english practice - Южный федеральный университет

учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку
на модульной основе
для студентов неязыковых факультетов
(2-е издание)
УДК 811.111-26:75
ББК 81.2 Англ
Печатается по разрешению кафедры перевода и информационных
технологий в лингвистике Южного Федерального университета.
доктор филологических наук, профессор Ласкова М.В.
Пишкова Е.Ю. English Practice: учебно-методическое пособие по
английскому языку на модульной основе для студентов неязыковых
факультетов. 2-е издание: переработанное и дополненное. – Ростов н/Д: ИПО
ЮФУ, 2014. – 124 с.
Настоящее учебно-методическое пособие составлено в соответствии с
компетенциями, необходимыми для освоения курса «Иностранный язык».
Пособие предназначено для студентов 1 курса Академии Физической
культуры и Спорта Южного Федерального Университета. Цель пособия –
способствовать овладению грамматическими трудностями и лексическим
минимумом по предлагаемым темам, а также обеспечить поддержание
навыков чтения и устной речи на иностранном языке. Пособие состоит из
тематических разделов, которые охватывают программу первого курса.
Каждый раздел содержит словарь, тематически подобранные тексты и
диалоги, а также грамматические рекомендации и упражнения.
Предлагаемое учебное пособие предназначено для студентов 1 курса
факультета Физической культуры и спорта ПИ ЮФУ. Цель пособия – помочь
студентам овладеть грамматическими и лексическими трудностями, а также
поддержать навыки чтения и устной речи на иностранном языке по
предлагаемым темам.
Пособие состоит из разделов, каждый из которых охватывает
определенные грамматические явления и содержит лексический минимум,
тексты и диалоги по определенной тематике. Предлагаемые упражнения
грамматических явлений, а также тренировочный характер, с целью
закрепления выученных правил. Лексические и грамматические упражнения
предназначены как для работы в аудитории, так и для самостоятельной
работы студентов дома. Тексты на английском языке для перевода,
отмеченные звездочкой (*), относятся к упражнениям повышенной
К базовым профессиональным компетенциям, необходимым для
освоения курса «Иностранный язык», относятся:
 овладение иностранным языком на уровне профессионального
 умение свободно выражать свои мысли, адекватно используя
разнообразные языковые средства;
 понимание основного содержания несложных аутентичных бытовых,
общественно-политических, публицистических, научно-популярных и
т.д. текстов, а также выделять значимую информацию из
прагматических тестов справочно-информационного и рекламного
 умение вести диалог с соблюдением норм речевого этикета, а также
делать сообщение и выстраивать монолог-повествование на заданную
 умение воспринимать на слух и понимать основное содержание
несложных аутентичных текстов на иностранном языке;
 умение быстро реагировать и мгновенно переключать процессы
анализа и синтеза с одного языка на другой;
 овладение навыками письменной реализации коммуникативных
 развитие гибкой памяти;
MODULE 1 (Модуль 1).
Units (Разделы): 1. Me and My Family
2. My House
Комплексная цель – освоение и закрепление навыков использования
таких грамматических явлений, как to be; possessive adjectives/pronouns;
articles; possessive case; have/has got; Present Simple; there is/are; prepositions
of place; singular/plural nouns; some/any;
- овладение лексическим минимумом по темам «Я и моя семья» и «Мой дом»
(meeting people; countries and nationalities; appearance and character; relations
with people; types of dwelling; rooms; conveniences));
- умение рассказать о себе и окружающих (с описанием внешности и
характера), а также о своем жилище (с описанием интерьера);
- написание официального письма-запроса.
Unit 1.
Me and My Family
1.1. Verb “to be”
am (not)
is (not)
are (not)
from Russia.
 I am a student.
 He is my friend.
 They are from Russia.
 Is she a doctor?
 She is not a doctor.
1. Put in am, is or are. Then make questions.
The weather ..… nice today. 5. Look! There …… Jane.
I …….. not tired.
6. My brother and I ….… good tennis players.
This bag ….… heavy.
7. Ann …. at home. Her children …... at school.
These bags ….… heavy.
8. I ….. a taxi driver. My sister ….. a nurse.
2. Write true sentences, positive or negative. Use am/am not, is/isn`t,
1. (I/interested in sports) I am interested in sports.
2. (I/hungry) …………………………………………………….
3. (It/warm today) ………………………………………………
4. (My hands/dirty) ……………………………………………..
5. (Rome/in Spain) ………………………………………………
6. (We/students) ………………………………………………….
7. (Diamonds/cheap) …………………………………………….
8. (I/afraid of dogs) ………………………………………………
9. (Canada/a big country) ………………………………………..
10. (I/married) …………………………………………………….
3. Read and act out a dialogue.
- Hello. My name is Paula. What`s your name?
- I`m Rosa.
- Where are you from, Rosa?
- I`m from Chicago.
4. Complete the dialogue.
- Hello. My __________ Richard. What`s ______ name?
- Kurt.
- __________ are you from, Kurt?
- _______from Hamburg. Where _______ you from?
- _______ ________ London.
5. Act out similar dialogues with the students in your class.
1.2. Possessive adjectives
That is
6. Put in the missing form of the verb “to be” and possessive forms:
1. I am from France. My language is French.
2. He ______ from Spain. _______ language is Spanish.
3. You_______ from Turkey. ________ language is Turkish
4. They _______ from China. _________ language is Chinese.
5. We _______ from Denmark. ________ language is Danish.
6. I _____ from Greece. _______ language is Greek.
7. She ______ from Germany. ________ language is German.
8. He ______ from Italy. ________ language is Italian.
9. You _______ from England. ________ language is English.
10.We ______ from Japan. _______ language is Japanese.
11.They _______ from Portugal. ________ language is Portuguese.
12.I _____ from Hungary. ______ language is Hungarian.
7. Write sentences according to the pattern:
(Toto) His name is Toto. He is from Italy. His language is
(David and Victoria) ______________________________
(Barak) ______________________________________
(Pierre and Gerard) ___________________________
(Ivan) _______________________________________
(Tomoko) _____________________________
8. Write about the people:
First name
He is Rafael Ramos. He is from Mexico. He is a doctor. He`s thirty.
First name
Ilona and
First name
Ilona – 26
Laszlo - 28
9. Complete the sentences with a possessive adjective:
1. I`m from Canada. My name is David.
2. This is my teacher. __________ name is Brad.
3. We`re in group 2. ___________ teacher is Mary.
4. London is famous for __________ parks.
5. They are new students. ___________ names are Tom and Mark.
6. Sit down and open __________ books, please.
7. Susan is in my class. _________ desk is near the window.
8. Mike is a journalist. _________ work is interesting.
10.Work in pairs. Make up a dialogue using the information from the boxes.
Then tell the class about your partner in the 3rd person. Follow the
John Smith
Phone number
553 63 27
What is your name?
My name is John Smith.
Where are you from?
I am from England.
How old are you?
I am thirty six.
What is your job? (What do you do?)
I`m a teacher.
What is your telephone number?
My phone number is double five three six three two seven.
Are you married?
Yes, I am.
This is John Smith. He is from England. He is 36. He is a teacher. His phone
number is 553 63 27. He is married.
1. Name
Phone number
2. Name
Phone number
Jim Scott
275 33 01
Fernando Ramos
police officer
852 03 66
4. Name
Phone number
5. Name
Phone number
David Evans
taxi driver
463 86 22
Yoshi Suzuki
580 33 90
3. Name
Phone number
Francoise Monet
shop assistant
473 99 05
1.3. Articles a/an or the
It`s a newspaper
6. Name
Phone number
It`s an
Mary Macdonald
the USA
386 91 44
English dictionary
Tom has a son and a daughter. The son is 9 and the daughter is 14.
11.Write a or an.
1)….….... old book
6)……...new airport
7)……… organization
9) ……. university
10) ……. hour
11) ……. umbrella
12)……..black umbrella
12.What are these things? Choose from the list.
musical instrument
7. Jupiter is ……………………….. .
8. A pear is ………………………. .
9. The Amazon is ………………… .
10. A rose is ………………………. .
11. A trumpet is ………………….. .
12. Painting is ……………………..
A duck is a bird.
A carrot is ……………………. .
Tennis is ………………….. .
A hammer is ……………… .
Everest is ………………… .
Chess is …………………..
13. Make sentences. Choose from Box A and Box B. Use a or an.
I want to ask you Barbara works in
old house
Tom never wears Ann wants to learn
I can`t ride
Jim lives in
My brother is
Tonight I`m going to
foreign language
1. I want to ask you a question.
2. __________________________________
14. Complete the sentences with one word from each column:
A Cadillac is an American car.
Champagne is _________________________________.
Oxford is _____________________________________.
English is _____________________________________.
Milan is ______________________________________.
A Mercedes is _________________________________.
A Pentax is ___________________________________.
15. Put in a/an or the:
1. Can you open ………. door, please?
2. Amanda is ……. student. She wants to be ……. journalist. She lives
in ……. flat near her college. ……… flat is small but she likes it.
3. Where is Tom? – He is in …….. bathroom.
4. Jamaica is …….. island.
5. We liked our holiday. ……… hotel was nice.
6. I can drive …….. car.
7. Don`t sit on …….. floor. It`s dirty!
8. I`d like to buy ……… hat and ……… umbrella.
16. Put in the articles, where necessary:
1. This is ..… picture; ….. picture is on …… wall; …….wall is white.
2. These are ……cars; ……..cars are in ……street; …….cars are black,
white and red.
3. I see …….box; ……….box is on ………floor.
4. It is ……..coffee; ……..coffee is hot; ………coffee is in …….. cup;
……..cup is on ……..table.
5. …….England is in ……..north of ………Europe.
6. We see many tourists. They are from ……. Germany, ……… Italy,
…….France and ……… USA.
7. ……..Volga is ……...long river.
8. …….London is ……large port on ………Thames.
Topical Vocabulary (Appearance and Character)
1. Appearance (внешность)
General impression (общее впечатление)
beautiful – красивый (о женщине)
handsome – красивый (о мужчине)
pretty – хорошенький
attractive/appealing – привлекательный
nice/good-looking – симпатичный, миловидный
ugly – некрасивый, безобразный
2. Face (лицо)
round/oval/square face – круглое/овальное/квадратное лицо
forehead – лоб
eyes (dark, blue, green, grey, brown/hazel, close-set, deep-set) – глаза
(темные, голубые, зеленые, серые, карие, близко посаженные, глубоко
eyebrows – брови
eyelashes – ресницы
nose (straight, aquiline, hooked, turned-up) – нос (прямой, орлиный,
крючковатый, вздернутый)
mouth – рот
wrinkles/lines – морщины
freckles – веснушки
dimpled cheeks – щеки с ямочками
chin - подбородок
birthmark – родинка
moustache – усы
beard – борода
ears – уши
lips (thin, full/plump) – губы (тонкие, полные)
fresh complexion – свежий цвет лица
3. Hair (волосы)
bald – лысый
wavy – волнистые
curly – кудрявые
straight – прямые
dark, fair/blonde, black, grey, white, red – темные, русые/светлые,
черные, седые, белые, рыжие
ponytail – хвостик (прическа)
plait – коса
4. Height and build (рост и телосложение)
tall – высокий
short – невысокий, маленького роста
small – маленький
fat – толстый
plump – пухлый
slim – худой, стройный
well-built – хорошо сложенный
broad-shouldered – широкоплечий
narrow-shouldered – узкоплечий
5. Age (возраст)
young – молодой
middle-aged – средних лет
elderly – пожилой
old – старый
He is a teenager. – Он – подросток.
He is under age. – Он несовершеннолетний.
He is nearly/about 20. – Ему около двадцати.
He is 20 years old. – Ему двадцать лет.
He is over 20. – Ему за двадцать.
6. Character (характер)
intelligent/clever – умный
bright – способный
smart – смышленый
talented – талантливый
gifted – одаренный
stupid – глупый, бестолковый
foolish – глупый, дурашливый
silly – глупый, слабоумный
optimistic – оптимистичный
pessimistic – пессимистичный
sensible – благоразумный, здравомыслящий
absent-minded – рассеянный
calm – спокойный
easy-going – легкий в общении
sociable – общительный
polite – вежливый
well-bred – воспитанный
honest – честный
helpful – готовый прийти на помощь
frank – искренний, откровенный
kind-hearted – добрый, мягкосердечный
generous – щедрый, великодушный
aggressive - агрессивный
rude - грубый
dishonest – нечестный
hot-tempered – вспыльчивый
naughty – непослушный, капризный
selfish – эгоистичный
17. Look at the pictures and try to memorize parts of the body:
18. Some parts of the body are used in other ways too. Translate into
 the back, arms and legs of the chair –
 the eye of the needle –
 the face and hands of the clock –
 the neck of the bottle –
 the foot of the mountain –
 the mouth of the river –
19.What movements do people make with their mouth, face and head? Read
and translate. Look up new words in bold:
 People breathe through their nose or mouth. You breathe in and out
about 12-15 times a minute.
 People smile when they are happy, and sometimes smile at people to
be polite.
 People laugh at things which are funny.
 People sometimes cry if they are very unhappy, or receive bad news.
 People in some countries nod their head (move it up and down) to
mean “yes”, and shake their head (move it from side to side) for
 People often yawn when they are tired, and sometimes when they are
20. Look at the pictures of different people and try to describe their
appearance and character:
21. Read and translate the text:
About Myself
Let me introduce myself. My name is Victor. I`m 18 years old. I`m a firstyear-student of the Southern Federal University.
I have got a family. There are four people in my family. My father is a
businessman. He is a sales manager in a large company. My mother is a housewife.
She has much work about the house: she cooks food, washes the dishes, cleans the
rooms and goes shopping. I have a younger brother. He is a pupil of the 7 th form. He
is very smart and easy-going. We are a very friendly family. We like to spend time
together, for example, go for a walk in the evenings, go out at weekends, travel and
celebrate holidays together.
I like being a student. We study different subjects. English is one of my
favorite subjects. At the lessons we read and translate English texts, do grammar
exercises, learn to speak and write in English. I think the knowledge of a foreign
language can help me in my future life and career, because I want to travel around the
world and communicate with foreigners.
When I have free time I go in for sport. Sport keeps me fit and in good
health. Twice a week I go to the swimming pool or to the gym. I try to avoid eating
junk food. Shortly speaking, I try to lead a healthy life style.
22.Translate the following sentences into English using the topical
У меня есть подруга. Ее зовут Катя. Она умная и симпатичная девушка.
Она высока, стройна и хорошо сложена. У Кати русые волнистые волосы,
зеленые глаза и длинные черные ресницы. У Кати маленький курносый нос и
ямочки на щеках. На подбородке у нее небольшая родинка. У нее всегда свежий
цвет лица, потому что она занимается спортом. Моя подруга всегда спокойная,
дружелюбная и вежливая. К ней всегда можно обратиться за помощью.
Topical Vocabulary (Family)
1. Relatives (родственники)
mother – мать
father – отец
parents – родители
son – сын
daughter – дочь
sister – сестра
brother – брат
grandmother – бабушка
grandfather/granddad – дедушка
grandparents – бабушка и дедушка
aunt – тетя
uncle – дядя
cousin – двоюродный брат/сестра
nephew – племянник
niece – племянница
in-laws – родственники по линии жены/мужа
father-in-law – тесть, свекор
mother-in-law – теща, свекровь
son-in-law – зять (муж дочери)
daughter-in-law – невестка, сноха (жена сына)
brother-in-law – зять (муж сестры), шурин, свояк, деверь
sister-in-law – невестка (жена брата), золовка
stepmother (father, brother, sister) – мачеха (отчим, сводный брат, сводная
half-brother (sister) – брат(сестра) только по одному из родителей
twins – близнецы
2. Family life
to date/to go out – ходить на свидания, встречаться
(They go out together. – Они встречаются.
He is dating her. – Он встречается с ней.)
to fall in love with smb – влюбиться в кого-л.
(Tom fell in love with Mary at the first sight. – Том влюбился в Мэри с
первого взгляда.)
to propose to smb – предложить руку и сердце кому-л.
fiance – жених (до свадьбы)
fiancee – невеста (до свадьбы)
wedding ceremony – свадебная церемония
bride – невеста
bridegroom – жених
newly-weds – молодожены
honeymoon – медовый месяц
husband – муж
wife – жена
spouse – супруг/супруга
single – неженатый, незамужняя
bachelor – холостяк
spinster – старая дева
to divorce smb – развестись с кем-л.
widow – вдова
widower – вдовец
23. Read and translate the text. Then look at the young man`s family tree and
try to retell with the text covered.
24.Read the dialogue and fill in the table:
 Good morning.
 Good morning. Take a seat, please. What`s your name?
 My name is Emily Brown.
 Are you American, Ms. Brown?
 No, I`m from Britain.
 How old are you?
 I`m forty.
 Are you married?
 Yes, I am.
 What`s your husband`s name?
 His name is Andy.
 How old is he?
 He is forty-two.
 Do you have any children?
 Yes, I do. I have two daughters and a son.
 How old are they?
 My elder daughter, Susan, is sixteen, my younger daughter, Mary, is
ten, my son Peter is twelve.
Marital status
Husband`s name
Husband`s age
Children`s names
Children`s age
1. 4. Possessive `s
My wife`s name is Judy.
This is our friends` house.
What is the name of this village?
25. Read about the people in the family and write sentences:
Mary and Brian are married. They have a son, James, and a daughter,
Julia. Julia is married to Paul. Julia and Paul have a son, Daniel.
1. (Brian/husband) Brian is Mary`s husband.
2. (Julia/mother) Julia is __________________________ mother .
3. (Mary/wife) Mary is ___________________________wife.
4. (James/brother) James ________________________________ .
5. (James/uncle) _______________________________________ .
6. (Julia/wife) Julia _____________________________________ .
7. (Mary/grandmother) ____________________________________ .
8. (Julia/sister) _________________________________________ .
9. (Paul/husband) _______________________________________ .
10.(Paul/father) __________________________________________ .
11.(Daniel/nephew) _______________________________________ .
26. Fill in the suitable words from the vocabulary:
1. His aunt`s son is his cousin.
2. Your father`s father is your ………………. .
3. My sister`s son is my ……………………... .
4. My brother`s daughter is my ……………… .
5. My mother`s brother is my ……………….. .
6. Your mother`s sister is your ……………….. .
7. Your uncle`s daughter is your ……………… .
8. Your mother`s mother is your ……………….. .
9. Your brother`s wife is your …………………. .
10.Your sister`s husband is your …………………. .
27. Are these sentences correct? Correct the sentences where necessary:
1. I stayed at the house of my sister.
my sister`s house
2. What is the name of this village?
3. Do you like the colour of this coat?
4. Do you know the phone number of Bill?
5. The job of my brother is very interesting.
6. The walls of this house are very thin.
7. When is the birthday of your mother?
8. The car stopped at the end of the street.
9. The favorite color of Mary is blue.
10.The house of my parents is very big.
11.I`m going to the party of Silvia on Sunday. __________________
12.Madrid is the capital of Spain.
13.I know the wife of Mr. Kelly.
14.The manager of the hotel is on holiday at the moment. ___________
28. Translate into English:
Брат жены, родственники мужа, друзья моей сестры, сын моих друзей,
название улицы, жизнь писателя, дом наших друзей, день рождения моего
друга, музеи этого города, имя вашего учителя, имя моего врача, машина
его отца, работа ее матери, поэзия (poetry) Пушкина, успех (success) этого
спортсмена, картины Пикассо, менеджер отеля, книги студентов, вид (a
kind) спорта, телефон директора, история нашей страны, будущее нашей
компании, президент страны.
29. Look at the card and answer the questions:
Continental Equipment
John G. Smith
Financial Director
9 North Road, Brighton, BN1 5JF, England
Phone: (0273) 543359 Fax: (0273) 559364
1) Whose card is this?
2) What is he?
3) What company does he work for?
4) What city is he from?
5) What is his telephone number?
6) What is the address of his company?
1.5 have/has got
have (not) got
has (not) got
 I`ve got a motor-bike but I haven`t got a car.
 Have you got a camera? – No, I haven`t.
 What have you got in your bag? – Nothing. It`s empty.
 Has Ann got a car? – Yes, she has.
30. Put in have got, has got, haven`t got or hasn`t got:
1. Sarah ………..…… a car. She goes everywhere by bicycle.
2. They like animals. They ……..…..… three dogs and two cats.
3. Charles isn`t happy. He …………….. a lot of problems.
4. They don`t read much. They ………………….. many books.
5. What`s wrong? – I ………………. something in my eye.
6. Where is my pen? – I don`t know. I …………………….. it.
7. Julia wants to go to the concert but she ………………….. a ticket.
8. I`m very busy, I ………………. a lot of homework tonight.
9. Ann ……………….. dark hair and blue eyes.
31. Write questions:
1. (you/an umbrella?) Have you got an umbrella?
2. (you/a passport?) _____________________________________?
3. (your father/a car) ____________________________________?
4. (Carol/many friends?) _________________________________?
5. (you/any brothers or sisters?) ________________________________?
6. (how much money/we?) ____________________________________?
7. (what kind of car/Julia?) ____________________________________?
8. (you/a free evening next week?) ______________________________?
32. Read and translate the text:
My family
I am Alex Belov. I am seventeen years old. I want to tell you a few words
about my family. My family is quite big. There are six of us: my mother, my
father, my elder sister, my younger brother and a grandmother.
My mother is a doctor. She works in a local hospital. She likes her job. She
also keeps the house and takes care of the family. I always try to help my mom
with the household duties: I go shopping, wash the dishes, clean the rooms. My
mother is a good-looking woman with brown wavy hair and hazel eyes. She is
forty-four years old but she doesn`t look her age, she looks much younger. She is
tall and slim.
My dad is a computer programmer. He works for a large company and is
very experienced. He is a broad-shouldered, tall man with fair hair and grey eyes.
My dad is forty-six. He is very sociable and polite. Besides, he is well-read: he
knows no end of things, you can talk to him about anything you like.
My parents have been married for twenty years and are very happy in their
marriage. They have much in common, but they have different views on music,
books and films. For example, my father likes horror films and my mother enjoys
“soap operas”. However, my parents have the same opinion about children`s
upbringing and education.
My elder sister Helen is twenty-four. She is married and has a family of her
own. She works as an accountant for a small business company. Her husband is a
scientist. They`ve got two children: a son and a daughter. They are twins and look
very much alike. They go to a kindergarten.
My younger brother Boris is eleven. He is a schoolboy. He goes in for
swimming. He is very good at breast-stroke. He goes to the swimming pool every
afternoon and has a two-hour practice.
My granny is a pensioner. She lives with us and helps to run the house. She
is fond of knitting and cooking.
Our family is very friendly. We often spend time together. We like to go out
at weekends, walk in parks in the evenings and celebrate holidays. We love each
other and always get on well.
