английский язык - Российский новый университет

Рабочий учебник
Фамилия, имя, отчество студента _________________________________
Факультет ______________________________________________________
Номер договора__________________________________________________
И. Н. Мороз – кандидат педагогических наук
О. А. Горбачева – старший преподаватель кафедры иностранного языка
Рецензент: Н. П. Миничева – кандидат филологических наук, доцент
А. И. Чумаченко– декан факультета иностранных языков МЭЛИ
советом РосНОУ
БАЗОВОЕ СОДЕРЖАНИЕ МОДУЛЯ ..................................................... 4
УСЛОВНЫЕ ОБОЗНАЧЕНИЯ И СОКРАЩЕНИЯ ................................ 5
СОДЕРЖАНИЯ МОДУЛЯ ........................................................................ 6
1. Лексика. MY HOMELAND ................................................................... 6
Модуль 1. “Hello! It’s me”.
2. Грамматика (Страдательный залог) ..................................................... 15
Модуль 2. “The Place I Live in”.
Модуль 3. “Daily Life”.
3. Лексика. ENGLISH-SPEAKING COUNTRIES .................................... 23
Модуль 4. “Leisure and Pleasure”.
4. Грамматика ............................................................................................ 32
Модуль 5. “On the Move”.
Модуль 6. “It’s a Small World”.
Модуль 7. “The Body and the Soul”.
Модуль 8. “Shopping and Eating out”.
Модуль 9. “It’s a Fine Day, isn’t it?”
4.1. Повторение и обобщение пройденного материала ........................ 32
4.2. Употребление артикля с географическими названиями
и некоторыми именами собственными........................................... 35
КЛЮЧИ К ЗАДАНИЯМ ........................................................................... 44
Модуль 10-12. “English for Specific Purposes”.
КОНТРОЛЬНАЯ РАБОТА ....................................................................... 58
ЛИТЕРАТУРА ............................................................................................ 62
В предлагаемом модуле вводится лексика страноведческой тематики, необходимая для характеристики географического, политического и экономического положения России и стран изучаемого языка. Рассматривается система времен в страдательном залоге. Повторяется и обобщается
изученный грамматический материал.
Для студентов Российского нового университета
© И. Н. Мороз, 2005
© О. А. Горбачева, 2005
© РосНОУ, 2005
Географическое положение, экономическое и политическое устройство России.
Образование и употребление форм страдательного залога. Предлоги
с глаголами в страдательном залоге. Страдательные обороты с формальным подлежащим it.
Географическое положение, достопримечательности, экономическое
и политическое устройство стран изучаемого языка.
Повторение и обобщение пройденного материала:
– существительные;
– артикли;
– местоимения;
– прилагательные и наречия;
– система времен глагола в действительном залоге;
– система времен глагола в страдательном залоге;
– неличные формы глагола;
– модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты;
– структура английского предложения, порядок слов, типы вопросов.
Употребление определенного артикля с географическими названиями и некоторыми именами собственными.
Am.- American – американский вариант.
Br. – British – Британский вариант.
A – adjective – прилагательное.
Ad – adverb – наречие.
N – noun – существительное.
N-s – существительное во множественном числе (если оно подчиняется
общему правилу образования множественного числа).
N’s – существительное в единственном числе в притяжательном падеже.
N-s’– существительное во множественном числе в притяжательном падеже.
Nu – numeral – числительное.
V – verb – глагол.
V-s – форма 3-го лица единственного числа настоящего простого времени.
V-ed – форма прошедшего простого времени или причастия II правильного
V-ing – форма причастия I или герундия.
V2 – форма прошедшего простого времени.
V3 – форма причастия II.
smb. – somebody – кто-либо.
smth. – something – что-либо.
Syn. – синоним.
etc. – et cetera – и т.д.
1. homeland – родина
Syn. motherland
2. native – родной
3. a nation – нация
4. national – национальный
5. a nationality - национальность
6. a citizen – гражданин
7. a citizenship – гражданство
8. a state – государство
9. an emblem – эмблема
10. an anthem – герб
11. a flag – флаг
12. a hymn – гимн
13. independence – независимость
14. independent – независимый
15. to border on – граничить с
16. to be washed by – омываться
17. a coast – берег
18. to be separated – отделяться
19. to consist of – состоять из
20. a region – регион
21. a part – часть
22. to inhabit – населять
23. an inhabitant - житель
24. an ethnic group – этническая группа
25. to make up – составлять
26. to be concentrated – быть сосредоточенным
27. hospitable – гостеприимный
28. hospitality – гостеприимство
29. vast – огромный
24. scenery – природа, пейзаж
a plain – равнина
a meadow – луг
a valley – долина
vegetation – растительный мир
to be covered with – быть покрытым
natural resources – природные ресурсы
coal – уголь
iron – железо
iron ore – железная руда
copper – медь
gas – газ
oil – нефть
to be rich in – быть богатым чем-либо
a branch of industry – отрасль промышленности
a key industry – главная отрасль промышленности
Syn. a major industry
to produce – производить
manufacturing – производство
chemicals – химические препараты
construction – строительство
engineering – машиностроение
banking – банковское дело
machinery – станки
electronics – электроника
navigation – навигация
aerospace production – авиакосмическая промышленность
insurance – страхование
shipping – водный транспорт, судоходство
textile industry – текстильная промышленность
agriculture – сельское хозяйство
to harvest – собирать урожай
wheat – пшеница
cereals – злаковые культуры
mining – горная промышленность
to import / to export – импортировать, экспортировать
president – президент
prime minister – премьер министр
government – правительство
66. parliament – парламент
67. chamber – палата
68. the legislature – законодательная власть
Syn. legislative power
69. the executive – исполнительная власть
Syn. executive power
70. the judiciary – судебная власть
Syn. judicial power
71. to be exercised by – осуществляться
72. to elect – выбирать
73. a term – срок
74. to vote for – голосовать за
75. to appoint – назначать
76. to determine – определять
77. to deal with – работать с, заниматься
78. constitution – конституция
79. to guarantee – гарантировать
80. rights – права
81. human rights – права человека
82. freedom – свобода
83. a statesman/woman – государственный деятель
84. a politician – политик
85. a law – закон
86. to break a law – нарушить закон
87. to pass a law – принять закон
88. a political party – политическая партия
89. a party in power – партия у власти
90. to be at war – быть в состоянии войны
91. to win – выиграть
92. to be defeated – потерпеть поражение
93. an army – армия
94. armed forces – вооруженные силы
Syn. the military
95. to invade – вторгаться
96. civil – гражданский
97. to do military service – служить в армии
98. to face a problem – сталкиваться с проблемой
99. to decrease – уменьшаться
cost of living – прожиточный минимум
living standard –уровень жизни
inflation rate – уровень инфляции
a public holiday – государственный праздник
to celebrate – праздновать
Упражнение 1. Переведите предложения на русский язык:
1. The constitution of Russia guarantees the citizens the freedom of speech and
freedom of assembly.
2. Russia is rich in many kinds of natural resources: iron, gas, copper, coal and
3. Unfortunately the cost of living is continuously increasing.
4. More than 50 ethnic groups make up the population of this isolated island.
5. Young men have to do a two-year military service.
6. The Prime Minister is appointed by the President.
7. Manufacturing, textile and electronics are important branches of industry in
the economy of this country.
8. Russia was at war with France in the 19th century.
9. The armed forces of the country are concentrated in the northwest part of the
region occupied by the invaders’ army.
10. In the USA the legislative power is exercised by Congress.
Упражнение 2. Какие слова соответствуют определениям?
1. a border
2. the military
3. vast
a. the part of government that makes and
changes laws;
b. relating to one particular nation and not
including other nations;
с. generous towards visitors and guests;
4. hospitable
5. national
6. the legislature
7. natural
8. government
9. to celebrate
10. vegetation
d. valuable substances such as wood, oil that
exist in a country’s land and sea;
e. the official line separating two countries
or regions;
f. extremely large;
g. to do something enjoyable in order to
show that an occasion or an event is
h. plants and trees;
i. the people who control a country and make
j. the country’s armed forces.
Упражнение 3. Словам из левого столбика подберите перевод из
слов правого:
1. iron ore
2. statesman
3. judicial
4. consist of
5. major
6. plain
7. face a problem
8. break the law
9. politician
10. decrease
a. политик
b. нарушать закон
c. равнина
d. железная руда
e. уменьшаться
f. судебный
g. состоять из
h. государственный деятель
i. основной
j. сталкиваться с проблемой
7. In 1783 the USA won the war for … against Britain.
8. The … language of these people is Danish.
9. The President is elected for the … of 4 years.
10. What countries does Germany … ?
Упражнение 5. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. What are some of the major events in the history of our country?
2. What human rights are guaranteed by our constitution?
3. What are some of the public holidays in Russia? How are they celebrated?
4. What political party will you vote for in the next election?
5. Are there any statesmen or politicians you find interesting or trustworthy
on the political scene of Russia today?
6. What is the role of mass media in the social life of a country?
7. What problems is our country facing now? Are there any ways of solving
8. How could you explain the notion “the living standard”?
9. Are you proud of being a citizen of Russia? Why or why not?
10. Would you like to get a citizenship of some other country? Would you
like to live abroad permanently? Why or why not?
Упражнение 6. Прочитайте и переведите текст:
1. The … industry is a dominant one in the region because of the large …
supplies that were found on the territory of the country.
