Yury Zverev - Балтийский федеральный университет им. И. Канта

Family name, first name, patronymic: Zverev Yury Mikhailovich.
Date of birth: August 20, 1960.
Current status (position held, title, place of employment): Director of the Research and
Education Centre “Institute of the Baltic Sea region” of the Socio-Humanitarian Park, Immanuel
Kant Baltic Federal University, candidate of geographical sciences (PhD), associate professor.
Education: Specialist diploma issued in 1982 (Faculty of Geography, Kaliningrad State
University), graduated from the PhD School at the Department for Economic Geography,
Department for Studies of Capitalist and Developing Countries, Mikhail Lomonosov Moscow
State University in 1987 (full-time tuition).
Work experience (employment information in reverse chronological order):
- 2010 – onwards – Director of the Research and Education Centre “Institute of the Baltic Sea
region” of the Socio-Humanitarian Park, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University in
- 1991 – onwards (October 2003 – onwards – part time) – Associate professor at the Department
for Geography and Geopolitics, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (former names:
Immanuel Kant State University of Russia, Kaliningrad State University).
-2002 – onwards – Deputy Head of Science at the Baltic Center for Advanced Studies and
Education (BaltMion) in Kaliningrad.
-2008-2010 – Director of the Institute of the Baltic Sea Region, Immanuel Kant State University
of Russia in Kaliningrad.
-2003-2008– Head of the Department for scientific research, Immanuel Kant State University of
Russia in Kaliningrad (former Kaliningrad State University).
-2000-2003 – Head of the Laboratory for Economic and Demographic Research at the Scientific
and Methodological Centre “Region and Education”, Kaliningrad State University – part time.
-1989-1996 – junior research associate (1990 – onwards – senior research associate) at the
Laboratory for Regional Forecasting, Research Institute for Integrated Regional Studies,
Kaliningrad State University.
Trainings and vocational trainings:
- Study programme on the island of Bornholm (Denmark) focused on issues of the social sphere
development (March-April 1995).
- Study programme at Pierre Mendès-France University in Grenoble, France, in the field of
regional politics and development (April 1998).
- Short term vocational training at Siberian Federal University on “Modern issues of pedagogical
rhetoric”, major topic “Modern pedagogical technologies”, 72 academic hours (2007).
- Short term vocational training at Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, major topic
“Interdisciplinary approach in regional research”, 72 academic hours (2011).
Membership in professional organizations:
Full member of the Russian Geographical Society.
Member of the Russian Political Science Association.
Member of the Russian International Studies Association (RISA).
Member of the Association of Russian Geographers and Social Scientists
Participation in research projects (title of the project, grantor, and position in the project):
- “Forecasting and analytical support of international integration of the Russian Federation into
education, research-and-technology and innovation spheres with the countries of the Baltic Sea
Region”, Federal Target Programme “Scientific and Scientific-Pedagogical Personnel of the
Innovative Russia in 2009-2013”, project officer in 2010-2012.
- “Comparative analysis and forecast of development of innovation centres and technology
clusters of the North-West of Russia, Baltic and Northern countries”, Federal Target Programme
“Scientific and Scientific-Pedagogical Personnel of the Innovative Russia in 2009-2013”, project
officer in 2010-2012.
- “Cross-regional research in the field of social sciences in international cooperation during the
global financial crisis (based on the data of the Baltic Sea macro-region and the exclave region
of Russia)”, Analytical departmental special-purpose programme “Development of scientific
potential of the higher school in 2009 – 2011”, project officer in 2008-2009.
- “Theoretical and methodological aspects of the border regions studies on the example of the
Baltic Sea macro-region”, Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project 08-06-00306-a,
project officer in 2008-2009.
- “SEBko –Cooperation between towns and rural areas as a tool of regional development in the
South Baltic Sea region”, the Baltic Sea Region INTERREG IIIB/TACIS Neighbourhood
Programme, expert in 2007-2009.
- “East-West Window”, the Baltic Sea Region INTERREG IIIB/TACIS Neighbourhood
Programme, expert in 2007-2008.
- “Establishment of the Bipolar Area of Science and Research Klaipeda – Kaliningrad”,
Lithuania, Poland and Kaliningrad Region of the Russian Federation Neighbourhood
Programme, INTERREG IIIA, expert since 2007.