33. Answer the questions and write the story about your own family:
1. What is your first name? What is your last name?
2. How old are you?
3. Is your family large? How many are you in the family?
4. Have you got any brothers or sisters?
5. How old are your parents?
6. What are your parents? Where do they work?
7. Do you spend a lot of time with your family?
8. What sort of thing do you do with your family?
9. Who runs the house in your family?
10.Who does the cooking in the family?
11.Can you describe your parents?
12.What are your household duties?
1.6. Present Simple
(don`t walk)
(doesn`t walk)
 I work in a shop. My brother works in a bank.
 I drink coffee but I don`t drink tea.
 Linda drinks tea but she doesn`t drink coffee.
 Where do you live?
 What does he have for breakfast?
NB! always/never/often/sometimes/usually + Verb in Present Simple
 Sue always arrives at work early.
 I usually go to work by car.
 Tom never eats breakfast.
34. Put in the missing words:
1. I come for my lessons every day.
2. He ……………… for ……….. ...lessons every day.
3. She …………….. for …………. .lessons every day.
4. We …………...... for ………….. lessons every day.
5. You ……………. for ………….. lessons every day.
6. They …………… for ………… ..lessons every day.
35. Complete the sentences. Use the verbs from the box:
boil close cost(2) like(2) meet open speak
1. Margaret speaks four languages.
2. In Britain the banks usually ………..….. at 9.30 in the morning.
3. The City Museum …………….. at 5 o`clock in the evening.
4. Anna is a teacher. She ………….. mathematics to young children.
5. My job is very interesting. I ……………….. a lot of people.
6. Peter ………………… his hair twice a week.
7. Food is expensive. It ……………. a lot of money.
8. Shoes are expensive. They ………………. a lot of money.
9. Water ……………. at 100 degrees Celsius.
10.Julia and I are good friends. I ………. her and she ……………. me.
36. Make sentences from these words. Put the verb in the right form:
1. (always/early/Sue/arrive) – Sue always arrives early.
2. (basketball/I/play/often) _____________________________________ .
3. (work/ Margaret/hard/usually) ________________________________ .
4. (Jenny/always/nice clothes/wear) ______________________________ .
5. (dinner/we/have/always/at 7.30) _______________________________ .
6. (television/Tim/watch/never) _________________________________ .
7. (like/chocolate/children/usually) ______________________________ .
8. (Julia/parties/enjoy/always) __________________________________ .
37. Write the negative form:
1. I play the piano very well. – I don`t play the piano very well.
2. Jane plays the guitar very well. _______________________________ .
3. They know my phone number. _______________________________ .
4. We work very hard. ________________________________________ .
5. He has a bath every day. ____________________________________ .
6. You do the same thing every day. _____________________________ .
7. I go to bed very early. _______________________________________ .
8. She makes very good tea. ____________________________________ .
9. His friend speaks English fluently. _____________________________ .
10.I watch television very often.__________________________________ .
38. Put the verb in brackets into the correct form, positive or negative:
1. Ann speaks three foreign languages. (speak)
2. I don`t like my job. It`s very boring. (like)
3. Where is Tom? – I`m sorry. I ……………………… . (know)
4. Sue is a very quiet person. She …………..……… very much. (talk)
5. Paul has a car but he ………………….. it very often. (drive)
6. Jim ……………… a lot of tea. It`s his favorite drink. (drink)
7. It`s not true! I ……………………….. it! (believe)
8. That`s a very beautiful picture. I …………. it very much. (like)
9. Mark is a vegetarian. He ………………… meat. (eat)
10.The weather is usually nice. It …………. very often. (rain)
11.John …………… much about politics. He is interested in it. (know)
12.Amanda is married but she ……………….. a ring. (wear)
13.It`s not an expensive hotel. It …………….much to stay there. (cost)
39. Write questions. Start with Do…? and Does…?
1. I like chocolate. And you? – Do you like chocolate?
2. I play tennis. And you? ____________________________________ ?
3. Tom plays the piano. And Ann? ______________________________ ?
4. You live near here. And your friends? _________________________ ?
5. You speak English. And your brother? ________________________ ?
6. I do exercises every morning. And you? _______________________ ?
7. Sue often goes away. And Paul? _____________________________ ?
8. I want to be famous. And you? ______________________________ ?
9. You work hard. And Linda? ________________________________ ?
10.I drive to work. And your friend? ____________________________ ?
40. Write questions (with do/does). Put the words in the right order.
1. (where/live/your parents?) Where do your parents live?
2. (you/early/always/get up?) _________________________________ ?
3. (how often/TV/you/watch?) ________________________________?
4. (you/want/what/for dinner?) ________________________________?
5. (like/you/football?) _______________________________________?
6. (your brother/like/football?) ________________________________?
7. (what/you/do/in the evenings?) ______________________________?
8. (your sister/work/where?) __________________________________?
9. (to the cinema/often/you/go?) _______________________________?
10.(often/snow/it/here?) ______________________________________?
11.(go/usually/to bed/what time/you?) ___________________________?
12.(how much/to phone New York/it/cost?) _______________________?
13.(you/for breakfast/have/usually/what?) _________________________?
41. Put the verbs in brackets in Present Simple:
a) Present Simple (positive form)
1. She (to go) to school every day. 2. The sun always (to shine) in
Egypt. 3. It often (to rain) in autumn. 4. Bad students never (to work) hard.
5. He usually (to wake up) at seven and (to have) breakfast at 7.30. 6. The
sun (to rise) in the east. 7. Mary is an architect. She (to make) plans of
different buildings. 8. I always (to come) in time to my classes. 9. They
often (to spend) their holidays in the country. 10. Susan (to speak) English
fluently. 11. Bill (to go) to the gym twice a week.
b) Present Simple (negative form)
1. Have a cigarette. – No, thank you. I don`t smoke. 2. She has a car
but she (not to drive) it very often. 3. I like films but I (not to go) to the
cinema very often. 4. She is married but she (not to wear) a ring. 5. It (not
to snow) here very often. 6. She has a lot of books at home but she (not to
read) them. 7. He has a dictionary but he (not to use) it very often. 8. They
have much money but they (not to spend) it. 9. He has a bike but he (not to
ride) it. 10. She (not to drink) coffee before she goes to bed. 11. We (not to
have) classes in summer.
c) Present Simple (question form)
1. He works hard (How?) – How does he work? 2. She lives in
London (Where?) 3. He has lunch at home (Where?) 4. I watch TV every
day (How often?) 5. She works in a hospital (Where?) 6. They study law
(What?) 7. He gets up at 7 o`clock (When?) 8. She plays the piano very
well (How?) 9. I come home late in the evening (When?) 10. They have
three children (How many children?). 11. He has his birthday in March.
42. Translate from Russian into English:
1. Я живу в студенческом общежитии (hostel). 2. Он живет с
родителями. 3. Она работает в больнице. 4. Мы изучаем английский язык. 5.
Я не пью кофе по вечерам. 6. Он не ходит в библиотеку (library). 7. Она не
говорит по-немецки. 8. Они не изучают французский в институте. 9. Вы
говорите по-русски? 10. Она любит спорт? 11. Он ходит в спортзал? 12. Они
курят? 13. Ты водишь машину? 14. Как ты водишь машину? 15. Где они
живут? 16. Где ты учишься? 17. Где он работает? 18. Что ты любишь? 19. Что
у вас есть? 20. Что ты хочешь (want)? 21. Что ты думаешь (think)? 22. Что ты
чувствуешь (feel)? 23.Что вы знаете (know)? 24. Ты знаешь его? 25. Вы меня
понимаете (understand)?
Unit 2.
My House
Topical vocabulary
1. Types of dwelling (типы жилищ)
block of flats – многоквартирный дом
multistoried building – многоэтажный дом
cottage – одноэтажный дом
bungalow – бунгало
detached house – особняк
semi-detached house – дом на две семьи
apartment (Am.), flat (Br.)– квартира
country-house – дача, загородный дом
sky-scraper – небоскреб
2. Places in the house(комнаты и другие помещения)
attic – чердак
cellar – подвал, погреб
basement – подвал, полуподвальный жилой этаж
hall – коридор, холл, прихожая
bedroom – спальня
living-room (sitting-room, lounge)– гостиная
study – кабинет
dining-room –столовая
nursery – детская комната
kitchen – кухня
bathroom – ванная
lavatory (toilet) – туалет
pantry (storeroom) – кладовая
balcony – балкон
ceiling – потолок
floor – пол
3. Conveniences (удобства)
electricity – электричество
gas – газ
central heating – центральное отопление
running water – водопровод
rubbish chute – мусоропровод
telephone – телефон
lift (Br.), elevator (Am.) – лифт
4. A living room (гостиная)
wall units – стенка (корпусная мебель)
sideboard – буфет, сервант
cupboard – шкаф для посуды
carpet/rug – ковер
curtains – занавески
light – люстра, светильник
coffee table – журнальный столик
furniture – мебель
armchair – кресло
sofa – диван
fire-place – камин
standard-lamp – торшер
TV-set – телевизор
stereo-system – музыкальный центр
chest of drawers – комод
dressing table – туалетный столик
wardrobe – шкаф для одежды
bookcase – книжный шкаф
bookshelf – книжная полка
reading lamp – настольная лампа
mirror – зеркало
houseplant – комнатное растение
2.1. There is/are
There is a book on the table.
Is there a book on the table?
There is not (isn`t) a book on the table.
There are books on the table.
Are there (any) books on the table?
There are not (aren`t) any books on the
2.2. Prepositions of place
 in – в (David works in a bank);
 on – на (There is a picture on the wall);
NB! in the picture – на картине
in the street – на улице
 under – под (There is a box under the chair);
 above/over – над (There is a mirror over the fire-place);
 next to/near – рядом с (Next to the window there is a sofa);
 in front of/opposite – напротив (There is an armchair in front of the fireplace);
 at – у, за, в (There is somebody at the door; Julia works at her desk);
NB! (без артикля) at school – в школе
at home – дома
at work – на работе
 behind – позади, за (There is a wardrobe behind the table);
 between – между (There is a coffee-table between two armchairs);
 across – через (поперек) (The shop is across the street).
 on the left/right – слева/справа
 to the left/right of the table – слева/справа от стола
 in the corner – в углу
 in the left-hand/right-hand corner – в левом/правом углу
 in the middle – в центре, посреди
1. Choose the correct variant:
1) There is / There are a wardrobe in my bedroom.
2) There isn`t / There aren`t any posters on my bedroom walls.
3) There is / There are some books on the shelf.
4) There is / There are a dictionary in my bag.
5) There is / There are a bookcase in the classroom.
6) There are / There aren`t any curtains in the classroom.
2. Complete the prepositions of place:
3. Look at the picture and describe it with there is/are and prepositions of
place (on, under, next to, opposite, behind, etc.):
4. Answer the following questions:
1. Do you live in a house or a flat?
2. Is it your own flat or do you rent it?
3. What is there next to your house?
4. What floor is your flat on?
5. Is your flat large or small?
6. What modern conveniences are there in your flat?
7. How many rooms are there in your flat? What are they?
8. In what room do you receive guests?
9. Have you got a room of your own?
10.Is your room light or dark?
11.What color are the walls there?
12.Are there any flowers in your room?
13.Are there any pictures on the walls?
14.Where do you keep clothes?
15.Where do you keep books?
16.Where do you usually have meals?
17.Are you happy with your flay?
5. Read and translate the text:
My Flat
We have a nice flat. It is not far from the center of the city. It is a new
sixteen-storey building in Gagarin Avenue. There are two lifts in the house. Our
flat is on the fourth floor. It has all modern conveniences, such as central heating,
gas, electricity, cold and hot running water and a rubbish chute.
There are three rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a hall in our flat.
The living-room is the largest and most comfortable room in the flat. In the
middle of the living-room we have a square dining-table with six chairs round it.
There is a hanging lamp above the table. To the right of the dining-table there is a
wall-unit which has several sections: a sideboard, a wardrobe and some shelves.
At the opposite wall there is a piano.
Between the two large windows there is a little table with a color TV-set on
it. There are two comfortable armchairs in front of the TV-set. In the left-hand
corner there is a small round coffee-table, a sofa and a standard lamp. The walls
of the living-room are light-green. There are some pictures on the walls.
My bedroom is smaller than the living-room, but it is very light and cosy.
There is a bed on the right and a desk next to the window. There is a computer on
the desk. On the left there is a wardrobe. There is a thick carpet on the floor and
nice curtains on the window.
The third room is my parents` bedroom. There is a sofa, a wardrobe and a
bookshelf in it. In the left-hand corner there is a dressing table with a big mirror.
In the right-hand corner there is a TV-set.
6. Translate orally from Russian into English:
В комнате, на стене, на работе, на улице, между окнами, у магазина, за
домом, напротив двери, через улицу, в середине комнаты, в школе, над
кроватью, под стулом, рядом с остановкой (bus stop), на полу, за деревом, на
картине, напротив кафе, в коробке, на столе, через реку, дома, в углу, в
правом углу, справа, слева от кресла.
7. Read, translate and retell the text:
My House
I live in a house near the sea. It`s an old house, about 100 years old, and it`s
very small. There are two bedrooms upstairs but no bathroom. The bathroom is
downstairs next to the kitchen and there`s a living room where there`s a lovely
old fireplace. There`s a garden in front of the house. The garden goes down to the
beach and in spring and summer there are flowers everywhere.
I live alone with my dog, Boxer, but we have a lot of visitors. Many of my
friends work in the city, so they often stay with me because they want to relax.
I love my house for many reasons: the garden, the flowers in summer, the fire
in winter, but the best thing is the view from my bedroom window.
8. Write a similar description of your house or flat in about 100 words.
Paragraph 1
 Where is it?
 Is it old or new?
 How many rooms are there?
 Is there a garden?
Paragraph 2
 Who do you live with?
Paragraph 3
 Do you like it? Why? What is the best thing?
9. Translate into English:
1. Вы живете в доме или в квартире? 2. Сколько комнат в вашей
квартире? 3. Наш дом находится на улице Горького. 4. Мы живем в
многоэтажном доме на улице Королева. 5. Какие удобства у вас есть? 6.
У него двухкомнатная квартира на втором этаже. 7. Все комнаты
небольшие, но очень уютные и светлые. 8. В гостиной находится
сервант, диван, два кресла, цветной телевизор и журнальный столик. 9.
На столе стоит ваза с цветами. 10. На окнах висят симпатичные
занавески. 11. На полу лежит ковер. 12. На стене в прихожей висит
большое зеркало. 13. В правом углу стоит торшер. 14. Между двумя
креслами стоит журнальный столик. 15. Слева находится камин. Над
камином висят большие часы.
10.Speaking Practice.
1) When do people say “East or West, home is best”?
2) What makes a home comfortable?
3) What is better – an apartment in a city or a larger house in the country?
4) Do you like everything about your apartment? What don`t you like?
5) Describe your own bedroom.
2.3 Singular/plural nouns
a flower – flowers
a bus – buses
a dish – dishes
a church – churches
a potato – potatoes
a baby – babies
a day – days
a wife – wives
different plurals
a man – men
a woman – women
a child – children
a tooth – teeth
a foot – feet
a mouse – mice
a sheep – some sheep
a fish – a lot of fish
a person – people
always in plural
NB! a pair of jeans
a pair of scissors
11.Write the plural form:
1. week - weeks
2. boat
3. woman
4. city
5. umbrella
6. address
7. knife
8. sandwich
9. family
10. foot
11. holiday
12. tomato
12. Some sentences are right but most are wrong. Correct the sentences that
are wrong:
1. I want to buy some flowers.
2. I need a new jeans.
I need a new pair of jeans (or some jeans)
3. It`s a lovely park with a lot of beautiful tree. _______________________
4. There is a woman in the car with two mens. ________________________
5. Sheep eat grass.
6. David is married and has three childs.
7. Most of my friend are student.
8. He put on his pajama and went to bed.
9. I don`t like mice. I`m afraid of them.
10.This scissor isn`t very sharp.
13. Complete the sentences using the words in brackets in plural:
1. George always cleans his ………………. in the morning (tooth).
2. There are a lot of …………….in the river (fish).
3. The ………………fall from the trees in autumn (leaf).
4. There are a lot of ……………….in the field (sheep).
5. There are three …………………. at the bus stop (person).
6. Ann has got two ………………. (child).
7. Most ………………in Israel serve in the army (woman).
8. I would like to buy some ………………and……………. (potato, tomato).
14. Which is right? Complete the sentences:
1. It`s a nice place. Many people go there for a holiday.
(go or goes?)
2. Some people ………………. always late.
(is or are?)
3. The president isn`t popular. The people ……. like him. (don`t or doesn`t?)
4. A lot of people ………… television every day.
(watch or watches?)
5. …………. the police carry guns in your country?
(Do or Does?)
6. The police ………….. for criminals.
(look or looks?)
7. I need my glasses but I can`t find ……………… .
(it or them?)
8. I`m going to buy ……… new jeans today.
(a or some?)
9. Where ………… the scissors.
(is or are?)
10.Mice ……………… cheese.
(like or likes?)
14.3. some/any
I`ve got some money. (In positive sentences).
I haven`t got any money. (In negative sentences).
Have you got any money? (In questions).
Would you like some coffee? (When we offer things).
Can I have some water, please? (When we ask for things).
15. Put in some or any
1. We have some butter but we don`t have any bread.
2. I`m going to the post office. I need ………………. stamps.
3. There aren`t ………….. shops in this part of the town.
4. George and Alice haven`t got ……………. children.
5. Have you got ……………… brothers or sisters?
6. There are …………… beautiful flowers in the garden.
7. Do you know ………….. good hotels in London?
8. Would you like …………….. tea? – Yes, please.
9. Can you lend me ……………. money?
10.I`m thirsty. Can I have …………….. water, please?
11.She doesn`t drink …………… alcohol, not even beer.
12.I don`t have ……….. money in my pocket, but I have ……… money in the
13.I want ………….cheese. Is there …………… in the fridge?
16. Make the sentences interrogative:
1. There are some shops in our street. Are there any shops in our street?
2. There are some children in their family. ___________________________
3. There are some English books in my home library. __________________
4. I have got some time. _________________________________________
5. He has some dictionary._______________________________________
6. There are some pictures on the wall. _____________________________
7. There are some vacant rooms in this hotel. ________________________
8. She has some friends abroad. ___________________________________
17. Translate from Russian into English using some or any:
1. Вы бы хотели немного молока в кофе? 2. На нашей улице есть
несколько маленьких магазинов. 3. В этой книге есть несколько
иллюстраций. 4. На столе есть несколько писем для вас. 5. Есть ли
какие-нибудь ошибки в моем тесте? 6. Можно мне немного воды? 7.
Не могли бы вы одолжить (lend) мне немного денег? 8. Не хотите чай
или сок? 9. Есть ли девушки в вашей группе? 10. Есть ли мебель в
этой квартире? 11. У нас есть немного сыра, но нет хлеба. 12. У них
нет детей. 13. У него нет денег. 14. У меня есть новости для вас. 15. У
вас есть какие-нибудь проблемы?
18. Writing (Formal Letters)
Look at the organization of a formal letter:
17 Blundell Road
The Receptionist
Clifton Hotel
Loughborough Road
LE 7 9PO
17 March
Dear Sir or Madam
I would like to book a single room at your hotel for the nights of 12, 13, and
14 April. Could I possibly have a quiet room with a bath?
I understand you have a restaurant. Could you tell me what time the restaurant
Please let me know if you need a deposit or a credit card number.
Thank you very much.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Peter West
Peter West
Tips for formal letter writing:
 Write Dear Sir or Madam if you do not know the name of the person
you are writing to.
 Remember! There are no short forms in a formal letter.
 I look forward to … is the usual ending if we want to reply to a letter.
 If you do not know the name of the person you are writing to, write
Yours faithfully, not Yours sincerely.
19. Write a letter to the Alexandra Hotel. Book a single room for four nights
next month. Ask for a room with a view of the sea, and ask for a brochure
of the hotel. The address is: The Alexandra Hotel, 5 Cliff Road, Lyme Regis,
Dorset, RG6 8TY.
MODULE 2 (Модуль 2).
Units (Разделы): 3. Meals
4. My Working day
Комплексная цель – освоение и закрепление навыков использования
таких грамматических явлений, как countable/uncountable nouns;
comparatives/superlatives; like/would like; Present Continuous; Past Simple;
modal verbs;
- овладение лексическим минимумом по темам «Еда» и «Мой рабочий день»
(food and drink; eating out; healthy food; everyday routine; day off; leisure);
- умение вести беседу о предпочтениях в еде, выстроить монологописание своего ежедневного рациона, а также умение рассказать о
своем рабочем дне;
- умение выстроить монолог-повествование в прошедшем времени.
Unit 3.
3.1. countable/uncountable nouns
Countable nouns
Uncountable nouns
an apple
some bread
many eggs
much water
few cars
little sugar
a few oranges
a little salt
1. Put in a/an or some:
1. I`d like to read a book or listen to some music.
2. I want to open ………… window to get …………. fresh air.
3. We live in ………. big house. There is ……… nice garden with ………
beautiful trees.
4. They`ve got …………very nice furniture in their house.
5. She doesn`t eat much for breakfast – just ……… apple, ………… cheese
and ………… cup of coffee.
6. Listen! I`ve got …………. good news.
7. I`m going to make a table. First I need ………….. wood.
8. Listen to me carefully. I`m going to give you ………….. advice.
9. I want to write you a letter. I need ……paper and ………pen.
10.I need ………..money. I want to buy …….…..food.
11.He`s got ………. new job.
12.I need …………information about hotels in London.
2. Match the words on the right with the words on the left:
1) a bottle of …………….
a) bread
2) a bar of ……………….
b) paper
3) a bowl of ……………..
c) water
4) a cup of ………………
d) soup
5) a glass of ……………..
e) tea
6) a jar of ………………..
f) milk
7) a loaf of ……………….
g) chocolate
8) a piece of ……………..
h) honey
3. Complete the questions with How much…? or How many…?
1. _________________ languages do you speak?
2. _________________ coffee do you drink a day?
3. _________________ students are there in your group?
4. _________________ milk do you want in your coffee?
5. _________________ players are there in a football team?
6. _________________ people are coming to the party?
7. _________________ time do you need to do this work?
8. _________________ rooms are there in your flat?
4. Answer the questions with a little or a few:
1. Have you got any money? – Yes, a little.
2. Have you got any envelopes? – Yes, ……………. .
3. Do you want sugar in your coffee? – Yes, ……………., please.
4. Does your friend speak English? – Yes, …………….. .
5. Are there any shops in the village? – Yes, …………… .
6. Is there any furniture in the room? – Yes, ……………. .
5. Put in little/a little/few/a few:
1. There is little food in the fridge. It is nearly empty.
2. When are you leaving? – In ……………. days.
3. I can`t decide now. I need …………….. time to think about it.
4. There was ………….. traffic, so we arrived earlier than we expected.
5. The bus service isn`t very good at night – there are ……buses after 9p.m.
6. Would you like some juice? – Yes, ……………., please.
7. I`d like to practice my English more but I have …………… opportunity.
8. We must hurry. We`ve got very ………….. time.
9. The town is very quiet at night. Very …………….. people go out.
10.I drink very …………… coffee. I don`t like it.