2. The ... war of 1918-1920 took lives of thousands of Russian people.
3. The … power in the country is exercised by the Supreme Court.
4. Has this army ever been … ?
5. The textbook … 6 parts.
6. What is the political … in Russia now?
Our country is one of the largest countries in the world. Its total area is
17 075 square kilometers. It spans 11 time zones and it is situated on two continents
Europe and Asia which are separated by the Ural mountains. Russia borders on
Finland, Poland, Norway and many former USSR republics. It is washed by the
Arctic and the Pacific oceans. There are about 2 million rivers in Russia. The
Volga is the longest one in Europe (3694 km long). The Yenisei is the most fullflowing river in Russia. The river-borne freight turnover goes up to 5%. In all
Russia is quite rich in hydroenergy.
Most of the country has a continental climate with severe winters. The
Arctic coast is icebound for the most part of the year. But summers are usually
warm and sunny. The vegetation zones comprise tundra, taiga, steppes, semideserts, deserts and the subtropical vegetation zone.
The population of Russia is 147 million people. The population is unevenly
distributed and most of the people live on the European plain. Russia is a
multinational country. The Russians make up nearly 83% of population. Among
Упражнение 4. Дополните предложения словами из рамки:
party in power
consists of
border on
other peoples living in Russia are the Tatars, the Chuvash, the Bashkir and the
Ukrainians, to name just a few most numerous. Altogether there are about 170
ethnic groups in the country. More than 100 languages are spoken in the country
and Russian is the official one. The most widespread religion is Orthodoxy (20
million people) and there is also a considerable number of Muslims.
One of the national emblems of our state is the national flag with 3 wide
stripes on it. Another symbol of Russia is the hymn, composed by A. A. Alexandrov.
Yet another state emblem is the anthem which is a two-headed golden eagle.
According to the Constitution of 1993 Russia is a parliamentary republic.
It means that the legislative power is exercised by Federal Assembly which consists
of two chambers: the Council of Federation and the State Duma. The Duma has
450 members while in the Council there are 178 members. The President is the
Head of State. He is elected every 4 years. The president appoints the Prime
Minister and supervises the work of the government which together with the
Premier form the executive branch of power. The government decide on the
economy issues and suggest bills which are either passed or rejected by the Duma.
The President is the one responsible for the national security and he determines
the foreign policy of the country. The Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court
are the main bodies of the judiciary.
Russia is self-sufficient in most mineral and energy resources including
coal, oil, natural gas, iron ore and copper. Though not so much land can be used
for farming agriculture is still an important branch of economy in the country.
Farmers harvest wheat, oats, rye and other cereals. The key industries include
manufacturing, metal industry, chemicals, construction and power engineering.
Gross National Product (GNP) is 240 milliard dollars.
At the moment our country faces quite a few problems. Among these are
production decrease, unstable economic situation with quite a high inflation rate,
a short life span. The rate of unemployment is about 14,5%. There is a number of
environmental problems as well, for example, about 200 towns are said to be
dangerous to live in because of nuclear wastes. Hopefully the ecological situation
will be changing for the better and the economic situation will be improving in the
near future as well.
Упражнение 7.
а) ответьте на вопросы:
1. How many time zones does Russia span?
2. What countries does Russia border on?
3. What are some of the vegetation zones in Russia?
4. What resources is Russia rich in?
5. Who appoints the Prime Minister?
6. What are the duties of the government?
7. What are the state emblems of Russia?
8. What is the procedure of making laws in our country?
9. What is the percentage of river freight turnover? Is it much or little?
10. The population of Russia is unevenly distributed, isn’t it?
b) напишите вопросы, ответами на которые могли бы быть данные
It is washed by the Arctic and the Pacific oceans.
Russia has a continental climate.
Yes, it is, as it is inhabited by people of different nationalities.
They are Orthodoxy and Islam.
Because some nuclear wastes are buried there.
It is exercised by the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court.
It is about 14,5%.
More than 100.
They harvest wheat, oats and rye.
Manufacturing, construction, chemicals and power engineering.
c) Расставьте предложения в порядке следования в тексте:
1. The population is unevenly distributed and most of the people live on the
European plain.
2. The President is the Head of State.
3. The key industries include manufacturing, metal industry, chemicals,
construction and power engineering.
4. Altogether there are about 170 ethnic groups in the country.
5. Among these are production decrease, unstable economic situation with
a high inflation rate, a short life span.
6. There are about 2 million rivers in Russia.
7. Most of the country has a continental climate with severe winters.
8. Its total area is 17 075 square kilometers.
9. One of the national emblems of our state is the national flag with 3 wide
stripes on it.
10. It means that the legislative power is exercised by Federal Assembly
which consists of two chambers: the Council of Federation and the State Duma.
8. Эта политическая партия победила на выборах в прошлом году.
9. Россия экспортирует нефть и природный газ.
10. В этой стране хорошо развито банковское дело и страхование.
(Страдательный залог)
Страдательный залог употребляется в том случае, если действие
глагола-сказуемого направлено на подлежащее:
Сравните: Я пишу письмо. – Письмо написано мной.
I write a letter. – The letter is written by me.
Be + V3 (V-ed )
Упражнение 8. Перескажите текст.
Упражнение 9. Переведите предложения на английский язык:
1. Люди разных национальностей населяют территорию России.
2. Эти страны разделены океаном, площадь которого составляет 70
миллионов квадратных миль.
3. Русские люди известны своим гостеприимством.
4. Вершины гор покрыты снегом 6 месяцев в году.
5. Для граждан России важно участвовать в выборах членов парламента.
6. Кто определяет курс внешней политики страны?
7. Он нарушил закон, когда он украл драгоценности друзей, и был серьезно наказан.
is (not) V3 (V-ed) is (not) being V3 (V-ed)
(not) V3 (V-ed)
(not) V3 (V-ed) (not) being V3 (V-ed) had (not) been V3 (V-ed)
(not) be V3 (V-ed)
(not) have been V3 (V-ed)
Лицо, осуществляющее действие над предметом или другим лицом,
вводится предлог by. Неодушевленное существительное вводиться предлогами with и by.
Упражнение 10. Преобразуйте предложения из действительного залога в страдательный:
Пример: The farmer waters his field. The field is watered (by the farmer).
1. Green grass covered the meadow in early spring.
2. They construct a lot of multi-storeyed buildings in our district.
3. This region produces high-quality dairy products.
4. Large forests surround the town.
5. The plant makes steel.
6. The king reigned the country.
7. The streets will divide the town into equal sectors.
8. Russia exports oil and natural gas.
9. They will import many goods next year.
10. Japan develops high-end industry.
Упражнение 11.
a) Поставьте предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную форму:
Пример: The country is separated from the continent by the channel.
The country is not separated from the continent by the channel.
Is the country separated from the continent by the channel?
1. The islands are populated by native people.
2. Industry is usually concentrated in the centre of the country.
3. Iron ore will be mined there in a few years.
4. A lot of problems were faced by the population of the city some years ago.
5. The lake is surrounded by mountains.
b) Задайте вопросы указанных типов:
Пример: These amendments were made to the Constitution a lot of years ago.
– Yes / No: Were these amendments made to the Constitution many years ago?
– When: When were these amendments made to the Constitution?
– What: What was made to the Constitution many years ago?
– Tag: These amendments were made to the Constitution many years
ago, weren’t they?
– Or: Were these amendments made to the Constitution or to any other
6. The district was destroyed during the war.
– Yes / No
– When
– What
– Tag
– Or
7. The number of vacancies in a company is usually limited.
– Yes / No
– Where
– What
– Or
8. Hundreds of flowers will be grown in our garden.
– Yes / No
– How many
– What
– Tag
– Or
9. The president was supported by the people of the country.
– Yes / No
– Who(m)
– Who
– Tag
– Or
10. These traditions of celebration are always observed.
– Yes / No
– What
– Tag
– Or
Упражнение12 . Преобразуйте предложения из действительного залога в страдательный:
Пример: They are showing the sights of the city to the tourists. –
The sights of the city are being shown to the tourists.
1. The Customs officer is checking my luggage.
2. The secretary was faxing my letter at three.
3. They are filling up my car.
4. Thousands of people are facing the problem of unemployment.
5. Our teacher was correcting mistakes in the papers when I entered the
6. They are building a new metro station in the new district of the city.
7. The gardener will be cutting the grass on the meadow tomorrow morning.
8. The members of the Committee were meeting the delegation yesterday
at six.
9. The best student in the group is making a report now.
10. The plant was producing machinery those years.
Упражнение 13.
a) Поставьте предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную форму:
Пример: A new railway station is being built at this place now.
A new railway station is not being built at this place now.
Is a new railway station being built at this place now?
1. The meal is being served now.
2. The document was being typed when the chief came into the room.
3. The tickets are being produced by the passengers at the moment.
4. The drugs were being looked for by two dogs.
5. The elections are being held right now.
b) Задайте вопросы указанных типов:
Пример: The telegram is being sent just now.
– Yes / No: Is the telegram being sent just now?
– When: When is the telegram being sent?
– What: What is being sent just now?
– Tag: The telegram is being sent just now, isn’t it?
– Or: Is the telegram or the letter being typed just now?
6. John’s birthday is being celebrated by the staff of the company.
– Yes / No
– Whose
– What
– Tag
– Or
7. The guests were being checked in at the hotel when the receptionist
paid attention to the luggage of one of them.