- “Comparative Analysis of Local Authority Systems in the Baltic Sea Region”, Russian
Research Foundation for the Humanities, Project 07-02-44202а/3, project officer in 2007.
- “Comparative Analysis of Theory and Practice of Local Authorities Development in Russia,
Poland and Lithuania at present”, Russian Research Foundation for the Humanities, Project 0502-02345а, project officer in 2005.
- “Reasoning of the development concept of special economic zones in the Russian Federation
(on the example of the Kaliningrad region)”, grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of
the Russian Federation No Г 02-3.4-410, project officer in 2004.
- “Development strategy of the Kaliningrad region as a region of cooperation”, Russian Research
Foundation for the Humanities, Project 03-02-00035а, project officer in 2003.
- “New forms of spatial organization of economics in the border regions of the Russian
Federation”, Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Project 02-06-80390-а, project officer in
- “Role of the Kaliningrad region in the RF strategy for external economics and politics towards
the EU and its expansion to the East”, Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Project 00-0680351-a, project officer in 2000.
- PROMETEE-II (TACIS support for the plan of the Kaliningrad region development), TACIS,
expert in 1997-1998.
- “Kaliningrad-2000”, UNIDO, national consultant in the sphere of defense industry conversion
in 1995 and in the sphere of light industry restructuring in 1996-97.
- Participated in the elaboration of the conception of the Yantar Free Economic Zone in
Kaliningrad (1990-1991).
Field of Interest:
Baltic Sea region studies, geography of the world economy, world economy, issues of
socioeconomic and geopolitical development of the Kaliningrad region, geopolitics, as well as
US and Russian defense economics.
Selected publications:
179 research and methodological papers, e.g.:
Main monographs and teaching aids:
- Мировое хозяйство и международные экономические отношения: Учеб. пособие. –
Калининград: Калинингр. ун-т, 1994. 90 с.// World economy and international economic
relations: study guide – Kaliningrad, Kaliningrad University, 1994, 90 pages (in Russian);
- Калининградские альтернативы. Социально-экономическое развитие Калининградской
области в новых геополитических условиях: Монография. – Калининград: Калинингр. унт, 1995. 158 с. (в соавторстве с Федоровым Г.М.) // Kaliningrad alternatives. Socioeconomic
development of the Kaliningrad region in the new geopolitical conditions: monograph. –
Kaliningrad: Kaliningrad University, 1995, 158 pages (in collaboration with G. Fedorov) (in
- Москвоведение. География Москвы и Московской области (пособие для учащихся 8-9
кл.). – М.: Экопрос, 1996. 303 с. (в соавторстве с Алексеевым А.И., Вендиной О.И.,
Гавриловым О.В., Глушковой В.Г., Казьминым М.А. и др.) – Moscow studies. Geography of
Moscow and the Moscow region (study book for pupils of the 8-9 form). – Moscow: Ekopros,
1996. 303 pages (in collaboration with A. Alekseev, O. Vendina, O. Gavrilov, V. Glushkova, M.
Kazmin, etc.) (in Russian);
- Российский эксклав на Балтике: Калининградская область в балтийском экономическом
пространстве. – Калининград: Калинингр. ун-т, 1997. 312 с. (в соавторстве с Федоровым
Г.М., Корнеевцем В.С.) // Russian exclave in the Baltic Sea region: Kaliningrad region in the
Baltic Sea economic area. – Kaliningrad: Kaliningrad University, 1997. 312 pages (in
collaboration with G. Fedorov and V. Korneevets) (in Russian);
- Мировая экономика и международные экономические отношения: Учебное пособие //
Калининград: Калинингр. ун-т, 2000. 81 с. // World economics and international economic
relation: study guide – Kaliningrad: Kaliningrad University, 2000. 81 pages (in Russian);
- География России: Учеб. для 8-9 кл. общеобразовательных учреждений/Под ред.
