Международный научно-исследовательский журнал

Международный научно-исследовательский журнал ▪ № 8(39) ▪ Сентябрь ▪ Часть 3
патологии помогает назначить пациенту адекватную для него терапию с целью улучшения общего состояния и
профилактики возможных осложнений.
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3. Вейн А. М. и др. Синдром апноэ во сне и другие расстройства дыхания, связанные со сном: клиника,
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Бузунов; Иванова Ирина Леонидовна; Кононов Юрий Николаевич и др. – Ижевск, 2013. –40 с.
5. Шурыгин, И. А. Мониторинг дыхания: пульсоксиметрия, капнография, оксиметрия. б.м: СПб.: «Невский
Диалект»; М.: «Издательство БИНОМ», 2000.- 301 с.
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Янтимирова Р.А.1, Наймушина А.Г.2
Кандидат медицинских наук, докторант кафедры анатомии и физиологии человека и животных,
Тюменский государственный университет
доктор медицинских наук, профессор кафедры физического воспитания,
Тюменский государственный нефтегазовый университет
Проведена комплексная оценка состояния здоровья и организации медико-социальной поддержки ветеранам
Великой Отечественной войны и членам их семей (вдов) в период с 2010 по 2013 годы. Первое место в структуре
заболеваний и ранговой значимости в структуре общей смертности у ветеранов ВОВ занимают болезни системы
кровообращения. Сахарный диабет II типа является ведущей эндокринологической патологией у данной категории
пациентов. Коммуникативные функции ограничены в силу естественных инволюционных процессов – развития
вторичной тугоухости и снижения зрения. На основании метода прямого респондентов установили, что основная
проблема сохранения здоровья кроется не в организации медицинской помощи, а в формальном отношении со
стороны общественных организаций и близкого окружения пожилого человека.
Ключевые слова: здоровье, ветераны Великой Отечественной войны, медицинская помощь.
Yantimirova R.A.1, Naymushina A.G.2
MD, Head of Department of Anatomy and Physiology Humans and Animals,
Tyumen State University
MD, Department of Physical Education,
Tyumen State Oil and Gas University
The complex assessment of a health state and the organization of medico-social support of the World War II veterans and
to members of their families (widows) during the period from 2010 to 2013 is carried out. The first place in the structure of
diseases and the grade importance in the structure of the general death rate from the Second World War veterans is occupied
by blood circulatory system diseases. Diabetes of the II type is the leading endocrinological pathology at this category of
patients. Communicative functions are limited owing to natural involution processes – developments of secondary deafness
and the depletion sense of sight. On the basis of a direct poll method respondents established that the main problem of health
preservation is covered not only in the organization of medical care, and in a conventional attitude from public organizations
but in the inner circle of the elderly person.
Keywords: health, the World War II veterans, medical care.
eterans and participants of the World War II (WWII) became that symbol of the civic consciousness and patriotism
the care about which is expressed in the realization of state programs on health preservation and quality improvement
of special category citizens life, whose social status "the veteran of the Second World War" is defined only in the late sixties of
the XX century [3, 6, 8]. The main measures of social support of veterans are stated in the Federal law of January 12, 1995 to
Международный научно-исследовательский журнал ▪ № 8(39) ▪ Сентябрь ▪ Часть 3
No. 5-FL "About veterans", Federal Law "About Bases of Public Health Protection in the Russian Federation" No. 323-FL of
November 21, 2011, the National Health project. Within the interdepartmental program for quality improvement of elderly
people life in the Tyumen region for 2011-2013 "The senior generation", Resolutions of the Tyumen region government on
December 24, 2012. No. 560-p "About the territorial program of the state guarantees of free medical care rendering to citizens
in the Tyumen region in 2013 and planning period 2014 and 2015", regional State program of the Tyumen region "The main
directions of health care development " in 2014-2016 in the Tyumen region a complex of the treatment-and-prophylactic
actions directed on a health-saving of veterans and participants of the Second World War is realized [1,2,4,5,7,9].
Simultaneously, the special climatic and geographic, social and demographic, culturological and medicobiological terms of
accommodation in the south of the Tyumen region dictate the necessity of complex research of a health state among elderly
people and veterans of the Second World War in each administrative region.
Research objective: to estimate a health state and the level of the medico-social help rendering to veterans of the Second
World War and to members of their families in the Nizhnetavdinsky area.
Materials and methods of research. The method of a direct poll is directed on the identification of main problems of social
support rendering to elderly inhabitants of the Nizhnetavdinsky area. The profound clinicodiagnostic inspection included: the
examination of the cardiologist, endocrinologist, pulmonologist, gastroenterologist, rheumatologist, the developed biochemical
blood test, an electrocardiography and Holter monitoring, echocardiogram, X-ray examination according to clinical
indications. The assessment of empirical data is carried out with the observance of norms and rules of ethical examination
accepted for biomedical researches.