11.It`s hard to find a place to stay in this town. There are ……... hotels here.
6. Translate orally from Russian into English:
Много студентов, несколько картин, мало времени, немного денег,
много работы, много домов, немного воды, несколько минут, мало
воздуха, много веселья (fun), несколько дней, много мышей, много
мебели, мало чая, мало друзей, много цветов, мало работы, немного
сахара, мало комнат, мало денег, много деревьев, мало мебели, несколько
столов, мало яблок, много книг, немного сока, много новостей, мало
информации, несколько машин, мало хлеба.
3.2. comparatives/superlatives
Adjectives ending in noisy
Adjectives with two boring
more boring
or more syllables
more beautiful
Irregular adjectives good
Examples: You are older than me.
New York is dirtier than Paris.
London is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe.
the oldest
the biggest
the noisiest
the dirtiest
the most boring
the most beautiful
the best
the worst
the furthest
the most
the least
7. Write the comparative:
1. old – older
2. strong - _________
3. happy - _________
4. important - ___________
5. nice - ____________
6. good - ___________
7. large - ___________
8. pretty - __________
9. heavy - __________
10. crowded - ____________
8. Write the adjective:
1. cheap – cheaper
2. _________ – dirtier
3. _________ – faster
6. _________ – bigger
7. _________ – noisier
8. _________ – hotter
4. _________ – safer
5. _________ – friendlier
9. _________ – more exciting
10. __________ – more modern
9. Write the opposites of the comparative adjectives. Choose the adjectives
from the box:
dirty bad slow small dangerous expensive exciting hot near easy
faster – slower
safer – _____________
bigger – ____________
cheaper – ___________
cleaner – ____________
6. more boring – _______________
7. more difficult – _____________
8. colder – ________________
9. further – _______________
10. better – ______________
10. Complete the questions with the superlative form of the adjective. Try to
answer them:
1. What is the longest river in the world? – The Nile.
2. What is _______________ (high) mountain in the world? - ________
3. What is ______________ (big) city in your country? - ____________
4. What is ______________ (popular) sport in your country? - ________
5. Where is _____________ (old) university in Europe? - ____________
6. Who is ____________ (young) person in your family? - ___________
7. Who is ____________ (intelligent) student in your class? - ________
8. What is ___________ (large) planet in the solar system? - _________
9. What is ____________ (good) day of the week? - _______________
10.What is ______________ (interesting) show on TV? - ____________
11. Wrier sentences about Liz and Ben. Use comparatives with than:
1. I`m 26.
1. I`m 24.
2. I`m not a very good swimmer.
2. I`m a very good swimmer.
3. I`m 1 metre 68 tall.
3. I`m 1 metre 63 tall.
4. I start work at 8 o`clock.
4. I start work at 8.30.
5. I don`t work very hard.
5. I work very hard.
6. I haven`t got much money.
6. I`ve got a lot of money.
7. I`m a very good driver.
7. I`m not a very good driver.
8. I`m not very patient.
8. I`m very patient.
9. I`m not a very good dancer.
9. I`m a good dancer.
10. I`m very intelligent.
10. I`m not very intelligent.
11. I speak French very well.
11. I don`t speak French very well.
12. I don`t go to the cinema very 12. I go to the cinema a lot.
1. Liz is older than Ben.
2. Ben is a…………….…………………………………………….….. .
3. Liz is …………………………………………………………………
4. Liz starts ………………… ………………………………………….
5. Ben …………………………………………………………………. .
6. Ben has got ……………………. ……………………………………
7. Liz is a ……………………………………………………………….
8. Ben …………………………………………………………………..
9. Ben …………………………………………………………………..
10.Liz ……………………………………………………………………
11.Liz ……………………………………………………………………
12. Ben ………………………………………………………………….
12.Complete the text. Use the comparative form of the adjectives in brackets:
Humans and chimps: a comparison
Chimpanzees live in the forests of central Africa.
They are much _________________ (good) than humans
at climbing trees, but on the ground, humans are
__________________ (fast). Chimps walk on their hands
and feet. Their arms are _________________ (long) than their legs. Humans are
_________________ (big) and __________________ (heavy) than chimps and
they are ________________ (tall) too. But chimps are much ________________
(strong) than humans. They hunt __________________ (small) animals for food.
_____________________________ (intelligent).
13.Look at the photos and compare the places. Use the comparative form of
adjectives from the box, or your own ideas:
busy cold exciting
The beach is quieter than the ski resort.
14.Make true sentences from the chart. Use the superlative form of the
The Amazon
The Antarctic
Lionel Messi
Howler monkeys
The Amazon is the widest river in the world.
is the
are the
animals in the world.
continent in the world.
planet from the sun.
river in the world.
footballer in the world
insects in the world.
15.Translate from Russian into English:
1. Анна – лучшая студентка в группе (good). 2. Москва больше, чем
Ростов (big). 3. Русская грамматика труднее, чем английская (difficult). 4.
Книга интереснее, чем фильм (interesting). 4. Его бабушка моложе
дедушки (young). 5. «Двойка» - это самая плохая отметка (bad). 6. В
декабре дни самые короткие (short). 7. Этот день – самый счастливый в
моей жизни (happy). 8. Москва – крупнейший город в России (big). 9.
Волга длиннее Дона (long). 10. Он выше меня (tall). 11. Июль – самый
жаркий месяц в году (hot). 12. Золото дороже серебра (expensive).
Topical Vocabulary
1. Fruit (фрукты) and berries (ягоды)
apple – яблоко
apricot – абрикос
banana – банан
cherry – вишня
grapes – виноград
grapefruit – грейпфрут
gooseberry - крыжовник
lemon – лимон
melon – дыня
2. Vegetables (овощи)
aubergine /eggplant – баклажан
beans – фасоль, бобы
beetroot – свекла
cabbage – капуста
carrot – морковь
cauliflower – цветная капуста
cucumber – огурец
orange – апельсин
peach – персик
pear – груша
plum – слива
pineapple – ананас
strawberry – клубника
water melon – арбуз
tangerine – мандарин
raspberry – малина
garlic – чеснок
onion – лук
parsley – петрушка
peas – горох
potato – картофель
pumpkin – тыква
tomato – помидор
3. The first course (первое блюдо)
clear soup/broth – бульон
chicken broth – куриный бульон
cabbage soup – щи
noodles – лапша
beetroot soup –свекольник
vegetable soup – овощной суп
pea soup – гороховый суп
fish soup – рыбный суп, уха
4. The second course (второе блюдо)
roast beef/pork/chicken – жареная говядина/свинина/цыпленок
beefsteak - бифштекс
ham – ветчина
sausage – колбаса, сосиска
fried eggs – яичница глазунья
fried fish – жареная рыба
seafood – морепродукты
5. Dessert (десерт) and drinks (напитки)
apple pie – яблочный пирог
fruit juice – фруктовый сок
pudding – пудинг
stewed fruit - компот
cake – кекс, пирожное
coffee – кофе
honey – мед
tea - чай
chocolate – шоколад
biscuit - печенье
marmalade – мармелад
cocktail - коктейль
6. Adjectives
tasty/delicious – вкусный
horrible – ужасный
substantial – плотный, питательный
light – легкий
stale – черствый, несвежий
favourite - любимый
sour - кислый
sweet - сладкий
tough (meat) – жесткое мясо
bitter – горький
7. Verb combinations
to be hungry – быть голодным ( I am hungry. – Я голоден.)
to be thirsty – хотеть пить (He is thirsty. – Он хочет пить.)
to be a good cook – хорошо готовить (She is a good cook. – Она хорошо
to be/go on a diet – сидеть на диете
to have 3 meals a day – иметь 3-х разовое питание
to have a three-course dinner – иметь обед из трех блюд
to have smth. for breakfast – есть что-л. на завтрак
to have a snack/a bite – перекусить
to have a substantial meal – поесть основательно
to keep regular meals – питаться регулярно
to eat in/out – обедать дома/в ресторане
to look through the menu – просмотреть меню
to enjoy one`s meals – наслаждаться едой
to lay the table – накрыть на стол
to clear the table (to clear away the dishes) – убрать со стола
to do the cooking – готовить, кухарить
3.3. like/would like
I like biscuits. I`d like a biscuit.
Do you like tea? Would you like some tea?
16. Read the dialogues and act them out:
- Would you like some tea or coffee?
- I`d like a cold drink, please, if that`s OK.
- Of course. Would you like some orange juice?
- Yes, please. I`d love some.
- And would you like a biscuit?
- No, thanks. Just orange juice is fine.
- Well, what shall we have for dinner today?
- Let`s look through the menu. What shall we begin with?
- I think I`ll take noodles for the first course. And you?
- As for me, I`d like cabbage soup. I don`t care for noodles.
- Oh, I see. Tastes differ, so they say.
Would you like some bacon and eggs for breakfast?
No, thanks. A boiled egg and salad will do for me.
What would you like to drink: tea or coffee?
I`d prefer white coffee, please.
Here you are.
Thank you.
What about having a snack? I`m hungry.
So am I. But I`d like to have something substantial. Fast food is not very
good for health.
You are right. Let`s go to a café and have a three-course dinner.
That`s a good idea.
Good morning. What would you like to order?
Could I see the menu, please? Thank you. I`d like some apple juice and
cereal to start with. Then two eggs, make them soft-boiled, please.
What would you like to drink: tea or coffee?
I prefer tea with lemon.
What would you like for dessert?
I`d like a chocolate cake.
17.Match a line in A with a line in B:
a. I`d like to go to bed.
b. I`d like to go swimming.
c. I`d like to be on a beach in
d. I`d like to go out with friends.
e. I`d like to be a millionaire.
f. I`d like a cold drink.
g. I`d like a sandwich.
I`m thirsty.
I`m hungry.
I`m tired.
I`m hot.
It`s Sunday and I`m bored.
I don`t have any money.
It`s winter and I`m cold.
18. Correct the sentences:
1. How much apples do you want? – How many apples do you want?
2. Can I have a bread, please? – ……………………………………….
3. I`m hungry. I like a sandwich. – ……………………………………
4. I don`t have many milk left. – ………………………………………
5. I like an ice-cream, please. – ……………………………………….
6. I don`t like wine but I`d like beer. – ……………………………….
19. Translate from Russian into English:
1. Я голоден. Я бы хотел перекусить. 2. Я люблю поесть
основательно. 3. Она сидит на диете. 4. Мы любим обедать дома. Моя
мама хорошо готовит. 5. Мы бы хотели посмотреть меню. 6. Я бы
хотел сок и кекс на десерт. 7. Мы всегда наслаждаемся едой в этом
кафе. 8. Он часто готовит яичницу на завтрак. 9. Я хочу пить. Я бы
хотел выпить стакан минеральной воды. 10. Что вы предпочитаете: чай
или кофе? – Чай с лимоном, пожалуйста.
20. Read and translate the text:
My Meals
I usually have three meals a day: breakfast, lunch (dinner) and supper.
On weekdays I`m always short of time in the mornings. So, my breakfast is not
very big. I usually have a cup of strong tea or coffee and a couple of
At noon I usually have a snack at the university cafe.
I always have dinner at home. My mom is an excellent cook. I enjoy
her dinners. To begin with, I usually have some vegetable salad. For the first
course I have some soup – noodle, mushroom or vegetable soup. For the
second course I like to have meat or chicken with vegetables or mashed potato.
For dessert I prefer stewed fruit or fruit juice with a slice of cake.
I have supper at about 7 p.m. at home with my family. Sometimes I go
with my friends to McDonald`s. I like everything there: cheeseburgers,
hamburgers, Big Macs, apple pies and fruit cocktails. But I don`t go there very
often, because fast food is not very healthy.
21. Answer the question and tell about your everyday meals.
1. How many meals a day do you usually have?
2. What do you usually have for breakfast?
3. Where do you have lunch?
4. How many courses does your lunch consist of?
5. What is your favorite dish?
6. What vegetables do you like?
7. What do you usually have for dessert?
8. Do you always eat at home or do you sometimes eat out?
9. Do you like fast food and how often do you eat it?
10.Can you cook? Are you a good cook?
11.The cuisine of which countries do you like?
22.Read, translate and retell the text:
Caveman diet
In the modern world, our food comes from farms. We
eat a lot of rice and wheat (in pasta, bread, etc.) because it`s
easy to grow. And from farm animals, we get meat and dairy
products. But some people believe that this modern diet is
not good for the human body: they prefer a “caveman diet”,
from the days before farms.
People who follow the caveman diet don`t eat “modern” things like bread,
processed food, potatoes and dairy products. So what can they eat? Well, nuts,
seeds and fruit are OK. A lot of vegetables are OK too. And they can eat meat and
fish. But the caveman diet is not just about the type of food – it`s also about the
way you eat it. Forget breakfast, lunch and dinner – you now have six small meals
a day. And you eat them with your hands!
23.Read the text again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F):
We eat a lot of wheat today because it`s good for our health. _____
People choose the caveman diet because they don`t like meat. ______
People on the caveman diet don`t eat bread because it`s a modern food. ____
On the caveman diet you can eat fish, but not fruit. ______
The caveman diet tells you what to eat and how to eat. ______
People on the caveman diet have six large meals a day. ______
3.4. Present Continuous
Examples: I am working now.
He is reading at the moment.
They are still playing football.
Are you working?
Where is he going?
24.Read and act out a dialogue:
- What are you doing?
- I am writing.
- What are you writing?
I`m writing a letter.
Who are you writing to?
I`m writing to Nell Brown.
What are you writing about?
I`m writing about books which I`m reading now.
Do you often write letters to your friends?
Yes, I do. I write every week.
25.Complete the sentences putting the verbs in brackets in Present
1. She ……………………. her hair (to wash).
2. People ……………………. for a bus (to wait).
3. The Browns …………………………… dinner together (to have).
4. It …………………………. outside at the moment (to rain).
5. You ………………………….. a nice dress today! (to wear).
6. Dad ……………………. a newspaper in his study now (to read).
7. We ……………………… television right now (to watch).
8. Why ………… they ……………? (to laugh).
9. Why …………. you ……………….. at me? (to look).
10.What ……… the children ………………? (to do).
26. Complete the sentences in Present Continuous using the verbs from the
swim work
Please, be quiet. I`m working.
Where is John? – He is in the kitchen. He ………………………………….
You ………………………… on my foot. – Oh, I`m sorry.
Look! Somebody ………………………………. in the river.
We`re here on holiday. We …………………………… at the Central Hotel.
Where`s Ann? – She …………………………….. a shower.
They ……………………………….a new theatre in the city center now.
I …………………………….. now. Goodbye.
Are you busy? – Yes, I …………………………… my homework.
27. Answer the questions using the words in brackets. Follow the example:
1. Are you doing your lessons? (read a book). – No, I`m not. I`m reading a
2. Are you writing a composition? (do the room). ………………………….
3. Is mom washing up? (cook) ……………………………………………..
Is he opening the window? (close)……………………………………….
Are you going to the University? (home)………………………………..
Are they playing football? (tennis) ………………………………………
Are you standing at the door? (window) ………………………………..
Are the students taking an exam? (write a test) …………………………
28. Put questions to the sentences. Follow the example:
1. I am looking at the picture. – What are you looking at?
2. The bus is coming from Moscow. ………………………………………..
3. I am thinking about my trip……………………………………………….
4. She is working at her composition………………………………………..
5. We are speaking about your results……………………………………….
6. The police are looking for the stolen car………………………………….
7. She is taking the roses out of the vase…………………………………….
8. He is talking with his coach……………………………………………....
9. I`m writing with your pen…………………………………………………
10.She is looking after her sick granny……………………………………..
29. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Continuous:
a) Present Continuous (positive form)
1. Look! It (to snow). 2. He (to drink) coffee now. 3. We (to watch) a
film now. 4. They (to have) dinner now. 5. He (to play) the guitar now. 6.
John (to read) an interesting book now. 7. The students (to take) an exam at
the moment. 8. Mary (to write) a letter to her friend now. 9. I (to sit) on a
chair and (to eat) an apple. 10. Where is Ann? – She (to work) in the library.
b) Present Continuous (negative form)
1. He (not to read) a magazine now. – He is not reading a magazine
now. 2. She (not to have) a bath at the moment. 3. I (not to write) an e-mail
now. 4. The children (not to play) in the park now. 5. The secretary (not to
type) letters at the moment. 6. She (not to wear) her new red dress today. 7.
The Browns (not to have) breakfast now. 8. It (not to rain) now. 9. I (not to
work) now. 10. The sun (not to shine) now.
c) Present Continuous (question form)
1. Where you (to go)? – Where are you going? 2. What he (to do)? 3.
Where he (to drive)? 4. What she (to read)? 5. What they (to eat)? 6. What
you (to write)? 7. Where the children (to play)? 8. Where the students (to
take) an exam? 9. What mother (to cook)? 10. What she (to wear) today?
30. Present Simple or Present Continuous? Choose the correct form of the
1. I have/I`m having a shower every morning.
2. Look! It`s raining./It rains. We can`t go to the beach.
3. What are you doing/What do you do tonight? Are you going/Do you go
4. Where are you usually going/do you usually go on holiday?
5. What are you doing/do you do under the table? – I`m trying/I try to find
my pen.
6. What does Fiona do/is Fiona doing? – She is a shop assistant.
31. Put in the correct tense (Present Simple or Present Continuous):
1. Mr. Smith always (to wear) a dark suit. Today he (to wear) a light one.
2. I never (to go) to bed before 11 o`clock at night. It is twelve o`clock, so I
(to go) to bed now.
3. The sky is blue and the sun (to shine) now. The sun always (to shine) all
day in summer.
4. The earth (to move) round the sun.
5. John (to work) in the bank. Now he (to work) in his study.
6. He always (to buy) lottery tickets but he never (to win) anything.
7. Ann usually (to drink) coffee but now she (to drink) tea.
8. Why you (to smoke) here? The baby (to sleep) in the room.
9. It often (to rain) in London. It seldom (to snow).
10.The students (to write) a test now.
32. Read and translate the jokes:
The open-hearted waiter
It was dinner time. A customer entered a restaurant and sat down at a
table. He asked for the menu and said to the waiter:
- “Here is sixpence tip for you. Tell me what you can recommend me.”
The waiter leaned over and whispered:
- “I shall recommend you to go to another restaurant.”
At a restaurant
- Look here, waiter, I have just found a button in my soup.
- Oh, thank you, sir. I`ve been looking all over it.
Mother: - It is ten o`clock and you are not in bed yet. What will father say
when he comes home?
Henry: - He`ll say: “Supper! Supper! What`s for supper?”
There are days when everything goes wrong:
The bread was stale.
It was four days old.
The milk was sour.
The coffee was cold.
The butter was rancid.
The steak was tough.
The service was dreadful.
The waiter was rough.
My bill was huge.
His tip was small.
I`m sorry I went to that place at all.
33.* Read and translate the text:
Vegetarians: pros and cons
Recently, more and more young people have been
choosing to eat only vegetarian food because they think it is
better for their health. However, many nutritionists say that
following a vegetarian diet exclusively is not such a healthy
On the one hand, there are several advantages to being a vegetarian. Firstly,
a vegetarian diet can provide more vitamins, minerals and fibre than a meat-based
diet. In addition, vegetables contain fewer calories than meat. This means that
vegetarians are often fitter and slimmer than meat-eaters. Furthermore, vegetables
are much cheaper than meat. Lastly, as meat contains a lot of fat it is known to
increase the risk of heart disease.
On the other hand, being a vegetarian is not without its disadvantages. For a
start, vegetables contain less protein, which is important for building muscles and
giving us energy. Also, some important nutrients are found in meat and fish.
Therefore, sometimes vegetarians need to replace these by taking supplements,
such as vitamin pills, which can be expensive.
To sum up, although there are some drawbacks to being a vegetarian, on the
whole it is not an unhealthy way to live. However, eating meat ensures that a
person gets all the proteins, vitamins and minerals they need.
34. Do the word puzzle. What are hidden food words?
The hidden words are _______________ and ___________________ .
35.Translate from Russian into English:
1. Что вы сейчас делаете? – Я читаю утреннюю газету. 2. Где
дети? – Они играют во дворе. 3. Где отец? – Он в гараже. Он
ремонтирует (to repair) машину. Он ходит в гараж каждые выходные. 4.
Куда ты идешь? – Я иду в бассейн. Я хожу в бассейн три раза в неделю
(three times a week). 5. Погода отличная! Светит солнце, и поют птицы.
6. О чем ты думаешь? – Я думаю о завтрашнем дне. 7. Что она пишет?
– Она пишет отчет для босса. 8. Что вы ищете (look for)? – Я ищу
ключи. 9. Ребенок спит сейчас. Он всегда спит после обеда. 10. Где
Анна? – Она говорит по телефону. 11. Где дети? – Они играют в
футбол. 12. Что ты делаешь? – Я помогаю маме по дому.
Unit 4.
My Working Day
Topical Vocabulary
to wake up – просыпаться
to get up/to get out of bed – вставать
an early riser – «ранняя пташка»
a heavy sleeper – соня, любитель поспать
to oversleep – проспать
to make the bed – заправлять постель
to do morning exercises – делать зарядку
to wash oneself – умываться
to have a shower – принимать душ
to dry oneself on/with a towel – вытираться полотенцем
to clean one`s teeth – чистить зубы
to brush/comb one`s hair – причесываться
to get dressed – одеваться
to put on make-up – делать макияж, краситься
to be in a hurry/to hurry – торопиться
(Hurry up! – Торопись!)
to have breakfast – завтракать
to go to the university by bus – ездить в университет на автобусе
It takes me/her/him 10 minutes to get to the place – мне/ей/ему требуется 10
минут, чтобы добраться до места
to catch a bus – успеть на автобус
to miss a bus – не успеть на автобус
to be in time for classes – приходить вовремя на занятия
to be late for classes – опаздывать на занятия
a break for lunch – обеденный перерыв
to relax – расслабляться, отдыхать
to do the homework – делать уроки, домашнюю работу
to do the housework – делать работу по дому
to do the cleaning – делать уборку
to do the cooking –готовить
to wash up – мыть посуду
to do the shopping – делать покупки
to go shopping – ходить по магазинам
to sit up late – засиживаться допоздна
to go to bed – ложиться спать
1. Answer the following questions using the topical vocabulary:
1. Do you live in the students` residence or rent a room?
2. What time do you get up?
3. What do you do in the morning before breakfast?
4. What time do you usually have breakfast?
5. Is your breakfast a big meal? What do you usually have for breakfast?
6. What time do you leave your house?
7. How do you get to the University?
8. How much time does it take you to get to the University?
9. What time do the classes start?
10.When do you have lunch?
11.What do you usually do after classes?
12.What household duties do you have?
13.How do you usually spend evenings?
14.What time do you go to bed?