– Yes / No
– Who
– Tag
– Or
8. The book is being read by you and the man next to you in the bus.
– Yes / No
– Where
– What
– Tag
– Or
9. The dinner was being cooked by the mother when we came home.
– Yes / No
– When
– What
– Tag
– Or
10. The bags are being inspected and weighed.
– Yes / No
– What
– Tag
– Or
Упражнение 14. Преобразуйте предложения из действительного залога в страдательный:
Пример: The clerk has just sent the letter. - The letter has just been sent.
1. They have just elected a president.
2. The children have divided the cake into three equal parts.
3. They had invented a new device before they developed this technology.
4. The officer will have pointed at the man.
5. The farmers had harvested the wheat before the weather changed.
6. The international community had isolated the country for several years
before the war broke out.
7. They will have developed a new technology by the end of the decade.
8. They have exported thousands of kinds of goods since the beginning
of the year.
9. They will have constructed a new supermarket by next autumn.
10. The mechanic has checked the battery of your car.
Упражнение 15.
a) Поставьте предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную форму:
Пример: The ticket has been produced by my friend.
The ticket has not been produced by my friend.
Has the ticket been produced by my friend?
1. The work has been done perfectly well.
2. The German troops had been defeated near Moscow by the end
of 1941.
3. Wheat will have been harvested by the time defined.
4. The old houses had been destroyed before the new ones were constructed.
5. This area had been populated before the Romans invaded it.
b) Задайте вопросы указанных типов:
Пример: The border has been crossed.
– Yes / No: Has the border been crossed?
– What: What has been crossed?
– Tag: The border has been crossed, hasn’t it?
– Or: Has the border or the river been crossed?
6. A new government will have been assigned by the end of the year.
– Yes / No
– When
– What
– Tag
– Or
7. Armaments had been reduced before the agreement was signed by two
– Yes / No
– When
– What
– Tag
– Or
8. I’ve just crossed the border, all my luggage has been inspected thoroughly.
– Yes / No
– What
– Tag
– Or
9. An absolutely new aircraft will have been designed by the certain time.
– Yes / No
– When
– What kind of
– Tag
– Or
10. Armed forces had been reduced by the end of the last century.
– Yes / No
– When
– What
– Tag
– Or
!!! Следующие глаголы могут употребляться в двух конструкциях
страдательного залога:
to give; to show; to send; to tell; to promise; to offer
Упражнение 16. Преобразуйте предложения по образцу:
Пример: Bob was given the book. – The book was given to Bob.
книгу. – Книгу
1. The chief has been shown the letter.
2. I am being sent the e-mail.
3. John isn’t told the truth.
4. The teacher was promised a new method of instructing.
5. Jane will have been offered a well-paid job by the end of the week.
!!! Обратите внимание на перевод предложений с глаголами в страдательном залоге, имеющими предлоги:
to speak of (about)
to look at
to rely on
to refer to
to depend on
to comment on
to insist on
to agree upon
to laugh at
to listen to
to wait for
to send for
to dream of
to think of
to remind of
to look for
Упражнение 17. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на предлоги:
1. This film has been much spoken about.
2. The girl felt that she was being looked at.
3. Tom can be relied on in any case.
4. Who is Ann depended on?
5. The statesman’s declaration won’t be commented on.
6. These items can’t be agreed upon.
7. It was the wrong decision, but it had been insisted on.
8. Do you know what articles are referred to?
9. The song had been listened to by everybody before another one appeared.
10. The clerk is being waited for by a customer.
Упражнение 18. Задайте вопросы в страдательном залоге к предложениям. Начинайте с данных слов:
Пример: All my friends listen to this song. –
What … ? – What is listened to (by my friends)?
1. People speak about the new detective novel everywhere.
What book … ?
2. The committee is thinking of Bill’s plan.
Whose plan …?
3. We had a power failure yesterday evening, that’s why we sent for the
Why …?
4. The Blacks had laid the table for us.
Who (m) … ?
5. The grandmother wrote the letter.
Who (m) …?
6. The young author devoted his new book to his wife.
Who (m) …?
7. They designed a new helicopter for the army.
What …?
8. Three oceans wash Russia.
How many oceans …?
9. People must take much care of their pets.
What …?
10. Good parents always look after their children.
Who …?
!!! Страдательные обороты с формальным подлежащим it
It is said that the lecture will begin at 2 o’clock. – Говорят, что лекция
начнется в два часа.
It was thought that it wasn’t snowing any more. – Думали, что снег
больше не идет.
Упражнение 19. Переведите предложения на английский язык:
1. Эта политическая телепередача обсуждается сейчас на семинаре
по социологии.
2. О каком событии много говорят сейчас?
3. Все экзамены в университете будут сданы к 1 июля.
4. Работа была только что закончена, и результаты показаны на экране (компьютера).
5. Когда была принята Конституция России?
6. Кому адресовано ваше письмо?
7. Все контрольные работы уже написаны и сданы преподавателю.
8. Почему тебя всегда ищут?
9. Говорили, что лифт починили до того, как люди вернулись с работы.
10. Ваши билеты и документы уже проверили?
1. a continent – континент
2. an island – остров
3. to be of … descent – быть … происхождения
Syn. to be of … origin
4. prosperous – процветающий
5. picturesque – живописный
6. striking – поразительный
7. commonwealth – содружество
8. authorities – власти
9. Labour Party – партия лейбористов
10. Conservative Party – партия консерваторов
11. Liberal Party – партия либералов
12. Republican Party – партия республиканцев
13. to fight – сражаться
14. to support – поддерживать
15. to represent – представлять
16. a representative – представитель
17. to declare – объявлять
18. a bill – законопроект
19. loyalty – преданность
20. a member of parliament (MP) – член парламента
21. Senate, senator – сенат, сенатор
22. opposition – оппозиция
23. dictatorship – диктатура
24. totalitarian – тоталитарный
25. democracy – демократия
26. republic – республика
27. a department of Education, Health, Defence, Transport – департамент образования, здравоохранения, транспорта
28. to govern – управлять
29. patriotic – патриотичный
30. nationalist – националистический
31. birthplace – место рождения, родина
32. to be populated –быть населенным
33. fishing industry – рыболовство
34. forestry – лесное хозяйство
35. to rear – выращивать
36. dairy cattle – молочный скот
37. dairy products – молочные продукты
38. wool – шерсть
39. rural – сельский
40. romantic – романтичный
41. to be surrounded – быть окруженным
42. to be isolated – быть изолированным
a position – положение
rocky – скалистый
a fortress – крепость
a swamp – болото
sandy – песчаный
a shore – берег
to stretch – простираться
a desert – пустыня
to be divided intо – быть разделенным на
lonely – одинокий
a hill – холм
a waterfall – водопад
a stream – ручей
a path – тропинка
to vary – меняться
fertile – плодородный
bare – неплодородный, пустой
to grow – выращивать
soil – почва
a king – король
a queen – королева
a monarch – монарх
to reign – царствовать
powerful – мощный
to be advanced in – быть прогрессивным в
health care – медицина
an empire – империя
a colony – колония
a tradition – традиция
a custom – обычай
an amendment – поправка
property – собственность
faraway – далекий
leading – ведущий
to belong to – принадлежать
shipbuilding – кораблестроение
wealthy – богатый
a supply – запас
a patron saint – святой покровитель (страны)
a settlement – поселение
to take place – иметь место, происходить
a waterway – водный путь
goods – товары
free of charge – бесплатный
domestic market – внутренний рынок
world market –мировой рынок
raw materials – сырье
to include – включать в себя
self-sufficient – самодостаточный
an economy – экономика
energy resources – энергоресурсы
to decline – уменьшаться, ухудшаться
aerospace products – авиакосмические продукты
cosmopolitan – космополитичный
Упражнение 20. Переведите предложения на русский язык:
1. The Republican Party won the elections of 1995.
2. Alfred the Great was a powerful monarch who reigned in the 9th century.
3. Scotland, the land of romantic castles and mysterious lakes, is the
birthplace of Walter Scott and Robert Burns.
4. The goods manufactured by the company are famous both in the domestic
and world markets.
5. This country is a leading producer of aerospace products.
6. What party does this MP belong to?
7. The economy of this country is quite self-sufficient due to its energy
resources and highly profitable shipbuilding industry.
8. Most of the railroads are state-owned.
9. London is a cosmopolitan city where people of many nationalities live.
10. Bare lifeless deserts stretch for miles to the south of the capital city.
Упражнение 21. Какие слова соответствуют определениям?
1. a swamp
2. highlands
a. a king or a queen;
b. a number of countries ruled by one person
or government;
or government;
c. able to provide for yourself everything
you need without help from other people;
d. an area of land covered by water where
trees and plants grow;
e. to collect a crop from the fields;
f. a dead holy person who is believed to
protect a particular place, activity, group of
g. a written document containing a proposal
for a new law;
h. an area of land that is at high level and
consists of hills and mountains;
i. to choose someone to do a particular job
or have a particular position;
j. the more senior part of a law-making
institution that has two parts.
3. a patron saint
4. a bill
5. a monarch
6. to appoint
7. senate
8. self-sufficient
9. to harvest
10. an empire
Упражнение 22. Словам из левого столбика подберите перевод из
слов правого:
1. dairy products
2. wool
3. cattle
4. rocky
5. vital
6. to be at war
7. to decline
8. to belong to
9. free of charge
10. amendment
молочные продукты
ухудшаться, уменьшаться
быть в состоянии войны
Упражнение 23. Дополните предложения словами из рамки:
fought for
raw materials
take place
1. This company became … under the management of this talented director.
2. The first European … in the US date back to 1565.
3. The Olympic Games ... every four years.
4. The country uses its … for shipping.
5. They … independence for 5 long years.
6. Which political party do you …?
7. Our responsibility is to preserve … for future generations.
8. Mr. Andrews works in the … of Defence.
9. There is always a … contrast between urban and … areas.
10. This country offers … for manufacturing.
Упражнение 24. Прочитайте и переведите тексты о некоторых англо-говорящих странах.
