ask Tom about it? (Следует ли
мне спросить Тома об этом?)
I needed to study before the test,
so I stayed home. Did he need to
go there?
He didn't need to go to work
yesterday, it was his day off. (Ему
не было необходимости идти на
работу вчера, это был его
выходной день.)
You were to report your arrival by
8 in the morning. (Вам
предписывалось доложить о
вашем приезде до 8 утра.)
You should have seen a doctor a
week ago. (Вам следовало пойти
к врачу неделю назад.) You
shouldn't have argued with your
boss. (Вам не следовало спорить
с вашим начальником.)
Why doesn't he call? He should
This story should be interesting.
have arrived in Rome 2 hours ago.
This task shouldn't be difficult for
(Почему же он не звонит? Он
you. (Это задание не должно
должен был прибыть в Рим 2
быть трудным для вас.)
часа назад.)
Мay I use your telephone, please?
May I speak to Mr. Brown, please?
You may stay here only for 3 days.
(Вам разрешено остаться здесь
только на 3 дня.) May I come in?
Yes, you may. No, you may not.
He may have seen Anna yesterday.
I'm not sure, but he may be at
(Он, возможно, виделся с Анной
school now. (Я не уверен, но он
вчера.) He may not have talked
возможно в школе сейчас.) He
with the doctor yet. (Он,
may not be home yet. (Возможно,
возможно, еще не поговорил с
что его еще нет дома.)
I'm not sure, but he might be at
school now. (Я не уверен, но он
possibility – affirmative возможно в школе сейчас.) He
and negative statements might not come back soon.
Is he likely to be at school now?
possibility – substitute (Вероятно ли, что он сейчас в
for may, might in школе?) Is he likely to come back
soon? (Похоже ли, что он скоро
He might have seen Anna
yesterday. (Он, возможно, виделся
с Анной вчера.) He might not have
talked with the doctor yet. (Он,
возможно, еще не поговорил с
Was he likely to be at school
yesterday at 3? (Вероятно ли, что
он был в школе вчера в 3?)
Appendix 3
The to-infinitive is used:
1. to express purpose
She went out to buy some milk.
2. after certain verbs (advise, agree,
appear, decide, expect, hope, promise,
refuse etc)
He promised to be back at 10 o'clock.
3. after certain adjectives (angry, happy,
glad etc): She was glad to see him.
4. after nouns
It's a pleasure to work with you.
5. after question words (where, how, what,
who, which, but not after "why")
Has she told you where to meet them?
BUT: I don't know why he left so early.
6. after would like/would love/would
prefer (to express specific preference)
I'd love to go for a walk.
7. with "only" to express unsatisfactory
He called me only to say that he would be
8. with it + be + adjective (+ of + object)
It was nice of him to remember my birthday.
9. after too/enough constructions
He's too short to reach the top shelf.
He isn't tall enough to reach the top shelf.
The -ing form is used:
1. as a noun
Eating vegetables is good for your health.
2. after certain verbs (admit (to), avoid,
consider, continue, delay, deny, enjoy,
escape, excuse, fancy, finish, forgive,
imagine, involve, keep (= continue), look
forward to, mention, mind, miss, object to,
postpone, practise, prevent, report, resist,
risk, save, stand, suggest, understand etc)
He admitted (to) stealing the painting
3. after love, like, dislike, hate, enjoy,
prefer (to express general preference)
He likes cooking (in general).
Note: like + to - inf. = it's a good idea; it's
I like to eat a healthy breakfast. (specific
4. after I'm busy, it's no use, it's (no) good,
it's (not) worth, what's the use of, can't
help, there's no point (in), can't stand,
be/get used to, be/get accustomed to, have
difficulty (in): It's no use complaining.
6. after spend/waste time
He wasted his time playing video games.
5. after "go" for physical activities
They go skiing every winter.
7. after prepositions
He entered without knocking at the door.
8. after see, hear, listen, watch to express
an incomplete action, an action in
1. after modal verbs (must, can, will etc)
progress or a long action
You must be back at 12 o'clock.