2. Read, translate and retell the topic:
My Day
On week-days the alarm-clock wakes me up at 7.30 and my working day
begins. I jump out of bed, run to the window and open it wide to let the fresh
morning air in. I don`t have time for morning exercises, I just make my bed and
go to the bathroom where I brush my teeth and wash my face. Now, I`m ready
for breakfast.
My breakfast is usually light: just a cup of white coffee and a couple of
sandwiches. While having breakfast I turn on the TV and watch the morning
I leave the house at 8 o`clock and go to the University by taxi-bus. It takes
me about half an hour to get to the place. My classes start at 8.30 and last till
12.30. Then I go home and have a substantial 3-course lunch. After lunch I have
a short rest and then do my homework. Then I go to the swimming-pool and
have a two hour training practice.
In the evening I often go out with friends. We usually go to a cafe, to a party,
to the disco or to the cinema. Before going to bed I enjoy reading a book or
watch TV. I go to sleep at about 11 p.m. My working day is over.
Past Simple
I played
He went
I didn`t play
He didn`t go
Did I play?
Did he go?
3. Number the past time expressions from 1 to 10:
yesterday morning
last night
last month
three days ago
five minutes ago
last week
last summer
the day before yesterday ___
a year ago
in 2009
4. Put the verbs in brackets in Past Simple:
a) Past Simple (positive form)
1. I (to go) to bed late last night. 2. Columbus (to discover) America
more than 400 years ago. 3. We (to finish) our supper an hour ago. 4. I (to
meet) him at the station at 5 o`clock. The train (to arrive) an hour late. 5.
Mother (to cook) a very tasty dinner yesterday. 6. We (to see) a very
interesting film yesterday. 7. I (to spend) last summer at the seaside. 8.
Tom (to buy) his car last month. 9. The students (to write) a test paper last
week. 10. Queen Elizabeth II (to be) born in 1926. She (to become) Queen
of England in 1952.
b) Past Simple (negative form)
1. I (not to invite) him to the party. 2. They (not to go) to the cinema
yesterday. 3. She (not to come) to her English class because she was ill. 4.
She (not to look) happy when I saw her last time. 5. I (not to write) her a
letter yesterday. 6. I (not to do) my homework yesterday. 7. She (not to get
up) early yesterday. 8. I (not to talk) to him yesterday. 9. We (not to have)
an English class last Thursday. 10. It (not to rain) yesterday.
c) Past Simple (question form)
1. She went shopping yesterday (Where?) Where did she go yesterday?
2. He understood everything (What?) 3. The students passed their exams
successfully (How?) 4. He stayed at an expensive hotel (Where?) 5. We
came home late last night (When?) 6. It rained heavily last week (When?)
7. He saw this lady at the party last night (Where?) 8. Tom bought his suit
at a fashionable store (Where?) 9. John stopped smoking because he was ill
(Why?) 10. He left his mobile phone at home (What?)
5. Rewrite the sentences in the Past Simple with yesterday:
1. I watch TV.
I watched TV yesterday.
2. We study English.
3. Do you listen to the news?
4. He doesn`t cook dinner.
5. They work late.
6. Does she play sport?
7. He uses the internet at work.
8. She chats to her friends.
9. My brother doesn`t dance.
6. Complete the sentences. Use the verbs from the box in Past Simple:
1. I cleaned my teeth three times yesterday.
2. It was hot in the room, so I ………………… the window.
3. The concert ……………... at 7.30 and ………………….. at 10 o`clock.
4. He ……………….. a new car last week.
5. When I was a child I ……..……………. to be a doctor.
6. The accident ………..……….. last Sunday afternoon.
7. It`s nice day today but yesterday it ………………… all day.
8. We ………………. a nice party yesterday night.
9. We ………… our holiday last year. We …………. at a very nice place.
10. Ann …………………. to the cinema three times last week.
11.Jim`s grandfather ………………. when he was 90 years old.
12.I ………………… a very interesting film yesterday night.
7. Read about Lisa`s journey to Madrid. Put the verbs in the correct form:
Last Tuesday Lisa (to fly) from London to Madrid. She (to get) up at six
o`clock in the morning and (to have) a cup of coffee. At 6.30 she (to leave)
home and (to drive) to the airport. When she (to arrive), she (to park) the car
and then (to go) to the airport café where she (to have) breakfast. Then she (to
go) through passport control and (to wait) for her flight. The plane (to depart) on
time and (to arrive) in Madrid two hours later. Finally she (to take) a taxi from
the airport to her hotel in the center of Madrid.
8. Complete the sentences with the verb in the negative:
1. I saw Barbara but I didn`t see Jane.
2. They worked on Monday but they ……………………… on Tuesday.
3. We went to the post office but we ……..……………….. to the bank.
4. She had a pen but she ……………………………….. any paper.
5. Jack did French at school but he …………….….………….. German.
6. She told about her son but she ………….………. about her daughter.
7. I bought some bread but I ……………………….……….any milk.
8. He wrote some e-mail messages but he………………..…any letters.
9. Write questions with Did…?
1. I watched TV last night. And you? Did you watch TV last night?
2. I enjoyed the party. And you? …………………………………..
3. I had a good holiday. And she? …………………………………
4. I finished work early. And he? ………………………………….
5. I slept well last night. And you? …………………………………
10. a) Complete the text with the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple.
Last weekend I ________ (go) to London with some friends. We
_______ (meet) at the train station at 8.30 a.m. Our train ________ (leave)
at 8.45 a.m. In the morning we _________ (buy) some souvenirs. Then, we
_________ (have) lunch in an Italian restaurant. In the evening, we
_________ (see) a Shakespeare play at the Globe Theatre. We __________
(get) home very late that night. We all __________ (feel) very tired but very
b) Complete the questions in the Past Simple:
1. Did you go out last night? – Yes, I did.
2. What __________________________________? – I wore jeans.
3. Where __________________________ your friends? – We met in a cafe.
4. What time _________________________________? – We got home late.
5. How ____________________________ home? – We went home by taxi.
6. ________________________ a good time? – Yes, we had a great time.
11.Correct the information using the word in brackets:
1. They got home at midnight. (11 p.m.) – They didn`t get home at
midnight. They got home at 11 p.m.
2. She wore a red dress. (blue) __________________________________
3. I left work early. (late) ______________________________________
4. We went by train. (bus) ______________________________________
5. He lost his mobile phone. (wallet) _____________________________
6. You had a sandwich. (salad) __________________________________
12.Read and translate the texts about two famous firsts.
George Washington (1732-1799)
He was the first President of the United States. He became
President in 1789, eight years after the American War of
His early life
George was born in Virginia. His family owned a big farm
and had slaves. George didn`t have much education. During
his life he had three jobs: he was a farmer, a soldier, and a
politician. He loved the life of a farmer. He grew tobacco and owned horses. He
worked hard but he also liked dancing and going to the theatre. In 1759 he
married a widow called Martha Custis. They were happy together, but didn`t
have any children.
His later life
He was Commander-in-Chief of the army and fought the British in the War
of Independence. When the war ended in 1781 he was happy to go back to the
farm, but his country wanted him to be President. Finally, in 1789, he became
President, and gave his name to the new capital city. He started the building of
the White House, but he never lived in it. By 1797 he was tired of politics. He
went back to his farm and died there two years later.
Margaret Thatcher (1925 - 2013 )
She was the first woman prime minister in Europe. She became
Prime Minister of Britain in 1979.
Her early life
She was born in the small English town of Grantham.
Her father, Alfred Roberts, was a grocer. He worked very
hard for little money. Margaret also worked hard, and she went to Oxford
University, where she studied chemistry. In 1951 she married Denis Thatcher, a
rich businessman. They had twins, a girl and a boy. The love of her life was
politics. She didn`t have much time for other interests. She said she only needed
four hours` sleep a night.
Her later life
She became a politician in 1959, leader of the Conservative party in 1975,
and Prime minister of Britain four years after that. She had a strong personality. A
lot of people were afraid of her, and she was called “The Iron Lady”. In 1984 Irish
terrorists bombed her hotel, but she survived. She was Prime Minister for eleven
years. She finally resigned in 1990, but she didn`t want to go, and she was in tears
when she left 10 Downing Street.
13. Answer the questions about the people from the texts:
About George Washington
1. How many jobs did he have?
2. When did he become president?
3. What did he like doing in his
free time?
4. Did George have any children?
5. What did he build?
6. How long was he President?
About Margaret Thatcher
1. What was her father`s job?
2. When did she marry Denis?
3. How many children did they have?
4. How much sleep did she need?
5.When did the terrorists bomb her hotel?
6. How long was she Prime Minister?
14. Read and retell the text. Pay attention to the verbs in the past.
A Visit to the Theatre
Last night I went to the theatre with my girl-friend. It was difficult to buy
tickets because there was a long line at the box-office. But we were lucky. We got
the tickets 15 minutes before the show began. We went in, left our coats in the
cloak-room and entered the hall. The house was packed. We took our seats in the
16th row. During the interval I went to the buffet and bought some chocolate for
my companion. The play made a great impression on both of us. After the
performance I saw my friend home. It was late when I came back home. I went to
bed after midnight. This morning I woke up late and ran to the institute without
15. Answer the questions:
1. What theatre did you visit last time?
2. With whom did you go there?
3. When was it?
4. What play did you see?
5. Where did you get the tickets?
6. What row did you sit in?
7. Could you see the stage (сцена) well from your seat?
8. What color was the curtain (занавес)?
9. Was the cast (актерский состав) good?
10.Who played the main parts (главный роли)?
11.Was the house (зал) packed?
12.Did you enjoy the performance (представление)?
16.*Read and translate the text:
I had my first date when I was 16, and it was terrible. I took a girl to
the cinema but she didn`t like the film and looked bored all evening; it was a
bad start. Then, when I was 17, I went out with a girl for three months, but
we broke up when she met a boy who was two years older than me, and had
a car. My first serious relationship was when I went to university. I got to
know Melanie because we were on the same course. At first we were just
friends, then we started going out with each other, and after a few months
we realized we were in love. We got engaged a couple of years after we left
university and then…
…we got married the following year. We didn`t want a big ceremony,
so we had the wedding in the local church near Melanie`s home with just
family and a few friends. Afterwards we had the reception in a small hotel
nearby, and then went on our honeymoon to Greece.
Just over three years later Melanie got pregnant, and our first child,
Tony, was born just two days after our fourth wedding anniversary. We had
a big celebration.
Things started to go wrong when I got a job as manager of a
sportswear company. I was working six days a week and I had to do a lot of
travelling. It was difficult for Melanie as well. She was working during the
week, then at weekends she was often alone with two children. I felt I
couldn`t give up my job, and in the end Melanie decided to leave me. The
following year we got divorced.
17. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense (Present or Past Simple):
1. I (to go) to bed at 11 p.m. every day. I (to go) to bed at 10 p.m.
2. My father usually (to drive) to work, but yesterday he (not to drive).
Yesterday he (to walk) to his work because his car (to be) broken.
3. I always (to have) dinner with my family but yesterday I (to have)
dinner with my friends at a cafe.
4. Last week Tom (to buy) a very expensive car. He often (to buy) cars.
5. John (to fall) down the stairs yesterday and (to break) his leg.
6. Where you (to go) last summer? – We (to go) to the south.
7. Ann (not to work) yesterday because she (not to be) very well.
8. We (to see) this film yesterday night. We always (to watch) films
9. Mr. Black usually (to leave) home at 7.30, but yesterday he (to leave)
at 8 o`clock because he (to wake up) late.
10.What you (to buy) at the shop yesterday? – I (to buy) a CD.
Modal verbs
I can (can`t) drive a car.
I could run fast when I was young.
Can (Could) you help me?
I must hurry. I mustn`t be late.
May I ask a question?
It might rain.
You should go to the doctor.
I have to wear glasses.
You needn`t go. You can stay if you
18. Complete the sentences using one of the modal verbs: can (can`t),
could(n`t), may(not), might(not), must(n`t), (don`t)have to, should(n`t),
1. Buy a lottery ticket. You ………………. be lucky.
2. Kate is not often at home. She ……………… travel a lot.
3. You are speaking very quietly. I …………….hear you.
4. I ………….. ride a bike but I ……………… drive a car.
5. When you are driving you …………….. wear a seat belt.
6. Before Ann came to Britain, she …………… understand much English.
7. Your hands are dirty. You ……………. wash them.
8. It`s late. I ……………….. go now.
9. It`s late and you are very tired. You ………….……go to bed.
10.The light is on in the window. Somebody ……………… be at home.
11.Sorry, but we ……………….. come to your party next Sunday.
12.I have a terrible toothache. I …………..……. go to work tomorrow.
13.It`s a fantastic film. You ……………..…. see it!
14.You …………. use my phone. I don`t need it now.
15.You watch TV all the time. You …..…………. watch so much TV.
16.Jim ……………… go to work yesterday. He was ill.
17.I`m not working tomorrow, so I …………… get up early.
18.Sue is not feeling good. She ………………..come to the party.
19.The windows aren`t dirty. You …………….clean them.
20.I want to know what happened. You ……….…….. tell me.
19.Translate from Russian into English using modal verbs:
can, could
1. Я не могу помочь вам. 2. Могу ли я вам помочь? 3. Он не смог
сдать экзамен (to pass an exam). 4. Мы не можем сделать это. 5. Они не
смогли прийти на вечеринку. 6. Мне очень хорошо было видно эту
улицу. 7. Я умею читать и переводить английские тексты со словарем.
8. Вы не могли бы дать мне свой телефон? 9. Я могу начать работу
завтра утром. 10. Я не смог позвонить вам, т.к. у меня не было
may, might
1. Можно мне войти? 2. Вы можете идти домой, если хотите. 3.
Мы, может быть, поедем загород (to the country) на выходных. 4.
Подождите (to wait) немного, директор может скоро прийти. 5. Скоро
может пойти дождь. 6. Не трогай (Don`t touch) собаку: она может
укусить (to bite) тебя. 7. Я могу забыть (to forget) об этом. 8. Доктор
говорит, что я уже могу купаться. 9. Я думал, что мне можно смотреть
телевизор. 10. Можно я вам позвоню?
have to, must
1. Вы должны много работать. 2. Ты должен уважать (to respect)
своих родителей. 3. Вы должны тренироваться (to train) каждый день. 4.
Мне приходится рано вставать. 5. Нам надо идти. 6. Ему пришлось
заплатить штраф (to pay a fine). 7. Должно быть, он знает несколько
иностранных языков (foreign languages). 8. Вам предстоит выучить это
стихотворение (to learn a poem). 9. Вам нельзя здесь курить. 10. Ей
пришлось пойти к врачу.
1. Вам следует пойти к врачу. 2. Тебе не следует пропускать
занятия (to cut classes). 3. Вам не следует ходить туда. 4. Тебе следует
посоветоваться (to take advice) с родителями. 5. Ей не следует с ним
разговаривать. 6. Тебе следует больше тренироваться (to train). 7. Вам
не следует давать детям столько сладостей (sweets). 8. Вам следует
извиниться (to apologize): вы не правы. 9. Тебе следует рано ложиться
спать. 10. Не следует есть фаст фуд.
1. Тебе не нужно помогать мне, я могу сделать это сам. 2. Ему
незачем беспокоиться (to worry about) о ней. 3. Вам не обязательно
звонить мне: я помню (to remember) о своем обещании (promise). 4. Ты
можешь не ходить в библиотеку: у меня есть эта книга. 5. Тебе не
нужно идти в магазин, я все уже купил. 6. Вам не нужно ходить туда,
вы можете позвонить. 7. Нам нужно переводить этот текст? 8. Нам не
надо торопиться (to hurry), у нас много времени.
20. Translate from Russian into English using modal verbs:
1. Можно войти? – Пожалуйста. 2. Вам незачем беспокоиться об
этом. 3. Может быть, она придет завтра. 4. Ты должен позвонить ей
завтра. 4. Торопись: ты можешь опоздать на поезд. 5. Мой друг, должно
быть, сейчас в институте. 6. Вам следует больше работать. 7. Тебе не
следует ходить туда. 8. Нам можно не повторять эти правила: мы их
знаем. 9. Я не могу понять вас. 10. Не могли бы вы помочь мне? 11. В
конце курса студентам необходимо сдать экзамен. 12. Здесь нельзя
курить. 13. Возьми зонт, возможно пойдет дождь.
21. Translate from Russian into English using the Topical Vocabulary:
1. Я обычно встаю в 7.30 утра. Я широко открываю окно и
проветриваю комнату. Я всегда делаю зарядку. 2. Что вы обычно едите на
завтрак? 3. Он принимает душ, одевается, завтракает и выходит на работу
в 8 утра. 4. По утрам я всегда тороплюсь. 5. У нее уходит полчаса чтобы
добраться до работы. 6. Кто готовит в вашей семье? 7. Мне приходится
часто перекусывать, хотя это не очень полезно. 8. Я хожу за покупками и
мою посуду. 9. По утрам я часто просыпаю, т.к. по вечерам засиживаюсь
допоздна и делаю уроки. 10. По вечерам она отдыхает и читает книги.
22. Translate from Russian into English using Past Simple:
1. Вчера я проснулся рано. 2. Мы замечательно провели (to have a good
time) прошлые выходные. 3. Том не работал на прошлой неделе, т.к. был
болен. 4. Вчера мы с друзьями ходили в кино. 5. Куда ты ездил на
выходных? – Я ездил в деревню проведать родственников. 6. Как ты
провел летние каникулы? – Я много путешествовал, гулял (to go out) с
друзьями, читал книги, тренировался (to have training). 7. Мы не пришли
на вечеринку, потому что были заняты (to be busy). 8. Мы закончили
работу и пошли в кафе. 9. Боб купил новую машину на прошлой неделе.
10. Я не видел Мэри на вечеринке в субботу.
MODULE 3 (Модуль 3).
Units (Разделы): 5. Seasons and Weather
6. Travelling
Комплексная цель – освоение и закрепление навыков использования
таких грамматических явлений, как Future Simple; forms to express the future;
adverbs/adjectives; Present Perfect;
- овладение лексическим минимумом по темам «Времена года. Погода» и
«Путешествие» (months, seasons; climate, weather; time; types of travelling;
planning a trip; booking a ticket; hotel service);
- умение выстроить монолог-описание времен года, а также монолограссуждение о преимуществах и недостатках различных способов
- умение поддерживать беседу о погоде;
- умение написать личное письмо.
Unit 5.
Seasons and Weather
Topical Vocabulary
Winter (зима)
snow – снег
snowflake – снежинка
snowdrift – сугроб
snowstorm – метель
Spring (весна)
to melt – таять
cool – прохладный
damp – сырой, влажный
to bloom/to be in blossom – цвести
frost – мороз
icicle – сосулька
slippery – скользко
Summer (лето)
hot – жаркий, горячий
stuffy – душный
heat – жара
thunderstorm – гроза
thaw – оттепель
Autumn (осень)
Indian summer – бабье лето
dull – пасмурный
to rain heavily/to pour – лить как из ведра
fog - туман
Words, word-combinations and grammar patterns:
weather forecast –прогноз погоды
weatherman – синоптик
The weather is nice/fine/lovely, awful/nasty, wretched, changeable – погода
замечательная, ужасная, мерзкая, переменчивая
It`s warm (cold, cool, frosty, foggy, windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, hot, dry) – тепло
(холодно, прохладно, морозно, туманно, ветрено, облачно, дождливо,
солнечно, жарко, сухо)
What`s the weather like today? – Какая сегодня погода?
It`s nice weather, isn`t it? – Погода прекрасна, не так ли?
What`s the weather forecast for today? – Какой на сегодня прогноз погоды?
What a fine day! – Какой замечательный день!
It is drizzling/pouring/snowing – моросит/ льет как из ведра/ идет снег
to get wet through/to be soaked to the skin – промокнуть насквозь
It looks like rain – Похоже на дождь.
The sky is overcast. – Небо затянуто тучами.
Not a leaf is stirring. – Полное безветрие (ни один листок не шевелится)
1. Read and translate the topic.
There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Every
season is beautiful in its own way.
When spring comes nature awakens from its long winter sleep. The days
become longer and the nights become shorter. The ground is covered with emerald
–green grass and spring flowers. The air is fresh, the sky is blue and cloudless, and
the sun shines brightly. The trees are in blossom.
Spring is followed by summer. The weather is usually fine in summer, but it
can be very hot, especially in July. Sometimes there are storms with thunder and
lightning. In summer people try to get away from the city noise and spend more
time in the open air. They pick mushrooms and berries in the forest, swim in the
rivers and lakes, go fishing and boating. Most people prefer to have their holidays
in summer.
Then comes autumn. The days become shorter and the nights become
longer. The leaves turn yellow, red and brown and fall to the ground. There is a
short period of dry sunny weather in September which is called Indian summer.
But gradually it gets colder and colder. It often rains in October and November.
In winter the sun sets early and rises late. The rivers and lakes are frozen
over. Everything is covered with snow. Sometimes it`s very cold, about 25-30
degrees below zero. Going out in such weather isn`t very pleasant. Winter is a
good time for sports. People go in for skating, skiing and tobogganing.
As for me, I like all seasons, but I think there`s nothing like late spring.
2. Read and translate the text:
A year is the average time it takes for the earth to go once round the sun.
There are 12 months or 52 weeks or 365 days in a year. Every four years there is a
leap year. This has 366 days. Some months (April, June, September and
November) have 30 days. All the rest have thirty-one, except February. In
February there are twenty-eight days, and in leap year there are twenty nine days.
There are 7 days in a week, 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour and 60
seconds in a minute.
The sun rises in the east in the morning. The beginning of
the day is daybreak or dawn. Then comes morning, noon,
afternoon, evening and night. We tell the time by means of
watches or clocks. Watches are small. We can carry them in our
pockets or wear them on our wrists. A clock is bigger than a watch. It usually
stands on the table or hangs on the wall of the house. There are figures on the face
of the clock or watch to mark the hours, minutes and seconds. The hands of the
clock or watch point to the figures telling us the time. There are three hands
altogether. The biggest hand shows the minutes, the smaller – the hours, and the
smallest – the seconds.
3. Read the dialogues and act them out:
- Have a look out of the window. What`s the weather like today?
- Well, I think it looks like rain. The sky is overcast with heavy clouds and a
strong wind is blowing.
- Never mind. The weather is so changeable here in spring.
- Yes, but to be on the safe side we`d better take our umbrellas with us when
we go shopping.
What`s the weather forecast for tomorrow?
The weathermen promise dry and sunny weather with a slight wind.
Great! I don`t want our picnic in the forest to be spoiled because of the rain.
Yes, I hope we shall have a wonderful time in the open air.
It`s going to rain in the afternoon.
How do you know?
I heard the weather forecast by the radio.
Well, it really looks like rain. I think I`ll take my umbrella. I wonder where
my umbrella is. I can`t find it anywhere.
Please take mine. I`m not going out today.
That`s very kind of you.
What a hot day! The heat is simply unbearable.
No wonder. It`s 30 degrees in the shade, and it`s so calm that not a leaf is
stirring. I`m simply boiling.
