Темы теста: • Математика, теория вероятностей

Темы онлайн теста:
Математика, теория вероятностей, статистика, логические задания.
Программирование, сложность кода, алгоритмы, структуры данных, ошибки в коде.
Процессы разработки ПО, теория тестирования, цели тестирования, подходы и типы,
основные понятия и инструменты.
Примеры письменного задания для разработчиков:
1. There is a binary search tree. It is required to develop a method getMaxDepth(BinaryNode root)
which returns the maximum depth of the tree.
2. Develop a program which reverses the one-way linked list.
3. Develop a program which solves the following task:
Find one of the numbers which exists in each of three nondecreasing arrays x[p], y[q], z[r]. Algorithm
complexity should be O(p+q+r).
4. Develop a program which solves the following task:
In the office each visitor’s arrival and departure times are registered. So at the end of the day for N
visitors there are N pairs of values: the first value in pair is arrival time and the second – departure time.
Need to find time interval during the day when there are maximum visitors in the office.
5. What does method1 do? How could you improve it?
public static int method1 (int a, int n) {
int p = 0;
if (n==0) {
} else if (n % 2 == 0) {
//'%' in Java - modulus operator
p = method1(a, n/2)*method1(a, n/2);
} else {
p = method1(a, n-1)*a;
return p;
6. It is required to swap values of two integer variables without using any additional memory.
7. Логическая задача (так и будет на русском языке). В стакане находятся бактерии. Через секунду
каждая из бактерий делится пополам, затем каждая из получившихся бактерий через секунду
делится пополам и так далее. Через минуту стакан полон. Через какое время стакан был заполнен
Примеры письменного задания для специалистов по тестированию:
Having overview on the following topics, will help you to answer questions in the written test:
Project from testing perspective. Testing vs QA.
Testing artifacts (test strategy, test plan, test requirements, test coverage, test
cases/scenario/suit, test reports, defects/defects lifecycle, sign-offs, production incidents).
Testing Types (Requirements, Functional, Non Functional, Regression, etc. )
Examples of tasks for QA stream:
Why do we need QA & Testing profession?
You have a Rubick’s cube/umbrella.
Build couple test cases.
When you should stop testing?
III. Do you need any additional information about the testing object?
You have a database of graduates with following fields:
Create a query which shows you emails of students with top GPA.
Logical task (please task#7 in Development stream)