I saw Kate painting the kitchen. (I saw Kate
2. after had better/would rather
in the middle of painting. I saw part of the
I'd rather have stayed in last night.
action in progress. I didn't wait until she had
3. after make/let/see/hear/feel + object
Mum let me watch TV. I made him finished.) BUT: see, hear, listen, watch +
infinitive without to express a complete
BUT: in the passive form: be made/be action, something that one saw or heard
from beginning to end: I watched Kate
heard/be seen + to -infinitive
paint the kitchen. It took her two hours. (I
He was made to apologise.
saw the whole action from beginning to end.)
Note: help is followed by a to-infinitive or Note: If two infinitives are joined by
an infinitive without to.
"and", the "to" of the second infinitive
She helped me (to) wash the dishes.
can be omitted.
I want to eat something and have a rest.
The infinitive without to is used:
Verbs taking to-infinitive or -ing form without a change in meaning
1. begin, start, continue + to-inf. or -ing She began dancing/to dance. But: It's
form. However, we never have two -ing beginning to get cold. Not: It's beginning
forms together.
getting cold.
2. advise, allow, permit, recommend, He doesn't allow us to smoke here.
encourage when followed by an object or They aren't allowed to smoke here.
in passive form take a to-infinitive. They They don't allow smoking here.
take the -ing form when not followed by an
3. it needs/it requires/it wants + -ing The house needs/requires/wants painting.
form "It needs" can also be followed by The car needs repairing/to be repaired.
a passive infinitive.
Verbs taking to-infinitive or -ing form with a change in meaning
1. stop + to-inf.= pause temporarily
6. try + to-inf. = do one's best, attempt
She stopped to get some petrol before The firemen are trying to put out the fire.
continuing on her journey to Leeds.
try + -ing form = do sth as an experiment
stop + -ing form = finish; end
Why don't you try adding some sugar to the
Stop talking, please!
sauce? It might taste better.
2. remember + to-inf.= remember to do 7. go on + to-inf. = finish doing sth and
start doing sth else; then
Remember to turn off the cooker before After finishing the report, she went on to
type some letters.
remember + -ing form = recall a past go on + -ing form = continue
She went on talking for hours.
I don't remember staying in this hotel
3. want + to-inf. = wish
8. forget + to-inf. = not remember
I want to spend my holidays in Spain. I'm sorry, I forgot to buy milk.
want + -ing form = need sth done
forget + ing form = forget a past event
This room wants painting again.
He'll never forget flying over the Alps.
4. mean + to-inf = intend to
9. be sorry + to-inf = regret
He means to find a job abroad.
I'm sorry to hear they fired him.
mean + -ing form = involve
be sorry for + -ing form = apologise
Finding a job means attending many I'm sorry for being/having been unfair to
5. regret + to-inf. = be sorry to
10. be afraid + to-inf. (the subject is too
I regret to tell you that there is no money frightened to do sth)
left in your account.
I'm afraid to climb up that tree. (I don't
regret + -ing form = have second thoughts want to do it.)
about sth one has already done
be afraid of + -ing form (the subject is
I regret buying/having bought this dress; afraid that what is described by the -ing
it doesn't look nice on me.
form may happen): She won't climb up the
tree; she is afraid of falling. (She is afraid
because she might fall.)
Appendix 4
Present Simple
A: He speaks.
 permanent situations
N: He does not speak.  repeated/habitual actions
Q: Does he speak?
 universal truths/laws of
 actions set by a timetable,
programm or schedule
A: He is speaking.
N: He is not speaking.
Q: Is he speaking?
Present Perfect A: He has spoken.
N: He has not spoken.
Q: Has he spoken?
Present Perfect A: He has been
N: He has not been
Q: Has he been
Past Simple
A: He spoke.
N: He did not speak.
Q: Did he speak?