Australia is an island continent, the largest island and the smallest continent
in the world. Its official name is the Commonwealth of Australia as it is a federation
of 6 states and 2 territories. The total area of the country is 7,686 square miles.
The population is about 19 million people. The people are mainly of British descent
but there are also about 200 000 aborigines.
Most of the population is concentrated on the eastern coast as the land in
central and western Australia is desert. In the south east there are mountains the
peaks of which are covered with snow for 7 months in a year. There are tropical
forests in the east.
Australia enjoys a mainly warm climate. Eucalyptus and wattle are the
typical vegetation. The unique wild life includes koala bears, kangaroos, dingoes,
emus and deadly tiger-snakes.
Australia provides about 30% of the world’s wool (there are 60 million
sheep in the country) and is a major producer of wheat and meat. The country is
highly industrialized and it produces aircraft, automobiles, electrical equipment.
The country is rich in iron ore, lead, silver, gold, zinc and uranium.
The population is about 25 million people. They are mainly of British and
French origin and both English and French are the official languages of the country.
About 70% of the population is concentrated in the southern part of the country
within 300 kilometers of the US border. The largest urban areas are Toronto,
Montreal, Vancouver and Ottawa.
It’s a commonwealth country and the British Crown is represented by a
governor general. It is an independent constitutional monarchy and has a
parliamentary system of government. The executive power is exercised by the
Prime Minister and Cabinet. The legislature comprises a Senate (104 appointed
members) and a House of Commons (282 elected members).
Vegetation varies from tundra to forests and grasslands.
Canada is an urban industrial country. The leading products are automobiles,
metals, chemicals and plastics. Agriculture remains important too and Canada
produces wheat, fruit, grains and tobacco. Beef and dairy cattle are reared.
Forestry and fishing are major industries as well.
Canada has a very high standard of living. It’s particularly advanced in
health, social service and human rights.
Canada is one of the largest countries in the world. It is situated in North
America. The name of the country comes from an Iroquois word that means
“village”. Canada is washed by three oceans and borders on the US. The total
area of the state is 9, 776 square kilometers. The country is divided into 10
provinces, the Yukon and North West Territories.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is located on
two biggest British Isles. The islands are separated from the continent by the
English channel. The UK consists of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern
Ireland. The area of the country is 94, 217 square kilometers. It has the population
of 56 million people. Great Britain is one of the most densely populated countries
in the world. It’s an urban country as most people live in cities and towns.
The UK has a mild climate with changeable unpredictable weather that
has long become a subject for jokes and endless discussions. The land comprises
lowlands and highlands and one can see all types of vegetation here. The south of
England is a farming country where the soil is fertile and fruit is grown and dairy
products are made. Scotland is famous for its beautiful lakes and high mountains.
Scottish wool, which is produced on cattle stations of Scotland, is known all over
the world. Northern Ireland is a country of farmlands and rich grasslands. Wales
has picturesque valleys and unsurmountable mountains.
The country is a constitutional monarchy. The Queen represents the UK in
the world. The legislative body is Parliament. It consists of the House of Commons
(635 elected members) and the House of Lords (1170 members). The Prime
Minister is the Head of the government. He is the leader of the party which won
in the elections.
The major industries in the UK are engineering, textiles, shipbuilding and
chemicals. Natural resources include the supplies of sea oil, gas, coal and iron.
Great Britain provides such services as banking, shipping and insurance. It exports
raw materials and food from other countries.
Упражнение 25.
а) определите, о какой стране идет речь:
a. Great Britain
b. Canada
c. Australia
1. The country is divided into 10 provinces, the Yukon and North West
2. It has a mild climate with changeable unpredictable weather.
3. It has the population of 56 million people.
4. Most of the population of the country is concentrated on the eastern
5. The people who live in the country are mainly of British and French
6. This country provides about 30% of the world’s wool.
7. Eucalyptus and wattle are the typical vegetation.
8. The major industries are engineering, textiles, shipbuilding and chemicals.
9. It is an independent constitutional monarchy and has a parliamentary
system of government.
10. The country is rich in iron ore, lead, silver, gold, zinc and uranium.
b) определите, верны или неверны данные утверждения:
в ер н о
н ев ер н о
1. Canada has a very high standard of living.
2. The members of the House of Commons are appointed by the government.
3. The official languages of Canada are French and German.
4. Canada has a mild climate.
5. Most of the population of Australia is concentrated on the western coast.
6. Australia is the largest island in the world.
7. Natural resources of the United Kingdom include the supplies of sea oil,
gas, coal and iron.
8. Scottish aerospace products are known all over the world.
9. Australia is a major producer of rye.
10. Canada has a parliamentary system of government.
с) ответьте на вопросы:
1. What is the population of Australia?
2. What kind of climate does Canada have?
3. What does the United Kingdom export?
4. Who is the head of the government in the UK?
5. What matters is Canada advanced in?
6. What is the natural landscape of Australia?
7. What industries are the major ones in Canada?
8. What is the political structure of the UK?
9. What unique animals can be found in Australia?
10. What is Scotland famous for?
Упражнение 26. Расскажите о какой-либо стране, используя план:
1. Geographical position.
2. Climate and vegetation.
3. Population.
4. Economy.
5. Political structure.
Упражнение 27. Переведите предложения на английский язык:
1. Эта страна очень прогрессивна в вопросах здравоохранения.
2. В парламенте партия консерваторов представлена 30 политиками.
3. Этот удаленный город окружен прекрасной дикой природой: здесь
можно увидеть водопады и ручьи, извилистые (winding) тропинки и одинокие холмы.
4. Каково географическое положение страны?
5. Страна населена людьми европейского происхождения и аборигенами.
6. Право на частную собственность – один из важнейших принципов
демократического государства.
7. Прекрасно загорать на песчаном берегу моря!
8. Эта страна богата благодаря своим огромным запасам нефти.
9. На плодородных землях Англии выращиваются зерновые культуры.
10. Для того, чтобы быть патриотом, необязательно объявлять о преданности своей стране.
4.1. Повторение и обобщение пройденного материала
Упражнение 29. Выберите правильный вариант:
a) are
b) is
1) Everybody … present at the lesson.
2) There … a couch, two chairs and a computer desk.
3) Some of his advice … very useful.
4) Glass … fragile material.
5) Mathematics … a queen of sciences.
6) The police … already here.
7) No news … good news.
8) Everything … ready for celebration.
9) The child’s feet … wet and cold.
10) There … mice in the old house.
Упражнение 28. Выберите правильный вариант:
1) child
a) childs
b) childes
c) children
Упражнение 30. Выберите правильный вариант:
2) foot
a) foots
c) footes
2) I need … books for my report.
a) a few
b) a little
c) playes
3) How … time do you usually spend on your way home?
a) many
b) much
c) a lot of
3) play
a) plays
4) study
a) studys
5) advice
a) advices
6) snow
a) snows
b) feet
b) plaies
b) studies
7) daughter-in-law
a) daughters-in-law
8) bookshelf
a) books-shelf
5) Ann needed … of cloth to make a new dress.
a) a few
b) few
c) a little
c) advice
b) snowes
6) Do the students have … time to watch TV?
a) many
b) much
c) a lot of
c) -
b) daughter-ins-law
b) bookshelfs
c) daughter-in-laws
c) bookshelves
9) mouse
a) mouses
b) mice
c) -
10) watchman
a) watchmans
b) watchmen
c) watchesman
c) little
4) How … times have you seen Under Siege?
a) many
b) much
c) a lot of
c) studyes
b) advicees
1) There wasn’t … snow in Sochi last winter.
a) many
b) much
c) a lot of
7) My friends and I spend … money on books.
a) many
b) much
c) a lot of
8) How … people are there in your group?
a) many
b) much
c) a lot of
9) They have too … knowledge to pass the exams.
a) little
b) a little
c) few
10) When Ted has … spare time he goes to his garage to have a look at his
new car.
a) little
b) a little
c) few
Упражнение 31. Выберите правильный вариант:
1) Every country has … customs.
a) her
b) their
c) its
d) it’s
2) A lot of new buildings have been constructed in our capital recently. …
all are modern and convenient.
a) it
b) its
c) they
d) them
4) … territory has its own head and government.
a) Every
b) No
c) Some
5) If people do not support it, … army can be defeated.
a) some
b) no
c) any
6) There are … places I’d like to visit this summer.
a) some
b) every
c) any
3) There’s a beautiful castle in the countryside. You should go and see ….
a) it
b) him
c) they
d) them
7) … time I meet you I remember about our wonderful trip.
a) some
b) every
c) any
4) Finland is famous for … dairy products.
a) his
b) her
c) it’s
8) You can come … time, I’m always happy to see you.
a) some
b) every
c) any
d) its
5) We should not import meat and dairy products. We must produce … in
sufficient quantities.
a) it
b) its
c) they
d) them
6) Soldiers are always ready to defend … Motherland.
a) they
b) their
c) them
d) its’
7) The state is prosperous if most of … people are prosperous.
a) his
b) her
c) its
d) it’s
8) The Queen is in her residence now. I’d like to see … very much.
a) her
b) she
c) hers
d) him
9) There can be … other ideas about going there, we just must go.
a) any
b) no
c) every
10) Is there … interesting on TV?
a) everything
b) anything
4.2. Употребление артикля с географическими названиями
и некоторыми именами собственными
the United Kingdom, the
USA (…states…), the
Soviet Union, the Chinese
People’s Republic, the
Ukraine, the Netherlands,
the Argentine (!)