Let`s go for a swim in the lake.
That`s a good idea.
What`s the weather like today? I haven`t been out yet.
The weather is wonderful. It`s sunny and frosty. Children are making
snowmen and are throwing snowballs. How can you stay indoors on such a
glorious day?
I haven`t had breakfast yet. Is it slippery outside?
Not in the least. Everything is covered with dazzling snow and the air is so
4. Translate from Russian into English:
1. На улице льет как из ведра. Я весь промок. 2. Какая сегодня
погода? – Погода прекрасная. Светит солнце и дует легкий ветерок.
Пошли прогуляемся. 3. Какой прогноз погоды на выходные? –
Синоптики обещают сухую и жаркую погоду. 4. Осенью часто идет
дождь. 5. Выгляни в окно! Погода морозная и солнечная. Ветра нет.
Вся земля покрыта снегом. Как можно сидеть дома в такую
замечательную погоду? 6. Какой прогноз погоды на вечер? – Похоже,
будет дождь. Небо затянуто тучами. Возьми с собой зонт.
Future Simple
he, she,
he, she,
NB! Other ways to express the future:
He is going to give up smoking (a long-term decision about the future).
Look at the clouds –it is going to rain (prediction or evidence for the future).
We are having a party next weekend (a beforehand arrangement).
The train leaves at 7.30 (official timetable or calendar-fixed events).
5. Put the verbs in brackets in Future Simple:
1. Don`t drink coffee before you go to bed. You (not to sleep).
2. Are you ready yet? – Not yet. I (to be) ready in five minutes.
3. I`m going away for a few days. I`m leaving tonight, so I (to be) at home
4. It (not to rain), so you don`t need to take an umbrella.
5. I don`t feel very well this evening. – Well, go to bed early and you (to
feel) better in the morning.
6. It`s Bill`s birthday next Monday. He (to be) 25.
7. I`m sorry I was late this morning. It (not to happen) again.
8. I (to call) you back tomorrow.
9. Mary is having her birthday party this Sunday. You (to come)?
10.We (to remember) this day forever.
6. *Put the verbs in brackets into the necessary form to express the future:
1. Alex (to get) married next month.
2. I think it (to rain) this afternoon.
3. The football match (to start) at 8 o`clock.
4. My hands are dirty. I (to wash) them.
5. What you (to wear) to the party tonight?
6. Oh dear! It`s 9 o`clock and I`m not ready. I (to be) late.
7. The phone is ringing. – Don`t worry. I (to answer) it.
8. My parents (to go) on holiday next week. – Oh, that`s nice. Where they
(to go?)
9. How you (to get) home after the party tomorrow? By taxi? – No, I can go
by bus. The last bus (to leave) at midnight.
10.What you (to do) next Monday afternoon? – I (to work).
7. Translate from Russian into English:
1. Завтра мы пишем тест по английскому. 2. Возьми зонт. Пойдет
дождь. 3. Поезд отправляется ровно в пять. 4. Завтра в 11 я иду на прием к
врачу (to have an appointment with a doctor). 5. Я позвоню тебе на
следующей неделе. 6. У Анны завтра день рождения. Она устраивает
вечеринку. Что ты ей подаришь? 7. Я приду домой около 6 часов. 8.
Следующим летом мы едем заграницу. 9. Том будет работать врачом (as a
doctor). 10. Сэм женится в августе. 11. Когда приедет отец? 12. Завтра я
встречаю делегацию на вокзале (at the railway station).
Writing a postcard. This postcard describes a holiday with good or bad
weather. Read it and underline the words for either good weather or bad
Dear Julie and Pete,
We`re having a wonderful/quite a good time here in Majorca.
The weather is lovely/isn`t very nice, so we stay
Mr and Mrs Hooper
in the hotel/go to the beach most of the time and
34 Leslie Road___
sunbathe/play table tennis.
Milton Keynes___
Yesterday it was very hot and sunny/cold and foggy
Bucks MK 6 2 XJ_
and we couldn`t see the sea/got very red.
Tomorrow we`re not going to stay in the
hotel/sit in the sun, we`re going to buy some souvenirs.
See you both soon.
Love, Tom and Irene.
Write a postcard to an English friend. Write about:
 where you are on holiday
 the weather
 something you do often
 something you did yesterday
 something you are going to do tomorrow
9. Read and translate the news report:
Tipton Bay Hurricane
The hurricane struck the town of Tipton bay on the south coast at 4 p.m. on
Saturday afternoon and lasted for twelve hours. Winds reached speeds of 200
km/h. Luckily, people had left their homes before the hurricane arrived, and
nobody lost their life. However, flying metal and glass injured about twenty people
from boats near the coast, and charities quickly sent food and tents to help people
without homes. The hurricane seriously damaged hundreds of buildings and
destroyed crops in the fields around the town.
10. Read the notes about a tornado and write a short news report like the one
in Ex. 9:
when – last night, 03.00 for 30 minutes
where – city of Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA
winds – 250 km/h
damage – homes, cars, shops, crops near
the city
people – 25 injured
emergency services – rescued people from
a train; sent medical supplies
Unit 6.
Topical Vocabulary
1. On a tour (в поездке)
to go on holiday/vacation – поехать, отправиться в отпуск
to go on a business trip – поехать в командировку, деловую поездку
to go to a travel agent`s/agency and to get brochures – пойти в
туристическое бюро и взять рекламные проспекты
package tour/holiday – тур с полным пакетом услуг
to pack things – складывать, упаковывать вещи
delays and cancellations – задержки и отмены (например, рейса)
to arrive in (a country, a city) – прибыть (в страну, большой город)
to arrive at (a town, a station) – прибыть (в небольшой город, на вокзал)
to stay in/at a hotel (to put up at a hotel) – остановиться, разместиться в
accommodation –жилье
b&b (bed and breakfast) – полупансион
to book a seat (a flight, a room) – заказать билет (на самолет, номер в
to make a reservation – забронировать, зарезервировать
single ticket – билет в один конец
return ticket – билет в оба конца
to go on a sightseeing tour (an excursion) – поехать на экскурсию
to make a tour of a place – осмотреть место
to see the sights/places of interest – посмотреть достопримечательности
2. At the seaside (на море)
holidaymaker – отдыхающий
to go camping – жить в кемпинге
to go to the seaside – поехать на море
resort (seaside, mountain, ski) – курорт (морской, горный, горнолыжный)
to swim in the sea – купаться в море
to lie in the sun – загорать, лежать на солнце
to get a bronze tan – загореть, получить бронзовый загар
bathing suit – купальный костюм
swimming trunks – плавки
to like water sports – любить водные виды спорта
3. Transport
air/train/bus/taxi fare – стоимость билета на самолет/поезд/автобус/такси
How much is the fare? – Сколько стоит проезд?
public transport – общественный транспорт
ticket office – билетная касса
airport – аэропорт
flight – рейс
“delayed” – рейс задерживается
“cancelled” – рейс отменен
checking-in – регистрация на рейс
check-in counter – стойка регистрации
carry-on luggage – ручная кладь
boarding pass – посадочный талон
to go through customs – пройти таможенный досмотр
to go through passport control – пройти паспортный контроль
to fill in the declaration form – заполнить таможенную декларацию
duty free shop – магазин беспошлинной торговли
gate – выход на посадку
to take off – взлетать
to land – приземляться
destination – пункт назначения
baggage claim – выдача багажа
platform – платформа, перрон
compartment – купе
fellow-passenger – попутчик, пассажир
to get on/off a bus/train/taxi – садиться в/выходить из
to change buses/trains – пересаживаться с одного автобуса/поезда на
1. Read and translate the topic:
The ways of travelling
There are various means of travelling. We can travel by train, boat,
airplane, car and finally we can travel on foot. They all have advantages and
No doubt, travelling by air is the quickest means. It is very
important if you are travelling long distances. The time on the
plane goes by quickly, especially if you watch a video, read a
book or speak to your fellow-passengers. If you have a window seat you can
get a wonderful view of the beautiful cloudy sky. However, flying often
involves delays and cancellations. You can spend more time getting to and
from the airport than actually flying. Besides, some people can feel air-sick
because of the turbulence. Finally, air-travelling is more expensive than any
other form of modern transport.
One of the most popular means of travelling is travelling
by train. With a train you have speed, comfort and pleasure
combined. Trains are cheaper than planes and are very
comfortable. You can enjoy a splendid view of the countryside.
If you are hungry you can have a meal in the dining car.
Some people prefer travelling by ship which is very
exciting. If the weather is fine you can relax on the deck and
enjoy the panoramic view of the sea or river. Modern ships are
usually very comfortable: they offer air-conditioned cabins, a
large dining area and even a swimming pool. But of course, if you are sea-sick
travelling by ship is not a good idea.
A lot of people prefer to travel by car because it is very
convenient. You don`t have to buy tickets and carry heavy
luggage. You are more mobile: you can stop wherever you wish
and spend as much time as you like at any place. However, this way of
travelling is not as comfortable and quick as travelling by plane or train.
2. Read and translate the dialogue and answer the questions after it:
Travelling by Train
Every year John Brown goes to Edinburgh to an annual book exhibition. It is
both pleasure and business for him. He can go either by train or by air. He always
chooses trains. He considers them to be safer and more comfortable. Custom is a
second nature.
John comes to the station twenty minutes before the departure of the
Edinburgh train and goes straight to the ticket-office:
- I`d like a one-way ticket for the afternoon train to Edinburgh.
- What class?
- First. I`d like a corner seat in a nonsmoker, facing the engine.
- Here is your ticket. The train is departing in fifteen minutes.
- What time does it get to Edinburgh?
- Just a second… It is due to arrive in Edinburgh at eight sharp.
- Thank you for the information.
- Have a pleasant journey!
John has a small bag with him and he doesn`t need a porter. So he goes to
the departure platform and takes his seat in the compartment. In a few minutes
the train starts. There is only one passenger except John in the compartment.
P.: Excuse me, do you know this rout well?
J.: I travel this route once a year. This train is almost never late. I like
travelling by train.
P.: So do I. It`s going well now. It will be wonderful if it keeps the same
speed all the way.
J.: It slows down a little when it passes small stations. Don`t you think it`s a
bit stuffy here?
P.: Yes, rather. Would you mind if I open the window?
J.: Good idea. Shall I call the train conductor?
P.: No, I`ll manage it myself. Is it all right?
J.: Yes, fine.
P.: I have some cans of beer. Would you like a beer?
1. Where does John Brown go every year?
2. What does he prefer, trains or planes? Why?
3. What ticket does he ask for?
4. Where does John go after he buys the ticket?
5. Is his compartment full? How many fellow-passengers are there?
6. Why do the men decide to open the window of the compartment?
7. How do the men decide to pass the time?
3. Read and translate the dialogue and answer the questions after it:
Travelling by Air
Mary Brown`s mother lives in Amsterdam. She can stand neither trains nor
planes, that`s why she never travels. Once a year Mary goes to visit her.
Sometimes she takes both children with her. This time she decided to travel alone.
She comes to the ticket-office of “British Airways” to book a ticket for tomorrow.
Clerk: Good morning.
Mary: Good morning. I`d like to book a seat on the plane for Amsterdam for
C.: Yes, madam. Do you want to travel economy class or first class?
M.: Economy class, please.
C.: I`ll check the timetable for you. Just a moment… There is a flight leaving
Heathrow at 11.55 tomorrow arriving in Amsterdam at 13.20. It flies non-stop.
M.: That suits me. What time do I have to get to the airport?
C: You`ll have to be at West London Air Terminal by 10.20 at the latest. The
coach leaves for the airport at 10.30. But if you are going to the airport on your
own you must be there before 11.30 and you can pick up your ticket at the airport
booking office.
M.: Thank you. Good-bye.
Mary is on board the plane at last. It started from London with an hour
delay. There is a middle-aged lady sitting next to Mary.
Lady: Excuse my disturbing you. Do you know when we are to land in
Mary: Approximately at half past two.
L.: I thought we could reach the continent earlier.
M.: I don`t think it is possible with the weather being so unfavorable. The fog is
still dense.
L.: Want a cigarette?
M.: Thanks, I don`t smoke.
L.: Good for you. I can`t get rid of it. You can`t teach old dogs new tricks.
M.: Too bad. If you want to take care of your health, you`d better give it up.
L.: That`s exactly what my son says. Are you going to Amsterdam for the first
M.: No, my mother lives there. And you?
L.: I`m going to Amsterdam for the first time. It`s a business trip. Our company
imports tulip bulbs and flower seeds from Holland.
M.: I see. Hope you`ll enjoy your stay in Amsterdam.
L.: Let`s hope for the best. Look, we are landing!
M.: Looks like that.
1. Why does Mary go to Amsterdam?
2. With whom does she travel there?
3. What air company does Mary fly with?
4. What kind of ticket does she book?
5. Does the plane start on time?
6. Who is Mary`s fellow-passenger?
7. What does the lady offer Mary?
8. Why does the lady travel to Amsterdam?
4. *Read and translate the text. Pay attention to the words in bold:
Air travel
When you arrive at an airport, the departures board will show you the
flight numbers (e.g. BA735), departures times (e.g. 08.40) and destinations. At
the check-in counter, someone will check your ticket and weigh your luggage. If
it is more than, for example, 20 kilograms, you will have to pay excess baggage.
You can take your hand luggage with you on the aircraft. You also get your
boarding pass and then you can go through passport control, where someone
checks your passport, and into the departure lounge, where you can buy things in
the duty-free shop, e.g. alcohol beverages and perfume.
Shortly before take-off, you go to the place where you get
on the plane, e.g. Gate 3 or Gate 5. When you board the
plane, you can put your hand luggage in a small cupboard
above your seat called an overhead locker. You then have
to fasten your seat belt. If there are no delays, the plane
moves slowly to the runway, then it takes off.
When the plane lands, there is always an announcement from a member of
the cabin crew telling the passengers to wait until the plane completely stops
before they stand up. Then you get off the plane and walk through the terminal
building to the baggage claim. When you`ve got your luggage, you go through
customs and leave the airport.
5. Complete the words or phrases using the words from the box:
claim free
departure _______________
excess __________________
check-in ________________
hand ___________________
terminal ___________________
duty _____________________
flight __________________
overhead ________________
boarding ________________
cabin __________________
baggage _________________
passport _________________
6. Read and translate the text. Match the headings (A-E) with the
paragraphs (1-4). There is one extra heading that you do not need to
use. Put the number of the paragraph in the right column to match the
correct headline:
Be prepared to meet dangerous creatures
Start with a detailed trip for your plan
First consult your doctor
Take care what you eat
Protect yourself against heat and sun
Useful advice for travellers abroad
When you travel outside Europe it is important to plan your trip before you
go. Visit your doctor six weeks before you leave. He or she will tell you if
you need any immunisations. Find out about the country you are going to
visit. Buy a first-aid kit to take with you.
Hot weather can be the main problem in some countries. Wear loose, cotton
clothes and sunglasses, and always wear a hat. Don`t forget to use sun
cream. Also, drink a lot of water, even if you aren`t thirsty. Remember that
coffee and soft drinks aren`t the same as drinking water. Only drink bottled
water. And brush your teeth with bottled water too.
It is better to have meals in restaurants and hotels if you can. Choose your
food carefully. Avoid milk, cheese, shellfish and salads. It is better to have
cooked food, and only eat fruit if you can peel it. Don`t have ice in your
drinks - even if the weather is very hot! If you get stomach ache for more
than a day, see a doctor.
Try to avoid insect bites. Use insect repellent all the time. Wear long sleeves
and long trousers in the evenings after sunset, especially near water. There
are several insects that can cause problems. Mosquitoes and sand flies can
give you a virus – with a temperature, stomach ache and a headache. Some
spiders can give you a bite which can be very painful for a few days. Put ice
on the bite as soon as you can. If you get a headache and sickness, go to a
But also remember to enjoy yourself! Just follow these simple rules
and you will have a wonderful, exciting time!
6.1 Adjectives and adverbs
adjectives describe nouns
a bad mark
a careful driver
a hard job
adverbs describe verbs
She runs fast.
He drives carefully.
She works hard.
7. Choose the correct word:
1. Please, listen careful/carefully. Jane is a careful/carefully driver.
2. The children played happy/happily in the garden.
3. Your children are always very happy/happily.
4. She sings very good/well. – Yes, she is a very good/well singer.
5. How are you? – Very good/well, thank you. And you?
6. I just want a quick/quickly snack. Just a sandwich, please.
7. I had breakfast quick/quickly because I was late for work.
8. You are speaking very quiet/quietly. I can`t hear you.
9. He is a very slow/slowly reader.
10. Smoking is a bad/badly habit.
11. The team played bad/badly and lost the match.
12. The homework was easy/easily.
13. Peter is very good at tennis. He won the game easy/easily.
14. It`s a hard/hardly work. Teachers work hard/hardly and don`t earn
8. Read and translate the jokes:
No time for sightseeing
A farmer, who went to a large city to see the sights, engaged a room at a
hotel and before leaving asked the clerk about the hours for meals.
“We have breakfast from 7 to 11, dinner from 12 to 3 and supper from 6
to 8”, explained the clerk.
“Look here”, said the farmer in surprise, “but at what time am I going to
see the town?”
Both are alike
A traveler, on arriving at a railway station, asked a local man:
“Excuse me. This is my first visit to your town. Could you tell me how
many hotels you have here?”
“We have two”, - answered the local man.
“Which one could you recommend?”
“Frankly speaking, sir, whichever one you go to, you`ll be sorry you
didn`t go to the other.
Present Perfect
you have
been to Moscow
she has
they been?
 Dad has already washed the car (It is clean now).
 I have just had dinner (I`m not hungry now).
 Have you ever been to the States? (Can you tell me about it now?)
 John has lived in London for six years (He still lives there).
9. Put the verbs in brackets in Present Perfect:
1. I (to buy) new shoes. Do you want to see them?
2. Where is Liz? – She just (to go) out.
3. I can`t find my umbrella. Somebody (to take) it.
4. I`m looking for Sarah. Where she (to go)?
5. I know that woman but I (to forget) her name.
6. What are you going to do? You (to decide)?
7. Sue is having a party tonight. She (to invite) a lot of people.
8. It`s Ann`s birthday tomorrow and I (not to buy) her a present yet.
9. John, this is Mary. – Yes, I know. We already (to meet).
10.You ever (to be) to Canada? – No, never.
11.Who is that man? – I don`t know. I never (to see) him before.
12.Are your parents at home? – Yes, they just (to arrive).
13.I (to lose) my key. I can`t find it anywhere.
10.Present Perfect or Past Simple?
1. He (to come) an hour ago. He just (to come).
Where you (to be) last night? – I (to be) at home with my family.
Where`s Bill? – He (to go) home. He (to leave) about 10 minutes ago.
You (to see) Ann? – Yes, I ……… We (to meet) yesterday evening.
You (to start) a new job? – Yes, I (to start) it last week.
Do you know Martin`s sister? – I (to see) her a few times but I never
(to speak) to her.
7. His hair is very short. He (to have) a haircut.
8. Last night I (to arrive) home at half past twelve. I (to have) a bath and
then I (to go) to bed.
9. The car looks very clean. Dad (to wash) it.
10.You (to visit) many museums when you were in Paris?
11.My bicycle isn`t here any more. Somebody (to take) it.
12.Bob and Alice are married. They (to be) married for 20 years.
11.Translate from Russian into English using the Topical Vocabulary:
1. Я бы хотел забронировать одноместный номер на три дня.
2. Прошлым летом мы ездили к морю. Это был тур с полным пакетом
услуг. Целыми днями мы купались и загорали. Черноморские
курорты очень популярны в нашей стране.
3. Я бы хотел билет в один конец до Оксфорда. – Вот ваш билет. Поезд
отправляется через полчаса. – Спасибо.
4. Не люблю путешествовать на самолете. Меня постоянно тошнит, и
кружится голова. Я предпочитаю ездить на поездах. А ты?
5. Самолет приземлился в аэропорту Москвы в 7.30 вечера.
6. Время в самолете пролетело быстро, т.к. я разговаривал с
попутчиком и читал журнал.
7. Путешествие на поезде дешевле путешествия на самолете.
8. Все виды путешествия имеют свои преимущества и недостатки.
9. Если вы страдаете морской болезнью, то путешествие на корабле
плохая идея.
10.Иногда происходят задержки и отмены рейсов.
12.Translate from Russian into English (Present Perfect):
1. Ты когда-нибудь был заграницей (abroad)? – Да, дважды (twice).
2. Я никогда не летал на самолетах.
3. Самолет только что приземлился (to land).
4. Я об этом еще не думал.
5. Сэм счастлив, т.к. он выиграл соревнования (to win the competition).
6. Майк не может участвовать в соревнованиях (to take part in
competitions), т.к. он сломал ногу (to break one`s leg).
7. Эта команда когда-нибудь выигрывала кубок (to win the cup)?
8. Мы не видели друг друга с прошлого года (since last year).
9. Я только что закончил работу.
10.Она еще не пришла.
13.* Read and translate the text:
Package Holiday
More people are travelling abroad for their holidays these days. While
some prefer to make their own arrangements, others choose to go on a package
holiday where everything is arranged for you. In my opinion, it is more satisfying
to plan your own holiday.
Firstly, you experience more freedom and independence if you arrange
everything for yourself. This means that you can choose exactly where you want to
stay and what you want to see. Also, you can take your time enjoying the sights as
there is no schedule to restrict you. Furthermore, it is often much cheaper to make
your own arrangements. You are able to choose the type of accommodation that
suits your budget and how long you stay in a particular place. You can also eat
quite inexpensively in local restaurants.
On the other hand, package holidays do have several benefits. For a start,
they are easier and more relaxing as flights, hotels and sometimes entertainment
are all organized for you. Additionally there is usually a holiday representative to
help you with any problems. However, as everything is programmed for you on a
package holiday, you may not get the chance to learn as much about the local
language and culture.
In conclusion, while package holidays may be more suitable for some
people, I believe that arranging your own holiday is better on the whole. That way,
you are able to decide on your own program with very few restrictions, which
makes the holiday a more fulfilling experience.
MODULE 4 (Модуль 4).
Units (Разделы): 7. Sports
8. Health Problems
Комплексная цель – освоение и закрепление навыков использования
таких грамматических явлений, как Passive Voice; Past Continuous; Past
Continuous vs. Past Simple;
- овладение лексическим минимумом по темам «Спорт» и «Болезни» (sport
and fitness; healthy lifestyle; winter and summer sports; Olympic Games; illnesses,
treatment; visiting a doctor);
- умение рассказать о роли спорта в жизни людей, об Олимпийских играх; о
своей болезни;
- умение вести ролевой диалог «На приеме у врача» от лица врача и
Unit 7.