А.И.Алексеева: В 2 кн. Кн. 2: Хозяйство и географические районы. 9 кл. – М.: Дрофа,
2001. 288 с. ( в соавторстве с Алексеевым А.И., Низовцевым В.А., Ким Э.В., Лисенковой
Г.Я., Сиротиным В.И.) // Geography of Russia: study book for pupils of the 8-9 form of the
secondary school/ edited by A. Alekseev. In 2 vol.: Vol.2 “Economics and geographical regions.
For pupils of the 9 form – Moscow: Drofa, 2001. 2008 pages (in collaboration with A. Alekseev,
V. Nizovtsev, E. Kim, G. Lisenkova, and V. Sirotin) (in Russian);
- Социально-экономическое и геополитическое развитие Калининградской области:
Учебное пособие. – Калининград: Изд-во КГУ, 2002. 308 с. (в соавторстве с Федоровым
Г.М.) // Socioeconomic development of the Kaliningrad region: study guide. – Kaliningrad:
Kaliningrad State University, 2002. 308 pages (in collaboration with G. Fedorov) (in Russian);
- Международная интеграция российских регионов/Отв. ред. И.И. Курилла (Серия
«Монографии»). – М.: Логос, 2007. 304 с. (в соавторстве с Абдразаковой Э.Р., Архиповой
Е.В., Дахиным А.В., Куриллой И.И., Ломсадзе Д.Г. и др.) // International integration of the
Russian regions/ edited by I. Kurilla (“Monographii” series). Moscow: Logos, 2007. 304 pages
(in collaboration with E. Abdrazakova, E. Arkhipova, A. Dakhin, I. Kurilla, D. Lomsadze, etc.)
(in Russian);
- Россия на Балтике: 1990-2007 годы: Монография. – Калининград: Изд-во РГУ им. И.
Канта, 2008. 224с. (в соавторстве с Федоровым Г.М., Корнеевцем В.С.) // Russia in the
Baltic Sea region: 1990 – 2007: monograph. – Kaliningrad: Immanuel Kant State University of
Russia, 2008. 224 pages (in collaboration with G. Fedorov and V. Korneevets) (in Russian);
- География янтарного края России: Учебник по курсу «Региональная география
Калининградской области». – 2-е изд., испр. и доп. / Под ред. В.В. Орленка. –
Калининград: «Янтарный край», 2008 (в соавторстве с Бариновой Г.М., Виноградовой
О.Л., Волковой И.И., Волошенко Е.В., Орленком В.В., Федоровым Г.М. и др.) // Geography
of the amber region of Russia: study book in the course “Geography of the Kaliningrad region”.
– 2 edition, revised / edited by V. Orlenok. – Kaliningrad: “Yantarny krai” publishing house,
2008 (in collaboration with G. Barinova, O. Vinogradova, I. Volkova, E. Voloshenko, V.
Orlenok, G. Fedorov, etc.) (in Russian);
- Транспортный комплекс Калининградской области. – Калининград: Изд-во РГУ им. И.
Канта, 2008. 103 с. (в соавторстве с Гуменюком И.С.) // Transport complex of the
Kaliningrad region. – Kaliningrad: Immanuel Kant State University of Russia, 2008. 103 pages
(in collaboration with I. Gumenyuk) (in Russian);
- Россия «двухтысячных»: Стереоскопический взгляд: Коллективная монография / под
общ. ред. Г. Хейла, И. Куриллы. – М.: Планета, 2011 (в соавторстве с Хейлом Г.,.
Куриллой И.И, Поповым В., Спеклер Д., Евсеевым В. и др.) // Russia in the 2000s:
stereoscopic viewing: multi-author book/ under the general editorship of G. Heil, I. Kurilla. –
Moscow: Publishing house “Planeta”, 2011 (in collaboration with G. Heil, I. Kurilla, V. Popov,
D. Spekler, V. Evseev, etc.) (in Russian).
Main articles:
- География военной промышленности США // Проблемы американистики. Вып. 7. – М.:
Изд-во МГУ, 1989. С. 71-107 // Geography of the US defense industry// American issues. Issue
7 – Moscow: Moscow State University, 1989, pages 71-107;
- Перспективы создания и функционирования Калининградской зоны свободного
предпринимательства // Географические проблемы экономической самостоятельности
Калининградской области: межвузовский сб. – Калининград: Калинингр. ун-т, 1991. С.