Results of research. From 2012 till 2013 586 people were examined, 17 persons were senior than 75 years. In 2012 by
order of No. 181 of the Health Care Department of the Tyumen region in 16.04.2012 "About an order of carrying out of the
profound dispensary inspection of the World War II participants in the Tyumen region in 2012 " 77 people were examined.
The organization of medical care to the veterans of the Second World War and their widows living in the territory of the
Nizhnetavdisky area includes:
1) the rendering the ambulatory help in polyclinic of GBIH TR "Regional hospital No. 15", in polyclinics of Velizhansky
local hospital, Bukhtalsky local hospital, Chugunayevsky medical ambulance, Antipinsky ambulance, No. 31 FAPE;
2) the hospital help is carried out on the basis of the round-the-clock hospital placed in the village Nizhnaya Tavda in
Velizhansky local hospital, in Bukhtalsky local hospital;
3) the implementation of the available specialized medical care rendering program is carried out due to work of mobile
teams, in particular: endocrinology clinic of Tyumen Regional oncologic centre, Center of health of GBIH TR "Regional
hospital No. 19".
In the hospital for veterans of the Second World War in Tyumen 32 persons, among them 7 participants of the Second
World War were treated. Specialized medical care was provided to 6 disabled people and participants of the Second World
War in "The Tyumen cardiocenter".
During the planning and the realization of treatment-and-prophylactic measures it is necessary to consider the following
medico-biological features of this category of patients:
1) the multimorbid character of pathological states;
2) the limited list of rehabilitation measures (mainly pharmaceutical treatment);
3) the necessity of carrying out of diagnostic and treatment manipulations in the conditions of the round-the-clock hospital
supervision, because of high probability of the expected case fatality rate of this patient category.
The structure of the diseases revealed among 77 participants of the Second World War and members of their families
according to the results of medical examination is presented: The diseases of the blood circulatory system – 40,2%; Diseases of
an ear and mastoid shoot – 17,6%; Diseases of an eye – 15,8%; Diseases of musculoskeletal system – 8,3%; Diseases of
endocrine system – 7,3%; Diseases of a gastro-intestinal tract – 6,2%; Others – 4,6%.
In the disease structure among veterans of the Second World War the blood circulatory system diseases occupy the first
place. It should be also noted that blood circulatory system diseases on the grade importance among disabled people and
participants of the Second World War also occupy the first place in the structure of the total death rate. The main method of the
necessary functional condition maintenance of the elderly person organism a pharmacologic correction of main disease
symptoms and syndromes: the achievement of the target level of arterial tension, the reduction of anginose attacks and the
reduction of pain syndrome intensity. The second place – an ear and a mastoidal shoot diseases among which the post primary
deafness is in the leading position.
The guaranteeing of veterans with earphones is carried out free of charge according to the program of rehabilitation in
working hours of the MSEK exit bureau No. 5. Eye diseases were at the third place. Involution changes of touch systems – the
decrease in sight and post primary deafness significantly limit the communicative abilities of elderly people. Diabetes of the II
type is the leading endocrine pathology at this category of patients.
Nowadays the preventive measures program the "School of the elderly person" considering major factors of environment
and the organization feature of health care delivery to the population of the Nizhnetavdinsky area is developed:
1) hypocomfortable climatic conditions and the high risk zone of agriculture in the South of the Tyumen region;
2) the low density of the population living in the territory of the Nizhnetavdinsky area (3,5 persons on 1 km.2);
3) service radius when rendering an emergency medical service – 100 km.;
4) delivering time by public transport from the most remote settlements to GBIH TR "Regional hospital No. 15" – 1, 2
For preservation of the necessary health level among veterans and participants of the Second World War in the
Nizhnetavdinsky area the complex of the interconnected treatment-and-prophylactic, social and psychological and educational
measures is realized. Annually, on the eve of the Victory Day celebration meetings with veterans, exhibitions and concerts of
amateur performances are held. But, as veterans consider, such measures have the "single" character. According to the results
of a direct poll 94 respondents answered that the main problem of social support rendering to elderly people is the conventional
Международный научно-исследовательский журнал ▪ № 8(39) ▪ Сентябрь ▪ Часть 3
attitude from an inner circle of the elderly person and the lack of regularity in the social and psychological support
organization of veterans from public organizations.
Conclusion. According to the international criteria, the population of the Nizhnetavdinsky area, having the proportion of
persons in age structure more than 30% are senior than working-age and is considered "demographically old". The treatmentand-prophylactic help to veterans and participants of the Second World War living in the territory of the Nizhnetavdinsky area
is organized at the necessary level. The social and psychological support of veterans has to include not only cultural events, but
also the organization of the individual and personal help for each person.
The old age, weak physical health, psychological vulnerability and the high emotional sensitivity become the major factors
defining an incidence and high probability of the expected death rate of this citizen’s category. The foundation of the "School
of the elderly person" has to promote a health-saving of the Second World War veterans.
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