Topical Vocabulary
tournament – турнир, спорт. соревнование
competition/event – соревнование
weightlifting – тяжелая атлетика
javelin – метание копья
shooting – стрельба
discus – метание диска
archery – стрельба из лука
swimming – плавание
swimming stroke – стиль плавания
breast stroke – брасс
back stroke – плавание на спине
freestyle/crawl – вольный стиль, кроль
butterfly – баттерфляй
downhill skiing – горнолыжный спорт
horse racing – скачки, конские бега
figure skating – фигурное катание
track and field – легкая атлетика
white-water rafting – сплав на плотах
footrace – спортивная ходьба
fencing - фехтование
jogging – бег трусцой
sailing – парусный спорт
diving – прыжки в воду
wrestling – борьба
equestrian – конный спорт
biathlon – биатлон
pentathlon – пятиборье
decathlon – десятиборье
skiing – лыжный спорт
cycling – велоспорт
yoga – йога
gymnastics – гимнастика
boxing - бокс
football/soccer - футбол
volleyball – волейбол
basketball – баскетбол
badminton – бадминтон
record-setter – рекордсмен
1. Read and translate the topics:
Millions of people all over the world are fond of sports and games. Sport is
popular among young and old people. Sport helps people to stay in good shape,
keeps them fit, healthy and makes them more organized and better disciplined in
their daily activities.
We all need to exercise. Even if you don't plan to make a
sporting career you still have to practice. Regular exercises give
you more energy and make you feel and look better. The best
exercise is the one which involves repeated movements, such as
walking, jogging or swimming. Bending and stretching will add flexibility and
feeling of lightness.
During the last years the popularity of sport has grown
dramatically. A lot of people started doing exercises and jogging in the
morning, going to swimming pools and fitness clubs in their spare time.
But despite the increase in the number of people going in for sports, the
majority of them still prefer to be spectators. Thousands of people go to the
stadiums to support their favorite teams and athletes. Most of the important
competitions are televised and people enjoy watching sports programs on TV.
Among the sports popular in our country are football, basketball, swimming,
volleyball, ice hockey, tennis, gymnastics, figure skating. A person can choose
sports and games for any season, for any taste.
Some sports are considered extreme and dangerous. For example,
downhill skiing, rock-climbing or rafting can cause injuries and serious traumas.
Such unsafe sports are for real risk takers.
The Olympic Games
The world greatest international sports games are known as
the Olympic Games. The Olympic movement proves that real peace
can be achieved through sport. The Olympic emblem is five
interlinked rings: blue, yellow, black, green and red.
The Olympic Games have a very long history. They began in
776 B.C. in Greece and took place every four years. All the cities sent
their best athletes to the city of Olympus to compete in running, boxing,
wrestling, etc. During the Olympic Games all wars between the cities
stopped and people lived in peace. The games were for men only. Greek
women were forbidden not only to participate but also to watch the Olympics.
In 394 AD the Games were abolished and were renewed in 1896 in
Athens with setting up the International Olympic Committee (IOC). It is the central
policy-making body of the Olympic movement. It includes the representatives of
all countries which take part in the Olympic Games. The IOC decides upon the
program of the games, the number of the participants and the city-host for the
games. After the city-host is selected by the IOC it starts preparations for the
competitions, constructs new sports facilities, stadiums, hotels, press centers.
Summer and winter games are held separately. In 1980 Moscow hosted
the twenty-second summer Olympic Games. In 2014 the city of Sochi hosted the
twenty-second winter Olympic Games.
Match the words with the pictures:
downhill skiing
table tennis
g) cycling
h) hockey
i) weightlifting
j) equestrian
k) figure skating
l) boxing
m) basketball
n) swimming
o) chess
p) wrestling
q) volleyball
r) badminton
Read and translate the text:
Healthy Way of Life
People nowadays are more health-conscious than they used to be. They
understand that good health is above wealth.
To be healthy we should avoid different bad habits that can
affect our lives, such as smoking, drinking alcohol, overeating, eating
fast food, etc. It`s common knowledge that smoking can shorten our
lives dramatically. It can cause a number of heart and lung diseases such as
pneumonia and cancer. Besides, smoking makes teeth yellow and skin unhealthy.
Another bad habit is overeating which leads to obesity and as
a result to various diseases. A lot of people today enjoy
fast food because it is cheap, tasty and doesn`t take much
time to cook. Fast food includes all kinds of hamburgers,
sandwiches, pizzas, fizzy drinks. Most of fast food is rich in calories and fat and
almost lacks fiber.
Some people try to lose weight by keeping to a diet. They cut out snacks
and desserts and cut down on fat. People have also become aware of calories – the
energy value of food. Some people count the number of calories they eat every day
to take in fewer calories and lose weight. This is called a calorie-controlled diet.
Another way to stay healthy is to go in for sport and keep fit.
Regular exercises provide a healthier heart, stronger bones, muscle
tone and cheerful mood. There is nothing like morning exercises,
swimming and going for long walks in the open air to feel oneself
healthy and happy.
7.1 Passive voice
to be + Past Participle
Examples: The office is cleaned every day.
I am invited to a party.
Oranges are imported into Britain.
This house was built 100 years ago.
Two people were taken to hospital.
The car will be repaired next Sunday.
Put the verbs in brackets in passive (past, present or future):
1. Paper is made (to make) from wood.
2. Japanese sake ……... usually ……….…………. (to serve) warm.
3. St. Petersburg …………….………… (to found) in 1703.
4. My car ……………….. (to steal) last week, but the next day it
…………….. (to find) by the police.
5. The work ……………………….……….(to do) tomorrow afternoon.
6. Football ………………..…….(to play) in most countries of the world.
7. My brother ……………………….(to bite) by a dog last week.
8. A garage is a place where cars …….…………………….(to repair).
9. Three people ……………………………. (to injure) in the accident.
10.I …………………..………..…(to wake up) by the noise.
11.Coffee …...….. normally .……………..(not to grow) in cool climates.
12.The new house ………………..………..(to build) next autumn.
13.These rooms ………………….……….(to clean) every day.
14.There was a fire at the hotel last week. Two of the rooms
……………..(to damage).
15.The telephone …………………..(to invent) by Alexander Bell in 1876.
Translate from Russian into English using the verbs in brackets in
Passive Voice:
1. Мне задали три трудных вопроса (to ask).
2. Его не пригласили на вечеринку (to invite).
3. Статья была переведена без ошибок (to translate).
4. Вас встретят на станции и отвезут в гостиницу (to meet), (to take).
5. Письма были отправлены вчера днем (to send).
6. На английском говорят почти во всем мире (to speak).
7. Машину угнали на прошлой неделе (to steal).
8. Масло делают из молока (to make).
9. Работа будет сделана завтра (to do).
10.Ей подарили много подарков в день рождения (to give).
11.Дом построят в следующем году (to build).
12.Эту проблему обсуждали на конференции (to discuss).
13.Эта картина была написана в 17 веке (to paint).
14.Не волнуйтесь, вам помогут (to help).
15.Нас поблагодарили за хорошую работу (to thank).
6. Read, translate and retell:
 In a sumo match, only the feet touch the
ground. If another part of the body touches the
ground or is outside the ring, the wrestler loses
the match.
 Many sumo matches only last four or five
seconds. Some matches can last two or three
 Sumo wrestlers have to be big and heavy. But they also have to move very
quickly, and have very good balance.
 Sumo wrestlers eat about 20,000 calories a day! (A normal man eats about
2,500 calories.)
 Sumo wrestlers usually train for 10 years before they fight professionally.
7. Read the interview and act it out:
Training to win
Yasuo Yamamoto is 17, and he weighs 115 kilograms. He is a young sumo
wrestler. He lives and trains at a sumo school in Tokyo. Allsports Magazine
asks him about his life.
Q: Hello, Yasuo. Tell me about a day at the sumo school.
A: Well, we get up at five o`clock and start training. We don`t have breakfast. We
train for five hours. It`s very hard work. When we make a mistake, the teachers get
angry with us and hit us with long sticks!
Q: Oh, dear! What do you do after training?
A: We have lunch. We usually have lots of fish, meat, rice and vegetables. We
drink beer too. Then we sleep for four hours. This helps us to get fat. This is
because the food in the body changes to fat.
Q: What do you do after your sleep?
A: We study school subjects because we have to finish our education. I`m really
interested in history, but I`m not keen on maths.
Q: What do you do after lessons?
A: We have dinner. Fish, meat, rice and vegetables again. I`m a bit bored with the
Q: What time do you go to bed?
A: We go to bed early – at about nine o`clock. There are twelve students and we all
sleep in the same room. It isn`t much fun.
Q: Why do you want to be a sumo wrestler then?
A: Well, I`m good at sumo wrestling. And my family are proud of me. They are
poor and I want to help them. Sumo wrestlers are very important people in Japan
and champion wrestlers are very rich. I want to be a champion one day.
8. Read, translate and retell the following short texts about extreme
Bungee jumping
Bungee jumping is a popular extreme sport. People
jump off tall bridges or buildings on a long elastic rope.
They can even jump from helicopters. When the person
jumps, the elastic stretches and the jumper flies up very quickly, then down, then
up again. It is a very exciting activity, and it`s really dangerous. Lots of people do
it, especially on holiday.
Sky surfing
Sky surfing is a new extreme sport. Sky surfers jump
from planes with a small surfboard on their feet. As the
surfers fall, they “surf” the air and do tricks before they open
their parachutes. It`s very, very difficult to stand on a
surfboard in the air, so there aren`t many sky surfers. But there are some sky
surfing competitions. The surfers can win medals and prizes. Each surfer needs a
cameraman in the air to film the tricks. The films look amazing!
Base jumping
Base jumping is an extremely dangerous activity. A lot
of base jumpers die every year. Base jumpers jump off tall
buildings, bridges and mountains. They`ve got a small
parachute on their backs. They fall very quickly, so it`s
important to open the parachute very fast. They haven`t got
much time to use the parachute before they hit the ground.
Free running
Some people say free running isn`t really a sport. You
can`t usually enter competitions or win medals or prizes, and
most free runners aren`t interested in them. You can do free
running in a town or city. It`s a very dangerous activity
because free runners run, jump and climb fast – over walls, roofs and buildings.
They use their hands and feet and move like cats. They want to feel free.
9. *Read and translate the text:
Extreme Sports
Most people who enjoy extreme sports are young people who enjoy the
excitement of such thrilling activities as, for example, white-water rafting, bungee
jumping and sky surfing. Some people claim, however, that these sports are too
dangerous. Others think that people should be allowed to take part in these
activities if they are properly trained before and if they follow safety instructions.
Firstly, extreme sports are usually safe because these activities are well
organized by properly trained instructors. Participants have to wear correct
clothing, check their equipment and be trained before they are allowed to
participate in an extreme sport like sky surfing. In addition, extreme sports can be
beneficial to people`s health. Taking part in them can help people to relax and let
off steam. They could even help people to overcome their fears of taking risks.
On the other hand, opponents of extreme sports say that there is always the
risk of something going wrong while participating in an extreme sport. If a rope
snapped while bungee jumping, for example, a participant would be seriously
injured or even die. As mentioned before, however, the risk is not very high,
because organizers of extreme sports take safety very seriously.
To sum up, while extreme sports carry a low risk of injury, they are safe to
take part in if the participants carefully follow all the instructions.
Unit 8
Health Problems
Topical Vocabulary
disease/illness/sickness - болезнь
cough – кашель
sneeze – чихание
flu/influenza – грипп
a cold – простуда
runny nose – насморк
nasal congestion – заложенность носа
fever – лихорадка, температура
food poisoning – пищевое отравление
sore throat – боль в горле
dizziness – головокружение
inflammation – воспаление
indigestion – несварение желудка
diarrhea – понос
upset stomach – расстройство желудка
constipation – запор
insomnia – бессонница
disorders in cardiovascular system –
нарушения сердечно-сосудистой системы
bleeding - кровотечение
obesity – ожирение
diabetes – диабет
cancer – рак
strain – растяжение
fracture – перелом
pain – боль
headache – головная боль
toothache – зубная боль
backache – боль в спине
earache – ушная боль
stomachache – боль в животе
quinsy – ангина
ulcer – язва
bronchitis - бронхит
hepatitis - гепатит
heart attack – сердечный приступ
Words, word-combinations and phrases:
to be ill/sick – быть больным
to fall ill – заболеть
patient – пациент
to be running a high temperature – иметь высокую температуру
to get/catch a cold – простудиться
to have a bad cold – быть сильно простуженным
to get short of breath – задыхаться
to be run down – переутомиться
nervous breakdown – нервный срыв
to suffer from high/low blood pressure – страдать от высокого/низкого
кровяного давления
to consult a doctor – обратиться к врачу
to make an appointment with a doctor – записаться на прием к врачу
to examine smb`s throat – осмотреть горло
to feel smb`s pulse – прослушать пульс
to test smb`s blood pressure – измерить кровяное давление
to sound smb`s lungs – прослушать легкие
to take smb`s temperature – измерить температуру
to have one`s chest X-rayed – проходить рентгеновское исследование
treatment – лечение
to prescribe some treatment – выписывать лечение
to write out a prescription – выписать рецепт
to stay in bed – оставаться в постели
to follow doctor`s recommendations – выполнять рекомендации врача
to treat for – лечить от
to cure – вылечить от
medicine, drug – лекарство
to take a painkiller – принять обезболивающее
to put drops – закапать капли
to drink plenty of fluids – пить много жидкости
What`s the trouble?/What seems to be the trouble? – На что жалуетесь? / Какие
I sprained my ankle. – Я подвернул ногу / растянул лодыжку.
My foot is swollen, and I can't move it or step on it. – У меня опухла ступня, и я
не могу ею двигать и наступать на нее.
I have diarrhea and a pain in my stomach. – У меня расстройство и боль в
I feel nauseous. / I feel like throwing up. – Меня тошнит.
I vomited several times yesterday. – Меня вырвало несколько раз вчера.
I have a sore throat and a runny nose, and I'm sneezing a lot. – У меня болит
горло, насморк, и я очень много чихаю.
The nurse will give you an injection. – Медсестра сделает вам укол.
1. Read and translate the dialogue. Act it out:
A Visit to the Doctor
Doctor: Well, what is the trouble? You are looking rather unwell, I must say.
Mr Brown: Yes, doctor, I really feel bad. It seems to me that I am suffering all the
illnesses imaginable: headaches, insomnia, indigestion, stomachache, muscle pains
and appetite loss. To make things worse I`ve caught a cold, I`ve got a sore throat
and a runny nose. I am sneezing and coughing all the time. I feel hot and feverish, I
get short of breath. Actually, I feel more dead than alive.
Doctor: I`m sorry to hear that. Anyway, I don`t think things are as
bad as you imagine. Let me have a look at you. I`d like to listen to
your chest. Your heart, chest and lungs are not too bad. Now let me
see your throat. Yes, it looks a bit sore. Show me your tongue. Have
you taken your temperature?
Mr Brown: Not yet, but I guess I should.
Doctor: Well, I don`t find anything radically wrong with you. But it is clear that
you are run down, and if you don`t take care of yourself, you may have a nervous
breakdown. So first of all I advise you to stop worrying. Take some rest, have
regular meals, keep off alcohol. If possible, give up smoking, at least for a time.
Take 1 tablespoon of this tonic three times a day before meals.
Mr Brown: What about a diet, doctor?
Doctor: Well, keep to a diet of salads and fruit, and a bit of meat. If you do this, I
promise you a full recovery.
Mr Brown: But if I don`t?
Doctor: You have to decide what is the lesser evil – to follow my advice or to
prepare for a better world.
2. Read and translate the topic:
My Illness
I don`t like winters because it is often cold in winter. I really
can't stand the cold. Last December I suddenly fell ill. I had a high
temperature, a running nose and a sore throat. I also had a splitting
headache and a cough. My whole body was aching. My mother
gave me some aspirin but that didn't help much. She told me to stay
in bed and called a doctor. The doctor came, took off his coat and
put on his white gown. The doctor asked me to strip to the waist. He examined my
lungs and throat, took my pulse and temperature, measured my blood pressure.
Finally he said that it was a light case of flu and told me to stay in bed and have a
complete rest. He wrote out a prescription for some gargle and cough medicine. He
also gave me a slip for X-Ray and blood examination. He recommended to apply
glass-cups and mustard plasters. I followed all the doctor's instructions and very
soon I felt much better. I fully recovered in ten days and resumed my studies. After
that illness I began to take care of myself. I started doing morning exercises and
eating a lot of fruits and vegetables. There is a good proverb: An apple a day keeps
the doctor away.
3. Read and translate the joke:
An old gentleman came to see the doctor. The man was very ill. He
complained of weakness, insomnia, memory loss and serious problems with his
heart, lungs and liver. The doctor examined the patient and said that no medicine
could cure his disease. He told his patient to go to a quiet place for a month and
have a good rest. He also advised him to eat a lot of meat, drink two glasses of red
wine every day and take long walks. In other words, the doctor recommended him
to follow the rule: "Eat at pleasure, drink with measure and enjoy life as it is." The
doctor also said that if the man wanted to be well again, he shouldn't smoke more
than one cigarette a day.
A month later the gentleman came into the doctor's office. He looked
cheerful and happy. He thanked the doctor and said he felt a happy man. "But you
know, doctor," he said, "it's not easy to begin smoking at my age."
4. Use the phrases in B to give advice for the health problems in A:
A. What` s the matter?B.
B. What you should do
have a toothache
 put a cold pack on your forehead
have a sore throat
 drink plenty of fluids
have a headache
 take a painkiller
have sore eyes
 lie down and have some rest
have an earache
 put a bandage round it
have a stomachache
 go to the bathroom quickly!
feel exhausted
 have a hot cup of tea
have a high fever
 eat a light meal
feel sick
 put drops in it
have a terrible cough
 wash with cold water
have cut your arm and it`s  go to the pharmacy and get some cough
Example: If you have a flu you should stay at home and call a doctor.
5. Translate and learn the following proverbs and sayings:
 An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
 A sound mind in a sound body.
 Health is better than wealth.
 Prevention is better than cure.
 One man`s meat is another man`s poison.
 Health is not valued till sickness comes.
 Time heals most troubles.
6. Read and translate the article:
Laughter therapy
They say in English: “Laughter is the best medicine”. Some people really
believe that laughter is good for their health. They go to special classes and have
“laughter therapy”. At the start of the class, they all look at
each other and say `ho, ho, ho, ha, ha, ha`. Usually, this
becomes real laughter and by the end of the class, they feel
great. And many doctors agree that laughter is good for
your health. In some children`s hospitals in Britain, clowns
visit patients and make them laugh.
Doctor fish
Millions of people around the world have skin
problems. There is an unusual treatment called
“doctor fish”. It`s already popular in Japan, China and
Turkey, and now you can get it in Europe too.
Patients get into water with hundreds of small fish.
The fish eat the dead skin from the patients` arms,
legs and bodies but they don`t eat any healthy skin. It
isn`t painful, but it feels strange! There are many skin problems that doctors can`t
cure, so they are happy for their patients to try doctor fish.
Snake massage
A massage is a great way to relax and health
spas offer many different kinds of massage. At Ada
Barak`s health spa in Israel, you can get a really
unusual treatment: a snake massage. You go into a
special room. There, you take off your trousers and
top and you lie on a table. Then Ada puts about
twelve snakes on you! The large snakes move around on your body and the small
snakes go on your face. Some patients say the snakes can cure headaches, but the
treatment is not popular with everybody. “People like it or they hate it,” says Ada.
Hay bath
Hay baths are a very old treatment from the mountains in the
north of Italy. It`s a very simple idea. Patients take off their
clothes and lie in wet hay. There are flowers and plants in the
hay too. It gets very hot, so it isn`t always comfortable, but
some people believe it is very good for your health and can cure
7. Choose the correct answers according to the article:
1) You can get treatment from “doctor fish”
a. in Japan, China, Turkey and Europe
b. in Japan, China, and Turkey, but not Europe
c. in Europe only
2) “Doctor fish” are good for people with skin problems because
a. they live in warm water
b. they can cure skin problems
c. they eat dead skin
3) In a snake massage, what do the large snakes do?
a. they move around on your body
b. they move around on your face
c. they move around on your body and face
4) What do patients think of the snake massage?
a. they all like it
b. most of them don`t like it
c. some like it and some don`t
5) In some children`s hospitals in Britain
a. clowns visit the patients
b. doctors take patients and their families to see clowns
c. doctors dress up as clown
6) One problem with hay baths is
a. they sometimes give you a headache
b. you often get very cold
c. they aren`t always comfortable
8. Use the words in the box to complete the sentences:
This ………………….……… tastes horrible!
“My left eye is very ……………………….” – “Go and see your doctor.”
I work hard all day, but then I ……………………. in the evening.
Her …………………… is going well, but she is still ill.
“I`ve got a bad …………………..….” – Lie down and close your eyes.
Hospitals can`t ……………….. all of their ……………………….. .
I`m sneezing and coughing. I think I`ve caught a …………………… .
8.1 Past Continuous
 I was working at 5 o`clock yesterday.
 I was working from 5 till 6 o`clock yesterday.
 I was working the whole day yesterday.
 I was working when mother came.
9. Put the verbs in brackets in Past Continuous:
1. When I got up yesterday it (to rain).
2. Ann was at home at 6 p.m. yesterday. She (to watch) TV.
3. What were you doing at 11.30 yesterday? – I (to work).
4. When mom arrived Jack (to do) his homework.
5. Tom was at the station from 5 till 6 yesterday. He (to wait) for the train.
6. Today she is wearing a skirt, but yesterday she (to wear) trousers.
7. We (to work) the whole day yesterday.
8. When dad came we (to have) dinner.
9. The old man (to think) about his plan when he fell asleep.
10. What the students (to do) when you entered the class room? – They (to
write) a test.
11.When the children (to play) in the yard, it started raining heavily.
8.2 Past Simple vs. Past Continuous
Tom read a book yesterday.
Tom was reading a book when the phone rang.
10.Open the brackets using the verbs in Past Continuous or Past Simple:
1. What you (to do) the whole day yesterday? – I (to clean) the flat.
2. Where Kate (to go) when you (to meet) her yesterday?
3. How fast you (to drive) when the police (to stop) you? – I don`t know
exactly but I (not to drive) very fast.
4. How you (to break) the window? – We (to play) football. I (to kick) the
ball and it (to hit) the window.
You (to see) Jenny last night? – Yes, she (to wear) a very nice dress.
What they (to do) when the phone (to ring)? – They (to watch) TV.
Was Jane busy when you went to see her? – Yes, she (to study).
What time the post (to arrive) this morning? – It (to come) while I (to
have) breakfast.
11. Translate from Russian into English using Past Continuous and Past
1. Когда я вернулся домой, моя младшая сестра спала.
2. Я переводил этот текст весь вечер.
3. Студенты писали тест с 10 до 12.
4. Вчера в 5 я играл в футбол на стадионе.
5. Когда зазвонил (to ring) телефон, я принимал душ (to take a shower).
6. Когда учитель (to enter) вошел в класс, дети бегали и прыгали.
7. Том играл в компьютерные игры весь вчерашний день.
8. Когда я шел домой вчера, я встретил своего друга.
9. Когда бабушка читала книгу в кресле, она заснула (to fall asleep).