101-108 // Perspectives of the Kaliningrad Free Economic Zone creation and functioning/
Geographical issues of economic independency of the Kaliningrad region: interuniversity book –
Kaliningrad: Kaliningrad University, 1991. Pages 101-108 (in Russian);
- Rußlands Gebiet Kaliningrad im neuen geopolitischen Koordinatenfeld // Berichte des
Bundesinstituts für ostwissenschaftliche und internationale studien. 6-1996. – Köln. 35 s. //
Kaliningrad region of Russia in the new system of geopolitical coordinates // Reports of the
Federal Institute for East European and International studies. 6-1996 – Köln, 35 pages (in
- Калининградская область России в новой системе геополитических координат //
Этнические и региональные конфликты в Евразии: в 3 кн. Кн. 2. Россия, Украина,
Белоруссия/Общ. Ред. А.Зверев, Б.Коппитерс, Д.Тренин. – М.: Издательство «Весь мир»,
1997. С. 45-82 // Kaliningrad region of Russia in the new system of geopolitical coordinates/
Ethnic and regional conflicts in Eurasia: in 3 volumes. Vol.2. Russia, Ukraine, Belarus / under
the general editorship of A. Zverev, B. Koppiters, D. Trenin. – Moscow: “Ves mir” publishing
house, 1997. Pages 45-82 (in Russian);
- Социально-экономическое развитие Калининградской области в новых геополитических
условиях // География в школе.1997. № 1. С.47-52 (в соавторстве с Федоровым Г.М.) //
Socioeconomic development of the Kaliningrad region in the new geopolitical conditions /
School geography, 1997, No1, pages 47-52 (in collaboration with G. Fedorov) (in Russian);
- The Kaliningrad Defense Industry: Problems of Conversion // Defense and Peace Economics,
Volume 9, Number 4 (1998). P. 395-406.
- The Kaliningrad Region of Russia in a New Geographical Settings // Conflicting Loyalties and
the State in Post-Soviet Russia and Eurasia. – L.- Portland: Frank Cass, 1998. P. 80-117.
- Калининградская область: портрет на фоне выборов // Рабочие материалы. № 5. Выборы
и проблемы гражданского общества на Северо-Западе России. – М.: Московский Центр
Карнеги, 2001. С. 43-51 // Kaliningrad region: image on the election background / working
papers. No 5. Elections and civil society issues in the North-West of Russia – Moscow: Carnegie
Moscow Center, 2001. Pages 43-51 (in Russian);
- Электоральная типология городов и районов Калининградской области по итогам
избирательных компаний 1999 – 2000 гг. // Калининградский социум в европейском
контексте: Сб. науч. тр. / Под ред. А.П. Клемешева. – Калининград: Изд-во КГУ, 2002. С.
142-163 // Electoral typology of cities and districts in the Kaliningrad region according to the
election campaign results in 1999 – 2000 / Kaliningrad society in the European context:
collection of articles/ edited by A. Klemeshev – Kaliningrad: Kaliningrad State University, 2002.
Pages 142-163 (in Russian);
- Калининградская область в классификации анклавных (эксклавных) территорий мира. –
Калининград: Изд-во КГУ, 2003. 28 с. // Kaliningrad region in the classification of enclave
(exclave) territories in the world. – Kaliningrad: Kaliningrad State University, 2003. 28 pages (in
- Perspectives for the Economic Development of the Kaliningrad Oblast: Domestic and Foreign
Dimensions // Kaliningrad in Europe. – Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 2003. P. 27-46 (в
соавторстве с Вардомским Л.Б.);
- Регион сотрудничества. Вып. 8 (33): Концепции развития Калининградской области в
условиях российско-европейского взаимодействия на Балтике: Аналитический доклад /
Под ред. А.П. Клемешева. – Калининград: Изд-во КГУ, 2004. 95 с. (в соавторстве с
Клемешевым А.П., Федоровым Г.М., Корнеевцем В.С., Гареевым Т.Р.) // Region of
cooperation. Issue 8 (33): Concepts of the Kaliningrad region development within the
cooperation of Russia and Europe in the Baltic Sea region: Analytical report / edited by A.
Klemeshev – Kaliningrad: Kaliningrad State University, 2004. 95 pages (in collaboration with A.