Signal Words
always, every …,
never, normally,
if sentences type I
(If I talk, …)
 actions taking place at the at the moment,
just, just now,
moment of speaking
 actions taking place only Listen!,
for a limited period of
 actions arranged for the
 putting emphasis on the already, ever, just,
never, not yet, so
far, till now, up to
 actions still going on
 recently completed actions now, three letters
 finished actions connected since…
to the present
 actions that have taken
place once, never or
several times before the
(emphasis on experience)
 putting emphasis on the all day, for 4
course or duration (not the years, since 1993,
how long?, the
 actions that have recently whole week
stopped or are still going on
 finished
influence the present
 past habits or states
 actions taking place one
1990, the other
after another
 actions taking place in the day, last Friday
if sentence type II
middle of another action
 actions that happened at a (If I talked, …)
definite past time although
it is not mentioned
Past Perfect
Past Perfect
Future Simple
A: He had spoken.
 past actions in progress at
N: He had not
a stated past time
 past actions in progress
Q: Had he spoken?
interrupted by another
 two or more simultaneous
past actions
A: He had spoken.
 actions taking place before
N: He had not
a certain time in the past
 putting emphasis only on
Q: Had he spoken?
the fact (not the duration)
 the Past Perfect is the past
equivalent of the Present
A: He had been  actions taking place before
a certain time in the past
N: He had not been  putting emphasis on the
duration or course of an
Q: Had he been
 the
Progressive is the past
equivalent of the Present
Perfect Progressive
A: He will speak.  actions in the future that
N: He will not speak.
cannot be influenced
Q: Will he speak?
 spontaneous decisions
 predictions which may
(not) happen in the future
 hopes,
warnings, requests
Be going to
A: He is going to speak.
N: He is not going to
Q: Is he going to speak?
A: He will be speaking.
N: He will not be
Q: Will he be speaking?
at 4.30 yesterday,
… when he came
never, not yet,
once, until that
if sentence type
III (If I had
talked, …)
for, since, the
whole day, all day
in a year, next …,
tomorrow, expect,
probably, hope,
believe, I’m sure,
I’m afraid
If- sentences type
I (If you ask her,
she will help you.)
think, probably,
in one year, next
 planned actions
 evidence that smth. will week, tomorrow,
definitely happen in the near we’ve settled…
Look at the dark
 actions that are going on at a in one year, next
week, tomorrow
certain time in the future
 actions that are sure to
happen in the near future
 when we ask politely about
people’s arrangements to see
if they can do smth. for us
A: He will
N: He will not
Q: Will he
Future Perfect A: He will have
N: He will not
been speaking.
Q: Will he have
Future Perfect
have actions that will be finished
at a certain time in the
have future
by Monday, in a
been  actions taking place before for …, the last
a certain time in the future couple of hours,
have  putting emphasis on the all day long
course of an action
Appendix 5
A / AN
1. it refers to something mentioned for the
first time
2. it is used before a singular countable noun
to refer to a class of people, animals or
3. after the verbs be and have
4. it refers to a particular member of a group
or class:
a) with names of jobs
Would you like a drink? I've finally got a
good job.
A dolphin is a mammal.
A cat is a domestic animal.
John is a doctor.
Mary is training to be an engineer.
He wants to be a dancer.
John is an Englishman.
Kate is a Catholic.
Mary bought a violin when she was in
Moscow. (BUT to describe the activity we
say "He plays the violin.")
When a Forsyte was engaged, married or
born, all the Forsytes were present.
the mouse had a tiny nose
the elephant had a long trunk
it was a very strange car
What a shame!
She's such a beautiful girl.
I'd like an orange and two lemons please.
The burglar took a diamond necklace and a
valuable painting.
b) with nationalities and religions
c) with musical instruments
d) with a name of a person as belonging to
the same family and being its representative
5. it refers to a kind of or example of
6. with singular nouns, after the words 'what'
'quite', 'rather' and 'such'
7. in the meaning of 'one' referring to a
single object or person
1. it refers to something which has already An elephant and a mouse fell in love.
been mentioned
The mouse loved the elephant's long trunk,
and the elephant loved the mouse's tiny
2. when both the speaker and listener know 'Where's the bathroom?' 'It's on the first
what is being talked about, even if it has not floor.'
been mentioned before
3. in sentences or clauses where we define or The man who wrote this book is famous.
identify a particular person or object 'Which car did you scratch?' 'The red one.