10.Вчера в 2 часа я обедал в кафе с моими друзьями.
12. Translate from Russian into English using the Topical Vocabulary:
1. У меня раскалывается голова. – Выпей аспирина.
2. Я чувствую себя плохо: у меня кашель, насморк и высокая
температура. – Ты сильно простужен. Тебе следует оставаться в
постели и вызвать врача.
3. Доктор осмотрел мое горло, прослушал легкие, измерил давление и
выписал рецепт.
4. На что жалуетесь? – Меня тошнит. Утром меня несколько раз рвало.
– Живот болит? – Да, и к тому же у меня расстройство.
5. Курение и чрезмерное употребление алкоголя приводят к
нарушениям сердечно-сосудистой системы и сердечным приступам.
6. Здравствуйте. Я бы хотел записаться на прием к врачу. –
Завтра в 11.30 вас устроит? – Отлично. Спасибо.
7. Где Том? – Он растянул лодыжку во время вчерашних
соревнований и теперь не может двигать ступней и
наступать на нее. – Очень жаль.
8. Моя бабушка страдает от низкого давления и бессонницы.
9. Медсестры ставят уколы, измеряют давление, выдают лекарства
10.Чрезмерное употребление пищи (переедание), а также употребление
фаст-фуда может привести к ожирению и диабету.
11.Если вы не хотите иметь нервный срыв, вам следует взять отпуск и
отдохнуть. Поезжайте загород и насладитесь природой.
13. *Read and translate the text:
Junk Food in Schools
Childhood obesity is a serious problem. Therefore, some people say that
schools should ban the sale of junk food. Others think that schools should be
allowed to sell junk food because this is not the main reason that children are
getting fat.
To begin with, if you stop children from eating junk food in schools, this
does not mean that they will stop eating junk food altogether. They could buy it
from a shop, for instance. In addition, junk food only causes weight gain if too
much of it is eaten. Therefore, it is better for schools and parents to educate
children about healthy eating so that they learn to make the correct food choices
early in life.
On the other hand, some say that many children are not mature enough to
make sensible choices for themselves and therefore it is better if junk food is
banned in schools. They believe that if children learn to appreciate a healthy diet at
school, they will develop good habits for the rest of their lives. This may be true,
but it is human nature to want what we are told we can`t have, so banning junk
food in schools may only encourage many children to eat it out of school!
All things considered, banning junk food in schools is not a good idea
because children could still get junk food out of school. It is better to encourage
children to make healthy food choices for themselves.
MODULE 5 (Модуль 5).
Units (Разделы): 9. Clothes and Shopping
10. City or Country?
Комплексная цель – закрепление навыков использования таких
грамматических явлений, как Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present
Perfect; Past Perfect.
- овладение лексическим минимумом по темам «Одежда. Покупки» и «Город
или деревня» (the world of fashion; shopping, types of shops; buying clothes; in a
department store; asking the way; giving directions; cities and villages; the
problems of big cities; going sightseeing)
- умение вести ролевой диалог «В магазине» от лица продавца и покупателя с
соблюдением норм речевого этикета.
- умение вести диалог-расспрос о том, как добраться до места назначения в
- умение выстроить монолог-рассуждение о преимуществах и недостатках
жизни в большом городе и деревне.
Unit 9
Clothes and Shopping
Topical Vocabulary
clothes – одежда
blouse – блузка
trousers (Br.); pants (Am.) – брюки, штаны
jumper – джемпер, толстовка
jeans – джинсы
waistcoat; vest (Am.) – жилет
tights/pantyhose (Am.) – колготки
jacket – куртка, пиджак
anorak – куртка с капюшоном
overcoat – пальто
raincoat – плащ, дождевик
pullover/sweater (Am.) – пуловер, свитер
socks – носки
suit – костюм
tie – галстук
gloves – перчатки
scarf – шарф
T-shirt – футболка
shorts – шорты
skirt – юбка
dress – платье
fur coat – шуба
strap/belt – пояс, ремень
shirt – рубашка, сорочка
sportswear – cпортивная одежда
swimsuit/bathing suit (Am.) – купальник
swimming trunks – плавки
tracksuit – спортивный костюм
jogging suit – спортивный костюм (для пробежек)
tights – трико, лосины
footwear – обувь
boots – ботинки, сапоги
sneakers – кеды, теннисные туфли
trainers/running shoes/sneakers (Am.) – кроссовки
sandals – сандалии
slippers – тапочки
shoes – туфли, полуботинки
high-heeled shoes – туфли на высоком каблуке
Clothes related words and word combinations – слова, относящиеся к
long – длинный
short – короткий
loose – просторный
tight – тесный
elegant –элегантный
size – размер
to tie, to knot - завязывать
to untie, to undo – развязывать
to fasten, to do up, to button (up) – застёгивать
to unfasten, to undo, to unbutton – расстёгивать
to get dressed – одеться
to put on – надевать
to take off, to remove – снимать
to change (one's clothes), to get changed – переодеваться
to fit (well), to be a good fit – хорошо сидеть
to match/to suit/to go well with – подходить по цвету/быть к лицу/сочетаться с
Types of shops
art-shop – художественная лавка
baker`s – булочная
bookshop – книжный магазин
boutique – бутик
butcher`s – мясной магазин
farmacy/ drugstore /chemist`s – аптека
confectioner`s – кондитерская
dairy shop – молочный магазин
department store – универсальный магазин
fishmonger`s – рыбный магазин
florist`s/flower shop – цветочный магазин
food store – продуктовый магазин
gift shop – сувенирный магазин
greengrocer`s – «овощи-фрукты»
grocer`s – бакалейный магазин
hi-fi store – магазин аудио-видеотехники
ironmonger`s – хозяйственный магазин
jeweler`s – ювелирный магазин
newsagent`s – газетный киоск
optician`s – оптика
pet shop – зоомагазин
sports shop – магазин спорт.товаров
shoe shop – обувной магазин
supermarket – супермаркет
shopping center – торговый центр
toy shop – магазин игрушек
bar-code – штрих-код
choice/range of goods – ассортимент товаров
to be on offer –быть в продаже
till point/cash register – касса
cashier – кассир
change – сдача
counter – прилавок
to pay in cash/by card/by check – платить наличными/кредитной карточкой/
to replace – заменить
to give a refund – вернуть деньги
purchase – покупка
queue/line – очередь
to jump the queue – пройти без очереди
salesgirl/shop assistant – продавец
shopper/buyer – покупатель
customer – покупатель, клиент
scales – весы
to weigh – взвешивать
shopping list – список покупок
special offer – специальное предложение
trolley (Br.), cart (Am.) – тележка
shopping basket – корзина
changing/fitting room – примерочная кабина
to try smth. on - примерять
sale (Br.), clearance (Am.) – распродажа
bargain – выгодная покупка
discount – скидка
costly/expensive/dear – дорогой
cheap – дешевый
1. Say what we call:
 the people who work in a shop;
 the people who do the shopping in a shop;
 the place where customers pay for their bought goods;
 the shop where you can buy milk;
 the shop where you can buy sausages and cheese;
 the shop where you can buy bread;
2. Answer the questions:
1) What advantages do big stores have?
2) What department selling manufactured goods do you know?
3) Where can you try on clothes you want to buy?
4) What clothes last longer: cotton, silk or nylon?
5) What clothes do people wear in cold/warm weather?
6) Where do you put goods while going round a big supermarket?
3. Look at the pictures and put the words from the box into the correct
items of clothing
parts of clothing
4. Answer the questions:
Questions for girls:
1. What jewellery do you usually
2. Which colors suit you best?
3. Do you prefer smart or casual
4. Do you generally look quite
5. Do you often wear a hat or a hat?
6. Do you often wear T-shirts or
7. Do you prefer skirts or jeans?
Questions for boys:
How often do you wear a suit?
How often do you wear a tie?
Do you usually do up the top
button of your shirt?
Do you often change into jeans
after school or work?
Do you often wear a hat or a
Do you often wear T-shirts or
Do you prefer T-shirts or
5. Read the dialogues and translate them:
Mary Brown goes shopping almost every day. She likes fresh food. So do all
the Browns. Every morning Mary makes her shopping list. John enters the
kitchen and sees his wife writing something.
J.: What are you doing?
M.: I`m making a shopping list for today.
J.: Do we need so many things?
M.: We haven`t got tea and coffee, and we have run out of sugar and jam. So I
must go to the grocer`s.
J.: What about vegetables?
M.: I`ll ask George to go to the greengrocer`s after school. And I must go to the
butcher`s. We haven`t got any meat at all.
Mary is going to buy some fresh meat first. So she goes to the butcher`s
which is just round the corner.
B.: Do you want any meat today, Mrs. Brown?
M.: Yes, please.
B.: Do you want beef or lamb? The lamb is very good today.
M.: Beef, please. I like lamb, but my husband doesn`t.
B.: What about chicken? This one is very nice.
M.: OK, give me this chicken, please. It really looks good.
B.: Would you like pork? It is very fresh and no fat at all.
M.: No, thank you. My children don`t like pork.
B.: To tell you the truth, Mrs. Brown, I don`t like pork either. Anything else?
M.: No, thank you.
In a Department Store
Mary Brown goes shopping every day. If she wants to buy something
special, she goes to a large department store. Mary finds these stores very useful.
She likes shopping there but she can`t afford to do it very often. Now she wants to
buy a pair of trousers to match her new sweater. The escalator takes her to the
second floor where there are some boutiques and a department of women`s clothes.
A shop assistant comes up to her as soon as she enters the department.
Sh.: Good morning. Can I help you?
M.: Good morning. I`d like to buy a pair of trousers.
Sh.: What colour would you like?
M.: Something greyish, something to match this sweater.
Sh.: Look at these. They are not grey though, they are blue, but the colour will
match your sweater. It`s pure wool, made in Scotland. It seems to me this pair is
your size.
M.: I am afraid it`s too dark. Show me these trousers over there.
Sh.: Here you are. Would you like to try them on?
M.: Yes, please.
Sh.: This way, please. Here is the fitting room.
M.: They look like being my size. Do they fit me?
Sh.: This pair fits you perfectly. And the colour is becoming you.
M.: Yes, I believe you are quite right. And these trousers match my sweater. They
won`t bag at the knees, will they?
Sh.: I don`t think so.
M.: OK, I`ll take them. Show me this blouse, please.
Sh.: Here it is. Do you like it? It`s fashionable and stylish.
M.: I like the style and the colour, but it is too loose. Can I have a smaller size?
Sh.: Sure. This blouse matches your new trousers perfectly.
M.: How much is it?
Sh.: It is not very expensive. It is on sale for $20.
M.: OK. I`ll take it. It`s a bargain. Thank you very much.
Sh.: How would you like to pay: by credit card or by cash?
M.: I`ll pay by credit card.
Sh.: Thank you. Come again.
6. Read and translate the text:
Types of Shops
When we want to buy something, we go to a shop.
There are many kinds of shops in every town or city, for
example, food supermarkets, department stores, men's
and women's clothing stores, grocery, bakery and
I like to do my shopping at big department stores
and supermarkets. They sell various goods under one roof
and this is very convenient. A department store, for example, is composed of many
departments: readymade clothes, fabrics, shoes, sports goods, toys, china and glass,
electric appliances, cosmetics, linen, curtains, cameras, records, etc. You can buy
everything you like there. There are also escalators in big stores which take
customers to different floors. The things for sale are on the counters so that they
can be easily seen. If there is anything wrong with something you buy, the shop
will replace it, or give you a refund.
In the women's clothing department you can find dresses, costumes, blouses,
skirts, coats, beautiful underwear and many other things. In the men's clothing
department you can choose suits, trousers, overcoats, ties, etc. In the knitwear
department one can buy sweaters, cardigans, short-sleeved and long-sleeved
pullovers, woolen jackets. In the perfumery they sell perfume, face cream, powder,
lipsticks, lotions and shampoos.
In a food supermarket we can also buy many different things at once:
sausages, fish, sugar, macaroni, flour, cereals, tea, etc. At the butcher's there is a
wide choice of meat and poultry. At the bakery you buy brown and white bread,
rolls, biscuits.
Another shop we frequently go to is the greengrocery which is stocked by
cabbage, potatoes, onions, cucumbers, carrots, beetroots, green peas and what not.
Everything is sold here ready-weighed and packed.
If you call at a dairy you can buy milk, cream, cheese, butter and many other
The methods of shopping are different. It may be a self-service shop where
the customer goes from counter to counter selecting and putting into a basket what
he wishes to buy. Then he takes the basket to the check-out counter, where the
prices of the purchases are added up. If it is not a self-service shop, the shopassistant helps the customer to find what he wants.
7. Describe the picture. What do you think the
customer is saying? What do you think the shop
assistant is saying? Have you ever taken anything
back to a shop? Why? Read and translate the
Can I help you?
Kylie Yes. There`s a problem with this top.
Oh, OK. When did you buy it?
Kylie Last weekend.
And what`s wrong with it?
Kylie The zip has come off.
Oh dear!
Kylie I`ve only worn it once.
Hmm. I see.
Kylie I`ve got the receipt. Can I have my money
Kylie Thank you.
8. Role play similar dialogues using the information from the table below:
Possible problems
 It`s scratched.
 It jumps.
a jacket
 A button has come off.
 There is a hole in it.
a television
 The picture/sound isn`t right.
 The screen is scratched.
9. Open the brackets using the verbs in the required tense (Present Simple,
Present Continuous, Present Perfect):
1. What you (to do) here now? – I (to wait) for my friend.
2. Please give me a pen, I (to lose) mine.
3. It (to take) me half an hour to get to the University.
4. We (to have) an English lesson now.
5. The rain (to stop) but a cold wind still (to blow).
6. Where (to be) mom? – She (to be) in the kitchen. She (to cook) dinner.
7. In the evening I often (to go) to see my friends.
8. Tom (to go) to the gym twice a week.
9. What time you (to get) up? – I usually (to get) up at 7.30.
10.I just (to send) an e-mail to my friend who (to live) in the U.S.
10.Translate from Russian into English:
1. Здравствуйте. Могу я вам чем-то помочь? – Да, я ищу подарок для
моего друга.
2. Я бы хотел примерить эти джинсы. Где примерочная?
3. Эти брюки слишком тесные. Можно размер побольше? – Какой у вас
4. Вам очень идет этот цвет. – Спасибо, я беру эту рубашку.
5. Я бы хотел килограмм говядины и цыпленка. – Что-нибудь еще? – Нет,
6. Чем вы будете расплачиваться? – Наличными.
11.*Read and translate the text:
Clothes make the man?
Mark Twain once said that “clothes make the man”, but is that really true?
Nowadays, appearance and dress are very important to many school pupils, but
many of them have to wear a uniform when they are at school. Many people think
that school uniforms are a good idea because they help to avoid some potential
To begin with, school uniforms help to reduce the amount of peer pressure
that young people experience at school. If everyone has to wear the same clothes,
no one can be teased or bullied because they are not wearing the latest fashions.
Also, pupils can concentrate more on learning because they are no longer so
worried about how they look. Furthermore, it is usually cheaper for parents if their
children have to wear a uniform because they don`t have to buy lots of expensive
fashionable outfits. Finally, wearing a uniform helps to give pupils a sense of
Opponents of this view argue that school uniforms prevent pupils from
expressing their individuality through their clothes. However, there are many other
ways in which students can express themselves – through taking part in school
clubs and activities such as sports teams or the school newspaper, for example.
Therefore, it is a good idea for school pupils to wear a school uniform
because it promotes equality and a sense of belonging.
Unit 10
City or Country?
Topical Vocabulary:
1. Asking the way
Excuse me, how do I get to…/how can I get to …? – Простите, как мне
пройти к … ?
Is there a … near here? – Есть ли здесь где-нибудь
поблизости …?
Could you tell me the way to …? – Не могли бы вы
подсказать мне, как пройти к …?
Can/Could you tell me where … is? – Не могли бы вы
подсказать мне, где находится …?
2. Giving directions
I`m sorry, I don`t know. – Простите, но я не знаю.
Go straight ahead. – Идите прямо.
Turn left/right at the crossroads. – На перекрестке поверните налево/
Go past … (a church). – Пройдите мимо … (церкви).
Keep going until you get to … - Идите, пока не дойдете до …
Take the first/second turn on your left/right. – Пройдите один квартал/два
квартала и поверните налево/направо.
just round the corner – сразу за углом
It`s 5 minutes` walk from here. – Это в пяти минутах ходьбы отсюда.
traffic lights – светофор
traffic/road sign – дорожный знак
crossroads - перекресток
to be stuck in a traffic jam – застрять в пробке
heavy/light traffic – интенсивное/ неинтенсивное движение
one way traffic – одностороннее движение
peak/rush hours – часы пик
to see the sights – осматривать достопримечательности
1. Read the dialogues and play them out:
- Excuse me, how do I get to the post office?
- I`m sorry, I don`t know.
- Excuse me! Is there a chemist`s near here?
- Yes, go along Church Street. Take the second turn on your left. It`s opposite
the bank.
- Thanks a lot.
- Don`t mention it.
- Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the nearest metro station? Is it far
from here?
- No, not very. Go straight ahead. Take the first turn on your right. Go past the
post office and turn left at the crossroads. There you will see the metro. It`s
10 minutes` walk from here.
- It`s very kind of you. Thank you very much.
- You are welcome.
2. Translate into English:
1. Простите, вы не могли бы подсказать мне, как пройти к Кремлю? Это
далеко отсюда? – Нет, не далеко. Идите до Красной площади и затем
сверните направо.
2. Я бы хотел вначале осмотреть достопримечательности столицы.
3. Не могли бы вы подсказать мне, где находится станция метро? – Идите
прямо, поверните налево на светофоре. Сразу за углом напротив
итальянского ресторана вы увидите станцию метро. – Большое спасибо. – Не
стоит благодарности.
4. В Москве очень интенсивное движение, особенно в часы пик. Тысячи
людей стоят в пробках по несколько часов.
3. Read and translate the text:
City of the future – DUBAI: then and now
Dubai is the largest city of the United Arab
Emirates. It is the city of big business, luxury hotels,
skyscrapers, and huge shopping malls. In the early 20 th
century Dubai was a successful trading port. People
from all over the world stopped in Dubai to do
business. In 1966, oil was discovered. In time, this
brought a lot of money into the region, and soon Dubai began to change.
Today Dubai is one of the world`s most influential business centers. In fact,
each year most of the city`s annual earnings come from business, not oil. The city
is also a global trading port.
Recently Dubai has become a popular spot for tourists. People from abroad
come to relax on its beaches, and every year, millions visit just to go shopping!
Dubai is also one of the world`s fastest growing cities. Construction is
everywhere. Buildings (some of the tallest on
Earth) are built in months. The city has also a
number of man-made islands. One of these, the
Palm Jumeirah, is shaped like a palm tree and is
particularly beautiful. Construction began in
2001 and was completed in 2006. Property here
was very expensive, but this didn`t stop people from buying all 4,000 homes on the
island in 72 hours. The Palm also has a number of places for tourists to visit,
including beaches, restaurants, shops, and parks.
The city is still an amazing mix of people from different backgrounds.
Individuals from 150 countries live and work in Dubai, and foreigners now
outnumber Dubai natives eight to one!
4. Find equivalents in the text for the following words and wordcombinations:
 роскошные гостиницы  небоскрёб  со всего мира  влиятельный деловой центр  ежегодные доходы  популярное место  заграница  строительство  рукотворный остров  собственность  превосходить по численности -
10.1 Past Perfect
he, she, it
he, she, it
 He had never seen snow until he came to Moscow.
 We had finished work by twelve o`clock.
5. Open the brackets using the verbs in Past Perfect:
1. Tom wasn`t at home when I arrived. He just (to go) out.
2. When we arrived at the cinema the film already (to begin).
3. I was very pleased to see Nora again after such a long time. I (not to see)
her for five years.
4. When Ann was late for work her boss was very surprised. She never (to
be) late before.
5. The house was very quiet when I got home. Everybody (to go) to bed.
6. The house was dirty. We (not to clean) it for weeks.
7. It was my first time in a plane. I was very nervous because I (not to fly)
8. I didn`t recognize Mrs. Smith. She (to change) a lot.
9. It was Mike`s first driving lesson. He was very nervous and didn`t know
what to do. He (not to drive) before.
10.Bill no longer had his car. He (to sell) it.
6. Open the brackets using the verbs in Past Perfect or Past Simple:
1. When I (to come) home mother already (to cook) dinner.
2. Yesterday I (to find) the book which I (to lose) in summer.
3. By the time the train (to reach) the city, he (to make) friends with many
4. During the holidays I (to visit) the village where I (to live) in my
5. When we (to enter) the hall the performance already (to begin).
6. On my way to school I (to remember) that I (to leave) my report at home.
7. He (to open) his eyes, (to look) around and (to try) to remember what (to
happen) to him.
8. My parents (to be) glad to hear that I (to pass) all the examinations
9. When the boss (to arrive) the secretary already (to type) the letter.
10.When I (to wake) up yesterday dad (to leave) for work.
7. Translate from Russian into English:
1. Когда мы пришли в кинотеатр, фильм уже начался.
2. Вчера к 6 часам я выполнил всю работу.
3. Перед тем как посмотреть экранизацию (screen version) этой книги в
кино, я прочел саму книгу.
4. Он сказал, что никогда раньше не встречал таких интересных
5. Вчера я нашел книгу, которую потерял на прошлой неделе.
6. По дороге на работу Майк вспомнил, что оставил телефон дома.
8. Read two opinions about life in the city and in the country:
City life
Cities are always crowded, and they can be dirty and dangerous places to
live. Pollution is worse in big cities, and so is the crime rate. Life in cities is also
more expensive. Flats cost a lot, and you can get better value for money in a
smaller town or village.
For me, the rush hour is the worst time of the day. Everything is busy and
everyone is in a hurry. I usually drive to work, but sometimes I get stuck in traffic
jams, When I get to work I find there`s nowhere to park, because the car park is
already full. But if I get the bus, it takes me longer, and that makes the journey
very stressful. When I get home in the evenings I often feel exhausted – more from
the travelling than from my work.
One of the advantages of living in the city is the nightlife. The town center is
always lively in the evening and there are lots of bars, clubs and restaurants to go
to. If you are more interested in culture and cultural activities, you can go to the
cinema, the theatre, concerts, art galleries, etc. Besides, you get a real mix of
people and nationalities in a big city; that makes life more interesting. There is
always something going on in a big city, so life is never dull.
Life in the country
I grew up in the countryside where I was surrounded by nature. As children
we used to play on the banks of the river and in the woods. In the summer we
picked apples and blackberries; in the autumn we often picked mushrooms. The
seasons were all different, and I loved the scenery, the open spaces, and the fresh
air. I still do.
However, life in the country is rather hard. Many people own farms where
they keep animals and grow crops. So they have to get up early in the morning and
often work till sunset.
The worst thing about living in the village is that there isn`t much to do in
the evening, apart from going to the village pub. Moreover, you don`t get many
shops in a village.