Klemeshev, G. Fedorov, V. Korneevets, T. Gareev) (in Russian);
- Типология СЭЗ и возможности использования опыта зон разных типов для
калининградской ОЭЗ // Регион сотрудничества. Вып. 4 (29). – Калининград: Изд-во КГУ,
2004. С. 20-33 // Typology of special economic zones and possibilities of using the experience
of different types of zones for the purposes if the Kaliningrad Special Economic Zone / Region
of cooperation. Issue 4 (29) – Kaliningrad: Kaliningrad State University, 2004. Pages 20-33 (in
- Эволюция российских свободных/особых экономических зон: что дальше? // Регион
сотрудничества. Вып. 15 (40). Калининград: Изд-во РГУ им. И. Канта, 2004. 53 с. //
Evolution of Russian free / special economic zones: perspectives? / Region of cooperation. Issue
15 (40). Kaliningrad: Immanuel Kant State University of Russia, 2004. 53 pages (in Russian);
- Еврорегионы как форма приграничного сотрудничества // Космополис, №3(13), 2005. С.
74-81 // Euroregions as a type of border cooperation / Kosmopolis, No 3 (13), 2005. Pages 74-81
(in Russian);
- Стратегия развития Калининградской области в условиях расширения ЕС // Расширение
Европейского Союза и Россия / Под ред. О.В. Буториной. Ю.А. Борко. – М.: Издательский
дом «Деловая литература», 2005. С. 340-364 (в соавторстве с Клемешевым А.П.,
Федоровым Г.М.) // Strategy of the Kaliningrad region development in the context of the EU
enlargement// Russia and the EU enlargement / edited by O. Butorina and Yu. Borko. – Moscow:
“Delovaya literature” publishing house, 2005. Pages 340-364 (in collaboration with A.
Klemeshev and G. Fedorov) (in Russian);
- Kaliningrad: Problems and Paths of Development // Problems of Post-Communism. Issue:
Volume 54, Number 2 / March-April 2007. P. 9 – 25.
- Uwarunkowania fizycnogeograficzne
i spoŀeczno-economiczne rozwoju Obwodu
социальноэкономические условия развития Калининградской области Российской Федерации) //
Regiony Nadmorskie 13. Uwarunkowania rozvoju rosyjskiey I polskiej części Euroregionu
“Baŀtyk”. - Gdynia-Pelplin: BERNARDINUM, 2007. S. 63-151 (в соавторстве с Федоровым
Г.М., Корнеевцем В.С.) // Physiographic and socioeconomic conditions of the Kaliningrad
region development (in collaboration with G. Fedorov and V. Korneevets);
- Глобализация и Балтийский регион // Космополис. № 2 (21). Лето 2008. С. 60-67 //
Globalization and the Baltic Sea region / Kosmopolis. No 2 (21), 2008, pages 60-67 (in
- Поле взаимодействия России и Европейского Союза // Вестник Воронежского
государственного университета. Серия География. Геоэкология. № 3. 2009. С. 97-100 (в
соавторстве с Федоровым Г.М.) // Cooperation between Russia and the European Union /
Scientific journal “Vestnik Voronezhskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta”. Geography series.
Geoecology. No 3. 2009. Pages 97-100 (in collaboration with G. Fedorov) (in Russian);
- «Особые» социально-экономические регионы: концептуальный подход и типологизация
// Вестник Российского государственного университета им. Иммануила Канта. Вып. 1.
Сер. Естественные науки. – Калининград: Изд-во РГУ им. И. Канта, 2010. С. 34-40 //
“Special” socioeconomic regions: conceptual approach and typology / Scientific journal
“Vestnik Rossijskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni Immanuila Kanta”. Issue 1. Natural
science series – Kaliningrad: Immanuel Kant State University of Russia, 2010. Pages 34-40 (in
Awards and merits:
- Commemorative token “Kaliningrad. 750 anniversary” (2005);
- Honorary title of the “Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian
Federation” (2006);
- Commemorative medal “60 years of the Kaliningrad region” (2006);
- Certificate of Merit of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (2007);
- Certificate of Merit of the Ministry of Education of the Kaliningrad region (2010).