(restrictive attributes)
My house is the one with a blue door.'
4. it refers to objects we regard as unique
the sun, the moon, the world
5. before superlatives and ordinal numbers
the highest building, the fifth page
6. with adjectives used as plural nouns, to the old, the wounded
refer to a whole group of people
7. with names of families, nationalities
ending in - sh, -ch, -ese
Note: other plural nationalities are used with
or without 'the'
8. with titles
Note: 'the' is omitted before titles with
proper names
9. with names of rivers, seas, groups of
islands/states, mountain ranges, deserts,
oceans, canals and names or nouns with 'of'
the Browns, the English, the Dutch
(the) Greeks, (the) Italians
the Queen, the Prince
Queen Victoria
the Seine, the Black Sea, the Bahamas, the
USA, the Alps, the Sahara, the Atlantic, the
Suez Canal; the Tower of London, the
Statue of Liberty
10. with decades, or groups of years
She grew up in the seventies.
11. with the words station, shop, cinema, She went to the station to see Jim off.
pub, library, city, village, etc.
12. with the words morning, afternoon, I'll be at home in the evening.
evening, evening, night.
BUT: at night, at noon, at midnight, by day /
13. with historical references / events
the Renaissance, the Middle Ages, the First
World War (BUT: World War I)
14. with the words only, last, first
He was the last person to come.
1. with uncountable nouns used in a general Rice is the main food in Asia.
Milk is often added to tea in England.
War is destructive.
2. with people's names (if singular)
John's coming to the party.
George King is my uncle.
(BUT: we're having lunch with the Morgans
3. with names of countries (if singular)
Germany is an important economic power.
He's just returned from Zimbabwe.
(BUT: I'm visiting the United States next
4. with the names of languages (if not French is spoken in Tahiti.
followed by the word 'language')
English uses many words of Latin origin.
Indonesian is a relatively new language.
5. with the names of meals
Lunch is at midday.
Dinner is in the evening.
Breakfast is the first meal of the day.
6. with titles + names
Prince Charles is Queen Elizabeth's son.
President Kennedy was assassinated in
Dr. Watson was Sherlock Holmes' friend.
(BUT: the Queen of England, the Pope)
8. with professions
He'll probably go into medicine.
9. with names of shops, banks, restaurants, I'll get the card at Smith's.
pubs and hotels which have the name of their Can you go to Boots for me?
founder and end in -s or -'s
Harrods, Lloyds Bank, Emma's pub
(BUT: the White Horse (pub))
10. with years
1948 was a wonderful year.
Do you remember 1995?
11. with the names of individual mountains, Mount McKinley is the highest mountain in
lakes, continents and islands
She lives near Lake Windermere.
Have you visited Long Island?
She likes Europe.
(BUT: the Argentine, the Netherlands, the
Hague, the Vatican)
12. with most names of towns, streets, Victoria Station is in the centre of London.
stations, airports, squares, bridges and parks Can you direct me to Bond Street?
She lives in Florence.
They're flying from Heathrow
Oxford Street, Trafalgar Square, Tower
Bridge, Hyde Park
(BUT: the High Street, the Golden Gate
Bridge, the Severn Bridge)
13. with two-word names whose first word is Kennedy Airport, Westminster Abby
the name of a person or place
(BUT: the White House; White is not a
14. with names of sports, games, activities, She plays squash well.
days, months, holidays and colours
She likes red.
15. with the words bed, church, college, Tom was sent to prison. (He is a prisoner.)
court, hospital, prison, school, university, (BUT: His mother went to the prison to see
when we refer to the purpose for which they him last week. = She went there as a visitor.)
16. with the words home, father / mother Mother is at home.
when we talk about our own home / parents Note: work (place of work) never takes 'the'
She is at work.
17. with means of transport: by bus / by car / She travelled by plane.
by train, etc.
(BUT: in the car, on the bus / train, etc.)
She left on the 6 o’clock train yesterday.
18. with names of illnesses
He’s got malaria.
(BUT: flu / the flu)