Russia, England, Canada,
the Crimea, the Middle
East, the Ruhr
the Hague (!)
the West, the South, the
East, the North
Moscow, Washington
9) Any president has … assistants whom he can trust.
a) its
b) he
c) him
d) his
10) Moscow region is situated in the highlands, that’s why people are not
very much afraid of floods. But one of … took place some years ago.
a) its
b) them
c) they
d) their
Упражнение 32. Выберите правильный вариант:
1) Russia is rich in natural resources, you can find practically … here.
a) nothing
b) something
c) everything
2) There are … plants in the woods of the Far East which are difficult to
find in other places of the world.
a) some
b) no
c) any
3) Unfortunately there are … waterfalls in Central Russia.
a) any
b) no
c) every
c) something
Africa, America, South
America, North America,
Antarctica, Asia, Australia,
Northern Europe, South-east
the Atlantic (Ocean), the
Pacific (Ocean),
the Black Sea, the
Mediterranean (Sea),
the Bering Strait, the
the Volga, the Amazon,
the Ontario, the Baikal
the Niagara Falls
the English Channel, the
Panama Canal
the Bahamas, the
Bermudas, the Azores
the Alps, the Andes, the
the Sahara, the Gobi
горы и
горные цепи
Hudson Bay
Lake Ontario, Lake Baikal
Sicily, Cuba, Cyprus
Mont Blanc, Everest, Elbrus
W all Street, Fleet Street,
the Gorki Park
the Red Square
the University of Oxford
the Opera House,
the Empire,
the Festival Hall, the
Chaikovsky Hall,
the Tate, the Louvre, the
Tretiakov Gallery,
Central Park,
Trafalgar Square
Oxford University
the Savoy
Heathrow Airport, Victoria
the Financial Times,
the Republican Party, the
Labour Party
America –
American (американский) –
An American (американец) –
the Americans (американцы)
Упражнение 33. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо:
1) (1)... largest and (2)…deepest ocean in (3)... world is (4)... Pacific.
(5)... Atlantic is (6)… second large. Then comes (7)... Indian ocean. It is only
(8)… little smaller. (9)... smallest ocean is (10)... Arctic.
2) (11)... longest river in (12)... world is (13)... Mississippi, (14)... largest
sea is (15)... Mediterranean, (16)... deepest lake is (17)... Lake Baikal.
3) There are six (18)... continents on the Earth. They are (19)... Europe
and (20)... Asia, (21)... North and (22)... South America, (23)... Australia and
(24)... Antarctica. (25)... largest continent is (26)... Eurasia, (27)... smallest is
(28)… Australia. (29)… Australia is (30) ... very interesting country. (31)...
strangest animals in (32) ... world live there.
4) The mountain chains, such as (33)... Urals are old, others like (34)...
Caucasus are much younger. (35)... highest mountains are called (36)...
Himalayas. They are situated in (37)... Asia.
5) (38) … most famous museums in (39)…world are (40)… Tate, (41)…
Louvre, (42)… Tretiakov Gallery. (43)… Bolshoi Theatre is one of (44)… best
theatres, it is especially famous for its (45)… ballet.
Упражнение 34. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо, и ответьте на
1. What is (1)... capital of (2)... United Kingdom?
2. Is (3)... Sicily in (4)... Mediterranean?
3. Is (5)... New York in (6)... United Kingdom or in (7)... United States?
4. Where is (8) ... Kara-Kum Desert?
5. What is (9)... biggest island in ...(10) world?
Упражнение 35. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо:
1) There are …(1) five international airports in …(2) England.
2) …(3) largest airport is …(4) Heathrow …(5) lot of travelers fly into it.
3) …(6) second largest is Gatwick.
4) From …(7) Heathrow, which is also called London Airport, …(8)
travelers can go to London by …(9) underground, …(10) bus or …(11) taxi.
5) Driving in Britain is …(12) lot different from driving in …(13) your own
6) …(14) main problem is that …(15) British drive on the left-hand side of
the road.
7) …(16) Englishman can use “she” or “her” speaking about …(17) his car.
8) Windsor is …(18) very beautiful and mysterious castle.
9) …(19) Russian Federation is famous for its talented people.
10) If a person is tired of the winter in Moscow, he should go to …(20)
foreign country.
Упражнение 36. Употребите прилагательные в скобках в соответствующей степени сравнения:
Alaska is the (1)(large) and the northernmost state of the United States of
America. It is (2)(much) than twice the size of Texas.
It was purchased from Russia in 1867 and entered the USA as the 49th and
(3)(little) populous state in 1959. Though the population is constantly increasing
(1980-1990 – 36,9%), it still has the (4)(few) people per square mile.
Alaska’s name means “The Great Land”. There are the (5)(high) mountains,
the (6)(big) glaciers and the (7)(large) number of active volcanoes in the USA.
Alaska may be considered as the (8)(rich) area as it is believed to hold
every important mineral needed for (9)(modern) industry except the ore of
aluminum. It probably possesses most of undiscovered oil and natural gas, and
has (10)(much) coal and hydroelectrical potential than any other state.
Упражнение 37. Прочитайте текст, употребляя глаголы в соответствующей форме:
Seattle (1)(to have) the name of the Emerald City of the Pacific Northwest.
On a clear day visitors can (2)(to see) a breathtaking panorama of mountains,
sea and lush greenery form the top of 605-foot-tall Seattle’s Space Needle which
(3)(to build) in 1962. The most beautiful sites of the city (4)(to be) the Olympic
Mountains, Lake Washington, the Cascade Range, and the city’s beloved place,
Mount Rainer.
In 1851 Illinois settlers (5)(to lead) by Arthur A. Denny. They (6)(to establish)
a town on Alki Point. Now it (7)(to be) West Seattle. In 1852 the settlers (8)(to
move) to a more protected site on the east side of Elliot Bay. It (9)(to name)
Seattle after a local Indian chief who (10)( to befriend) the settlers.
Seattle (11)(to get) its start in the early 1850s as a lumber center. In 1889
25 downtown blocks (12)(to destroy) by the Great Seattle fire. In the late 1890s
the city (13)(to become) the gate to the gold mines of the Klondike after the
arrival in Seattle of a steamship Portland carrying more than a ton of gold from
Alaska. It happened in 1897 and (14)(to be) the start of the gold rush.
Seattle (15)(to be) a prosperous and sophisticated high-tech capital. In
1916 William Boeing (16) (to found) the Boeing Airplane Company. Later in
2001 Boeing (17)(to move) its headquarters to Chicago but it (18)(to remain) the
Seattle region’s largest employer.
Microsoft Corporation (19)(to be) another giant bringing jobs and wealth
to the city. In 1979 it (20)(to move) from Albuquerque, New Mexico, to Bellevue,
east of Seattle.
But the main asset of Seattle remains its natural setting and tremendous
opportunity of recreation.
Упражнение 38. Составьте предложения из данных слов:
1. northeastern / Washington / on / is situated / the / bank / of the Potomac
2. USA / other / millions / is visited / from / year / Washington / by / of /
tourists / all / of / of / the / the / and / countries / world / parts / every.
3. when / early / tourism / Japanese cherry trees / arrive / its / peak /
reaches / in / spring / visitors / to view / in bloom.
4. many / Washington / there is / revisit / too much to see / in / and / people
/ it / again and again.
5. is not/ city / the only / is / in / Washington / the country / that / part
of a state.
6. the same / large cities / problems / Washington / faces / as most.
7. unequal / at the center / divided / quadrants / Washington / is / into / four
/ with / the Capitol.
8. one / magnificent / Washington’s / buildings / the Capitol / is / most / of.
9. park / small / set / the Capitol / is / in / a.
10. buildings / there / the / impressive / a number of / are / government /
around / Capitol.
Упражнение 39.
a) Прочитайте текст:
The White House stands northwest of the Capitol. The White House is
also known as the Executive Mansion. It stands at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Every four years the parade for the newly inaugurated president travels the
historic route along Pennsylvania Avenue from the Capitol to the White
The White House was founded in 1792 and has been the home of every
president with the exception of George Washington.
The 132-room White House, which has been renovated and enlarged several
times, is a white sandstone building in neoclassical style. It consists of a
main building, flanked by east and west wings.
Tourists may visit portions of the ground floor and the first floor. The
White House grounds are open to public only once a year – for the annual Egg
Roll held on Easter Monday.
b)Задайте 5 вопросов разного типа к тексту о Белом Доме.
с) Задайте вопросы к выделенным в тексте словам.
Упражнение 40. Переведите на английский язык:
1. Трейси пришлось встать на стул, чтобы добраться до верхней полки шкафа.
2. Моя сестра уехала в горы, чтобы научиться хорошо кататься на
3. Он занял денег в долг, чтобы купить новую машину и отправиться
путешествовать по стране.
4. Тони зашел к брату рано утром, чтобы застать его дома.
5. Весь семестр Джейн хорошо училась, чтобы получить отличную
оценку на экзамене.
6. Мы заказали пиццу на дом, чтобы не выходить из дома за продуктами.
