Иностранный язык: два иностранных языка

Филологичесий факультет
Кафедра теории и практики иностранных языков
для поступающих в магистратуру по специальности
6M011900 – «Иностранный язык: два иностранных языка»
Программа утверждена на заседании кафедры теории и практики
иностранных языков
Протокол №11, 30 июня, 2015 года
Заведующий кафедрой ___________________ Байдрахманов Д.Х.
Прием 2015 года
Программа для поступающих в магистратуру по
специальности 6M011900 – «Иностранный язык: два иностранных языка»
1. Grammar as a science. Two parts of grammar: Morphology and Syntax.
2. Say what the term “Method” may mean in Foreign Languages Teaching and Learning.
3. Give definition of the term “Approach” in Foreign Languages Teaching and Learning. Speak about the
notions that are attributed to it.
4. The Verb: Semantic, Morphological, Syntactical and Grammatical Categories.
5. Speak on the Direct Method; give the general outline of its principles and procedures. Tell what
guidelines for teaching oral language were adopted in Berlitz schools.
6. Describe limitations of the Direct Method according to Henry Sweet.
7. The Noun: Semantic and Morphological, Syntactical properties.
8. Speak on Oral Approach and Situational Language Teaching; give its background and general outline.
Describe the role of vocabulary in Oral Approach and Situational Language Teaching.
9. Give the background of the Audiolingual Method. Describe it in terms of Approach, Design, and
10. Give the background of the Community Language Learning. Describe it in terms of Approach, Design,
and Procedure.
11. What is the similarity between learning a natural language and learning a programming language?
12. Adjectives.
13. Give the background of Total Physical Response. Describe it in terms of Approach, Design, and
14. Give the background of Suggestopedia. Describe it in terms of Approach, Design, and Procedure.
15. Lexico-grammatical features of Non-finite forms of the Verb.
16. Give the background of Silent Way. Describe it in terms of Approach, Design, and Procedure.
17. Give the background of Communicative Language Teaching. Describe it in terms of Approach, Design,
and Procedure.
18. Speak on Communicative Language Teaching as a learner-centered and experience-based method.
19. Syntax.
20. Speak on the main goal of teaching foreign languages according to the Conception of Foreign
Languages Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
21. What's the difference between short and long passives? Speak about functional peculiarities of short
passives in modern English.
22. Speak on the Kazakhstani methodologists and their contribution to the development of FLTL.
23. Speak on the Concept of Polylingual Education in the Republic of Kazakhst an.
24. Homonymy.
25. Speak on communicative competence and its elements. Describe each in detail and speak on the ways
for building it.
26. Types of sentences.
27. Speak on planning as an integral part of teaching profession. Describe the types of plans you know, say
how they help organize the teaching process effectively.
28. Speak on technological aspects of FLTL: say what equipment can be applied to the teaching and
learning process and how to use it effectively.
29. Composite sentences.
30. Speak on evaluation and assessment in FLTL: role and place, ways and tools.
31. Speak on the Content and Language Integrated Learning.
32. Speak on the types of assessment used in FLTL: formative, summative and final; describe their possible
procedures and effect they produce on FLTL.
33. Non-notional parts of speech.
34. Describe the three major reading speeds and how to teach them in foreign language teaching. Say why
each of them is important.
35. Stylistic Classification of the English Vocabulary.
36. Speak on intensive and extensive reading in FLTL: their role, place in the teaching and learning
process, give example activities.
37. Speak on the three elements of a communicative activity: choice, feedback, and information gap; say
how to ensure them in a teaching speaking class. Give examples.
38. General Notion and Peculiarities of the English Phonetics.
Speak on different ways of organizing oral-aural interaction in a foreign language classroom. Say if
variation plays an important role.
39. Phonetic stylistic devices.
40. Speak on using authentic audio recordings in FLTL: where you can find them, criteria to choose the
appropriate piece, how to work with them in the classroom.
41. Speak on receptive language skills to be taught in FLTL: their role and place in the learning process,
ways of organizing work for their development.
42. Speak on productive language skills to be taught in FLTL: their role and place in the learning process,
ways of organizing work for their development.
43. English Lexicology as a branch of linguistics.
44. Speak on using interactive techniques in FLTL: role play, project, drama, brainstorming, Pecha Kucha,
45. Speak on the Content and Language Integrated Learning.
46. Speak on using modern informative techniques in FLTL: mobile learning, e-learning, blended learning,
47. Characterize the imperative mood. Give examples.
48. Characterize predicative clauses. Give examples.
49. Characterize object clauses. Give examples.
50. Define functional-semantic types of conjunctions. Give examples.
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