9. *Read and translate the text:
City or Country?
There are a lot of different opinions about which is a better place to live, the
city or the country. There are pros and cons of both.
Most people prefer the busy life of large cities. First of all, there is a wider
range of jobs and careers available in the city than in the country. Very often, cities
also have better education and health services. Besides, big cities have better
entertainment facilities such as shopping malls, cinemas, theatres, galleries and
sports centers. Moreover, public transport is better in the city than in the country,
which makes it easier to get around.
On the other hand, many people state that city life can be very stressful. The
" rush-hours" with crowded streets, packed trains, full buses and thousands of cars
stuck in the traffic jams cause stress and anxiety among city-dwellers. Besides, the
air in big cities is polluted by the increasing number of motor vehicles and
industrial enterprises. Many people suffer from noise of the busy streets. Another
argument against living in the city is the cost of living which is very high.
Still many people find the countryside the best place for living. They think
it`s safer, quieter and cheaper in the country. There is less crime and, of course,
there is less traffic there. Life in the countryside is peaceful and healthy. Here
people are friendlier than in the city. But on the other hand, life in the countryside
is rather hard. Working and living conditions are difficult, social and cultural life in
the countryside is not as interesting as in the city. No wonder more and more
young people leave the countryside for a better life in the city.
10.*Read and translate the texts. Try to retell them:
Finding your way
Yesterday, I got lost on my way to the airport. I decided to use side roads
and go via the village of Pensford, but I took the wrong turning just before I got
there, I ended up in a supermarket car park. Fortunately I asked someone the way,
and a very kind woman directed me to the A38, where I could then follow signs for
the airport.
I saw an accident this morning on the main road into town. A pedestrian – a
young boy – stepped off the pavement and into the road just as a car was
approaching. The driver braked but the car swerved and crashed into a parked car
on the opposite side of the road. Fortunately the driver wasn`t injured but both cars
were quite badly damaged.
Yesterday I was on the main road into
town and I saw another accident. I was
approaching a roundabout when the guy
behind tried to overtake me and the driver in
front of me. He was driving too fast – over
the speed limit – and he lost control of the
car. He had to brake to avoid a car on the
other side of the road, and in the end he
crashed into a tree. The car was badly
damaged, but to my surprise, the man got out
of the car with no injuries at all.
MODULE 6 (Модуль 6).
Units (Разделы): 11. Save the Earth
12. The World of High-Tech
Комплексная цель – закрепление навыков использования таких
грамматических явлений, как Present Perfect Continuous.
- овладение лексическим минимумом по темам «Защита окружающей среды»
и «Мир высоких технологий» (ecological problems; endangered species;
electronic gadgets; surfing the net; online learning);
- умение построить высказывание о проблемах окружающей среды;
- умение выстроить монолог-рассуждение о преимуществах и недостатках
Unit 11.
Save the Earth
Topical Vocabulary
environment – окружающая среда
protection - защита
pollution – загрязнение
air/water/soil pollution – загрязнение воздуха/воды/почвы
acid rain – кислотный дождь
destruction of the ozone layer – разрушение озонового слоя
toxic fumes – токсические газы
factory waste – промышленные выбросы
to dump waste – сбрасывать отходы
species – вид, разновидность
to cut down trees – вырубать деревья
to poison – отравлять
to plant trees – сажать деревья
to recycle – перерабатывать
to collect rubbish – собирать мусор
fossil fuel – природное топливо
oil – нефть
natural gas – природный газ
coal – уголь
carbon dioxide – углекислый газ (двуокись углерода)
methane – метан
drought – засуха
flood – наводнение
endangered species – вымирающие виды
to threaten – угрожать
hunting – охота
poaching – браконьерство
to survive – выживать
habitat – среда обитания
alternative sources of energy – альтернативные источники энергии
disaster – катастрофа, бедствие
1. Read and translate the text. Retell it.
Environmental Problems
Environmental problems have become very acute
in the modern world. Our planet is in serious danger.
Air pollution is an important problem. In many
big cities the air is polluted by factories and cars
emitting toxic fumes into the air we breathe. This
pollution is gathered in clouds and becomes acid. The
winds carry the polluted clouds across long distances. When it rains, this pollution
lands on trees, houses, clothes, everywhere! This is called acid rain. When acid
rain falls into lakes, rivers and seas, they become toxic. This water pollution
harms and kills fish and plant species. When acid rain flows through the soil, it
poisons trees and plants. Moreover, many scientists believe that air pollution
causes the destruction of the ozone layer which protects the Earth from the
dangerous ultraviolet rays of the sun. Because of the ozone holes the dangerous
rays get through the atmosphere and may cause skin cancer and other illnesses.
Besides, many forests are disappearing as trees are burnt or cut down. Thus, less
and less oxygen is being produced.
Another problem is a global warming, which is an increase in the average
temperature on Earth. It happens in the result of excessive use of fossil fuels, e.g.
oil, natural gas and coal which produce greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide,
methane and ozone. The effects of climate change can already be seen in our
everyday lives. Summers are getting hotter and winters are getting wetter, so
drought and floods are becoming more common.
Wildlife is in great danger too. People threaten many
species of animals by hunting, poaching and polluting their
habitats. For example, people hunt tigers for their valuable
skins and bones. Elephants are killed for their tusks, which can
be made into things such as piano keys, ornaments and
jewellery. Pandas are hunted for their furs which can be sold for very high prices.
People all over the world must take action to save our planet. To begin with,
we should keep our cities clean by using litter bins instead of
dropping litter carelessly. Secondly, we should know about the
importance of recycling. Remember, think before you throw
things away – they may still be useful. Thirdly, we should
protect animals and their habitat by creating more national
parks, introducing stricter punishments for illegal hunters,
educating people about endangered species. Also the governments should
encourage plants and factories to limit the use of chemicals and fine those
companies which dump waste in seas and rivers. Besides, people should try and
use alternative sources of energy such as solar energy and wind energy. They
should design cars that run on electricity which is a much cleaner fuel than petrol.
In other words, people must change their attitude towards the environment.
If we, the people of Earth, do nothing we shall face a disaster.
2. Read and translate:
Six ways to reduce global warming:
 Don`t throw things away – recycle paper, glass, plastic, etc. so that it can be
used again.
 Don`t waste water, e.g. turn off the tap when you are brushing your teeth.
 Save energy, e.g. switch off lights when you leave a room.
 Change light bulbs for more energy-efficient ones.
 Drive less and walk more.
 Plant trees because trees reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere, and so reduce greenhouse gases.
3. Read and translate two adverts about animals in danger. Retell the texts:
The black rhino is in danger!
The black rhino lives in Africa. It is one of the largest
land animals in the world. It has got small eyes, and a big
horn on its nose. It`s called the black rhino, but in fact, it
isn`t black – it`s grey.
In 1970, there were more than 30,000 black rhinos in
the wild. Today there are only 3,000. Why are they disappearing? The biggest
reason is traditional Chinese medicine. People kill the rhinos and use their horns
as an ingredient. Also, people are destroying their habitat.
Help the rhino. Please give £3 a month.
Tigers are in danger!
Tigers are the largest members of the cat family. Many
people think they are also the most beautiful. They live in the
forests of Asia, from India in the west, to China in the east.
But tigers are in danger. Scientists believe there are only about 3,200 wild
tigers in the world today. One hundred years ago, there about 100,000. Why are
they disappearing? Firstly, people are destroying their habitat – the forests where
they live – so they can`t find food. Secondly, people kill or catch tigers because
they can get a lot of money for them.
Give £5 a month and help protect this beautiful animal.
4. Answer the questions:
1. What ecological problems are the most important in Russia?
2. What is acid rain?
3. What is a global warming?
4. Why is the ozone layer so important?
5. Can you see the effects of the global warming and climate change in
Russia? What do you see?
6. What can people do to protect animals?
7. Do you think you often waste water and energy? How?
8. What more could you do to solve ecological problems?
5. Match the words on the left with the words on the right:
1. fossil
d. fumes
2. carbon
e. rain
3. global
f. fuel
4. air
g. species
5. toxic
h. dioxide
6. dump
i. pollution
7. endangered
j. waste
8. acid
k. warming
11.1. Present Perfect Continuous
has (not)
Have we
Has he
I have been learning English for 5 years.
He has been watching TV since morning.
There are pools everywhere. It has been raining hard.
6. Put the verb in brackets into the Present Perfect Continuous:
1. I ________________________ on this problem for two weeks. (to work)
2. Kate is red all over. She __________________________in the sun since
morning. (to lie)
3. You are dirty all over. What you__________________________ (to do)?
4. They ______________________________ for me for an hour. (to wait)
5. We _______________________________ English for two years. (to
6. You look tired. – Yes, I ____________________________the flat all
day. (to clean)
7. What happened to Mary? I ___________________________ her the
whole evening and nobody answers. (to call)
8. My friend ______________________________ football since childhood.
(to play)
9. Open the window. Somebody ____________________________here. (to
10.I __________________________________ my key for an hour and I still
can`t find it. (to look for)
7. Put the verb in brackets into the Present Perfect Continuous or Present
1. John (to write) children`s stories since he retired. He (to write) already
four books. ________________________________________________
2. The Browns (to travel) around Europe for ten days. They (to visit)
already three countries.________________________________________
3. Dad (to repair) the car since morning. He (not to repair) it yet. ________
4. I (to read) for two hours. I (to read) already sixty pages. ______________
5. Wake up! You (to sleep) for ten hours already. _____________________
6. There is so much snow everywhere! – Yes, it (to snow) all night. ______
7. The secretary (to type) just the letters. She (to type) them since morning.
8. She (to study) English for a year and she (to learn) many new words and
expressions. ________________________________________________
8. Translate from Russian into English:
1. Я читаю эту книгу уже час.
2. Дождь идет с утра.
3. Бил работает в этой компании пять лет.
4. Анна переводит статью весь день.
5. Я играю за этот клуб полгода.
6. Он ищет новую работу с прошлого месяца.
7. Он играет в компьютерные игры уже три часа.
8. Студенты сдают экзамен с 9 утра.
9. Translate from Russian into English:
1. Кислотный дождь попадает в реки, озера, моря и делает их
2. Загрязнение воды убивает многие виды рыб.
3. Озоновый слой защищает землю от опасных ультрафиолетовых
лучей солнца.
4. Изменения в климате – это результат глобального потепления.
5. Люди угрожают многим видам животных, занимаясь охотой,
браконьерством, и загрязняя их среду обитания.
6. Люди должны использовать альтернативные источники энергии.
7. Государство должно штрафовать предприятия, которые
сбрасывают промышленные отходы в реки и озера.
Unit 12.
The World of High-Tech
Topical Vocabulary
gadget – техническая новинка
laptop – ноутбук
mobile phone – мобильный телефон
e-book device – устройство для чтения электронных книг
headphones – наушники
MP3 player – MP3-проигрыватель
digital camera – цифровой фотоаппарат
to surf the net – сидеть в интернете
to text messages – отправлять SMS сообщения
e-mail – электронная почта
message – сообщение
@ - at
hotmail.com – hotmail dot com
1. Give the Russian equivalents for every word in the picture:
2. Match the gadgets in A with their uses in B. Make sentences as an
e-book device
to listen to music
DVD player
to take pictures
to send text messages
to read electronic books
mobile phone
to surf the Net
digital camera
to watch films
Example: I use an MP3 player to listen to music.
3. Read the two opinions. Which one do you agree with?
- Computers will replace teachers in the future.
- Teachers will never stop teaching children.
4. Now read the text and say what opinion it supports from Ex.3
Will all teachers be robots in the future?
How will technology change the world of work?
Nobody really knows, but we can make predictions. Scientists
think that some jobs will disappear because of new
technology. For example, there won`t be any mechanics
because robots will repair our cars. Programmers will lose
their jobs too, because robots will write all the computer
software. And scientists don`t think we`ll need pilots, as
robots will fly planes. But what about teachers or doctors?
Will robots take their jobs? Probably not. Robots are very
good at technical work, but they aren`t very good at dealing with people!
5. Read and translate the articles:
Online or in class?
Many people believe that there won`t be any schools in the future. Instead,
students will learn at home with the help of a personal computer and the Internet.
It is true that technology plays a big part in learning today. In many parts of
the world, students use personals computers to write their school assignments or
keep notes of lectures. What`s more, students go online to look up useful
information or do an online course.
However, computers will never be able to replace teachers. Teachers
motivate their students, help them out with difficult tasks, answer their questions
and give clear explanations. Moreover, teachers show young children how to
behave and act as role models for them.
To sum up, technology can help students learn things. Unfortunately, it
cannot offer them the inspiration and support that teachers can.
Internet: pros and cons
The Internet plays an important part in our lives. It has made searching for
information much easier and faster than it used to be. However, some people say
that finding information in this way can make life more difficult, too.
On the one hand, using the Internet to find information has several
advantages. Firstly, it saves time. Students can research for school projects without
going to the library as they did in the past, for example. Also, we can all find out
travel information, read the news and do many other things via the Internet without
leaving our homes. Besides, the Internet can be very educational as a huge amount
of information is available on any topic.
On the other hand, finding information on the Internet can have some
disadvantages. One major problem is that information found on websites is not
always accurate. Secondly, the fact that there is so much information on the
Internet means that it is sometimes difficult to find what you are looking for. Also,
due to the wide variety of information on the Internet, it can be very easy to get
distracted from what you want to do.
In conclusion, there are both advantages and disadvantages of finding
information on the Internet. On the whole, I believe that the Internet is a very
useful tool for our modern lives, but it should be used wisely.
Using the Internet
Many people now have internet access. These are common uses:
Students search the Internet to help with their studies;
People download information, pictures, music, video clips, etc.
People buy books, clothes and food online, book their holidays online.
People go to a website, select the item they want and click add to basket.
When they have finished shopping they go to a checkout and pay for their
items, usually with a credit card.
Some people have a personal website to provide news about a particular
subject, or just write about events in their life. These are called blogs, and
people who write them are bloggers.
Some people just like to spend hours surfing the web.
Some people spend a lot of time on social networking sites. On these sites
people post comments to their friends.
6. Read different opinions about using e-mail, telephones and the post.
Which one do you most agree with?
Linda, 28
I like using e-mail. It`s very fast, cheap and modern – you can download
music and videos, send letters and pictures, and it`s informal, which I like. I know
privacy and security can be problems but who sends important documents by email? I get annoyed if I get hundreds of e-mails at work and they all expect an
instant response, and obviously I hate getting spam, or even worse, a virus.
Jarek, 65
Well, I use all three, but I prefer the phone. It`s more expensive, especially
for long-distance calls, but I like the instant interaction and I think you can
understand more when you hear a person`s voice. I like the informality and speed
and you can also use your mobile phone for e-mail and sending images. With
mobile phones you don`t get a lot of unwanted communication, apart from the
occasional wrong numbers.
Andrea, 39
I like modern things, but I still prefer the post. I know postal deliver is slow,
but it`s cheap, and you can be sure no one will read your mail or listen to your
conversations. You can send anything by post, which you can`t do with e-mail.
Personally, I like receiving handwritten letters – they look, feel and smell different
from e-mails. I think it`s sad that young people don`t write letters now – they are
usually more formal than e-mail and students can practice their grammar and
spelling. Now, what I don`t like is getting bills and junk mail!
7. Tick the features of each type of communication:
send pictures
instant delivery
instant reply
send sound
unwanted communication
usually formal
8. Answer the questions:
Do you often surf the net? What are your favorite websites?
Do you have a blog or do you read other people`s blogs?
Do you download material form the Internet? What do you download?
Do you use social networking sites? Which ones? Who to you talk to?
How often do you check your e-mail?
How do you say this: Zac@hotmail.com?
Have you got anti-virus software in your computer ?
Conversational phrases (разговорные фразы)
What is your name? – My name is David.
Nice to meet you.
Where are you from? – I`m from Canada.
Where do you live? – I live in a students`
5. How old are you? – I am 19.
6. What do you do?/ What are you? – I`m a
7. How are you? – I`m fine, thank you.
8. Are you married? – No, I`m not. I`m single.
9. Are you Russian? – Yes, I am.
10. What are you doing?
11. I am writing.
12. I am hungry. I`d like a sandwich.
13. I`d like to have a snack.
14. I am thirsty. I`d like a glass of juice.
15. I`m hot. Could you open the window?
Как вас зовут? – Меня зовут Дэйвид.
Приятно с вами познакомиться.
Откуда вы родом? – Я из Канады.
Где ты живешь? – Я живу в студенческом
Сколько тебе лет? – Мне 19.
Кем ты работаешь? – Я – водитель.
Как поживаешь? – Спасибо, хорошо.
Ты женат? – Нет, я холост.
Вы русский? – Да.
Что ты делаешь?
Я пишу.
Я голоден. Я бы хотел бутерброд.
Я бы хотел перекусить.
Я хочу пить. Я бы хотел стакан сока.
Мне жарко. Не могли бы вы открыть
16. I`m cold. Could you close the window?
Мне холодно. Не могли бы вы закрыть
17. I`m tired. – Have some rest.
Я устал. – Отдохни.
18. Can I have some water, please?
Можно мне немного воды?
19. Here you are.
Вот, возьмите.
20. Thank you. – You are welcome.
Спасибо. – Не стоит благодарности.
21. Could you help me? – Sure.
Не могли бы вы помочь мне? – Конечно.
22. Can I help you?
Я могу вам помочь?
23. What`s the weather like today?
Какая сегодня погода?
24. It looks like rain.
Похоже на дождь.
25. What a fine day!
Какой замечательный день!
26. Have a nice trip!
Желаю приятного путешествия!
27. Have a nice weekend! – The same to you.
Хороших выходных! – И вам того же.
28. What is the trouble?
Что случилось?
29. I have a headache.
У меня болит голова.
30. Take a painkiller
Прими обезболивающее.
31. Can I try it on?
Можно мне это примерить?
32. Where is the fitting room?
Где примерочная?
33. Do you have a bigger size?
У вас есть размер побольше?
34. How much is it?
Сколько это стоит?
35. Excuse me.
36. Could you tell me the way to the subway?
Не подскажете, как пройти к метро?
37. Go straight ahead.
Идите прямо.
38. Turn left at the traffic lights.
Поверните налево на светофоре.
39. Go past a church.
Идите мимо церкви.
40. It`s not far from here.
Это недалеко отсюда.
41. I`d like to see the downtown.
Я бы хотел побывать в центре города.
42. I`d like to see the sights.
Я бы хотел осмотреть достопримечательности.
43. I`d like to book a single room for two Я бы хотел забронировать одноместный
номер на две ночи.
44. Have you ever been to Spain?
45. Why don`t we go to the cinema tonight? –
I don`t mind.
46. How about going to a café? – I`m afraid I
can`t. I`m busy.
47. I`m terribly sorry. – Never mind. That`s
48. That`s very kind of you.
49. Do you mind if I open the window? – No,
go ahead.
50. What do you think of his girlfriend? – In
my opinion … / Personally, I think …
51. Do you agree with me?
52. I don`t agree at all.
53. It doesn`t matter.
54. What a pity!
55. Well done!
56. Hurry up!
57. Look out! / Be careful!
58. Oh dear!
59. Thank goodness!
60. Good luck!
61. I`ve passed my exam! – Congratulations!
62. Bye. – See you soon.
Вы когда-нибудь были в Испании?
Почему бы нам не сходить сегодня в
кино? – Я не против.
Как насчет того, чтобы сходить в кафе? –
Боюсь, я не могу. Я занят.
Я ужасно сожалею. – Ничего. Все в
Это очень мило с вашей стороны.
Вы не против, если я открою окно? – Нет,
Что ты думаешь о его девушке? – На мой
взгляд … / Лично я считаю …
Вы согласны со мной?
Я не согласен полностью.
Это неважно.
Как жаль!
О Боже!
Слава Богу!
Я сдал экзамен! – Поздравляю!
Пока. – До скорого.
Таблица неправильных глаголов (Irregular Verbs)
Past Simple
was, were
Participle II
быть, являться
истекать кровью
гореть, жечь
ловить, хватать
рыть, копать
мечтать; видеть во сне
вести, гнать
есть, кушать
бороться, сражаться
идти, ходить
расти, становиться
держать, хранить
оставлять, покидать
давать взаймы
терять, проигрывать
ездить верхом
звонить, звенеть
сиять, блестеть
нюхать, пахнуть
тратить, проводить
красть; похищать
разрывать, рвать
просыпаться, будить
носить, изнашивать
Список рекомендуемой литературы:
1. Анфиногенова А.И., Бурова И.И., Силинский С.В. Практикум по
разговорному английскому языку и переводу для студентов
университетов: Учебное пособие. – СПб.: Изд-во «Союз», 2003. – 416 с.
2. Борисенко В.А., Игнатова М.В. Практический курс перевода: учебное
пособие. – Ростов н/Д: ИПО ПИ ЮФУ, 2008. – 112 с.
3. Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений. – СПб.: ИПЦ
«Каро», 1999. – 474 с.
4. Скалкин В.Л. Разговорный английский. – М.: Междунар. отнош., 1990.
– 208 с.
5. Douglas Nancy. Reading Explorer 1. National Geographic. – Heinle,
Cengage Learning, 2009. – 160 p.
6. McCarthy Michael, O`Dell Felicity. English Vocabulary in Use, Elementary.
- Second edition. Cambridge University Press, 2010. – 174 p.
7. Murphy Raymond. Essential Grammar in Use. – Second edition. Cambridge
University Press, 1997. – 300 p.
8. Redman Stuart. English Vocabulary in Use. Pre-Intermediate and
Intermediate. – Cambridge University Press, 2011. – 262 p.
9. Soars Liz and John. New Headway (Elementary). – Oxford University Press,
2009. – 143 p.
Модуль 1. ……………………………………………………………….
Unit 1. Me and My Family………………………………………………..
Unit 2. My House………………………………………………………….
Модуль 2. ……………………………………………………………….
Unit 3. Meals………………………………………………………………
Unit 4. My Working Day………………………………………………….
Модуль 3. ………………………………………………………………..
Unit 5. Seasons and Weather ……………………………………………..
Unit 6. Travelling …………………………………………………………
Модуль 4. ……………………………………………………………….
Unit 7. Sports ……………………………………………………………..
Unit 8. Health Problems …………………………………………………..
Модуль 5. ……………………………………………………………….
Unit 9. Clothes and Shopping …………………………………………….
Unit 10. City or Country? ………………………………………………...
Модуль 6. ……………………………………………………………….
Unit 11. Save the Earth …………………………………………………...
Unit 12. The World of High-Tech ………………………………………..
Разговорные фразы ……………………………………………………
Неправильные глаголы
Список использованной литературы …………………………………..
с. 3
с. 4
с. 4
с. 26
с. 35
с. 35
с. 51
с. 62
с. 62
с. 68
с. 78
с. 79
с. 86
с. 94
с. 95
с. 103
с. 110
с. 110
с. 115
с. 120
с. 122
с. 124