7. В понедельник он вылетел в Париж, чтобы сделать доклад на международной конференции.
8. Мы купили все необходимые ингредиенты, чтобы сделать фруктовый салат.
9. Мои друзья написали мне письмо, чтобы предупредить меня о возможных трудностях с визой.
10.Мы залили полный бак бензина, чтобы доехать до Берлина без
Упражнение 41. Перефразируйте следующие предложения, используя причастие I:
1. She lay in her bed and cried.
2. Mike lived in Madrid for 5 years. He worked there as an interior designer.
3. Ann answered my questions and smiled at me.
4. What did you do yesterday? – I did nothing special, I just spent the
evening in, talked on the phone and watched TV.
5. Mark is in his room. I think he is doing his homework.
6. The girls walked round the city a lot. They made photos.
7. Yesterday Helen spent half of the day at the library. She read books on
space technology.
8. She was having tea and watching TV at the same time.
9. He left the room. He said goodbye.
10. Mom sat at the table. She was looking out of the window.
Упражнение 42. Вставьте предлоги:
1. Who is responsible … carrying out this experiment?
2. Jane succeeded … writing the best novel of the last year.
3. My friends insisted … accompanying me to the railway station.
4. He apologized … disturbing us at such a late hour.
5. James is thinking … moving to another flat.
6. I’ve always dreamt … traveling around the world.
7. Claire is exceptionally good … solving Maths problems.
8. They are afraid … flying.
9. Mary is looking forward … coming back to Moscow.
10. Everything depends … having enough time to finish the work.
8. If we hurry up, we … to catch the train.
9. There’s no other way out, you … to go away, she won’t speak to you.
10. John can sing very well, but he … to sing now because he has a
sore throat.
Упражнение 43. Дополните предложения модальными глаголами из
рамки, в некоторых предложениях возможны варианты:
be able
1. As Great Britain is an island, you will … to cross the Channel if you
want to get to the continent.
2. You … sail of fly across the Channel.
3. If you go by boat it … be slower than if you fly on an aircushion.
4. But if you want a less expensive means of transport you … use a ferry.
5. With the development of television you don’t … to go to a faraway land
to get acquainted with its nature and culture.
6. I … not imagine my leaving the country for so long some years ago.
7. When I saw the man driving on the left side of the road I thought he …
be drunk.
8. If you are going to drive in Britain you … have much practice.
9. There … be somebody inside. I saw the man entering the house.
10. You … to meet me at the station, do you remember?
Упражнение 44. Дополните предложения глаголами to have, to be,
to be allowed в соответствующей форме:
1. I hope you … to go somewhere to have a good rest next summer.
2. They … to work hard yesterday because they are having a test now.
3. Jack … to stop missing classes if he doesn’t want to have troubles.
4. Students … to use the keys to the exercises only after they hand in
their papers.
5. We … to pay for the excess weight when we were checking in
for the flight.
6. The population of the town … to surrender as the enemy was much
stronger than the citizens.
7. The immigrants … to stay in the USA if they prove the impossibility of
their living in their native country.
Упражнение 1.
1. Конституция России гарантирует гражданам свободу слова и свободу собраний.
2. Россия богата многими природными ресурсами: железом, газом,
медью, углем и никелем.
3. К сожалению, прожиточный минимум все время повышается.
4. Более 50 этнических групп составляют население этого далекого
(одинокого) острова.
5. Молодые люди должны служить в армии два года.
6. Премьер министр назначается президентом.
7. Производство, текстильная промышленность и электроника – важные отрасли промышленности в экономике этой страны.
8. Россия воевала с Францией в 19 веке.
9. Вооруженные силы страны сосредоточены в северо-западной части территории, оккупированной армией захватчиков.
10. В США законодательная власть осуществляется Конгрессом.
Упражнение 2.
1. e
2. j
3. f
4. c
5. b
6. d
7. d
8. i
9. g
10. h
Упражнение 3.
1. d
2. h
3. f
4. g
5. i
6. c
7. j
8. b
9. a
10. e
Упражнение 4.
1. mining, coal
2. civil
3. judicial
4. defeated
5. consists of
6. party in power
7. independence
8. native
9. term
10. border on
Упражнение 7.
1. Russia spans 11 time zones.
2. Russia borders on Finland, Poland, Norway and many former USSR
3. The vegetation zones comprise tundra, taiga, steppes, semi-deserts,
deserts and the subtropical vegetation zone.
4. It is rich in coal, oil, natural gas, iron ore and copper.
5. The President does.
6. The government decide on the economy issues and suggest bills.
7. They are the flag, the hymn and the anthem.
8. The government suggest laws which the Duma either passes or rejects.
9. It is about 5%. It certainly isn’t much.
10. Yes, it is.
1. What oceans is Russia washed by?
2. What kind of climate does Russia have?
3. Is Russia a multinational country?
4. What are the most widespread religions?
5. Why are some towns in Russia dangerous to live in?
6. What is the judicial power exercised by in Russia?
7. What is the unemployment rate in Russia?
8. How many languages are spoken in Russia?
9. What cereals do farmers harvest?
10. What are the key industries in Russia?
8, 6, 7, 1, 4, 3, 9, 10, 2, 5
Упражнение 9.
1. People of different nationalities inhabit the territory of Russia.
2. These countries are separated by the ocean the area of which is (totals)
70 million square miles.
3. Russian people are famous for their hospitality.
4. The peaks of the mountains are covered with snow for 6 months
in a year.
5. It’s important for the citizens of Russia to take part in the elections of
the members of parliament.
6. Who determines the foreign policy of a country?
7. He broke the law when he stole his friends’ jewels and he was seriously
8. This political party won the elections last year.
9. Russia exports oil and natural gas.
10. Banking and insurance are well developed in this country.
Упражнение 10.
1. The meadow was covered with green grass in early spring.
2. A lot of multi-storeyed buildings are constructed in our district.
3. High-quality dairy products are produced by this region.
4. The town is surrounded by large forests.
5. Steel is made by the plant.
6. The country was reigned by the king.
7. The town will be divided into equal sectors by / with the streets.
8. Oil and natural gas are exported by Russia.
9. Many goods will be imported next year.
10. High-end industry is developed by Japan.
Упражнение 11.
1. The islands are not populated by native people.
Are the islands populated by native people?
2. Industry isn’t usually concentrated in the centre of the country.
Is industry usually concentrated in the centre of the country?
3. Iron ore won’t be mined there in a few years.
Will iron ore be mined there in a few years?
4. Many problems were not faced by the population of the city some
years ago.
Were many problems faced by the population of the city some years ago?
5. The lake is not surrounded by mountains.
Is the lake surrounded by mountains?
6. The district was destroyed during the war.
– Yes / No: Was the district destroyed during the war?
– When: When was the district destroyed?
– What: What was destroyed during the war?
– Tag: The district was destroyed during the war, wasn’t it?
– Or: Was the district destroyed during the war or during the earthquake?
7. The number of vacancies in a company is usually limited.
– Yes / No: Is the number of vacancies in a company usually limited?
– Where: Where is the number of vacancies usually limited?
– What: What is usually limited in a company?
– Or: Is the number of vacancies usually limited in a company or at a plant?
8. Hundreds of flowers will be grown in our garden.
– Yes / No: Will hundreds of flowers be grown in our garden?
– How many: How many flowers will be grown in our garden?
– What: What will be grown in our garden?
– Tag: Hundreds of flowers will be grown in our garden, won’t they?
– Or: Will hundreds of flowers or bushes be grown in our garden?
9. The president was supported by the people of the country.
– Yes / No: Was the president supported by the people of the country?
– Who (m): Whom was the president supported by?
– Who: Who was supported by the people of the country?
– Tag: The president was supported by the people of the country,
wasn’t he?
– Or: Was the president supported by the people of the country or by
the army?
10. These traditions of celebration are always observed.
– Yes / No: Are these traditions of celebration always observed?
– What: What is always observed?
– Tag: These traditions of celebration are always observed, aren’t they?
– Or: Are these traditions of celebration always observed or forgotten?
Упражнение 12.
1. My luggage is being checked by the Customs officer.
2. My letter was being faxed by the secretary at three.
3. My car is being filled up.
4. The problem of unemployment is being faced by thousands of people.
5. Mistakes in the papers were being corrected by our teacher when I
entered the classroom.
6. A new metro station is being built in the new district of the city.
7. The grass on the meadow will be cut by the gardener tomorrow morning.
8. The delegation was being met by the members of the Committee yesterday
at six.
9. A report is being made by the best student in the group now.
10. Machinery was being produced by the plant those years.
Упражнение 13.
1. The meal isn’t being served now.
Is the meal being served?
2. The document wasn’t being typed when the chief came into the room.
Was the document being typed when the chief came into the room?
3. The tickets aren’t being produced by the passengers at the moment.
Are the tickets being produced by the passengers at the moment?
4. The drugs weren’t being looked for by two dogs.
Were the drugs being looked for by two dogs?
5. The elections aren’t being held right now.
Are the elections being held right now?
6. John’s birthday is being celebrated by the staff of the company.
– Yes / No: Is John’s birthday being celebrated by the staff of the company?
– Whose: Whose birthday is being celebrated by the staff of the company?
– What: What is being celebrated by the staff of the company?
– Tag: John’s birthday is being celebrated by the staff of the company,
isn’t it?
– Or: Is John’s or Ann’s birthday being celebrated by the staff of the
7. The guests were being checked in at the hotel when the receptionist
paid attention to the luggage of one of them.
– Yes / No: Were the guests being checked in at the hotel when the
receptionist paid attention to the luggage of one of them?
– Who: Who was being checked in at the hotel when the receptionist paid
attention to the luggage?
– Tag: The guests were being checked in at the hotel when the receptionist
paid attention to the luggage of one of them, weren’t they?
– Or: Were the guests being checked in at the hotel or having dinner when
the receptionist paid attention to the luggage of one of them?
8. The book is being read by you and the man next to you in the bus.
– Yes / No: Is the book being read by you and the man next to you in the bus?
– Where: Where is the book being read by you and the man next to you?
– What: What is being read by you and the man next to you in the bus?
– Tag: The book is being read by you and the man next to you in the bus,
isn’t it?
– Or: Is the book being read by you and the man next to you in the bus or
in the train?
9. The dinner was being cooked by the mother when we came home.
– Yes / No: Was the dinner being cooked by the mother when we
came home?
– When: When was the dinner being cooked by the mother?
– What: What was being cooked by the mother when we came home?
– Tag: The dinner was being cooked by the mother when we came home,
wasn’t it?
– Or: Was the dinner or supper being cooked by the mother when we
came home?
10. The bags are being inspected and weighed.
– Yes / No: Are the bags being inspected and weighed?
– What: What is being inspected and weighed?
– Tag: The bags are being inspected and weighed, aren’t they?
– Or: Are the bags or suitcases being inspected and weighed?
Упражнение 14.
1. The president has just been elected.
2. The cake has been divided into three equal parts (by the children).
3. A new device had been invented before this technology was developed.
4. The man will have been pointed at (by the officer).
5. The wheat had been harvested before the weather changed.
6. The country had been isolated for several years before the war broke out.
7. A new technology will have been developed by the end of the decade.
8. Thousands of kinds of goods have been exported since the beginning of
the year.
9. A new supermarket will have been constructed by next autumn.
10. The battery of the car has been checked.
Упражнение 15.
1. The work hasn’t been done perfectly well.
Has the work been done perfectly well?
2. The German troops hadn’t been defeated near Moscow by the end of
the 1942.
Had the German troops been defeated near Moscow by the end of the 1941?
3. Wheat won’t have been harvested by the time defined.
Will wheat have been harvested by the time defined?
4. The old houses hadn’t been destroyed before the new ones were
Had the old houses been destroyed before the new ones were constructed?
5. This area hadn’t been populated before the Romans invaded it.
Had this area been populated before the Romans invaded it?
6. A new government will have been assigned by the end of the year.
– Yes / No: Will a new government have been assigned by the end of the
– When: When will a new government be assigned?
– What: What will have been assigned by the end of the year?
– Tag: A new government will have been assigned by the end of the year,
won’t it?
– Or: Will a new government or a new president’s administration have
been assigned by the end of the year?
7. Armaments had been reduced before the agreement was signed by two
– Yes / No: Had armaments been reduced before the agreement was
signed by two presidents?
– When: When were armaments reduced?
– What: What had been reduced before the agreement was signed by two
– Tag: Armaments had been reduced before the agreement was signed by
two presidents, hadn’t they?
– Or: Had armaments been reduced before or after the agreement was
signed by two presidents?
8. I’ve just crossed the border, all my luggage has been inspected thoroughly.
– Yes / No: Has all my luggage been inspected thoroughly?
– What: What has been inspected thoroughly?
– Tag: All my luggage has been inspected thoroughly, hasn’t it?
– Or: Has all my luggage been inspected thoroughly or briefly?
9. An absolutely new aircraft will have been designed by the certain time.
– Yes / No: Will an absolutely new aircraft have been designed by the
certain time?
– When: When will an absolutely new aircraft be designed?
– What kind of: What kind of aircraft will have been designed by the
certain time?
– Tag: An absolutely new aircraft will have been designed by the certain
time, won’t it?
– Or: Will an absolutely new aircraft or helicopter have been designed by
the certain time?
10.Armed forces had been reduced by the end of the last century.
– Yes / No: Had armed forces been reduced?
– When: When were armed forces reduced?
– What: What had been reduced by the end of the last century?
– Tag: Armed forces had been reduced by the end of the last century,
hadn’t they?
– Or: Had armed forces been reduced or increased by the end of the
last century?
Упражнение 16.
1. The letter has been shown to the chief.
2. The e-mail is being sent to me.
3. The truth isn’t told to John.
4. A new method of instructing was promised to the teacher.
5. A well-paid job will have been offered to Jane by the end of the week.
Упражнение 17.
1. Об этом фильме много говорили.
2. Девочка почувствовала, что на нее смотрят.
3. На Тома можно положиться в любом случае.
4. От кого зависит Энн?
5. Заявление государственного деятеля не будет прокомментировано.
6. По этим пунктам нельзя прийти к соглашению.
7. Это было неправильное решение, но на нем настояли.
8. Вы знаете, на какие статьи ссылаются?
9. Все слушали эту песню до того, как появилась другая.
10. Служащего ждет клиент.
Упражнение 18.
1. What book is spoken about everywhere?
2. Whose plan is being thought of?
3. Why was the electrician sent for?
4. Who(m) had the table been laid for?
5. Who (m) was the letter written by?
6. Who(m) was the new book devoted to?
7. What was designed for the army?
8. How many oceans is Russia washed by?
9. What must be taken much care of?
10. Who is always looked after?
Упражнение 19.
1. This political TV program is being discussed at the sociology seminar now.
2. What event is much spoken abou is being much spoken about?
3. All the exams at university will have been taken/passed by the
first of July.
4. The work has just been finished and the results are being shown on
the monitor.
5. When was Russian Constitution adopted?
6. Who(m) is your letter addressed to?
7. All tests have already been written and handed in to the teacher.
8. Why are you always looked for?
9. It was said that the lift / elevator had been repaired before people came
back from work.
10. Have your tickets and papers been checked yet?
Упражнение 20.
1. Партия Республиканцев выиграла выборы 1995 года.
2. Альфред Великий был могущественным монархом, который правил в 9 веке.
3. Шотландия, страна романтичных замков и загадочных озер, (является) родиной Вальтера Скотта и Роберта Бернса.
4. Товары, производимые компанией, известны как на внутреннем, так
и на мировом рынке.
5. Эта страна – ведущий производитель авиакосмических продуктов.
6. К какой партии принадлежит этот член парламента?
7. Экономика этой страны вполне самодостаточна благодаря ее энергоресурсам и чрезвычайно прибыльной отрасли судостроения.
8. Большинство железных дорог являются государственными.
9. Лондон – это космополитичный город, где живут люди разных национальностей.
10. Неплодородные безжизненные пустыни простираются на мили к
югу от столицы.
Упражнение 21.
1. d
2. h
3. f
4. g
5. a
6. I
7. j
8. c
9. e
10. b
Упражнение 22.
1. d
2. j
3. I
4. f
5. a
6. h
7. e
8. b
9. g
10. c
Упражнение 23.
1. prosperous
2. settlements
3. take place
4. waterways
5. fought for
6. support
7. peace
8. department
9. striking, rural
10. raw materials
Упражнение 25.
1. b
2. a
3. a
4. c
5. b
6. c
7. c
8. a
9. b
10. c
1, 6, 7, 10
2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9
1. It is about 19 million people.
2. Canada has continental climate with long cold winters and hot sunny
3. It exports raw materials and food.
4. The Prime Minister is.
5. It’s advanced in health, social service and human rights.
6. There are deserts in the central and western Australia. In the south east
there are mountains the peaks of which are covered with snow for 7 months in a
year. There are tropical forests in the east.
7. The major industries are chemicals, plastics, metals industry, agriculture,
forestry and fishing.
8. The country is a constitutional monarchy.
9. Koala bears, kangaroos, dingoes, emus and deadly tiger-snakes can be
found in Australia.
9. Scotland is famous for its beautiful lakes and high mountains and wool.
Упражнение 27.
1. This country is very much advanced in health care.
2. In the parliament the Conservative party is represented by 30 politicians.
3. This faraway town is surrounded by beautiful wild nature, you can see
waterfalls and streams, winding paths and lonely hills there.
4. What is the geographical position of the country?
5. The country is populated by people of European descent / origin and
6. The right to private property is one of the most important principles of a
democratic state / country.
7. It’s wonderful to sunbathe on a sandy shore (of a sea)!
8. This country is wealthy due to its large supplies of oil.
9. Grains are grown on the fertile lands of England.
10. (To be a patriot) It’s not necessary to declare loyalty to your country
(to be a patriot).
Упражнение 28.
1-c, 2-b, 3-a, 4-b, 5-c, 6-c, 7-a, 8-c, 9-b, 10-b
Упражнение 30.
1-b, 2-a, 3-b, 4-a, 5-c, 6-b, 7-c, 8-a, 9-a, 10-b
Упражнение 31.
1-c, 2-c, 3-a, 4-d, 5-d, 6-b, 7-c, 8-a, 9-d, 10-b
Упражнение 32.
1-c, 2-a, 3-b, 4-a, 5-c, 6-a, 7-b, 8-c, 9-b, 10-b
Упражнение 33.
1-the, 2-the, 3-the, 4-the, 5-the, 6-the, 7-the, 8-a, 9-the, 10-the.
11-the, 12-the, 13-the, 14-the, 15-the, 16-the, 17-, 18-, 19-, 20-, 21-, 22-, 23-,
24-, 25-the, 26-, 27-the, 28-, 29-, 30-a, 31-the, 32-the.
33-the, 34-the, 35-the, 36-the, 37-.
38-the, 39-the, 40-the, 41-the, 42-the, 43-the, 44-the, 45-.
Упражнение 34.
1-the, 2-the, 3-, 4-the, 5-, 6-the, 7-the, 8-the, 9-the, 10-the
1. The capital of the United Kingdom is London.
2. Yes, it is.
3. New York is in the USA.
4. The Kara-Kum desert is in Asia.
5. Greenland is the biggest island in the world.
Упражнение 35.
1-, 2-, 3-the, 4-, 5-a, 6-the, 7-, 8-, 9-, 10-, 11-, 12-a, 13-, 14-the, 15-the,
16-an, 17-, 18-a, 19-the, 20-a.
Упражнение 36.
1-largest, 2-more, 3-least, 4-fewest, 5-highest, 6-biggest, 7-largest,
8-richest, 9-modern, 10-more.
Упражнение 37.
1-has, 2-see, 3-was built, 4-are, 5-were led, 6-established, 7- is, 8- moved,
9-was named, 10-had befriended, 11-got, 12-were destroyed, 13-became, 14was, 15-is, 16-founded, 17- moved, 18-remains, 19-is, 20-moved.
Упражнение 29.
1-b, 2-b, 3-b, 4-b, 5-b, 6-a, 7-b, 8-b, 9-a, 10-a
Упражнение 38.
1. Washington is situated on the northeastern bank of the Potomac River.
2. (Every year) Washington is visited by millions of tourists from all parts
of the USA and other countries of the world (every year).
3. Tourism reaches its peak in early spring when visitors arrive to view
Japanese cherry trees in bloom.
4. There’s too much to see in Washington and many people revisit it again
and again.
5. Washington is the only city in the country that is not part of a state.
6. Washington faces the same problems as most large cities.
7. Washington is divided into four unequal quadrants with the Capitol at
the center.
8. The Capitol is one of Washington’s most magnificent buildings.
9. The Capitol is set in a small park.
10. There are a number of impressive government buildings around
the Capitol.
Упражнение 39.
1) Where does the White House stand?
2) When / How often does the parade travel the historic route along
Pennsylvania Avenue from the Capitol to the White House?
3) Where does the parade travel every four years?
4) When was the White House founded?
5) How many rooms are there in the White House?
6) What kind of building is the White House?
7) What does it consist of?
8) What parts of the White House may / can tourists visit?
9) How often are the White House grounds open to public?
10) When are they open?
Упражнение 40.
1. Tracy had to stand on a chair to reach the upper shelf of the cupboard.
2. My sister went to the mountains to learn to ski well.
3. He borrowed some money to buy a new car and travel around
the country.
4. Tony went to his brother’s place early in the morning to find him
at home.
5. Jane studied hard during the term to get a very good mark at the exam.
6. We ordered pizza home not to go out.
7. On Monday he flew to Paris to make a report at an international
8. We bought all the necessary ingredients to make fruit salad.
9. My friends wrote me a letter to warn me about the possible difficulties
with the visa.
10. We filled the car up to get to Berlin without stops.
Упражнение 41.
1. She lay in her bed crying.
2. Mike lived in Madrid for 5 years working as an interior designer.
3. Ann answered my questions smiling at me.
4. What did you do yesterday? – I did nothing special, I just spent the
evening in, talking on the phone and watching TV.
5. I think Mark is in his room doing his homework.
6. The girls walked round the city a lot making photos.
7. Yesterday Helen spent half of the day at the library reading books on
space technology.
8. She was having tea watching TV.
9. He left the room saying goodbye.
10.Mom sat at the table looking out of the window.
Упражнение 42.
1. for
2. in
3. on
4. for
5. of
6. of
7. at
8. of
9. to
10. on
Упражнение 43.
1-have, 2-can, 3-could / may, 4-should / could, 5-need / have, 6-could,
7-could/might, 8-should, 9-must, 10-are.
Упражнение 44.
1-will be able, 2-had, 3-will have, 4-will be allowed, 5-had, 6- had, 7-will be
allowed, 8-will be able, 9-will have, 10-isn’t able.
Задание 1. Какие слова соответствуют данным определениям?
1. to take or send an army into another country in order to get control of it;
2. to become less, to reduce;
3. something that you are morally or legally allowed to do and have;
4. an experienced political leader that many people respect;
5. to formally express an opinion by choosing between 2 or more issues or
6. to approve of an idea or a person or organization and help them to be
7. support that you always give to somebody or something because of your
feelings of duty and love towards them;
8. to announce officially that something is true or happening;
9. the industry involved in building ships;
10. to be owned by somebody.
6. транспортировка
7. быть разделенным на
a.to be situated in
b.to be divided into
c.to be concentrated on
8. железо
a. iron ore
b. to be
c.to give
9. представлять
a.to represent
10. остров
Задание 2. Выберите правильный вариант перевода.
1. отклонить закон
a.to pass the law
Задание 3. Выберите правильный вариант ответа:
1. Do you speak … foreign languages?
b. to break the law
c. to reject the law
2. исполнительная власть
a. some
a.legislative power
b. executive power
b. any
c. no
c.judicial power
3. This time on Monday I … for my trip to Cyprus.
3. управлять
a. will pack
a.to decline
b.to govern
b.will be packing
c.will have packed
b. me
c. mine
c.to separate
4. Tim is a friend of …
4. крепость
a. my
5. … a bus stop near here?
5. поддерживать
a .is there
a.to support
b.to govern
b. are there
c.to rule
c. is
6. Jane is fond of … basketball.
a. play
c.to play
7. How long … here? – 20 minutes.
a.were you
b.have you been
base (6)(to establish) at Pearl Harbor in 1908. More than 2.000 Americans (7)(to
kill) in the Japanese attack. After that the US (8)(to force) into World War II.
In 1959 Hawaii (9)(to become) the 50th state of the United States of America
with Honolulu as its capital.
Modern Honolulu (10)(to call) the crossroads of the Pacific, where old
meets new and East meets West.
c.are you
Honolulu (1)(to situate) on the southeast coast of Oahu Island. It is Hawaii’s
capital, largest city, chief port and one of the world’s leading travel destinations
because of its spectacular setting, year-round balmy weather and fascinating mix
of peoples and cultures.
In 1794 Captain William Brown of the English ship Butterworth (2)(to sail)
into what is now Honolulu. In 1898 the United States (3)(to annex) Hawaii as a
Honolulu (4)(to appear) on the world’s stage on December 7, 1941 when the
city and Pearl Harbor naval base (5)(to attack) by Japanese bombers. That naval
Задание 5. Переведите на английский язык:
1. Этот путеводитель гораздо лучше того, что я купил на прошлой
неделе. Его стоит купить.
2. – Ты когда-нибудь был в Канаде? – Да. – Когда ты там был? – Я
был там в прошлом году.
3. Ежегодно Лондон посещается миллионами туристов.
4. Если ты поедешь в Австралию, ты увидишь диких животных в их
естественных условиях обитания.
5. – Есть ли в этом районе какие-нибудь природные ресурсы? – Да,
здесь есть железная руда, но нет нефти.
6. Я думаю, это мой билет. А где твой? – А я думаю, это мой.
7. Мы посетили Ниагарский водопад, перед тем как мы отправились
в столицу.
8. Властям Канады удается поддерживать высокий уровень жизни
9. В правительстве любой страны есть департаменты образования,
здравоохранения и обороны.
10. Население страны должно активно участвовать в выборах.
8. I’ll give you this book as soon as I … it.
b.will read
c.will have read
9. The house … two years ago.
b.is built
c. was built
10. What is the city famous …?
11. This film is … than that one.
b.more interesting
c.most interesting
Задание 4.Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужной временной форме:
My Homeland
Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений. – СПб.: КАРО,
2002. Упр. 33 – 36, 48.
Система времен глагола в страдательном залоге
R.Murphy. “Essential Grammar in Use”. Cambridge University Press, 2002.
Units 21, 22.
R. Murphy. “English Grammar in Use”. Cambridge University Press, 2002.
Units 41 – 43.
Качалова К.Н., Израилевич Е.Е. Практическая грамматика английского языка. – М.: ЮНВЕС, 1995. §§ 65 – 84 стр. 164 – 185, § 85 стр. 184.
Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений. – СПб.: КАРО,
2002. Упр. 274 – 306.
Клементьева Т.Б. Повторяем времена английского глагола. – М.: РА
«СОРЕК», 1993. Часть 2, стр. 148 – 170.
English speaking countries
S. Redman. “English Vocabulary in Use”. Pre-intermediate & Intermediate. –
Cambridge University Press, 2001.Unit 41.
McCarthy & O’Dell “English Vocabulary in Use”. Upper-intermediate
Cambridge University Press, 2002.Unit 35.
Ирина Николаевна Мороз
Ольга Александровна Горбачева
Модуль 6
It’s a Small World
Рабочий учебник. М.: РосНОУ, 2005. 63 с.
Повторение и обобщение пройденного материала:
– существительные;
– артикли;
– местоимения;
– прилагательные и наречия;
– система времен глагола в действительном залоге;
– система времен глагола в страдательном залоге;
– неличные формы глагола;
– модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты;
– структура английского предложения, порядок слов, типы вопросов.
Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений. – СПб.:
КАРО, 2002. Упр. 37, 49 – 81, 84 – 92, 93, 94.
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